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Working Ranch Horse
from 2021 Fonner Park 4-H Horse Exposition
by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Animal Science
Champion and Reserve Champion Sponsored by:
Past Champions: 2019 Champion: Tucker Gillespie-Red Willow County, Reserve: Charlie Bortner-Red Willow County
Placing Ex # Last Name First Name County Horse
324 Gillespie Tucker Red Willow Shine rock Nic 156 Larsen Owen Cuming Mr Chic Master 308 Reichmuth Callista Platte M Four Special Agent 369 Dunn Adreanna Thurston Im Glad I Dunn It 191 Oldemeyer Erin Gage Betty 323 Gillespie Reese Red Willow TR Princess at Heart 248 Morgan Kenna Lancaster Boom Chic A Boom 376 Behmer Brooklyn Wayne WatchGatorJoe 272 Simpson Ellery Jett Lincoln Autry 264 Hoelting Paige Lincoln SS Sweet Blue Boons 148 Junck Kody Cedar Tiger Roo 197 Struckman Abby Garfield Dually 383 Lutter Claire Wayne Whiz N Oakie 318 Mentink Nevada Polk Ftr Well Wood 266 Long Jase Lincoln Smoke That 297 Schoneberg Hadley Nuckolls High Brow Magic 392 Naughtin Shelby Wheeler Swedes Azul Coin 286 Mundt Marlie Merrick Maizey Poco Blackburn 328 Rippe Nathan Red Willow Pippanci 305 Zierke JennaRose Pierce April 127 Winkelbauer Colinn Brown Rocking Red Buck 374 Cruikshank Erika Washington Trigger 279 Mead Maryn Madison Master Kitty Cat 247 Morgan Addi Lancaster Chromed Out Melody 360 Ruether Samara Seward Gunner 322 Bortner Charlie Red Willow Lil Remedy Pep