McCook 2021 Nebraska District 4-H Horse Show June 18, 2021 6:00- 8:15 a.m.
Arena open to ride
8:00- 8:30 a.m.
Horse Check-In and IDs
8:20 a.m.
Arena worked
8:45 a.m.
Posting of colors and National Anthem
11:00- 11:30a.m.
Check-in pole and barrel horses (if not already done so)
Approximate Show Times
SHOW ORDER: Senior individual work in both pleasure and equitation/horsemanship followed immediately by Junior and Elementary work. Group work: Red group first followed by blues. 9:00 a.m.
Individual class workouts for all entered in English Hunter Under Saddle Hunt Seat Equitation Individual class workouts for all entered in Western Pleasure, Ranch Pleasure, and Western Horsemanship Western Pleasure Ponies Western Pleasure Horses (sr., jr., elem.) Ranch Pleasure Horses (sr., jr.) Western Horsemanship (sr., jr., elem.) Break, opportunity for warm-up in arena & arena worked Pole Bending (sr., jr., elem.) Barrel Racing (sr., jr., elem.) Show Ends
District 4-H Horse Show Coordinator
Lena Luck and Grace Kim
District 4-H Horse Show Judge
Brooke Parrish
Show Superintendent
Donna Kircher
Flag Bearers
Charlie Bortner and Taylor Ruggels
National Anthem
Avery McConville
Todd Thieszen
Ring Steward
Allison Rippe and Andersen Gillespie
Office Check-In
Teresa Thomas and Bailee Springer
Ribbon Clerks
Lilyanna Strauch, Kate Timmerman and Pam Wolford
Barrel/Pole setters
Duane Teter and Brian Strauch
Time Clerks
Bailee Springer and Allison Rippe
Equipment Checker
Bruce Treffer and Jo Teter
Arena Maintenance
Todd Thieszen and Duane Teter
Gate Workers
Heath Bortner, Brian Strauch and Courtney Barger
Food Stand
Little Rascals 4-H Club
Meet The Judge! Brooke Parrish
My name is Brooke Parrish and I am currently a master’s student in Animal Science and horse judging coach at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. My passion for horse showing and judging began at an early age where I competed as a youth, in both 4-H and FFA, then continued on at the college level. As a youth, I started out riding in timed events, but quickly realized my interest in all-around events. I started my college career at Black Hawk East in Illinois where I was fortunate to be on very successful horse show and judging teams. From there, I moved to Canyon, TX, to attend West Texas A&M where I finished my bachelor’s degree in Equine Industry and Business and was able to horse and livestock judge. I also enjoy working various breed shows throughout the year as both a scribe and announcer. Thank you for the opportunity to judge the Nebraska District Horse Shows!
351 352 353 375 376 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389
Allen Allen Legg Arnold Arnold Atchison Beck Dowling Henderson Ortgiesen Petit Schubauer Spracklen Spracklen Zadina Shipley Russell Russell Nelsen Keiser Kramer Tufford Grabenstein Hassett Deaver Deaver Eisenzimmer Namuth Doerr Carland Johnson Long Miller Miller Miller Miller Pagel Simpson Thompson
Brooke Tara Rylee Cassandra Olivia Zach Megan Molly Madelyn McKenna Sabyn Taylor Elly Zach Odessa Dax Jayden Kenzie Caedan Helene Taylor Anabella Cailey Dylan Naomi Victoriah Kallie Taryn Olivia Hallie MaKenna Jase Austin Jaelyn Julyssa Justice Hannah Ellery Jett Kandice
16 18 16 15 15 13 18 16 16 17 18 17 13 10 12 13 13 10 14 16 13 13 18 17 13 14 14 10 12 16 13 13 15 11 14 10 14 17 14
Adams Adams Adams Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Chase Clay Custer Custer Dakota Dawson Dawson Dawson Gosper Hall Hayes Hayes Keith Keith Knox Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln
390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405
Wardyn Morgan Siwinski Schoneberg Hanson Robertson Robertson Witt Gonzales Nokes Nokes Rippe Ruggles Timmerman Malchow Reinke
Angellyn Sidney Hannah Hadley Ryleigh Ashley Elliana Shali Amber Parker Trevor Nathan Taylor Presley Alyssa KayLee Jo
11 15 16 10 14 13 13 12 16 12 16 15 14 10 15 17
Lincoln Lincoln Merrick Nuckolls Perkins Perkins Perkins Phelps Red Willow Red Willow Red Willow Red Willow Red Willow Red Willow Thayer Thayer
EX. # CLASS 1 351 352 357 356 358 368 388 380 398
CLASS 2 361 363 369 382 387
CLASS 3 351 352 357 356 368 388 380 398
CLASS 4 361 363 369 385 382 387
NAME Allen Allen Henderson Dowling Ortgiesen Keiser Simpson Carland Gonzales
Spracklen Zadina Kramer Long Pagel
Allen Allen Henderson Dowling Keiser Simpson Carland Gonzales
Spracklen Zadina Kramer Miller Long Pagel
Brooke Tara Madelyn Molly McKenna Helene Ellery Jett Hallie Amber
COUNTY HORSE Sr. Hunter Under Saddle, 15-18 Adams Ima Chocolate Star Adams Mudslid Jackie James Buffalo Good Kats Delight Buffalo Mega Asset Buffalo Zippers Mojo Dawson Sweet Talkin Pleasure Lincoln Gettum N Invite Lincoln Gus Red Willow Big Time Rush
Elly Odessa Taylor Jase Hannah
Jr. Hunter Under Saddle 10-14 Buffalo Chips'N'Scotch Chase Rio Dawson Bar Y Freckes Lady Lincoln Buck bar Hoyt Lincoln Silky
Brooke Tara Madelyn Molly Helene Ellery Jett Hallie Amber
Sr. Hunt Seat Equitation, 15-18 Adams Ima Chocolate Star Adams Mudslid Jackie James Buffalo Good Kats Delight Buffalo Mega Asset Dawson Sweet Talkin Pleasure Lincoln Gettum N Invite Lincoln Gus Red Willow Big Time Rush
Elly Odessa Taylor Julyssa Jase Hannah
Jr. Hunt Seat Equitation, 10-14 Buffalo Chips'N'Scotch Chase Rio Dawson Bar Y Freckes Lady Lincoln Bailey Lincoln Buck bar Hoyt Lincoln Black Jack
EX. # CLASS 5 No Entries
CLASS 6 351 357 356 358 359 355 368 372 375 388 380 391 398 405
CLASS 7 361 354 363 369 370 381 389 382 394 395 396 402
CLASS 8 362 386 393 403
Allen Henderson Dowling Ortgiesen Petit Beck Keiser Hassett Arnold Simpson Carland Morgan Gonzales Reinke
Spracklen Atchison Zadina Kramer Tufford Johnson Thompson Long Hanson Robertson Robertson Ruggles
Spracklen Miller Schoneberg Timmerman
COUNTY HORSE Western Pleasure Ponies
Brooke Madelyn Molly McKenna Sabyn Megan Helene Dylan Cassandra Ellery Jett Hallie Sidney Amber KayLee Jo
Sr. Western Pleasure Horses, 15-18 Adams Ima Chocolate Star Buffalo Good Kats Delight Buffalo Mega Asset Buffalo Zippers Mojo Buffalo Zipped in Sockett Buffalo Macs Plenty Good Dawson Sweet Talkin Pleasure Hall BW Blue Tango Bay Buffalo The Malibu Barbie Lincoln ShezGotItMade Lincoln Gus Lincoln Tiger Red Willow Big Time Rush Thayer Perfectly Invested
Elly Zach Odessa Taylor Anabella MaKenna Kandice Jase Ryleigh Ashley Elliana Taylor
Jr. Western Pleasure Horses, 12-14 Buffalo Chips'N'Scotch Buffalo Rusty Chase Rio Dawson Miss Drifter Creek Dawson Dont Chute Me Lincoln Trigger Lincoln Fleeting Investment Lincoln Buck bar Hoyt Perkins Cash Perkins Nic Lil Peppy Dot Perkins Turtle Red Willow DBR Dry Pine
Zach Justice Hadley Presley
Elem. Western Pleasure Horses, 10-11 Buffalo Impulses Me Good Lincoln Jessie Nuckolls Commanders Nicachic Red Willow Didyoulearnanything
EX. # CLASS 9 352 360 388 380 383 391 392 398 401 376
CLASS 10 361 363 364 367 369 373 374 378 377 379 389 384 385 382 390 387 395 396 397 403
CLASS 11 351 352 357 356 358 360 359
NAME Allen Schubauer Simpson Carland Miller Morgan Siwinski Gonzales Rippe Arnold
Spracklen Zadina Shipley Nelsen Kramer Deaver Deaver Namuth Eisenzimmer Doerr Thompson Miller Miller Long Wardyn Pagel Robertson Robertson Witt Timmerman
Allen Allen Henderson Dowling Ortgiesen Schubauer Petit
Tara Taylor Ellery Jett Hallie Austin Sidney Hannah Amber Nathan Olivia
COUNTY HORSE Sr. Ranch Pleasure, 15-18 Adams Mudslid Jackie James Buffalo Sweet Blue ViDahila Lincoln Autry Lincoln dunny Lincoln BoxO Heavens Miller Lincoln The Roan Ranger Merrick Cowboy Freckle Jac Red Willow I Think Hes A Gunner Red Willow Pippanci Buffalo Y Not Wear Heels
Elly Odessa Dax Caedan Taylor Naomi Victoriah Taryn Kallie Olivia Kandice Jaelyn Julyssa Jase Angellyn Hannah Ashley Elliana Shali Presley
Jr. Ranch Pleasure, 10-14 Buffalo Good Impulsions Chase Bandito Clay PR Facebuggin Dakota Dixie Dawson Bar Y Freckes Lady Hayes Josephine Hayes Duchess Keith BK Easy Stampede Keith Skeeter Knox Jessies Joe Cop Lincoln Royal Splashback Lincoln Bonnie Lincoln Bailey Lincoln Smoke That Lincoln Black Bart Lincoln Silky Perkins Nic Lil Peppy Dot Perkins Chap Phelps PC Boons Pawnee Red Willow Boon Lit Kandle
Brooke Tara Madelyn Molly McKenna Taylor Sabyn
Sr. Western Horsemanship, 15-18 Adams Ima Chocolate Star Adams Mudslid Jackie James Buffalo Good Kats Delight Buffalo Mega Asset Buffalo Zippers Mojo Buffalo Sweet Blue ViDahila Buffalo Zipped in Sockett
EX. # 355 368 372 375 388 380 383 391 398 401 405 376 CLASS 12 361 354 363 364 367 369 370 373 374 377 379 381 389 382 387 394 395 396 397 402 CLASS 13 362 378 384 386 390 393
NAME Beck Keiser Hassett Arnold Simpson Carland Miller Morgan Gonzales Rippe Reinke Arnold
Spracklen Atchison Zadina Shipley Nelsen Kramer Tufford Deaver Deaver Eisenzimmer Doerr Johnson Thompson Long Pagel Hanson Robertson Robertson Witt Ruggles
Spracklen Namuth Miller Miller Wardyn Schoneberg
Megan Helene Dylan Cassandra Ellery Jett Hallie Austin Sidney Amber Nathan KayLee Jo Olivia
COUNTY Buffalo Dawson Hall Buffalo Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Red Willow Red Willow Thayer Buffalo
HORSE Macs Plenty Good Sweet Talkin Pleasure BW Blue Tango Bay The Malibu Barbie ShezGotItMade dunny BoxO Heavens Miller Tiger Big Time Rush Pippanci Perfectly Invested Y Not Wear Heels
Elly Zach Odessa Dax Caedan Taylor Anabella Naomi Victoriah Kallie Olivia MaKenna Kandice Jase Hannah Ryleigh Ashley Elliana Shali Taylor
Jr. Western Horsemanship, 12-14 Buffalo Chips'N'Scotch Buffalo Rusty Chase Rio Clay PR Facebuggin Dakota Dixie Dawson Miss Drifter Creek Dawson Dont Chute Me Hayes Josephine Hayes Duchess Keith Skeeter Knox Jessies Joe Cop Lincoln Trigger Lincoln Fleeting Investment Lincoln Smoke That Lincoln Silky Perkins Cash Perkins Nic Lil Peppy Dot Perkins Turtle Phelps PC Boons Pawnee Red Willow DBR Dry Pine
Zach Taryn Jaelyn Justice Angellyn Hadley
Elem. Western Horsemanship, 10-11 Buffalo Impulses Me Good Keith BK Easy Stampede Lincoln Bonnie Lincoln Jessie Lincoln Black Bart Nuckolls Commanders Nicachic
EX. # 403 CLASS 14 353 368 371 380 391 392 398 400 404 405 CLASS 15 365 367 369 377 379 381 385 382 387 394 395 399 CLASS 16 378 384 386 390 403 CLASS 17 353 368 371 380 391
NAME Timmerman
Legg Keiser Grabenstein Carland Morgan Siwinski Gonzales Nokes Malchow Reinke
Russell Nelsen Kramer Eisenzimmer Doerr Johnson Miller Long Pagel Hanson Robertson Nokes
Namuth Miller Miller Wardyn Timmerman
Legg Keiser Grabenstein Carland Morgan
COUNTY Red Willow
HORSE Boon Lit Kandle
Rylee Helene Cailey Hallie Sidney Hannah Amber Trevor Alyssa KayLee Jo
Sr. Pole Bending, 15-18 Adams Rocco's Cuttin Peppy Dawson Eagles Fame Gosper Smokin Valentino Lincoln Gus Lincoln Mickie Merrick Dakotas Lil Playgirl Red Willow Tru Blu Cowgirl Red Willow Colonel Thayer Genuine Hustler Thayer Sligo Seamus
Jayden Caedan Taylor Kallie Olivia MaKenna Julyssa Jase Hannah Ryleigh Ashley Parker
Jr. Pole Bending, 12-14 Custer San Jo Twister Dakota Dixie Dawson Bar Y Freckes Lady Keith Skeeter Knox Jessies Joe Cop Lincoln Trigger Lincoln Bailey Lincoln Smoke That Lincoln Black Jack Perkins Cash Perkins Nic Lil Peppy Dot Red Willow PJ
Taryn Jaelyn Justice Angellyn Presley
Elem. Pole Bending, 10-11 Keith BK Easy Stampede Lincoln Black Jack Lincoln Samson Lincoln Black Bart Red Willow Boon Lit Kandle
Rylee Helene Cailey Hallie Sidney
Sr. Barrel Racing, 15-18 Adams Jack the Money Dawson Eagles Fame Gosper Smokin Valentino Lincoln Gus Lincoln Mickie
EX. # 392 398 400 404 405
NAME Siwinski Gonzales Nokes Malchow Reinke
Hannah Amber Trevor Alyssa KayLee Jo
COUNTY Merrick Red Willow Red Willow Thayer Thayer
HORSE Dakotas Lil Playgirl Tru Blu Cowgirl Colonel Genuine Hustler Sligo Seamus
CLASS 18 365 367 369 377 379 381 385 382 387 394 395 399
Russell Nelsen Kramer Eisenzimmer Doerr Johnson Miller Long Pagel Hanson Robertson Nokes
Jayden Caedan Taylor Kallie Olivia MaKenna Julyssa Jase Hannah Ryleigh Ashley Parker
Jr. Barrel Racing, 10-14 Custer San Jo Twister Dakota Dixie Dawson Bar Y Freckes Lady Keith Skeeter Knox Jessies Joe Cop Lincoln Trigger Lincoln Bailey Lincoln Smoke That Lincoln Black Jack Perkins Cash Perkins Nic Lil Peppy Dot Red Willow PJ
CLASS 19 378 384 386 390 403
Namuth Miller Miller Wardyn Timmerman
Taryn Jaelyn Justice Angellyn Presley
Elem. Barrel Racing, 10-11 Keith BK Easy Stampede Lincoln Black Jack Lincoln Samson Lincoln Black Bart Red Willow Boon Lit Kandle
Volunteer at the Fonner Park State 4-H Expo
The Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo is right around the corner. Every year the state horse show requires numerous volunteers for the show to run. The state show runs from July 10-14th, 2021. We could really use your help!! If you are interested in being a volunteer, please fill out the form at or email
Types of volunteers needed each day:
Announcers - (Announces the show) Gate Workers - (Open and close the gate throughout the show, two per arena for the entire show) Ribbon Clerks - (Pass out ribbons and trophies) Ring Stewards - (Assists the judge in the arena and records the placing of all the exhibitors) Time Operators - (For Speed Events, etc.)