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M�a�es happen when we Listen / Constance Frankenberg, Animal Communicator

Vanessa and Larry

One of the bless�gs of my work is

witnessing the transformation that it can foster for animals and their human companions. As a psychic, people come to me as they seek ways to help their “pets.” Sometimes an animal will show a major shift in behavior after a psychic reading, and sometimes it’s just because someone was there to truly listen to them. As human beings, having someone to hear us can lighten our spirits, validate us, and offer support—it’s often the same for our animal friends. I recently did a reading for a cat and the following day the “owner” shared that the cat started acting more affectionate and relaxed after the reading. Information shared in readings shows animal friends in a new light or can even encourage a personal change of habit or negative behavior upon hearing the animal share things like “cigarettes are bad for you and the smoke burns my lungs.” I asked a few of my clients to share their firsthand stories of transformation with you, so that you can better understand the true power of listening to your pets. Jacqueline

by KATE MCKEEVER MOORE | Jacksonville

We foster Rat Terriers and had rescued a tiny female from the Miami Dade Animal Shelter. It 22 | Transformation

quickly became obvious that Jackie had a very abusive past and was having a hard time adjusting. Her way to cope was to bite—my husband and I were bitten several times. Despite that, after nine months we’d fallen in love with her and decided she was family. When we took her for a reading, the first thing Constance shared was that Jackie did not like her name. It wasn’t regal enough and she wanted to be called Jacqueline, even spelling it out letter by letter. My husband laughed at the idea, but before long he agreed. She definitely seemed to be a much happier pup with the name change—the change in personality was obvious! I would like to say she has never bit again, but can’t. However, the bites are much rarer now. It made me realize that whenever a foster dog has a questionable past, as she did, one of the best things you can do for them is to give them a new name, so as not to have all the bad associations that came with the previous name. Eddie by NORMA BRIZZI | Atlantic Beach

I had a personal transformation after my very first reading with Constance for my MaltiPoo, Eddie. He began vocalizing and seemed very excited during the first few minutes. I found out later that he was very surprised that someone had come to see him specifically, and to talk and connect with him and not me. That marked my transformation as to how I view animals, not just as pets and companions for us … but as having real feelings and their own special place in the world—that they deserve our respect, to be heard, and that we need to listen.

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