for time and all eternity august fifteenth, two thousand fifteen
Hailey and Jake #jakeropeshailey | 1
4 2 | Mr & Mrs Roper
Meet the newlyweds
The story of how they met
contents 10
Interview with the bride & groom
How he proposed
How well do you know the Ropers?
#jakeropeshailey | 3
H a i ley Cheyenne Birthday: September 28 Hometown: Draper, Utah Major: Graphic Design Favorite Movie: Secret Life of Walter Mitty Favorite Band: Paper Kites Celebrity Crush: Ryan Gosling Dream Job: Art Director Dream Car: Subaru Dream Vacation: Backpack Patagonia
J a cob Wayne Birthday: August 2nd Hometown: Sandy Utah Major: Business, pre-dental Favorite Movie: The Count of Monte Cristo Favorite Band: The Lumineers Celebrity Crush: Zoe Saldana Dream Job: Orthodontist Dream Car: Pinto Dream Vacation: Vietnam
#jakeropeshailey | 5
6 | Mr & Mrs Roper
Our first date I knew he was the man I was going to marry. I didn’t stop smiling once, and I know in my life with him I will never have a dull day.
#jakeropeshailey | 7
Last spring, Hailey and her roommates hosted a dessert party on a Sunday night ( Jake always says waffle party... but there was never waffles). Jake was invited by some mutual friends and came with his roommates. Hailey had noticed him on campus before and always thought he was cute so she decided to go talk to him. They talked about the banana bread that he brought - he made it himself and was super proud. The conversation was short but started the beginning of their slow growing friendship. He says it was love at first sight... Even though he ended up getting Hailey's roommate's number. Long story short, they never went on a date, and Jake came to his senses and ended up asking Hailey on their first kinda date. interview begins on next page
#jakeropeshailey | 9
interview with the newlyweds
interview with the ne What was your f irst impression?
What did you do on your f irst date?
Her: My first impression of Jake was that he was hilarious. When I was around him I always left with sore abs because I never stopped laughing. He was someone who didn't care what others thought, and he was 100% himself, and I loved that.
Her: Our first date I didn't know was supposed to be a date, it ended up with us both dragging our roommates for a somewhat double date to Tandoori Oven where Jake paid for both mine and Kat's meal... so technically it was a 2 on 1 date? Afterwards we went bowling, I have always sucked at
Him: My first impression of Hailey was that she really loved the Switzerland trip she went on! Hailey seemed full of life and adventure.
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Him: We went to Tandoori Oven and then went bowling on a group date. Hailey got a better score than me, but I definitely beat her on creativity and overall grace.
months, we even sat out on the trampoline till 3 am talking and he didn’t even kiss me. It was a long awaited kiss. What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned about each other since you’ve been together? Him: Hailey has gotten progressively more goofy. She throws some great facial expressions that you all need to see!
Her: Jake has slowly shown me his “amazing” dance moves, anytime a song comes on he likes to dance as weirdly as he can, I think it’s some game for him to see if he can make me laugh. What is your favorite thing about each other?
Him: Hailey is a worker bee. She is one of the hardest workers I know. She rocks the phrase “work hard, play hard.” I also like her butt.
ewlyweds bowling, but for some reason that night I actually got a really good score, but naturally Jake tried every possible weird bowling position known to man, I loved how funny he was and I didn't stop laughing that entire night. Who initiated the f irst kiss?
Him: I did, but Hailey thinks I took too long. I was just working my magic, playing hot and cold. Her: Jake initiated the kiss after almost 2
Her: His humor is one of the things I love most. He can make a dull moment happy and make me laugh constantly, I am always so happy when I am with him. I also like his freckle on his eye. When did you know you were meant to be?
Him: I knew she was the one the first week of March. We were in Sandy, trying out a new restaurant called Wild Zucchini. For some reason we were super hungry so we ordered way more food then we should have. Hailey was sitting across the table, just snarfing her meal down. And I remember looking across the table at her and thinking how lucky I would be to one day call her my wife and mother of my children. Her: I knew Jake was the one after he had broken his ankle. The week he got surgery I didn't leave his side. I would have taken the pain for myself, if that meant he'd be feel better. I had never felt that need to care for someone so much. I knew that I wanted to take care of him the rest of my life.
#jakeropeshailey | 11
I love Hailey because she is beautiful inside and out. She has a lively spirit and a big heart.
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#jakeropeshailey | 13
the proposal 14 | Mr & Mrs Roper
as told by Jake Roper I proposed May 17th. I had broken my ankle about a month before and was still on crutches and in a boot. Hailey loves the mountains and I knew she would love it if I proposed on some mountain top. But I knew that wasn't going to happen on my two feet. I started a group text with Hailey's sisters and mom to brainstorm a bit. Hailey's sister, Taylor created the first group text and actually ended up adding Hailey into the conversation. So we all had a good laugh and then kicked her out of the iMessage and got back to business. Laura's boyfriend, Brent, lives in Alpine, down the street from my grandparents. So we planned to go my grandparents, grab a four wheeler and meet Hailey's family up the mountain with their four wheelers. It was the perfect way to get my temporarily handicapped booty up a mountain. Our family helped decorate a spot up the mountain a ways, and hid themselves in the shrubbery to take pictures. Hailey had no idea until I had stopped and she saw the pathway to the decorated spot. She helped me hobble to our little spot and I got down and purposed. It was perfect.
#jakeropeshailey | 15
The dress: It was originally just a white lace slip dress from Free People, but Jake's wonderfully talented Mom sewed a slip and made it into a wedding dress.
Suit: True Gentleman Shoes: Freebird by Steven Make-up: Baylee Jensen Photography: India Earl Flowers: Over The Top Floral
Her ring: Jerrick’s Fine Jewelry His ring: Rose Anvil
Her ring: For years I have had this oval shaped turquoise ring that I have loved, and always admired. I would always think to myself how beautiful it would be to have on a wedding ring. When it came time to telling Jake what kind of ring I wanted, I just told him the main thing I wanted was turquoise. He kinda of laughed and said well that's easy! When it came time to designing it, I knew wanted a little boho vintage ring. With the turquoise earthy tone and delicate diamond halo, the ring is everything I wanted and more! #jakeropeshailey | 17
who said it?
how well do you know the newlyweds?
1. I love to “wh ip a n d n a y n a y.” 2. I can sleep a n ywh ere, th roug h a n yth in g , at anyti me. 3. I go without wa s h in g my h a ir for 3- 4 days. 4. I could live off of ca n n ed ch il i. 5. The only song I c a n p l a y on g uita r is ‘K is s Me’ by the Cranberri es. 6. My go-t o mea l is til a p ia a n d cous cous . 7. I can’t name a s on g’s n a me or a r tis t wh il e i t’s playi ng. 8. My ca r is a l wa ys cl ea n .
Answers: 1. J 2. H 3. H 4. J 5. J 6. H 7. H 8. J 9. J 10. J 11. H 12. H 13. J 14. H 15. H
9. I’m baby h un g r y. 1 0. Veggie chips are a goo d s ub s titute for a ctua l veg eta b l e s. 11. I played vars ity vol l eyb a l l a n d g ol f in h ig h scho o l. 12. I can’t stop talkin g a b out my l ove for Switz erl and.
13. I’ve hiked Mach u Picch u. 14. My favorite dance move is th e dog g y p a ddl e. 15. I’m way b etter a t dr ivin g s tick .
20 | Mr & Mrs Roper
Photography by India Earl Magazine Design by Unlike Juliet