Unlock Body Lab- Israel Aloni網上駐留計劃-工作坊及分享會

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Unlock Body Lab Israel Aloni 網上駐留計劃——工作坊及分享會 是次 Unlock Body Lab 邀請到身兼編舞、策劃人、表演者、教育家 Israel Aloni,原本來 港於不加鎖舞踊館及香港藝術中心作兩星期的駐留計劃,與一眾本地舞者作交流合 作,但因疫情關係,藝術家無法來港,因而打開了網上駐留計劃的可能性。 為期兩星期的網上駐留計劃,Israel Aloni 將透過網上平台與本地藝術家交流,同時思 考跨地域合作於疫情時代的可能性。作為編舞,Aloni 關注人的身體與其他身體,空間 以及其對於時間之間的中介過程。從對身體與過往歷史及事件的理解,嘗試創作出以 身體表現超越言語的作品,涉足於已知或未知的邊界。 是次駐留計劃將於 10 月 24 日及 10 月 31 日分別有公開工作坊以及公開分享會,歡迎 公眾人士參與。參與駐留藝術家包括:李偉能、李振宇、張嘉怡、陳偉洛、胡日禧、 喬楊、李嘉雯、Christine Eva Barbara He。

Unlock Body Lab Israel Aloni 網上駐留計劃 公開工作坊 藝術家 Israel Aloni 將於公開工作坊向參加者分享他在創作中所關注的身體語彙及議 題,特別是人對於過往歷史及事件的建構、理解和呈現。亦會分享藝術家在創作中使 用的表演工具以及方法,從而發掘更多身體的可能性。 日期:24/10/2021 時間:1600-1800 (GMT+8)(歐洲時間:1000-1200 (GMT+0)) 地點:香港藝術中心 1604 室 *如因疫情未能現場進行,工作坊將改為於網上進行。 Unlock Body Lab Israel Aloni 網上駐留計劃 公開分享會 在兩個星期的網上駐留計劃中,海外藝術家 Israel Aloni 透過網上平台與本地藝術家交 流,是次分享會將遊走在香港藝術中心的公共空間內,與公眾展示這兩個星期藝術家 之間交流的素材、身體與本地歷史或建築之間的連結以及研究習得的總結。 日期:31/10/2021 特定場域展演時間:1715-1815 (GMT+8)(歐洲時間:1115-1215 (GMT+0)) 展演將會於這段期間於香港藝術中心內不同公共空間發生 演後座談會時間:1815-1845 (GMT+8)(歐洲時間:1215-1245 (GMT+0)) 演後座談會地點:香港藝術中心 1604 室 *如因疫情未能現場進行,分享會將改為於網上進行。

—— 關於 Unlock Body Lab —— Unlock Body Lab 開展一系列關於舞蹈的研習,透過跨媒介、跨地域、跨文化的合作 和交流,研究及實驗當代舞於本地脈絡發展及深化的可能;以展演平台,空間及工作 坊作主要形式,建立創作者和觀眾另類的觀演關係,鼓勵創作者重新審視既定創作模 式和框架,同時為業界和大眾提供更有機交流方式。 了解更多: https://bit.ly/2Z49L99

Unlock Body Lab Israel Aloni Online Residency Project Showing and Workshop Unlock Body Lab has invited Israel Aloni, a well-known choreographer, producer, performer, educator, to have a two-week residency project with local artists in Unlock Dancing Plaza and The Hong Kong Art Centre in October 2021. Due to the pandemic, we are trying to explore the possibility of relocating it to a virtual space. For the two-week online residency project, Israel Aloni will work with local artists through various digital tools, while thinking about the possibility of cross-regional and cross-cultural collaboration in the era of the epidemic. As a choreographer, Aloni is interested in the mediation of the physical human body with other bodies, space, and its relationship to time. From the understanding of the physical body that has a connection to past events and histories, Aloni is interested in creating work that pushes the boundaries of the utterances that we let our physical body express, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The residency project would involve public workshop and public sharing on October 24th and 31th respectively. Residency Artists includes Joseph Lee, Andy Lee, Kerry Cheung, Chan Wai Lok, Woo Yat Hei, Qiao Yang, Carman Li and Christine Eva Barbara He.

Unlock Body Lab Israel Aloni Online Residency Project Public workshop Israel Aloni will share with participants the movement vocabulary and his creation focus on a public workshop, especially the construction, understanding and presentation of past history and events. It will also share the performance tools and methods used by the artists in their creations, so as to explore more possibilities in our body. Date: 24/10/2021 Time: 1600-1800 (GMT+8) (European time: 1000-1200 (GMT+0)) Venue: Room 1604, Hong Kong Arts Centre *The workshop will be carried out online instead if on-site events are not permitted due to the pandemic situation. Unlock Body Lab Israel Aloni Online Residency Project Public Sharing In the two-week online residency project, overseas artist Israel Aloni will work with local artists via digital means. This sharing will make use of the public space of The Hong Kong Arts Centre to show to the public on the exchanged material, the connection between the body and the local history and architecture, and a wrap up of research and acquisition. Date: 31/10/2021 Time(Showing): 1715-1815 (GMT+8) (European time: 1115-1215 (GMT+0)) On-site showing will happen in the period of time in the public space of Arts Centre Time(Post-talk): 1815-1845(GMT+8) (European time: 1115-1215 (GMT+0)) Post-Talk will be held in Room 1604, Hong Kong Arts Centre *The Sharing will be carried out online instead if on-site events are not permitted due to the pandemic situation.

—— About Unlock Body Lab —— Unlock Body Lab conducts a series of research on dance. Through cross-media, crossregional, and cross-cultural cooperation and exchanges, research and experiment the possibility of the development and deepening of contemporary dance in the local context. With the showcase, space and workshop as the primary forms, the Unlock Body Lab creates an alternative spectator-performance relationship between artist and audience. It also encourages artists to re-examine the established creative mode and framework and provide a more organic communication way for the industry and the public. Click to know more: https://bit.ly/2Z49L99

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