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Partner Projects
by UnLtd
At UnLtd, our role is to facilitate meaningful partnerships to give our industry the power to help. We carefully match our corporate partners with the right charity partner, to help create a positive impact for both sides. Here are some of the highlights of the amazing impact created through our partnerships in FY20.
Thanks to Nine, over 50 disengaged at-risk young people will learn practical life and work skills at Down The Track at Lake Cargelligo, giving them a chance to grow their self-esteem and help secure employment, and over 100 kids in Dubbo will get a chance to participate in lifechanging skills workshops at LeaderLife.

Initiative secured $3m worth of media donations for HeartKids’ ‘Show Your Heart’ campaign that raised funds to give 80 new families important one-on-one support as they tackle childhood heart disease. Show your heart, help little hearts. Support kids born with heart disease.

OMD’s continuous support for The Pyjama Foundation and their annual Pyjama Day campaign helped improve awareness in core target audience by 40% and increase donations by 11%. The OMD team also directly raised $19K, funding 20 Pyjama Angels to help children in foster care achieve their dreams.

Network 10 supported several UnLtd charity partners through professional skills and fundraising but it was their soccer skills that earned them a $10K prize from Musica Copa tournament which they donated to Youth Off The Streets (YOTS). The fund allowed YOTS give critical support for homeless young people during the peak of the pandemic.

Seven West Media raised funds for batyr by many means, including sumo-wrestling, giving 200 schoolage children access to batyr’s mental health program.

In Perth, JCDecaux, NewsCorp, Network 10 and Foxtel teamed up to deliver 350 arts & crafts materials for children isolated in hospital during lockdown through Radio Lollipop.

Verizon Media supported MMAD through various projects, with $40K raised through the Melbourne Cup Big Bet fundraiser and a staff walking challenge. These funds will enable them to adopt a MMAD block in Waterloo, giving 100 at-risk kids a chance to participate in dance and music mentoring programs. They also shared their knowledge by hosting a social media workshop for the MMAD kids and giving the kids a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to record podcasts in their studio.

Domain staff raised $25K for Youth Off The Streets through the Real Estate Sleep Out that saw teams spending the night out in the cold conditions on Bondi Beach. The funds raised allowed YOTS youth workers to provide support on 992 occasions to young people living on the streets.
GroupM and MFA raised nearly $30K to BackTrack’s Hopes & Dreams program giving six young people, who everyone else had given up on, a chance to chase their hopes and dreams.
Network 10 helped Indigenous Literacy Foundation create their first ever TV ad with over $2m of media inventory donated by 10, WIN and Foxtel.
A generous media donation from Google Australia & PHD gave Batyr, Gotcha4Life and Dolly’s Dream a chance to run their first ever outdoor campaigns spreading awareness of their cause and raising much-needed funds.
UM supported batyr with their World Wellness Circle campaign that saw $30K in funds raised.
Bauer staff raised funds to fund 10 new Pyjama Angels for the Pyjama Foundation, helping children in foster care find their love for learning and reading.
In April we launched our virtual volunteering program GoodDeeds. So far over 30 projects have been completed by volunteers during lockdowns helping charities create templates, assets, strategy, videos and much more.
The bright minds of NGEN generated over 40 innovative marketing ideas for BackTrack through the NGEN category at the MFA Awards.
Mindshare Gig Night raised $5.7K for Musicians Making a Difference and the Mindshare Bushfire Gig raised $9K for kids impacted by the bushfires.