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THINKING IN 3D! BY ANDY HANSELMAN, ANDY HANSELMAN CONSULTING Marking a company milestone, the consultant looks back on business lessons learned



Twenty-five years ago this month, back in May 1995, Blackburn Rovers won the Premiership, Robson and Jerome were number one in the charts with Unchained Melody and we started our business, Hallmarks Business Development.

We grew to a team of 14, sold to the management team and then started again with just three of us in 2004.

As part of our reflections on those 25 years, we came up with 25 lessons we’ve learned, and I thought I’d share them with you in this month’s column.

Here they are…

1. Play To Your Strengths – work out what they are and build on them. 2. Do W hat You Enjoy – not what you don’t! 3. Make Sure Those First Two in our case, can be clients, too! 11. P ush The Boundaries – encourage questions and challenges from your people, and from yourself. 12. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask

For What You Want – the answer might be ‘yes’. 13. Clarify Roles – people like clarity. 14. Find Out What Makes

People Tick ¬– and use this to motivate them. 15. P ush People Out Of Their

Comfort Zones – but make sure you support them. 16. Make Friends With Finance

Departments – they pay your bills! 17. Value Your Values– use them, demonstrate them and live them. 18. Always Read The Small

Print – we got caught out a number of times when we started the business, and when we sold it! 19. It’s More Than A Business – ours was a family! 20. You’re Always At Work – some of our best ideas, contacts and opportunities came when we were well away from the office, even on holiday. 21. Enjoy it! Make it fun. 22. Take A Chance On People. 23. Get Rid Quick – if they don’t ‘fit’. 24. Make Things Memorable – delight your customers, and employees. 25. Find T he Right Partner – marrying them later is an option!

If you’d like to hear these ideas, and lots more, watch them on our ‘Business Exercises With Andy and Jill’ at www.andyhanselman.com/be

Things Make Commercial Sense – no point being great at something that no one wants. 4. Fill The Gaps – by finding people to do what you can’t or won’t. 5. Recruit For Attitude – and develop for skill. 6. Take A Punt – on people, on ideas and on opportunities. Try things and encourage your people to do the same. 7. Have Fun! 8. Build R elationships for the long term – some of our clients in our early days are still clients today. 9. Choose ‘Em Or Lose

‘Em…people, clients and suppliers – it is OK to say ‘no’. 10. K eep In Touch With People

When They’ve Gone – exemployees can be great ambassadors for you, and,


For many running their business remotely, a solution is needed that is private, secure and seamless. For CT there is only really one viable solution. Ian Snow, MD, looks at how Microsoft Teams can help keep you connected whilst ensuring privacy and security

Almost overnight, video conferencing has become a big part of our daily life and work. We’ve had to adjust to the new reality of seeing each other’s homes, complete with dogs, cats, and other family members. Everyone around the world is now working, learning, and connecting with colleagues, friends, and family through the power of technology.

Originally built as a competitor to the hugely popular workplace chat tool Slack, MS Teams has since evolved into an allencompassing platform that supports everything from video conferencing to PowerPoint presentations to 10,000 people. It integrates Office 365 so that sharing Microsoft Word, Excel and other office apps is seamless, while video chat functionality supports up to 250 people simultaneously.

Businesses large and small are depending on Microsoft Teams to stay connected while ensuring the highest levels of security and privacy credentials. Below we have highlighted the key features of Teams and why CT is recommending all our customers stay connected in this way.

Microsoft provides privacy and security controls for video conferences in Teams

Microsoft offers a variety of privacy and security controls to allow you to manage who participates in your meetings and who has access to meeting information.

For example, you decide who from outside your organisation can join your meetings directly, and who should wait in the lobby for someone to let them in. You can also remove participants during a meeting,

designate ‘presenters’ and ‘attendees’, and control which meeting participants can present content.

And with guest access, you can add people from outside your organisation but still retain control over your data. Moderation allows you to control who is and isn’t allowed to post and share content. And advanced artificial intelligence (AI) monitors chats to help prevent negative behaviours like bullying and harassment.

When recording a meeting, all participants are notified when a recording starts, and online participants can access our privacy notice directly. Recordings are only available to the people on the call or people invited to the meeting. And recordings are stored in a controlled repository that is protected by permissions and encryption.

Microsoft safeguard your privacy by design

Microsoft’s approach to privacy is grounded in their commitment to giving you transparency over the collection, use, and distribution of your data. Here are their privacy commitments to you: • T hey never use your Teams data to serve you ads • They do not track participant attention or multi-tasking in

Teams meetings • Y our data is deleted after the termination or expiration of your subscription • T hey take strong measures to ensure access to your data is restricted and carefully define requirements for responding to government requests for data • They can access your own customer data at any time and for any reason • They offer regular transparency reports on the Transparency Hub, detailing how they have responded to third-party requests for data

Microsoft protects your identity and account information

Multi-factor authentication (MFA), a feature turned on by your IT administrator, protects your username and password by requiring you to provide a second form of verification to prove your identity.

CT recommend that all organisations implement fundamental security measures to ensure they are adequately protected. This simple, two-step verification process is widely used in many consumer applications today, including banking, and protects you from attacks that take advantage of weak or stolen passwords.

Microsoft protects your data and defend against cybersecurity threats

As a leader in security, Microsoft processes more than eight trillion security signals every day and uses them to proactively protect you from security threats. In Teams, data is encrypted in transit and at rest, storing your data in their secure network of data centers and using Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for video, audio, and desktop sharing.

Microsoft meet more than 90 regulatory and industry standards

To comply with global, national, regional, and industry-specific regulations, Teams supports more than 90 regulatory standards and laws, including HIPAA, GDPR, FedRAMP, SOC, and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for the security of students and children.

To find out more how CT can help you utilise Microsoft Teams within your business, get in touch today! 01246 266 130.

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