Mirage Yearbook, 1965

Page 1


Introduction .............. 2 Administration and Faculty . . . . . . . . . .. 20 Classes. . 52 Graduate School . . . . . .. 118 . 134 Organizations School Life . . . .248 Fine Arts . 304 Sports ........ . 326

University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico EDITOR . .. ASSOCIATE EDITOR

........ Barbara Knott .. Virginia Milner

MANAGING EDITOR ........ Tom Ormsby


How Dark Would Be The World Without

The Light of Man

Following Pages Pages 4 and 5-Alumni Memorial Chapel Pages 6 and 7-New Mexico Union Pages 8 and 9-Chemistry Building Pages 10 and l1-President's Home


... smiling eyes, clear, sincere, feminine . . . a young lady's young eyes . ..

. . . pure, resolving eyes, untarnished by worldly displeasures . . . capable of great things . .. a profile for the future ... sane . ..


. . . mysterious eyes . .. heavy, asking, smaIl ...

... the melancholy eyes of an art major silently, privately enjoying the cold solitude of childhood that lies in an ice cream cone ... child's eyes ...

. . . undeterminable eyes, perhaps sad, perhaps surprised, yet penetrating ... obvious ... compelling ... a stare, a look ... not casual . .. forceful, womanly, intriguing

. . . direct eyes . . . unquestioning, grateful ... straightforward and honest . ..


... worried eyes ... contemplating, soul searching, sober, anxious and laden eyes ...

. . . adolescent eyes . . . looking ahead, but clutching the present . . . dreaming ot a ring on the other hand ... a woman soon ... then, a woman's eyes . ..


... older eyes, aided, looking for knowledge, on a table, in a book working eyes, loyal eyes .

. . . distraught eyes, baffied by life's complexities . . . moving eyes . .. active, sensitive, expressive eyes questioning, probing, serious ...

. . . expectant eyes searching the immediate future, grasping in a cigarette, extracting its metabolic pleasures ... upward eyes . ..

. . . contented eyes ... unhindered by glasses . . . good eyes ... good character . . . youthful reRections


. . . American eyes, representative of tree eyes ... youthful irresponsibility. unbounded energy and enterpnse ...

. .. explaining eyes, conveying thoughts that are deeper than sight . . . the cupped lips forming a communicative idea ... learning eyes ... 16

... cultured eyes, keen to art, sharp to perceive beauty, tuned to nature ... happy . .. at peace ... . . . downcast eyes ... a temporary sense of doubt . .. the shyness from others, the sudden breath through the open mouth . . . a moment ot sober anticipation . . .

. . . unsure eyes . . . debating, assimilating, supported by a friendly hand . .. silent eyes, but awake ... ready ...


. . . eyes sampling something far away . . . something serious . . . the future attentive eyes, alert, fresh,



. . . the eyes of the new generation-the fantastically accomplished merican youth that flourishes in our college, balancing on the thin line of guidance and success. This then is the gift to the future ... the eyes of the modern world ...

"Go forward, look ahead, And gather the harvest Of youth ... Know ye know your path, By this time. Produce ... and hail thyself, For thee are, Most important of all, To all.'~ 18

This is the promise of 1965. It is a promise to be kept. -Thomas Ormsby

... college eyes ... man's . .. compassionate, meek and human, not dynamic or overwhelming . .. simple, adapt to life . ..

... tired eyes, a rest from challenge, a pause from frustration, a refreshing moment to organize one's self an escape from pressure temporarily ... . . . entranced eyes, aHectionate, warm ... puppyish, lively . . . Latin eyes . . . compassionate, deep ... in love ...



. . . dark shadowed eyes piercing the harshness of a bright day, the dark hair crowning a forceful face and a perceptive smile . .. 19





Tom L. Popejoy

PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO President Popejoy is the guiding light in education and development in the University. His wife, Mrs. Bess Popejoy, and his son, Tom Jr., are the lights in his home life. Mr. Tom L. Popejoy, ninth president of the University of New Mexico, this year begins his 17th year as the head of the state's largest educational institution. During that tenure, the University's enrollment has virtually doubled; its faculty has increased in both number and stature; and 35 new buildings have been added to the campus. A native of Raton, New Mexico, President Popejoy was a star athlete at the University in the 1920's and is currently the leading advocate of the UNM drive to build an athletic program that ranks with the best in the nation. The first native son to hold the top job at the University, Mr. Popejoy took over the UNM presidency in 1948, capping a career at his alma mater that had seen him come up through such faculty jobs as instructor, graduate manager of the athletics, alumni secretary, associate professor of economics, acting registrar and comptroller. Aside from his UNM career, Mr. Popejoy has been state director, and later national deputy administrator of the National Youth Administration, has served as research director for the New 'Mexico Taxpayers Assn" and is former president of the eight-state Western Interstate Commission on Education. Shortly after his inauguration as University president, Mr. Popejoy launched, with full support of the Board of Regents, a longrange bUilding program on the UNM campus. The latest additions to the campus are a fine arts center and two new dormitories, completed last fall, to bring the total number of permanent buildings to 65.


Howard C. Bratton President of Regents

Bryan G. Johnson Vice-President

THE BOARD OF REGENTS These five personalities make up the Board of Regents. Aided by President Popejoy, the Board establishes University policies, approves proposed budgets, including construction contracts, building bond issues, plans for buildings and the sales and purchases of university

Mrs. Frank A. Mapel Secretary-Treasurer

land. The Board of Regents, appointed by the governor of New Mexico, serves six year terms without salary. The members meet at least once every month during the academic year.

Thomas R. Roberts

Dr. L. H. Wilkinson


John N. Durrie Secretary of the University Harold L. Enarson Academic Vice-President

THE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS HEADS Mr. Enarson, University vice-president, Mr. Perovich, comptroller, and Dean Smith are the heads of the University business. The vice-president has general control over all departments concerning academic programs and plans for University growth. The Comptroller is responsible for all financial transactions for the University, as well as preparation of the budget and bond issues. Dean Smith is in charge of all student affairs.

Sherman E. Smith Dean of Students

John Perovich Comptroller



Miss Helen Whiteside Dean of Women

Through the offices of Deans Whiteside, olte, Mathany, and Reagan, University students obtain personal guidance, financial assistance, organizational leadership and general counseling. Helen Whiteside, Dean of \Vomen, is a native of Texas. She received her BA and MA from East Texas State Teachers College and her PhD from Columbia University Teachers College. She is a former WAVE officer having served as Superintendent of Enlisted Personnel in the Naval Reserve. She has held various teaching and counseling positions at such schools as Purdue, University of iississippi, Louisiana State, Denver University and Chathum College. Assistant Dean of \Vomen Margaret olte received her BA from the University of Iowa, did graduate work at McGill University and the University of Minnesota. She was awarded her PhD in educational psychology from Iowa State. A native of Iowa, she was Assistant Dean at Ohio Wesleyan and Dean of Women at Wiscon in State.

Miss Margaret Nolte Assoc. Dean of Women


DEANS Howard V. Mathany Dean of Men

Howard Mathany, Dean of Men, has been with the University for eighteen years. lIe is a native of \Vashington and attended Washington State and the University of Colorado. lIe has served in the Taval Reserve and is a member of Scabbard and Blade, a military honorary. Before coming to U 'M, he was assistant professor of mathematics at the University of \\'ashington. Assi tant Dean of Men Fred Reagan was born in EI Paso, attended school in Tucumcari and studied English ew Mexico University. In and journalism at Eastern 1962 he received his MA in English.

Fred C. Reagan Asst. Dean of Men

William M. Chase Assoc. Dean of Men


Hyman S. Adler Suprv. Phys. Plant Dept.

M. F. Fifield Dir., U.N.M. Phys. Plant

K. lance Woodliff Dir., Registration

James M. Etherton Dir., Non-Academic Personnel


Floyd B. Williams Jr. Suprv., Construction and Maintenance Service Build.

H. Maxwell Campbell Dir., Placement Bureau J. C. MacGregor Dir., Admissions and Registrar

Dr. Ian Shand . Asst. Dir., Student Health

Dr. A. Kenneth Young Dir., Student Health

E. James Smith Dir., Housing

Dr. Harold o. Reid Dir., Div. Extension


Roland Dickey Dir., U.N.M. Press Dr. G. Ward Fenley Dir., Div. Information and Publications

Anthony G. Hillerman Assoc. Dir., Div. Information and Publications

Dr. A. A. Wellck Dir., Counseling and Testing

Edwin J. Schodorf Mgr., Printing Plant


Jock H. Feise Mgr., Data Processing Center

Harold L. Walker Dir., Research

F. Porker Fowler, Jr. Dir., Data Processing

Dale Sparks Dir., Research Computer Facilities

Arthur A. Blumenfeld Dir., Bur. Business Research


George McFadden

Dir., Sports Information

Robert G. Lalicker

Dir., Development

Richard P. Meleski

Dir., U.N.M. Photo Service

Winifred Reiter

Editor, Alumnus


David Otis Kelley

University Librarian

William R. Bierbaum Dir., New Mexico Union

Pete McDavid Dir., Athletics

John Dolzadelli Business Mgr., Athletics

Van Dorn Hooker University Architect

Jack A. Cairns Supvr., Campus Security



Hoyt Trowbridge

The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest of the degreegranting colleges incorporating eighteen departments. Almost one-half of the full-time professors and instructors on the campus teach in its fields of humanities, social and natural sciences. Founded in 1900 it took the name of the College of Science, Letters, and Arts. Before finally adopting its present title, it was known as the College of Letters and Sciences, the College of Letters and Arts, and the College of Arts, Philosophy, and Sciences.


ANTHROPOLOGY Campbell, John M. Chairman Bach, Phillip Basehart, Harry Hibben, Frank C. Hill,W.W. Newman, Stanley S. Schwerin, Karl ASTRONOMY Philip, A. G. Davis Chairman BIOLOGY Potter, Loren D. Chairman Beakley, John W. Crawford, Clifford Degenhardt, N. D.


Dittmer, Howard J. Findley, J. S. Fleck, Martin Hoff, C. Clayton Johnson, William, W. Martin, William Riedesel, Marvin

CHEMISTRY Castle, Raymond N. Chairman Caton, Roy Crosby, Glenn Daub, Guido Kahn, Milton Maim, Miriam McLaughlin, D. R. Riebsomer, J. L. Searcy, Victor West, Bruce Yamauchi, Masanobu

ECONOMICS Hamilton, David Chairman Chung, Pham Hufbauer, Gary Liepe, Wolfram Parker, Alfred

Therkildsen, Paul T. Udis, Bernard Wollman, Nathaniel

ENGLISH Dickey, Franklin Chairman Arms, George

Baltzell, Jane Baughman, Ernest Buchanan, Edith Creeley, Robert Crowell, Norton

Davis, Paul B. Gallagher, Robert Hill, Hamlin King, Donald Kuntz, Joseph Morris, Jessie (Mrs.)


Simons, Katherine Tedlock, E. W., Jr. Wylder, Delbert Wynn, Dudley Director, General Honors Program

Zavadil, Joseph

GEOGRAPHY Aub, Conrad Tuan, Yi-Fu

GEOLOGY Kelley, Vincent Chairman Anderson, Roger Cruft, Edgar F. Elston, Wolfgang E. Fitzsimmons, Paul Northrop, SA Wengerd, S. A.

GOVERNMENT Hoyt, Edwin C. Chairman

Cline, Dorothy Judah, Charles Lee, Unja Stumpf, Harry Wolf, T. Phillip

HISTORY Lieuwen, Edwin

Cutter, Donald C. Dabney, William Floyd, Troy S. Ikle, Frank Nash, Gerald

Russell, J. C. Stuart, Frank

JOURNALISM Rafferty, Keen Chairman Hunsley, Millard Jermain, Leonard




lANGUAGES Alves, Luis Carlos Book, Claude Marie Book, Truett Davison, Ned J. Duncan, Robert M.

Fernandez, Pelayo H. Holtzapfel, Robert Holtzapfel, Tamara Jorrin, Miguel Lopes, Albert

McKenzie, Donald Nason, Marshall Staubach, Charles N. Ulibarri, Sabine White, Julian

MATHEMATICS Blum, J. R. Chairman

Carr, Patrick Eberly, William Epstein, Bernard Friedman, Nathaniel Gentry, Frank Hersh, Rueben

Katz, Melvin Koopmans, Lambert Lewis, James V. Lynn, J. L. Mayer, J.

Mitchell, Merle Morse, Burt Renggli, Heinz

PHilOSOPHY Alexander, Hubert G. Chairman


Evans, Melbourne Sarkar, Anil Snedden, Jomes

PHYSICS Regener, V. H. Chairman Breiland, John

Dean, Christopher Green, John R. Howarth, John Lee Thomas, Ray

PSYCHOLOGY Logan, Frank Chairman

Ellis, Harry Norman, Ralph D. Rhodes, John Rosenblum, Sidney Zippel, Bert

SOCIOLOGY Meier, Harold Chairman Sasaki, Tom Varley, David Woodhouse, Charles SPEECH Eubank, Wayne Chairman Bundy, Wayne Program manager, KNME Chreist, Fred Freed, Catherine Halle, Robert L. Owens, C. B. St. Onge, Keith

Advanced biology students probe the mysteries of microscopic matter as part of the science area of the College of Arts and Sciences.


Dean I Iowarc1 Finston

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The College of Business Administration was established by the Regents in 1947. Prior to this time work in this area was offered as a department in the College of Arts and Sciences. A full-time staff of seventeen and five part-time members work in a program designed to 1.) offer studies in areas of knowledge outside economics and business, 2.) offer a group of courses in economics and business, 3.) offer courses in a specialized field of the student's choosing. Three specialized programs serve both the University and the state. They include: the Bureau of Business Research, the Southwest Management Development Program, and the Data Processing Program.

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Christman, Karl Chairman Edgel, Ralph Fowler, Parker Goode, R. B. Huber, William

Perry, Mari Park, James W. Reva, Virginia Seaton, Lloyd Winter, Lothar Whitehead, Carlton


Dean Chester C. Travelstead

The College of Education, founded in 1928, offers bachelor degrees in art education, health, P.E., music, industrial arts and home economics. Master's degrees are offered in nine areas. A six year program leading to a certificate of advanced graduate study is offered in educational administration and guidance and counseling. Two doctoral programs lead either to the Doctor of Philosophy degree or to the degree of Doctor of Education.


B. EDUCATIONAL AND ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Angel, Frank Caplan, Stanley Cooper, James Griffith, Charles Keppers, George Ryan, D. A. Ulibarri, Horatio Vogel, Albert Wilson, William O. lepper" John T.


brummond, Harold Reuwsaat, Emily Tredway, Dan Walter, L. Helen Zintz, Miles


Crawford, Bonner Doxtator, Robert Johnston, Donald Nesbitt, Robert Prouse, Peter Runge, William B.

Zweig, Carl

HOME ECONOMICS Elsner, Grace Chairman Harris, Ruth McMurray, Imogean Schroeder, Florence

INDUSTRIAL ARTS Brown, Chester R. Warner, Richard

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Barney, Robert Brazell, Marjorie Burley, Lloyd R. Bynum, William Jr. Clements, N. W. Geba, Bruno Gilmore, George Gugisberg, Mercedes Heath, Ed Heath, Kathleen

McGill, Frances Milliken, Gladys Mills, Naomi Montgomery, John Papcsy, Frank Petrol, George

Piper, Charlotte Rhudy, Carol Seidler, Armond Small, Ella May Steed, Sue Villegas, Patricia Waters, Elizabeth



Richard Clough

Founded in 1906 the College of Engineering offers work in the major fields of chemical, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering. American science, technology and industry, which rote engineering schools on the quality of their graduates, rate graduates of UNM worthy of a bonus. Graduates were offered on overage salary of $608 per month, $20 above the notional overage.

CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Castonguay, T. T. Chairman Bizzell, G. D. Oliver, Earl D.

CIVil ENGINEERING May, Morvin Chairman

Abbott, Word T. Bower, Blair T. Corney, John B. Cottrell, M. M. Donham, Robert J. Gafford, William B.

Hakala, William W. Huzarski, Richard G. Martinez, J. E. McPherson, Ronald B. Omid'varan, Cyrus Rhomberg, E. J.



Thompson, L. J. Yao, James T. P.

Younkin, Larry M.

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Koschmann, Arnold Chairman

Karni, Shlomo Kelly, Ruben

Boatwright, L. T. Bradshaw, Martin Lambert, J. S. Southward, Harold D.

Erteza, Ahmed Granneman, Wayne W. Thorn, Donald Williams, Richard

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Dove, Richard C. Chairman Bailey, Arthur P. Baker, George L. Baker, William E. Calvert, Floyd O.

Feldman, K. T. Gerard, F. A. Gibson, J. Darrell Grace, Charles Houghton, Arthur

Ju, Fred Skoglund, Victor J. Wilden, Maurice Wambold, James O'Dell, Ralph


FINE ARTS Dean Clinton Adams

During the past semester over 300 students enrolled in the College of Fine Arts. Art has the greatest number of students, followed by architecture, music, and drama respectively. Thirtyeight full-time faculty members with six part-time ones plus graduate assistants compose the teaching staff. The College is primarily housed in the new Fine Arts Center which will soon be in its second stage of construction during which a concert hall will be added to the structure.

ARCHITECTURE Benson, Harold Heimerich, John Chairman Jarrett, James Savage, Peter D. Schlegel, Don ART Coke, Van Deren Chairman Von Erffa, Helmut Antresian, Garo Bunting, Bainbridge Ellis, R. M. Grow, Ronald Haney, William L.

Marais, Leroy Paak, Carl E. Tatschl, John Thonson, William

DRAMA McMullan, Bruce Chairman MUSIC Blankenship, Joseph Chairman


Batcheller, John Frederick, Kurt Keller, Walter Kempter, Dale McEwen, Douglas McRae, Donald

Miller, Hugh M. Rhoads, William Robert, George Schoenfeld, Martin Snow, Jane

Thornton, James Whitl'ow, James L.


Dean Virginia Crenshaw


Amos, Linda K. Chairman Baca, Josephine Cleary, Eileen

The College of Nursing, just ten years old, is listed among 106 schools of nursing in the country with the best possible rating in comparison to a total of 1,136 schools. The nursing program has been broadened to meet the new demands being made by the American people. The seventeen million persons over sixty-five years of age, the high rate of cancer, the increasing incidence of cardiovascular diseases, and the newer complex techniques of nursing. Graduates, many of whom are enrolled in the Army and Navy Nurse Corps and the Commissioned Officer Student Training and Extern Program of the Public Health Service, are prepared to meet local, regional, and national problems. Friemoth, Marianne Klar, Hazel-Mae Miller, Virginia Morris, Catherine Voda, Anna M.


vVilliam H. Huber, Director

he University College could be termed as a ,tudent's "passport" to his degree-granting colege. Established in 1956, this college provides In individual program of testing, counseling HId guidance for each student of freshman and ophomore rank. In its seventh year of operaion the enrollment in the University College has ncreased by more than eighty per cent. It has >een pointed out that ten to twenty per cent of 1 freshman class arrives with uncertain future loals and twenty to thirty per cent may switch ,ne or more times during their first year. The lrogram provides advisors who guide students ~to other colleges.



PEACE CORPS A trainee discovers the main hazards of repelling-letting her feet get above her head. Despite the tenseness shown so clearly on her grimacing face, this determined young lady painfully manuevered herself into a more favorable position and continued down the slope. The whole intent of the outward Bound Training is to foster such qualities of courage and perserverance.

A lonely figure oscends 0 75-foot cliff high in the Sandia Mountains. Despite their fear and misgivings all the female trainees made the hazardous descent to prove they are "made of the stuff" that Peace Corps work demands. Officials watch for attitude, motivation, and willingness to accept a challenge.

David Benedetti, Director

The University of New Mexico is singularly honored to have been selected as the first educational institution in the United States to serve as a year-round center for the Peace Corps. Three reasons have been given for the choice: 1.) a cultural environment ideal for training, 2.) institutional capacity, i.e., its strength in academic fields such as language and Latin American area studies, and 3.) its willingness to undertake, by both conventional and innovative means, the kind of training necessary to prepare the volunteer for the arduous and exacting role which he must assume.

Children of the practice project area cluster around a yauthful P.C.T. who might well serve as an imoge after which they can model their lives. Serving as a good example to the youth of a community is an impartant part of a Corpsman's job.


Peace Corps trains


realistic situations such


this poverty-stricken Mexican village in northern New Mexico. The trainees have 0 chonce to experience the squalor in their own country that few people are oware of. "Drown-proofing" is on importont ond demanding port of the Peace Corps' physico I training program. With hands and feet bound, the troinees jump into the 12-foot end of the University of New Mexico pool and musi survive for 90 seconds.


General Honors Program The General Honors Program is designed to provide selected students with a chance ta became mature academicians. In the pragram students ore given a selected reading list and are graded upon their abilities to deal with the ideas presented in the seminar. Freshmen deal with a variety af topics, while saphomores enroll in two calloquies in fields other than their own. Junior seminars (pictured at left) are devoted to a study of Western culture. "Great Ideas" are dealt with in the senior year. The Honars Program selects students on the basis of scholastic achievement and the University entrance examination. Initiated in 1957, the program began operating under a Carnegie Corporation grant in 1961. Students wha complete six semesters in Hanors and maintain 0 sufficient grade point are eligible far graduation with hanors.

Dudley Wynn, Director

Bess Earp, Assistant Director

Professors such as Katherine Simons of the English Department guide the seminars.

The first semester Junior seminar entitled "Major Traditions in Western Though

. . . knowledge to arouse . . . knowledge to intrigue . . . knowledge to coordinate

. . . knowledge to domesticate








Adorns, Coral Adorns, Lorry C. Adorns, Mickie Alexander, William Bruce Allapawa, Gloria Allen, Barbaro

Allen, John R. Allred, Ron Alowe, Edward Amann, Billy Amastae, Joanna Ambaba, Katherine

Ames, Don Andrews, Judy Antink, Andrienne Aragon, Connie Marie Aragon, Nancy Rosello Armijo, Fredrick A.

Arnold, Roy D. Atkinson, Goy Attebery, Santo Clore Augsburger, Robert Auld, Leslie Ausanka, Sandy

Austin, Sharon Jean Babbidge, Jon Boca, James, III Badgett, Patricio Baize, Reva Lee Boker, Beverly

Balfe, Patricio Ballance, Emily Ballance, E. Marquerite Bollard, Nancy

FRESHMEN Bondy, Claudette Barber, Robert L. Barker, Maureen Barnes, Leo Ann Barr, Lauro Marlene Borrego, Rebecca Barron, Ann Boss, Fronk Thomas Bourn, Vicki L. Baxter, Arthur R. Baxter, Lindo Gayle BeaL Bunita Beck, Lorry DeWayne Becker, Donald D. Belko, Sheila Bell, Robert C. Beltran, Marilyn Bendel, Richard J. A.


FRESHMEN Bendorf, Beverly Benham, Mary Jo Bennett, Carolyn Bennett, Jonn Bennett, Kit

Bennett, Margaret Benton, Peggy Bergerson, Carolyn Bernal, Lynda Billingsley, Ron

Bingham, Mock Bi rge, Susan J. Block, Ko ren Block, Steven Blackwood, Joy C. Blair, Sharon Nell Blokelock, Bonnie Blond, John

Bloom, Pepi Boffo, Denny Borrego, Rebecca L. P. Bowditch, Kathleen Bowers, Stephen Boyd, Valerie Faye Bratton, Sam Bray, Patti

Breen, Ronald Dab Brill, Mary C. Brimhall, LeRoy A. Bronson, Morybeth Brown, Bobbe Brown, Charles Philip Brown, Mark W. Brown, Sharon

Brunski, Robert L. Budogher, John Burnett, Sora Burns, Dennis Burt, Jane Ellen By, Janet Byrd, Bob Byrnes, Michael C.

Calderon, Lindo Caldes, William Chris Callaway, Linda Carol

Candini, Rabert T. Canoyer, Betty Carpenter, Charlene


Carr, Bill Carroll, Lindo Casas, Joe H. Cosey, Charles Edward

Casperson, Gordon Costilla, Claro Costilla, Elizabeth Ann Cotes, Antoinette B.

Chance, Jane Chandler, Charles Chappelle, Edsal Chavez, Benny David Chavez, Carmen

Chavez, Moria Chavez, May Chavez, Susan Chavez, Tita David Chiuminatta, Coral Cisco, Cliff K. Clark, Craig

Clark, Dennis Claybrook, Cathy Clifford, Sondra Claughley, Jon Coffee, Marlin Cogan, Janet Coke, Von

Calbersan, Ann Calclazier, Kay Cole, Oscar Wm., Jr. Call, Sue Combs, John Conner, Katherine A. Constantine, Miles

Cook, J. Doug los Cook, Jonet Corbin, David E. Corbin, Linka Corday, John Cordova, Elizabeth Cornelius, William H.

Coulter, Sherril Covington, Patricia

Cox, Anne Coral Craig, Chanee Cromer, Donald Crockett, Morey

Cross, Penny Culver, Debby Cushnie, Joy R. Cushnie, Lorry R. Dabney, Ronald


Dole, Bill Daniels, Susan Danielson, Doris Darden, Daye Davalos, Ted David, Carmie Davidson, Patricio

Davis, Donny Davis, Mary Jane Davis, Patricio Lee Davis, Roy A., Jr. Davis, Virginia D. Dazzo, Sam Dean, Diona Lynne

Delamater, Anne Devine, Barby DeWitt, Nancy Dibble, Roger M. Dillon, Tom Doherty, Bill Daisy, Doc

Dolan, Pot Dolan, William' Dolen, Christina Lynn Donnelly, Thomas Dorsey, Elaine

Droke, Mickey Dramer, Judy DuBois, Renee Duff, Michele Duffy, Joe Dugenia, Ursula Duron, Pedito Robert Durant, Omar Duane

Eager, Richard Eastman, Jane Edson, Jane A. N. Edwards, Joe Eisenhower, Dione Elders, Marsha Eldridge, Jim Elliot, John

Ellis, Jim Enders, Carole Escobar, Jose R. Escobedo, Erlinda Evans, Robert C. Ewing, Barbaro Fairchild, Michael N. Farris, Carole

Fate, Nancy Fickett, Coral Ann


Fifield. Marilyn Irene Finley. Marsha Ann Flores. Benedictus D. Folden. Rudy Fornwald. Mary L. Fowler. Henrietta Fox. Elizabeth Ann Franchini. Lynne

Franklin. Lorry Freeland. Ann Fresquez. Julian Frost. Newt Frye. Mery Ann Fuller. Lindo Sue Furman. Sharon Gabriel. Steven

Gallegos. Anthony Galloway. Christy Galt, Liz Gambrel. Shedra Garcia. Carolyn J. Garcia, Doris E. Sealy Garcia, Geraldine Garcia, Jo

Garcia. Manuel C. Garcia. Mavis Garcia. Milton Gaskill. Claire "Dita" Gatchell. Douglas

Gothard. Lee Gaunt. Marsha Gellrick. Caroline Gentzler. Vicky Genz. Stephen

Gerth. Roger H. Gibbs. Shoryn Gilbert. Martin Giovanni. Margaret Mary Glasgow. Gene

Gowing. Jill Grant. Alan S. Grayson. Mike Green. Mike Greene. Carol Greslin. Donna Griscom. Loroyne M. Gross. Cheri

Grundman. Kathy Guenther. Carolyn Guist. Carl Guyette. Charlotte Hafen. Koren Halfin. Janis Hallieris. Michael Hall. Gordon


FRESHMEN Hall, Merris G. Hallbauer, Jimmie Haltom, Billy Reid Hamilton, Elise Fransiska

Hamilton, Julaine Hammond, Janewaye Hammond, Ruth Hampson, Alan Honey, Anne Harlow, Catherine Harlow, Jim

Horman, Barbaro Harris, Bobbie Harris, Lynn Harris, Ronald G. Hartzell, Vicki Anne Harvey, Stanley F., Jr. Harvey, Susan

Heckman, Judy Hennessee, Pam Henriguez, Leah-Dione Herndon, Charles M. Higgins, William Bruce, III Hildner, Marilyn Hiles, Paul D.

Hillemeyer, Rosemary Hinds, Betty Hinzman, Bill Hage, William Holden, Dove Holder, Potty Holmberg, Johnny

Holroyd, Susie Hopkins, Jerry Jean Happ, Rudy P. Hopper, Robert Haria, Thomas T. Horn, Tom Hower, Lynn

Hunt, David M. Hunter, Billie Anne Hunter, Tim Huntley, Ricki Lynne Husband, David T. Hutchins, Leslie Hutchings, Robert Lee

Hutchinson, Lisa Inlantine, Stanley Gordon Ingalis, Henry A.

James, Rolph J. Jaramillo, Fronk W. Jennings, Lee


Jetter, Steve T. Johnson, Caroll Lee Johnson, Clifford H. Johnson, Kenneth Johnston, Roger Johnstone, Bonnie Lynn Jojola, Michael A.

Jones, Greg Jones, Jerry Jones, Kathryn Jones, Nancy Lee Jones, Rebecca Jordon, Michael J. Jordon, Valarie

Joseph, Lynna Julian, Addison Lee Kearney, Joan K. Keller, Koren Kelly, Ann Marie Kelly, Moxie M. Kennedy, Glendo

Kennedy, Kendall R. Kennon, Ronnie Kerr, Alissa Key, Perry R. Key, Paulette Sue Kimball, Kerry E. King, Coral

King, Cissy King, Sharon Kirby, Bill Kirchner, Cheri Kirk, Marsha Kirkpatrick, Karen

Klink, Erwin, Jr. Knadiian, Karen Knott, Marianne Kachek, Patricia Doreen Kohut, Christine Kalagie, Sharon Ann Kamagata, Munehika Kattlawski, Karen Krapcha, Cecelia Krehbiel, Philip Krichbaum, Gale Kueb"~ Karl Johannes Kuehlthau, Karen Kuhl, Dennis Lahr, Gerald W. Lake, Sharon Lally, Joe Landblaam, Ronald


Langill, Anne Langner, Jerryl Eileen Larkin, Margie Larson, William Las ky, Co ral Lavender, Harald Wade, Jr. Lay, Greg Lee, Andrea

LeMasters, Susan Lente, Sharon Kay Lerner, Leslie Jane Leslie, Tray W. Lessentine, Marjorie Leverett, Sheila F. Lewis, Debbie Lewis, Elaine

Leyva, Mary Lou Lidstone, Pam Lilland, Barry D. Lindley, Louise Linger, Patty Ja

Litchfield, Mary Loch, Raymond Lopez, Mary Alice Lopez, Rudy Lee Laudat, Web

Lowell, Suzanne Lucero, Robert Leroy Luther, Bill Lutz, Dana Lyon, Craig B.

Lyons, Robin MacAskil1. Ross Morrison Jr. MocGillivary, Duncan Mackey, Maurice Maestas, Consuelo

Mahaney, Leroy S. Malcolm, Melba Malcomb, Richard J. Mangum, Carl D. Mares, Anna Markham, Janet Markland, Jackie Marks, Paul

Marks, Roberta Susan Marsh, Rob Martin, Kay Martinez, Dolores Martinez, Julian B. Martinez, Pauline Mason, Kathy Massey, Danna Kay


May, Mary Caroline McArthur, David McBreen, Wilson C. McCabe, Sheri McCanna, Ellen McCaslin, James McCloug, Susan Perry McCoy, Katie

McElveney, Johnny McGehee, Lacy McGuire, Georgia Mciver, Charlene McKee, Sarah Jo McKinley, Mary Lynn McLaughlin, Dana Lea McLenegan, Katie

McMath, Wilbert McMillan, Sidney Ann McMillen, Lynn McMurphy, Lynne McNeese, Dody McWilliam, John' T. Meader, Judith Meador, Glennis

Mease, Bondie Menefee, Nicalynn Menning, Terry Mensing, Jim Merchant, Barry

Metzler, Robert Meyer, Bruce P. Meyers, Maryalys Middlesworth, Kathleen Millage, Ronald

Miller, Billie Jo Miller, Charles Albert Miller, George-Anne

Miloglav, Gary Dean Mitcham, Nora Marie Mitchell. Joe R. Mohart, Sandra Montoya, Elreena Montoya, Procesa R. Moore, Rosilin M. Mora, Gerald L.

Morgan, Pam Morphew, Maria Morris, Judy Morrison, George S., Jr. Mosqueda, Frank Mass, Charles Navarrette, Claudia Nelson, Marcia Ann


FRESHMEN Nelson. Robert Niols. Betty Nieves, Michoele Noble, Betty Jo Norgress. Suzanne Norwood, Mary Novak. David P. Nunn. Reoford L.

Nushboum, Kristin Nutt, Joe Nyland, William Lewis O'Guin, Shoryn O'Holloron. Sharon Oloecheo, Patrick G. O'Leary. Roe O'Reor, Barbaro

Ormsby, Thomas Ortman, Melody Overbury, Charlotte Owens, Non Elizabeth Pacheco, Sylvia Padilla, Ernest Patrick

Padilla, Stanley Parnell, Verlindo Dole Parrotta, Anthony M. Paternoster, John M. Patterson, William E. Paul, Jeffie Joy

Pear, Tom

Pearson, Charles Pennington, Ron Perez, Ernesto A. Perovich. Jon Peterson, Chris

Peterson, Jeanne

Peterson, Marlo Petronovich, Bill Phillips, Lindo Pickens. William Hickmon. III Pierce, Paul E. Pilcher, Jane Pimentel, Rowe

Pixler, Melinda F. Pleyte, John J. Pocros, Susan Poe, Elizabeth Polk, William M., Jr. Porter, Penny Potter, Beverly Jean Pray, Roger


Presley, Richard Price, Pamela Puhara, Gerry Puig, Alina Quarles, Marie-louise

Quillen, Dennis C. Quintana, linda Jane Radahl, Douglas Ray, Gary Ray, Jeanne

Reel. Grant A., Jr. Reischman Rosalyn Reznik, John W. Richardson, Arthur Richey, Dan

Riddle, Kathy Ridenbaugh, Diane Ringleb, Richard V. Robbins, David R. Robbins, Nancy Robertson, Becky Robertson, Shelby Rae, Ruth

Roehl, Jerrold Rogers, Judith Rogers, luis E. Rogers, lynmarie Romero, Hilaria, Jr. Romero, M. Delores Ramo, Yolanda P. Rosenblum, Ellen

Rosfeld, Sheryl Ross, Gregory Don Ross, Barbara Jean Ross, Bill Ross, Jonathon Ross, Rannee Rossetti, Jan Roth, Carol

Rouse, David E. Rovedo, John Roybal. Betty Roybal, Robert J. Rudolph, Raymond Neil Ruiz, Joseph R. Russek, Mary Ann Ryder, Ruth Davis

Rymea, Mariio Sais, John R. Salas, lolita Salazar, Susie Salb, Dorothy


Sanchez, F. G. Sanchez. Gloria Jean Sanchez, Josephine Sanchez. Lydia F. Sanchez, Mary Gloria Sanders, Erin E. Savage, Bob Scanlan, Thomas J. Schaefer, Lorraine Shaumburg, John Schadar!, Bill Schraeder, Stephen Schulte, Robert Schwartz, Jerri Ann Schwartzman, Gary Schulz, Judy Elaine

Schultz, Michele Schultz. Bob Scott, Sue-Ellen Scott, Suzann Mary

See, James Seis, Susan Seligman, Michael Serafina, Jerry

Sewell, Frederick Shaver, Mike Shelton, Steve Sheriff, Paul Sherwin, Susan Sherwood, Sue Shillig, Carter Short, David

Shulse, Larry W .. Sieglitz, Peggy Sigler, Marlen Simmons, Patricia

Simms, Leslie Sims, Diona Marie

Sisneros, Ray Smith, Carl M.

Smith, Chaney Smith, David Smith, Doris Smith, Froncie Smith, Gerald M. Smith, Jacqueline Smith. Judy Kay Smith, Marvin 0., III

Smith, Michael S. Smith, William R. Smyer, Myrna Snethen, Curtis A. Snodgrass, John Dennis


Snow, Susan Solis, Joe Somervillo, Myro Somppi, Shoron Soncrant, Linda

Sporks, Carl Speer, Jan Spence, Karan Spiegler, Bill Spracher, Stephen

Sproul, Jeffrey L. Stanke, Edward C, II Stark, Patricia St. Clair, Earl Benton Stearns, James R.

Stearns, Nancy Stebbins, Jeffrey Steele, Richard H. Stephenson, Mary Jane Stephenson, Thomas E. Steven, Hilda

Stillman, Stephen Stogner, Steve Strickland, Marilyn Sue Stroh, John Strong, Mary Coroline Summers, Corbett Swanson, Judy

Swearingen, Mortin Tackitt, Michael J. Tagliaferri, Rose Tolofous, Corol Touber, Philip Toylor, Joe Temperly, Solly

Tepper, Robert Terry, Michoel Thomos, Anne B. Thomas, John D. Thomos. Roberta Thompson, Dole Thompson, Kristin

Thompson, Mary L. Thorne, Stephanie Tillery, Jodi Tipton, Kevin W. Tocher, Barbora Todesco, Paul Tolen, Pat

Tominac, Jan Topel, Mary Alice Toppino, Thomas C. Torres, Bennie


FRESHMEN Torres, Henry Dove Traub, Anita Trimble, Mary Ann Trimble, Sharon Truiillo, Gwendolyn Trujillo, Joseph W., Jr. Tubb, Susan Mardell

Turbeville, Jon Turko, John Turner, Lana Turner, Vivian

Underwood, Kirsten L. Urizar, Anne M. Valdes, Ernest

Vander Mueller, Carolyn Von Houten, Sondra Lee Von Zandt, Penny L. Vasquez, Alfred Verardo, Art Verstynen, Dennis Vescovi, Sondra Vincent, Anne

Wagner, Judy Wales, Robert Walker, George Walker, Janet Wong, Erika Word, Deborah J. Word, Margo Word, Michael

Ward, Susan Worner, Lawrence C. Wortman, E. Tom Watchman, Rachel Watkins, Diona L. Wavehope, R. Denis Weber, Lauro Anne Wherley, Paulo

Weichman, Shari Welsh, Claudio Westbrook, J. A. Westcott, Marylinda Westering, Mary Goy Whidden, Jill A. Whitmore, Carole Wieburg, William W.

Wiener, Kathryn Wiggins, Carl A. Wi ito, Douglas Wilcoxson, Fred W., Jr. Wilkins, Wayne Williamson, Jane Paulo


Willis, Marsha Wilsey, Iva Wilson, Barbara Wilson, Gary H. Wilson, Paul A. Wilson, Peter C. Winsor, Sharon

Witsell, Trish Wold, Richard Woodall, Sue Woodward, Chrystena L. Worthington, Dee Bee Wortman, E. Tom, II Wright, Roger

Wright, Ronald Edmond Wright, Steve Wyatt, Lawrence Jay Wycoff, Doug Young, Susan Zuelke, Marcia


SOPHOMORES Abenschan, Ronald Abraham, Karen Abshere, Nancy Achen, Howard

Achen, James P. Adegunleye, Victar Adrian, Penni Albin, Michael Allen, Mildred

Allen, Suzi Allensworth, Lynn A. Almy, Fred Andersan, F. Lee Anderson, Jane

Apodaca, Reuben A. Appleton, Robert L. Armayar, Frederick V. Armijo, Fred Armijo, Lorraine Arp, Virginia Asbury, Elaine Augustine, Jim

Babcack, George B. Boca, Jaseph A. Boca, Millicent Bailey, JoAnn Boker, Dick Baker, Nancy E. Ballance, Marguerite I. Bollinger, Kay

Bones, Richard E. Barbow, John Bore, Stephen L. Barnard, Marv Boros, Jahn Bartmess, Nancy Bates, Charles K. Beach, Arthur O'Neal

Beall, James A. Beall, Lorry Bebber, Joe Becker, Robert Beeman, Jerry Beirne, Coral Bell, Leslie Beno, William S. Benziger, Joan Berger, Mike Berggren, Anita Bernard, Kathryn Beserro, Ronald Bestgen, Terri Bierstedt, Dorothy

Biesser, Susan Bimford, Jackie Block, Marilynn Blacklock, Lindo Blocker, Sue Bloys, Warren


Bluestein, Dione Baegli, Wilbur J. Bomberger, Miguel Bouffard, Arthur Henry Bowen, Joseph Boyd, Rodger Boyer, Marcus A.

Brackhahn, David L. Brandenburg, Sharon Brannon, Taro Briminstool, Bernadette Briscoe, William D. Brooks, Caral Lynn Braaks, John E.

Brown, Betty Brown, Nikolyn Bruchez, Ernie Bunch, Barbaro Ellen Burger, Jean M. Burke, Honk Burke, Henry

Burke, James Burnett, Sora Burnham, Dole Burns, Brenda Buss, Vicki

Bussolini, Peter L. Butler, Joy Byrne, Michael G. Campbell, John Cantrell, Koren

Carballo, Angel C. Corley, Robert M.

Carnahan, Sam Carr, Bill Carr, Tom

Carroll, Connie Carroll, Margie Corter, John Carter, Mary C. Casados, Tony Castle, David E. Caughren, Claudio Elizabeth Chambers, James L. Chapman, Katharine Chappelle, Edsal Chavez, Ben Chevalier, linda Childs, Dick Chalerton, Robin Christanelli, Ronald Clawson, Ann E. Cline, Cathleen S. Coburn, Richard Coester, Neta Coffman, Phyllis Cohen, Susan E. Cole, Carlton Colvin, John A. Connolly, Barbaro A. Conway, Michael P.


Cooke, Richard Cordell, Victor V. Cornish, Spencer Corn, Rick Crabtree, Susan Craige, Shilo Cromer, Cheri Crawford, Connie

Cremes, Susan Cummings, Judy Cutter, Dione Christine Doby, Roberta Donenberg, Dan Dart, Sylvia Davidson, Mary Jane Davies, Elizabeth

Davis, Annie Deloney, Bernard Tad Derr, Ardie Derringer, Katherine Derryberry, Robert DeTenley, Don Dettweiler, Jack DeValk, Jeanne

Deveroll, Joyce Deyo, Lewis Diamond, Vicki Dobell, Helen Dorn, Richard H. Doug los, Drexel Downing, Robert A. Dudding, James F.

Duke, Ginger Du rrie, Patty Dyer, Gerald Ealy, Richard G. Eaton, Barbaro Echo Hawk, John E. Edwards, Joe T., Jr. Egenhofer, Kay

Eldridge, Susan Elliott, Ed Elliott, Patricia Ellis, Duke F. Elsner, Bruce Paul

Epstein, Mark Erickson, Dottie Ertwine, Carl H. Espinosa, Len Eva n5, Bruce

Evans, Robert-C.

Evans, Sheribeth Fairfield, Steven R. Falkman, David Fa rris, Robert G. Faruki, Majed Fast, Doug


Ferguson, Killie Ferram, Helen Finley, Charles Fink, Jomes A. Fisher, Eileen G. Flogstead, Jomes A. Fleenor, Gerald R., Jr.

Folkman, David E. Fondy, Dana Kay Ford, Wendy Fossum, Cheryl J. Foster, Jule P. Fowls, Jay Foy, Frank S.

Frindell, Lynne Froelich, Mutt Gaines, Linda Golanter, Ben Gallacher, Jo Ann Gallejos, Julie Garcia, Harry J.

Garcia, Joseph O. Gardello, Anthony Garrell, Howard Garrett, Richard Garrison, Scott F. Garoutte, Jo Ann Gassmon, Lorry

Gollas, Joyce Gaussoin, Janet E. Geddes, David Giardelli, John R. Glantz, Mortha Goffman, Phyllis Gonzales, Edwin

Gonzales, James R. Gonzales, Mary Evongeline Goodman, Joan Gorski, Tom Gray, Jane Gary, Wendell W. Gregory, Phyllis

Grethel, Robert Gross, Christian R. Gullo, Madeleine Guthrie, Arthur A. Holberg, Carl Holstead, Donald B. Homm, Valerie

Harris, Bettie Harisson, Nancy Gay Harvey, Sara Hastings, David N. Hathoway, Gwendolyn Hatler, Larry Haukereid, Verlene Howley, Jean Haydon, David C. Hayes, Kathy Heath, Carole Heilman, Donna Heitmon, Freddie Helverm, Jennifer


SOPHOMORES Henderson, Joke Herrero, Lorenzo Hinkle, James B. Holmaas, Kathey Hooge, Gale Hook, Susan Hooker, Thomas F. House, Gary Bryan

Howard, Susan Huffman, Karen Humes, Sue Hunt, Helen Louisa Hutchens, Kay Hutchinson, Jill Hutchison, Sarah E. Hutt, Richard

Huxford, Jotina Jackson, Robert C. III Jarvis, Anne Jeffrey, Kathy Jenkins, Mike Jensen, Rodney C. Johnson, Jannine Anne

Johnson, Judith Lee Johnson, Mark L. Johnson, Nan Johnson, Patricia A. Johnson, Vicki L. Jojola, Ben III Jollensten. Steve

Jones, Carolyn Jones, Gloria Jones, Judith Jones, Stephen D. Joseph, Justin Kane, Terry Kaplan, Susan

Karins, Bill Kelt, Jan King, Bob J. Kinne, Mary Louise Kloepfer, Neal Kolar, Mary Kay Komadina, Steven R.

Komen, IW:Jry Kormanik, John Krakar, James R. Krebs, Rod Krieger, Audrey Krumm, Judy


Labodda, Roger A. Lafferty, Fran Lamb, Wendy Lanatta, Oscar Lang, Richard Larson, Fred Lassiter, Judith K. Lee, Dennis

Likens, Suzanne Lites, Bruce

Lopez, Diono C. Lopez, Erleen A. Lowery, Robert M. Loy, Laura Lucero, Frank Lund, Michael

Luthy, Cheryl Lyle, John Macaluso, Carl Macomber, John S. Manes, Candy Manierre, George Mansfield, Cecilia Markins, Carol

Ma rks, No ncy Marler, Tisha Marlett, Maryann Matteucci, Richard L. Marsh, Jerry Martinez, Cecilia

Martinez, Janell Martinez, Lydia S. Marlinez, Matildo B. Marlinez, Polo J. Malhias, Richard E. Matteucci, Richard

Matthew, Linda Maxwell. Bill May, Cheryl May, Ronald T. Mayland, Lois McAdams, Jim McBreen, Robert

McClellan, Jan McCleskey, Dale McDonald, Janice McDonald, Olga McGeorge, Bob McLeod, Doug las McNickle, Susie McQueary, Mildred McVay, Marcy Medina, Myra Inick, Andrew D. Melton, James F. Metcalf, Shari Meyer, Roy G. Micheal, SIeve Mi lie, Leonard Miller, Donna Miller, Harry J. Is, Cecelia Marie


Mills, Rosalind Minces, David C. Minton, Tommy


Misonko, Melvin A. Mitropolis, Connie Moeller, Diona

Mont-Eton, Frances Moore, Joe

Moreno, Julio C. Morgenstern, Joy Morris, Latham R.

Morris, Mary Gael Moseley, Dwayne

Mummaw, Sharaw Mundine, Susan Murphy, Judy

Myers, Betty Myslivy, Guy E.

Notion, Lauro Kay Newman, Annette Newton, Gerold W.

Nichols, Lindo Nohl, Jim

Norfieet, Kay Noyes, John M. Nunn, James Nylund, Marilyn Oakes, Lee O'Dowd, Ron Olive, Jock O'Malley, Marty

O'Mara, Dennis Oppenheim, Ellen Otero, Augie Otoski, Richard E. Padilla, Sylvia Ann Pansegrau, William Panylau, Tom Paquet, Andy, Jr.

Porker, Adele Parsons, Bill Portee, Dixie Pastorius, Jeanne Powley, Jill Elizabeth Powley, Robert B. Pearce, Don

Pearce, Patricio Pecha, James Pennartz, Patricio Ann Pierce, Marcia G. Pinney, Gayle

Porter, Cheryl Price, William Pringle, William B. Quinn, Jeff Quintana, Lorry


Reece, Evelyn Ress, Wayne M. Renfro, Stan Reno, Margo

Rex, Brende A. Reyes, Salvador Reyna, Felipe Orona, Jr.

Reynolds, Joyce Rezelman, Mary Anne

Roberton, Donald J. Roberts, Marsha Robertson, Wade E. Robinson, Ira Rodriguez, Jennie Rohovec, John

Romero, Hilaro Rominger, Lanny Rosales, Daniel Rose, Frank B. Rothe, Ronald Rowntree, Dianne Rubio, Fernando F. Rieder, Jill Riordan, Richard Ruff, Tom Rupert, Richard Russell, Robert D. Ryde, Marilyn Sabom, Margy Sanchez, Lorraine Sandova I, Anthony

Sandoval, Jess Sass, Marie E. Sasser, Duffy II Scaling, Sam Schaaf, George R., Jr. Schelberg, Kenneth Schenck, Kenneth

Scott, Don Seale, Janet Sefci k, Kathy Self, Judy Seligson, Fred Settle, Gail Rebecca Sexton, Thomas E. Sharpe, Sue

Shaw, Justine Shaw, Mark Shoesmith, James Short, James Sibila, Judi Siler, Romo Silleroy, Chris Simpkins, Sheri Lee Sisson, Fred Sitze, Laura Slaton, Bill Sloman, Marilyn Smith, Cherry Snodgrass, Sherry Soto, Edward M. Spicher, C. Russell Standifer, Tommie R.


Stephen, Eva Marie Stone, Bill Storey, Dick Staut, Marilyn Stow, William J.

Stroyor, Miles Swansor, Jon Swendson, Velmo Tabacchi, Judy Tafoyo, Carlos E.

Tang, Richard S. W. Tapia, Theresa Tenney, Lynne Thieman, Betty Jo Thomas, Pamela Rae Thomas, Richard P. Thompson, Karen Thompson, Sissie

Thompson, Sue Thorsen, Donna Tipton, H. L., Jr. Torres, Rose Mary Traeger, Virginia Trujillo, Kenneth Tucker, Janet Turner, Susie

Tuthill, Nancy M. Ulibarri, Louis R. Veatch, Mary Jo Vio, Melinda Via, L. Michael Viney, Anne Wallace, Pat Walz, Mary Ware, T. Dale Weaver, Gary Weh, Susan Wellington, Michael Wells, Cyril F. Welton, Walter Wheaton, Arabella Wheelock, Frank S.

White, Melinda Wilder, Carolyn Williamson, Betty L. Wofford, Sally Woodson, Dottie

Wohlstein, Lodislao Wolfe, Tom Wolley, Marion Wright, Mary Grayce Wright, Nancy Ann

Wylie, Martha Yeck, Gary Zastrow, Gerry Zigler, Gilbert L.


Adorns, Marjorie Helen Aguilar, Sondra l. Aker, Lorry Akin, Raby Anderson, Walton 0., Jr. Arken Theodore

Armijo, Fred Ashbrook, Mel Atkinson, Glendo Auerbach, Dove Boca, Luci lie Bocch us, Steve

Boll, David Barnett, James R. Bosco, Ric Bossett, Charles Beene, Vance Bell, Graham Eric

Beli, Jean Bauantini Beltran, Michael Bennett, Thomas D. Benson, Judith Benson, Pamela Bernhard. Michael . Berry, Bonieta

Berry, W. F., (Bill) Bertholf, Shirley Birosok, John J. Bitterlich, Cheryl Blair, Robert W., Jr. Blanford, Dove Bleo, James N. Baadella, lillian

Bohler, Mardon Boney, Susan Bonham, Sandro Boone, Dudley Bourgault, Cathy Bowen, Mike Bower, Connie Branch, Jim, Jr. Brandenburg, James M. Brandt, Susan l. Brantley, Junior Brazell, Roy N. Breton, Norma Brimhall, Yvonne Brink, Gwen Dee Bronaugh, Tom Bronson, Paulo Brown, Harold E. Brown, Robert l. Brown, William M. Bryon, Barbaro Bryant, Coral Buhler, Richard Bunt, Ron


Burnell, Kenneth Burrow, Dorothy Lee Burton, Judy Burwinkle, John V., Jr. Butts, Carl D. Buxton, Jim Byrd, Joan

Caborrouy, Evoldo A. Cagle, Carrol Wayne Calderon, William B. Copes, L. Robert Carroll, Connie Carraro, Joseph John Cholke, George P. Chiordi, Michael

Chreist, Steve Christensen, Eric Cicenas, Raminta Clark, Margie Claus, Marylin Cohen, Koren Cole, Richard Collins, C. D.

Collins, De De Collins, Jim Connolly, Barbaro Cook, Corleen Cook, Nancy Cook, Simeon B. Covey, Paul R. Cowan, Candace

Cowley, L. W. Crockett, Larry Crosby, Ted R. Crouse, Com Crouse, Thomos F. Culbertson, Cub Cummings, Jully Custer, Johnny Edward

Cutler, Alice Daby, Robert Dallahan, Norman Domer, Bonnie Donner, Jim D. Davis, Charles Davis, Robert C. Dawson, John Devlin, Carole Dileanis, John Dollahon, Norman Donald, JoAnne Dougherty, Richard L. Dow, Richard Burnell Dozier, Robin Dunagan, Joe DWight, Dono Dwyer, Christine Eakin, Randall W. Edgeworth, Lenor Anne Edwards, Chuck Elliott, Margaret Engblom, R. Dennis Esteb, Nancy Evans, Edmund J. Everett, Susan Feathers, Gar


Feil, Merleen Felkner, Randy Ferber, Frances Kyra Finlayson, Kenneth J.

Fincke, Susan Fleischer, Van Foster, Glenn A. Foster, Shirley Frank, William M. Frisbie, Lucille

Frye, Jayce Fullerton, Mike Fulton, Carol Gabaldon, Joseph Gallegos, Brenda Gamina, Robert

Gattas, Ken Gililland, Joyce Glavey, Jewel Glenn, Horace Lee, Jr. Glenn, Joy Carol Glenn, Julie

Goddord, Sharie L. Golberg, Allan Goodloe, Richard Gossett, Patricia Graves, Judy Grimes, Mary Lou Groll, Wendell Gromachi, Merilee Gross, Joyce Hogerman, Gary Hakanson, John Robert Harding, Elizabeth Anne Harris, Jan Harris, Patricia Harris, Tom Harris, William J. Harwi, Quita Hawkins, Kelly Hawkins, W. A., Jr. Hay, Jane Hayes, Don Hedges, Mary

Heideman, Lynda Heison, Joan W. Henderson, Janice Rae Henderson, John M. Henderson, Robert L. Hermeter, Kathleen M.

Hernandez, M. Frances Herrity, Mary Sue Hildner, Richard A. Hill, James G. Hill, Jean Hixan, Fran


Hoglund, James W. Hog refe, Jolene Holt, Howard Houston, Suzanne

Howord, Jimmie Howland, Frederick P. Hubner, Jeff Hultberg, Fred R. Hunton, Linda M.

Hurley, Nancy Idol, Thomas E. Irvine, Beverly Jack, Janice Jacksan, Jim Jackson, Rita Louise Jackson, Van R. Jacabsan, Arthur Chancy

Jeffries, Addean Jernigan, Marilyn Johnsan, Jerri Jones, Darby Susan Janes, Martha Julien, Herbert Kaufman, Laurie Kazakos, Connie

Keck, Augustus F., IV Kelly, Leo Michael Kemp, Ralph Kendrick, Bruce G. Kenley, Mac Kennedy, Caralyn Kern, Rebecca Kieffer, Elven

Kilgore, Bonnie Beth Kimble, Gloria Ana Kirby, Dave Klauer, Dick Knott, Barbara Komen, Diane Kool, Donna T. Kotas, Peter George Krauss, Linda Kreici, Emil J. Kruse, Mary Lambert, Sherrie Lam-Carmona, Leslie A. La Near, Madge

Lanning, Virginia Losley, Ronald W. Leach, La nny Lee, Peter L. Lehman, H. Clay Lenhoff, Joseph R.

Lewis, Carol Jean Lewis, George, R. Lloyd, Diana Lockwood, Bruce Loomis, Lynn Lormor, Gordan


JUNIORS Lovesee, Peyton Lovett, Marilynn Lucas, Lynn D. Lucero, Dora V. Lujan, Ernest G. Lyons, Mauri Su Mac Curdy, Grant Mac Dougall, Ann

Mac Leod, Betty Macpherson, Jan Malcomb, Judy Malkin, Micheal Manning, Francie Mansur, Jo Ann Margard, Kathryn Ann

Marians, Jean Mars, Carol Martinez, Joseph L. Massey, Robert Edwin Mattingly, Helen Sue Mauchline, Chester McCanna, Jim McCay, Nancy

McCullough, G. Mason McFarland, Robert B. McLaughlin, Sharon Meadows, Bob Mechem, Jesse Meeks, Fred T. Merouka, Carol

Messier, Jon Michoel, Steve Michels, Rich Miller, James E. Miller, John W. Miller, William Milner, Virginia Miltenberger, Fred

Minces, M. W. Miskimins, Madeline Mitchell, Charles Mitchell, Jomes Mitchell, Michele Moeding, Carol Jean Moffett, Mike Moffett, Sandra

Monserrot, Javier

Montoya, Pete R. Moody, Sandra R. Moore, Rasilin M. Morgan, Bruce James Morgan, Harvey E. Morris, Richard


Murphy, Michael C. Nagin, Shah Neuber, Janet Neuman, Frank Newlander, Frank Newman, Vernon Lane Niemyski, Lorraine A.

Novak, Diane Nucci, Barry George Nunn, Douglas Nye, Kyle, III Oakes, Rob O'Brien, Marilyn O'Donnell, Daniel X

O'Dored, Gary O'Rear, James R. Orr, Alice Ortega, Arthur D. Orth, Patsy Ortiz, Gerald V. Osbourn, Cora Jean

Ostlund, Cheryl Otten, Leonord John Owen, Borbara

Packwood, Larry Padilla, Joe Padilla, Joe Mel Parsons, Thomas L. Patel, Manu

Page, Jim Palicha, Panko Porker, Patricia Leigh Patterson, Roger K. Patton, John

Paynter, Bill Peckinpaugh, Dennis Pettis, Bob Phelps, Doris Phelps, Jennifer

Phillipson, Bob Philp, J. R. Platt, Sandi Pope, John R. Popejoy, Tom Potter, John B., Jr. Puig, Dinarah Putnam, Bobbie Jane

Putmon, Judy Ann Qualls, Thomas H. Ragsdale, Mike Ramisk, Shah Ramponi, JoAnne Reece, Edwi n Reimer, Judy Reynolds, Janice


Reynolds, Lou Rice, John Richardson, Sondra Ridosko, Mary Lynn Ried, Beverly Riley, Pot Robertson, K. C.

Roman, Edwin J. Romero, Viola T. Rose, Ba rba ra Ross, Anita Marie Ross, Jeanette Ross, Margaret Ann Roulston, Natalie L.

Royal, Emily Ruiz, Lupe Matamoros Ruth, Roger H. Sachs, Cindy Sacra, SylVia Jean Salb, Ellen Sanchez, Leo A.

Sanchez, Maria Elena Sargent, Edward R. Schaefer, Shirley Schwarzkopf, Daniel Scott, Merle L. Serna, Catherine Serra, Carlos Alberto Carossino

Sexton, Sue Sherman, Carroll Sue Shipman, Jackie Shippy, Ellen Shockley, Roger Patrick Shore, Sondra Sigleo, W. Richard

Sisson, Fred Sligar, Jan Smith, David Smith, Edwina B. Smith, June Smith, Nancy Rae Sosa, John Phillip

Space, Roy Doug las Sperry, Terri Squire, Kathleen Stafford, Peggy Stafford, Robert

Starr, Jeanette Steele, Robert Hamilton Stein, Florene Stilphen, Rebecca Styrsky, Dennis M. Tangney, Sharon Taylor, Bill Taylor, Dean Taylor, Kyla S. Taylor, Sylvia J. Tejada, Rick Theisen, John William Thomas, Gene Thomas, James Jay Thomas, Tommy Thompson, Billy Joe


Thompson, Mary Dora Thornton, Clifford E. Thornton, Duke Tipton, Lindsay Toomey, John R. Tapley, Ann Tros, Pete Trask, Carol

Treat, Joe Trigg, Rolph Jr. Truiillo, Roy A. Tucker, Terrell Tufts, Paul Usher, Clifton W. Valdez, Stan Valencia, Becky

VanVleet, Loy VanZandt, Jean Vescovi, Nanette Vickers, Layne Vickers, Lon Vickery, Luke Vitt, Sondra Volpoto, Kenn

Walsh, Susan K. Warne, Barbaro E. Watkins, James B. Weaver, Tommy K. Webber, Brion Webster, Gory Weh, Allen E. Weil, James B.

Welling, Wes Wells, Jock Werner, David Westcott, Marylinda White, John Andrew

White, Nancy Wiater, Paul H. Wiegman, Carol Wiemann, Warren H. Wiggans, Jim

Wiggins, Bruce E. Williams, Patricio Wilson, Patti Woken, Jean Woodruff, John M.

Wyman, Becky 路0. Yandell, Coral Ann Zeri, W. Terrence Zinn, Diane



Dr. Monica Jovitski

The Dental Hygiene Program at the University operates two programs to prepare women to enter the dental field. The one year program trains dental assistants, while the two year program graduates dental hygienists. Students enter a course of study which includes biology, psychology, English, health, laboratory techniques, pharmacology, office management, and economics. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the girls put their classroom training to practical use: they practice on real live teeth attached to fellow students or boys from St. Anthony's Boys Home.

Instructors Keefe, M. Lue Navarre, Irene

Charles Smith from St. Anthony's Boys Home demonstrates his brushing method to Karen King, a student in dental hygiene, and Mrs. Paul Navarre, dental hygienist on the instructional staff.

Boca, Lucille Baker, Beverly Bech, Carol Bell, Beatrice Blake, Christie Boykin, Kay

Bryant, Janet T. Catanach, Cecile Eastman, Jane Frank, Elsie Gattas, Joyce Heidbrak, Jollie

Heilman, Danna -incaln, Elizabeth Lynn Marler, Tisha Meader, Glennis Meader, Judith Plese, Francine

First Year

Renouard, Jeanne Westcott, Marylinda

Achen, Elspeth

Dental Hygiene Second Year Brown, Betty Daumer, Bonnie Espinosa, Sharolyn Jackson, Cheryl Jones, Darby Kaufman, Marilynn

McVay, Marcia Orio, Jack Price, Caroyln Thelander, Kaaren Woods, Melinda Worrell, Sylvia


Abernathy, Judy Bell Home Ec. Club Pharm. Wives Club

Ables, Charles Delta Sigma Pi NROTC Phi Delta Theta Student Senate Rifle Club Accounting

Alden, Rose

Amsden, Edgar Sigma Alpha Epsilon Delta Sigma Pi UNM Band Phi Mu Alpha UNM Wind Ensemble

Anderson, Julie Clippers Alpha Delta Pi

Anna, Terry L. Electrical Engineer Eta Kappa Nu Kappa Mu Epsilon EJC Sigma Tau Student Senate

Anstine, Barbara Alpha Delta Pi Phi Sigma Pre-Med Club

Arasim, Theresa M. Newman Club

Armstrong, Diana Kappa Alpha Theta ACOHR-Tutorial Program International Club

SENIORS Atkins, Ronald Kappa Sigma-Vice President Rodey Theatre Young Republicans

Bacchus, Charles Civil Engineering ASCE Chi Epsilon

Baca, James I.E.E.E.

Ballmer, Marta Jo Student Council Mortar Board Women's Residence Halls-President University Band 75th Anniversary Committee

Bass, Dottie Spurs Las Campanas Geneva House Home Ec. Club Senate


Bates, John Jr. Alpha Kappa PsiPresident Lobo SwapshopManager

Baxter, Arthur Omega Psi Phi


SENIORS Becker, Richard Wm. Psychology

Bell, Charles O. Lobo-Associate Editor Sigma Delta Chi

Bell, Graham Eric De.lta Sigma Pi - V. Pres.

Belson, Louise

Berry, Donna Delta Delta Delta

Bidwell, John

Bigelow, Wilbur W. Deseret ClubPresident

Bild, Mildred Elementary Education Pi Lambda Theta

Bitticks, Carol M Elementary Education

Blake, David Pi Kappa Alpha Newman Center Student Senate Student AI.A

Blaschke, Lindy

Blocker, Sue

Boede, William C. Mechanical Engineer Pi Tau Sigma-President Sigma Tau AS.M.E.-Treasurer

Bolonow, Tony


Bogard, W. C.

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Freshman & Sophomore Closs President Who's Wha-1964 Program DirectarateChairman Student Senate-President Pra-tem Chairman of Dance & Spec. Events Com.

Bonham, Gordon Scott Tau Kappa Epsilon Baptist Student Union Student Senate Vigilantes Chakaa Blue Key

Bower, Robert Chemical Engineering A.I.CE. AFROTC Arnold Air Society

Boyle, James Kappa Sigma Delta Sigma Pi First Vice President

Bowen, Judy Pi Beta Phi Theta Sigma Phi President Publications Board

Bowen, Leland H. Baptist Student Union Eta Kappa Nu Sigma Tau Kappa Mu Epsilon I.E.E.E. Blue Key

Bowman, Carole Phi Beta Phi

Bradley, David UNM Letterman's Club I.A.A. Gymnastics Club Gymnastic Team

Bradley, Ginger Alpha Chi Omega

Brewer, Barbara Alpha Chi Omega - President

Brooks, Alan Delta Sigma Phi A.S.M.E.

Brooks, Robert Kent Sigma Alpha Epsilon NROTC

Brown, Gretchen Kay Pi Beta Phi Union DirectorateVice Chairman Union Board

Brockway, Paula International Club Islamic Society Model United Nations

Bruce, David Aaron Sigma Tau President Engineers Joint Council Secretary A.I.Ch.E.

Bryant, William B. Delta Sigma Pi

Brininstoad, Benadetta


Buckland, Gail Thomas Secondary Education Alpha Chi Omega First Vice President Associated Women Students President Mortar Board Campanas Spurs

Burke, Gretchen Gaeth

Burns, Melvin W. History AFROTC Arnold Air Society Phi Alpha Theta Young Democrats Baptist Student Union

Burnwinkle, John

Byrd, Marvin R. Electrical Engineering Eta Kappa Nu Treasurer I. E. E. E. - Treasurer Kappa Mu Epsilon Departmental Honors

Calvert, Becky Pi Beta Phi Union Film & Lecture Society

Calvin, John

Campbell, Ken S.

Candelaria, William Elementary Education Newman Club

Cannon, Thomas M. Sigma Phi Epsilon A.I.Ch.E. NROTC - Sunline Mark 65 NROTC Drill Team

Carey, Richard I.E.E.E.

Carmichael, Sharon

Caudill, larry T. Kappa Alpha Ski Club 3, 4

Chamness, Nancy Alpha Delta Pi

Chauvet, Jack S.

AW.S. Clippers


Spurs 1962 Navy ROTC Queen 1962 Navy ROTC Color Girl Student Senate Rally Committee Geneva House UCCF N.M. S.W. Regional President United Campus Christion Fellowship

Chavez, Eileen Homecoming Committee '62 Newman Center Phi Gamma Nu Student Senate

Chowning, Patrick L. President Engineers Joint Council President-Lobo Sports Car Club Chairman Prog ressive Students Party Treasurer I.E.E.E. Ski Club

Cohn, Roger S. Student Senate Ski Club Dormitory Government

Colvin, Grace Louise

Claar, Robert C. Kappa Alpha

Cogswell, John C. NESEP

Cole, Richard Sigma Alpha Epsilon Delta Sigma Pi Student Senate I.F.C. Ski Club

Cooper, Charlotte

American Pharmaceutical Association Waterlous Mountaineering Club Young Republicans Scuba Club

Coors, Kenneth Sigma Chi Student Council Administration Student Senate Assistant Ski Club

Corazza, Carol Pre-Med Club Newman Center Student Senate

Corbin, J. Stephen Phi Sigma Kappa Sec. & V. Pres. Arnold Air Society

Cornelius, Cathleen R.

Cortes, Guillermo L. Pres. of the Club de las Americas A.S.C.E. member

Corzine, Jan

Cotter, Mary Louise Pi Beta Phi Home. Com., 3 Film & Lee. Com. 3 Fiesta Com., 3 Home Ec. Club, 3

Coulter, Mary Louetta

Kappa Kappa Gamma Sigma Alpha lata Mortar Board Spurs Las Campanas Hakana Inter-Dorm. Council Daniel C. Jackson Scholarship

Corzine, Norman Bus. Admin. 75th Ann. Exec. Com. Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Treas. Student Senate Homecoming Com.

English and Education Kappa Kappa Gamma Little Sisters of Minerva Spurs Campanas Pi Lambda Theta


SENIORS Coyer, David Phi Kappa Sigma Tau Eta Kappa Kappa Mu

D. Phi Nu Epsilon

Cravens, Richard H. III General Honors

Craven, Jean Phi Kappa Phi Phi Alpha Theta Spurs

Cravens, Gwyneth Jones

Currier, Mike Sigma Chi I.F.e. Student Senate

Curtis, Judith Lynn Delta Delta DeltaPresident Angel Flight

"Thunderbird" Editor Mortar Board Honors Career Scholar Program German Club Pres. Student Senate

Cutler, James W. Newman Center


Daffer, Joline Journalism & English Delta Gamma - President Theta Sigma Phi Spurs Clippers - Secretary Mirage - Editor of Freshman Section Student Senate Dains, Mary Ann Student Ed. Assoc.

D'Annd, Pablo E. I. E.E. E. Club de las Americas International Club

Darr, Carole Kappa Alpha Theta - V. Pres. Pledge Trainer AW.S. Panhellen\ic

Davis Julie D. Ski Club Delta Gamma Foreign Students Committee Student Senate Kistler-Collister College Board

Day, Paul C. Sigma Delta ChiPres. Geology Club Lobo Staff

De La Fuente, Emiliano Student Senate Resident Standards AI.Ch.E.

de la Torra, Jorga Newman Center AI.E.

Denish, Herb Acapella Choir Music and Talent Committee

Devine, Patricia Louise Chi Omega Spurs Las Campanas Exchange Student U. of Mass. Sigma Alpha Iota Newman Club

Edmonds, linda Kappa Alpha Gamma Panhellenic Delegate V. Pres. Univ. Chorus Tennis intramurals Homecoming Com.

Dickens, Elizabet Town Club

Ronald a Alpho

Ditmore, Donald R. Arnold Air Society Coronado Hall Res. Standards

Dolmage, Ann Kappa Kappa Gamma

Donner, Martha L.

Dornacker, Ann Alpha Chi Omega

Doss, Richard William Sigma Chi - Sec. Treas. Intramural Coun. Homecoming Com. Fiesta Com.

Dowden, Melvin C.

Doyle, Mary Stu. Nurses Asoc. 2nd V. Pres. Art & Exhibit Com. of the SUB State Stu. Nurses Assoc. - Treas.Sec.

Dunn, Sandra Maisel Pi Beta Phi Little Sister of Minerva

Dyhrmann, Judy Kappa Alpha Theta - Cor. Sec. Angel Flight - V. Pres. Phi Gamma Nu - Pres. AFROTC Queen Majorette Miss U.N.M.

Easley, Betty

Easter, Bouie

Ellis, Deanna Alpha Delta Pi V. Pres. Angel Flight Cdr. Kappa Omicron Phi - V. Pres. Deseret Club Inter, Farm Youth Exchange delegate - '65

Emory, Roy C. Photography Club I.E.E.E.


Fulton, Ginger Mortar Board Las Campanas - Pres. Spurs Women's Swim Team Waterlous


Epstein, Bob Pi Kappa Alpha Homecoming Chairman Greek Week Chairman Pi Kappa Alpha Soc. Chairman Executive Council

Ewing, Ronnie Sigma Phi Epsilon 75th Ann. Com. Spec. Events Com. Chairman

Fajusigbe, Joshua o. A.S.M.E. International Club Pi Tau Sigma Blue Key Math. Honorary

Fargo, James A. Industrial Arts Assoc. - V. Pres.

Faruki, Majed T. American Pharo Assoc.

Faulkner, Bruce B.

Ferguson, Mary Ann Phi Lambda Theta

Flegas, Demetrios

Foster, Shirley H. Cantebury Club American Home Ec. Club

Freeman, Brenda LaRue Kappa Kappa Gamma Band-Twirler PHMM Club Gymnastics Club

Fresquez, Della Jean

Fullerton, Howard Sigma Phi Epsilon SPTWA Kappa Mu Epsilon A.I.Ch.E. Chakaa

Garcia, Connie Phi Sigma Iota Treas. Coso de Luces Pres. House Council A.W.S. Career Scholar Program

Garrecht, Pat Elementary Ed. Stu. Ed Assoc.

Garris, Linda Price Phys. Ed. P.E. Majors and Minors Club

Gaunce, Jan Delta Delta Delta A.W.S.

Glass, Barbara Elementary Ed. German Club - Pres. Newman Club - Sec. Student Ed. Assoc.

Goff, Nancy Lea Las Campanas Little Sister of Minerva - Sec. Phi Sigma Iota Union Directorate Mirage - Gov. & Greek Ed. Union Pub. Com. Chairman

Gont, Joseph E, III Pep Club - V. Pres. Letterman's Club Canterbury Club Economics Culb Varsity Tennis

Gonzales, Jim

Good, Roy Alpha Phi Omega

Granados, Mary Ann Town Club Phi Gamma Nu - President Newman Center 75th Ann. Com.

Gregory, Susan

Griego, Alfred A. Stu. Ed. Assoc.

Groff, June Elementary Ed.

Gromacki, Merilee Math

Gurule Sandra Newman Club

Gustafson, Carl Eric NROTC Onate Iiall - Gov. Wardroom Soc. Directorate Sunline - Editor Mark '65 - Editor

Geer, Richard W., Jr. NROTC Baptist Stu. Un on I.E.E.E.


SENIORS Haines, Roger Williams, Jr. Psychology Univ. Orchestra

Hall, Mary Chi Omega Homecoming Queen, 1963 Who's Who Phi Delta Theta Dreamgirl Las Campanas Pi Lambda Theta

Hammock, Loraine Pi Lambda Theta Mortar Board Panhellenic Angel Flight

Harkey, Roberta Mathematics Mortar Board Treas. Clippers - Cmdr. Las Campanas Mirage - Outstanding Staff member, 1963 Kappa Mu Epsilon - Pres.

Harris, Michael A. Sigma Phi Epsilon - Pres. Newman Center Lobo Swap Shop Bookkeeper I.F.e. Vigilantes

Harrison, Martha Delta Gamma Panhellenic International Club

Hart, O. J. Pi Kappa Alpha

Hay, Thelma Joyce Education Delta Delta Delta General Council

Hayes, Roberta S.

Haynes, Roberta Hillel Student Senate Inter-Religious Council

Hein, Gerald L. Kappa Alpha - Treasurer

Hazen, Donald D. NESEP

Hensley, Anne Pi Lambda Theta Geneva House Young Republicans Senate

Herren, Carole Education Pi Lambda Theta Young Repub. Host & Hospitality Com. Mass. Ex. Stu. Wesley Foun.


Hess, Richard A., Jr. Delta Sigma Phi Alpha Phi Omega AFROTC Student Senate KNMD Radio Station Stu. Orientation Leaders

Hibbard, Carolyn Chi Omega - V. Pres. Sigma Alpha Iota - Pres. Canterbury Club Music Ed. National Conference Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon

Hill, H.M. KNMD Radio Latin American Club Kiva Club International Club Wesley Foun.

Hill, Ralph Pi Kappa Alpha Luth. Stu. Assoc. Pres. Economics Club

Hillary, Linda Page Alpha Delta Pi Home Ec. Assoc. V. Pres. Young Repub. Wesley Foun. Theta Sigma Phi

Hills, Lea Alpha Chi Omega Waterlous Angel Flight

Himebrook, Richard F. Tau Kappa Epsilon I.E.E.E. Civil Air Patrol

Hindley, Richard C. Lambda Chi Alpha V. Pres. Sigma Delta Chi Student Senate Lobo Stoff Marching Bond

Hinds, Shawn Business Admin.

Hoffman, Roberta Delta Gamma - Cor. Sec. Young Repub.

Homan, Ardith Town Club - Pres.

Hope, William C. Industrial Arts Arnold Air Society Wesley Foundation Industrial Arts Assoc. Photo Club

Hoss, Nancy Spanish Alpha Chi Omega - Social Chairman Latin America Desk

Howard, Hillard

Howe, Letrice Clippers Univ. Choir

Huntley, Nancy Dorms Soc. and CuI. Council Women's Rec. Assoc. Young Demos Ski Club Recreation Club

M. E. Kappa Alpha Pres. NROTC A.S.M.E. Student Senate Wardroom Soc. Dir.


Irvin, Dave Kappa Sigma Blue Key I.F.e. Phi Sigma Student Senate

Jamieson, Malcolm Business Admin. Alpha Kappa Psi

Johnson, Helen Marlene Pi Beta Phi Homecoming Com. Greek Week Com.

Johnson, Karen E. Kappa Alpha Theta Panhellenic Coun. Mirage Honoraries Ed. Student Ed. Assoc. Mass. Ex. Stu.

Johnson, Rick

Johnston, Keith H. Sigma Phi Epsilon Pres. Jack of Hearts

Pi Kappa Alpha Chakaa-V. Pres. Intramural Caun. V. Pres. Ass!. Chairman I FC Scholarship Cam. Fiesta Cam. Chairman Homecoming Cam. Recipient Hal Patton Scholarship


Jones, Clifford S. Phi Delta Theta Pres.

Jones, Lewis

Jones, Marsha Chaparrals Student Council Hokona Hall Council


Jones, Opal Faye Young Demos ACOHR

Jonz, Jon Graham Education Phi Delta Theta - Pres. Blue Key Phi Sigma Iota Vigilantes USMC Platoon Leader Jordan, David L.


Joseph, Audrey M. History Career Scholar General Honors

Julander, Frederick C. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Lobo Editor Blue Key - V. Pres. Chakaa Mesa Vista Gov. Who's Who Sigma Delta Chi Pi Sigma Alpha

Jung, Steven Art Student Council Radio Board - Chairman Coronado Board of Gov. General Honors

Justice, Charles M. Business Admin. Delta Sigma Pi

Kakos, James L. Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Kalas, Frank J. Sigma Phi Epsilon - Treas. Student Senate Newman Center NROTC Wardroom Soc. SPTWA - charter member

Kasnic, Maureen Rose Town Club - Soc. Chairman and Sec. Newman Center AWS Freshman Advisor

Kay, Judith L.

Kellahin, W. Thomas Coronado Dorm Advisor Sigha Phi Epsilon Pledge TrainerRecorder


Kincheloe, Thomas R. A.S.C.E. I.F.C. Student Affairs Com.

Kindley, James M.

Kerlin, Ronald lee

Kirk, Justin Dean Mesa Vista Board of Gov. Resident Hall Council Alpha Kappa Psi

Knight, Bob Phi Delta Theta Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary

Kobes, Richard lambda Chi Omega A.I.Ch.E.

Koch, Margaret Helen

Koerperch, Eddie I.E.E.E. AOA Newman Center

Kopp, Bob 'Pi Kappa Alpha Homecoming Chairman

Krasovec, Theresa Marie Alpha Chi Omega

Sigma Epsilon Alpha Alliance Francoise Pi Beta Phi-V. Pres., Pledge Pres. Wing PresHokona Ex. student to U. of Moss.

Kirk, Kristin L.

Student Court Spurs-Sec. Student Senate Canterbury Assoc. Pep Cc~ncil-Pres. Clippers




Krieger, Arline Program Directorate Chairman Hillel - Pres. Student Senate Inter-religious Council Union Board Freshman Orientation leader Union Hospitality Committee Chairman

Krommenhock, Jacob A. Kappa Mu Epsilon

Kruzich, Skip Sigma Chi Student Council Students Standards Board Sigm Chi Exec. Committee Varsity basketball - Co-capt. Teacher Evaluation Committee

laguna, Jorge E. A.S.M.E. Club de las Americas International Club Newman Center

lange, Ernest K. Baseball squad Wrestling squad Intramural sports

lanning, George Richard Sigma Alpha Epsilon Homecoming Com. Freshman Orientation

lee, Nancy Water/ous Kiva Club

lehner, louis R. AFROTC Arnold Air Society Intramural sports

leRoy, Margretta Career Scholar Phi Sigma Iota Pres. latin American Desk - V. Pres. Baha'i Club

lill, Daniel C. Sigma Phi Epsilon KNMD - Asst. Mgr. Young Repub. Treas.

lites, Arth ur P. Delta Sigma Phi Arnold Air Society

lockhart, Andrew Lobo Sigma Delta Chi

loddy, George J. Phi Delta Theta Pledge Trainer Fiesta King Attendant Ski Club

lovejoy, Kylene Delta Delta Delta Panhellenic Rush Chairman Angel Flight AWS Freshman Advisor Univ. Chorus

lynch, Patricia A. Angel Flight Flight Officer Host & Hospitality Committee Little Sisters of Minerva Chi Omega Student Senate

Mackenzie, Keith M., Jr.

Maes, John V., Jr.

Mairs, Lee Stafford Wardroom Society I.E.E.E. Chakaa Vigilantes NROTC Intramural Coun.

Malnar, Steve Student Council Varsity Football Letterman's Club Fiesta King Homecoming Committee

Mann, Judi Wesley Foun. Home Ec. Assoc. Treas. AWS Freshman Advisor

Marek, Claire Delta Gamma Treas. Honors Program Alliance Francaise

Marks, Nancy

Marotto, Ron R. Kappa Psi American Pharm. Assoc. Dormitory Advisor House Gov.

Marshall, Sandra Alpha Chi Omega Student Council Who's Who Outstanding Jr. Woman Chaparrals Leader Com. on the Univ. Mortar Board

Martinez, Edward T. NESEP

Martinez, Martha Poope-to-People Chairman Pre-Med Soc. Zuni Referrals Board Chairman House Pres. Womens' Res. Halls Coun. Student Senate

Masak, Barbara A. Education Majorette, UNM Band Univ. Chorus Waterlous Women's Golf Team AWS Stu. Ed. Assoc.

Mastin, Karla Rae Geneva House IRC Rep. Young Repub. Cor. Sec.

Mauzy, Ann Womens' Res. Halls Staff Modern Dance Workshop AWS Rep.

McBride, Rae Delta Delta Delta Angel Flight Phi Sigma Iota AWS

McCausland, Jeanette Darleen Pi Beta Phi Pres. Homecoming Committee Angel Flight Greek Week Committee

McFerrin, David N. Electrical Eng. Kappa Mu Epsilon Beta Kappa Nu Pres. I.E.E.E. Engrs. Joint Council-V. Pres.



McGinnis, Molly Ann Town Club UNM Band Phi Sigma Career Scholars Program

Mclaughlin, Eugene V. Marketing Newman Center

McWethy, Kenneth

Melendres, Arthur Sigma Chi Student Body V. Pres. Student Senate - Pres. Chakaa Blue Key Chairman of Committee on University

Mercer, Ann Delta Gamma Culture Com., Student Senate AWS Judicial Board, Gen. Coun. Publicity Com. Film & Lee. Com.

Merritt, Dean P. Phi Delta Theta Amer. Pharm. Assoe. Pres.

Messersmith, Lanny Phi Sigma Kappa Pres. I.F.C. Student Senate

Michael, Margaret Ann Chi Omega

Miera, Antonia N. Theta Sigma Phi V. Pres. Newman Center United Stu. - See. Mirage

Miller, Dennis John Sigma Alpha Epsilon Econ. Club. Student Senate

Miller, Steve

Mixer, Anthony S. A.S.C.E. Chi Epsilon

Mocho, Edythe

Mody, Arvind

Moeller, Lana Frederica Alpha Lambda Delta Las Campanas Treas. Mortar Board Student Senate WRH Counselor Waterlous - Pres.

Montgomery, Johnny Tennis Team Letterman's Club Wesley Foun.

Montoya, Fidel G.

Mooney, Glendi Pi Beta Phi

Moor, John W., Jr. Kappa Sigma Pres.

Moore, Robert Alan

Moore, William S. Delta Sigma Pi Wrestling team Letterman's Club

Morris, James Intramurals

Morrow, Margie Student Nurses Assoc.

Morrow, Roxie Education Stu. Ed. Assoc. Pres. Wesley Faun. Pi Lambda Theta

Mortensen, Gayle Delta Gamma Mortar Board Spurs las Campanas Clippers Waterlous

Moses, Marcia lee Phys. Ed. Women's Swim Team Ski Club Hokona Hall Coun. WRA PEMM

Murchison, A. H. AFROTC Arnold Air Society A.S.C.E.

Murphy, Eileen Town Club Student Senate Clippers Newman Center

Navratil, Milo J. HKN

Nicholls, Renwick Owen Biology

Niese, David M. Civil Engr. Vigilantes Chakaa Chi EpSilon IFC - Rush Chairman A.S.C.E.

Norwood, Jayne Marie PEMM

Nylund, Barbara l. Angei Flight Spurs




O'Boyle, Peter

Offutt, James H. I.F.e. - Pres. Pi Kappa Alpha Treas.

Olguin, John Phillip Government Kiva Club Student Senate Project Awareness II Band

Oliver, Judy WRA Co-Rec. Chairman Scuba Diving Club - Sec. Res. Hall Council UNM Band Pep Council Intramural Sec.

Ordonez, Beatriz Teresa

Otteni, Joan Newman Center SEA

Otto, Barbara Roth Newman Center

Orlando, Kathy Alpha Delta Pi Pres. Mortar Board V. Pres. Las Campanas Theta Sigma Phi Sec. Who's Who Lobo

Orosco, Lisa Recreation Club Newman Club

Osborn, Kathleen Student Nurses Assoc.

Parker, William A. Sigma Phi Epsilon NROTC

Parmley, Patricia E. Nursing Stu. Nurses' Assoc. Pres. Lobo Christian Fellowship Treas. Acappella Choir Madrigals

Art AWS Judicial Boord Homecoming Decorations Kappa Alpha Theta-Pres Dorm Council Newman Center

Patton, John P. Health and Recreation Letterman's Club PE Major Club

Pauleen, Paul Edward NROTC Wardroom Society Folkmusic Club Radio Club

Pearson, David Phi Delta Theta - V. Pres. Vigilantes Student Senate UNM Bowling Team

Perez, Rector Club de las Americas - Treas. International Club

Petersen, Jane R. AWS - V. Pres., Cor res. Sec. Pi Lambda Theta Mortar Board Pres.

Philley, Janet J. Town Club

Phillips, Benjamin Ski Club

Phillips, Carolyn K. Alpha Delta Pi Stu. Ed. Assoc.

Pica, Nicholas R. Kappa Alpha Pres. Delta Sigma Pi Pres.

Pineda, Raymond Jr. Sigma Chi - Pres. Newman Club

Platt, Sandi Stu. Nurses Asoc.

Plattsmier, Don C Sigma Chi Student Senate Pi Sigma Alpha Chakaa Blue Key Model UN

Polansky, Ernest

Poldervaart, Patricia Ann Wesley Foundation Home Economics Club Geneva House Phi Alpha Theta Pi Lambda Theta Anthropology Club

Pratt, Gary Tau Kappa Epsilon A.S.CE.

Pugh, Ruth Latin American Studies Lobo-Christian Fellowship Phi Sigma Iota Club de las Americas International Club

Rader, Charles H.

Potts, John A. Sigma Phi Epsilon Delta Sigma Pi Newman Center NROTC I.F.C.

Preketes, Nick C I.E.E.E.

Raglin, Carl Pi Kappa Alpha A.S.C.E. Chi Epsilon Sigma Tau Vigilantes


Roscher, John Alpha Kappa Psi Alliance Franciase


Ray, Beverly Women's Rec. Assoc. PEMM

Read, Robin Pi Beta Phi Who's Who Outstanding Greek Woman Panhellenic Pres. N.M. Miss Wool Student Senate

Reagan, Patrick J. Phi Sigma Kappa

Reed, Gerald A.S.C. E. - V. Pres. Coronado Hall Advisor

Regensberg, Maryann Baptist Student Union Sigma Alpha Iota Pi Lambda Theta Spurs Campanas Acappella Choir

Reid, Susan K. Kappa Alpha Theta Little Sisters of Minerva Homecoming Dec. Committee Spurs Greek Week Banquet Co-Chairman Homecoming Queen Attendant

Rieder, Gary Art Alpha Phi Omega Pledge Master AFROTC - Color Guard Cmdr.

Reiff, Caryl M. Civil Engr. Sigma Tau Chi Epsilon AS.C.E.

Rex, Alan Architecture AI.E.

Rightmyer, Robert Baptist Student Union - Pres. Alpha Kappa Psi

Riner, Ann

Riznyk, Ramond Zenon Biology Phi Sigma

Robbins, E. Ann AI.M.E.

Roberts, Dennis Phi Sigma Kappa Lobo - Mgr. Ed. Tennis Sigma Delta Chi V. Pres. Vigilantes - V. Pres. Chakaa - V. Pres.

Robertson, Ann Elizabeth English Delta Gamma Soc. Chairman 75th Ann. Com. Ski Club

Russell, Edison Omicron Delta Kappa Coronado - Pres. Yell King

Robertson, Wm. M. Pi Kappa Alpha N.M. Stu. Ed. Assoc.

Rosenberg, Barbara H. Inter-Dorm Coun. Chaparral Angel Flight AWS Freshman Advisor

Rosenberg, Mike English Phi Kappa Tau Stu. Rights Com. Chairman Chimayo House Gov. General Honors Program Combined Law Program

Rowe, Leslie H. Delta Sigma Pi Sandia Grotto

Rundles, Susan Chi Omega Pres. Miss Air Force 1963 Angel Flight Young Repub. Pi Lambda Theta

Rushing, Jack Douglas Sigma Alpha Epsilon - V. Pres. Student Council National InterFrat. Council Delegate Vigilantes - Pres. Freshman Class V. Pres. Sophomore Class V. Pres.

Ryan, Allen Industrial Arts Industrial Arts Assoc. - Hist.


Sais, Victor A. Student Senate Alpha Kappa Psi

Schaefer, Nick Pi Kappa Alpha Intramural Coun. Sec. PKA Intramurals Rep. Chakaa I.F.e.

Scherzinger, Nora English

Salazar, John Sigma Chi Student Body - Pres. Student Body - V. Pres. Vigilantes Chakaa Blue Key

Scherzinger, Victor NESEP


SENIORS Schott, Royce T. (Buck) Parachute Club Scuba Club

Schroder, John D. Gamma Delta HKN Kappa Mu Epsilon I.E.E.E.

Schulte, Paul Newman Center Res. Hall Coun. Onate Hall Advisory Staff A-Capella Choir

Scott, Anne Chi Omega Spurs, Campanas Mortar Board Special Events Committee Mirage AWS

Scott, Shirley Ann Delta Delta Delta V. Pres. Angel Flight

Scovel, Richard

Seivard, George R. Kappa Sigma - V. Pres. & Pledge Trainer Student Senate

Pravinchandra Shah M. A.I.Ch.E.

Sena, Barbara H. Delta Gamme PEMN Pen hellenic Coun. Swim Team Newman Club

Shaski, Michael

Shenton, William NESEP


Shephard, Jessie French Alliance Francaise Geneva House Ski Club

Shoen, Tomy G., Jr. Lambda Chi Alpha

Siegenthaler, William M., Jr. Sigma Chi - V. Pres.

Sieglitz, Janie Town Club Senate

Sifuentes, Madeline Education Town Club Stu. Ed. Assoc. - Sec.-Treas.

Sifuentes, Mark Biology

Simms, Mary Carol English Alpha Chi Omega - Treas. Theta Sigma Phi Angel Flight Ski Club


Singleton, Ron Pi Kappa Alpha Track Cross-Country Mesa Vista Dorm V. Pres. Res. Hall Coun. Pres. Pep Council

Sisneros, Rose Newman Club

Sites, Arthur

Slaughter, Martha R. Hokona Hall Coun. NMTA Hokona Scholarship Committee

Smith, Charles Alvord, Jr. Baha'i Stu. Assoc. Latin Amer. Desk Phi Sigma Iota M-3 (Career Scholarship Program)

Smith, Douglas M., Jr. Sigma Gamma Epsilon A.I.M.E. - V. Pres. Geology Club

Smith, Joan Etta Home Economics Education Stu. Christian Center

Smith, Marjorie Nadine Home Economics Alpha Delta Pi

Smith, Paul H. I.E.E.E. Sigma Tau Eta Kappa Nu Kappa Mu Epsilon


Smyer, Paul A., Jr. Phi Delta Theta Freshman Class Pres. Student Senate I.F.C. Greek Week Com. - Chair.

Snearly, Marian Bus. Education

Sorenson, Bev Theta Sigma Phi - Sec.-Treas. Mortar Board - Editor Mirage - Editor Lobo Fiesta Committee Co-Publicity Chairman

Space, Ray Douglas

Speare, Eugene

Spiegler, Steve Phi Delta Theta



Stafford, Donald G. Phi Delta Theta Pledge Trainer

Stalcup, William H. Alpha Phi Omega Student Senate Wesley Foun. Alpha Phi Omega V. Pres. Toy Dance Chairman

Stevens, Alfred Earl

Stewart, Michael E. Sigma Phi Epsilon NROTC

Stickler, Bernard Thomas NROTC Newman Center

St. John, Raymond Hadar Concert Band Marching Band

Solenberger, Robert Vigilantes Chakaa Blue Key Letterman's Club Treas. A.I.Ch.E. Cultural Com.

Stith, Marilyn Kappa Kappa Gamma - Rec. Sec. Chaparral 75th Ann. Com.

Swaim, Kenneth R.

Sullivan, Judy M. Chi Omega Phi Gamma Nu Treas. Pi Kappa Alpha Dream Girl Attendant Young Repub. Homecoming Committee 75th Ann. Com.

Sutton, Richard D. I.E.E.E.

Swink, Harley Kappa Alpha



. '

Syler, Nelmah Education Sigma Alpha Iota Music Educators National Conference

Tafoya, Ramona E. Newman Center

Teachout, Ann Huckabee Amer. Home Ec. Assoc. Kappa Omicron Phi Spurs Town Club Baptist Student Union

Thomas, Gretchen Chi Omega Campanas Special Events Committee Mass. Stu. Exchange Program

Thompson, Barbara D.

Thompson, Biltie English & Communicative Arts Delta Delta Delta Spurs Women's Swim. Team - Capt. Pi Lambda Theta ASW

Thompson, Kirk Vigilantes Chakaa Blue Key Eta Kappa Nu Kappa Mu Epsilon I.E.E.E.

Thompson, Mary Ann Home Economics Home Ec. Club - Pres. Stu. Ed. Assoc. State College Club ANEA Treas.




Thurston, Benjamin E. I.E.E.E. NESEP Ski Club

Todesco, Elizabeth Alpha Chi Omega - V. Pres. Panhellenic Council - V. Pres.

Toy, David Eta Kappa Nu Rec. Sec. I.E.E.E. - V. Pres. Kappa Mu Epsilon Engr. Joint Coun.

Trujillo, Gladiola F.

Trussel, larry ,R. Bus. Admin. Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Pres. Fiesta Rodeo Chairman I.F.C

Turner, Robert l.

Tuttle, David A. Sigma Chi Legislators Day Freshman Orientation

Underhill, Thomas Engrs. Joint Coun. A.S.CE. - Pres. Sigma Tau - V. Pres. Industrial Arts Assoc. Football

Urguides, Bias F., Jr.

Valdez, Jose Euvaldo

Vergara, Maria Alpha Chi Omega

Vigil, Edward E. Blue Key Sigma Tau Wesley Foun. A.I.Ch.E.

Vigil, Nedly A. Spanish Forensics Student Senate Baptist Student Union - Pres.

Vitale, Phyllis Chi Omega - Rush Chairman Panhellenic Coun. Treas. Chaparrals Union Directorate Angel Flight

Waldorf, Coleen Town Club Stu. Nurses Assoc.

Walker, Mike Sigma Phi Epsilon Treas. Student Council Treas. I.F.C. - V. Pres. Blue Key Chakaa 75th Ann. Com.

Wall, John M. Electrical Engr. Sigma Chi Football

Walter, Dennis Education Delta Sigma Phi Pres. Student Senate

Wang, Jon

Warder, Donald Rec. Majors Club Project Awareness II

Warner, John K. NESEP

Warren, William F., III History & English

Watanakunakorn, Preecha I.E.E.E. Inter-Religious Council Electrical Engr.

Watkins, James

Watkins, Sharon Kingston Chi Omega Miss Spirit Day Attendant Paper Doll Queen Esquire Girl Special Events Committee

Webb, Jerry Sigma Chi

West, Ronald E. I.E.E.E.

White, Blake F., Jr. Newman Center International Club Young Demos



White, Peter Thomas Government-Philosophy

Whiton, Norman Kenneth Phi Mu Alpha University Stage Band

Wilkinson, Vivian Alpha Chi Omega

Willis, Elizabeth Swim Team

Wilmeth, Howard AI.Ch. E. Engrs. Joint Coun.

Wilson, Claire Pi Beta Phi Homecoming Coronation Committee

Wilson, David M. AS.M.E.

Winkler, William C. AS.C-A.I.A.

Wolff, Claudette Sociology Alpha Chi Omega AWS - Exec. Coun. Club de las Americas

Worthing, Kathe Mortar Board Union Directorate Hokona Hall Council Spurs Campanas Waterlous

Yackie, Barbara Stu. Nurses Assoc. Clippers Student Senate

Young Douglas

lack, Beverly A. Newman Club

Zinn, John Orvy Anthropology Club Baseball

CAUTION-Do not mistake acquirement of mere knowledge for power. Like food, these things must be digested and assimilated to become life or force. Learning is not wisdom; knowledge is not vital energy. The student who has to cram through a school or a college course, who has made himself merely a receptacle for the teacher's thoughts and ideas is not educated; he has not gained much. He is a reservoir, not a fountain. One retains, the other gives force. Unless his knowledge is converted into wisdom, into faculty, it will become stagnant like still water. -J. E. Dinger



-_. -





SCHOOL OF MEDICINE The Newest division of the University is the School of Medicine which enrolled its first class of students this fall. The facilities have the distinction of being housed in a remodeled building and a redone mortuary. The initial program provides the first two years of medical training, with students then transferring to other institutions to complete the clinical phase of their education. The Medical School is engaged in a residency program to provide post-graduate training for physicians and is involved in several research projects. The school will emphasize graduate education and research, offering students an opportunity to continue their education toward a doctor of philosophy degree in the basic medical sciences.

Dr. Despopoulos works on his research project concerned with the transport and accumulation of organic dyes.

Dean Reginald Fitz


The Library of Medical Sciences



The School of Medicine will be housed in ultra-modern facilities on the North Campus adjoining the Bernalillo County-Indian Hospital. Construction of a $5,000,000 basic medical science building is scheduled to begin this spring. The curriculum of the new school will cover anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pathology, pharmacology, clinical laboratory medicine, and an introduction to clinical medicine and diagnosis. The faculty, organized under Dean Fitz, includes men of considerable prestige in the field of medicine and medical research.

Assistant Dean George Boyden


Anatomy Ladman, Aaron Napolitano, Leonard Biochemistry Laffield, R. B. Le Baron, Francis Medicine Brondlonbrener, Mortin Boyden, George Coutharne, Robert Finley, T. N. Lonekin, W. S. Popper, Solomon Simon, Ernest


.: Whang,


Microbiology Lorenz, Doug los McLaren, L. C. Scaletti, Joseph V. Neurology Greenhouse, Arnold

Pathology Anderson, Robert E. Clendenin, Thomas Stone, Robert S. Physi"logy Despapoulos, A. Frazier, Donald




Solomon, Sidney Sonnenberg, Harold Psychiatry Hovda, Allen Libo, Lester

Senescue, Robert A. Radiology Lesser, Matthew Surgery Clarke, James S. Pollay, Michael


Bunch, George Pardue Byrne, David Corter, Peter R. Doughty, Bill

Curtis, Edward R. Ernst, Edmund Kogan, Kathleen Ksenick, George

Lovett, Bruce McGonigle, Michael Medford, Effie Peacock, G. Hunt


Podrizki, Serge Rodgers, Don Sollee, Verney L. Shoberg, Richard S. Wang, Jan Maher, AI

Spence, Michael Whorton, M. Donald Zimmerman, Coral E.


Bernalillo County-Indian Hospital




SCHOOL OF LAW The University of New Mexico is justly proud of its outstanding School of Law which was established in 1947. A low ratio of students to teachers (less than 15 to 1) makes possible substantially more personal contact and individual work. The law library contains 58,000 volumes and is growing at the rate of about 250 volumes per month. Law students publish the National Resources Journal in order to gain editing and publishing experience. In addition to the regular faculty, which includes men of national reputations in several fields of law, the school benefits from the generosity of members of the betlch and bar, both local and state, who contribute their time as guest lecturers and judges. Through work with the Legal Aid Society, students come into contact with state, municipal, and district courts.

Dean, Henry \Veihofen


Barron, Jerome Broeder. Dale Fink, Myron Liker, Alan Rock, Gerald

Seed, Verle Ullon, Albert



Robert Werner, Thomas Dunn, John Cooney, William Bowers on the staff of the Natural Resources Journal check galley proofs.


Bowers, William Cooney, John Crossman, Harlan

O'Dowd, Gory Saob, Fuood Thompson, Mark Werner, Robert


GRADUATE SCHOOL With enrollment of over 1700 students, the Graduate School is the second largest group among the academic divisions of the University. Every third diploma awarded at last year's graduation certified receipt of a graduate degree. Doctor's degrees are offered at UNM in fourteen departments. The last to be added to the list was a PhD in psychology which went into effect September 1, 1960. Other departments offering Ph.D.'s are American studies, anthropology, biology, chemistry, education, English, geology, history, Ibero-American studies, mathematics and statistics, physics and Spanish. A Doctor of Education is offered in the College of Education and a Doctor of Science is awarded under the auspices of the combined departments in Engineering. The master's degree is offered through thirty-eight programs in virtually all departments in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, Engineering and Fine Arts.

Dean Morris Hendrickson


Assistant Dean Abraham Rosenzweig

The fact that the University has more doctoral candidates registered today than the combined number of such degrees issued since the program was approved twenty-five years ago is a mixed blessing. The average Ph.D. candidate requires $1150 worth of library books compared with $168 in books for students up to the master's level. Because of the necessity 路for small classes, teaching a graduate student requires 5.2 times more classroom and laboratory space. Since Ph.D. training requires the student to do research which advances his knowledge in the field, much more expensive equipment is involved, plus a great deal more faculty time and attention.


CAREER SCHOLAR PROGRAM The Career Scholar Program has finished its fourth year of operation under a grant from the Ford Foundation and has one more year to run with outside support. Begun in 1961 as a special venture to recruit and train academically superior students for careers as teacher-researchers for America's colleges and universities, the Program has already graduated a sizeable number of students who, indiVidually, have been afforded a special series of experiences directed by a professor from the student's discipline. Most Career Scholars who have obtained their master's degrees in the prescribed three-year period, beginning as juniors, have moved directly into doctoral programs, either at UNM or elsewhere, and the record of solid academic achievement they have compiled for themselves is admirable. Twelve disciplines within the College of Arts and Sciences, in con junction with the Graduate School, participated in the Program this year. They are: Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Comparative literature, English, French, Geology, History, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology and Spanish.

Assistant Dean Sidney Rosenblum, Director of the Career Scholar Program

Alarcon, George Atakal, Kenan Athelli, Anjiah Benham, Robert Bunch, Elizabeth Burke, Carole Chandiwala, Farook

Engblom, Dennis Fagg, Charles Fulton, Robert G. Gonzales, Don Hirsch, Hernan Johnson, Douglas Lombardi, Oreste

Maher, AI Martinez, Floyd Mehta, Mogesh Miller, Kenneth Smith, Fidel T. Steed, Sarah Suber, Betty Ann

Vaiyakool, Sangian


COLLEGE OF PHARMACY The College of Pharmacy was authorized in 1945 as the fifth college of the University. From the beginning it has maintained high academic standards. It was first accredited in 1947 by the American Council of Pharmaceutical Education. Since 1952 the College has held membership in the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Originally the curriculum, in common with all accredited colleges of pharmacy in the United States, instituted a five-year program. The new program has made it possible to upgrade profession courses and to provide the opportunities for students to take more work in the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts, thus better preparing them for the professional and community service in an increasingly complex world. The first class was graduated in 1949. The College has now graduated over 300, of whom approximately one-half practice pharmacy in New Mexico. The remainder reside in some fourteen other states and one foreign country.

Dean Elman Cataline Duke, Victor



Stohl, Kenneth-Faculty

Roybal, Robert-5th year



Students observe students' children ot the Child Study Center.

While the core of the University lies in departments geared to provide higher education in the liberal arts to its thousands of undergraduate students, it also fulf1lls diverse responsibilities in scores of other fields. One responsibility lies in the continuing education of adults, and assignment carried out by UNM Community College. The University meets other responsibilities through educational television programs beamed into classrooms and homes around the state, through the "learn by mail" operations of its extension division, in off campus classrooms at Santa Fe, Los Lunas, Gallup, and elsewhere, and through its graduate Centers at Los Alamos and Holloman Air Force Base. Aiding married students ease the strain of getting an education is the duty of the childrens' nursery, part of the College of Education. Students of child development

SERVING THE UNIVERSITY AND THE COMMUNITY obtain practical laboratory experience through its facilities. But the University's responsibilities to its state do not stop with teaching. They also require its faculty to add to the fund of knowledge through research in the academic and technical fields.

An elementary school level program is televised by KNMD and beamed into schools across the state.

Teacher.researcher Hamlin Hill of the 'English department looks over a copy of his study of Huckleberry Finn. Research carried on by University professors adds to the learning experiences of both the campus and public.






STUDENT GOVERNMENT John Salazar, a senior economics major from Belen, New Mexico, was swept into the President's chair last spring in a landslide victory for the Voice of the Students Party. Last year John was Vice President of the Student Body and President of Student Senate. He is affiliated with Sigma Chi fraternity and has been twice named to Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Elected to all three class honoraries, he also served as governor of Aztec House and secretary of the board of governors.

John Salazar, Student Body President

Art Melendres has used his speech major to advance his career in student government. The present Vice President of the Student Body and President of the Student Senate, he has also served on the Debate Team and as Chairman of the Committee on the University. Art was elected to Chakaa and Blue Key, is a member of Sigma Chi, and makes his home in Albuquerque.


Arthur Melendres, Student Body Vice President

John and Art draw up plans for a program to lead UNM student gavernment in 19641965.


Standing: Jim Branch, John Salazar, Mike Walker, Dick Baker, Art Melendres, Fred Seligson, Dan Dennison, Steve Jung. Seated: Susan Cannaley, Becky Kern, Marta Ja Ballmer, Kyla Taylor, Michele Mitchell, Jim Caylor.

Student Council is the administrative body of the Associated Students which is composed of thirteen voting members with the student body president presiding. Other members include the student body vice-president and eleven elected student council representatives. Student Council prepares a budget from activity fee receipts with approval of Senate and the student pody. Council enforces all student legislation, serves as coordinating body for dances, Homecoming and Fiesta.


STUDENT SENATE Student Senate is the legislative body of the Associated Students composed of representatives from all campus organizations which meet the basic requirements for membership as outlined in the Constitution. The Student Body Vice President presides with the aid of president pro-tem, parliamentarian and chief clerk. Four standing committees carry the major work of the Senate. The Budget Committee which collaborates with the Student Council in the preparation of the Student Budget which receives its revenue from student activity fees; Steering Committee which controls the admission of bills and legislation; Credentials Committee which controls the representation the admission of representatives of each organization; and the Student Rights Committee, which clarifies student's responsibilities and privileges.

Back: Dale Ware, president pro-tempore; Mike Terry, Parliamentarian; Art Melendres, president; Penni Adrian. Front: representatives of KNMD.

Sponsors of the popular Wednesday Night dances which feature guest bands, visiting disc jockies along with casual entertainment are the members of the Dance Committee. The group also holds Registration Dances before each semester.

First Row: Ellen Coyne, Karl Wiggins, Cindy McDonnell, Bill Ross, Kathy Middlesworth, secretory; Lindy Blashke, chairman. Second Row: Rose Marie Gutierrez, Yolanda Ramo. Third Row: Dione Abraham, Roberto Thomas, Judy Murphy, Judy Coyne, Mike Jones, Marcia Pierce. Fourth Row: Ann Millechosky, Joe Michael, Jeanette Ross.


The Dave Brubeck quartet and the Chad Mitchell trio were among the highlights brought to the campus by the cultural Committee as part of the Program Series which also sponsors lectures and other cultural events.


Dr. Sherman Smith, chairman, center; Del Faddis, secretary-treasurer; Terri Bestgen, Linda Tuoni, Bob Solen berger, Judy Reimer, Jane Snow, faculty; Marris Freedman, faculty; Michelle Mitchell, Patricia Devine.

SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITIEE Starting the year off with Activities Night, the Special Events Committee maintains a constant schedule with such projects as the This Week We Honor and the Lobo of the Week Award. They also sponsor a Prexy Party, Union Birthday Celebration and the Who's Who Reception.


Marsha Willis, Linda Gaines, Dione Cuffer, chairman; Nancy Wright, Kathy Jeffery, Pot Wallace, Rod Krebs, Dennis Stevens, Theresa Tapia, Mary Louise Kinne, Kay Ballinger, Sue Sherwin, Denise Bowen, Audrey Krieger, vice-chairman; Debby Culver.

STUDENT COURT Serving as an election board for all student government elections, the Student Court, the judicial body, is composed of six students. The members, including a chief clerk and a chief justice, are appointed by the student body president with the consent of the Student Senate and Student Council.

Gary O. Dowd, graduate advisor; Ken Coors, chief iustice; Margaret Kach, Steve Bacchus and Keith Kellum, associate iustices. Not pictured: Pete Rinn, assaciate iustice.

Student discipline is the chief concern of the Student Standards Committee. It is composed of students and faculty and is headed by Kenneth Coors.

Hazel Mae Klar, Jerry Reed, Jim Caylor, Van R. Jackson, William M. Dabney, Kenneth Coo r s , chairman; Bruce West, Dale Ware, Pham Chung, Ronald Grow, R. C. Entringer.

STUDENT AFFAIRS The members of the Student Affairs committee are concerned with the welfare of students and their relationships with the faculty. It is an advisory board to the Director of Student Affairs.

Front row: Jan Macpherson, Jewel Glavey, Karen Abraham, Jess Sandoval, Marilyn Hanna. Back row: Larry Beall, Sherman Smith, R. H. Williams, William Seymaur.


As incoming freshmen, all college women are made to feel a part of UNM through the Associated Women Students organization's Advisor Program. The students are further welcomed with a Pow Wow held each fall. Through .the AWS council, Women students to establish, interpret, and enforce rules and regulations governing themselves. AWS also coordinates organizational activities of women students, helps develop leadership and high ideals of conduct and encourages balance between the various aspects of college life.

Seated: Claudette Walfe. Gail Buckland, Jane Peterson, Jan McPherson, Robin Dozier. Standing: Mary Carter, Jean Hill, Glenda Atkinson, Becky Wyman.


Back row: Miss Metzger, Robin Dozier, Ann Mercer, Connie King. Front row: Ros Mills, Terry Ordo路 nez, Luke Vickery.

General Council


The official publishers of the Mirage, Lobo and Thunderbird is the Student Publications Board, headed by Mr. Huber. The board also handles the advertising and financial end of the publications and regulates policy.

Dick French, Tony Hillerman, Lester Liba, Mark Acuff, Judy Bowen, William Huber, Ja Anne Bailey, Tom Popejoy Jr., Fred Julander, Paul Davis, Gerold Groff.


RADIO BOARD The Radio Board directs the activities of the student-owned and operated radio and television stations on the UNM campus.

Michael Etherton, Dr. P. V. Petty, Dr. Keith R. St. Onge, Steven M. Jung, chairman, Rolph Kapansky, Steve Hill, William R. Robson, manager of KNMD campus radio station.

ENGINEERS' JOINT COUNCIL The Engineering Joint Council regulates the policies of all Engineering groups and advances the profession with such projects as Engineering Day.

Front: David McFerrin, vice-president; Pot Chowning, President; Mickey Khear, treasurer; David Bruce, secretary. Bock: Buddy Von Doren, David Toy, David K. Tudor, David Gorman, Carl Raglin.


In keeping with our increasingly mechanized society, the Union Directorate this year sponsors an IBM dance attended by couples who have been matched scientifically according to the ratings of their questionaires by an IBM machine. Also new for this year is the Baby Lottery in which prizes are awarded to the students who are most successful in matching the baby pictures of campus leaders with those of the present. First row, right to left: Arline Krieger, chairman; Diane Cutter, Connie Bower, JoAnn Mansur, secretary-treasurer; Jess Koeberle, assistant program advisor; Kay Brown, vice-chairman. Second row, right to left: Del Faddis, program adviser; Cheryl Fossum, Glenda Atkinson, Mike Brown, Ned Martin, Lindy Blaschke, Gary Weaver Not shown: Dixie Partee and Janie Stowers.


Seated: Kathy Holmaas, Patty Durrie, Ellen McCanna, Susan Fincke, Diane Bluestein, Adrienne Antink, Glenda Atkinson, chairman, Ann Stahl, Elaine Asbury. Standing: Marty Swearinger, Mike Brown.

FILM AND LECTURE COMMITIEE Meeting the' stud Jnt demand for year-round entertainment, the Film and Lecture Committee co-ordinates the Sunday Film Fare series as well as sponsoring final week cartoons. The committee also arranges for lectures of special interest and conducts the "Meet the Prof." series.


Seated: Patti Wilson, secretary; Janie Stowers, vice-chairman; Connie Bower, chairman. Sec路 ond row: Sharon Kologie, Mary Ann Frye, Mindy Via, Carole Herren. Third row: Mary May, Karen Keller, Karen Huffman, Carmen Chavez, Marybeth BronHildner, Karen son, Marilyn Kirkpatrick, Karen Spence.

The red serapes of the Host and Hospitality Committee carry out the theme of New Mexican warmth and casualness which is evident in their work. Serving both guests and the campus community, they sponsor tours of the Union, maintain a Browsing Library and a Travel Board which helps students find transportation to their homes, and also conduct bridge and dancing lessons.

PAINT A D POSTER Carol Harbert, Pam Hepplewhite, vicechairman; Cheryl Fossum, Chairman; Sandy Ausanka, Lois Mayland.

All decorations in the Union for holidays and Directorate dances are handled by the Paint and Poster Committee. They also provide publicity for the news media, maintain a "Names in the News" with clippings pertinent to UNM and a World News Map in the lobby.

ART AND EXHIBIT The Art and Exhibit Committee arranges art exhibits in the Ballroom Gallery featuring various groups of collections of paintings, and coordinate showcase displays throughout the Union. Such displays have included contributions from various groups on campus as well as such exhibits as the Kodak award winning photos and a rare and interesting collection of old playing cards.







Weaver, Kathleen Murphey.

The Music and Talent Committee maintains the FM and music listening rooms, sponsors jazz workshops, concerts, recitals, student talent search Shower of Stars, and TGIF music and talent.

Edwina Smith, vice chairman; Yolanda Romo, Sharon McLaughlin, Bill Slaton, Marilyn Stout, Wendell W. Gray, Joyce Reynolds, Mary Farnwald, Herb Dennish, Donna Miller, Ned Martin, chairman.


RECREATION COMMITTEE Numerous tournaments, utilizing the extensive equipment of the Union Games Area, are sponsored by the Games and Recreation Committee. They include chess, billiards, bowling, table tennis and bridge. The group also encourages the use of the Crafts Area which features silk screening equipment with which students may personalize sweatshirts or other articles for clubs or other organizations. Front: Jerri Johnson, Kay Massaro, Dixie Partee, Chairman. Back: Carroll Johnson, Frank Gumataotao. Not pictured: Jane Little.

N. M. UNION STAFF Learning takes place not only in the classroom but in the everyday experience of people. With this idea in mind, the NM Union staff strives to offer the student a center for this part of education. The staff was augmented this year by Del Faddis as the new activities director. Mr. Faddis comes from Brigham Young University, where he was formerly employed in the same capacity.

William Bierbaum, Director; Del Faddis, Program AdVisor; A. O. Jackson, Bookstore Manager; R. E. Carnes, Building Maintenance; G. W. Earickson, Accountant; Andre Rouelle, Cafeteria and Desert Room; Betty Scales, Scheduling Manager; Ruth Lumsdom, Secretary, Gwinn Henry, Gomes Area Manager.

The Union Board is a standing committee composed of student, faculty, and alumni members who guide the general operations of the New Mexico Union, establish policies on building use.


Seated forward: Peter Rinn, Art Melendres, Tom. Griffin, John Campbell. Seated Bock: 'oean Helen Whiteside, Gail Buckland, Kay Brown, Arlene Krieger. Standing: Prof. William Galford, Dean Howard Mathany, Prof. J. B. Zavadil, William Bierbaum.

Executive Staff. Kneeling: Buddy Van Doren, chief engineer. Standing Thomas Bussell, Music director; William Cox, chief announcer; Barbara Nylund, secretary; Michael Etherton, program director; William Robson, station manager.

Joseph Weihe

KNMD RADIO The University is a community with interests, activity, and news all its own. To serve the special interests of students and provide professional experience, Station KNMD was established. The station, operated by students, broadcasts to the dorms such special interest programs as the meetings of Student Senate plus music and news for general listening.

Mike Jones

David Robbins

Lance Gordon

Disc jockies. Kneeling: Steve Cooper and Geri Velasquez. Standing: First row: David Robbins, Tommie Standifer, Karen Jarrett, and Jeff Kahn. Second row: Jay Butler, Pete Paddock, Thomas Hudson, Gary Rovelstad, and Gar Feathers.

Marge Solen berger and Rebecca Lopez

Marge Solenberger Director

Marilyn Jernigan

Joleen Daffer

Toni Miera

John Dileanis

NEWS BUREAU A liason between the Albuquerque's downtown papers and the campus, the News Bureau also sends news to hometown papers and keeps permanent records of students and personnel on campus. Mrs. Solenberger and "Doc" Fenley are in charge of the Bureau and are helped by student aids, usually journalism majors.

Standing: Dianne Casey Associate Editor Seated:

Gwyneth Janes Cravens Editor

Readers for the 1965 THUNDERBIRD were Paula Francis Brown and Bruce Parker. Assisting with cover design, lithographs, and drawings were Garo Antreasian, Clint Adams, and William Thonson of the Art Department. Paul Davis and Delbert Wylder of the English Department served as advisors.

First prizes for their contributions to the Thunderbird went to Ishmael Hurreh for fiction and to Dan Sessions for poetry. Hurreh submitted "Pardon Me!" and "The Beginning." Sessions' work was entitled ''The Minotaur" and "Twilight for Ann."


Dennis Roberts Managing Editor


Carrol Cagle . . . Editor-in-Chief

Jack Weber. Student Government Editor

Paul Couey . . . Sports Editor

Thomas Ormsby . . . Campus Editor and Photographer 148

Jim Jansson . . . News Editor

Barbara 'V\!arne and Andy Lockhart . Staff'V\lriters

Richard French . . . Student Publications Business 1anager

Doug Browning . . . Political Editor

Pat Wallace and Jack Brown Staff Writers

Lynne Frindell . . . Copy Editor Tish Granger . Rick Hindley . Photographer


Staff'V\1riter . Feature Editor and




Virginia Milner, Associate Editor

lou Ella Reynolds, Assistant Managing Editor; Tom Ormsby, Managing Editor.



Barbara Knott, Editor-In-Chief




n ....,"


... Laura lay, Royalty Editor Yolando Ramo, Index Ignez lopez, Student Publications Editor


Roberta Harkey and Sandy Firkitich School Life Editors

Cheri Gross and Shedra GambrelClass Editors

Jackie SmithResident Hall and Administration Editor

Rebecca LopezStudent Government Editor Judy Murphy-Typist

Nancy GoffGreek Editor

Robert Wales-Graduate School Editor

Erlen Lopez and Helen FerranHonorary Editors 151

Ballmer, Marta Joe

Buckland, Gail

Cornelius, Cathleen

Cravens, Gweneth Janes

Fulton, Ginger

Hammack, Laraine

Harkey, Roberta

Marshall, Sandra

Mortensen, Gayle

Moeller, Lana F.

Orlando, Kathy

Peterson, Jane R.

Sorenson, Bev

Scott, Anne

MORTAR BOARD Mortar Board, a national honor society for senior women, sponsors the Christmas procession, Hanging of the Greens; Stunt Night, a loan fund, and encourages high school girls in scholarship by awarding certificates of recognition. Its members are chosen on the basis of distinction in leadership, scholarship, and service. They encourage spirit, service, and scholarship.

Worthing, Kothe

Bowen, Lelond

Julonder, Frederick

Fojusigbe, Joshuo

Fullerton, Howord

Melendres, Arthur

Plottsmier, Don C.

Solozar, John

Solenberger, Robert

Vigil. Edward

Walker, Mike

Howord, Hillord H.

BLUE KEY Blue Key is a national fraternity that promotes scholarship, service, and leadership among outstanding junior and senior men. Its members are selected on scholarship, leadership, and participation in campus activities. It helps with Freshman orientation, ushers at football games, and sponsors the annual honor's day assembly.


Frisbie, Lucille

Atkinson. Glendo

Boney, Susan

Bourgault, Cathy

Dozier, Robin

Everett, Susan

Glavey, Jewel

Glenn, Joy C.

Gross, Joyce

Hill, Jean

Knott, Barbara

MacPherson, Jon

Milner, Virginia

Mitchell, Michele

Owen, Barbara

Smith, Nancy

Sperry, Terri

Vickery, Luke


Wyman, Becky


Yandell, Coral

Gold blazers and brown skirts are the symbols of the junior women's honorary, Las Campanas. The youngest of the women's honoraries, it was established to recognize qualities of scholarship, leadership, and service shown by University women in the first years of college. Las Campanas, which means "The Bells," are in charge of Homecoming and Fiesta elections and elect the Professor of the Month. Selling boutonnieres at Homecoming helps raise funds for such projects as a Christmas party for underpriVileged youngsters. A new project this year is the spring song fest.

CHAKAA Chakaa, the junior men's honorary, was founded at the University of New Mexico in 1956. Its purpose is to promote and provide recognition for scholarship, leadership and Campus activities. Members of Chakaa sell programs at football games, help with Freshman orientation and High School Senior's Day, and work on Campus Chest. One of the annual projects is building "Professor Snorf," the effigy burned during Fiesta.

Bacchus, Steve Branch, Jim

Brazell, Roy Bowen, Mike Brown, Robert Brown, Harold

Cagle, Carol Collins, Jim Crouse, Thomas F. Edwards, Chuck

Glenn, Horace Goldberg, Allen Howard, Thad Jimmie Kenley, Mac Leach, lonnie

Miller, James

Miller, William Mitchell, Charles Mitchell, James Otten, Leonard Popejoy, Tom Webber, Brian


Abraham, Koren

Bestgen, Terri

Cutter, Dione

Davies, Elizabeth

Bluestein, Dione

Durrie, Potty

Brandenburg, Sharon

Coester, Neta

Cantrell, Karen

Carter, Mary C.

Cummings, Judy

Erickson, Dottie

Ford, Wendy

Fossum, Cheryl

Gray, Jane

Hathaway, Gwendolyn


Howley, Jean

Hayes, Kathy

Johnson, Judy

Spurs, a national sophomore women's honorary established at UNM in April of 1939, has served the university and the community in many ways this year. Their projects this year include helping with the Freshman Orientation Program, ushering at the Program Series and t'he Homecoming Coronation, giving food to an impoverished Albuquerque family, and sponsoring a Christmas party for some Navajo children and a Girl Scout troop in west Albuquerque. These outstanding young leaders wear white skirts and sweaters with a red Spur Symbol as their national uniform.


Kinne, Mary Louise

Loy, Lauro

Moeller, Diona

Notion, Kay

Orndorff, Mable

Partee, Dixie

Torres, Rosema ry

Veatch, Mary Jo

Wallace, Pot

White, Melinda

VIGILANTES The sophomore men's honorary at UNM is the Vigilantes. The members, distinguished by their white lettered sweaters, represent the most outstanding male members of their class. By working together, they seek to encourage scholarship, leadership, service and loyalty on the campus. The projects of the honorary entail ushering at football and basketball games, assisting with registration and Freshman Orientation, serving as guides for campus tours, working at the New Mexico Educational Association Convention, and helping with spring elections. The group seeks to reward scholastic excellence by awarding a scholarship to an outstanding student from New Mexico each year.

Byrne, Michael

Calvin, John A.

Epstein, Mark

Flagstead, James

Gassma n, La rry

Hinkle. James

Krebs. Rod

Matteucci, Richard

May, Ronald

McAdams. James

O'Mara, Dennis

Otaski. Richard

Paquet. Andy

Russell. Robert

Scalling, Sam

Ware, Dale T.



Members of Chi Epsilon are, front row, Paul Meyer, David R. Brosman, John Ciani, Caryl Reiff, Wen Wang, Fred Burns. Second row: Prof. M. M. Cottrel, faculty advisor; Anthony Mixer, Randall Wooley, David Niese, Roy Waters, Carl Raglin, Richard Paroz, Charles Bacchus.

Chi Epsilon, one of the many honoraries, is distinctive in that it consists entirely of civil engineers, including students, faculty, and practicing civil engineers. Chi Epsilon,

established on this campus in 1951, aims at advancing the civil engineering profession with scholarship, character, practicality, and sociability as guides.


Members of Eta Kappa Nu are, front row: Robert Nelson, Charles Harman, Clifford Danielson, Terry Anno, secretory; Richard Sutton, John Potterson, Leland Bowen, David Toy, Donold Rothwell. Second row, Dr. Martin, James Wynhoff, Lloyd Lamb, Theodore Arken, Marvin Byrd, treasurer; Edmond Van Doren, Robert Vaiden. Third row: William Shurtleff, Paul Smith, David Cayer, corresponding secretary; Dick Bresenham, Emil Kreici, Kirk Thompson, vice president; Dovid McFerrin, president; Harold Brown, John Dietz, Nelson Ball, Milo Novratil, John Schroder.

Delta Omicron Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu, a national electrical engineering fraternity, was chartered in 1962 at UNM. Eta Kappa Nu brings together electrical engineering


students that have an outstanding scholarship record and possess the interests and abilities to pursue the profession.


First row, Eddie Brown, President; Robert Berger, Adelia Sasaki, Joyce Clifford. Second row, Joshua Fajusibe, Sandra Moody, Nanci Smith, Ellen Shippy. Third row, Robert Conley, Roberta Harkey, William Frank, Hillard Howard. Fourth row, Robert Vaiden, Leland Bowen, James Wynhoff, Ann York. Fifth row, John Breiland, Dave McFerrin, Richard Holley, Emil Jreii. Sixth row, Ray Sweet, Roy Brazell, David Toy, Lloyd Lamb. Seventh row, David Jacobs.

Kappa Mu Epsilon, national honorary mathematics fraternity, was founded in 1931. Its aim is to provide a society for the recognition of outstanding achievement in the study of mathematics and to fur-

ther the interest of mathematics for undergraduate students. Membership is limited to students who have maintained a mathematic average of 3.4 after completion of sophomore calculus and an overall 3.0.


Seated, Carol Bryant, Treasurer; Mory Hall, President; Beverly Irvine, :iecrelary. Standing: Jerry Kohl, Jeanne DeValk, Suzanna Lindley, Barbara Calderone, Connie Moore, Sue McCluskey, Ann Clewlow, Madge La Near, Merlene Feil, Mrs. Ruth Harris, sponsor.

Kappa Omicron Phi, national Home Economics honorary fraternity was founded in 1922 at Northwestern Missouri State Teachers College. Pi chapter, at the University of New Mexico was installed in 1936. Members must have above average grades in all subjects and show evidence of superior personal qualities and potentialities of leadership. During the Christmas holiday season, members bake

and sell several hundred pounds of fruit cake to raise money for the scholarship which is awarded each spring to a deserving Home Economics Major to help defray expenses during the recipients senior year. Other activities include the group's participation in a community service project and Activities Night, at which they gave samples of fruit cake.


First row: Genevieve Domgoard, Jane luxford, President; Coraline Schmidt, Dorothy Maddison, Dell Miera, Dorothy Droke, Henrietta loy, Jennie Chapman. Second row: louise Hensley, Recording Secretory; Mildred Riebsomer, Patricio Poldervaart, Mariorie Yepsen, Roxie Morrow, Katherine McFall, Mary Newman, Carol Mills, Wando Zellner, Pot Rodgers, Vice President; Groce l. Elser, Sponsor. Third row: Elinor Bratton, Marge Kaping, Vada Allen, Githa lewis, Kathryn S. Tolley, Billie Thompson, Evelyn Tackitt, lois Hoffpauir, lydia Wright, Helen Harriger, Mary Thomas, Delio Moya, Mary Rowe, Gerean Walker. Fourth row: Eleanor Wold, Jean leonord, Mildred Bild, Frances Shutt, Monte lee Davis, Joan Doxtator, Edith Monfredi, Marguerite Bell, Mildred Faris, Carlene Farnam, Donna Trott, Charlotte Yesselman, Evelyn Curb, Barbaro Figge, Groce Richardson, Janet Monroe, Royce Bolch, Treasurer.

Pi Lambda, a national honor and professional association for women in education, was founded on this University campus in April, 1939. At the 25th Anniversary celebration, six of the founders of Alpha Mu Chapter, seated in the first row, were presented with a yellow rose, the chapter flower.


First row: Clinton Von Blaricum, Grover Hortman, James Silva, Richard Brown. Second row: John Reynolds, Robert Benham, Jerry Freedman, Joseph Amode, Edward McCausland. Third row: Joshua Faiusigbe, Robert Pritcharo, John Boker, William Baede, President; Gaylord Mingo, John Cawlfield, Dr. Maurice Wildin, Tom Feldman, William Sedlock, Prof. William Boker, Dr. Richard Dove, Donald Fritsch, secretory; James Wambold.

The New Mexico Pi Sigma Chapter of Pi Tau Sigma was installed November 29, 1948 by National Secretary-Treasurer D. S. Clark. Each year New Mexico Pi Sigma Chapter recognizes two outstanding engineers based on their freshman and sophomore academic achievements by engraving their names on a plaque in the Mechanical Engineering Building. It cooperates with mechanical engineering faculty, the Student Branch of A.S.M.E., and the College of Engineering in staging the Engineer's Open House. A Pi Tau Sigma library is maintained for the convenience of engineering students.




Piano: Sandy Landis. Front row: (left to right). Claire Jessee, vice president; Kathy Otis, Chaplain; Sherry Gurley, Valerie Hart, Corresponding Secretory; Marjorie Sanare, Sgt. of Arms; Martha Ann Sargent, Carrol Yandell, Social chairman. Bock row: Alice Merrill, Neiman Syler, Editor; Edwina Smith, Recording Secretory; Cathy Cornelius, Maryann Regensberg, Fraternity Ed. Chairman; Wendy Ford, Dorothy Musgrove, Presiden'!.

Sigma Alpha Iota is a national honorary music fraternity for women, dedicated to the advancement of music. The Alpha Sigma Chapter, at UNM, was founded May 25, 1935. SAl activities this year include the traditional Vespers Service program jn the annual Hanging of the Greens Ceremony at Christmas; also, Province Day, a Silver Musical of contemporary music, a Christmas candle sale and an ice cream social for new students in the fall, several music programs, and ushering at all concerts.


Carl Raglin, Leland Bowen, Terry Anno, Thomas Underhill, vice president; David A. Bruce, President; Richard Rhorer, Edward Vigil, Javier Monserrot, Dick Poroz.

Sigma Tau is the national engineering honorary fraternity. The members are chosen from all fields of engineering, and

must have a scholarship record in the upper one-third of the junior or senior class.


Members of Inter-Religious Council are Karen Arch, secretary; Landra White, Sharon Moses, Velma Swendson, Roger Ruth, Carl Mangum, Leland Bowen, treasurer; Pat Gorman, Sue Topp, president; Anita Mager, vice-president; Carole Maendelsberg, Diane Cutter, fro Barthlamew Ryan, Kenna Lauser, Ann Clawson, Michael Hanz, Bob Chene, Richard Bright, David Case.

INTER-RELIGIOUS COUNCIL BAPTIST STUDENT UNION Members of the BSU are first Row: Jim Roach, Tim Holcomb, Sue foster, Wayne Gribble, Ron Singleton. Second Row: Barbara Grider, Laurel Christenson; Judy Andrews, Arthur Bailey, Carol Yandell, Jan Thomas. Third Row: Bob Rightmeyer, Maryann Regensberg, Phyllis Gregory, Michael Albin, Leland Bowen. fourth Row: Wanda McCallon, Larry Wills, June fulmer, Norman Lackey, Dixie Pope, Brenda Jennings. fifth Row: Dave Rogers, Vernon Mims, Carol Jean Monge, Sharon Moses, Jim Howard, linda Vines. Sixth Row: Lucy Belle Stokes, Lela Beth Criswell, Judy Wood, Diana Key, Russel Patrick, Richard Tang.


Dr. Hamiltan speaks to members of the United Campus Christian Fellawship at a Wednesday night meeting. listening to the talk are Koela Mastin, Beverly Summers, Mary litchfield, Jesse Jessen, David McDonald, Lenore Edgworth, Reverend Joe Willis. Seated: John Conwell, Sue Topp, Helen Leach, Nancy Chales, Nikki Brown, Erica Wang, Duffy Sasser, Mrs. Christine Stockley.

UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP A pause for a brief game of bridge in the day's busy schedule is enjoyed by members of iust one of the many religious groups on campus.

United Campus Christian Fellowship is a combined university ministry and student movement of the Evangelical United Brethren, Disciples of Christ, Moravian Church, United Church of Christ, and the United Presbyterian Church.

U.CCF. is open to any member of the university community who wishes to participate in /lthe quest for truth./I Geneva House, the local U.CCF. house, is located at 1820 Las Lomas N.E. The purpose of Geneva House may be summarized: /ITo keep religion faithful to the truth; to keep truth always in service to God./I The Reverend Joseph S. Willis, pastor for Geneva House, and Associate Minister, Mrs. Christine Stockley, are always present to help guide and strengthen Geneva House members. Geneva House, with its lounge, study rooms, chapel, library, and recreation facilities, is open each day while the University is in session. Any member of the University Community is welcome to share in its programs or use its facilities, regardless of race or religious affiliation.

Gathered around the fireplace, members of UCCF enioy a Sunday night hootenanny. Sacial activities are only one of the programs at Geneva House.


Members of the Christian Student Center are, seoted: Karen Waldorf, Lexie Shough, Candy Paulson, Coleen Waldorf, Patricia Wallace, John Leonard, Gaston Tarbet (University minister). Standing: Gene Rouse, Jeff Wilkes, James King, William Smith.

CAMPUS STUDENT CENTER The Christian Student Center, located at 209 University N.E., is composed of students who are either members of the Church of Christ or are interested in restoring New Testament Christianity in this twentieth century. The purpose of the Christian Student Center is to help create a wholesome climate for spiritual growth in the lives of the University students. To accomplish this purpose, devotional periods are scheduled, accredited Bible courses are offered, a weekend retreat to the beautiful Manzano Mountains is held in the spring, and several parties and socials are planned and attended by students. In addition to the above activities, the students meet at the CSC on Sundays at 7:00 P.M. for food and fellowship. The Christian Student Center is located at 209 University NE. A warm welcome is always extended to students wishing to participate in the activities of this organization.

Students gather around the campfire to sing follOWing a steak fry in the Sandia Mountains.


Members of the Deseret Club are, Bock row: Ken Fisher, Steve Komadina, Chester Cook, Bill Bader, Karl Mangum, David Castle, Wendell Gray (director), Gory Hatch. Middle row: Clifford Merrill, Wilbur Bigelow, Fred Mortensen, LeRoy Brimhall, Ronald Baliff, Mary Block, Deanna Ellis, Virginia Milner. Front row: Lynne McMurphy, Carol Turpen, Janet Harris, Judy Boggs, Nada Hoerner, Penny Porter.

l.D.S. Institute of Religion Building located at 1617 Grand NE.

The Basketball team of the group League of the Intramurals. The team Bill Bader, Cliff Merrill, and Fred Steve Komadina, Will Bigelow, Dove and John Seymour.

won second place in the Independent consisted of: Ron Bailiff, LeRoy Brimhall, Mortensen. Members not pictured are: Castle, Wendell Gray, Lonnie Lombsen,

DESERET CLUB The Deseret Club is sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and seeks to provide fellowship, social enjoyment and intellectual improvements to church members and inquirers. The LOS group also supports the Institute of Religion where classes in theology and church history are conducted. Activities of the Deseret Club center around weekly noon hour meetings and monthly social events ranging from snow parties to dances. Del Faddis serves as advisor to the group. Institute of Religion Council which is the governing body of the Deseret Club is composed of Karl Mangum, Steve Komadino (president), Dove Castle, Steve Edgel (vice president), Koryn Manley (secretory), Bill Bader, Steve Hulow (senote). Standing: Del Faddis (advisor), Wendell Gray (director).


.Baccalaureate M ass at the A . IS celebrated Newman Center C every June in qUlnas h atholic students. onor of graduating

Father Barthalomew Ry 0 ~u~ltdi~e~~or of the cent~~" Th~P·Fa~~:r ~assedMaway suddenly in December, was IS memory. yan emorial Conference Room·IS b elng

. w·th I th e 75th Anniverduring Homecaming with a display·In keeplng Newman Center took second place· sary th erne h e Independent D· .. exhibited "Lab os p nAtGolden assiOn Tradition ,:vlslon



Not only does the Newman Center offer a program of social and spiritual improvement, but stimulating activities for mental growth are also available. Aside from the Newman Forum, a series of academic lectures, five accredited classes are taught at the Center. Logic, Comparative Analysis of Christian Thought, Child Growth and Development, Marriage and the Family are offered besides Key Christian Ideas which is shown above being taught by Father Robert Burns, O.P., director of the Center. A student may take up to six hours and the courses are accredited by St. Joseph's College with credits being transferred to the University.

Officers for the Foil term were, Standing: Steve Fitz, Craig Othmer, Phil Jordon, president; Bob Pompa. Seated: Rosemary Boca, Judy Sibila, Kathy Bourgault.

Spring officers: Craig Othmer, president; Lon Vickers, internal vice-president; Pot Gorman, Treasurer; Bob Chene, external vice-president; Chris Silleroy, extension vice-president; Kathy Winston, recording secretory; Marie Fisher, corresponding secretory.



Enjoying 0 picnic ore Islamic members: Standing, Mrs. Razave, Mrs. N. Shukki, Naii Shukki, Mrs. Atakol, Kenan Atakol, John Bakos, Rita Addison, Mrs. Amion, Amin Zavosh, Muhammad Akbar. Sitting left to right, Razavi Fattah, Abdellatie Benhajima, Muhammad AI-Rumaih, John Erickson, Abdulaziz AI路Ayaub, Mustapha Kemal Baksh.

Founded in 1961 by a few Pakistanian students to prOVide a common meeting place for followers of the Islamic faith. The group prOVides a forum for the discussion of reljgious ideas, and sponsors worship services and the celebration of Moslem festivals. Besides promoting religious ideals, the organization promotes Islamic culture by offering courses in Arabic.


Islamic Society members are: Back raw. Azharuddin Owaisi, Salah uddin, S. V., Muhammad AI-Rumaih, Habibe Mir, Mansoar Khraiji, Noura Khraiji, Lamia Khraiji, Zubair Noorul Haq. Front row: Bob Wasvary, Muhammed Akbar, Rita Addison, Gonen Atakol, Kenan Atakol, Abdullah Abbas, Ismael Hurreh.

The Wesley Foundation of the Methodist Church is on campus to serve some 1200 Methodist-preference students this year. Located at 1801 Las Lomas N.E., the student center is directed by Reverend Richard Bright. This year has seen the initiation of a dorm visitation program and Sunday evening programs ranging in subject matter from politics to contemporary theology. Monthly social events have included a fall get-acquainted picnic, a hayride, a Christmas caroling party, and a student-faculty dinner. Also new this year was a magazine called NOW which deals with relevant issues in such areas as art, theology, politics, and ethics and which offers literary and graphic art work.

Front Row, L. to R.: Roxie Morrow, Monte Hill, Mary Jo Benham, Ed White, Linda Phillips, Jim Smotherman, Peter Rinn, Charles Spooner, director Richard Bright. Second Row, L. to R.: Charles Miller, Kay McCosh, Roy Brazell, Glenda Grey, Clinton Baker, Steve Caldwell, Betty Vance, Kyle Nye, Marjorie Snare. Leading the discussion is Kenna Lauser.

Bock: John Dileanis; Leo Sanchez, Paul Couey, Corrol Cogle, Chorles Bell, Leonord Jermoin. Front: Jock Brown, Dennis Roberts, Poul Doy, Andrew Lockhort.


Delta Sigma Chi, the journalism honorary, seeks to promote the field of journalism through honoring those students who have done outstanding work on their college campus.

STUDENT EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Los Educadores Chapter of the Student Education Association is the professional organization for all education students on campus. SEA seeks to promote professionalism among those students planning a career in all phases of teaching. SEA is affiliated nationally with the National Education Association (NEA), and with the New Mexico

Education Association (NMEA). The Student Education Association tries to give its members experiences, knowledge, and contacts in the teaching profession which cannot be gained in university classrooms. Founded on the UNM campus in 1957, the Los Educadores Chapter has been a vital organization ever since.

Third Row, Standing: Pete Sturdevant, Norma Breton, Robert Daxtotar, sponsor; Alfred Griego, Pervis Bently, Vicki Buss, Koran Spence, Amanda King; Lynne Dudley, Barbaro Hasak, Judy Mudgett, Charlene Corpenter, Barbora Allen, Rachel Watchmon, L. K. Setti, Freddie Heitman, Hector Perez, Raul Quintanilla, Fernando Maresma, Louis A. Aponte. Second Row: Nancy Georhart, Louise Tallmadge, Brenda Gallegos, Mary Kruse, Mary Lou Cosey, Pot Garrecht. First Row: Joen Goodman, Dione Bluestein, Historian; Roxie Morrow, President; Madeline Sifuentes, secretory-treasurer; Beverly Irvine, corresponding secretory; Carol Bryant, vice-president.



Town Club officers Jonie Sieglitz, Roberta Harkey, and Dorothy Burrow discuss plans for the year's schedule.

Emily Ballance


Town Club, a social organization for Albuquerque women has been active on the UNM campus for many years. Activities this year included the Winter Formal, "Diamonds in the Snow," at which a queen and two attendants were chosen. The group also took part in several service projects and climaxed the year with the annual Spring Formal.

Eileen Murphy Judy Murphy Patsy Orth Cherll Ostlund Janet Philley Cindy Sachs Kathy Selci k

Janie Sieglitz Peggy Sieglitz Madeline Sifuentes

Royalty for the Town Club Winter Formal were Queen Judy Tabacchi (center) and her attendants Ginger Duke (left) and Carole Lewis (right), Lindo Sancrant Eva Marie Stephns


Rebecca Stilphen

Marguerite Ballance Lindo Baxter Coral Beirne Dorothy Burrow Vickie Buss Margie Clark Ann Clawson Katherine Conner Betty Jo Thieman

Shila Craige Elizabeth Davies Elizabeth Dickens Ginger Duke Joy Glenn Mary Ann Granados Ardith Homan Roberto Horkey Judy Tabacchi

Jerri Johnson Patricio Johnson Maureen Kasnic Mary Kamen Carol Jean Lewis Debbie Lewis Roberto Susan Marks Molly Ann McGinnis Kathryn Wiener


HOME ECONOMICS Decorating cakes, wrapping gifts and applying make-up are some of the skills that the girls of the UNM chapter of the American Home Econ-

omics Association are learning to perfect through various programs and presentations. They also created tray favors for the patients at the Bernalillo County Indian Hospital and united with Kappa Omicron Phi for the annual fruitcake bake.

Back: Connie Moore, Anita Berggren, Donna Hover, Pam Finch, Sandie Shore, Judy Abernathy, Mary Ann Thompson, Janet Turbeville. Sitting: Miss Imogean McMurray, advisor; Merleen Feil, secretary; Francis Manning treasurer; Jennie DeValk, vicepresident; Doris Phelps, president.

Front, Ronald McPherson, faculty advisor; Fronk Boca, Randall R. Wooley, Glenn A. Foster, Jim lee, Jerry Read, vice-president, Steve Mitchell, treasurer; Paul Tufts, secretary; Tom Kincheloe, secretary; A. A. Mosher, James D. Bishop. Second Row: Marvin C. May, Caryl M. Reiff, Charles Davis, Golden lane, Anthony S. Mixer, Thomas Underhill, president; Frederick P. Howland, David R. Brosman, Fred Burns, Ray Foss. Third Row, louis E. Herrera, Ronald W. lasley, John A. Knoll, Gary Pratt, Sari T. Faruki, Carl Raglin, Richard Paroz, John Ciani, Harry Murchison, Charles Bacchus.

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL E GINEERS Organized on the UNM campus in 1929 for the purpose of acquainting students with the professional side of civil engineering, the student chapter of the American Society for Civil Engineers is open to any civil engneering students. The group sponsors films and guest speakers and is active in Engineers' Open House and the Engineers Ball in conjunction with the Engineers' Joint Council.


Student engineers pose with a structure designed to enhance the beauty of the engineers' patio.

Malcolm Jamieson, president; R. Ronald Armiio, vice-president; larry Williams, secretary; Philip Wayne, treasurer.

Alpha Kappa Psi, the business honorary, is open to men majoring :n business administration, who meet the group requirements and who are interested in furthering the growth and recognition of the business profession.

Seated, Allen Stevenson, Victor So is, John C. Bates, Bill Shiplet, Charles Graham, Robert Rightmeyer. Standing, Carl Butts, Jay Kirk, John Merrel, David Blythe, Edward Devlin, Dan Dane, David Helsel, Joel Krane, John Roscher, George Zarris.


AMERICAN PHARMECEUTICAL ASSOCIATION The American Pharmaceutical Association is open to all students of pharmacy. The organization's program includes guest speakers, social functions and members also attend a national convention sponsored by one of the pharmaceutical firms.

First Row: Groce Louise Colvin, Cheryl Fossum, Candy Mones, Lena Sun, Ernest Lujan, Robert L. Roybal, William Wong, Ron Marotto, Bob Henry, James Ronald EWing, Richard Atkinson, Alex Gallegos, Dean Merritt, president, Roger Rinella, David Ellis, Arnold Porath, Peter Lee, John Russell, vice-president, Roy Mortiottini, Peyton Lovesee, Edsel Chappelle, Jeri English, Bill Krait, E. G. Abernathy, John Fraim, Moied Foruki, W. H. Caldwell, secretary.

Standing, Bock: Ben Goy, Rowland Aiayi, Vince Gorman, Alan Brooks, Elren Rocha, Carl Wheeler, Bill Fuller, David Wilson, Ed Reece, Joshua Foiusigbe, Jerry Freedman, Gregory Baker, Joseph Amode, Bob Benham. Second Row: Marvin Duphorne, Richard Brown, Tom Hackett, James Wambold, Doctor R. C. Dove, Hans Neubert, Edward McCausland, Lynn Lucas, Bill Miller, William Baker, Leo Kelly, Thomas Feldman, Clinton Van Blaricum, Gaylord Mingo. Front: John Reynolds, William Boede, Grover Hartman, Rick Hildner, Calvin McKinney, Jim Silva, John Bidwell.


Guest speakers, movies and presentation of papers are included in the activities of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. It is a national organization open to junior and senior students of mechanical engineering.

DELTA SIGMA PI Since 1942 Gamma Iota chapter of Delta Sigma Pi has been active at UNM. A business fraternity, this honorary strives to acquaint business students with the commercial world by promoting industrial tours, offering a professional program and remaining active on campus. During the year, Delta Sigma Pi assists with registration, supports a local charity and has numerous social events.

KIVA CLUB Michael JOiola, Keeyah Begay, louis Rogers, Ed Wapp, treasurer; Chris Christiansen, president; Rolph Davis, vice president; Sonny Tuttle, Rory Johnson, Edgar Monetathchi, Jr., Racheke Watchman, Gloria Allapowa, Pot Davis, secretory.

left to right, stonding: James H. Boyle, John A. Rice, Richard B. Goodloe, James R. Wiggans, Charles M. Justice, Ronald C. Miller, Richard B. Cole, David W. Weig, Robert J. larsen, Robert D. Akin, Antone M. Weiler. left to right, sitting: William B. Bryant, Professional Chairman; leslie H. Rowe, Chancellor; Nicholas R. Pica, President; Charles K. Ables, Treasurer; William A. Morscin, Secretory. Not pictured: Edgar A. Amsden, G. Eric Bell, Earl H. Bowers, David L. Carroll, John A. Potts.

The membership of the Kiva club includes Indian students and those who are interested in Indian culture and tradition. The club serves to promote and develop the social welfare of Indian descendents and to encourage them to pursue a course in higher education. There are two major projects that the Kiva club undertakes during the school year-the Annual Youth Conference and the Nizhoni Dances.


First row: Fark Kinno, Abdul EI路Wailli, Thomas Soyingbe, Dr: Mary Jane Cook, Mary Blaine, Milton Brown, Lone Peterson, Paula Brockway, Diane Jaynes, Anjiah Athelli, Virendra Sethi. Second Row: Mohammad AI路Rumaih, Abdulla Abbas, Ahmed Aboul路Seond, Abdulziz AI路Ayoub, Monsoer Khroiji, Fereydoon Maji Rossouliho, Ghonem Makoul, Jo Ann Colkins, Wen Wang, Kothy O'Connor, Manu Potel. Third Row: Ramesh Shaw, Ibrahim Haj, Ramond Wan, Rowland Ajayi, Yogeshwar Goel. Fourth Row: Rameshchandra Patel, Alfred Arcoche, Mary Ellen Burns, Hakike Mir, Brendo Jennings, Azhoruddin Owaisi. Fifth Row: Preecha Watanakunakorn, Tommy Thomas, Thomas children, Mrs. Thomas, Landra White, Alfredo Gomez, Arthur Loy, Hector Perez, Luis Aponte, Joseph Amonde, Satischandra Dadio.

Orientol splendor is the keynote for the Arabic booth at the International Folk Festival.

ARABIA SOCIETY The Arabja Society provides a common meetjng ground for those of Arabic origin.

Mohammad E. AI-Rumach, Mr. Eosa, Dr. Mary Jon Cook, Mory Blaine, Mansur AI.Khurogi, Abdul Muneim EI-Wailli, Abdullah Abbas, Ahmod Aboulsoud, Abdulaziz AI-Ayoub, Mansoer Khraijii, Ibrahil Haji, Foick Kenou, Ghanem Macoal.


Robin Reod, Chris Meores, Noncy Goff, Cloire Wilson ond Virginio Lonning discuss coming octivities with one of their SAE brothers.


Sitting, Jeannette Ross, Sue Campbell, Laura Coffman, Mauri Lyons, Marilyn Ryde, Nancy Goff, Marsha Roberts, Virginia Lanning. Standing, Chris Meares, Jan Kelt, Jan Corzine, Claire Wilson, Judy Johnson, Ellen Oppenheim, Laura Loy.

Supporting Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity is the duty of the Little Sisters of Minerva. Members are selected by the active chapter and are usually related or pinned to a SAE. The girls aid pledges, sponsor Sunday morning breakfasts and attend chapter dinners. They must maintain a 2.4 GPA and when selected must have attended the U for two semesters.

Members of the little Sisters of Minerva new initiates show Twa various emblems of the organization.

Actives of Alpha Phi Omega are, back row, Barry Gloss, John White, Stephen Varenberg, Richard Fink, Paul Bryan, William Lincoln, Gory Rowen, Gory Rieder,. Middle row, William Mahan, Jerry Dean, scouting advisor; William Stow, John Zinter, David Shannon, Jay Butler, Russell Spicher, Herbert Kraus, Clifford Danielson. Rear row, Kneeling, William Beno, Robert Gamino, Jess Sandoval, Norman Dollahon.


Pete Chavez accepts books found by Marsha Jones. Alpha Phi OJllega is responsible for maintaining a booth at which tickets are sold and the lost and found department is located. The ticket booth at the sub has became the fraternity's rendezvous paint.

Alpha Phi's prepare luminarias for Hanging of the Greens.

Delta Tau Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega is one of 400 member groups of the largest national mens' service fraternity. Founded in 1925 at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania, it seeks to promote service to nation, community, campus, and fraternity. Alpha Phi Omega serves the nation and community by donating transportation to the Peace Corps and maintaining the Paaka and Coronado State Monuments. Services to campus includes prOViding campus tours, manning the Union ticket booth, setting up luminarios for Homecoming and Hanging of the Greens, sponsoring the Ugly Man Contest for the benefit of the Community Chest, and awarding a $200 scholarship to an outstanding sophomore. An annual Christmas Toy Dance helps underpriviledged children. An intricate part of the University's life, the A Phi O's are perhaps best known by their black tie, chaleko, sombero, and the all-important victory bell of which they are the guardians. Combined with this variety of activities A Phi 0 also prOVides its members with an outstanding program of social events, ranging from its festive weekends at a summer and winter resort, to elaborate parties and formals. A Phi 0 strives to broaden the education of its members.


The thrill of watching the Lobos end a victorious season is experienced by the boys from St. Anthony's Boys Home who were treated to UNM's lost football game by the actives of Alpha Phi Omega.


Members of Alpha Phi Omega and dates soak up sun and fun at Fiesta time. At this time of the year, members enjoy a full weekend of pleasure both days and nights.

Pledges of A Phi 0 undertook the project of wrapping Christmas gifts for the residents of las lunas Hospital and Training School. Service to those' less fortunate than themselves is an important part of the program of this organization.

Visitors to the Engineers' Open House always find the displays impressing if not always totally comprehensible for the layman.

Preparing for the Open House, Richard Bechtel 'odiusts some apparatus on the electrical engineering display.

The purpose of the student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is to further the professional development of the E. E. student and to promote interests in the theory and practice of all aspects of electrical engineering and allied fields. Each year in connection with the national society, the student branch sponsors a paper contest. The winner is given an expense paid trip to the regional convention. This year the winner will also receive a large monetary prize. Other branch activities include an annual picnic, field trips, guest speakers, and participation in the Engineer's Open House.


First Row: Richard Himebrook, Ronald E. West, Eddie Koerperich, Robert Gamino, Dr. Shlomo Karni. Second Row: James Wynhoff, leland Bowen, William Shurtleff, Paul H. Smith, Edmond Von Doren, Pot Chowning, Terry Anno, Robert Rice. Third Row: E. l. Guhl, Morvin R. Byrd, Ted Arken, Kirk Thompson, David McFerrin, Walton Anderson, John Schroeder, David Toy. Fourth Row: William Robson, Pablo D'Anno.


First Row, Sitting: L. to R., Janet Wicht rich, Nancy Teeter, Mary Doyle, Mrs. Marilyn Hanna, Advisor; Kathy Squire, Margaret Erickson, Sandra Ferketich. Second Row, Standing: L. to R., Judy Andersan, Kay McCosh, Pat Parmley, Laura Sitze, Chorlatte Kise, Millicent Baca, Mary Schaer, June Wheaton, Coleen Waldorf, Pat Elliott, Sandy McGovern, Nancy Marks. Third Row, Standing: L. to R., Linda Barth, Helen Shriver, Gail Settle, Judy Tomlinson, Alice Vinson, Mary Kimmons, Patsy Orth, Alice Smith.

STUDENT NURSES ASSOCIATION The purpose of the Student Nurses' Association is to give all students in Nursing an opportunity to share interests, experiences, and goals in order to promote fellowship and professional growth. It is further designed to promote and maintain high educational and professional standards in the field of Nursing and to provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and the self-expression of each individual. Activities during the year included an orientation picnic, sponsoring the appearance of Dr. Lulu Wolf Hassenplug, Dean of the UCLA College of Nursing, a fund-raising campaign for scholarships to the UNM College of Nursing, socials with the pre-med students, and a banquet in honor of the graduating seniors.

Janet Wicht rich, first vice-president; Margaret Erickson, president; Mary Doyle, second vice-president; Ann Bulgin, recording secretory; Nancy Teeter, corresponding secretary; Kathy Squire, treasurer.

Sharon Canada . . . student nurse of the year.

Lettermen's Club members are: front; Orvey Hampton, Robert Salenberger, treasurer; Chuck Kelly, president; Richard Ness, secretary; Steve Leigon, Charley Moran, Bill Taylor, Gary Plumlee. Back, Ray Blankley, Bob Hammond, Marty Lymon, Woody Dome, Fronk Meso, Steve Molnar, Vice-president; David Otto, Doug Hendrick, Jock Abendschon, Jim Rhudy, Mario Mariani, Johnny Montgomery.

Wearing the NM as their emblem, the members of the Lobo Letterman's Club seek to strengthen interest in athletics and honor those who have made outstanding contributions to university athletics.


LETIERMEN'S CLUB This year, Waterlous, synchronized swim group at UNM, has been coached by Mrs. Stan Rasmussen, their new sponsor. The girl's work on the skills of synchronized swimming was brought to a climax this year by the annual water show in April. "Campus Curre路nts" was the theme depicting various aspects of campus life. Waterlous also took part in sportsdays and held a swimming symposium in the late spring.

Side of pool: Sandy Meyer, Groce Louise Colvin, Lynne Hormow, Dione Dottavio, Marsha Rowdobough. Boord, front to bock: Merikoy McKinney, Kay Mayfield, Gwen Padilla, Judy Tomlinson, Chris Duewoll, Jessie Morris, Mrs. Ellen Rasmussen, sponsor; Cheryl Fossum, Mary Kamen.



Man is a social being. He must live, work, and communicate with his fellow humans to better his world. To encourage the development of responsibility, leadership, intiative, and social graces, the University sanctions a large system of varied organizations. Service groups, honoraries, special interest organizations, religious affiliations, governmental bodies, and social clubs all provide a valuable addition to the education of the student body.


The members of Ponhellenic are, front row: Sandy Moffett, Pi Beta Phi; Becky Wyman, Alpha Delta Pi; Sue Campbell, Kappa Alpha Theta; Dotty Allen, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Phyllis Vitale, Chi Omega; Betty Todesco, Alpha Chi Omega. In the bock row are: Mauri Lyons, Kappa Alpha Theta; Marge Sabom, Kappa Alpha Theta; Helen Dobell, Alpha Chi Omega; Melanie Whitson, Alpha Delta Pi; Cathy Chapman, Delta Delta Delta; Luke Vickery, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Joyce frye, Chi Omega; Koren Thompson, Delta Delta Delta; and Gwen Brink, Delta Gamma.

PANHELLIC COUNCIL Panhellenic Council is composed of representatives from each of the eight sororities on campus. The purpose of the council is "to maintain on a high plane fraternity life and interfraternity relationship; to cooperate with college authorities in their effort to maintain high social and scholarship standards throughout the whole college and fraternity world, and to be a forum for the discussion of questions of interest to the college and fraternity world." The officers of Panhellenic Council this year are Becky Wyman, Sec; Dotty Allen, Rush Chr; Sue Campbell, President; Phyllis Vitale, Treasurer; and Betty Todesco, vice-Pres.

JUNIOR PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Members of Junior Panhellenic are, front Row: Kay Martin, Cheri Mortin, Potty Bray, Sue Mattingly, Lynne Franchini. Second row: Anne Langill, Tisha Martin, Susan Pocros, Penny Von Zandt, Peggy Bennet. Third row: Dione Moore, Sandy Moffett, sponsor; Jeane Peterson, Susie Salazar. Standing: Judy Dramar, president; Borbaro Bunet, vice president; Judy Jones, secretory.


The members of IFC are, front row: Warren Bloys, Pi Kappa Alpha; Mike Chiordi, Pi Kappa Alpha; Barry Nucci, Kappa Alpha; Jim Offutt, Pi Kappa Alpha; Mike Walker, Sigma Phi Epsilon; James Philp, Phi Delta Theta; Steve Bacchus, Sigma Chi; Keith Johnson, Sigma Phi Epsilon; and Bob Davis, Delta Sigma Phi. In the back row are: Joe Moore, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Lorry Trussell, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Bernie Rivers, Omega Omicron Phi; Wes Welling, Delta Sigma Phi; Larry Packwood, Kappa Alpha; Mike Wellington, Kappa Sigma; Dean Wm. Chase, Advisor; Gary Yeck, Kappa Sigma; Jon Jonz, Phi Delta Theta; Bruce Wiggins, Phi Delta Theta; Carl Macaluso, Lambda Chi Alpha; Harry Bourland, Lambda Chi Alpha; Vance Beene, Tau Kappa Epsilon.


The Interfraternity Council is composed of representatives from each of the fraternities on the UNM campus. The council works to promote scholarship, to encourage the establishment of new fraternities, to cement fraternity relations, and to help develop the potentials in existing chapters.

The IFC officers for this year are, front row: Jim Offutt, President; Mike Wolker, Vice-Pres.; and James Philp, Trea. In the back raw are Richard Matteucci, Publicity; Steve Bacchus, Special Events; and Mark Epstein, Scholarship.



4) -

Michie Adams Raby Akin Dione Bluestein Connie Bower

Yvonne Brimhall Bobbe Brown Gail Buckland

The Alpha Chi's have had another busy year. Fiesta proved to be quite successful as Miss Margo Allen was chosen Queen attendant; while the "Alpha Chi Playboy Palace" took sweepstakes for a second year. During the summer, Miss July Cummings was chosen Miss Albuquerque. School began in the fall with an AWS Pow Pow for all women students, presided over by an Alpha Chi AWS president Gail Buckland. The autumn was full of exciting events; the pledge presentation, football games-cheered on by four Alpha Chi chaparrals, and Homecoming with an Alpha Chi Queen, Miss Yvonne Brimhall. Christmas time arrived along with open houses, the Yule-Tide Formal, and the children's party. Other functions the Alphs Chi's have in the spring are the MotherDaughter banquet, the Father-Daughter banquet, iniation for the pledges, the "Spring Stomp Dance" and our yearly retreat.

Leo Hills Susie Holroyd Nancy Hoss Koren Huffman Janice Jock Lynna Joseph Koren Keller

Jon MacPherson Rosalind Mills Madeline Miskimins Lindo Nichols Michaele Nieves Marilyn Nylund Charlotte Overbury

Mary Simms Jon Sligar Karon Spence Kathleen Squire Sora Steed Pamela Thomas Elizabeth Todesco


Ann Cox Susan Cromes Judy Cummings

Marsha Elders Ruth Hammond Vicki Hartzell

Glendo Atkinson So ndy Ausa nka

Ginger Bradley Barbaro Brewer

Carole Burke Judy Burton Janet Cook

Helen Dobell Ann Dornacker Potty Durrie

Carole Heath Pam Hennessee Jean Hill

An Alpha Chi, Yvonne Brimhall, receives the royal of robes as 1964 Homecoming Queen.

Koren Kirkpatrick Theresa Krasavec Mary Kruse Lauro Loy Kathy Margard Sondra Marshall Mary May

Barbaro Owen Pamela Price Rosalyn Reischman Jill Rieder Lynmarie Rogers Jeanette Ross Susie Salazar

Rose Mary Torres 1.ana Turner Moris Vergara Melinda Via Nancy White Patti Wilson Claudette Wolff


Julie Anderson Barbaro Anstine Cheryl Bitterlich

Karen Cantrell Candace Cowan Roberta Daby

Carmela David Anne Delamater Katherine Derringer


At..II's enjoy a fall retreat at an advisor's cabin in the Sandia Mountains.

Joyce Deverall Deanna Ellis Shedra Gambrel

Vicky Gentzler Cheri Gross Joyce Gross Bobbie Harris

Patricia Harris Linda Hillary Gloria Kimble Barbara Knott




Alpha Delta Pi was founded in Macon, Georgia, as the first secret organization for women, in 1852. Since then, it has spread throughout the United States and into Canada, until it has included 109 chapters within its national framework. Its national philanthropy is the Crippled Children's Fund. Alpha Nu has its own Toys for Tots each Christmas, when toys are made and collected for children, who otherwise would have a barren Christmas. Alpha Delta Pi was established on the University of New Mexico campus as a local in 1916 and in 1920 it became a member of the national sorority. Alpha Nu chapter, on the UNM campus has many activities during the year. These include their Pledge Presentation in the fall, the Christmas Dance, and the Blue Diamond which is held in the spring. AD Pi's won second place in the Greek Women's Division for their Homecoming Decoration.

Kay Martin Virginia Milner Diane Novak

Kathy Orlando Carolyn Phillips Cheryl Porter

Lou Reynolds Shirley Schaefer Judy Schultz

Final week means term papers for Becky Wyman who continues to concentrate while two of her sisters take a break.

Diana Sims June Smith Marjorie Smith Sylvia Taylor

Sally Temperly Jodi Tillery Virginia Traeger Janet Tucker

Scholarship is important in A D Pi, as shown by the fact that they won the 1st place in scholarship for the fall semester this year, have one girl in Mortar Board, five in Campanas, and two in Spurs. A D Pi girls are in various honoraries, and have many scholarships. A D Pi's work with and for one another to make true their motto "We Live For Each Other."

Sandra Vescovi Deborah Ward Becky Wyman Carol Yandell


Virginia Arp Kay Ballinger Terri Bestgen Susan Birge Susan Boney Mary Beth Bronson Paula Bronson

Barbara Bunch Marylin Claus Jan Clough ley Betty Conoyer Nancy Cook Mary Jane Davidson Patricia Davidson

Patricia Devine Christine Dwyer Margaret Elliot Carole Enders Dottie Erickson Susan Everett Merleen Feil

Jayce Frye Mary Ann Frye Sharie Goddard

CHI OMEGA Lee Gothard Mary Hall Nancy Harrison

Susan Harvey Jolene Hogrefe Carolyn Hibbard

Jotina Huxford Judith Johnson

Bonnie Johnstone Pa uJette Key


Chi Omega fraternity was founded at the University of Arkansas in 1895 and has grown to over 133 chapters across the country. The girls of Chi Omega wear cardinal and straw as their symbol. Chi Omega started at the University of New Mexico as Lambda Nu, known as the Study Club, in 1922. In 1926 the group affiliated with national. The organization gives the Social Science Prize of $50 to a woman excellent in tne social sciences, and the National Achievement Award is given to a woman outstanding in civic affairs. Each spring the local chapter holds the annual White Formal and the Eleusinian Banquet among other social affairs. The Chi Omegas are well represented in the honoraries with five girls in Spurs, six girls in Las Campanas, and one girl in Mortar Board. Chi Omega took first place in Women's Division for Homecoming decorations this year. Plenty of spirit is shown in Chi Omega with the first place trophy from the SX Derby Day, and Lobo spirit is boosted with three members of Chaparrals in Chi Omega.

Bonnie Kilgore Sharon Kologie Judy Krumm Pot Lynch Melba Malcolm Cecelia Mansfield Morey McKoy

Margaret Michael Donna Miller Cecelia Mills Michele Mitchell Lauro Notion Dixie Parlee Jeanne Peterson

Sandi Plott Gerry Puhara Jeanne Roy Susan Rundles Anne Scott Coral Sherman Doris Smith

Nancy Smith Terri Sperry Jeanette Storr

Hilda Steven Judy Sullivan Gretchen Thomas

Anita Traub Jon Turbeville Nanette Vescavl

Anne Vincent Phyllis Vitale

Sharon Watkins Shari Weichman

Chi O's build their prize-winning display.



Katherine Ambabo Gay Atkinson Alice Arr Margaret Bennett Donna Berry Patti Bray Gretchen Burke Katherine Chapman Carolyn Crouse

Judy Curtis Jeanne Devalk Barbara Ewing Cheryl Fossum Marilyn Fifield Jan Gaunee Lorayne Griscom Janis Halfin Bettie Harris

Thelma Hay Lynda Heideman Susan Hook Susan Houston


Delta Delta Delta was established at Boston University on Thanksgiving Eve of 1888. There are now 107 Tri Delta chapters in the United States and Canada. New Mexico's Phi Delta chapter was colonized at UNM in 1949. Tri Delta's philanthropies are scholarships which are given both locally and nationally in the fall and spring of every year. Traditional activities include the pledge walkout in the fall and the pledge tea given by the alumnie of Albuquerque. Following the holiday season, Tri Deltas celebrate witr the Crescent Formal. Graduating seniors are honored each spring at the Pansy Ring Breakfast.

Judy Jones Martha Jones Mary Kolar Lindo Krauss Louise Lindley Patty Linger Kylene Loveiay

Katie McLenegan Patricia Parker Jane Pilcher Elizabeth Poe Susan Snow Marilyn Stout

Stunt Night

Mary Strong Billie Thompson Karen Thompson Ann Topley Sharon Trimble Janet Walker


Delta Gamma, one of the ten original members of National Panhellenic Council, was founded at Lewis Institute, Oxford, Mississippi, in 1873. There are now ninety-two chapters on college campuses throughout the United States and Canada. One of the newest chapters of Delta Gamma, and the newest women's fraternity at UNM is Delta Alpha, founded in May, 1961. The lodge, centrally located on campus is the home of the housemother, Mrs. Murl Powell, and the meeting place of fifty members. Plans for the fall semester of 1965 include a chapter house with living space for sixty girls. D Gs strive to promote scholarship, not only for members, but also for visually handicapped students. Every member in the chapter helps with reading to blind students, and typing textbooks for them, as a contrib6tion to the national philanthropic project, Sight Conservation and Aid to the Blind. Following the principle of "Design for Giving," D Gs participate actively in local charity drives and campaigns. Besides this, they have a special Help Week project for hospitalized. Children, shutins, and needy families during the Christmas season. Last year they collected toys for the "Toys for Tots" campaign held each year by the


Marine Reserve. This year the Delta Gammas again collected toys, this time as presents for the Las Lunas Training School. Despite a brief history on campus, the sorority has established proud social traditions including a Pinafore Party in the Spring, and the Winter Formal. They have also competed in many of the campus activities, such as Song Fest and the Fiesta, in which they took first place last year.

Bonnie Blokelock Gwen Brink Morgie Corroll Ann Colberson Joline Daffer Julie Davis

Patricia Davis Diane Deon Robin Dozier Christy Galloway Martha Glanz Kathy Grundman

Ann Haney Martha Horrison Mary Sue Herrity Roberta Hoffman Addean Jeffries Marilyn Jernigon

Nan Johnson Darby Jones Connie Kazokos Sharon King Karen Knadiian Karen Kuehlthau


Julian Lee Claire Morek Tisha Marler Katie McCoy Sharon McLoughlin Sidney McMillon

Ann Mercer Frances Mont-Etan Gayle Mortensen Roe O'Leary Gayle Pinney Beverly Ried

Ann Robertson Ruth Roe Barbaro Rose Dionne Rountree Sue Scott Barbaro Sena

Sherry Snodgrass Peggy Stafford Anne Thomas li ndsey Ti pton Sondra Vanhouten Marcia Zuelke

Ann Robertson and Julie Anderson and dates enjoy the traditional Pinafore Party held every spring.

Martha Glantz and Claire Marek read for the blind as part of their national philanthropic project-sight conservation and aid to the blind.


KAPPA ALPHA THETA Dione Armstrong Santo Clore Attebery Beverly Baker Lea Ann Barnes Jean Belli

Judith Benson linda Blacklock Sora Burnett

Jane Burt Charlene Carpenter Mary Corter

Kappa Alpha Theta, the first Greek letter sorority for women, was founded in 1870 at De Pauw University. The national philanthropic project is the Institute of Logopedics located at Wichita, Kansas. This project is supported annually by the University of New Mexico Thetas. The Theta Chapter at UNM was established as Gamma Omicron Chapter in 1948. This year, the Thetas welcome Mrs. Brewer who has come back on campus after being away three years. She had previously been the house mother for the Kappa Sigs at UNM. Among the Theta honors prevalent this past year have been the Greek Week Participation Award; Fiesta Queen attendent; third place in the Fiesta Midway Booths; members in Spurs and Mortor Board; Miss Sue Campbell, Pan hellenic President; and representatives in the major campus organizations. Miss Judy Dyhrmann represented New Mexico in Norman, Okla. as Miss Football where she received the Miss Congeniality award. She was also chosen Miss Marine Corp. Annually, the Thetas celebrate the Baby Triad and Formal Triad with the Pi Phis and Kappas, plus a Christmas Formal, the Date Dinner, the Senior Breakfast, and the Scholarship Award Banquet. Jane Chance Carol Chiuminatto Craig Clark Cathleen Cline DeDe Collins Judy Dyhrmann Susan Eldridge

Nancy fate Jo Ann Garoutte Jane Gray Barbaro Harwi Judy Heckman Susan Howard Nancy Hurley

lisa Hutchinson Karen Johnson Carolyn Jones Carolyn Kennedy Marianne Knott Gale Krichbaum Anne Langill


if •

Keeping both aspects of college life in balance, twin typewriters click out term papers, while in the living room, three Theta sisters pause to sing a favorite folk song.

Dione Lloyd Mauri Lyons Robin Lyons Ann MacDougall Betty MacLeod Helen Mattingly

Lois Mayland Nancy McCoy Lacy McGehee

Charleen Mciver Coral Meravka Beatriz Ordonez

Cora Osbourn Rona Pimental Susan Pacros Judy Putnam Marie Quarles

Susan Reid Becky Robe rtan

Marsha Roberts Sheeley Robertson Margaret Ross Ruth Ryder Mariio Rymer Margie Sabam Ellen Salb

Sue Sexton Sue Sharpe Stephanie Thorne Sondra Vitt Susan Weh Mary Westering Dione Zinn


Barbara Allen Adrienne Antink Sharan Brandenberg Brenda Bu rns


Neta Caester Linka Carwin Cathleen Carnelius Spencer Carnish

Jan Corzine Ann Dolmage Linda Edmand Jane Edson

Kappa Kappa Gamma one of the earliest fraternities for women was founded at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Illinois in 1870. Gamma Beta, the first national organization on the UNM campus, colonized in 1918. This year the Kappas honored Mrs. Toni Goodman, their new housemother, at a tea in September. One of Kappa's most important goals is scholarship, but this year the chapter has been giving more emphasis to cultural events. The major ingredients in the KKG's recipe for a fun year are the Baby Triad, a New Years party, and the Spring Triad. Other new spicy elements in Gamma Beta's year include the sponsoring of orphans in Decprnber with Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity, a Professor Banquet, a Valentine Bingo Party, and the Father Daughter BanquE

Susan LeMasters Cheryl Luthy Janet Markham Ellen McCanna Mory McKinley Kay Norfleet Kristin Nusbaum Jeffie Paul Susan Seis

Leslie Simms Chaney Smith Cherry Smith Francie Smith Judy Smith Nancy Stearns Marilyn Stith Belly Ann Suber Kyla Taylor

Kappas and their dates enjoy the rustic atmosphere of the cedars at their Christmas Dance. Sue Thompson Pat Tolen Jan Tominac Penni VanZandt Luke Vickery Margo Ward Paula Wehrley Marion Wolfley Dollie Woodson Nancy Wright


Susan Fincke Jay Fawles Brenda Freeman

Ja Ann Gallacher Jewel Glavey Julie Glenn

Kathy Hayes Anne Jarvis Jan Kelt

Fran Lafferty Jerrlyn Lagner Wendy Lamb


Koren Abraham Suzi Allen Elaine Asbury Nancy Boker Peggy Benton Judy Bowen Carole Bowman Gretchen Brown



Sharon Brown Becky Colvert Connie Carroll Claudio Caughren Phyllis Coffman Carleen Cook Mary Cotter Cheri Cromer

Pi Beta Phi, the pioneer national fraternity for women, was founded at Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois in 1867. The national philanthropic project is the crafts school in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Annually, an Arrowcraft Sale is held by the New Mexico Alpha Chapter. The products made by the students at the Settlement School are sold at this event. Each year, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Alpha Theta and Pi Beta Phi participate jointly in Baby Tri and Formal Triad. Among the honors received by Pi Beta Phi were Homecoming Sweepstakes and Stunt Night Sweepstakes. Honors received by individual Pi Phi's were Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Sigma Chi Sweethearts, Fiesta Queen, Homecoming Queen's First Attendant, Outstanding Greek Woman, Student Council member, three winners in the Miss Wool Contest, two listed in Who's Who in American Colleges, Albuquerque's Miss Marine Corps Attendant, seven Little Sisters of Minerva including the President, members of Spurs, and of Music and Education Honoraries. Annually, the Pi Phi's have a Scholarship Award Banquet and participate in Greek Week.


Morey Crockett Penny Cross Debby Cu Iyer Bonnie Domer Susan Daniels Christina Dolen Judy Dramer Sandy Dunn

Jane Eastman Kay Egenhofer Nancy Esteb Lynne Franchini Joyce Gattas Judy Groves Janewaye Hammond Jean Howley

Betty Hinds Kathey Halmaas So ra Hutch ison Laurie Kaufman Jenann Kennedy Rebecca Kern Carol King Mary Kinne Ja Ann Mansur

Jeantte McCausland Sandra Moffett Glendi Mooney Pam Morgan Judy Morris Susan Mundine Ellen Oppenheim Rabin Read Kathy Riddle

Carol Roth Marilyn Ryde Judy Rymer Marie Sanchez Jan Speer Kristin Thompson Carolyn Vandermuellen Anne Viney Claire Wilson


William Alexander Edsal Chappelle Robert Davis Roger Dibble Richard Hess Jr.

Dave Halden


SIGMA PHI Delta Sigs pose with the IFC Schalorship Cup.

Peyton Lavesee Gary Milaglav Robert Roybal

Delta Sigma Phi was founded in 1899 at the College of the City of New York and has spread throughout the country to many university campuses. In 1946 the University of New Mexico received its Delta Sig chapter. Among the annual activities of the group are the formal Coronation Boll and the Sailor's Ball, a costume party.

Michael Seligman Joh n Snodg ross Dennis Styrsky

Clifton Usher Dennis Walter Wes Welling


Frank Bass Vance Beene Dale Burnham


Douglas Cook Stephen Carbin Steven Fairfield

Bill Hinzman Frederick Howland Terry Kane

Phi Sigma Kappa, founded at the University of Massachusetts in 1873, is a relatively new addition to the UNM campus, having become a chapter in February, 1963. Although a newcomer, the Phi Sigs have enjoyed substantial growth and have members active in all segments of campus life. Based upon the principles of Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Character, the chapter has a well rounded fraternity life-from such traditional social functions as the Moonlight Formal and the Annual Bacchanal to the Sixty-nine Mile Bed Push from Santa Fe to Albuquerque, a fund raising effort for the Crippled Children. A firm foundation of enthusiastic alumni and strong support from the national fraternity assures a continued bright future for Alpha Pentaton of Phi Sigma Kappa.

Lanny Messersmith Patrick Reagan

Dennis Roberts Merle Scoll

Fred Sisson Marvin Smith Joe Treat John Turko Dennis Wauchope Cyril Wells


Stephen Bore


Robert Bower John Brooks

~~\\II~ -



Robert Brown Richard Buhler

Michael Byrne Evoldo Coborrouy

Lorry Caudill Robert Claar William Cornelius Bill Dole Sam Dazzo

Horace Glenn Carl Holberg Gerold Hein Fronk Jaramillo Fronk Lucero

Barry Nucci Lorry Packwood Jim Page Robert Powley Bill Poynter


Kappa Alpha Order was founded in an atmosphere of high idealism by four men determined to preserve the cherished precepts of chivalry and honor. On December 21, 1865, the Order was founded on the campus of Washington College in Lexington, Virginia. The founders of the Order had no way of knowing the impact their actions would have upon the lives of thousands of young men in the years to come. They had no way of forseeing the living inspiration that the Order would become for future generations. Celebrating 100 years of brotherhood nationally and their thirty-fifth year at UNM, the highlight of the year was Dixie Day and the Old South Ball. Other major social activities include Convivium, Wetback Jamboree and Winter Formal.

Steve Shelton

Homecoming planning and improvement projects were important projects for the KA's.

Larry Shulse Gerald Smith

Earl St. Clair Harley Swink

Tommy Weaver Steve Wycoff

Jim Eldridge Ger Feathers Ken Finlaywon Newt Frost Jahn Giarde"i

Grant MacCurdy Jim Mensing James Miller Julio Morena Richard Morris

Ch ris Peterson Bob Phillipson Nicholas Pica Bob Schultze Dan Scott



Kappa Sigma was founded at the University of Virginia on December 10, 1869. The University of New Mexico chapter affiliated on December 10, 1924. Before this they were known as Alpha Delta local fraternity. In keeping with the weoll-rounded tradition of Kappa Sigma, the fraternity finished, once more, near the top in both intramurals and scholarship, and had the highest pledge class grade point on Campus. Annual social events include Coso de Lopez, the Roaring Twenties, Winter Formal, and the Pajama Party. Individual Kappa Sig's are active in all facets of University life and the entire fraternity participates in public service activities.


Ronald Atkins Dove Auerbach John Boros Ric Bosco Ronald Besserro James Boyle

John Budogher Kenneth Burnell Lorry Crockett Bob Derryberry Bill Doherty Richard Edger

Ed Elliot Van Fleisher Robert Fulton Tam Gorski Rudy Hopp Dave Irvin Augustus Ke~k IV Bill Maxwell

Bruce Kendrich Bruce Lochwood Floyd Martinez Robert Massey Robert McFarland Steve Michael John Morr Michael Murphy Daniel O'Donnell John Rice

Richard Riordan Edward Sargent George Seiverd Roger Shockley Richard Sig leo Michael Tackitt

Dole Thompson George Walker James Watkins Michael Wellington David Werner Gary Yeck


Thomos Crouse Jim Horlow Richord Hindley Richard Kobes Robert Lowery Carl Macaluso John Miller Melvin Misanko

LAMBDA CHI ALPHA Zeta-Mu of Lambda Chi Alpha became a chartered fraternity at UNM in 1949. It has always emphasized four basic goals: scholastic achievement, brotherhood, social understanding, and participation in campus activities. The overall aim of Lambda Chi Alpha is stated in its open motto, "Vir Quisque Vir" meaning "Every Man a Man." The New Mexico Lambda Chis have one of the most unusual chapter houses on campus. Traditional events and activities of lambda Chi Alpha include: the Winter Ski Lodge party, the White Rose Formal, the Spring Stomp Dance, and the annual Easter Egg Hunt for orphans from St. Anthony's Boys Home.

Proceso Montoya James See Tamy Shoan Curtis Snethen


The Lambda Chi's maintain their house in a heavily wooded park which lends an isolated atmosphere to the large log cabin structure.

In keeping with their tradition of community service, the Lambda Chi's held an Easter Egg Hunt for the boys of St. Anthony's Orphanage.

The Diamond Jubilee Saloon was the name of the very popular Lambda Chi's Fiesta booth.


Charles Ables Ron Allred Edward Alowe


DELTA James Beall Robert Bell Mach Bingham


Dudley Boone Jay Blackwood John Bland

James Brandenburg Van Coke Carlton Cole

Phi Delta Theta started out the year in great fashion by pledging forty-eight men which was the largest pledge class not only at UNM but of all the Phi Delta Theta Chapters. Social life began with the Preferential honoring the pledge class followed by the Monster Rally, a howling success sponsored by the pledge class. The Winter was climaxed by the traditional Blue and White formal. True to Phi Delt character they have found time to landscape and maintain a divider median in front of the University. In order to raise money for a scholarship fund and a housing fund the Phi Delta galloped into a Mustang Marathon in which a lucky person won a new Mustang. Ronald Dabney John Danfelser Dave Darden Roy Davis Wayne D. Daisy Richard Darn Drexel Douglas

Richard Ealy Robert Evans Mike Fullerton Douglas Gatchell Christian Gross Billy Haltom James Hinkle

Hillard Howard Robert Hutchings Ralph James Rodney Jensen Ben Joiola Steve Jollensten Clifford Jones

Greg Jones Jon Jonz Ronnie Kennon Bob Knight Peter Kotas Philip Krehbiel Clay Lehman


George Loddy Gordon Lormor Bill Luther

John Lyle Leray Mahoney Duncan MacGillivory

John Macomber George Morrison Jr. Jerry Marsh Bob McGeorge

Terry Menning Dean Merritt Richard Michels Fred Miltenberger

Tommy Minton Charles Mass Jim Nohl Joe Nutt Leonard Otten Andy Paquet David Pearson

J. R. Philip Arthur Richardson Edwin Roman Thomas Scanlan Gary Schwartzman Carl Smith David Smith

Paul Smyer Jr. Bill Spiegler Steve Spieg ler Jeffery Sproul Ronald Stafford John Theisen Tommy Thomas

Loy Van Vleet Art Verardo Brian Webber Wayne Wiekins Bruce Wiggins Douglas Wiita Lawrenre Wyatt

Billy Amann Rabert Appletan David Ball Rabert Barber Ran Billingsley David Blake Warren Blays Jaseph Bawen


Pi Kappa Alpha, the oldest social fraternity at UNM, has a long tradition of campus participation. During the past school year, Pi Kappa Alpha was awarded the "President's Trophy" for intramural excellence by University President Tom L. Popejoy. After winning the allUniversity intramural competition by over 2000 points, the largest point spread in the University's history. Jim Offutt is the current President of the University Inter-Fraternity Council and Brother Ken Gattas was elected to chairman the schools largest social function, the annual Fiesta. Pi Kappa Alpha took first place in the men's division of homecoming decorations this past year to round out a record of three first places and one second during the past four years. Highlighting the social events for Pikes during the year are the annual Dream Girl Formal, infamous Hi-Jinx, Roaring 20's, and house dances almost every week-end.


Jim Branch Thamas Brannan Hank Burke Bab Byrd James Chambers Michael Chiardi Mike Canway Victar Cardell

Ranald Diadasia Dennis Engblam Bab Epstein Mark Epstein Len Espinsaa James Fink Frank Fay Harry Garcia

Ken Gattas Richard Goodlae Mike Graysan John Hakansan O. J. Hart Paul Hiles Ralph Hill Thomas Hooker

Fred Hultberg Rick Johnson Bill Korens Thomas Kincheloe Neal Kloepfer Bob Kapp Fred Larson Johnny McElveney Frank Mosqueda Ran O'Dowd

James Offutt Marty O'Malley Ernest Padilla Dennis Pechinpauch Ron Pennington Roger Pray Richard Presley Carl Raglin Salvador Reyes Jonathon Ross

Nick Schaefer Ken Schenck Jerry Serafino David Short Ron Singleton Stephen Stillman Paul Tedesco Mike Ward J. A. Westbrook Peter Wilson

Pikes receive the President's Trophy for excellence in Intramurals.


Ed Amsden Dick Baker Jahn Barbaur Charles Bassett Larry Beall Jae Bebber Mike Berger

Rick Carn Narman Corzine Jay Cushnie Larry Cushnie Dick Childs William Dalan Thamas Dunn

Howard Holt Tom Horn Thomas Idol Robert Jackson, 111 Van Jackson Mark Johnson Fred Julander

Chester Mauchline Jim McAdams

Jim McCanna Bob Meadows

Dennis Miller Joe Moare Bill Parsons

Thamas Parsons Bob Pettis Thomas Qualls

Pat Riley Jack Rushing Donald Roberton

The heritage of Sigma Alpha Epsilon dates back 109 years to its founding at Tuscaloosa, Alabama in 1856. A chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon can now be found on every major college campus, and it has become the largest social fraternity in America. New Mexico Tau Chapter was founded on the University of New Mexico campus in 1946. The ~D.E's enjoy a full social calendar which includes weekly parties of which some of the more traditional are the Preferential Banquet, the Funeral Party, Founders day, and the Christmas Formal, Sigma Alpha Epsilon distinguished itself in competition this year by winning the Sweepstakes Trophy in the Homecoming Decoration contest. Realizing the primary responsibility of the college student, the men of Sigma Alpha Epsilon placed second in fraternity scholarship. The goal of Sigma Alpha Epsilon being wellroundedness and preparedness in all aspects of life, the S.A.E.'s participate in every facet of the college life.

Bill Berry Lindy Blaschke Robert Brooks Bruce Evans Bill Carr Steve Ch reist Richard Cole

Ra ndaII Eo ki n Jim Ellis Randy Felker Charles Finley Allan Goldberg Don Hayes Joke Henderson

James Kakos Rolph Kemp Erwin Klink Jr. George Lanning Lonny Leach Craig Lyon Richard Matteucci

Jerrold Roehl Richard Rupert

James Short Richard Storey

Corbett Summers Philip Tauber Rich Tejada

Gene Thomas Thomas Tappina Lorry Trussell

Ernest Valdes Robert Werner Fronk Wheelock


Howard Achen lorry Adoms


CHI Terry Anno Fred Armiio

Mel Ashbrook Steve Bocchus Richard Bones

Dave Blanford James Blea Mike Bowen

William Brawn Ron Bunt Bill Carr

Sigma Chi Fraternity was founded at Miami College in Oxford, Ohio in 1855. From this beginning, Sigma Chi grew to over 120 chapters in the United States and Canada. The Beta Xi Chapter at UNM was founded in 1916 and from this early beginning has grown to be the largest fraternity on the campus. Its quantity is exceeded only by its quality, as Sigma Chi contains the President and Vice-president of the Student Body and a high percentage of the members of the three scholastic honoraries on campus, Blue Key, Chalka, and Vigilantes. Last year it had the second highest scolastic grade point for fraternities, and placed high in intermurals. Being a social fraternity, the Sigs hold many annual events including the Black and White Formal, The Spring Formal, The Pledge Dance, Klondike, and the newly begun national Sig project-Derby Days.

Cliff Cisco Jim Collins Simeon Cook Kenneth Coors Paul.Couey Cub Culbertson Mike Currier

Jim Danner Don DeTenley Ch uck Edwards Joe Edwards. Mutt Frielich Howard Garrett Wendell Groff

Mike Green Alan Hampson Ronald Harris Tom Harris W. A. Hawkins David Haydon John Henderson


James Hill Robert Hopper

Jeff Hubner Henry Ingalls Jim Jackson

Clifford Johnson Jerry Jones Kerry Kimball

Dave Kirby Skip Kruzich Bruce Lovett

Art Melendres Joe Mitchell Mike Moffett

James Nunn Dan Pearce Ray Pineda Don Plattsmier William Polk Jr. Tom Popeioy Mike Ragsdale

Wayne Rees John Salazar William Siegenthaler Jr. Chris Silleray David Smith Bill Stone Mike Strayer

Duke Thornton Ralph Trigg David Tuttle Kenn Volpato John Wall Jerry Webb Tom Wolfe


Jim Augustine Richard Bendel Charles Brawn Thomas Cannon Richard Caoke

Carl Ertwine Ronnie Ewing Doug Fast Rudy Falden Howard Fullerton

Frank Kalas Thomas Kellahin Barry Lifland Daniel Lill James Mitchell

William Price John Reznik

SIGMA Edward Sato Stephn Sprecher


Michael Stewart Steve Stagner

Robert Tepper James Thomas


Sigma Phi Epsilon was established in 1901 at Richmond College and in 1929, the New Mexico Alpha chapter was chartered for this campus. Since then its progress has centered around scholarship, social and service activities. Schola~ship is encouraged by the annual awarding of one scholarship and two certificates of merit. Sigma Phi Epsilon, while considering scholarship most important, feels that the fraternity man should have a well rounded social life as well. The highlights of the full social calendar were the Golden Heart Ball, Swamp Stomp, Sewer Party and the Pledge Preferential. The men of Sigma Phi Epsilon are aware of the need to offer service to their community. They have engaged in such projects as Mental Health and Cancer Drives, serenading hospitals during the Christmas holidays and many of the campus events.

Donald Cramer Robert Downing Michie Drake Omar Durant John Elliott

Anthony Gordillo Scott Garrison Michael Harris David Hunt Keith Johnston

Guy Myshivy Gerald Nwton David Niese William Parker Anthony Parrotta John Potts

John Toomey Paul Tufts

Louis Ulibarri Mike Walker

Walter Welton William Weiburg

John Woodruff Tom Wortmen


Captain Daniel Grogan, USAF

Captain Kenneth O. Johnson, USAF

Lieutenant Colonel William C. Naylor

Assistant Professor, Air Science

Assistant Professor, Air Science

Professor, Air Science Commanding Officer




Squadon I

Squadron II

Squadron III







Drill Team-participated in the Sunshine City Drill Competition at Tucson, Arizona. Also marched for UNM basketball game, Armed Services Day, and other activities.

Deonno Ellis-Commonder Toni Wright-Drill Commonder Condy Cowon

Suson Boney Brendo Burns Koren Contrell Pinky Collister Vicki Diomond Helen Dobell

Judy Dyhrmonn Wendy Ford Joyce Frye Julie Glenn Joon Goodmon Joyce Gross

Jolene Hogrefe Jonice Jock Morilyn Jernigon Judy Johnson Mory Kruse Pot Lynch

Dixie Portee Cheryl Porter Cedilio Monsfield Peggy McForiond Modelyn Mickimmons Borboro Nylund

Joyce Reynolds Shirley Scott Jon Sliger Terri Sperry Nond Smith Morilyn Stout

Thereso Topio Koren Thompson JoneT Tucker Koren White Barbaro Wood Carol Yondell



The Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program (NESEPj, was designed to provide the Navy with a source of career-minded personnel who are able to cope with the rapid advances in the physical and engineering sciences. Each year, on the basis of screening examinations and personal interviews, qualified Navy and Marine Corps enlisted men and women are selected to attend colleges and universities throughout the nation. Upon successful completion of their undergraduate courses of study, they are eligible for commissions and assigned duties with the Fleet. Originally, in 1956, the program stressed only the fields of electrical


JUNIORS and electronic engineering, and there were only two participating schools. Since then the program has been expanded to include courses leading to degrees in oceanography, meteorology, chemistry, nuclear physics, and mathematics, as well as the various branches of the engineering sciences. From only two schools, the number of participating institutions has grown to over 20, including: Auburn University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Purdue, Stanford, and the Universities of Colorado, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Washington.






Captain Robert Bassett, USN

Major Robert Haebel, USMC

Commander E. D. Jones, USN

Professor, Naval Science Commanding Officer

Assistant Professor, Naval Science

Associate Professor, Naval Science

UNITED STATES NAVY RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS This department is administered by officers of the United States Navy and Marine Corps under rules promulgated by the Navy Department. The NROTC offers the opportunity for NROTC students to qualify for a commission in the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps and the U.S. Naval Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve upon completion of the baccalaureate requirements. Two types of programs are included in the NROTC. Entering male freshmen who have been selected by the Navy Department after nationwide competitive examination are enrolled as Regular NROTC students. Regular NROTC students receive $50 per month and have their tuition, books and fees, and uniforms paid for by the Navy. The Contract NROTC program is open to all entering male freshmen. Contract NROTC students receive their Naval Science textbooks and uniforms without charge and are paid approximately $40 per month during their junior and. senior years. Regular NROTC students are commissioned in the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve.



1st Platoon


2nd Platoon

1st Platoon


2nd Platoon

Stadium Building: the home of the NROTC



DRILL TEAM, this outstonding group represented the University at the famed Mardi Gras in New Orleans.



Harkey, Roberta Commander

Beal, Bunita Beltran, Marilyn Bennett, Margaret Burke, Carole Chamness, Nancy

Daffer, Joline Davidson, Sue Gaines, Linda Glenn, Joy Howe, letrice

Jeffrey, Kathy lasky, Carol McClellan, Jan Navarette, Claudia Ormdar/f, Mable

Reynolds, Janice Royal, Emily Schultz, Michele Stevens, Eve Yackie, Barbara








AUTUMN o wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing. -Percy Shelley

Social organizations attract new members during rush.




These are the first days on campus. Classes must be located and the books that go with them must be found. ew people, who will eventually become friends and confidants, are met. Decisions to try the patience of a Solomon must be made. All in all these are some of the most important days in your college life.




() TilE

es and more lines




forms and more forms

if at first you don't succeed try, try again

From class to class

Classes . . .


Arnold Toynbee

Guest speakers serve as additional information sources on campus. John R. Griffin

President Lyndon B. Johnson

relaxing at the Union .












Homecoming Date: the greatest night of them all.


First place in sorority division First place in fraternity division

First place in women's independent division First place in men's independent division

swinging and swaying at Homecoming . . .

The Astronauts

Mel Torme

larry Elgart



Let US walk in white snow In a soundless space; l1e With footstepS quiet and_Elinor sloW. W'I .



Winter comes to UNM


THE GREENS This event sponsored by Mortar Board heralds the Christmas season.

dorm door decorations




Women's Residence Halls' Hall Council: Bottom Row: Martha M:Jrtinez, Jeannie Mann, Jo Ann Sebastian, Ellen Shippy, Doris Phelps, Lucille Boca, Diana Moeller, Top Row: Neta Coester, Lee Oakes, Judy Szalay, Laurie Bodenweiser, Cheryl Doane, Kay Hutchens, Gloria Rodriguez, Sharon Autrey, Marci Bowman, Sandy Meyer, Elspeth Achen, Mary Schaer.

Women's Residence Halls' Referral Boards: Kay Hutchens, Laura Seitze, Barbara Allen, Lynne Harmon, Mary Schaer, Judy Carlson, Anita Berggren, Diane Berthelson, Martha Martinez.

Women's Residence Halls' Executive Board: Elspeth Achen, Laurie Badenweiser, Ellen Shippy, Judy Szalay, Marci Bowman, Lee Oakes.

Women's Residence Halls' Standards Board: Jill Hutchinson, Lynne Marie Rogers, Kathy Dewey, Penny Van Zandt, Connie Kazakos, Diana Moeller.

Women's Residence Halls' Staff: Bottom Row: Karen Glaser, Marti Postlethwaite, Ann Mauzy, Toby Case, Mary Ja Campbell, Pricilla Chapman, Carol Burns, Joanne Koporc. Top Row: Diana Laird, Martha Dawson, Susanne Sterba, Inez Lopez, Sara Schreiber, Maya Fernandez, Lucy Frisbie, Marsha Jones.


Onate Board of Governors: left to right. Dale McCleskey, Vice President; Jay Cushnie (Chiracahua), Chip Scaling, Pres.; Dennis Stiff (Acoma), Corl Coody (Toltec).

Residence Standards: left to right, Skip Ertwine, Ed White, Merle Scott, Chief Justice; Dale McCleskey. (Not shown: Don Ortiz and Mike Montgomery.) Lou Sciona and Larry Kennedy glance at the LOBO before lunch at Mesa Vista Hall.

Advisors: left to right, Gary Webster, Dick Bresenham, Blaz Uriquidez, Head Resident; Paul Schulte.



MESA VISTA GOVERNORS: Back raw: lenny Miele, Gary Bell, Emiliana De 10 Fuente, Gerry lindsay, Norm Dallahan. Front raw, Bob Giacomelli, Wayne Tvrdik, Jack Abendschon, Rich Miller, Jim Roach.

ADVISORS, Russ Rhodes, George lewis, Bob Rusin, Jim Roach, Dave Walles, Jim Branch, Charlie Wall mann, Charles Pharris, Ran Marotta, Charles Deason, Jim Smith.

SENATORS, Gary Bell, John Cardwell, Steve Black, lanny Rominger, Tam Keagy, lanny Miele, Carl Sparks, Paul Segall, Gene Glasgow, Fred Sewell.

RESIDENCE STANDARDS, Dan Schwarzkopf, Woody Dame, larry Kennedy, Jack Abendschan, Bob Rail, Pedro Pena, Bill Posen, Jason Snyder.




that beautiful one plus one




The day of reckoning is coming, finals, and cramming must take place anywhere you can find a quiet spot.



\ \ •


. ....




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SPRING And now all nature seemed in love; The showers were short, the weather mild, The morning fresh, the evening smiled. -Sir Henry Wotton

~.. ~."'~.'




Spring turns thoughts from studying to . . .


The hard work of the year is rewarded at Honors Assembly.


Relaxation at Wednesday Night Dances was offered throughout the year.

Fiesta activities


Fiesta dancing









the stripped beds, not to be used for days

heaps of scattered nonsense to be crammed into unyielding luggage

a final embrace for those who remain

one last farewell as homeward bound

packed and ready






" ., this man . . . never to be forgotten for as long as history summons evil and man summons those to oppose it . . ."



Fred Julander

Art Melendres

Government-Journolism Sigma Alpha Epsilon Warden Blue Key, Vice-president Chaaka LOBO editor Sigma Delta Chi Pi Sigma Alpha Student Publications Board

Speech Sigma Chi, Vice-president Student Body, Vice-president Blue Key Chaaka Student Senate UNM Debate Club Student Council

Kathy Orlando English Alpha Delta Pi, President Mortar Board, Vice-president Las Campanas General Honors Student Publications Board Theta Sigma Phi, Secretary Sweetheart of TKE

Jack Rushing

John Salazar

Government Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Vice-president N.M. State Chairman for the Collegiate Council for the United Nations Student Council 75th Anniversary Student Committee Chairman Pi Sigma Alpha, Vice-president Student Affairs Committee IFC

Economics Sigma Chi St"dent Body, President; Vice-president Blue Key Chaaka Student Council Student Affairs Committee PSP, Vice-president

Robin Read Communicative Arts Education Pi Beta Phi Pan hellenic, President Miss Wool of New Mexico Civil Engineer's Queen Attendant, Homecoming Queen Theta Sigma Phi Paper Doll


, Gwen Cravens Wayne Tvrdik

English Thunderbird Editor Mortar Board Honors Prog ram Las Campanas German Club

Biology Varsity Football Mesa Vista Dorm President Lettermen's Club Residence Hall Council

Mike Walker

Beverly Sorenson

Accounting Sigmo Phi Epsilon Treosurer IFC Vice President Blue Key ChokoCl Student Body Treosu rer 75th Anniversary Comm.

Journalism Theta Sigma Phi Treasurer Mortar Board, Editor Mirage Editor Lobo Lutheran Students Assn. UNM Press Typist

Larry Kennedy Architecture UNM Track NCAA, WAC Discus Champion Omega Phi Psi President Student Senate Mesa Vista Standards Boord

Dick Lanigan

Dennis Roberts

Speech Forensics Society NSA ACOHR Speakers Club Delta Sigma Rho

Gail Buckland Commullicative Arts Alpha Chi Omega Vice-President AWS President Mortar Board Las Campanas Pi Lambda Theta

Journalism Phi Sigma Kappa Vice-President Sigma Delta Chi Vice-President Chakaa Varsity Tennis Vigilantes

Arline Krieger Social Studies Compo Program Directorate Chrm. Hospitality Committee Hillel, President Pep Council Senate

Marsha Jones

Robert Solen berger Chemical Engineering Blue Key American Institute of Engineers Cultural Committee Soccer Club Chakaa Canterbury Club

Art Education Chaparrals Angel Flight Student Council Freshman Advisor WRH Advisor Spurs

Becky Wyman History Alpha Delto Pi President Las Campa nos Panhellenic, Secretary AWS Executive Council Music and Talent Committee Chairman AWS Pow Wow Chairman

Virginia Milner French and Spanish Alpha Delta Pi Rush Chairman "French for Kiddies:' Teacher Las Campanas Mirage, Associate Editor General Honors Career Scholar

Kyla Sue Taylor

Robin Dozier

History Kappa Kappa Gamma Pledge Trainer Attendant, Homecoming Queen Student Council Freshman Orientation Crystal Ball Queen Pep Council, treasurer

Gavernment Delta Gamma Scholarship Chairman AWS Judicial Board Chairman Angel Flight Student Senate Young Republicans, Secretary Las Campa nos


Barbara Knott Jack Abendschan

Jim Branch Biology Pi Kappa Alpha Vice-President Greek Week Chairman Student Council Chakaa Committee on the University Newman Club

Psychology UNM Football, Varsity Mesa Vista Dorm, Vice-President Chief Justice Mesa Vista Resident's Board Board of Governars, Mesa Vista Intramural Basketball

Psychology Alpha Delta Pi Scholarship Chairman Mirage Editor Las Campanas General Honors Spurs Career Scholar

Michele Mitchell English Chi Omega Social Chairman Miss Wool of New Mexico Las Campanas Cultural Committee Spurs Attendant, Navy ROTC Queen


Sandra Ferketich Town Club, Treasurer Student Nurses Assn. Las Campanas Student Senate Mirage Freshman Advisor

Carrol Cagle Journalism LOBO Editor Chaaka U.S. Student Press Assn. Vice-President Student Senate President Pro-Tem Publications Board Vigilantes, Vice-President

Steve Malnar

Judith Dyhrmann

Industrial Administratian Fiesta King Student Council Vorsity Footboll Omicron Delta Koppa Leltermon's Club, Vice-president Mesa Vista Standords Boord

Home Economics Majorette Kappa Alpha Theta Corresponding Sec. Angel Flight, Vice-president Phi Gamma Nu, President AFROTC Queen

Skip Kruzich Morketing Sigmo Chi, Recording Secretory Varsity Basketboll King of Heorts Student Council Varsity Baseball

Kothe Worthing

Joline Daffer

Anthropology General Honors Program Mortar Board, Secretary Las Campanas, Historian Phi Sigma Iota Paint and Poster Comm., Chrm. Hokona Council

Journalism Delta Gamma, President Theta Sigma Phi Clippers Spurs Newman Club Student Senate

Kay Brown

Roberta Harkey


Mathematics Clippers, Commander Mortar Board, Treasurer Town Club Kappa Mu Epsilon Mirage Las Campanas

Pi Beta Phi Corresponding Secretary Fiesta Secretary Phi Gamma Nu Film and Lecture Comm. Chrm. Intramurols Secretary

Ron Miziker Speech Sigma Chi, Presiderit KNMD Radio Manager Homecoming Chairman Fiesta Chairman AFROTC Rifle Team

Phyllis Vitale Elementary Education Chi Omega Pan hellenic Treasurer Chaparrals Angel Flight SEA

Fred Bornstein Drama Cheerleader Rodey Theater Lobo Pack





HOMECOMING First Attendant Robin Read Pi Beta Phi

Second Attendant Kyla Taylor Kappa Kappa Gamma

This year, for the 75th Anniversary Homecoming of the University of New Mexico, the student body chose lovely Yvonne Brimhall, Alpha Chi Omega, to reign as queen. Her two attractive attendants were Robin Read, Pi Beta Phi, and Kyla Taylor, Kappa Kappa Gamma. For this festive occasion, Queen Yvonne was escorted to the Homecoming Game in a helicopter, and was presented her trophy by Senator Anderson. Following the game, each resident hall and Greek house sponsored an Open House. The evening was completed by a formal dance featuring Mel Torme and the Elgart Band.


Queen, Yvonne Brimhall Alpha Chi Omega 289

SWEETHEARTS Ellen Salb Kappa Alpha

Robin Read Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Lynda Heiderman Sigma Phi Epsilon


Carleen Cook Sigma Chi

Caroyln Jones Phi Delta Theta

Spencer Cornish Pi Kappa Alpha


SWEETHEARTS Jeannie Sacra Phi Sigma Kappa

Kay Hutchens Lambda Chi Alpha

Mindy Wescott Kappa Sigma



Miss Football Judy Dyhrmann Kappa Alpha Theta

Miss Albuquerque Judy Cummings Alpha Chi Omega

Miss Stretch Pants Rosemary Torres Alpha Chi Omega



Left to Right: Mickie Tinkle, second attendant; Jane Pilcher, first attendant; Patty Rice, NROTC Queen.

NROTCQueen Patty Rice


AFROTC Queen Karen White

From left to right: Queen, Karen White; second attendant, Karen Thompson; first attendant, Joyce Frye.


ENGINEERS BALL Cecelia Mansfield Civil Engineering

Jane Pilcher Chemical Engineering

Margie Smith Electrical Engineering


Engineers' Queen Sandra Platt Mechanical Engineering


KING OF HEARTS Jack of Hearts Randy Eakin Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Jack ot Hearts John Salazar Sigma Chi 298

King of Hearts Gary Plumlee Mesa Vista



Judy Crockett Kappa Alpha Theta

Margo Allen Alpha Chi Omega

Fiesta Queen Glendi Mooney Pi Beta Phi 300

Eddie Stokes Pi Kappa Alpha Jim Loddy Phi Delta Theta

Fiesta King Steve Malnar Mesa Vista Dorm 301


Beauty being the best of all we know Sums up the unsearchable and secret aims Of nature -Robert Bridges






FINE ARTS It is the treating of the commonplace with the feeling of the sublime that gives to art its true power. J. F. Millet.

PLAY OUT THE PLAY W. Shakespeare





Modern Jazz Quartet


Just as my fingers on these keys Make music, so the self-same sounds On my spirit make a music, too. Wal1ace Stevens

Rovi Shankar





Alan Mill Folk Singers

.'.' .

Vie are the music makers, and we are dreamers of dreams. A. O. Shaughnessy



Erick Hawkins Dance Company

THE DANCE Grace is more beautiful than beauty. R. W. Emerson


Art is beauty to the eye, form to the hand, inspiration to the mind, nourishment to the soul, and an offering to divinity

Richard Johnson's master's thesis"My American People."


Tragedy-the emotional pinnacle of human expreSSlOn



THE THEATRE Twenty years ago, the University Theatre offered reserved seats for the first time to Albuquerque theatre goers. Those who bought tickets for that long-ago season saw a mild little comedy drama called Excursion, the premiere of an original script, Personal Island, Julius Caesar by a playwright too well known to mention and The Male Animal by Elliott Nugent and James Thurber. The casts for those shows have scattered in many directions but if they could be reassembled this season, they would include two playwrights, a network television producer, a drama professor at New York University and a casting director for Twentieth Centuryfox productions. Over the years, casts have constantly changed and students have gone on to work in theatre from Broadway to Hawaii. But there are many theatre goers who attended those shows of twenty years ago who are still on a list of season ticket subscribers. For them and for all those who have joined the audience since, the University Theatre feels a very warm regard. Of course most theatres do treasure their audiences for very obvious reasons. But fondness is not based on box-office receipts. The real reason we hold audiences in such esteem is that they are theatre goers in the truest sense of the word. They come because they enjoy theatre and for no other reason. There is really no other reason to come. No one comes to the University Theatre because "everyone's doing it." Everyone isn't. And everyone couldn't even if he wanted to. We seat only 196 and we play only seven nights. This means a limited list of subscribers. And certainly no one comes to the theatre because it's socially the smart thing to do. The productions are not social events; they're theatre. And while it's true you're likely to meet friends in the lobby, it's equally true that no one has ever made the society pages by attending opening night. And certainly no one comes to the University Theatre because it's a convenient place to go for an evening's entertainment. Because it isn't. The theatre is a very small hard to find building, tucked away in the old southwest corner of the campus. It doesn't even face a street! It is just north of Central and it faces toward Terrace but lots of people find it easier to approach it from the back of University Ave. It's really a nice place to be once you're there and because it's small there isn't a poor seat in the house, but no one could call it convenient. Audiences don't even come because they know they'll see the latest Broadway shows. They don't. Of course they did see the only Albuquerque production of such Broadway shows as The Lark, The Visit, The Diary of Anne Frank, Country Girl, The Caine Mutiny, Court Martial, The Crucible and Death of a Salesman. On the other hand, they also saw the only Albuquerque productions of Hamlet, Peer Gynt, The Adding Machine, Taming of the Shrew, Twelfth Night and The Rivals. Over the years, audiences have seen everything from Greek tragedy to musical comedy. They're theatre goers. All they ask is a good show on stage. That makes them the easiest audience in the world to please. And the hardest. And far and away the most rewarding to play to. So if you've attended the University Theatre for one year or twenty, please take a bow. If you have never attended the University Theatre, please consider this a personal invitation.








Paul Thorne Milburn Mehlhop Michael Myers Scott McCoy Kenneth Kopp Randall Maedgen Al Footnick R. M. Klee Jennifer Helvern Arthur Wakeman Dottie Gillespie Susan Weller Jane Conroy Regina Weber Stephen Zendt Fran Billings Fred Bornstein Kay Lienau Sam Tapia Kathleen Coughlin Cathy Davis Ruthie Horn Dianne Randall

AMan for All Seasons







Kenneth W. Kopp D.


Don Coleman Scott





Regina Weber



James S. Defibaugh Stephen Zendt 1ilburn L. Mehlhop Paul Thomas, Jr. Mike 1cGinnis Susan Stoner John Cole





Peter T. Strascina III James G. Libby Fran Billings

;\;ICK .................. l\like :\lcGinnis ARAB KIT CARSOl\' I\lcCARTHY ..

Freydoon Rassouli Frederick B. Bornstein .James S. Defibaugh


........... Sean Spriggs


.. :\Iilburn L. :\Iehlhop Jo .\nne Ramponi


. .. Linda Sigel Jeanne Jayroe McCoy .. Sue Barrows


... Roger Lamphear

KRUPP .................. Walt Strasser



HARRY ............. Kenneth W. Kopp


WESLEY ................. An E. Carter

A SOCIETY GE:'\TLE:\IA;\; Don Coleman


Philip ;\;icholson

A SOCIETY LADY .... Susan A. Weller


. .. Erin Fitzwater

A DRUl\'KARD ........... Lee Jennings


.. Jennifer Helvern


..... Jeanne C. Beardsley



. .John Cole Grant Houston

.... SCOll :\IcCoy


by Mr. D. Masters Young MARLOWE


by Mr. P. Nicholson

by Mr. K. Kopp Mr. HASTINGS


by Mr. J. Libby

by Mr. F. Bornstein Mrs. HARDCASTLE


by Mrs. C. MacCallum

by Mrs. N. Flakes Miss NEVILLE Diggory

by Mrs. J. Masters

Mistress of the Ale-house Gentleman at the Ale-house Servants & c.

by Miss R. Weber

by Miss D. Gillespie by Messers. Spriggs, Cole & Kennedy

by Misses Crosland, Matthews & Elder


Erick Hawkins Dance Co. Emlyn Williams

The Artist: Communicator of Delight and Wonder, mystery, beauty, and pain. William Thonson "The Time of Your Life"

"Dido ond Aeneos" by Purcell

Stunt Nite-Pi Beta Phi

Larry Elgart



Work thou for pleasurepaint, or sing, or carve The thing thou lovest, though the body starveWho works for glory misses oft the goal; Who works for money coins his very soul. 'Nork for the work's, then, and it may be That these things shall be added unto thee. Kenyon Cox








JAil tJ.



The days that make us happy make us wise.







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FOOTBALL The 1964 Football coaches (left to right) Bob Peterson (end coach), Di:k Bunting {linebacker coach l, Bill Weeks (head coach), Bo Bolinger (line coach), Ken Blue (backfield coach), and Scott Hennington (assistant).

Stan Quintana


Steve Bridgeforth

Doug Hendrick

Lou Allred

Claude Ward

Gayland Morris

Bill Weeks

Orvey Hampton

Bob Hammond

Dave Shetler

Chuck Kelly

Carl Bradford

Warren Alexander

Bob Furman

Tommy Ledbetter

Albert O'Neal

Moe Barreras



Joe Harris

Bob Bouyer

Steve Byrd

John Anderson

Bob Giacomelli

Jack Abendschan

Bob Rail

Dick Ness

Dave Hettema

Wayne Tvrdik

Mario Mariani

Glen Troublefield


Curtis Crum Jim Siebiska Mickey Henry Bob Pierson

Wally Seis

Ron Flammond

Mike Rojas

. Gary Repetto

Dennis Tidwell

Bill Canaeei


Steve Leigon

Frank Meza

Gary Plumlee

Duane Erickson


Woody Dame

Cal Jeter

Charles Ivy

Mickey Williams

Bill Pringle





THE 9-2 LOBOS . . . . . . 2ND PLACE IN WAC


Stan Quintana, Quarterback, was vated "Player af the Year" in the WAC

by United Press International, and was chosen "Back of the Year" by the Tucson Conquistadors Club at its annual WAC banquet.




Coach Bob King and Dick "Boo" Ellis


Skip Kruzich

Keith Sponholtz

Jim Johnston

Paul Buchanan


Don Hoover

Bill Morgan

Jim Howard


Ben Monroe

Jim Patterson

Ken Fisher



Bob Zarr

Mel Daniels

Dick (Four-In-A-Row) "Boo" Ellis

Ed Burwitz



The pride of UNM, and many basketball courts around the west-The New Mexico Lobos. The team, shown here in a moment of glory, of which there were many, escalated themselves two years in a row to top spots in national and regional listings. They suffered a series of dissappointing defeats during the waning days of this year's season, but played ball that every student admires. The Lobos received their second consecutive invitation to The National Invitational Tournament, and despite a magnificant effort, failed to gain the crown. Hats off to Bob King, and our Lobos.


The 1964-65 New Mexico Basketball Lobos: Front Row (left to right), Bill Morgan, Mel Daniels, Keith Sponholtz, Ken Fisher, Paul Buchanan, Joe Michelich, Bob Zarr; (Standing in Rear) Coaches Harv Schmidt and Bob King, Skip Kruzich, Jim Johnston, Jim Patterson, Ed Burwitz, Dick Ellis, Ben Monroe, Jim Howard, Don Hoover, Ken Blue and Bob Peterson.



Harv Schmidt

Bob King



. . . indisposed

in action . . . in shorts

. . . in flight

. . . in trouble



Top: Vickie Dirkson, Jon Kelt, Rita Jackson, Anne Robinson, Chris Rudolph; Top to bottom: Billie Thompson (captain), Jo Backand (co-captain), Diona Watkins; boltom: Sue Ackerman, Nancy Smith, Berta Thomas, Mrs. Piper, Ann Jarvis, Dorothy Salb, Sue Brandt, Karen Merchant.







Left to right (front); John Baker, Dan Davis, Ed Coleman, Ben Griego. (Standing rear): Charlie Barm, Tony Sandoval, Webb Laudat, Mike Wagner, John Holland, Pat Cox and Coach Hugh Hackett.


Seated, Gloria Rodriguez, president; Miss Noami Mills, sponsor; Mrs. Carol Rhudy, sponsor. Standing, Jan Kelt, publicity chairman; Jill Hutchinson, vice-president; Potty Durrie, AWS representative; Sandy Aguilar, sportsday chairman; Helen Dobell, intramural chairman. Not pictured, Mary Pauly, secretary.

Marty Stribling, Jill Whidden and Sandy Aguilar keep their eyes an a fast spike made by Mary Barnard in an intramural volleyball game.

WOMEN'S RECREATION COUNCIL The Women's Recreation Association is affiliated with the American Recreational Federation of College Women. UNM's WRA is for all women students. The main purposes are: to promote recreational activities through an organized intramural program, special interest clubs, and sportsday teams. Both individual and team sports are included. The intramural program provides competition for sororities, residence hall sections and town teams. It gives the average student many opportunities for recreational activities.

Independent representatives, Roma Siler, Dee Bee Worthington, Amanda King, Mary Kamen, Ann Robinson, Chris Meares, Sue Brandt, Mary Barnard.

Sorority representatives, Patty Durrie, Helen Dobell, Gretchen Thomas, Judy Graves, Betty McClead, Jan Kelt.


Jackie Willingham & Donna Wess hold the difficult and beautiful swan scale. Jill Hutchinson and Barbara Scopelins jump for the ball in one of the many fast-moving games sponsored by the WRA.

Trophy Winners: Betly McCleod" Kappa Alpha Theta; Gloria Rodriguez, Sandy Aguilar, Jill Hutchinson. Not pictured: Mimi F. Johnson.


Louie the Lobo YELL LEADERS: Standing: Ed Russell, Johnny Smith, Jim Lee. Seated: Fred Bornstein, J. D. Baca.

CHAPARRALS: Laura Loy, Bonnie Kilgore, Jackie Willingham, Roby Akin, Marilyn Stith, Marsha Jones, Reid Torres, Susan Everett, Sandra Marshall, Dee Sirwinski.


MAJORETIES: Judy Dyhrman, lynn Zahn, Barbara Moore, Brenda Freeman, Betty Jo Noble.


Record, Won 9, Lost 2, Tied 0 UNM

o 20 26 10

Opp. Utoh* Montano BYU* Arizona*





18 17 20



Opp. Utoh SI. N. Mex. St. Wyoming* Texas Western



14 14 6 12

42 Colorado. State University 20 Hawaii 9 Kansas State *Western Athletic Conference

Td 1

Kickoff Returns O'Neal

0 0 7

INDIVIDUAL RECORDS Rushing Joe Harris Moe Barreras

TCB 152 12

GAIN 634 112

Total Offense Quintana

LOSS 62 0

NET 582 112 Plays 169

AVG. 3.2 9.3 Yds. 1249

Pass Receiving Plumlee Pass Interceptions Quintana Forward Passing Quintana


72 40 72 72 86 87 86 102 65 89 65 70 65 58

30 59 57 53 38 54 36 32 64 70 71 66 83 68

1964-65 Record,

Colorado College at Albuquerque Kansas at Lawrence Texas Tech at Albuquerque Long Beach State ai Albuquerque New Mexico State at Albuquerque Iowa State at Albuquerque Calif. State (Hayward) at Albuquerque Howard Payne College at Albuquerque Utah at Albuquerque Brigham Young at Albuquerque Arizona State at Tempe Arizona at Tucson Wyoming at Laramie Denver at Denver

6 28 19 22 21 16 23 26


78 70 61 58 47

67 69 64 74 69 62 76 89

45 48 42 81 58 37 39 59

76 67 54 76

No. Att 86

Comp 45



Gain 794


Yds. 172

Td 3

Cony 0

Punting Shetler

No. 9

Yds. 196

Avg. 20.7

No. 41

Yds. 1429

Avg. 34.8

Pu nt Retu rns Quintana

No. 4

Yds. 65

Utah at Salt Lake City Brigham Young at Provo St. Johns at New York (NIT) Texas Christian at Sun Bowl Tournament Texas Western at Sun Bowl Tournament (EI Paso, Texas) Denver at Albuquerque Arizona State at Albuquerque Arizona at Albuquerque Wyoming at Albuquerque Texas Western at EI Paso New Mexico State at Las Cruces Hawaii at Albuquerque Hawaii at Albuquerque

Highs TEAM Field Goals, 40, against Howard Payne (83 attempts) Free Throws, 32, against New Mexico State (47 attempts) Total Points, 102, against Howard Payne Rebounds, 63, against Texas Christian INDIVIDUAL Field Goals, 13, Bill Morgan against Utah Free Throws, 11, Dick Ellis against Texas Western Total Points, 27, Mel Daniels against Wyoming Rebounds, 20, Mel Daniels against Texas Western



Opp. Colorado N.M.S.U. Adams State Denver Long Beach State U.C.L.A. Arizona Ft. Lewis

22 7 9 7 8 12 3 8

UNM 19 31 7 11 0 3 16

Opp. Letourneau N.M.S.U. Wyoming Air Force Acad. Arizona State Brigham Young Utah

10 3 22 17 34 23 18



Luther Martinez Sam Stalkley Dave Kuby Bill Moore Lou Sciarra Marty Lyman Dan Jones Dave Ambriz

123 130 137 147 157 167 177 HW




70V2 44V2 15V2

Ft. Hayes New Mexico State Eastern N.M.U. Colo. U. BYU Utah BYU Ft. Lewis Colo. St. College Air Farce



117 117 49

54V2 49

67V2 119 26

UNM 88

30V2 42V2 93

64% 71

48V2 73V2 88V2 83

93V2 76 84

58V2 83 93

Opp. N.M.S.U. Arizona Los Angeles St. Wichita E.N.M.U. Ft. Hayes N.M.S.U. Arizona State Ft. Lewis E.N.M.U.



89V2 76V2 27

15V2 44 36

61V2 37 17

John Atwood Graham Bartlett Jerry Beeman Blaise Blasko David Corbin Warlito Daugucon Albert Dawson Ron Ford Joe Modica Bill Nyland

Tam Polo nee Felix Rodriguez Mike Sandry Bob Smith Tom Wintrich Roger Wright James Damour Bill Auritt Frank Garcia Ray Bustamante John Van Sickler


1964-65 RECORD, Won 13, Lost 1 UNM 70 74 74 60 77 69 50

Opp. Texas Tech N.M.M.1. Arizona State Arizona New Mexico State U. Colorado Denver

25 21 21 35 18 25 45

UNM 38 59 65 67 59 74 69

Opp. Utah Utah State Weber State N.M.M.1. Colorado State Texas A & M Wyoming

57 34 28 28 36 21 25

MEMBERS Ron Anderson Ricky Bennett Mike Byrne Tom Hendrey Tom Holmes Bill Kitto Tom Mellars Co<aptains are Mellars

WAC RESULTS: Second to Utah. NCAA: 4 points; Tam Mellars-26th in a field of 62.

Complete coverage of Track, Golf, Tennis and Baseball m 1966 Mirage. 358

Avg. 16.2


Won 9, Lost 6


Yds. 316



No. 19

Charley Moran Glynn Nucci David Otto Greg Rendahl Jim Rhudy Bob Richards Carter Shillig and Rhudy

THERE IS ONLY JOY ON THE DAY OF VICTORY UNM beats USC to achieve national recognition in track.





Albuquerque Film Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 378 Albuquerque National Bank

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


Associated Students Bookstore



Bill Bell of Albuquerque


Blueher Lumber Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Butterfield Jewelers


................ .... .........

Citizen's State Bank


Excelsior Laundry & Dry Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 378 361


First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 371 Galles-Groesbeeck Chevrolet


Galles Motor Company


Given Bros. Shoes .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 373 Henry's Fine Men's Wear

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 372

Imperial Laundry & Dry Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Jeanette's Originals




J. Korber Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..


La Hacienda




Miller & Smith


National Bedding Company


New Mexico LOBO

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 379

Paris Shoe Stores

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 365



Springer Transfer Company


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A Abbott, Word T. 42 Adams, Clinton 44 Adler, Hyman S. 28 Alexander, Hubert G. 37 Alves, Luiz Carlos 37 Amos, Lindo K. 46 Anderson, Robert E. 123 Anderson, Roger Y. 36 Angel, Fronk, Jr. 40 Antreasian, Garo Z. 44 Arms, George 35 Aub, Conrad F. 36

B Boca, Josephine E. 46 Bach, Philip 34 Bailey, Arthur P. 43 Boker, John Gregory 43

8aker, William E. 43, 160 Baltzell, Jane L. 35 Barney, Robert K. 41 Barron, Jerome A. 128 Basehart, Harry W. 34 Bossett, Robert V. R., Jr., Copt., USN 226 Batcheller, John M. 45 Beakley, John W. 34 Benedetti, David T. 48 Benson, Harold R. 44 Bierbaum, William R. 33, 144 Bizzell, Gory D. 42 Blankenship, Josepb 44 Blue, Kenneth F. 330 Blum, Julius R. 37. Blumenfeld, Arthur A. 31 Boatwright, Lewellyn T., Jr. 43 Bolinger, Virgilee C. (Bo) 330 Book, Claude Marie (Mrs. T.) 37 Book, Truett 37

Campbell, John M. 34 Campbell, ·H. Maxwell 29 Coplon, Stanley W. 40 Carnes, Richard H. 144 Carney, John B., Jr. 42 Carr, Patrick G. 37 Castle, Raymond N. 35 Castonguay, Thomas T. 42 Cataline, Elman L. 132 Caton, Roy D. 35 Cauthorne, Robert T. 122 Chose, William M. 27 Chreist, Fred M. 38 Christman, Karl 39 Chung, Pham 35 Clarke, James S. 123 Cleary, Eileen M. 46 Clements, Woodrow W. 41 Clendenin, Thomas M. 123·

Bower, Blair T. 42 Boyden, George M. 122 Bradshaw, Martin D. 43 Brandfonbrener, Martin 122 Brazell, Marjorie M. 41 Breiland, John G. 38 Bright, Richard 162 Broeder, Dole W. 128 Brown, Chester R. 41 Buchanon, Edith 35 Bundy, E. Wayne 38 Bunting, Bainbridge 44 Bunting, Richard B. 333 Burley, Lloyd R. 41 Bynum, William A., Jr. 41

C Cairns, Jock A. 33 Colvert, Floyd O. 43


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Cline, Dorothy I. 36 Clough, Richord H. 42 Coke, Van Deren 44 Cook, Mory J. (Mrs.) 176 Cooper, James G. 40 Cottrell, Morion M. 42, 158 Crowford, 80nner M. 41 Crowford, Clifford S. 34 Creeley, Robert W. 35 Crenshow, Virginio 46 Crosby, Glenn A. 35 Crowell, Norton 8. 35 Crull, Edgar F. 36 Cutter, Donald C. 36 D Dobney, William M. 36, 139 Daub, Guido, H. 35 D~vis, Paul B. 35, 141 Davison, Ned J. 37 Dean, Christopher 38 Degenhardt, William G. 34 De Onis, Carlos M. 123 Dickey, Franklin M. 35 Dickey, Roland 30 Dittmer, Howard J. 35 Dolzadelli, John 33 Donham, Robert J. 42 Dove, Richard C. 43, 160, 174 Doxtator, Robert J. 41, 169 Drummond, Harold D. 41 Duke, Victor H. 138 Duncan, Robert M. 37 Durrie, John N. 25 E Earickson, G. W. 144 Earp, Bess 50 Eberly, William S. 37 Edgel, Rolph L. 39 Ellis, Henry C. 38 Ellis, Robert M. 44 Elser, Mrs. Groce L. 41, 160 Elston, Wolfgang E. 36

Enorson, Harold L. 21, 25 Epstein, Bernord 37 Ertezo, Ahmed 43 Etherton, Jomes M. 28 Eubonk, Woyne C. 38 Evans, Melbourne G. 38

F Foddis, Del Mor B. 138, 142, 144, 165 Feise, Jock H. 31 Feldman, K. T., Jr. 43, 160 Fenley, G. Word 30 Fernandez, Pelayo H. 37 Fifield, M. F. 28 Findley, James S. 35 Fink, Myron 128 Finley, Theodore N. 122 Fitz, Reginald H. 121 Fitzsimmons, J. Paul 36 Fleck, Martin W. 35 Floyd, Troy S. 36 Fowler, F. Porker, Jr. 31, 39 Frazier, Donald T. 123 Frederick, Kurt 45 Freed, Catherine M. 38 Freedman, Morris 138 French, Richard P. 141, 149 Friedman, Nathaniel A. 37 Friemoth, Marianne E. 46 G Gafford, William R. 42, 144 Gallagher, Robert E. 35 Geba, Bruno 41 Gentry, Fronk C. 37 Gerard, Fitzgerald A. 43 Gibson, J. Dorrell 43 Gilmore, George B. 41 Goode, Rudyard B. 39 Groce, Charles T. 43 Groff, Gerold E. 141 Grannemann, Wayne W. 43 Gray, Wendell 165 Green, John R. 38




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Greenhouse, Arnold H. 123 Griffith, Charles R. 40 Grogan, Daniel L., Copt., USAF 220 Grow, Ronald L. 44 Gugisberg, Mercedes 41

H Hockett, Hugh C. 353 Haebel, Robert E., Major, USMC 226 Hakala, William W. 42 Holle, Robert L. 38 Hamilton, David B. 35 Honey, William L. 44 Hanna, Marilyn J. 181 Harris, Ruth B. (Mrs. C. D.) 41 Heath, Edward 41 Heath, Kathleen 41 Heimerich, John J. 44 Hendrickson, Morris S. 130 Hennington, Scott 330 Henry, Gwinn 144 Hersh, Reuben 37 Hibben, Fronk C. 34 Hill, Hamlin 35, 133 Hill, W. W. 34 Hillerman, Anthony G. 30, 141 Hoff, C. Clayton 35 Holzopfel, Robert 37 Holzapfel, Tomaro 37 Hooker, Von Dorn 33 Houghton, Arthur V., 11143 Hovda, Allen 123 Howorth, John L. 38 Huber, William H. 39, 47, 141 Hufbauer, Gory 35 Hunsley, G. M. 36 Huzarski, Richard G. 42 I Ikle, Fronk William 36 Ivins, Wilson H. 41

J Jackson, A. O. 144



Jarrett, James R. 44 Jermain, Leonard L. 36, 169 Johnson, K. 0., Copt., USAF 220 Johnson, William W. 35 Johnston, Donald P. 41 Jones, Edward D., Cdr. USN 226 Jorrin, Miguel 37 Ju, Frederick D. 43 Judah, Charles B. 36 K Kahn, Milton 35 Karni, Shlomo 43, 180 Katz, Melvin L. 37 Keller, Wolter B. 45 Kelley, David Otis 32 Kelley, Vincent C. 36 Kelly, Ruben D. 43 Kempter, Dole E. 45 Keppers, George L. 40 King, Bob 346, 347 Klor, Hazel-Moe 46 Koopmans, Lambert H. 37 Koschmann, Arnold H. 43 Kuntz, Joseph M. 35

L Ladman, A. J. 122 Laffield, R. B. 122 Lalicker, Robert G. 32 Lambert, Joseph S. 43 LeBaron, Francis N. 122 Lee, Unja 36 Lesser, Matthew B. 123 Lewis, James Vernon 37 Libo, Lester M. 123, 141 Liepe, Wolfrom 35 Lieuwen, Edwin 36 Liker, Alan D. 128 Logon, Frank A. 38 Lonekin, W. S. 122 Lopes, Albert R. 37 Lorenz, Douglas E. 123 Lumsdon, Ruth L. 144

Lynn, Irvin L. 37

Owens, Cullen B. 38

M MacGregor, J. C. 29 Maim, Miriam P. 35 Morais, Leroy 44 Martin, William C. 35, 158 Mosley, Alexander S. 40 Mathany, Howard V. 27, 144 May, Morvin Clark 42 Moyer, J. 37 McDavid, Pete 33 McEwen, Doug los R. 45 McFadden, George 32 McGill, Frances 41 McKenzie, Donald A. 37 McLaren, Leroy C. 123 McLoughlin, Don R. 35 McMullan, Bruce W. 44 McMurray, Imagean H. 41. 162 McPherson, Ronald B. 42, 173 McRae, Donald C. 45 Meier, Harold C. 38 Meleski, Richard P. 32 Miller, Hugh M. 45 Miller, Virginia J. 46 Milliken, Gladys E. 41 Mills, Naomi L. 4 L 354 Mitchell, Merle 37 Montgomery, John A. 41 Morris, Catherine 46 Morris, Jessie F. 35

P Paak, Carl E. 44 Papcsy, Fronk E. 41 Popper, Solomon 122 Pork, James W. 39 Porker, Alfred L. 35 Perovich, John 25 Perry, Mari 39 Peterson, Robert A. 330 Petrol, George 41 Petty, Paul V. 141 Philip, A. G. Davis 34 Piper, Charlotte (Mrs. J. R.) 41. 349 Pallay, Michael 123 Popejoy, Tom L. 22, 23, 254 Potter, Loren D. 34 Prouse, Peter 4}

N Napolitano, Leonard M. 122 Nosh, Gerold D. 36 Nason, Marshall R. 37 Navarre, Irene M. 87 Naylor, William c., Lt. Col.. USAF 220 Nesbitt, Robert 41 Newman, Stanley S. 34 Nolte, Margaret 26 Norman, Rolph D. 38 Northrop, Stuart A. 36 Novitski, Monico A. 87

R Rafferty, Keen A. 36 Rasmussen, Ellen 182 Reagan, Fred C. 27 Regener, Victor H. 38 Reiter, Mrs. Winifred 32 Renggli, Heinz J. 37 Reuwsaat, Emily A. 41 Reva, Virginia (Mrs. H. L.) 39 Rhoads, William E. 45 Rhodes, John M. 38 Rhamberg, Edward J. 42 Rhudy, Carol Thomas 4), 354 Riebsamer, J. L. 35 Ried, Harold O. 29 Riedesel, Morvin L. 35 Robert, George 45 Rock, Gerold W. 128 Rosenblum, Sidney 38, 131 Rosenzweig, Abraham 130 Rouelle, Andre 144 Runge, William B. 41 Russell, Josiah C. 36 Ryan, Bartholomew, D. P. 162, 166 Ryan, Devoy A. 40

0 O'Dell, R. Douglas 43 Oliver, Earl D. 42 Omid'varan, Cyrus 42

S SI. Onge, Keith R. 38, 141 Sarkar, Ani! K. 38 Sasaki, Tom T. 38

FOR LADIES: Evins • Saver •

Joyce •

Red Cross •

of Boston • Step •


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Boy Scout •

FOR MEN: Florsheim • Wright

Z Zavadil, Joseph B. 36, 144 Zepper, John T. 40 Zintz, Miles V. 41 Zippel, Bert 38 Zweig, Carl G. 41

.. , P ar.s.a,.. ...

Clinic. Tramp.


Y Yamauchi, Masanobu 35 Yao, James T. P. 43 Younkin, Lorry M. 43



Cabbies •


W Walker, Harold L. 31 Wolters, L. Helen 41 Wambold, James C. 43 Worner, Richard A. 41 Waters, Elizabeth H. 41 Weeks, William U. 330, 331 Weihofen, Henry P. 128 Wellck, Arthur A. 30 Wengerd, Sherman A. 36 West, Bruce D. 35 Whang, Robert 123 White, Julian E., Jr. 37 Whitehead, Carlton J. 39 Whiteside, Helen 26, 144 Whitlow, James L. 45 Wildin, Maurice W. 43, 160 Williams, Floyd B., Jr. 28 Williams, Richard H. 43, 139 Willis, Joseph S. 163 Wilson, William O. 40 Winter, Lothar G. 39 Wolf, T. Phillip 36 Wollman, Nathaniel 35 Woodhouse, Charles E. 38 Woodliff, K. Lance 28 Wylder, Delbert E. 36 Wynn, Dudley 36, 50




Cobblers •

V Varley, David W. 38 Vada, Anno M. 46 Vogel, Albert W. 40 von Erffa, Helmut H. 44


Nino •

Green Slippers •


U Udis, Bernard 35

Ulibarri, Horacia 40 Ulibarri, Sabine R. 37 Uttan, Albert E. 128


De Angelo •


T Tatschl, John 44 Tedlock, E. W., Jr. 36 Therkildsen, Paul T. 35 Thomas, Roy 38 Thompson, Louis Jean 43 Thansan, William H. 44, 318 Thorn, Donald C. 43 Thornton, James I. 45 Travelstead, Chester C. 40 Tredway, Daniel C. 41 Trowbridge, Hoyt 34 Tuan, Yi-Fu 36

Lady Florsheim •

De Lisa Debs

zio •

Savage, Peter D. 44 Scoles, Mrs. Betty G. 144 Scaletti, Joseph V. 123 Schlegel, Don P. 44 Schmidt, Harvard F. 346, 347 Schadarf, Edwin J. 30 Schoenfeld, Marton 45 Schroeder, Florence M. 41 Schwerin, Karl H. 34 Searcy, Victor V. 35 Seaton, Lloyd, Jr. 39 Seed, Verle R. 128 Seidler, Armond H. 41 Senescu, Robert A. 123 Simon, Ernest R. 122 Simons, Katherine G. 36, 50 Skoglund, Victor J. 43 Small, Ella May 41 Smith, Sherman E. 25, 138, 139 Snedden, James A. 38 Snow, Jane 45, 138 Solen berger, Marjorie Z. 146 Solomon, Sidney 123 Sonnenberg, Harold 123 Southward, Harold D. 43 Sparks, Dole 31 Stohl, Kenneth H. 132 Staubach, Charles N. 37 Steed, Sarah Sue 41 Stockley, Mrs. C. H. 163 Stone, Robert S. 123 Stuart, Fronk C. 36 Stumpf, Harry P. 36

E. T.

Clarks of EngEvans Slippers Winthrop •

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A Abbas, Abdulla M. 168, 176 Abendschan, Jack 165, 182, 260, 284,.

332 Absendschan, Ronald E. 70 Abernathy, E. G., Jr. 174 Abernathy, Judy 89, 172 Ables, Charles K. 89, 175, 210 Aboul-Seoud, Ahmed K. 176 Abraham, Karen 70, 139, 156, 200 Abraham, Diane 138 Abshere, Nancy 70 Achen, Elspeth V. 88, 257 Achen, Howard 70, 216 Achen, James 70, 216 Ackerman, Sue 349 Acuff, Mark 141 Adams, Carol 55 Adams, Larry C. 55, 216 Adams, Marjorie Helen 79 Adams, Mickey 55, 186

Addison, Rita 168 Adegunleye, Victor O. 70 Adrian, Penni 70, 137 Aguilar, Sandra L. 79,354, 355 Ajayi, Rowland O. 174, 176 Akbar, Muhammad 168 Aker Larry 79 Akin, Robert D. 175 Akin, Roby 79, 186,356 AI-Ayoub, Abdulaziz A: 176 Alarcon, George N. 131 Albin, Michael 70, 162 Alden, Rase 89 Alexander, Warren, 331 Alexander, William B. 55, 202 AI-Khuragi, Mansur 176 Allapowa, Gloria 55, 175 Allen, Barbara 55, 169, 198, 257 Allen, Dorothy 184 Allen, John R. 55 Allen, Margo 300

Allen, Mildred 70 Allen, Suzi 70, 200 Allensworth, Lynn A. 70 Allred, Lou 330 Allred, Ron 55, 210 Almy, Fred 70 Alowe, Edword 55, 210 AI路Rumoih, Muhommod 168, 176 Amann, Billy 55, 212 Amos, Linda K. 46 Amastae, Jon 55 Ambabo, Katherine C. 55, 192 Ames, Dan 55 Amode, Joseph O. 160, 174 Amsden, Edgar A. 89, 175, 214 Anderson, Lee F. 70 Anderson, Jane 70 Anderson, John 332 Anderson, Judy 181 Anderson, Julie 89, 188, 195 Anderson, Walton 0., Jr. 79, J 80

Andrews, Judy 55, 162 Anna, Terry L. 89, 161, lBO, 216 Anstine, Barbara, 89, 188 Antink, Adrienne 55, 142, 198 ApoDaca, Reuben A. 70 Aponte, Louis 169, 176 Appleton, Robert L. 70, 212 Aragon, Connie Marie 55 Aragon, Nancy Rosella 55 Arasim, Theresa M. 89 Arcache, Alfred 176 Arch, Karen 158 Arken, Theodore 158, 180 Armayor Frederick V. 70 Armijo, Frederick A. 55 Armijo, Fred E. 70, 216 Armijo, Lorraine 70 Armijo, R. Ronald 173 Armstrong, Diana 89, 196 Arnold, Roy D. 55 Arp, Virginia 70, 190

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Arr, Alice 192 Asbury, Elaine 70, 142, 200 Ashbrook, Mel 79, 216 Atakol, Kenan 13 I, 168 Atakal, Gaen 168 Atch, Koren 162 Athelli, Anjiah 131, 176 Atkins, Ronald J. 89, 207 Atkinson, Glendo 79, 140, 154, 187 Atkinson, Goy 55, 192 Atkinson, Richard 174 Attebery, Santo Clore 55, 196 Auerbach, David 79, 207 Augsburger, Robert 55 Augustine, Jim 70, 218 Auld, Leslie 55, 196 Ausanka, Sandy 55,143,187 Austin, Sharon Jean 55 Autry, Sharon 257 B

Babbidge, Jon 55 Babcock, George B. 70 Boca, Fronk 173 Boca, James 89 Boca, Joseph A. 70 Boca, J. D. 356 Boca, Lucille 79, BB, 257 Boca, Millicent 70, 181 Boca, Rosemary 167 Bacchus, Charles 89, 158, 173 Bacchus, Steve 79, 139, 155, lB5, 216 Bachand, Ja 349 Bader, William 165 Badgett, Patricio 55 Baggerly, Ja Ann 70, 14 I Bailey, Joann 70, 14 I Bailiff, Ron 165 Baize, Reva Lee 55 Bakos, John 168 Boker, Beverly 55, BB, 196 Boker, Dick 70, 137, 2 I 4 Boker, Dick 70, 214 Boker, George L. 43 Boker, Gregory 174 Boker, John 160, 353

Boker, Noncy E. 70, 200 Boker, William E. 43, 160, 174 Balfe, Patricio 55 Boll, David 79, 2 I 2 Boll, Nelson 15B Ballance, Emily 55, 170 Ballance, Marguerite I. 55, 70, 170 Bollard, Nancy 55 Bollinger, Kay 70, 138, 145, 190 Ballmer, Marta Jo 89, 137, 152 Bomberger, Miguel 71 Bondy, Claudette 55 Bones, Richard E. 70, 2 I6 Barber, Robert 55, 212 Barbour, John 70, 2 I4 Bore, Stephen L, 70, 200, 204 Barker, Maureen 55 Barme, Charlie 353 Barnard, Mary 70, 354 Barnes, Leo Ann 55, 196 Barnett, James 79 Boros, John 70, 207 Barr, Lauro Marlene R. 55 Borrego, Rebecca 55 Barreras, Moe 331 Barron, Ann 55 Borth, Lindo 1B1 Bartmess, Nancy 70 Bosco, Ric. 79, 207 Boss, Dottie B9 Boss, Fronk Thomas 55, 203 Bossett, Charles 79, 214 Bates, Charles K. 70 Bates, John c., Jr. 89,173 Bourn, Vicki Lynn 55 Baxter, Arthur 89 Baxter, Arthur R. 55 Baxter, Lindo Gayle 55, 170 Beach, Arthur O'Neal 70 Beal, Bunita 55, 229 Beall, James A. 70, 210 Beall. Lorry 70, 139,211,214 Bebber, Joe 70, 211, 214 Bechtel, Richard 1BO Beck, Co rol 88 Beck, Lorry Dewayne 55



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Becker, Donald D. 55 Becker, Richard Wm. 90 Becker, Robert 70 Beeman, Jerry 70 Beene, Burl Vance 79, 1B5, 203 Begay, Keeyah 175 Beirne, Coral 70, 170 Belko, Sheila 55 Bell, Beatrice BB Bell, Charles 0.90, 169 Bell, Gory 260 Bell, Graham Eric 90, 175 Bell, Leslie 70 Bell, Robert 55, 2 I Belli, Jean Ballantine 79, 196 Belson, Louise 90 Beltran, Marilyn 55, 229 Beltran, Michael 79 Bendel, Richard J. A. 55, 21B Bendorf, Beverly 56 Benham, Mary Ja 56, 168 Benham, Robert 131, 160, 174 Bennett, Carolyn 56 Bennett, Jann 56 Bennett, Kit 56 Bennett, Margaret L. 56, 184 Bennett, Margaret S. 192, 229 Bennett, Thomas D. 79 Beno, William Steven 70, 17B Benson, Judith Lynn 79, 196 Benson, Pamela 79 Bently, Pervis 169 Benton, Peggy 56, 200 Benziger, Joan 70 derger, Mike 70, 21 I Berger, Robert 159 Bergerson, Carolyn 56 Berggren, Anita 70, 172,257 Bernal, Lynda 56 Bernard, Kathryn 70 Bernhard, Michael 79 Berry, Bonieta 70 Berry, Donna 90, 192 Berry, W. F. (Bill) 79,215 Berthelsen, Dione 257 Bertholf, Shirley 79




AM 8-3384

Beserra, Ronald 70, 207 Bestgen, Terri 70, 13B, 145, 156, 190 Bidwell, John 90, 174 Bierstedt, Dorothy 70 Bieser, Susan 70, 90, 165 Bild, Mildred 90 Billingsley, Ron 56, 2 I2 Binford, Jackie 70 Bingham, Mock 56, 210 Birge, Susan J. 55, 190 Birosak, John J. 79 Bishop, James D. 173 Bitterlich, Cheryl 79, 188 Bitticks, Carol M. 90 Block, Koren 56 Block, Marilyn 70 Block, Steven 260 Blacklock, Lindo 70, 196 Blackwood, Joy C. 55, 210 Blair, Robert W. 79 Blair, Sharon Nell 56 Bloke, Christie BB Bloke, David 90, 212 Blakelock, Bonnie 55, 194 Blond, John 55, 210 Blanford, David 79, 2 I6 Blan kley, Roy 165, 182 Blaschke, Lindy 90, 138, 142,215 Blea, James N. 79, 216 Blocker, Sl.!e 70 Bloom, Pepi 56 Blough, John 90 Bloys, Warren 70, I B5, 2 I 2 Bluestein, Dione 71, 142, 156, 169, lB6 Blythe, David 173 Boardella, Lillian. 79 Bodenweiser, Lourie 257 Boede, William C. 90, 160, 174 Boegli, Wilbur J. 71 Boffo, Den ny 56 Bogard, W. C. 90 Boggs, Judy 165 Bohler, Mardon 79 Bolobnow, Tony 90 Boney, Susan 79, 154, 190, 223 Bonham, Gordon Scott 91

Bonhom, Sondro 79 Boone, Dudley 79, 210 Bornstein, Fred 2B5, 356 Borrego, Rebecca L. 56 Boufford, Arthur Henry 71 Bourgault, Cothy 79, 154, 167 Bourlond, Harry 185 Bouyer, Bob 332 Bowditch, Kothleen 56 Bowen, Denise 138, 145 Bowen, Joseph 71, 212 Bowen, Judy 91, 141,200 Bowen, Leland 91. 153, 158, 162, 180 Bowen, Mike 79,155,216 Bower, Conny 79, 142, 186 Bower, Robert C. 91, 204 Bowers, Earl H. 175 Bowers, Stephen 56 Bowers, William C. 129 Bowman, Carole, 91, 200 Bowman, Marci 257 Boyd, Rodger 71 Boyd, Valerie Faye 56 Bayer, Marcus A. 71 Boykin, Kay 88 Bayle, James 91,175 Brackhahn, David L. 71 Bradford, Carl 331 Bradley, David 91 Bradley, V. Ginger 91, 189 Branch, Jim 79, 137, 155,212,260 Brandenburg, James M. 79, 210 Brandenburg, Sharon 71, 156, 198 Brannon, T. R. 71, 212 Brandt, Sue 349, 354 Brantley, Junior 79 Bratton, Sam 56 Braudt, Susan 79 Bray, Patti 56, 184, 192 Brazell, Roy N. 79,155,159,168 Breen, Ronald Dab 56 Breiland, John 38, 159 Bresenham, Dick 158, 258 Breton, Norma 79, 169 Brewer, Barbara 91,189 Bridgforth, Steve 330 Brill, Mary C. 56 Brimhall, Leroy A. 56, 165 Brimhall, Yvonne 186, 289 Brininstoal, Bernadete 71, 91

Brink. Gwen Dee 79, 184, 194 Briscoe, William D. 71 Brockway, Paula R. 91, 176 Bronaug h, Tom 79 Bronson, Mary Beth 56, 142, 190 Bronson, Paula 79, 190 Brooks, Alan 91,174 Brooks, Carol Lynn 71 Brooks, John E. 71. 204 Brooks, Robert Kent 91, 215 Brosman, Dovid R. 158, 173 Brawn, Betty 71. 88 Brown, Bobbe 56, 186 Brawn, Charles Philip 56, 218 Brown, Eddie 159 Brown, Gretchen Kay 91, 142, 200 Brawn, Harold E. 79, 155, 158 Brown, Jack 149, 169 Brown, Mark W. 56 Brown, Mike 142 Brown, Milton 176 Brown, Nikolyn 71, 163 Brown, Richard 160, 174 Brown, Robert L. 79, 155, 204 Brown. Sharon 56. 200 Brown, William M. 79, 210 Browning, Doug 149 Bruce, Dovid Aaron 91. 141, 161 Bruchez, Ernie 71 Brunski, Robert L. 56 Bryan, Paul 178 Bryan, Barbara 79 Bryant, Carol 80, 159, 169 Bryant, Janet T. 88 Bryant, William B. 91, 175 Buchanan, Paul 341, 346 Buckland, Gail 92, 140, 152, 186, 2B3 Budagher, John 56, 207 Buhler, Richard 79, 204 Bulgin, Ann 181 Bunch, Barbara Ellen 71, 190 -Bunch, Elizabeth 131 Bunch, George Pardue 124 Bunt, Ron 79, 216 Burger, Jeon M. 71 Burke, Carole 131, 189, 229 Burke, Gretchen Gaeth 92, 192 Burke, Henry 71, 212 Burke, James 71 Burnell, Kenneth 80, 207

Burnett, Sara 71 Burnham. Dale 71, 203 Burns, Brenda 71, 198, 223 Burns, Carol 257 Burns, Dennis 56 Burns, Ellen 176 Burns, Fred 158, 173 Burns, Melvin W. 92 Burrow, Dorothy Lee 80, 170 Burt, Jane Ellen 56, 196 Burton, Judy 80, 187 Burwinkle, John V., Jr. 80 Burwitz, Ed 344 Buscemi, Jon H. 124, 170 Buss, Vicki 71, 169, 170 Bussell, Thomas 145 Bussolini, Peter L. 71 Butler, Jay 71, 145, 178 Butts, Carl D. 80, 173 Buxton, Jim 80 By, Janet 56 Byrd, Bob 56, 212 Byrd, Joan 80 Byrd, Marvin R. 92, 158, 180 Byrd, Steve 332 Byrne, David A. 124 Byrne, Michael G. 71, 157, 204 Byrnes, Michoel C. 56 C

Cabarrouy, Evalda A. 80, 204 Cagle, Carrol Wayne 80, 148, 155, 169, 284 Calderon, linda 56 Calderon, William B. 80 Calderone, Barbara 159 Caldes, William Chris 56 Caldwell, Steve 168 Caldwell, H. 174 Calkins, Jo Ann 176 Callaway, linda Carol 56 Calvert, Becky 92 Calvin, John A. 157 Campbell, John 71 Campbell, John M. 34 Compbell, Ken 92 Campbell, Mary 257 Campbell, Sue 177, 184 Canacci, Bill 333 Canada, Sharan 181

Candelaria, William 92 Candini, Robert 56 Cannon, Thomas M. 92 Conoyer, Betty 56 Cantrell, Karen 71. 156, 188, 223 Copes, L. Robert 80 Carballo, Angel C. 71 Cardwell, John 260 Carey, Richord 92 Carley, Robert M. 71 Carlson, Judy 257 Carmichael, Sharon 92 Carnahan, Sam 71 Carpenter, Charlene 56, 169, 196 Carr, Bill 71, 215 Carr, Bill 57, 216 Carr, Tam 71 Carraro, Joseph John 80 Carroll, Connie 80, 200 Carroll, David L. 175 Carroll, linda 57 Carroll, Margie 71, 194 Carter, John 71 Carter, Mary 71,156,196 Carter, Peter R. 124 Casados, Tony 71 Casas, Joe H. 57 Case, David 162 Case, Toby 257 Cosey, Charles Edward 57 Casey, Mary Lou 169 Casey, Dianne 147 Casperson, Gordan 57 Castillo, Clara 57 Castillo, Elizabeth Ann 57 Castle, David E. 71, 162, 165 Catanach, Cecile 88 Cates, Antoinette B. 57 Caudill, Larry 92, 204 Caughren, Claudia E. 71, 200 Cawfield, John 160 Caylor, Jim 137 Chalamidas, Stewart L. 124 Chales, Nancy 163 Chalke, George P. 80 Chambers, James L. 71. 212 Chamness, Nancy 92, 229 Chance, Jane 57, 196 Chondiwala, Faroak 131 Chondler, Charles 57

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Chapman, Jennie 160 Chapman, Katharine 71. 184, 192 Chapman, Priscilla 257 Chappelle, Edsal 71, 174,202 Chavez, 8en 71 Chavez, Benny David 57 Chavez, Carmen 57, 142 Chavez, Eileen 92 Chavez, Mario 57 Chavez, Pete 178 Chavez, Susan 57 Chavez, Tita David 57 Chauvet, Jock S. 92 Chene, Bob 162 Chevalier, Lindo 71 Childs, Dick 71. 214 Chiardi, Michael 80, 185, 212 Chiuminatta, Carol 57, 196 Chalertan, Robin 71 Chowning, Pot 141, 180 Chreist, Steve 80, 93, 215 Christanelli, Ronald S. 71 Christensen, Chris R. 175 Christensen, Eric 80 Christensen, Laurel 162 Chriswell, Lela 8eth J 62 Ciani, John 158, 173 Cicenas, Raminta 80 Cisco, Clill K. 57, 216 Claar, Robert C. 93, 204 Clark, Craig 57, 196 Clark, Dennis 57 Clark, Margie 80, 170 Claus, Marylin 80, 190 Clawson, Ann Elizabeth 71, 162, 170 Claybrook, Cathy 57 Clew law, Anna 159 Clillard, Joyce 159 Clillard, Sandra 57 Cline, Cathleen Susan 71, 196 Claughley, Jon 57, 190 Coburn, Richard 71 Caester, Neta 71. 156, 198, 257 Callee, Marlin 57 Collman, Laura 177

Collman, Phyllis 71, 200 Cogan, Janet 57 Cogswell, John C. 93 Cohen, Koren 80 Cohen, Susan E. 71 Cohn, Roger S. 93 Coke, Von 57, 210 Col berson, Ann 57, 194 Cole, Carlton 71, 210 Cole, Oscar William 57 Cole, Richard 93, 175,215 Coleman, Ed 353 Call, Sue 57 Collins, C. D. 80 Collins, Dede 80, J 96 Collins, Jim 80, 155, 216 Collister, Pinky 223 Colvin, Groce Louise 93, 165, 174, 182 Colvin, John A. 71 Combs, John 57 Conley, Robert 159 Conner, Katherine A. 57, 170 Connolly, Barbaro A. 71 Connolly, Susan 137 Conoyer, Betty 190 Constantine, Miles 57 Conway, Michael Patrick 71, 212 Conwell, John 163 Cook, Chester, 165 Cook, Carleen 80, 200, 291 Cook, Janet 57, 187 Cook, Douglas 57, 203 Cook, Nancy 80, 190 Cook, Simeon B. 80, 216 Cooke, Richard 72, 218 Cooper, Charlotte 93 Cooper, Steve 145 Coors, Kenneth 93, 139,216 Carozza, Coral 93 Corbin, David E. 57 Corbin, J. Stephen 93, 203 Corbin, Linka 57 Corday, John 57 Cordell, Victor V. 72, 212 Cordova, Elizabeth 57


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Corn, Rick 72, 211, 214 Cornelius, Cathleen R. 93, 152, 161, 198 Cornelius, William H. 57, 204 Cornish, Spencer 72, 198,291 Cortes, Guillermo L. 93 Corwin, Linka 198 Corzine, Jon 93, 177 Corzine, Norman 93, 214 Cotter, Mary Louise 93, 200 Couey, Paul R. 80, 148, 169, 216 Coulter, Mary Louetta 93 Coulter, Sherril 57 Covington, Patricio 57 Cowan, Candace 80, 188 Cowley, L. W. 80 Cox, Anne Coral 57, 186 Cox, Pot 353 Cox, William 145 Coyer, David 94, 158 Coyne, Ellen J 38 Coyne, Judy 138 Crabtree, Susan 72 Craig, Chanee 57 Croige, Shila 72, 170 Cromer, Cheri 72, 200 Cromer, Donald 57, 219 Craven, Jean 94 Cravens, Gwyneth Jones 94, 147, 152, 283 Cravens, Richard H., III 94 Crawford, Connie 72 Crockett, Judy 300 Crockett, Lorry 80, 207 Crockett, Marcia 57, 200 Cromes, Suzan 72, 186 Crosby, Ted 80 Cross, Penny 57, 200 Crossman, Harlan 129 Crouse, Com 80, 192 Crouse, Thomas F. 80, 155,208 Crum, Curtis 333 Culbertson, Cub 80, 216 Culver, Debby 57, 145, 200 Cummings, Judy 72, 156, 186, 293 Currier, Mike 94, 216 Curtis Edward R. 124

Curtis, Judith Lynne 94, 192 Cushnie, Joy R. 72, 214, 258 Cushnie, Lorry R. 57, 214 Culver, Debbie 138 Custer, Johnny Edward 80 Cutler, Alice 80 Cutler, James W. 94 Cutter, Dione C. 72, 138, 142, 156, 162

D Dabney, Ronald 57,210 Daby, Roberto 72, 188 Dadia, Satishchandra 176 Dafler, Jaline 94, 146, 194, 229, 285 Dains, Mary Ann 94 Dole, Bill 58, 204 Dome, Woody, 165, 182,260,335 Domer, Bonnie 80, 200 Damgaard, Genevieve 160 Done, Don J 73 Danenberg, Don 72 Danfelser, John 129, 210 Daniels, Mel 344, 346 Daniels, Susan 58, 200 Danielson, Clillard 178 Danielson, Doris 58 Donna, Pablo E. 94, 180 Donner, Jim 80 Darden, Dove 210 Darr, Carole 94 Dart, Sylvia 72 Doumer, 80nnie 88 Davalos, Ted 58 David, Carmie 58, 188 Davidson, Mary Jane 72, 190 Davidson, Patricia 190 Davidson, Sue 229 Davies, Elizabeth 72, 156, 170 Davis, Annie 72 Davis, Bob 185 Davis, Charles 80, 173 Davis, Danny 58, 353 Davis, Julie D. 94, 194 Davis, Mary Jane 58 Davis, Patricia Lee 58, 175, 194 Davis, Ralph 175

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Ealy, Richard G. 72, 210 Easley, Betty 95 Easter, Elauie 95 Eastman, Jane 58, 88, 200 Eatan, Barbara 72 Echahawk, John E. 72 Edger, Richard 207 Edgeworth, Lenore Anne 80, 163 Edmonds, Lindo 95, 198 Edson, Jane A. N. 58, 198 Edwards, Chuck 80, 155, 216 Edwards, Joe T. 58, 72, 216 Egenhofer, Kay 72, 200 Eisenhower, Diane 58

Elders, Marsha 58, 186 Elridge, Jim 58, 205 Eldridge, Susan 72, 196 Elliatt, Ed 72, 207 Elliott, John 58, 219 Elliott, Margaret 80, 190 Elliott. Patrico 72, 181 Ellis, Deanna 95, 165, 188, 223 Ellis, Duke 72 Ellis, Jim 58, 215 Ellis, David 174 Ellis, Dick (Boo) 340, 344, 346 Elsner, Bruce Paul 72 Emory, Roy C. 95 Enders, Carole 58, 190 Engblom, R. Dennis 80, 131 English, Jeri 174 Epstein, Mark 72, 157, 185, 212 Epstein, Bob 96, 212 Erickson, Dottie 72, 156, 190 Erickson, Duane 334 Erickson, Margaret 181 Ernst, Edmund 124 Erthwine, Carl H. 72, 218,258 Escobar, Jose R. 58 Escobedo, Erlinda 58 Espinosa, Len 72, 212 Espinoza, Sharolyn 88 Esteb, Nancy 80, 200 Etherton, Michael 141, 145 Evans, Bruce 72, 215 Evans, Edmund 80



Davis, Robert C. 80, 202 Davis, Roy 58, 210 Davis, Vi rg inio 58 Dawson, John 80 Dawson, Martha 257 Day, Paul C. 94, 169 Doye, Darden 58 Dazzo, Sam 58, 204 De La Torre, Jorge 94 Dean, Diona Lynne 58, 194 Dean, Jerry 178 Deeson, Charles 260 Delafuente, Emiliond 94, 260 Delamater, Anne 58, 188 Deloney, Bernard Tad 72 Denish, Herb 94, 143 Dennison, Dan 137 Derr, Ardie 72 Derringer, Katherine 72, 188 Derryberry, Robert 72, 207 Detenley, Don 72, 216 Dettweiler, Jock 72 Devolk, Jeanne 72, 159, 172, 192 Deverall, Joyce 72, 188 Devine, Barby 58 Devine, Patricio Louise 94, 138, 145, 190 Devlin, Carole 80 Devlin, Edward 173 Dewey, Kathy 257 Dewitt, Nancy 58 Deyo, Lewis 72 Diamond, Vicki 72, 223 Dibble, Roger M. 58, 202 Dickens, Elizabeth 95, 170 Dietz, John 158 Dileonis, John 80, 146, 169 Dillon, Tom 58 Diodosio, Ronald 95, 212 Dirkson, Vickie 349 Ditmore, Donald R. 95 Doane, Cheryl 257 Dobell, Helen 72, 184, 187, 223, 354 Doherty, Bill 58, 207 Daisy, Wayne 58, 210 Dolan, Pot 58 Dalan, William 58, 214

Dolen, Christina Lynn 58, 200 Dollohon, Norman 80, 179 Dolmage, Ann 95, 198 Donald, Jo Anne 80 Donnelly, Thomas 58 Donner, Martha L. 95 Darn, Richard H. 72, 210 Dornocker, Ann 95, 187 Dorsey, Elaine 58 Doss, Richard William 95 Dottavio, Dione 165, 182 Dougherty, Richard L. 80 Douglas, Drexel 72, 210 Dow, Richard Burnell 80 Dowden, Melvin C. 95 Dowd, Gary O. 139 Downing, Robert A. 72, 219 Doyle, Mary 95, 181 Dozier, Robin 80, 140, 154, 194, 283 Droke, Dorothy 160 Droke, Micky 58, 219 Dromer, Judy 58, 184, 200 Dubois, Renee 58 Dudding, James F. 72 Dudley, Lynne 169 Duewall, Chris 165, 182 Duff, Michele 58 Duffy, Joe 58 Dugenia, Ursula 58 Duke, Ginger 72, 170 Duke, Victor 130 Dunagan, Joe 80 Dunn, Sondra Maisel 95, 200 Dunn, Thomas Jack 129, 214 Duphorne, Marvin 174 Duran, Pedrito Robert 58 Durant, Omar Duane 58, 219 Durrie, Patty 72, 142, 156, 187,354 Dwight, Dana 80 Dwyer, Christine 80, 190 Dyer, Gerold 72 Dyhrmann, Judy 95, 196,223, 285, 293 E Eager, Richard 58, 72, 205 Eakin, Randall W. 80, 215, 298

Evans, Robert C. 58, 72, 210 Evans, Sheribeth 72 Everett, Susan 80, 154, 190, 356 Ewing, Barbara 192 Ewing, Ronnie 96,174,218

F Fogg, Charles R. 131 Fairchild, Michael N. 58 Fairfield, Steven R. 72, 203 Fojusigbe, Joshua O. 96, 153, 159, 160 Forgo, James A. 96 Fornwold, Mary 143 Farris, Carale 58 Faruki, Mojed T. 96, 174 Foruki, Sari T. 173 Fast, Doug 72, 21 8 Fate, Nancy 196 Faulkner, Bruce R. 96 Feathers, Gar 80, 145, 205 Feil, Merleen 81, 159, 172, 190 Felker, Randy 81,215 Ferber, Frances Kyro 81 Ferguson, Kittie 73 Ferguson, Mary Ann 96 Ferketich, Sondra 181, 284 Fernandez, Mayo 257 Ferron, Helen 73, 151 Fifield, Marilyn Irene 59, 192 Finch, Pam 172 Fincke, Susan 81, 99, 141, 199 Fink, James A. 73, 212 Fink, Richard 178 Finlayson, Kenneth J. 81, 205 Finley, Charles 73, 215 Finley, Marsha Ann 59 Firkitich, Sandy 151 Fisher, Eileen G. 73 Fisher, Ken 165, 343, 346 Fisher, Marie 167 Fitz, Steve 167 Flogsteod, James A. 73, 157 Flommond, Ron 333 Fleenor, Gerold K. 73 Flegos, Dimitri C. 96 Fleisher, Von 81, 207


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Flores, Benedictus D. 59 Folden, Rudy 59, 218 Folkman, David E. 73 Fondy, Dono Kay 73 Ford, Wendy 73, 156, 161, 223 Fornwold, Mary l. 59 Fossu m, Cheryl J. 73, 142, 156, 174, 182, 192 Foster, Glenn A. 81, 173 Foster, Jule P. 73 Foster, Shirley H. 96 Foster, Sue 162 Fowler, Henrietta 59 Fowles, Joy 73 Fox, Elizabeth Ann 59 Fay, Fronk C. 73, 212 Fraim, John 174 Franchini, Lynne 59, 184, 200 Fronk, Elsie 88 Fronk, William M. 81, 159 Franklin, Lorry 59 Freedman, Jerry 160, 174 Freeland, Ann 59 Freemon, Brenda Larue 96, 199 Fresquez, Della Jean 96 Fresquez, Julian 59 Frindell, Lynne 73, 149 Frisbie, Lucille 81, 154, 257 Fritsch, Donald 160 Froelich, Mutt 73, 216 Frost, Newt 59, 205 Frye, Joyce 81, 184, 190, 223, 295 Frye, Mary Ann 59, 142, 190 Fuller, Lindo Sue 59 Fuller, Bill 174 Fullerton, Howard 96, 153, 218 Fullerton, Mike 81, 210 Fulmer, June 162 Fulton, Coral 81 Fulton, Robert G., Jr. 131,207 Fulton, Ginger 96, 152 Furman, Bob 331 Furman, Sharon 59 G

Gabaldon, Joseph 81

Gabriel, Steven 59 Goines, Lindo 73, 138, 145, 229 Golonter, Ben 73 Gallacher, Jo-Ann 73, 199 Gallegos, Alex 174 Gallegos, Anthonv 59 Gallegos, Brenda 81, 169 Gallegos, Julie 73 Galloway, Christy 59, 194 Galt, Liz 59 Gambrel, Shedra 58,151,188 Gamino, Robert 81, 178, 180 Gant, Joseph E., III 97 Garcia, Carolyn J. 59 Garcia, Connie 96 Garcia, Doris E. Sealy 59 Garcia, Geraldine 59 Garcia, Harry 73, 212 Garcia, Joseph O. 73 Garcia, Jo 59 Garcia, Manual C. 59 Garcia, Mavis 59 Garcia, Milton 59 Gardellia, Anthony J. 73, 219 Garoutte, Jo Ann 73, 196 Garrecht, Pat 96, 196 Garrett, Howard 73, 216 Garrett, Richard 73 Garris, Linda Price 97 Garrison, Scott F. 73, 219 Gaskill, Claire "Dita" 59 Gassman, Larry 73, 157 Gatchell, Douglas 59, 210 Gattas, Joyce 73, 88, 200 Gottas, Ken 81,212 Gaunce, Jan 97, 196 Gaunt, Marsha 59 Gaussoin, Janet E. 73 Gay, Ben 174 Gearhart, Nancy 169 Geddes, David 73 Geer, Richard W., Jr. 97 Gellrick, Caroline 59 Gentzler, Vicky 59, 188 Genz, Stephen 59 Gerth, Roger 59

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Giacomelli, Bob 260, 332 GiardeHi, John R. 73, 255 Gibbs, Sharyn 59 Gilbert, Martin 59 Gililland, Joyce 81 Giovannini, Margaret Mary 59 Glantz, Martha 73, 194, 195 Glaser, Karen 257 Glasgow, Gene 59, 260 Gloss, Barbara 97 Glass, Barry 178 Glavey, Jewel 81,139,154,199 Glenn, Horace Lee, Jr. 81, 155,204 Glenn, Joy Coral 29, 81, 154, 170 Glenn, Julie 81,199,223 Goddard, Sharon L. 81, 190 Gael, Yogeshwar 176 Goff, Nancy Lea 97, 151, 177 Goldberg, Allan 81, 155, 215 Gonzales, Alfredo 176 Gonzales, Edwin 73 Gonzales, Jim 96 Gonzales, James R. 73 Gonzales, Mary E. 73 Gonzales, Don D. 131 Goodloe, Richard 73,175,212 Goodman, Joan 73, 169,223 Gordon, Ann E. 124 Gordon, Lance 145 Gorman, Pat 162, 167 Gorman, Vince 174 Gorman, David 141 Gorski, Tom 73, 207 Gossett, Patricia 81 Gothard, Lee 58, 190 GOWing, Jill 59 Graham, Charles 173 Granados, Mary Ann 97, 170 Granger, Tish 149 Grant, Alan S. 59 Graves, Judy 81, 200, 354 Gray, Glenda 168 Gray, Jane 73, 156, 196 Gray, Wendell 143, 165 Gray, Wendell Wm. 73 Grayson, Mike 59, 212

Green, Margot 124 Green, Mike 59, 216 Greene, Coral 59 Gregory, Phyllis 73, 162 Gregory, Susan 97 Greslin, Donna 59 Grethel, Robert 73 Gribble, Wayne 162 Grider, Barbara 162 Griego, Alfred 97, 169 Griego, Ben 353 Grimes, Mary Lou 81 Griscom, Larayne M. 59, 196 Groff, June 97 Groff, Wendell 81, 216 Gromacki, Merilee 97 Gross, Cheri 59, 151, 184, 188 Gross, Christian R. 73, 210 Gross, Joyce 81, 154, 188, 223 Grow, Ronald 44, 139 Grundman, Kathy 59, 194 Guenther, Carolyn 59 Guhl, E. L. 180 Guist, Carl 59 Gullo, Madeleine 73 Gumataotao, Fronk 144 Gurley, Sherry 161 Gurule, Sondra 97 Gustafson, Carl Eric 97 Guthrie, Arthur A. 73 Gutierrez, Mari E. 138 Guyette, Charlotte 59 H

Hackett, Tom 174 Hafen, Karen 59 Hagerman, Gory 81 Haines, Roger Wm., Jr. 98 Haij, Ibrahim 176 Hokanson, John Robert 81, 212 Holberg, Carl 73, 204 Halfin, Janis 59, 192 Halioris, Michael 59 Hall, Gordon 59 Hall, Mary 98, 159, 190 Hall, Merris G. 60




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Horn, Tam 60, 214 Hoss, Nancy 99, 186 House, Gary Bryan 94 Houston, Suzanne 82, 192 Hover, Donna 172 Howard, Hillard H. 99, 153, 159, 210 Howard, Susan 74, 196 Howard, Thad Jimmie 82, 155, 162,342, 346 Howe, Letrice 99, 229 Hower, Lynn 60 Howland, Frederick 82, 173, 203 Hubner, Jeff 82, 217 Hudson, Thomas 145 Hufbauer, Gary 35 Huffman, Karen 74, 142, 186 Hulow, Steve 165 Hultberg, Fred R. 82, 213 Humes, Sue 74 Hunt, David 60 Hunt, Helen Louisa 74 Hunter, Billie Anne 60 Hunter, Tim 60 Huntley, Nancy 99 Huntley, Ricki Lynne 60 Hunton, Linda M. 82 Hurley, Nancy 82, 196 Hurreh, Ismail 147, 168 Husba nd, David T. 60 Hutchens, Kay 74, 257, 292 Hutchings, Rabert Lee 60, 210 Hutchins, Leslie 60 Hutchinson, Lisa 60, 196 Hutchison, Jill 74, 257, 354, 355 Hutchison, Sarah E. 74, 201 Hutt, Richard 74 Huxford, Jotina 74, 190 I Idol, Thomas E. 82, 214 Infantine, Stanley G. 60 Ingalls, Henry A. 60, 217 Irvin, Dave 100, 207 Irvi ne, Beverley 159, 169 Ivy, Charles 335

Hallbauer, Jimmie 60 Halstead, Donald B. 73 Haltom, Billy Reid 60, 210 Hamilton, Elise F. 60 Hamilton, Julaine 60 Hamm, Valerie 73 Hammock, Loraine 98, 152 Hammond, Bob 165, 182,200,331 Hammond, Janewaye 60, 200 Hammond, Ruth 60, 186 Hampson, Alan 60, 216 Hampton, Orvey 165, 182, 331 Haney, Ann 60, 194 Hannah, Marilyn 139 Hanz, Michael 162 Harbert, Carol 143 Harding, Elizabeth A. 81 Harkey, Roberta 98, 151, 159, 170, 229, 285 Harlow, Catherine 60 Harlow, Jim 60, 208 Hormon, Barbara 60 Harman, Charles 158 Harmon, Lynn 165, 182 Harris, Bellie 73, 192 Harris, Bobbie 60, 188 Harris, Jan 81, 165 Harris, Joe 332 Harris, Lynn 60 Harris, Michael A. 98, 219 harris, Patricia 81, 188 Harris, Ronald G. 60, 216 Harris, Tam 81 Harris, William 81 Harrison, Martha 98, 194 Harrison, Noncy Gay 73, 190 Hart, O. J. 98 Hart, Valerie 161 Hartman, Grover 160, 174 Hartzell, Vicki Anne 60, 186 Harvey, Sara 73 Harvey, Seanley F., Jr. 60 Harvey, Susan 60, 190 Harwi, Barbara 196 Harwi, Quito 81

Hasa k, Ba rba ra 169 Hastings, Davi,d 73 Hatch, Gary 165 Hathaway, Gwendolyn 73, 156 Hotler, Larry 73 Haukereid, Verelene 73 Hawkins, Kelly 81 Hawkins, W. A., Jr. 81, 211 Hawley, Jean 73, 156,200 Hay, Jane 81 Hay, Thelma Joyce 98, 192 Haydon, David C. 73, 216 Hayes, Donald 81, 215 Hayes, Kathy 73, 156, 199 Hayes, Roberta S. 98 Hazen, Donald D. 98 Heath, Carale 73, 187 Heckman, Judy 60, 196 Hedges, Mary 81 Heidbrak, Jollie 88 Heideman, Lynda 81,192,290 Heilman, Donna 73, 88 Hein, Gerald L. 98, 204 Heitman, Freddie 73, 169 Helsel, David 173 Helvern, Jennifer M. 73 Henderson, Jake 74, 215 Henderson, Janice Rae 81 Henderson, John M. 81, 216 Henderson, Robert L. 81 Hendricks, Doug 165, 182, 330 Hennessee, Pam 60, 187 Henriquez, Leah-Diane 60 Henry, 80z 174 Henry, Mickey 333 Hensley, Anne 98, 160 Hepplewhite, Pam 143 Hermetet, Kathleen M. 81 Hernandez, M. Frances 81 Herndon, Charles M. 60 Herren, Carole 98, 142 Herrera, Lorenzo 74 Herrera, Louis E. 173 Herrity, Mary Sue 81, 194 Hess, Richard A., Jr. 98, 202






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J Jack, Janice 82, 186 Jackson, Cheryl 88 Jackson, Jim 82, 217 Jackson, Rita Louise 82, 349 Jackson, Robert c., III 74 Jackson, Van R. 82, 139, 211 Jacobson, Arthur J. 74 Jacobson, David 159 James, Ralph L. 60, 210 Jamieson, Molcolm 100, 173 Jonsson, Jim 149 Jaramillo, Frank W. 60, 204 Jarratt, Karen 145 Jarvis, Anne 74, 192, 199,349 Jaynes, Diane 176 Jeffrey, Kathleen 74, 138, 145, 229 Jeffries, Addean 82, 194 Jenkins, Mike 74 Jennings, 8renda 162, 176 Jennings, Lee 60 Jensen, Radney C. 74, 210 Jernigan, Marilyn 82, 146, 194, 223 Jessee, Claire 161 Jessen, Jess 163 Jeter, Cal 335 Jetter, Steven T. 61 Johnson, Carroll Lee 61, )44 Johnson, Clifford H. 61, 217 Johnson, Douglas) 31 Johnson, Helen M. 100 Johnson, Jannine Anne 74 Johnson, Jerri 82, 144, 170 Johnson, Judith Lee 74, 156, 177, 190 223 Johnson, Karen E. 100, 196 Johnson, Keith 185 Johnson, Kenneth 61 Johnson, Mark 74, 214 Johnson, Nan 74, 194 Johnson, Patricia A. 74, 170 Johnson, Rick 100, 213 Johnson, Rary 175 Johnson, Vicki L. 74 Johnston, Jim 341. 346 Johnston, Keith H. 100, 219

Johnston, Roger 61 Johnstone, 80nnie Lynn 61, 190 Jojola 8en, III 74, 210 Jojola, Michoel A. 61,175 Jollensten, Steve 74, 210 Jones, Carolyn 74, 196 Jones, Clifford S. 100, 210 Jones, Darby 88 Jones, Gloria 74 Janes, Greg 61,210 Jones, Jerry 61, 217 Jones, Judith Carol 74, 184, 193 Jones, Lewis 100 Jones, Marsha 100, 178, 192, 257, 283, 356 Janes, Martha 82 Jones, Kathryn 61 Jones, Opal Faye 100 Janes, Mike 138, 145 Janes, Rebecca 61 Janes, Stephen D. 74 Jones, Susan 82, 194 Jonz, Jan Graham 100, 185, 210 Jordan, David L. 100 Jordan, Michael J. 61 Jordan, phil 167 Jordan, Valarie 61 Joseph, Audrey M. 100 Joseph, Justin 74 Joseph, Lynna 61. 186 Ju/ander, Frederick C. 100, 141, 153, 200 Julian, Addison Lee 6.1 Julien, Herbert 82 Jung, Steven 100, 137, 141 Justice, Charles M. 100, 175


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K Kagan, Kathleen S. 124 Kahn, Jeff 145 Kakos, James L. 101,215 Kalas, Frank J. 100, 218 Kane, Terry 74, 203 Kaplan, Susan 74 Karins, 8ill 74, 213 Kasnic, Maureen Rose 101, 170

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Kaufman, Laurie 82, 201 Kaufman, Marilynn 88 Kay, Judith L. 101 Kazakos, Connie 82, 194,257 Kearney, Joan K. 61 Keagy, Tam 260 Keck, Augustus F., IV 82, 207 Kellahin, William T. 101,218 Keller, Karen 142, 186 Kellum, Keith 139 Kelly, Ann Marie 61 Kelly, Chuck 165, 182,331 Kelly, Leo Michael 82, 174 Kelly, Maxie M. 61 Kelt, Jan 74, 177, 199,349,354 Kemp, Ralph 82, 215 Kendrick, Bruce G. 82, 207 Kenley, Mac 82, 155 Kennedy, Corolyn 82, 196 Kennedy, Glenda 61 Kennedy, Jenann 101,201 Kennedy, Kendall R. 61 Kennedy, Lar~258, 260,283 Kennon, Ronnie 61, 210 Kenov, Faick 176 Kerlin, Ronald Lee 100 Kern, Rebecca 82, 137, 201 Kerr, Alissa 61 Key, Paulette Sue 61, 190 Key, Perry R. 61 Khear, Mickey 141 Khraiji, Mansaer 176 Khraiji, Mansoar 168 Khraiji, Lamia 168 Kieffer, Elven 82 Kilgore, Bonnie Beth 82, 191. 356 Kimball, Kerry E. 61, 217 Kimble, Gloria Ana 82, 188 Kimmons, Mary 181 Kincheloe, Thomas R. 101, 173, 213 Kindley, James M. 101 King, Bob 74, 346 King, Cissy 61 King, Carol 61, 201 King, Connie 140 King, James 164

King, Amanda 169,354 King, Karen 87 King, Sharon 61. 194 Kinne, Mary Louise 74, 138, 145, 156, 201 Kinna, Faik 176 Kirby, Dave 82, 219 Kirby, Bill 61 Kirchner, Cheri 61 Kirk, Justin Dean 101, 173 Kirk, Kristin L. 101 Kirk, Marsha 61 Kirkpatrick, Karen 61, 142, 187 Kise, Charlotte 181 Klauer, Dick 82 Klink, Erwin, Jr. 61, 215 Kloepfer, Neal 74, 213 Knadjian, Korell 61, 194 Knight, Bob 101,210 Knoll, John A. 173 Knott, Barbara 82, 150, 154, 188 Knott, Marianne 61,196 Kobes, Richard 101,208 Koch, Margaret Helen 101, 139 Kochek, Potricia D. 61 Kaeberle, Jess 142 Koerperich, Eddie 101, 180 Kohl, Jer~ 159 Kohut, Christine 61 Kolar, Ma~ Kay 74, 193 KoloQie, Sharon Ann 61. 142, 191 Kom~dina, Steven A. 74, 165 Kamagata, Munehika 6.1 Kamen, Diane 82 Komen, Mary 74, 165, 170, 182,354 Koal, Danna T. 82 Kapansky, Ralph 141 Kaparc, Joanne 257 Kapp, Bob 101,213 Karmanik, John 74 Kotas, Peter George 82, 210 Kattlawski, Karne 61 Krakar, James R. 74 Krane, Joel 173 Krapcha, Cecelia 61 Krasavec, Theresa M. 101, 187


Kraus, Herbert 178 Krauss, Linda 82, 193 Krebs, Rod 74, 138, 145, 157 Krehbiel, Philip 61, 210 Krejci, Emil J. 82, 158 Krichbaum, Gale 61, 196 Krieger, Arline 102, 142, 283 Krieger, Audrey 74, 138, 145 Kraft, Bill 174 Krammenhack, Jacob A. 102 Krumm, Judy 74, 191 Kruse, Mary 82, 169, 187, 223 Kruzich, Skip 102, 217, 285, 341, 346 Ksenick, George 124 Kuebitz, Karl Johannes 61 Kuehl, Thou Karen 61, 194 Kuhl, Dennis 61

l Labadda, Roger 75 Ladman, Aaron 122 Lackey, Norman 162 Lafferty, Fran 75, 199 Laguna, Jorge E. 102 Lagner, Jerrlyn 199 Lahr, Gerald W. 61 Laird, Diane 257 Lake, Sharon 61 Lally, Joe 61 Lam-Carmona, Leslie A. 82 Lamb, Wendy 75, 199 Lamb, Lloyd 158, 159 Lambert, Sherrie B2 Lanatta, Oscar J. 75 Landblaam, Ronald 61 Landis, Sandy 161 Lane, Golden 173 Lanear, Madge B2, 159 Lang, Ernest K. 102 Langill, Anne 62, 184, 196 Langner, Jerryl Eileen 62,198,199 Lanigan, Dick 283 Lanning, George R., III 102, 215 Lanning, Virginia 82, 177 Larkin, Margie 62 Larsen, Robert J. 175

Larson, Fred 75, 213 Larson, William 62 laskey, Carol 62, 229 lasley, Ronald W. 82, 173 lassiter, Judith K. 75 Lauaat, Webb 353 Lauser, Kenna 162, 16B Lavender, Harald Wade 62 Lay, Greg 62 Leach, Lanny B2, 155, 215 Leach, Helen 163 Ledbetter, Tammy 331 Lee, Andrea 62 Lee, Dennis 75 Lee, Jim 173, 356 Lee, Julian 195 Lee, Nancy 102 Lee, Peter L. 82, 174 Lehman, H. Clay 82,210 Lehner, Louis R. 102 Leigon, Steve 165, 182, 334 Lemasters, Susan 62, 198 Lenhoff, Joseph R. 82 Leonard, John 164 Lerner, Leslie Jane 62 Leroy, Margretta 102 Leslie, Tray W. 62 Lessentine, Marjorie 62 Leverett, Sheila F. 62 Lewis, Carole Jean 82, 170, 171 Lewis, Debbie 62, 170 Lewis, Elaine 62 LeWis, George R. 82, 260 Leyva, Mary Lou 62 Lidstone, Pamela 62 Lilland, Barry D. 62, 218 Likens, Suzanne 75 Lill, Daniel C. 102, 21B Lincoln, Elizabeth 88 Lincaln, William 17B Lindley, Louise 62, 193 Lindley, Suzanna 159 Lindsay, Gerry 260 Linger, Patty Ja 62, 198 Litchfield, Ma ry 62, 163 Lites, Arthur P. 102



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Lites, Bruce 75 Lloyd, Diana 82, 197 Loch, Raymond 62 Lockhart, Andrew 102, 149, 169 Lockwood, Bruce 82, 207 Laddy, George J. 102,21 I. 301 Lombardi, Oresti W. 131 Loomis, Lynn 82 Lopez, Diana 175 Lopez, Erleen 75, 151 Lopez, Inez 150, 257 Lopez, Mary Alice 62 Lopez, Rebecca 146, 151 Lopez, Rudy Lee 62 Lormor, Gordon 82, 211 Loudot, Web 62 LovejOY, Kylene 102, 193 Lovesee, Reyton B2, 174, 202 Lovett, Bruce 124, 217 Lovett, Marilynn 82 Lowell. Suzanne 62 Lowery, Robert M. 75,208 Loy, Arthur 176 Loy, Lauro 75, 150, 156, 177, 187, 356 Loy, Henrietta 160 Lucas, lynn 0.83, 174 Lucero, Dora V. 83 Lucero, Fronk 75, 204 lucero, Robert Leroy 62 Lujan, Ernest G. 82, 174 Lund, Michael F. 75 Luther, Bill 62, 211 Luthy, Cheryl 75, 143, 198 Lutz, Dono 62 Luxford, Jane 160 Lyle, John 211 Lyman, Marty 165, 182 Lynch, Patricio A. 102, 191, 223 Lyon, Craig B. 62, 215 Lyons, Robin 62, 197 Lyons, Maurie Sue 83, 177, 197 M Macaluso, Carl 75, 180, 185 Mocaskill, Ross M., Jr. 62 MacCurdy, Grant 83, 205


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MacDougall, Ann 83, ) 97 MacGillivray, Duncan 62, 211 MacKenzie, Keith M. 102 Mackey, Maurice 62 MacLeod, Betty 82, 197 Macomber, John S. 75, 211 Macoal, Ghanem 176 MacPherson, Jon 83, 139, 154, 186 Maddison, Dorothy 160 Moen, Delsberg 162 Maendelsberg, Carole 162 Maes, John V., Jr. 103 Maestas, Consuela 62 Moger, Anita 162 Moher, AI 124, 131 Mohan, William 178 Mahoney, leroy S. 62, 211 Mairs, Lee Stafford 103 Malcolm, Melba 62, 191 Malcomb, Judy 82 Malcomb, Richard J. 62 Malkin, Michael 83 Maim, Miriam 35 Molnar, Steve 182,285,301 Mones, Candy 75, 174 Monge, Coral Jean 162 Mangum, Carl 0.62, 162, 165 Manierre, George 75 Manley, Karyn 165 Mann, Jeannie 257 Mann, Judi 103 Manning, Francie 82, 172 Mansfield, Cecilia 75, 191, 223, 296 Mansur, Ja Ann 82, 142, 201 Morek, Claire 103, 195 Mares, Anna 62 Maresma, Fernando 169 Margard, Kathryn Ann 83, 187 Marjani, Maria 165, 182, 332 Marians, Jean 83 Markham, Janet 62, 198 Markins, Carol 75 Markland, Jackie 62 Marks, Nancy 75, 181 Marks, Paul 62 Marks, Roberto Susan 62, 170





Marler', Tisha 75, 184, 195 Marlett, Maryann 75 Marotto, Ron R. 103, 174,260 Mars, Caral 82 Marscin, William A. 175 Marsh, Jerry 75, 211 Marsh, Bob 62 Marshall, Sandra 103, 152, 187,356 Martensen, Gayle 152 Martin, Cheri 184 Martin, Kay 62, 184, 189 Martin, Ned 142, 143 Martinez, Cecilia 75 Martinez, Dolores 62 Martinez, Edward T. 103 Martinez, floyd H. 131,207 Martinez, Janell 75 Martinez, Joseph l. 83 Martinez, Julian B. 62 Martinez, Lydia S. 75 Martinez, Martha 103,257 Martinez, Matildo B. 75 Martinez, Pauline 62 Martinez, Polo 75 Martiottini, Ray 174 Masak, Barbara A. 103 Mason, Kay 62 Massara, Kay 144 Massey, Donna Kay 62 Massey, Robert Edwin 82, 207 Mastin, Karla Rae 103, 163, 164 Mathias, Richard E. 75 Matteucci, Richard l. 75, 157, 185, 215 Matthew, linda 75 Mattingly, Helen Sue 87, 184, 197 Mauchline, Chester 83, 214 Maulk, Claire 195 Mauzy, Ann 103,257 Maxwell, Bill 75, 207 May, Cheryl 75 May, Mary Caroline 63, 142, 187 May, Ronald T. 75, 157 Mayfield, Kay 165, 182 Mayland, Lois 75, 143, 197 McAdams, Jim 75, 157,214 McArthur, David 63

McBreen, Robert 75 McBreen, Wilson C. 63 McCabe, Sheri 63 McCallon, Wanda 162 McCanna, Jim 82, 214 McCanna, Ellen 63, 142, 198 McCash, Kay 168, 181 McCaslin, James 63 McCausland, Edward 160, 174 McCausland, Jeanette D. 103, 201 McCay, Nancy 82, 197 McClead, Betty 354, 355 McClellan, Jan 75, 229 McCleskey, Dale 83, 258 McClung, Susan 63 McClusky, Sue 159 McCormick, Michael f. 129 McCay, Katie 63, 195 McCullough, G. Mason 83 McDonald, Daniel 163 McDonald, Janice 75 McDonald, David 163 McDonald, Olga 75 McDannel, Cindy 138 McElveney, John 63, 213 Mcfall, Katharine 160 Mcfarland, Peggy 223 Mcfarland, Robert B. 82, 207 Mcferrin, David N. 103, 141, 158, 180 McGehee, Lacy 63 McGeorge, Bob 75, 211 McGinnis, Molly Ann 104, 170 McGonigle, Michael 124 McGovern, Sandry 181 McGuire, Georgia 63 Mciver, Charlene 63, 197 McKay, Marcy 191 McKee, Sarah Jo 63 McKinley, Mary Lynn 63, 198 McKinney, Calvin 174 McKinney, Merikay 165, 182 McLaughlin, Dana Lee 63 McLaughlin, Eugene V. 104 McLaughlin, Sharon 82, 143, 195 McLenegan, Katie 63, 193 McLeod, Douglas 75


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McMath, Wilbert 63 McMillan, Sidney Ann 63, 195 McMillen, Lynn 63 McMurphy, Lynne 63, 165 McNeese, Dody 63 McNickle, Susie 75 McPherson, Jan 140, 188 McQueary, Mildred L. 75 McVay, Marcy 75, 88 McWethy, Kenneth 104 McWilliam, John T. 63 Meader, Judith 63, 88 Meador, Glennis 63, 88 Meadows, Bob 83. 214 Meares, Chris 177, 354 Meas, frank 165 Mease, Bonnie 63 Mechem, Jesse 83 Medford, Effie 124 Medina, Myra 75 Meeks, fred 83 Mehta, Yogesh 131 Melendres, Arthur D. 104, 136, 137, 150,217,282 Melnick, Andrew D. 75 Melton, James f. 75 Menefee, Nicolynn, 63 Menning, Terry 63,211 Mensing, Jim 63, 205 Mercer, Ann 104, 140, 195 Merchant, Barry 63 Merchant, Karen 349 Merovka, Carol 83, 197 Merrell, John 173 Merrill, Alice 161 Merrill, Clifford 165 Merritt, Dean 104, 174,211 Merovaka, Carol 197 Messersmith, Lanny 104, 203 Messier, Jon 83 Metcalf, Shari 75 Metzler, Robert 63 Meyer, Bruce 63 Meyer, Paul 158 Meyer, Roy 75

Meyer, Sandy 165, 182,257 Meyers, Maryalys 63 Meza, frank 182,334 Michael, Joe 138 Michael, Margaret Ann 104, 191 Michael, Steve 75, 207 Michelich, Joe 346 Michels, Rich 83, 206 Middlesworth, Kathleen 63, 138 Miele, Leonard 75, 260 Miera, Antonia 104, 146 Miera, Dell 160 Millage, Ronald 63 Millechosky, Ann 138 Miller, Billie Jo 63 Miller, Charles Albert 63, 168 Miller, Dennis John 104, 214 Miller, Donna 75, 143, 191 Miller, George-Anne 63 Miller, Harry 75 Miller, James E. 83, 205 Miller, John W. 83, 208 Miller, Kenneth H. 131 Miller, Rich 260 Miller, Ronald C. 175 Miller, Steve 104 Miller, William 83, 155, 174 Mills, Cecilia Marie 75, 191 Mills, Carol 160 Mills, Rosalind 76, 136, 140 Milner, Virginia 83, 150, 154, 165, 189, 284 Miloglav, Gary Dean 63, 202 Miltenberger, fred 83, 211 Mims, Vernon 162 Minces, David E. 76 Minces, M. W. 83 Mingo, Gaylord 160, 174 Minton, Tommy 76, 211 Mir, Habibe 168, 175 Misanko, Melvin 76, 208 Miskimins, Madeline 82, 188 Mitcham, Nora Marie 63 Mitchell, Charles 83 Mitchell, James 82, 155, 218


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Niemyski, Lorraine A. 84 Niese, David N. 105, 158,219 Nieves, Michaele 64, 186 Noble, 8etty Ja 64 Nahl, Jim 76, 211 Norfleet, Kay 76, 198 Norgress, Suzanne 64 Norwood, Jayne Marie 105 Norwood, Mary 64 Novak, David P. 64 Novak, Dione 84, 189 Noyes, John M. 76 Nucci, Barry George 84, 185, 204 Nunn, Douglas 84, 217 Nunn, James 76 Nunn, Reaford L. 64 Nusbaum, Kristin 64, 198 Nutt, Joe 64, 211 Nye, Kyle II 84, 168 Nyland, William Lewis 64 Nylund, 8arbara L. 105, 145,223 Nylund, Marilyn 76, 186

o Oakes, Lee 76, 257 00 kes, Bob 84 O'Boyle, Peter 106 O'Brien, Marily 84 O'Connor, Kathy 176 O'Dell, Daniel 84, 207 O'Dowd, Gory 129,213 O'Dowd, Ron 76 Offutt, James H. 106, 185, 213 Oguin, Sharyn 64 O'Halioran, Sharon 64 Olaechea, Patrick G. 64 O'Leary, Roe 64, 195 Olguin, John Phillip 106 Olive, Jock 76 Oliver, Judy 106 O'Malley, Marty 76, 213 O'Mara, Dennis 76, 157 O'Neal, Albert 331 Oppenheim, Ellen 76, 177, 201 Ordonez, Beatriz T. 106, 140, 197 O'Rear, Barbaro 64

O'Rear, James R. 84 Orio, Jock 88 Orlando, Kathy 106, 152, 189, 282 Ormsby, Thomas 64, 148, 150 Orndorff, Mable 156,229 Orosco, Lisa 106 Orr, Alice 84 Ortego, Arthur D. 84 Orth, Patsy 84,171,181 Ortiz, Gerold V. 84 Ortman, Melody 64 Osborn, Kathleen 106 Osbourn, Cora Jean 84, 197 Ostlund, Cheryl 84, 171 Otero, Augie 76 Othmer, Craig 167 Otis, Kathy 161 Otoski, Richard 76, 157 Otten, Leonord J. 84, 155, 211 Otteni, Joan 106 Otto, Barbaro Roth 106 Otto, David 165, 182 Overbury, Charlotte 64, 186 Owaisi, Azharuddin 168 Owen, Barbaro 84, 154, 187 Owens, Non Elizabeth 64

P Pacheco, Sylvia 64 Packwood, Lorry 84, 185, 204 Paddock, Pete 145 Padilla, Ernest P. 64, 213 Padilla, Gwen 165 Padilla, Joe 84 Padilla, Joe Mel 84 Padilla, Stanley 64 Padilla, Sylvia Ann 76 Paae, Jim 84, 204 Palicha, Pankai P. 84 Pansegrau, William 76 Panzlau, Tom 76 Paquet, Andy, Jr. 76, 157, 211 Porker Adele, 76 Porker, Clinton 168 Porker, Patricio Leigh 84, 193 Porker, William A. 106,219

Mitchell, Joe R. 63, 217 Mitchell, Michele 83, 137, 138, 145, 154,191,284 Mitchell, Steve 173 Mitropolis, Connie 76 Mixer, Anthony S. 104, 158, 173 Miziker, Ron 285 Mocho, Edythe 104 Mody, Arvind 104 Moeding, Carol Jean 83 Moeller, Diona 76, 156, 257 Moeller, Lana Frederico 104, 152, 156 Moffett, Mike 82, 200,217 Moffett, Sondra 83, 184,201 Mohart, Sondra 63 Monroe, Ben 343, 346 Monserrat, Javier 82, 161 Mont·Eton, Frances 76, 195 Monetathchi, Edgar 175 Montgomery, Johnny 104, 165, 182 Montoya, Elreena 63 Montoya, Fidel G., Jr. 105 Montoya, Pete R. 83 Montoya, Proceso R. 63, 208 Moody, Sondra 83, 159 Mooney, Glendi 105,201,300 Moor, John W., Jr. 105,205 Moore, Connie 159, 172 Moore, Dionne 184 Moore, Joe 76, 185,214 Moore, Robert Alan 105 Moore, Rosilin M. 63, 83 Moore, William S. 105 Mora, Gerold L. 63 Moron, Chorley 4, 165, 182 Moreno, Julio 76, 205 Morgan, Bruce James 83 Morgan, Bill 342, 346 Margan, Harvey E. 83 Morgan, Pam 63, 201 Morgenstern, Joy 76 Morphew, Moria 63 Morr, John 207 Morris, Gayland 331 Morris, James 103 Morris, Jessie 165, 182

Morris, Judy 63, 201 Morris, Latham R. 76 Morris, Mary Gael 76 Morris, Richard 83, 205 Morrison, George, Jr. 63, 211 Morrow, Margie 105 Morrow, Roxie 160, 168 Mortensen, Fred 165 Mortensen, Gayle 105, 152, 195 Moseley, Dwayne 76 Moses, Marcia Lee 105 Moses, Sharon 162 Mosher, A. A. 173 Mosequeda, Fronk 63, 213 Moss, Charles 63, 211 Mudgett, Judy 169 Mummaw, Sharon L. 76 Mundine, Susan 76, 201 Murchison, A. H. 105, 173 Murphy, Eileen 105, 171 Murphy, Judy 76,138,144,151, 171 Murphy, Kathleen, 143 Murphy, Michael C. 87, 207 Musg rove, Dorothy L. 161 Mye rs, Betty 76 Myslivy, Guy E. 76, 219

N Napolitano, Leonard 122 Notion, Lauro Kay 76,156,191 Navarrette, Claudio 63, 229 Navratil, Milo 105, 158 Nelson, Marcia Ann 63 Nelson, Robert 64, 158 Ness, Richard 165, 182, 332 Neuber, Janet 84 Neubert, Hans 174 Neuman, Fronk 84 Newlander, Fronk 84 Newman, Annette 76 Newman, Mary 160 Newman, Vernon Lone 84 Newton, Gerold W. 76, 219 Nials, Betty 64 Nicholls, Renwick Owen 105 Nichols, Lindo 76, 186

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The University of New Mexico ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO

MEMBER North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, National University Extension Association, Association of American Universities, American Association of University Women, American Association of University Professors, American Council on Education for Journalism, Engineering Council for Professional Development, American Council on Pharmaceutical Education (Class A), American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American Bar Association, Association of American Law Schools, American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, National League of Nursing. 1965-66 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Summer Term Starts

..... June 19, 1965

First Semester Starts

...................... Sept. 16路17路18, 1965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Feb. 7-8, 1966

Second Semester Starts ..

Excellent instructional facilities, a beautiful and spacious campus with 66 permanent buildings in the unique modified Pueblo style architecture, a large gymnasium-several of the largest buildings in the state of New Mexico are located on Campus. Now under construction are: additions to Zimmerman library, Fine Arts Center, Physics building, and two new dormitories. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO offers thorough training for elementary and secondary teachers and in music education, and outstanding opportunities in the fields of art, biological sciences, business administration, dramatic art, English, health and physical education, home economics, industrial arts, journalism, library science, languages, meteoritics, astronomy, music, physical and social sciences, speech, pre-medicine, pre-dentistry, pre-veterinary medicine, nursing, law, engineering, pharmacy, mathematics, geology, physics, anthropology, government, history, and Division of Foreign Studies. COLLEGES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO College of Nursing College of Education School of Law Graduate School University College School of Medicine

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Veterans are urged to take advantage of regular and special offerings made available through our resources and facilities, including evening classes. For further information, address



GROWING UP to meet the need of UNM's rapidly increasing enrollment of students first requires digging down for the foundations of the new buildings under construction. Additions to the library, Fine Arts and the Physics buildings are progressing along with two new dormitories. Also the UNM Golf Course is being moved to a new location to provide room for expansion of the Medical School. THE $2,300,000 ADDITION TO ZIMMERMAN LIBRARY





Parmley, Patricia E. 106, 161 Parnell, Verlinda Dale 64 Paraz, Dick 156, 161, 173 Parrotta Anthony M. 64, 219 Parsons, Bill 76, 214 Parsons, Thomas L. 64, 214 Partee, Dixie 76, 144, 191, 223 Pastorius, Jeanne 76 Patel, Manu 64, 175 Patel, Rameshchandra, 176 Paternoster, John M. 64 Patterson, Jim 343, 346 Patterson, John 156 Patterson, Roger 64 Patterson, William E. 64 Patton, John 64 Patton, John P. 106 Paul, Jeffie Jay 64, 196 Paulsen, Paul Edward 106 Paulson, Candy 164 Pawley, Jill Elizabeth 76 Pawley, Robert B. 76, 204 Paynter, Bill 64, 204 Peacock, G. Hunt 124 Pear, Tom 64 Peorce, Dan 76, 217 Pearce, Patricia 76 Peorson, Charles 64 Pearson, David S. 106,211 Pecha, James C. 76 Peckinpaugh, Dennis 64, 213' Pena, Pedro 260 Pennartz, Patricia Ann 76 Pennington, Ron 64, 213 Perez, Ernesto A. 64 Perez-Fernandez, H. 106, 169, 176 Perovich, Jan 64 Petersen, Jane R. 107, 140, 152 Peterson, 60b 64, 205 Peterson, Chris 64, 205 Peterson, Jeanne 64, 164, 191 Peterson, lane 176 Peterson, Marla 64 Petranovich, 6ill 64 Pettis, 60b 64, 214 Phorris, Charles 260 Phelps, Doris 64, 172, 257 Phelps, Jennifer 64 Philley, Janet M. 107, 171 Phillips, 6enjamin 107 Phillips, Carolyn K. 107, 169 Phillips, linda 64, 166 Phillipson, Bob 64, 205 Philp, J. R. 64, 211 Pica, Nicholas R. 107, 175,205 Pickens, William H. 64 Pierce, Marcia G. 76, 136 Pierce, Paul E. 64 Pierson, Bob 333 Pilcher, Jane 64, 193, 294, 296 Pimentel, Rona 64, 197 Pineda, Raymond, Jr. 107,217 Pinney, Gayle 76, 195 Pixler, Melinda F. 64 Platt, Sandy 64, 107, 191, 297 Plattsmier, Don C. 107, 153, 217 Plese, Francine 66 Pleyte, John J. 64 Plumlee, Gary 162,299,334 Pocras, Susan 64, 164, 197 Podrizki, Serge 124 Poe, Elizabeth 64, 193 Polansky, Ernest 107 Poldervaart, Patricia 107, 160 Polk, William M., Jr. 64, 217 Pompa, Bob 167 Pope, Dixie 162 Pope, John R. 65 Popejoy, Tom 64,141,155,217 Porath, Arnold 174 Porter, Cheryl 76, 169, 223 Porter, Penny 64, 165 Posen, Bill 260 Postlethwaite, Marti 257 Potter, Beverly Jean 64 Potter, John B. 64 Potts, John A. 107, 219 Pratt, Gary" 107, 173 Pray, Roger 64, 213 Preketes, Nick C. 107 Presley, Richard 65, 213 Price, Carolyn 66 Price, Pamela 65, 167 Price, William 76, 216 Pringle, William 6. 76, 335 Pritchard, Robert 160 Pugh, Ruth 107 Puhara, Gerry 65, 191


Puig, Alina 65 Putman, Judy Ann 64, 197 Putnam, Bobbie Jane 64 Q

Quolls, Thomas H. 64, 214 Quarles, Marie-louise 65, 197 Quillen, Dennis C. 65 Quinn, Jeff 76 Quintana, larry D. 76 Quintana, linda Jane 65 Quintana, Stan 330 Quintanilla, Raul 169 R Rader, Charles H. 109 Radohl, Douglas 65 Raglin, Carl 107, 141, 156, 161, 173, 213 Ragsdale, Mike 217 Ra II, Bob 260, 332 Rampani, Jo Anne 64 Roscher, John J. 106, 173 Rassouliha, Maii 176 Ray, 6everly 106 Ray, Gary 65 Ray, Jeanne 65, 191 Read, Robin 106, 177, 20 I, 262, 266, 290 Read, Jerry 173 Reagan, Patrick J. 106, 203 Reece, Edwin 64, 174 Reece, Evelyn 77 Reed, Claude 106 Reed, Jerry 139 Reel, Grant A., Jr. 65 Rees. Wayne M. 77, 217 Regensberg, Maryann 106, 161, 162 Reid, Susan K. 106, 197 Reiff, Caryl M. 106, 156, 173 Reimer, Judy 64, 136 Reischman, Rosalyn 65, 167 Renfro, Stan 77 Reno. Margo 77 Renouard, Jeanne 66 Repetto, Gary 333 Rex, Alan 106 Rex, 6renda 77 Reyes. Salvador 77, 213 Reyna, Felipe Orona, Jr. 77 Reynolds, Janice 64, 229 Reynolds, John 160, 174 Reynolds, Joyce 77, 143, 223 Reynolds, lou 65, 150, 169 Rezelman, Mary Ann 77 Reznik, John W. 65, 216 Rhodes, Russ 161 Rhorer, Richard 161 Rhudy, Jim 165, 162 Rice, John 65, 175, 207 Rice, Patty 294 Rice, Robert 160 Richardson, Arthur 65, 211 Richardson, Sandra 65 Richey, Dan 65 Riddle, Kathy 65, 201 Ridenbaugh, Diane 65 Ridosko, Mary lynn 65 Riebsomer, Mildred 160 Ried, Beverly 65, 195 Rieder, Gary 106, 176 Rieder, Jill 77, 167 Rightmyer, Robert 106, 162, 173 Riley, Pat 65, 214 Rinella, Roger 174 Riner, Ann 106 Ringleb, Richard V. 65 Rinn, Peter 166 Riordan, Richard 77, 207 Riznyk, Raymond Zenon 106 Roach, Jim 162, 260 Robbins, David R. 65, 145 Robbins, E. Ann 106 Robbins, Nancy 65 Roberton. Donald J. 77, 214 Roberton, Becky 65, 197 Roberts, Dennis 106, 146, 169, 203, 263 Roberts, Marsha 77, 177, 197 Robertson, Ann E. 106, 195, 349 Robertson, Becky 197 Robertson, K. C. 65 Robertson, Shelby 65, 197 Robertson, Wade E. 77 Robertson, William M. 109 Rob1nson, Anne 354 Robinson, Ira 77 Robson, William 141, 145, 160 Rocha, Efren 174 Rodgers, Don 124

Rodgers, Pat 160 Rodriguez, Gloria 257, 354, 355 Rodriguez, Jennie A. 77 Roe, Ruth 65, 195 Roehl, Jerrold 65, 215 Rogers, Dafe 162 Ragers, Judith 65 Rogers, luis E. 65, 175 Rogers, lynmarie 65, 167, 257 Rohovec, John 77 Rojas, Mike 333 Roman, Edwin J. 65,211 Romero, Hilario, Jr. 65, 77 Romero. Dolores 65 Romero. Viola T. 65 Rominger, lanny 77, 260 Romo, Yolanda P. 65, 136, 143, 150 Rosales, Daniel 77 Rose, Barbara 65, 195 Rose, Frank B. 77 Rosenberg, Barbara H. 109 Rosenberg, Mike 109 Rosenblum, Ellen 65 Rosfeld, Sheryl 65 Ross. Anita Marie 65 Ross, Barbara Jean 65 Ross, Bill 65, 136 Ross, Gregory Don 65 Ross, Jeanette 65, 136, 177, 167 Ross, Jonathon 65, 213 Ross, Margaret Ann 65, 197 Ross, Ronnee 65 Rossetti, Jan 65 Roth, Carol 65, 201 Rothe, Ronald 77 Rothwell. Donald 156 Roulston, Natalie L. 65 Rouse, David E. 65 Rouse, Gene 164 Ravedo, John 65 Rovelstad, Gary 145 Rowdabaugh, Marsha 165, 162 Rowe, leslie H. 109, 175 Rowen, Gary 176 Rawntree, Dianne 77, 195 Royal, Emily 65, 229 Roybal, Betty 65 Roybal, Robert J. 65, 129, 202 Roybal, Robert L. 132, 202 Rubia, Fernando F. 77 Rudolph, Raymond Neil 65 Ruff, Toni 77 Ruglen, Curt 161 Ruiz, Joseph R. 65 Ruiz, lupe Matamoros 65 Rundles, Susan 109, 191 Rupert, Richard 77, 215 Rushing, Jack Douglas 109,214,262 Rusin, Bob 260 Russek, Ma ry Ann 65 Russell, Edison 109, 356 Russell, John 174 Russell, Robert D. 77, 157 Ruth, Roger H. 65, 162 Ryan, Allen D. 109 Ryde, Marilyn 77, 177,201 Ryder, Ruth Davis 65, 197 Rymer, Marijo 65, 197, 200 Rymer, Judy 201

S Saab, Fuaad 129 Sabom, Margy 77, 164, 197 Sachs, Cindy 65, 171 Sacra, Sylvia Jean 65, 292 Sais, John R. 65 Sais, Victor A. 109, 173 Salahuddin, Syed 166 Salas, lolita 65 Salazar, John P. 109, 136, 137, 153,217 262, 296 Salazar, Susie 65, 164, 167 Salb, Dorothy 65, 349 Salb, Ellen 65, 197 Sallee, Verney L. 124 Sanare, Marjorie 161 Sanchez, F. G. 66 Sanchez, Gloria Jean 66 Sanchez, Josephine 66 Sanchez, leo A. 65, 169 Sanchez, lorraine 77 Sanchez, lydia F. 66 Sanchez, Maria Elena 65, 201 Sanchez, Mary Gloria 66 Sanders, Erin E. 66 Sandoval, Anthony 77, 353 Sandoval, Jess C. 77, 139, 176 Sargent, Edward R. 65, 207

Sargent, Martha Ann 161 Sasaki, Adelia 159 Sass, Marie E. 77 Sasser, Duffy II 77, 163 Savage, 60b 66 Scaling, Som 77, 157, 256 Scanlan, Thomas J. 66, 211 Schaaf, George R., Jr. 77 Schaefer, lorraine 66 Schaefer, Nick 109; 213 Schaefer, Shirley 65, 169 Schaer, Mary 161, 257 Schaumburg, John 66 Schenck, Kenneth 77, 213 Scherzinger, Nora 109 Scherzinger, Victor L. 109 Schmidt, Caroline 160 Schmidt, Harv 347 Schodarf, Bill 66 Schott, Royce T. (Buck) 110 Schreiber, Sara 257 Schroder, John D. 110, 156, 160 Schroeder, Stephen 66 Schulte, Bob 66, 205 Schulte, Paul 110, 256 Schultz, Mitchele 66, 229 Schulz, Judy Elaine 169 Schwartz, Jerri Ann 66 Schwartzman, Gary 66, 211 Schwarzkopf, Daniel 65, 260 Sciarra, lou 256 Scopelitis, Barbara 355 Scott, Anne 110, 152, 191 Scott, Don 77, 205 Scott, Merle L. 65, 203, 256 Scott, Shirley Ann 110, 223 Scott, Sue-Ellen 66, 195 Scott, Suzann Mary 66 Scovel, Richard 110 Seale, Janet 77 Sebastian, Joann 257 Sedlack, William 160 See, D. James 66, 206 Sefcik, Kathy 77, 171 Segall, Paul 260 Seis, Susan 66, 196 Seis, Wally 333 Seiverd, George R. 110, 207 Seitze, laura 257 Self, Judy 77 Seligman, Michael 66, 202 Seligson, Fred 77, 137 Sena, Barbara M. 110, 195 Serafino, Jerry 66, 213 Serna, Catherine 65 Serra, Carlos 65 Sessions, Dan 147 Sethi, L. K. 176 Sethi, Virendra 176 Settle, Gail Rebecca 77, 161 Sewell, Frederick 66, 260 Sexton, Sue 65, 197 Sexton, Thomas E., 11 77 Seymour, John 139 Shah, Pravinchandra M. 110 Shannon, David 176 Sharpe, Sue 77, 197 Shaski, Michael 110 Shaver, Mike 66 Shaw, Justine 77 Shaw, Mark 77 Shelton, Steve 66, 205 Shenton, William T. 110 Shephard, Jessie 110 Sheriff, Paul 66 Sherman, Carroll Sue 65, 136, 191 Sherwin, Susan 66, 145 Sherwood, Sue 66 Shetler, Dave 331 Shillig, Carter 66 Shiplet, Bill 173 Shipman, Jackie 65 Shippy, Ellen 65, 159, 257 Shoberg, Richard S. 124 Shockley, Roger P. 65, 207 Shoesmith, James, Jr. 77 Shoon, Tomy G. 11 0, 206 Shore, Sandra 65, 172 Short, David, 66, 213 Short, James 77, 215 Shough, lexie 164 Shriver, Helen 161 Shukki, Waji 166 Shulse, larry W. 66, 205 Shurtleff, William 156, 160 Sibila, Judi 77, 167 Siegenthaler, Wm. M., Jr. 111,217 Sieglitz, Peggy 66, 171

Sieglitz, Janie 111, 170 Sifuentes, Madeline 111, 169, 171 Sifuentes, Mark 111 Sigleo, W. Richard 85, 207 Sigler, Marlen 66 Siler, Ramo 77, 354 Silleroy, Chris 77, 167, 217 Silva, James 160, 174 Simmons, Patricia 66 Simms, Leslie 66, 198 Simms, Mary Carol 111, 186 Simon, P. George 124 Simpkins, Sheri Lee 77 Sims, Diana Marie 66, 189 Singleton, Ron 111, 162, 213 Sirwinski, Dee 356 Sisneros, Ray 66 Sisneros, Rose 111 Sisson, Fred 77, 85, 203 Sitze, Laura 77, 181 Slaton, 8ill 77, 143 Slaughter, Martha R. 111 Siebiska, Jim 333 Slaney, Jewel 154 Sligor, Jan 85, 186, 223 Sloman, Marilyn 77 Smith, Alice 181 Smith, Carl M. 66, 211 Smith, Chany 66, 198 Smith, Charles A., Jr. 111 Smith, Cherry 77, 198 Smith, David L. 85, 210, 211 Smith, David P. 66, 217 Smith, Doris 66, 191 Smith, Douglas M. 111 Smith, Edwina B. 85, 143, 161 Smith, Fidel T. 131 Smith, Francie 66, 198 Smith, Gerald M. 66, 205 Smith, Jacqueline 66, 151 Smith, James 260 Smith, Joan Etta 111 Smith, Johnny 356 Smith, Judy Kay 66, 19B Smith, June 85, 189 Smith, Marjorie Nadine 111, 189,296 Smith, Marvin O. 66, 203 Smith, Michael S. 66 Smith, Nancy Rae 85, 154, 159, 191, 223,349 Smith, Paul H. 111, 158, 180 Smith, William R. 66, 164 Smotherman, Jim 168 Smyer, Myrna 66 Smyer, Paul A., Jr. 112,211 Snare, Marjorie 168 Snearly, Marian 112 Snethen, Curtis A. 66, 208 Snodgrass, John Dennis 66, 202 Snodgrass, Sherry 77, 195 Snow, Susan 67, 193 Snyder, Jason 260 Solen berger, Robert 112, 138, 145, 153, 165, 182, 283 Solis, Joe 67 Somerville, Myra 67 Somppi, Sharon 67 Soncrant, Linda 67, 171 Sorensen, Bev 112, 152, 283 Sosa, John Phillip 85 Soto, Edward M. 77, 218 Soyingbe, Thomas 176 Space, Roy Doug las 85 Sparks, Carl 67, 260 Speare, Eugene 112 Speer, Jan 67, 201 Spence, Karon 67,142,169,186 Spence, Michael R. 124 Sperry, Terry 85,154,191,223 Spicher, Russell 77, 178 Spiegler, Steve 112,211 Spiegler, Bill 62, 211 Sponholtz, Keith 341,346 Spooner, Charles 168 Spracher, Stephen 67, 218 Sproul, Jeffrey 67, 211 Squire, Kathleen 85, 181, 186 St. Clair, Earl Benton 67 St. John, Raymond Hadar 112 Stadnifer, Tommie 145 Stafford, Peggy 85, 195, 210 Stafford, Robert 85 Stafford, Ronald G. 112,211 Stahl, Kenneth 130 Stahl, Ann 142 Stalcup, William H. 112 Standifer, Tommie R. 77 Stanke, Edward C., II 67

Stark, Patricia 67 Starr, Jeanette 85, 191 Stearns, James R. 67 Stearns, Nancy 67, 198 Stebbins, Jeffrey 67 Steed, Sarah Sue 131, 186 Steele, Richard 67 Steele, Robert H. 85 Stein, Florene 85 Stephens, Eva Marie 78, 171 Stephenscn, Allen 173 Stephenson, Mary Jane 67 Stephenson, Thomos E. 67 Sterba, Susannah 257 Steven, Hilda 67, 191 Stevens, Alfred Earl 112 Stevens, Dennis 138, 145 Stevens, Eve 229 Stewart, Michael E. 112,218 Stickler, Bernard T. 112 Stiff, Dennis 258 Stillman, Stephen 67, 213 Stilphen, Rebecca 85, 171 Stith, Marilyn 113, 198, 356 Stogner, Steve 67, 218 Stokes, Eddie 301 Stokes, Lucy Belle 162 Stone, Bill 78, 217 Storey, Dick 78, 215 Stout, Marilyn 78, 193,223 Stow, William J. 78, 178 Stowers, Janie 142 Strayer, Mike 217 Strayor, Miles 78 Stribling, Marty 354 Strickland, Marlyn Sue 67 Stroh, John 67 Strong, Mary Caroline 67, 193 Sturtevant, Peter 169 Styrsky, Dennis M. 85, 202 Suber, Betty Ann 131, 198 Sullivan, Judy M. 113, 191 Summers, Beverly 163 Summers, Corbett 67, 215 Sun, Lena 174 Sutton, Richard D. 113, 158 Swain, Kenneth R. 113 Swanson, Jan 78 Swanson, Judy 67 Swearingen, Martin 67, 142 Sweet, Ray 159 Swendson, Velma 78, 162 Swink, Harley Howard 113,205 Syler, Nelmah D. 113, 161 Szalay, Judy 257

T Tabacchi, Judy 78, 171 Tackitt, Michael J. 67, 207 Tafoya, Carlos E. 78 Tafoya, Ramona E. 113 Tagliaferri, Rose 67 Talafous, Carol 67 Tallmadne, Louise 169 Tang, Richard S. W. 78, 162 Tangney, Sharon 85 Tapia, Theresa, 78, 138, 145 Tarbet, Gastom 164 Tauber, Philip 67, 215 Taylor, Bill 85, 165, 182 Taylor, Dean 85 Taylor, Joe 67 Taylor, Kyla S. 85,137,198,284,288 Taylor, Sylvia J. 85, 189 Teachout, Ann H. 113 Teeter, Nancy 181 Tejada, Rick 85, 215 Temperly, Sally 67, 189 Tenney, Lynne 78 Tepoer, Robert W. 67,218 Terry, Michael 67, 137 Theisen, John William 85, 211 Thelander, Kaaren 88 Thieman, 8etty Jo 78, 171 Thomas, Anne B. 67, 195 Thomas, Berta 349 Thomas, Gene 85, 215 Thomas, Gretchen 113, 191, 354 Thomas, James Jay 85, 218 Thomas, Jan 162 Thomas, John D. 67 Thomas, Pamela Rae 78, 186 Thomas, Richard P. 78 Thomas, Roberta 67, 138 Thomas, Tommy 85, 176,211 Thompson, Barbara D. 113 Thompson, Billie Joe 85, 193, 349 Thompson, Billie M. N. 113

Thompson, Dale 67, 207 Thompson, Karen 78, 184, 193, 223, 295 Thompson, Kirk 113, 158, 180 Thompson, Kristin 67, 201 Thompson, Mark B., III 129 Thompson Mary Ann 113, 172 Thompson, Mary Dora 86 Thompson, Mary L. 67 Thompson, Sissie 78 Thompson, Sue 78, 198 Thorne, Stephanie 67, 197 Thornton, Clifford E. 86 Thornton, Duke 86 Thorsen, Donna 78 Thurston, Benjamine E. 114 Tidwell, Dennis 333 Tillery, Jody 67, 189 Tinkle, Mickie 294 Tipton, H. L., Jr. 78 Tipton, Kevin W. 67 Tipton. Lindsay 86, 195 Tocher, Barbara 67 Todesco, Elizabeth 114, 184, 186 Todesco, Paul 67, 213 Tolen, Pat 67, 198 Tominac, Jan 67, 198 Tomlinson, Judy 165, 181 Toomey, John R. 86, 219 Topez, Mary Alice 67 Topley, Ann 86, 193 Topp, Sue 162, 163 Toppino, Thomas C. 215 Torres, Benny 67 Torres, Henry Dave 68 Torres, Reid 356 Torres, Rose Mary 78, 156, 187, 293 Toy, David 114, 141, 158, 159, 180 Traeger, Virginia 78, 189 Tras, Peter 86 Trask, Carol 86 Traub, Anita 68 Treat, Joe 86, 203 Trigg, Ralph, Jr. 86,217 Trimble, Mary Ann 68 Trimble, Sharyn 68, 193 Troublefield, Glen 332 Trujillo, Gladiola F. 114 Trujillo, Gwendolyn 68 Trujillo, Joseph W., Jr. 68 Trujillo, Kenneth 78 Trujillo, Ray 86 Trussell, Larry 114, 185,215 Tubb, Susan Mardell 68 Tucker, Janet 78, 189, 223 Tucker, Terrell 86 Tudor, David K. 141 Tufts, Paul 86, 173, 219 Tuoni, Linda 138 Turbeville, Jan 68, 172, 191 Turko, John 68, 203 Turner, Lana 68, 187 Turner, Robert L. 114 Turner, Susie 78 Turner, Vivian 68 Turpen, Carol 165 Tuthill, Nancy M. 78 Tuttle, Dayid A. 114, 175,217 Tvrdik, Wayne 260, 283, 332 Tyle, John 78 U

Ulibarri, Louis R. 78, 219 Underhill, Thomas 114, 161, 173 Underwood, Kirsten L. 68 Urizar, Anne M. 68 Urquidez, Bias F., Jr. 114, 258 Usher, Clifton W. 86, 202 V

Vaiden, Robert 158, 159 Va iya kool, Sa-Ng ia m 131 Valdes, Ernest 68,215 Valdez, Jose Euyaldo 114 Valdez, Stan 86 Valencia, Becky 86 Vanblaricum, Clinton 160 Vance, Betty 168 Vandermuellen, Carolyn 68, 201 Vandoren, Buddy 141, 145 Vandoren, Edmond 158, 180 Vanfleet, Loy 86, 211 Vanhouten, Sandra Lee 68, 195 Vanzandt, Jean 86 Vanzandt, Penny 68, 184, 198, 257 Vasquez, Alfred 68 Veatch, Mary Jo 78, 156 Verardo, Art 68,211 Vergara, Maria 114, 187

Verstynen, Dennis 68 Vescovi, Nanette 86, 191 Vescovi, Sandra 68, 189 Via, L. Michael 78 Via, Melinda 78, 142, 187 Vickers, Layne 86 Vickers, Lon 86, 167 Vickery, Luke 86, 140, 154, 184, 188 Vigil, Edward E.114, 153, 161 Vigil, Neddy A. 114 Vincent, Anne 68, 191 Vines, Linda 162 Viney, Ann 78,201 Vinson, Alice 181 Vitale, Phyllis 115, 184, 191,285 Vitt, Sandra 86, 197 Volpato, Kenneth 86, 217 Varenberg, Stephen 178 W Wagner, Judy 68 Wagner, Mike 353 Waldorf, Karen 164, 181 Waldorf, Coleen 115, 164 Wales, Robert 68, 151 Walker, George 68, 207 Walker, Janet 193 Walker, Mike 115, 137, 153, 185,219, 283 Wall, John M. 115,217 Wallace, Pat 78, 138, 145, 149, 156, 164 Walles, Dave 260 Walsh, Susan 86 Walter, Dennis 115,202 Walz, Mary 78 Wambold, James 43, 160, 174 Wang, Erika 68,163 Wang, Jon 124 Wang, Wen 158, 176 Wapp, Ed 175 Ward, Claude 331 Ward, Deborah J. 68, 189 Ward, Margo 68, 198 Ward, Michael 68, 213 Ward, Susan 68 Warder, Donald S. 115 Ware, T. Dale 78, 137, 139, 157 Warne, Barbara E. 86, 149 Warner, John K. 115 Warner, Lawrence C. 68 Warren, William F., III 115 Wartman, E. Tom 68 Wasvary, Bob 168 Watanakunakorn, P. 115, 176 Watchman, Rachel 68, 169, 175 Waters, Roy 158 Watkins, James B. 86, 207 Watkins, Diana L. 68, 349 Watkins, Sharon K. 115, 191 Wauchope, R. Denis 68, 203 Wayne, Philip 173 Weaver, Gary 78, 142 Weaver, Tommy K. 86, 200 Webb, Jerry 115 Webber, Brian 86, 155,211 Weber, Jack 148 Weber, Laura Anne 68 Webster, Gary 86, 258 Weh, Allen E. 86 Weh, Susan 78, 197 Wehrley, Paula 68, 198 Weichman, Shari 68, 143, 191 Weig, David W. 175 Weihe, Joseph 145 Wei I, James B. 86 Weiler, Antone 175 Welling, Wes 86, 185, 202 Wellington, Michael 78, 185, 207 Wells, Cyril F. 78, 203 Wells, Jack 86 Welsh, Claudia 68 Welton, Walter 78, 219 Werner, David 86, 207 Werner, Robert J. 129,215 Wess, Donna 355 West, Bruce 35, 139 West, Ronald E. 35, 139 Westbrook, J. A. 68, 213 Westcott, Marylinda 86, 88 Westering, Mary Gay 68, 197 Wheaton, Arabella 78 Wheaton, June 181 Wheeler, Carl 174 Wheelock, Frank S. 78, 215 Whidden, Jill A. 68, 354 White, Blake F., Jr. 115 White, Ed 168,258


White, John Andrew 86, 178 White, Karen 223, 295 White, Melinda 78, 156 White, Nancy 86, 187 White, Peter Thomas 116 White, Sondra 162, 168 Whitmore, Carole 68 Whiton, Norman Kenneth 116 Whitson, Melanie 184 Whorton, M. Donald 124 Wiater, Paul H. 86 Wicht rich, Janet 181 Wieburg, William W. 68,210,219 Wiegman, Carol 86 Wiekins, Wayne 211 Wiemann, Warren H. 86 Wiener, Kathryn 68, 171 Wiggans, Jim 86, 175 Wiggins, Bruce E. 86,185,210 Wiggins, Carl A. 68, 138 Wi ita, Douglas 68,211 Wilcoxson, Fred W., Jr. 68 Wilder, Carolyn 78 Wilkes, Jeff 164 Wilkins, Wayne 68 Wilkison, Vivian 116 Williams, Larry 173

Williams, Mickey 335 Williams, Patricia 86 Williamson, 8elly L. 78 Williamson, Jane P. 68 Willingham, Jackie 355, 356 Willis, Elizabeth 116 Willis, Marsha 69, 138, 145 Wills, Larry 162 ' Wilmeth, Howard 116 Wilsey, Iva 69 Wilson, Barbara 69 Wilson, Claire 116, 177, 201 Wilson, David 116, 174 Wilson, Gary H. 69 Wilson, Palli 86, 142, 187 Wilson, Paul A. 69 Wilson, Peter C. 69, 213 Winkler, William C. 116 Winsor, Sharon 69 Winston, Kathy 167 Witsell, Trish 69 Wafford, Sally 78 Wahlstein, Ladislao 78 Waken, Joan 86 Wold, Richard 69 Wolfe, Tam 78, 217 Wolff, Claudelle 116, 140, 187

Wolfley, Marian 78, 198 Wall mann, Charles 260 Wooley, Randall R. 173 Wong, William 174 Woad, 8arbara 223 Wood, Judy 162 Woodall. Sue 69 Woodruff, John M. 86, 219 Woods, Melinda 88 Woodson, DOllie 78, 198 Woodward, Chrystena l. p9 Wooley, Randall 158 . Warrell, Sylvia 88 Worthing, Kothe 116, 152,285 Worthington, Deebee 69, 354 Wartman, E. Tam 69, 219 Wright, Mary Grayce 78 Wright, Nancy Ann 78, 138, 145, 198 Wright, Roger 69 Wright, Ronald E. 69 Wright, Steve 69 Wright, Toni 223 Wyall, lawrence Jay 69, 211 Wycoff, Doug 69, 205 Wylie, Martha 78 Wyman, Becky D. 86, 140, 154, 189, 254

Wynhoff, James 158, 159, 180 y Yockie, Barbara 116, 229 Yandell, Carol Ann 86, 154, 161, 162, 189, 223 Yeck, Gary 78, 185, 207 Yepsem, Mariarie 160 York, Anne 159 Yaung, Douglas 116 Yaung, Susan 69

Z Zack, Beverly A. 116 Zarr, Bob 344, 346 Zarris, George 173 Zastrow, Gerry 78 Zavash, Amin 168 Zellner, Wanda 160 Zeri, W. Terrance 86 Zig ler, Gi Ibert L. 78 Zimmermann, Carol E. 124 Zinn, Diane 86 Zinn, John Orvy 116 Zinter, John 179 Zuelke, Marcia 69, 195

STAFF Assistant Managing Editor

Lou Reynolds


Jackie Smith


Cheri Gross and Shedra Gambrel

Graduate School

.. Robert Walles

Campus Life

Sandy Ferketich Roberta Harkey Nancy Teeter


Laura Loy



Who's Who ... Miscellaneous

. . . . . . ..

Helen Ferran Erleen Lopez Inez Lopez Rebecca Lopez Katy McCoy

.. Kathy Orlando Bobbie Harris Marianne Knott Yolando Romo Linda Soncrant

The school year of 1964-1965 draws to a close as does the 1965 l\lirage. \Ve of the staff have sought out what we consider the key events of this year, and now present them to you. Take the keys and unlock your memories of this year. It has taken every student in the University to produce the '65 Iirage for each imparts to the University his particular personality and becomes a "ital part of the whole. But a special thanks must go to those who transferred this whole into the copy which compose the book. To Virginia hlner and Tom Ormsby go my deepest gratitude for their devotion to the book and their great talent in working with it. For the elements thanks goes to the University Photo Service, Bill Bell, Dick French, and the University of ew Ilexico Printing Plant. Deepest appreciation is extended to Alpha Phi Omega for the luminarios in the cover picture and an extra special thank you to the staff listed above. 'I 'here is a saying in yearbook circles that "A yearbook is forever." lay the 1965 Mirage fulfill this saying by fore"er holding within its cover the story of a very special year in your life. Barbara Anne Knott Editor-In-Chief 1965 l\1irage


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