2008, Fall

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fall 2008

lobos! camera! action! The








Mexico A





A l u m n i FOR



A s s o c i a t i o n HOMECOMING


take a look


Looking at:


On the Cover:

As the New Mexico film industry grows, so do opportunities for alumni such as Chad Brummett, right, who played alongside Russell Crowe, left, in 3:10 to Yuma, filmed in the Land of Enchantment. photo: Richard Foreman/Lionsgate

Look at this!

This issue of Mirage includes a special pull-out schedule for UNM Homecoming 2008. Save it and join us!

10 The People’s College: A Mirage Conversation

M O D E R AT E D B Y V B P R I C E — E D I T E D B Y M A R Y C O N R A D Three UNM alumni-leaders of community colleges discuss the trials and triumphs of their endeavors.

16 Reach for the Stars

BY MARY CONRAD Cody Willard, co-anchor of FOX Business News’ “Happy Hour,” is putting his own brand on New York and the nation’s financial scene.

20 The Wow! Factor BY RANDY MCCOACH The Pit will still be The Pit, but with pizzazz, once renovations are complete.

Fall 2008, Volume 27, Number 1, THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO: David J. Schmidly, President; Karen A. Abraham, Associate Vice President, Alumni Relations; Mary Conrad, Editor; Kelly Ketner, Echo Creative, Art Director. UNM ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Judy Zanotti, President, Albuquerque; Ruth Schifani, President-Elect, Albuquerque; Gene Baca, Treasurer, Corrales; Lillian Montoya-Rael, Past President, Santa Fe; Jennifer Riordan, Albuquerque; Randy Royster, Albuquerque; Waneta Tuttle, Albuquerque; Kathie Winograd, Albuquerque. MIRAGE is published three times a year, in April, August, and December, by the University of New Mexico Alumni Association for the University’s alumni and friends. Address all correspondence to UNM Alumni Relations Office, MSC 01-1160, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque NM 87131-0001. Send all Album information to the attention of Margaret Weinrod. Send all changes of address to the attention of Records. Send all other correspondence to the attention of Mary Conrad. To comply with the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, UNM provides this publication in alternative formats. If you have special needs and require an auxiliary aid or service, please contact Mary Conrad. Phone: 800-258-6866 (800-ALUM-UNM) or 505-277-5808. E-mail to Mary Conrad: mconrad@unm.edu or alumni@unm.edu. Web address: www.unmalumni.com

It Takes a Community



m a g a z i n e

Maria Wolfe

A message to all UNM Alumni from UNM President David J. Schmidly


aving officially completed my first year as president of UNM, I am pleased with the great strides we have taken to improve the state’s flagship university. Our entire leadership team is on the ground now, working tirelessly to improve undergraduate and graduate education. We have strengthened many existing partnerships and created a few new ones, among them our partnership with Central New Mexico Community College (CNM). New Mexico is a unique state, with varying needs that reach every pocket, in every corner. For us to be able to respond to the workforce and education challenges we face, we must work

G E E , T H A N K S ! UNM Alumni Association past president Lillian Montoya-Rael (left), executive director Karen Abraham, and UNM President David Schmidly appreciate the scene and the volunteers at the association's recent thank-you party in Placitas.

BY LAURIE MELLAS As the film industry recognizes New Mexico’s potential, talented UNM alumni recognize their opportunity.

letters to the editor 5 Faves

32 The Power of Structure


any of you shared


your own top-five

00 ng 2

BY RACHEL MILLER CFO of the United States Fund for UNICEF, Ed Lloyd, ‘66 BA, ‘67 MA, shares his business acumen with non-profit organizations.



26 Cover Story Above the Line

books with us after reading


about some UNM faculty

re y sha facuirlttop fivkes the ite boo favor

Looking around: 2 It Takes a Community

favorites (spring 2008). Go to our website at www.unmalumni.com

A Message from President Schmidly m

3 Letters to the Editor 4 Connections

e Th

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n i u m A l


to see the choices of

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n t i o c i a s o L D A s O R




your fellow alumni


and to submit your own!


Happenings around campus

5 Album 36 Development Born to Be a Lobo BY MICHELLE G. MCRUIZ Once the Lobo Club president and still a major fundraiser, John Perner, ‘87 BBA, continues to “put up the Lobo.”

38 Alumni Outlook

Habla español.


enjoyed the article on Brian Jay Jones’ recent biography on Washington Irving

(“Say It with Satire,” spring 2008). Irving mastered the Spanish language well enough to spend the year 1829 living at the Alhambra in Granada—rent-free! (Apparently the Alhambra was not a

together with our colleagues in the public schools and community colleges. Our partnership with CNM is a big step in that direction. The idea is to create a pipeline from public school all the way through an associate, undergraduate, and hopefully a graduate degree. This is the most cost effective way for New Mexico’s families, and taxpayers, to fund an education. In addition to our partnership with CNM, we have established a great working relationship with New Mexico Junior College in Hobbs. We want to get our students into the places where they have their greatest chances for success, while being mindful of the increasing costs of higher education. The more we can do to prepare students before they come to us, the better off we all will be. This issue of Mirage presents a conversation among three notable UNM alumni dedicated to community colleges: CNM president Kathie Winograd, ’07 EdD,

Santa Fe Community College president Sheila Ortego, ’75 BA, ’81 PhD, and the new vice president of Rio Rancho and branch campus academic affairs, Marc Nigliazzo, ’73 PhD. Their conversation provides insight as to how those of us in higher education can work together to create a brighter future for our students, and thus a brighter future for us all. This issue of the Mirage also includes the 2008 UNM Homecoming brochure. Homecoming is one of my favorite times on campus. It is a time for alumni to connect with their alma mater, with the students that grace our campus, and with one another once again. I hope to see each of you during this week and invite you to stop by my office in Scholes Hall to say hello.

Destination in those days.) The literary result was Irving’s collection of romances about Muslims and Christians, Tales of the Alhambra. Leon J. Luey, ‘59 BS San Francisco, California

Mirage welcomes letters to the editor. If you would like to comment on something you’ve read in the magazine, please write us. Letters will be published as space allows and may be edited for clarity and brevity. Letters must be signed. It’s helpful if you include your location and degrees. Our address is Mirage, The University of New Mexico Alumni Association, MSC 01-1160, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

Go Lobos!

NM 87131-0001. Email: mconrad@unm.edu.

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new connections

enrollment guru: Carmen Alvarez

has been appointed UNM’s vice president for enrollment management. The offices of recruitment, admissions, financial aid, records, and registration will report to this position.


http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002825.html#more

Suzanne Trager Ortega provost pick: Suzanne Trager Ortega

has been appointed UNM’s new provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. Previously Ortega was vice provost and graduate dean at the University of Washington. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002767.html

new developments: The UNM Foundation Board of Trustees has appointed John R. Stropp to serve as the first president of the newly independent UNM Foundation, in preparation for a major capital campaign. In addition, John W. Welty has been appointed associate vice president for university development at the UNM Foundation/ development office. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002907.html#more http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002961.html#more

funding connections health network: The Center for

Telehealth and Cybermedicine Research at the UNM Health Sciences Center will receive $15.5 million from the Federal Communications Commission for the design, construction, operation, and evaluation of a Southwest Telehealth Access Grid, part of the FCC’s Rural Health Care Pilot Program. http://hscapp.unm.edu/calendar/output/ index.cfm?fuseaction=main.release &EntryID=6709 inquiring minds: A $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to the UNM mathematics and statistics department will help give undergraduate students the opportunity to learn important ideas from pure, applied, and computational mathematics. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/003014.html#more

Improving the quality of healthcare in New Mexico starts from the ground up. Vote Vote on on BOND BOND C d during uring tthe he ggeneral eneral eelection, lection, aand nd yyou’ll ou’ll h elp cconstruct onstruct a n ew sstandard tandard ooff h ealthcare ffor or aallll ooff u nN ew M help new healthcare uss iin New Mexico. exico. B BOND OND C ccalls alls ffor or $ $58 58 m million illion ffor or tthe he cconstruction onstruction aand nd rrenovation enovation ooff m ore tthan han a d ozen h ealthcare aand nd rresearch esearch b uildings aacross more dozen healthcare buildings cross tthe he sstate, tate, iincluding ncluding a ccombined ombined he U NM C ancer C enter, a n $ 28.5 m illion ffor or tthe he ccompletion ompletion ooff tthe ew n euroscience rresearch esearch ffacility acility aatt U $28.5 million UNM Cancer Center, new neuroscience UNM NM aand nd U UNM NM D Dental ental R Residency esidency E ducation ffacilities acilities sstatewide. tatewide. B reaking d own tto o aabout bout $ 4 a yyear ear p er eevery very $ 100,000 iin n yyour our h ome’s aassessed Education Breaking down $4 per $100,000 home’s ssessed vvalue, alue, B BOND OND C iiss a ssmall mall p rice tto op ay tto ob ring w orld-class h ealthcare tto o tthe he p eople ooff N ew M exico. price pay bring world-class healthcare people New Mexico.






m a g a z i n e

diverse doctoral students: The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded UNM a $700,000 grant to increase the number of Native American and Latino doctoral students in the College of Arts and Sciences and the rate at which they complete their degrees. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002606.html#more rural student success: The Chase

Foundation recently awarded the UNM enrollment management division a $50,000 grant to enhance the success of students from southeast New Mexico and other rural areas. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002952.html#more comadre a comadre: The UNM

College of Education’s Comadre a Comadre program was recently awarded a $25,000 grant by the Central New Mexico Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation to fund its “Partnering with Community to Raise Awareness about Breast Health and Breast Cancer Among Hispanic/Latina Women” program. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002965.html#more

honorable connections top teacher: English professor

has been named the 2008 UNM Presidential Teaching Fellow, the highest teaching honor the university bestows.

Gary Harrison

http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002942.html#more space fellow: UNM Regents’

Professor of chemical, nuclear, and mechanical engineering Mohamed S. El-Genk has been elected a fellow of the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety. El-Genk is also the founding director of the Institute for Space and Nuclear Power Studies at UNM. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002822.html#more

leadership fellowship: UNM School of Medicine professor Leslie A. Morrison has been awarded a fellowship by the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine Program for Women. http://hscapp.unm.edu/calendar/output/ index.cfm?fuseaction=main.release& EntryID=6988 tropical disease researchers: School

of Medicine fellow Amber Read and medical student Heidi Hillesland each received prestigious awards at a recent annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene for research the two are conducting on the second most fatal parasitic disease of India. http://hscapp.unm.edu/calendar/output/ index.cfm?fuseaction=main.release& EntryID=6650

publishing connections cowboy kudos: History professor Paul Hutton won a Western Heritage Award from the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum for his article “Silver Screen Desperado: Billy the Kid in the Movies,” published in the Spring 2007 issue of the New Mexico Historical Review.

http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002788.html#more weather winner: When Nature Strikes: Weather Disasters and the Law (Praeger/Greenwood) by UNM Dickason Professor of Law Marsha Baum, was recently awarded an honorable mention for “a comprehensive treatment of weather and jurisprudence” by the Atmospheric Science Librarians International. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002666.html#more about American authors: Gary Scharnhorst,

distinguished professor of English, has penned biographies of Horatio Alger Jr., Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Bret Harte. His most recent biography is of 19th century American journalist Kate Field. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002673.html#more

album compiled by Margaret Weinrod.

Look for a friend on every page! Keep us posted! Send your news to Margaret Weinrod The University of New Mexico Alumni Association MSC 01-1160 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131-0001. Better yet, e-mail your news to mweinrod@unm.edu. Fall (August) deadline: May 1 Winter (December) deadline: September 1 Spring (April) deadline: January 1 Crawford Dunlap, ’38 BS, has again been included in recent editions of Who’s Who in the World. His international journal, SolidState Electronics, which he founded in 1959 and edited until he retired in 1994, is still active under other auspices. He and his wife, Ellen, live in West Newton, Massachusetts. Lucile Reid Brock, ’39 BA, celebrated her 90th birthday this spring. Some years ago, the writer and watercolorist’s sons and grandchildren started a UNM scholarship endowment in her name for seniors and graduate students in fine arts. Lucille lives in Horseshoe Bay, Texas. MX Lesser, ’49 BA, has added to his scholarly effort about “America’s theologian,” an annotated bibliography, Reading Jonathan Edwards (William B. Eerdmans Publishing). He taught at the University of Delaware, Connecticut State, Rutgers, and before his retirement a dozen years ago, Northeastern for 26 years, winding up as chair of the English department. He lives in Swampscott, Massachusetts. Larry White, ’55 BS, is author of Eagles Once Soared, a short memoir of a high school football program’s growth and maturation under the leadership of an extraordinary coach in Hobbs, New Mexico. Larry lives in Dallas where he continues to teach in the orthodontic department at Baylor Dental College and to practice orthodontics. James L. Schornick, ’59 BA, ’64 MS/PhD, has worked at Johnson Space Center since 1967. He was part of the first group of NASA staff at the Moscow Technical Liaison in Moscow where he lived from 1994 until 1999. Upon his return to Houston, he worked at the Space Station Program Office at the Johnson Space Center until his retirement last February. f a l l

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unm weaving work: Teresa Wilkins,

associate professor of anthropology at UNM-Gallup, was fascinated with weaving from childhood. Born in rural North Carolina, where textiles were a major industry, she picked up scraps of material from her grandfather’s mill and wove them on a small loom. Now her book, Patterns of Exchange: Navajo Weavers and Traders, has been published by the University of Oklahoma Press. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/003010.html#more

research connections bracing research: The pediatric orthopaedic division of UNM’s Carrie Tingley Hospital is participating in a new, multi-center study to find if bracing is effective in treating adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. A five-year, $4.9 million grant from the National Institutes of Health will fund the study at 13 medical centers in the US. http://hscapp.unm.edu/calendar/output/ index.cfm?fuseaction=main.release& EntryID=7023 older than the hills: The Grand

Canyon was thought to be approximately six million years old until researchers in the UNM earth and planetary sciences department discovered otherwise. Using a technique called uranium-

lead isotope (U-Pb) dating of water table-type speleothems or cave formations, researchers Victor Polyak, Carol Hill and Yemane Asmerom determined the western portion of the Grand Canyon actually began to form some 17 million years ago. http://www.unm.edu/~market /cgi-bin/archives/002711.html#more count to 10: When you were six years

old and something went wrong, your mom made you count to 10, then react, as a way of making you stop to think. Now Josh Karlin, a UNM graduate student, and his computer science advisor, professor Stephanie Forrest, are working on a technical protocol that gives Internet Service Providers time to stop and think about traffic flow problems on the Internet before they have to react. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002708.html#more

Vote on Education Bond D and help improve the aging infrastructure of colleges and universities. Better education affects everyone. Investing in our institutions of higher learning helps keep our best students here, attracts higher-paying jobs and improves New Mexico’s economy. The University of New Mexico will receive a combined $21.2 million. No matter what your political beliefs are, Bond D is an important issue. And it’s something you can do to dramatically improve life in New Mexico. Bond D is paid for by a modest property tax assessment of $9.77 per year per $100,000 of a property’s assessed value. For more information on Bond D, visit www.ItsNotPolitical.com.

On November 4, vote on Education Bond D. ItÕs not political. ItÕs everyoneÕs issue.



m a g a z i n e

healthy streams: Streams are filters

for our landscapes, helping to remove and transform pollutants that drain from their watersheds. As reported in the journal Nature, a team of 31 aquatic scientists across the United States, including UNM researchers Cliff Dahm and Chelsea Crenshaw, studied how streams remove excess nitrogen that results from human activities. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002721.html#more mindful matter: The Mind Research

Network, one of the country’s leading mental illness and brain disorder research organizations, has opened its new Neurogenetics Laboratory on the UNM Campus. The NGL, a state-of-the-art facility capable of whole genome genotyping, whole genome methylation, and whole genome gene expression analyses, adds a vital research tool to MRN’s arsenal of neurodiagnostic equipment. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002945.html#more

student connections Tucumcari tale: Historians believe

the word Tucumcari is derived from the Comanche word “tukanukaru,” which means to lie in wait for something. Students from the School of Architecture and Planning’s graduate community outreach studio spent the semester developing ideas for ways to improve the livability and economic viability of the town. With a pending $70,000 planning grant from the state, Tucumcari won’t have to wait much longer to realize needed change. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002938.html#more marketing mavens: Marketing students at UNM’s Anderson School of Management took first place again –this time in the Project Acceleration: Subaru Impreza Collegiate Challenge.

cgi-bin/archives/002611.html#more mock trial team: The UNM School of

Law’s National Mock Trial team took home the second-place trophy in the final rounds of the national competition. http://lawschool.unm.edu/announcements/archives/2008/april/mocktrial.php all’s well: For the second year in a row, a student from UNM-Valencia Campus was named the New Century Scholar and will represent the state of New Mexico on the All-USA Academic Team. Kathy Metzger, a nursing major at UNM-Valencia, was selected to the All-State Academic Team in New Mexico. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002631.html#more bowl bests: The UNM College Bowl team finished second at the National College Bowl Tournament, held recently at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. It was the fourth year in a row a UNM team has made it to the national tournament. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002875.html#more honored publication: The 2006

Scribendi magazine was recently awarded the National Magazine Pacemaker for general excellence and outstanding achievement by a college magazine in a national competition given by the Associated Collegiate Press. Scribendi is a high quality publication of art and literature, sponsored by the UNM Honors Program and the Western Regional Honors Council. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002639.html#more pharmacy prez: Second-year College

album Charles B. Corbin, ’60 BSHP, ’65 PhD, is one of the winners of this year’s “Texty” Awards from the Text and Academic Authors Association. Charles is senior author (with Guy Le Masurier and Dolly Lambdin) of Fitness for Life: Middle School. Charles is professor emeritus at Arizona State University. He lives in Phoenix. Jim Ciccarello, ’61 BSHP, ’79 MPA, has been named the Albuquerque/New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame’s Coach of the Year. His La Cueva High School girls track team (third state 5A title in four years) was named the Hall of Fame’s Team of the Year. Nasario Garcia, ’62 BA, ’63 MA, has had his book, Brujerías: Stories of Witchcraft and the Supernatural in the American Southwest and Beyond (Texas Tech University Press) recognized by the Tucson-Pima County Public Library. A sponsor of Southwest Books of the Year, the Library selected the book as one of the top picks for 2007 from among 250 books. Nasario lives in Santa Fe. Heinz Schmitt, ’62 MSME, a recipient of the 2007 Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award, has asked that we clarify the entry in the spring Mirage to note that he is, in fact, retired from Sandia National Laboratories. Heinz, we apologize. Rudolfo Anaya, ’63 BAED, ’69 MA, ’72 MA, has had his The First Tortilla included in the Tucson-Pima County Public Library’s “Southwest Books of the Year” and named one of ten children’s Top Books of the Year. Rudolfo lives in Albuquerque. Barbara Harrelson, ’65 BA, is the author of Walks in Literary Santa Fe—A Guide to Landmarks, Legends, and Lore (Charles Smith). Barbara lives in Santa Fe. Gerald (Jerry) Reed, ’66 BSCE, is retired from Kennecott Utah Copper, but is still engineering civil works as a part-time consultant at the Utah Copper Smelter. Jerry lives in Murray, Utah, and wonders if any of his classmates remember their days at UNM.

of Pharmacy student Adriane Irwin is president-elect of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists.

Bill Miller, ’67 MSME, is retiring from aviation after flying jets for 42 years, including 24 in the Air Force, 14 at United Airlines, and three at Netjets. He can be found on the golf course in Temecula, California.

http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002739.html#more

Gordon J. Jorgensen, ’68 BBA, has retired from his position as assistant regional director of the Phoenix, Arizona, office of the National Labor Relations Board. He has returned to New Mexico and lives in Tijeras.


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unm law first: Robert Medina had a good

job working corporate security when he set his sights on law school as a way to help his community at Zia Pueblo. Last February, he became the tribe’s first-ever tribal judge trained in the law. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002868.html#more global recognition: Student Julio

http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002799.html#more MCAT choice: College of Education

doctoral student and School of Medicine admissions director Marlene Ballejos was one of five students from the US and Canada selected recently to participate in the 2008 Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) Graduate Student Research Program. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002879.html#more water treatment treats: A team of

students from UNM’s department of civil engineering won first place in the First Annual Rocky Mountain Region Water Treatment Competition. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002894.html

miscellaneous connections presidential progress: First year

UNM President David J. Schmidly presented a year-end progress report to the UNM Board of Regents. The report shows completion of or significant progress made in 90 percent of the regents’ goals set for the president. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002963.html#more

Jim Erekson

Romero recently received an international award for his efforts as a supplemental instruction leader at the Center for Academic Program Support.

Silver Lifeguard: Lifeguard, New Mexico’s first hospital-based

helicopter and fixed wing air emergency transport service, celebrated 25 years with a gathering of crew members and others who have made Lifeguard such a successful air emergency service. Lifeguard Air Emergency Services is a program of University of New Mexico Hospital, with medical direction from UNM Hospital’s department of emergency medicine. http://hsc.unm.edu/about/features/2008_06b.shtml

commencement comments: Frank J.

mutual understanding: UNM


President David J. Schmidly and Sandia Labs president Tom Hunter signed a memorandum of understanding recently to increase cooperation between the two institutions for placement of top students.

chief justice of the Rhode Island Supreme Court, delivered the keynote address at UNM spring commencement where more than 2,400 students received degrees. Scientific advocate Eugenie C. Scott, civil rights leader Vicente T. Ximenes, ’50 BAED, ’53 MA, and acclaimed American Indian artist Jaune Quick-toSee Smith, ’80 MA, received honorary degrees at the ceremony. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002910.html#more c&j ok: The Accrediting Council on

Education in Journalism and Mass Communications has unanimously approved the accreditation of the journalism and mass communication programs in the UNM department of communication & journalism. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002898.html#more



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http://www.unm.edu/~market /cgi-bin/archives/002732.html#more nurses needed! The UNM College

of Nursing and St. Vincent Regional Medical Center in Santa Fe are partnering to provide registered nurses in the Santa Fe area an on-site bachelor of science in nursing degree program. http://hscapp.unm.edu/calendar/output /index.cfm?fuseaction=main.release& EntryID=6681

parent position: UNM’s Board of Regents has voted to approve UNM’s first official Parent Association, giving parents a role in university governance. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002709.html#more pharmacy memories: Albuquerque’s Rexall Drug and other pharmacies like it have disappeared from the landscape, taking with them their neighborhood pharmacist, candy counter, medical supplies, and magazines. The UNM College of Pharmacy skillfully educates the modern pharmacist, but also cherishes the history of both the practice and the college. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002743.html#more Jemez/UNM MOU: UNM President David J. Schmidly, Jemez Pueblo Governor Paul Chinana, Walatowa

High Charter School Board President and principal Tony Archuleta recently signed a memorandum of understanding to solidify a partnership creating dual enrollment opportunities for Native American students. Ryan Toya,

watch this! DIRECTV, the nation’s leading satellite television service provider will launch the MountainWest Sports Network—The Mtn—on August 27. The move will provide fans from across the country access to Mountain West Conference sports in time to kick off the MWC’s 10th anniversary season. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002972.html#more ciao, Roma! UNM’s international programs and studies recently completed a successful first semester of a new study abroad program in Rome, Italy. http://www.unm.edu/~market/cgibin/archives/003018.html#more taking care: The UNM Hospital

is ranked third in the nation by Consumer Reports in providing conservative patient care in a study of more than 4.7 million Medicare patients at more than 2,800 hospitals. http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/003011.html#more

http://www.unm.edu/~market/ cgi-bin/archives/002958.html#more

hanging of the greens for you to hang


he UNM Parent Association is offering its first collectible holiday ornament, designed by artist Jana Fothergill,

featuring UNM’s oldest tradition, Hanging of the Greens. At $18.89 each, the 3'' X 3'' metal ornament can be purchased exclusively at the UNM Book Store (http://bookstore.unm.edu beginning in late August) or through the UNM Parent Association. All proceeds support the Parent Association. Call 505-277-5915 or email parent@ unm.edu for more information.

album Stephen M. Part, ’68 BA, ’84 MA, a social studies teacher at La Cueva High School in Albuquerque, received four competitive awards last summer: a fellowship from the American Bar Association; another from the National Endowment for the Humanities, and two from Landmarks in American History. He also attended a Gilder Lehrman Foundation Workshop. J. Placido Garcia Jr., ’69 BAED, ’72 MA, ’77 PhD, has received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the UNM College of Education in recognition of his commitment to the children of New Mexico, and his lasting impact on education in the community and state. He lives in Albuquerque. Baker H. Morrow, ’69 BA, ’97 MA, has received the Stewart Udall Cultural Landscape Preservation Award from the New Mexico Heritage Preservation Alliance. He is the founder of the master’s program in landscape architecture at UNM where he serves as an adjunct associate professor. Baker is a principal of Morrow Reardon Wilkinson Miller, Landscape Architects in Albuquerque. Robert J. Dufault, ’71 BSED, ’74 MA, has retired after 32 years’ teaching in Colorado Springs’ School District #11. He also retired after 20 years with the US Air Force Reserves’ 302nd Airlift Wing headquartered at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Springs. Sandy Schauer, ’71 BA, is the author of The Silk Scarf, the story of a GermanAmerican family in New Jersey, from the US entry into WWI until the 1929 Stock Market Crash. It is the first of a series about the lives of German Americans in the US. Sandy lives in Los Lunas, New Mexico. James W. Brown, ’72 BBA, is a partner with Mesa Capital and Sandia Capital Partners in Albuquerque. Leslie Carpenter, ’72 MA, ’02 DED, is retiring as superintendent of the Santa Fe School Board after 27 years in the school district and three as superintendent. Leslie lives in Santa Fe. Skitch Ferguson, ’72 BUS, ’91 MBA, is now executive director of Dismas House, New Mexico. He lives in Albuquerque. Sue Hettmansperger, ’72 BFA, ’74 MA, has received a 2008 John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Award in painting. She is a professor of art at the University of Iowa. Susan J. Humphreys, ’72 BAR, is the author of Searching for Enlightenment: Gnosticism for a New Millennium, available on Amazon.com. Susan lives in Oakland, Illinois. f a l l

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Bobby Tamayo

looking at community colleges


the people’s college Trying to be “all things to all people,” community colleges have their rewards and challenges.




Marc Nigliazzo, ’73 PhD. Vice president-

Sheila Ortego, ’75 BA, ’81 PhD.

VB “Barrett” Price, ’62 BA. VB has taught

UNM Rio Rancho and branch academics; past president, Temple (Community) College and Galveston (Community) College; past president, Texas Association of Community Colleges. Marc participated in this conversation the week before beginning his new job at UNM.

President, Santa Fe Community College. Sheila recently had her first novel published, The Road from La Cueva (Sunstone Press).

classes in UNM’s Honors Program since 1986 and the UNM School of Architecture and Planning since 1976. His selected poems from 1966 -2006, entitled Broken and Reset, along with his novel The Oddity, are recently out from UNM Press.


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Kathie Winograd, ’07 PhD. President, CNM. Kathie serves on the UNM Alumni Association Board of Directors.

R O U N D T H E T A B L E : Alumni at the helm of community colleges


discuss the place of their schools in the educational spectrum. Clockwise


from the top are Marc Nigliazzo, Kathie Winograd, Sheila Ortego, and moderator VB Price.

travel album adventures

2 ’72 0 0BUS, 5 has published his Joseph Shaw, first novel, To Honor the Dead (UNM Press). Check out in this lineup of with our new He lives Albuquerque his wife and business partner, Gina. They ownfor and educational travel opportunities operate Shaw & Shaw, Realtors. the rest of 2005. We hope you’ll join

As UNM creates stronger partnerships with the state’s community colleges and puts into place a branch campus tied to CNM in Rio Rancho, three alumni directly involved share their thoughts.

Jayfuture! Hammond IV, ’73soon: BS, has us inHerbert the near Coming been included in the 2008 Chambers the exciting 2006 Educational Travel USA Leaders in their Fields legal directory. Criteria Adventure schedule. used in selection include technical legal ability, professional conduct, client service, Junecommercial 15 - 23 awareness, diligence, and Alumni CampusHe Abroad: commitment. practicesSwitzerland at the global law firm of Thompson & Knight in Dallas.

JunePatrick 30 - July 11 ’73 BSPE, has received an S. Henry, honorary doctorate Cruise the British Islesof humane letters degree from Western New Mexico University where he received his MA degree October 25-November 11in 1973. He is in his fourth season as head coach of the Texas China’s Cultural Triangle

Community colleges are more focused on the art of teaching and learning than on research. We are more open and responsive to the developmental needs of students. We are taking folks out of high school who are under-prepared and spending a year or two with them to bring them up to college level. Then we get them into our college programs or send them on. Sheila Ortego:

One of the significant characteristics of community colleges is just what the name says. We are focused on particular communities. Universities tend to be regional, sometimes statewide. We tend to work inside communities and look at community needs, whether economic development, cultural activities, or social responsiveness. Marc Nigliazzo:

Kathie Winograd: In

addition, at a comprehensive community college like CNM, we are very focused on work-force development. Our contribution is to provide training for individuals who can benefit from a two-year college experience.

A lot of what we do for business and industry is non-credit. It is specialized training, skill sets, a particular aspect that employers want emphasized with their employees. We’ve taken over a good bit of training that business and industry used to do themselves. Marc:

VB: What are the major issues facing community colleges and the universities partnering with them? Sheila: The low preparation level. We would rather be putting all of our resources into college-level students. We were designed to take people in at the freshmen level, take them through the sophomore level, and send them off to the university. We are getting up to 90 percent of people who are a year or more away from being ready for that college-level work. We want to take care of them, but we wish that more of them came out of the high schools ready so we could move them along faster. It is frustrating, and always a surprise to students to find out that they have to do a year of developmental work. The cost of starting new programs and training new students is also a difficulty. It is like starting a new business. We have to buy

A&M track and field program in College Station, Texas.

December 4-11 Teresa R. Allen, ’74 BAED, is author of Marti Alumni Campus Abroad: Yucatan Brown and the House of Face (Alpha World Press), a mystery. Teresa lives in Albuquerque.

Trips and dates are subject to change. For additional information, contact Charlene Chavez at the Alumni Relations Office, 505-277-5808 or 800-258-6866.

Larry Greenly

VB Price: What is the difference between community colleges and universities?

Larry Greenly, ’74 MARC, ’78 MSCE, immediate past president of SouthWest Writers, accepted the prestigious Bravos Award for excellence in the arts on behalf of SWW this spring when it was honored as Albuquerque’s Outstanding Arts Organization for 2007 by the Albuquerque Arts Alliance. Bob J. Hall, ’74 BA, retired in 2005 with 34-1/2 years of combined military and civilian federal service. During his military career he earned four sets of wings, and retired from the California National Guard in 1996. He developed instrument approach procedures and navigation aids for the Federal Aviation Administration and served as the FAA aircrew program manager for the American B-737 fleet. He is enjoying retirement in Northern California, pursuing his second love of racing his sport car, while waiting for his wife to retire. Rocky Long, ’74 BAED, has received the UNM Board of Regents Meritorious Service f a l l

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equipment—now high-tech—so we can prepare people for the jobs that pay well and get them out into the workforce. New programs don’t get funded until two years after they are started, so we have to just “take it out of our hide” until we get the return in full-time enrollment if the program is successful.

open-door institutions that were meant to be accessible to our

Marc: As

Kathie: For

many years, we have been spending time working together—especially in New Mexico where developmental instruction is limited to the community colleges. We have had an agreement for more than 20 years where CNM has done the remedial instruction for UNM students. Yet the community doesn’t understand how we have been working together, how well our students do once they transfer, and how significantly we can move into the future embracing each other’s role and mission rather than competing with each other.

VB: What is the retention rate for your graduates? Kathie: We

retain from fall to fall about 40 percent of our students. Then they go over to UNM, where they do as well as or better than the students who start at UNM. I don’t think the public realizes that. I think they perceive students who go to community colleges as not being ready for university work. (The public thinks) if community colleges are so inexpensive, can they really be any good? Yet, if you look at the numbers,




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communities.” —Sheila Ortego

over half of all students in higher education are in community colleges. In Texas, three quarters of all freshmen and sophomores are in community colleges. Sheila: Fifty-eight percent of New Mexicans enter (higher education) through community colleges. Marc: The image of the community college has changed a lot—especially in the last five to 10 years. Quality of programs, quality of students— in some respects, universities are beginning to look a lot more like community colleges. Look at the average age at the UNM. Only 1,900 UNM students live on campus. University students are beginning to look a lot more like what we used to think were community college students. VB: Do you think the misconceptions you face are because the media have neglected you?

It’s a huge image issue with a long background. It’s almost more that universities are “higher than” and community colleges are “less than.” Universities also tend to get more money, more prestige, higher credentials, higher salaries, more funding for programs, and they are more naturally connected with entities that make more


money, like the law school, the medical school. Marc: An individual who starts at a community college goes on to the university, graduates, goes on to law school. Typically they are not going to put their community college on their bumper—they’re going to put the university where they went to law school. Yet, many will tell you that without the opportunity to attend the community college, going on to the university wouldn’t have been possible for them. It’s a story we’ve all had to tell over and over again. Kathie: If

you speak to someone from Albuquerque and you tell them where you work, they’ll tell you a story about how CNM saved their child’s life or some one else’s. The president from Miami Dade went to his state legislature and told them, “I know you love us but it would be really nice if it translated into money!” VB: Let me ask a question about dealing with legislators—both local and national. What does the accountability movement, from kindergarten to secondary education, of No Child Left Behind mean to community colleges? Sheila: Community colleges pay a lot of attention to accountability. Our accreditation requires it. It doesn’t

Bobby Tamayo

for community colleges and universities working together, Kathie and I are learning as we go. We are moving this project between UNM West and CNM in Rio Rancho. It’s my hope that we will create a model partnership with CNM that will provide the residents of that area jobs or further education—whatever they choose to do.

“We were established as

take us by surprise, nor are we uncomfortable with it—except when people tie accountability to measures such as graduation rates that don’t really apply to us or tell the whole story. We have many ways of measuring —pre and post tests, capstone courses, standardized testing, transfer rates from one course to the next, and transfer rates to the university. One good thing the No Child Left Behind Act did was focus on populations of individuals that we didn’t always focus on before. It’s easy to look at accountability for everyone but when you segregate it by socioeconomic, minority, and gender groups, what you see is a very different picture. I see accountability as a positive. It enables me to say, “This is what we’ve done. This is how it looks. These are the places we need help, and we could use your support.” Kathie:

Marc: Across the country, we are all dealing with how performance measures will be applied to community colleges. How do students do and where do they go at what levels of success? What we have to ask is: where do our students begin when they come to us? Our range is wider than you can spread your arms. We are taking students in who are below college level who cannot read well, cannot write well, cannot compute well. At the same time we are taking valedictorians and salutatorians into our institution. We have to make sure that they are getting quality education at the same time the others are getting developmental support. Whenever I speak with the legislature, I ask them to look at the progress our students make. Sheila: We

are taking students who range from age 15 to 83. They have different backgrounds, value systems, ethnicities. We try to provide developmental studies, college level studies, honors

programs, and to get them out the door. Then we try to provide community education programs, continuing education, recreation, community service, planetariums, student services, testing. We sometimes joke that being a comprehensive community college means we have to be all things to all people. Kathie: CNM

has the largest high school in the state through its GED program, and we are training people to build airplanes at Eclipse in the same institution. It’s almost mind-blowing!

Sheila: George Vaughan, who has been a community college leader for many years, has said that community colleges are now the Ellis Island of America. We are taking in the tired, the poor, the disadvantaged, the unprepared. Marc: In the last 10 years we’ve begun attracting more traditional students than ever before, who once would have started at a university and are now starting at a two-year college.

It’s a much more supportive environment. You have smaller classes. You get individual attention and tutoring services. You get intensive advisement services if you need them. You are just much more prepared if you do the first two years at a community college. Sheila:

VB: If secondary education became very good, it wouldn’t wreck you guys? All: Oh


Marc: I think educational cost is going to continue to drive community colleges. What I hear students and their parents talking about is cost averaging. “I want my child to go to Baylor but if they start at Temple College, and spend at least a year, I’ve averaged the total cost of college down.” As the cost of college tuition continues to rise,

album Award honoring those who have done outstanding work at the university for a number of years. When not coaching the Lobo football team, Rocky lives in Placitas. Joseph J. Lusczek Jr., ’74 MPA, is the recipient of SAE International’s Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson Aerospace Vehicle Design and Development Award. Joseph is technical director of aerospace systems design and analysis in the Capabilities Integration Directorate of the Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Todd Stone, ’74 BFA, is one of 10 finalists in a national art competition, The Artful Home’s Portfolio Competition. The public voting phase of the competition was online. Todd lives in New York City. Susan Colvin, ’75 BA, ’77 MPA, is the owner and founder of California Exotic Novelties. Recently, the company began a relationship with the non-profit Living Beyond Breast Cancer to create a personal massager and will donate a portion of sales proceeds to the organization. Susan lives in Chino Hills, California. Patricia Montoya, ’75 BSNU, ’83 MPA, has been promoted by the New Mexico Medical Review Association to director of new business and government relations. She lives in Albuquerque. John C. Stachacz, ’75 BA, has been named dean of library services at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He previously served as director of library services at Indiana University Kokomo and completed a term as president of the executive committee of the Indiana Cooperative Services Authority. John Guttmann, ’76 BS, has joined ABQ Health Partners’ Rio Bravo Clinic. He is board certified in family practice and also has a certificate of added qualification in geriatric medicine. Michael Kroth, ’76 BFA, ’92 MBA, ’97 PhD, recently received the Hoffman Award for Excellence in Teaching at the University of Idaho. He is assistant professor of adult, career, and technology education in the College of Education. His 2006 book, The Manager as Motivator (Praeger) is being translated into Russian. He lives in Boise. Ken Rigoulot, ’76 BA, retired from the US Navy after 31 years of service. He was part of the AFROTC unit at UNM before becoming a Naval officer. He now flies for American Airlines. He is married to Leslie Wegner Rigoulot, ’76 BAED. They live in Grapevine, Texas. f a l l

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pulling on it. The trick is what you are seeing with Dave Schmidly— recognition that this institution (CNM) is a wonderful place with lots of great potential, especially in its research areas and upper division students. Partnering with community colleges allows you to get the best of both.

“We talk about environmental sustainability; we need to talk

Bobby Tamayo

about educational

VB: Without casting blame, can you discuss why so many students are unprepared?

sustainability too.”

Sheila: I

—Kathie Winograd

community colleges have become a major factor in family financial planning–especially in middle class families. As they start looking at how they will afford to send their kids to college, it can be financially better and in some cases educationally better if they start at a two-year institution before transferring. VB: What are tuition costs compared to universities in general? Are you caught in the tuition inflation like everyone else? Kathie: We

are one fifth the cost per credit hour of UNM tuition. We are caught in the same dilemmas as the university. We have to pay faculty and electric bills and sometimes our state funds don’t cover them. We benefit from the local mill levy support, which allows us to offset the cost of tuition. lot of people have the misconception that community colleges don’t need to pay their faculty as much as a university professor. Take nursing, for example. Getting and keeping nursing faculty is becoming increasingly difficult. Our nursing faculty have to have master’s degrees to teach. We can just barely compete with what nurses are getting paid. We all know students to whom $25 to $30 can make a difference

on whether they go to school or not. It is something that we all struggle with. Nationwide, community colleges continue to be a fraction of the cost of going to regular universities. VB: Explain why that is true. Sheila: We were established as open-door institutions that were meant to be accessible to our communities. Kathie: We have similar costs but we are different. Our mission is significantly different. We are paying faculty as teachers. We don’t have the major laboratories that are associated with faculty research. We don’t have those kinds of costs. We don’t have dorms. Most don’t have athletics. We do get local support through bond issues in our communities.

Sheila: A



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VB: If your costs are one fifth of a normal university’s, is it possible that prices at normal universities are inflated? Kathie: I

don’t believe that. I worked at a university for many years. I’ve been at the community college most of my career here but I started back at UNM. My background is in budget. You really do have a different kind of mission and a different institution with different things

think public education has a huge burden that is even more difficult than ours. They are taking on children who haven’t had the preparation they need in their own families. We are all in it together. Kathie: The world has changed significantly. We need to think about how our educational system can also change in order to be sustainable into the future. We talk about environmental sustainability; we need to talk about educational sustainability too—what that means in terms of pre-kindergarten through graduate school and how we can begin to see ourselves as a continuum of education. VB: They say we spend more money on education than on anything else in the state. Is that true? All: Yes. Kathie: It’s

all relative. Are we spending more money on education than on anything else? Yes. Are we spending as much money on education as other states? No. Are we actually spending the money that it takes in a state like New Mexico for education? For me, the answers are very different. A lot of that has to do with the amount of money available in New Mexico. I applaud the people and legislators of our state for the decisions they have made. It’s just that the pool is smaller. To be judgmental about that would be incorrect because I think

they are making quite an effort on education. VB: So, community colleges have had, for many years, intimate partnerships with secondary education. Now, they are working more closely with universities. Does that mean that community colleges are at the fulcrum of education? Marc: I’ve

looked at community colleges, in our own way, as the middle schools. We are the institution that is reaching in both directions. We are reaching to the universities and asking for more partnerships. We are reaching to the public schools and trying to strengthen the students while they are still there. The community colleges play that middle role between the public schools and the universities.

Kathie: I

definitely think we are the fulcrum. We are working incredibly hard on both sides and we do it because we want our students to be successful. It isn’t about the institutions being successful—it’s about the students. If the students are going to be successful, that is the role we have to play.

Sheila: We

reach out not only to public schools and universities; we also reach out to industry and

the workforce to try to make sure students can find the jobs they need. Sometimes they are working two jobs to survive and trying to squeeze college in. We have a program at the college called “Contract for a Better Tomorrow” that actually pays students something so they can work fewer hours and attend college more hours and they get a bonus if they stay in semester to semester and get better grades. We have almost 100 percent retention rate in that program. To me, that is proof that many students who are not successful at getting to school and staying in school have money issues.

Joseph F. Donnelly Jr., ’77 BA, recently became the deputy executive director of communications at the Delaware River Joint Tool Bridge Commission. He lives in Lambertville, New Jersey. Carleen Crisp Lazzell, ’77 BFA, ’84 MA, ’96 PhD, is co-author (with Melissa Payne) of a book about Albuquerque’s architectural and cultural history, Historic Albuquerque: An Illustrated History. The Albuquerque resident serves on the boards of the Historical Society of New Mexico and is editor of La Crónica de Nuevo México. Kerry Kiernan, ’78 BA, ’82 JD, is now a shareholder at Sutin Thayer & Browne in Albuquerque where he practices primarily in the areas of appellate, personal injury, commercial litigation, and Indian gaming law.

Kathie: I

had 300 students drop when gas turned to $3 per gallon.

Jonathan Amsbary, ’78 BA, has published his first text: Interviewing Situations and Contexts. He lives in Birmingham, Alabama.

Marc: One

Jeff Garton, ’78 MA, is the author of Career Contentment (American Society for Training & Development). Jeff lives in Lincolnshire, Illinois.

of the things we learned about our students is that many of them need first to get a job. What we all see, especially in two-year colleges, is students pursuing something that will get them employed. They have families and have to put food on the table. That becomes their highest priority. Then, many times, they come back to work on their baccalaureate degree and beyond.

“We are reaching in both directions—to the universities, asking for more partnerships, and to the public schools, trying to strengthen the students there.” —Marc Nigliazzo Bobby Tamayo


Nina Johnson, ’78 BUS, is director of the Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum. The Golden, Colorado, museum is a collaboration between the American Alpine Club, Colorado Mountain Club, and the National Geographic Society. Joshua Rose, ’79 BFA, has had a retrospective show of his work at the NMSU Art Gallery in Las Cruces. A concurrent retrospective show was featured at the Zane Bennett Contemporary Art Gallery in Santa Fe. He has headed the NMSU art department and served as professor of painting. Alfred M. Sanchez, ’79 BBA, ’82 JD, is marking his 20th year in private practice as an attorney in Albuquerque. After working for District Attorney Steve Schiff and the SBA, Alfred threw caution to the wind and hung out a shingle. Joseph M. Steffen, ’80 PhD, has been recognized for his distinguished service at the University of Louisville’s spring 2008 Celebration of Faculty Excellence. He is associate professor of biology in the department of biochemistry and molecular biology. He lives in Louisville. Dennis G. Chappabitty, ’81 JD, spoke at the Federal Bar Association’s 33rd Annual Indian Law Conference, advocating the rights of individual Indians under the Indian Civil Rights Act. Dennis lives in Sacramento, California. f a l l

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looking at cody willard


Success for Cody Willard, co-anchor of FOX Business Network’s “Happy Hour,” is the result of big dreams, persistence, and hard work.

reach for

the stars 16



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courtesy FOX Business Network


You have to wonder what Cody Willard would be today if his parents had named him Alex. Because the rangy co-host of “Happy Hour,” a new financial talk show produced by FOX Business Network, has carved his niche on Wall Street and in television as a maverick analyst and thinker true to his Wild West moniker. He even refers to himself occasionally as “Cowboy Cody,” and has recently adopted a canine companion, “Lobo, the city cattle dog.” His rock band? The Museum of the Horse.

Dream Big The West has spawned its share of dreamers, and at least in this regard Cody is no exception. But few have taken the risks or applied themselves as doggedly to realize their dreams as Cody has. Growing up in Ruidoso, New Mexico, Cody dreamed early on of playing Division I basketball. In high school, he led the state in scoring, but the big colleges ignored him. Undaunted, he became a Buccaneer, playing at Blinn College in Brenham, Texas, before opting to walk on the court as a Lobo. Dreams broken may determine the true dreamer. A year of “broken promises” and seven minutes’ total playing time under former UNM Coach Dave Bliss caused Cody to substitute one dream for another. (And, sadly, to despise college athletics.) After finishing his degree in economics, he headed for the Big Apple, determined to “take on the world.” Talking to a group of current students at Anderson School of Management and then addressing honorees at the UNM Student

Recognition Reception this past spring, Cody recounted his strategy. First, he got a job at Starbucks. (Not what he’d dreamed about.) Then he sent his resume to “all the people whose books (he’d) read.” Andrew Lanyi, the 73-year-old Hungarian author of Confessions of a Stockbroker, hired Cody to answer the phone. His first day was October 27, 1996. Within a year, Cody had not only parlayed his way into Oppenheimer, he had turned his $24,000 a year salary into a $24,000 paycheck and a million dollar offer. Then he quit. “I didn’t like what I was doing,” he says. “You have to be totally true to your own thoughts and goals—to be independent,” Cody tells the UNM students. “Thinking free thoughts isn’t enough, of course. You have to act on those thoughts and independent goals. You have to take risks and see the long term and constantly be putting more wheels in motion.” He moved to Lithuania and wrote a novel about “a man in search of morality.” Not one of his 80 query

M I L L E N N I U M M A G N E T : FOX Business hopes that “Happy Hour” and its co-anchor Cody Willard will appeal to younger viewers interested inthe financial—and the social—scene. The show is broadcast from the Bull and Bear pub in New York City's Waldorf Astoria.

album Susan Clark, ’81 ASDH, has written a new hygiene resource guidebook, Exploring Dental Hygiene, Finding the Hidden Rewards. She lives in Temecula, California. Connie Garcia, ’81 BA, is the new manager of the Sky City Cultural Center and Haak’u Museum. Originally from Acoma, Connie lives in Albuquerque. Kevin Gover, ’81 JD, is director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC. Susan Vigil MacEachen, ’81 BA, ’05 MPA, has been inducted into the Albuquerque/ New Mexico Sports Hall of Fame. She is a former UNM track coach and athlete who won a national collegiate 800-meter championship for the Lobos in 1979. Susan is senior program manager at the UNM Alumni Relations Office. Melanie J. Majors, ’81 BA, has received the Lee and Marie Hirst “Vista Award” for lifetime achievement from the New Mexico Public Relations Society of America. Melanie lives in Albuquerque where she is vice president at Cordova Public Relations. Anthony Miner, ’81 BUS, has published a new book, You Like Chocolate, Eat Chocolate, and writes that he and his entire team of hair stylists are in the running to be nominated for an Emmy Award for best hair for the television show, “So You Think You Can Dance.” Anthony lives in Los Angeles. Atul Bhatnagar, ’82 MSEE, is now CEO of Ixia, a leading IP Network Performance testing company in Calabasas, California. Atul lives in Saratoga, California. Leslie Donovan, ’82 BA, ’86 MA, has received the Heather Wilson Outstanding Achievement Award for service to the community from the UNM Honors Program where she is an associate professor. Ioana Engstrom, ’82 BA, ’86 MBA, has been promoted to vice president of international business development at MIOX in Albuquerque. Michael Gabaldon, ’82 BSCE, has been named director of technical resources at the Bureau of Reclamation. He will oversee the Technical Service Center, research and development program, the power office, and the dam safe officer/design engineering and construction office in Denver. He lives in Lakewood, Colorado. Bradley J. Preber, ’82 BBA, a member of the Anderson School of Management Board, is an account partner with Grant Thornton

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letters to publishers was read, Cody says. Still, someday he plans to re-write the book and try again. Among Cody’s many mantras, “perseverance” ranks high, “because life is really and truly gonna suck sometimes,” he says. Returning to New York, he became chief analyst at a technology venture capital fund and then vice president of wholesale operations at a telecommunications company. That company folded on September 4, 2001. One week later disaster struck New York City. 9/11 destroyed Cody’s home but not his spirit. After a sixweek hiatus, he was back, saying, “I’m not done yet.” Cody had begun writing for Jim Cramer’s TheStreet.com in 2000. Cramer encouraged Cody to launch his own hedge fund two years later, despite two major funders’ bailing out. Starting with less than $1 million, Cody built the fund into tens of millions, establishing CL Willard Capital as a serious contender. Handsome, still young, and now rich, Cody caught the eye of CNBC and became a regular guest on its Kudlow & Company, a program of business and political discussion, from 2004-2006. He also wrote a monthly investment column for The Financial Times. On October 15, 2007, FOX Business “Happy Hour” debuted, co-anchored by

courtesy FOX Business Network


W I T T Y G R I T T Y : The co-anchors of FOX Business Network’s “Happy Hour,” Cody Willard and Rebecca Gomez, star in a “new breed of news show,” combining financial information with entertaining banter and interviews.

“Foxy Business News.” Its appeal is aimed not at CEOs but at middle-class Americans—“college students, millenniums, grandmothers, mothers… I speak well to moms,” Cody says. To do justice to his new gig—and to his investors—Cody quit “running other people’s money” shortly after “Happy Hour’s” debut.

Think Big The West has also spawned its share of rebels. Tell ’em to think one way and they’ll think another. Tell ’em to act one way and they’ll act another. Tell ’em to go down one road and they’ll go down another. Cowboy Cody not only demonstrates this obstreperous characteristic, he has adopted it as his trademark.

“You have to rail fully against the conventional thought process. To be above average, you have to do what no one else has been doing.” —Cody Willard Cody and Rebecca Gomez, broadcast live from the Bull and Bear pub in New York City’s Waldorf Astoria, weekdays at 5 p.m. Eastern. MarketWatch’s John Friedman called it “a new breed of news show, where a younger version of ‘Regis and Kelly’ meets ‘Cheers’ with the breeziness of ‘Entourage.’” Newsweek called it 18


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(Wears it, in fact, in his casually long hair and blue jeans amid the be-suited Wall-Streeters.) Since successfully countering conventional wisdom by starting his hedge fund at the bottom, Cody adheres to two words of advice: “Flip it!” (Okay, sometimes it’s three words: “Flip it, man!”)

“You have to rail fully against the conventional thought process,” he says. “To be above average, you have to do what no one else has been doing.” Actually, thinking for oneself won’t be the domain of just the rebellious few, if Cody’s observations of the power structure prove true. “All power disperses from the center to the edge over time,” he says, empowering the end users. Power derives from information. And the internet will liberate everyone with its free access to information. Cody calls this dynamic “revolutionomics.” He teaches a class by that name at Seton Hall, and has created a website called revolutionomics.com. In 2020, Cody says he plans to run for president. Not to become president, but to “catalyze change.” No political party supports free capitalism to Cody’s satisfaction. He opposes the whole concept of income tax. By 2020, Cody believes, there will be no reason for political parties, which are in existence, he says, to raise money for advertising themselves. The internet gives free access to advertising, so individuals will be able to reach out to constituents without constraint. And that will be Cody’s opportunity.

Here, There, and Beyond The dichotomy of being a New Mexico cowboy and a New York celebrity puts Cody in a unique mental

space. Unlike many who leave behind their old persona to create a new image, Cody is trying to incorporate the old and the new into an integral whole. He describes the contrasting locales in an October, 2006 blog entry: “That’s probably the single hardest part of living in NYC, at least for this kid from the mountains of New Mexico —the pavement, brick, and filth that you can’t escape on this island. I got home at midnight one Wednesday night in late August after what seemed like another in an endless blur of dinners out, mostly business, a few personal with people it seems I’d hardly know. And I needed out…” So he flies to Denver and drives to meet his dad for a weekend in the Rockies. “A light rain was fading, as

the sun was setting… I’ve got the windows down and the wind’s blowing the wet scent of pine and mountain dirt all into my pores.” Cody insists that in five to 10 years he’ll return to Ruidoso to write. “In New York, people come and go in your life. (In New Mexico), it’s a sense of community. I still know everybody in Ruidoso. I know their names still.” “I went to New York to prove to myself that I can make it,” he says. “I didn’t know what ‘making it’ meant. The day I signed the (FBN) contract, I felt I’d completed my mission, living on my own, surviving in the city.” It’s a tough call, one with which Cody still seems to struggle. But it may be that in his struggle lies his charm.

Meet Lobo, the Love of Cody’s Life Excerpts from Cody’s blog at http://cody.blogs.foxbusiness.com/

courtesy Cody Willard




May 12, 2008 10:55AM — I grew up with a dog at my side. Being a vet’s kid, working on the farm outside of town on the weekends, and running around the woods of New Mexico, I always had a dog… And lately I’ve been thinking ... that maybe it’s time for me to have a commitment at home... Something I have to worry about and put energy into making sure is healthy, smart, and challenged. And then Mya came on the show from this amazing shelter where they don’t kill ever... And I got to thinking about... the oversupply of dogs... and the lack of demand. From people like me. Who have a good, warm, safe home to keep a dog in. Even if it’s in NYC and that means no yard (you have to walk your dog a lot more, and that's not a bad thing at all). (They) kept calling me and emailing me pics of this one-year-old red Australian Cattle Dog mix, a red heeler mutt. And behind those bars he was heartbreaking of course... An hour’s visit later, I was on the road back to Soho with lithe Lobo Willard at my side. ... Three weeks later, and we’ve now got sit, down, come, stay, crawl, shake, high five (he knows that gentlemen shake with their right hand and give high fives with their left) and “out the window” where he’ll run to the window and put his front paws up on it to look out, ... Lobo and I are out to leave our mark on this town. Keep an eye out for the high-jumping, fast-running, hard-working, risk-taking, fun-living pair taking over this big city...

album in Phoenix, Arizona. We apologize for listing a different accounting firm in the spring Mirage. John Abrams, ’83 BUS, is newly elected to the Edgewood (New Mexico) Town Council. He works at UNM as senior LAN administrator for the health sciences library. Sheena Ferguson, ’83 BSNU, ’99 MSNU, has been promoted by UNMH to administrator-professional and support services. Sheena lives in Albuquerque. George Zamora, ’83 BA, has retired from New Mexico Tech as its public information officer. George lives in Socorro. Lois Beardslee, ’84 MA, is the author of The Women’s Warrior Society in the University of Arizona Press’ Sun Tracks: An American Indian Literary Series. Lois lives in Maple City, Michigan. Demetra Logothetis, ’84 ASDH, ’85 BSDH, has received the first-ever Distinguished Alumnus Award from the UNM School of Medicine Division of Dental Hygiene, where she serves as director. Deborah Jacobson Van Vleck, ’84 JD, has been appointed a US Administrative Law Judge for the West Des Moines Social Security Administration Office of Disability Adjudication and Review. Marietta Patricia Leis, ’85 MA, ’88 MFA, had an exhibition of her artwork at the Koelsch Gallery in Houston, and a two-person exhibition this summer, “Harmonious Convergence,” at the Museo ItaloAmericano, in San Francisco. She lives in Sandia Park, New Mexico. Carlo Lucero, ’85 BA, ’86 MBA, is 2008 chairman of the board of Albuquerque’s Hispano Chamber of Commerce. He works at Sparkle Maintenance, a second generation family business. Lori Coffman Sours, ’85 BA, has launched a new company, El Nuevo Foods, with her brother. They produce and sell an authentic Southwestern salsa: Salsa Señorita –"The Legally Addictive Salsa." Lori lives in Marietta, Georgia. Cliff Gravel, ’86 BSED, has had his short story “The Giant Rat of Sumatra” published in Words of Wisdom Magazine, and his short story “Secret Spices” published in the Fresh Boiled Peanuts Library Journal. Cliff serves on the New Mexico Screen Actors Guild Council and the New Mexico Autism Society Board of Directors. He lives in Albuquerque.

A N D I A M O : Lobo and Cody check out Little Italy NYC. f a l l

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AHOY, LOBOS! Shiver me timbers! If it isn’t already time to weigh anchor for Homecoming 2008! Aye, ye’ll be lookin’ to get together with your buckos from UNM in the days before the chase. And ye'll be wantin’ some good grub ‘n’ grog before our football hearties send the scallywags from Wyoming to the plank! There’s treasure— and pleasure—for all! Arr! Come aboard and raise the Jolly Lobo! Yo! Ho! Ho!



September 29–October 4 Danceworks: Adrienne Clancy, an alum from Washington, DC, and her company, Danceworks, will be in residence at UNM during Homecoming week. Concerts, workshops, and masterclasses abound. Call the UNM Dance office for more details at (505) 277-3660.

Monday, September 29 Student Activities: Check the UNM Website for list of student activities. www.unm.edu/~homecome.

Tuesday, September 30 11 – 2 p.m. Campus Departments Decorating Contest: Join the fun on campus! Decorate your doors and lobbies! Great prizes for the top three winners! Each department participating will receive a commemorative 2008 Homecoming poster. For more information, contact Laura Montoya at lmont@unm.edu or (505) 277-4342.

Wednesday, October 1 noon University of New Mexico Faculty and Staff Alumni Luncheon: Current full-time UNM faculty and staff employees who are UNM alumni are invited to an appreciation lunch at the Student Union Ballroom. Tickets available the week of September 22. Please call (505) 277-5808 for more information.

Please check the homecoming website at unmalumni.com/homecoming for updated information.

Thursday, October 2 7:30 a.m. Anderson School of Management: Business to Business Breakfast Series at the Paul R. Jackson Student Center. Speaker TBD. Parking will be provided on a first come first serve basis. Contact Tina Armijo at (505) 277-6413 or armijo@mgt.unm.edu. noon Students carry on the tradition of the Annual Cherry/Silver Games to attain the coveted Cherry/Silver Cup. Watch them compete in numerous wacky and hilarious games including the Lobo Howl out at the duck pond. For more information contact the Student Activities Office at (505) 277-4706. 6:30 p.m. Heritage Club Dinner: The Class of 1958 will be inducted

noon The University of New Mexico Art Museum presents “Beneath the Surface,” an informal seminar for alumni who wish to deepen their appreciation and understanding of the visual arts. Participants will study a single work of art through small group discussion and reflection facilitated by Sara Otto-Diniz, Museum educator. To be held at the UNM Art Museum. Bring your lunch for this enlightening event. RSVP to sodiniz@unm.edu or 277-4010. 5 p.m. University Honors Program: Honors alumni are invited to an open house and reception. Meet faculty, staff and other alumni at the Honors Forum, lower level of the University College Building. For more information, call Jennifer Mason at (505) 277-4211 or email jenmason@unm.edu.

into the Heritage Club, honoring alumni who have graduated

5 p.m. The Hillel at UNM Foundation for Jewish Life on Campus

50 years ago or more from the University. Four Hills Country Club,

will host a Jewish Alumni Reception to Welcome in Shabbat.

911 Four Hills Rd. SE $30 person. Reservations required.

Aaron David Bram Hillel House, 1701 Sigma Chi Road NE. For more

Please call (505) 277-5808 for more information or register

information, call Judith Stauber at (505) 242-1127 or hillel@unm.edu.

at www.unmalumni.com/homecoming. 5 p.m. College of Nursing will host a 2008 Distinguished Alumni Award Reception at a location to be determined. Watch for your

Friday, October 3

invitation in early September. For more information, contact

All Day GAME DAY FRIDAY at Your UNM Bookstore! Save 25%

Marlena Bermel at (505) 272-4438.

on all Lobowear and Spirit merchandise! 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Go Lobos! 6 p.m. UNM Alumni Lettermen Annual Meeting/Social: Join 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Lobo Spirit Day: Wear your UNM cherry red and

fellow UNM Lettermen for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres prior to the

silver on campus and show your Lobo pride! Join students for a Pep

Annual Meeting. The next slate of officers will be presented and

Rally at noon by the duck pond to send the Lobo Teams on to victory.

the Honorary Letterman for 2008 will be announced. All 50-year Lettermen graduates will be recognized. For more information,

10:30 a.m. Class of ’58 Reunion Brunch: Members of the Class of

call Kim Feldman at (505) 277-9092. President’s Pavilion, Tow Diehm

‘58 and their guests are invited to gather for brunch and visit with

Athletic Complex at University Stadium.

fellow classmates. UNM Student Union, Ballroom C. $10 per person. Reservations required. Please call the UNM Alumni Relations Office at (505) 277-5808.

6 p.m. Past Student Government Leaders Reception: All past presidents and vice-presidents of ASUNM and GPSA are invited to this annual reception. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Debbie Morris at (505) 277-4706 or dmorris@unm.edu

TBD Sigma Chi Alumni Fraternity Alumni Reunion: Please check

College of Education: You are invited to attend the UNM

your newsletters and emails for more details. For more information,

College of Education Reunion at the SUB. Join the fun and

contact Paul Garson at PFGarson@aol.com.

find out more about Building a Bright Future and COE’s newest green building.

7 p.m. Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity Open House: At the chapter

College of Pharmacy: Pharmacy graduates are invited to join us

house, located at 1801 Mesa Vista Rd. NE. Please remember that

this evening to reconnect and celebrate the return of alumni to

chapter property is alcohol free. For more information contact

UNM for Homecoming 2008. RSVP to the Dean’s Office at

Patrick Brichta at PBrichta@aol.com or (505) 577-3638.

(505) 272-0906. UNM Marching Band Alumni: Calling all marching band

6 – 9 p.m. A L L - A L U M N I R E U N I O N S : The following alumni

alumni!! If you ever played in the UNM Marching Band at UNM,

groups will gather for a wine and cheese reception, hosted by the

meet us at the SUB! And, if you’re interested in performing in the

UNM Alumni Association at the Student Union Building, 3rd level.

football game halftime show with the UNM Spirit Marching Band,

Live entertainment and lots of door prizes will be on hand! Reunite

we will provide the music and instruments (if you didn’t keep

with fellow grads, faculty and staff. Although there is no charge,

yours). One rehearsal will take place before the game on Saturday.

reservations are strongly recommended.

For more information, contact Susan Brake at the Band Office at

UNM Young Alumni: If you’ve graduated within the last

(505) 277-8998 or email sbrake@unm.edu.

10 years, you’re invited to join this annual Young Alumni event.

UNM Spirit Group: Were you a part of the Cheer, Dance or

Network with fellow grads and celebrate Homecoming 2008.

Mascot programs at the University of New Mexico? If so, please

Email Trish Dominguez at triciad451@gmail.com and let her

join us to reunite with past Spirit Group members and other fellow

know you’ll be coming!

graduates at the SUB. For more information, please contact

Anderson Schools of Management: Keep up with fellow

Tracy Denton at UNMCheer@comcast.net or visit our website

graduates, faculty and staff at this annual reunion. To RSVP


or get more information, contact Tina Armijo at (505) 277-6413 or armijo@mgt.unm.edu.

9 p.m. – 11 p.m. Student/Alumni Dance: The SUB Ballroom, is

College of Arts and Sciences: An all-around reception for

the place to go following the wine and cheese reception. Hosted

alumni who graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences.

by UNM students, all alumni are invited to join the students for

Contact Bill Uher at 288-3841 or uher@unm.edu.

an evening of music and dancing in the main ballroom.

College Enrichment and Outreach Programs: Alums from the College Enrichment/Special Programs are invited to come reminisce with other program alums and current students.

Saturday, October 4

College Enrichment, Student Support Services, Upward Bound

TBD Sigma Chi Alumni Fraternity will host a golf tournament,

Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, Research Opportunity

luncheon and awards program. A tailgate at the game will follow

Programs (ROP), Summer Bridge, College Assistance Migrant

this event. Please check your newsletters and emails for more details.

Program (CAMP), Educational Opportunity Center (EOC), and

For more information, contact Paul Garson at PFGarson@aol.com.

High School Equivalency Program (HEP). Reservations will be taken at (505) 277-5321.

8 a.m. UNM Naval ROTC Alums will meet for their annual breakfast

Grub includes hamburgers and hot dogs, sodas. For more information

and open house at the NROTC Building located at 720 Yale Blvd. NE.

contact Drea Kendall at 277-1113 or akendall@unm.edu.

We will also meet prior to the game under the large blue NROTC Tailgate Tent. For reservations and directions, please contact Lucy

TBD Open Houses: (contact to determine time)

Yebra at (505) 277-3744 or lyebra@unm.edu.

Alpha Chi Omega Alumnae: 1635 Mesa Vista Rd. NE

9 a.m. The All University Breakfast recognizes the accomplishments

Chi Omega Alumnae Green Chile Stew Open House:

of New Mexico resident alumni through the presentation of the Zia

1810 Mesa Vista Rd. NE

Awards as well as Mortar Board Lobo Award. Four Hills Country Club.

Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Open House: 1701 Mesa Vista Rd. NE

$15 per person Reservations required. Please call (505) 277-5808.

Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumni: 1620 Mesa Vista Rd. NE

10 a.m. Homecoming Sale at Your UNM Bookstore. Save 25%

4:30 p.m. Tailgate Parties at UNM Stadium:

on all Lobowear and Spirit merchandise! 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity • Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter

Welcome Alumni!

Alumni Marching Band • UNM Spirit Group Engineering Alumni & the Cherry Smoker

11 a.m. Campus Walking Tour: Been awhile since you’ve seen campus? Meet at Hodgin Hall for a 45 minute walking tour and see

4:30 p.m. UNM Alumni Lettermen’s Tailgate Party: ALL UNM

what’s new!

Alumni Lettermen are invited to a tailgate party at the Lettermen’s

2 p.m. The Alumni Chapter of the School of Architecture

Lettermen banners. For more information, contact Kim Feldman

& Planning will host a lecture by Edward Mazria, ’77 MARC,

at the UNM Alumni Relations Office at (505) 277-9092.

Tent, adjacent to the large Alumni Tailgate Tent. Look for the

at Pearl Hall. In response to the climate change crisis, he established Architecture 2030, a non-profit, non-partisan and independent

4:30 p.m. U N M S O U T H W E S T F I E S TA TA I L G AT E :

organization. Architecture 2030’s mission is to rapidly transform

Join fellow alumni and Lobo fans for the biggest tailgate event

the US and global Building Sector from the major contributor of

under the Southwest Tailgate Tent! As tradition holds, we’ll serve our

greenhouse gas emissions to a central part of the solution. A tour

customary southwest buffet dinner, provide live entertainment, and

of George Pearl Hall will follow the lecture.

more. $10 per person, children 12 and under $5. You can’t miss the giant tent located in the tailgate lot northeast of University Stadium.

2 p.m. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Reception: Alumni are invited to join

Tickets can be purchased online at www.unmalumni.com/homecoming.

us at a BBQ. Sigma Alpha Epsilon House, 1811 Mesa Vista NE. Contact Mario Hernandez-Gerety at merrio@unm.edu.

4:30 p.m. 1 5 t h A N N U A L U N M A L U M N I A S S O C I AT I O N

4 p.m. School of Engineering Alums, Centennial Engineering

Come on out and bid on great auction packages. All proceeds benefit

S I L E N T A U C T I O N : Located in the Southwest Tailgate Tent. Center, Main Campus – Join us for a family style tailgate and come

the UNM Alumni Association Scholarship Fund and Programs. If you’d

see our new treasure: the Centennial Engineering Center. Self-guided

like to donate an item for the auction, please call Maria at the UNM

tours from 4-6 p.m. and Guided tours at 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Alumni Relations Office at (505) 277-5808.

7 p.m. L O B O F O O D D R I V E : The UNM Alumni Association

September 12 will be charged a fee of one night's room and tax.)

and Athletic Department are hosting a Lobo food drive. Please bring

For amenities and information about the hotel, go to http://albu-

non-perishable items to the Alumni Tent or look for Road Runner


Food Bank receptacles near the entry gates to the stadium. Receive a coupon for a free Lobo Louie bobblehead with purchase of

The Fairfield Inn by Marriott, located at 1760 Menaul Blvd. NE,

$15 at the Lobo Store.

offers complimentary continental breakfast. Rooms are available

7:30 p.m. UNM Lobos vs. University of Wyoming: RED-OUT

call (505) 889-4000 or email siobhan.sullivan@marriott.com for

Game! Wear your favorite RED Lobo shirt and cheer on the Lobos

reservations; refer to the group name “Homecoming-UNM Alumni.”

at $129/night plus tax based on single/double occupancy. Please

at University Stadium as they bulldoze the Wyoming Cowboys in

For information about the hotel, go to www.fairfieldinn.com and

the traditional Homecoming football game. Half-time festivities

search for the Albuquerque location.

include the coronation of the Homecoming Queen and King and an extravaganza by the UNM Band and Alumni Band. Discount tickets available at only $10/each. Please call the UNM Alumni Relations Office at (505) 277-5808 or order at www.unmalumni.com/homecoming.

Homewood Suites by Hilton - Uptown, located at 7101 Arvada Ave. NE, next to Uptown and Coronado Centers, offers complimentary cooked-to-order breakfast. Rooms are available at $159/night plus tax based on single occupancy. Please contact Viviane Price directly for reservations at (505) 881-7300, ext. 5002. For amenities and


information about the hotel, go to www.homewoodsuites.com

The official hotels for Homecoming 2008 are listed below. Due to

and search for Albuquerque.

concurrent events with the Albuquerque Hot Air Balloon Fiesta and to receive the limited discounted rates for hotel and car rentals,

Car Rental

reservations must be confirmed by Tuesday, September 2.

Enterprise Rent-a-car will offer UNM alumni discount rates on car rental reservations made through the Albuquerque office. To make

Hyatt Place Albuquerque Uptown, 6901 Arvada Ave. NE, across

online reservations, go to www.enterprise.com and enter #3403065

from both ABQ Uptown and Coronado Centers. Complimentary

source code or call 1-800-Rentacar. The pin is “UNM.”

continental breakfast and 24-hour food and beverage service. Rooms at $159/night plus tax based on single/double occupancy.

Air Travel

Call 505-872-9000 or 1-888-HYATT-HP for reservations; refer to

To find the commercial airlines serving Albuquerque, please visit

the group name “Homecoming-UNM Alumni.” (Cancellations after


The University of New Mexico Division of Student Affairs

UNM Homecoming 2008 order form Questions? Call 800-ALUM-UNM (258-6866) OR 505-277-5808. Online registration also available at www.unmalumni.com/homecoming. Last Name _______________________________ First _______________________________ Middle Initial _____ Maiden _______________________________ Class Year ___________________ Guest ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ State ________ Zip______________ Email Address _______________________________________________________________________ Phone ( __________ ) ______________________________

Homecoming Events

Cost Per Person # attending Amount

Homecoming 100 Club*




Heritage Club Dinner




Class of ’58 Brunch




All University Breakfast




Alumni Tailgate









12 & under

Football Game UNM vs. WYO $10

I M P O R TA N T N O T I C E : All ticket orders received by September 19 will be mailed to you. Those received after that date will be placed in “WILL CALL” status and may be picked up at Hodgin Hall during Homecoming Week, Sept. 29 – Oct. 3, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or at the Southwest Fiesta Tailgate Tent on Saturday, October 4.

Homecoming Poster “Circle” by B.C. Nowlin

(Homecoming group discount) * Choice of 1 unsigned poster or 2 football game tickets – please indicate on form.

Homecoming Merchandise Homecoming Poster, “Circle” by B.C. Nowlin Signed Limited Edition 2008

$50 each



Unsigned Limited Edition 2008

$35 each



Postage and handling for posters $6 per poster x________


If you would like more information about Homecoming posters from previous years, please call the Alumni Relations Office or go to http://bookstore.unm.edu.

Homecoming Pin

Total Amount Due MasterCard

$5 each

x ________



Visa #_______________________________ Exp. ______________ B.C. Nowlin — “Circle”

Signature _________________________________________________________________ Please send check or money order (payable to the UNM Alumni Association) with this form to: UNM Alumni Relations Office, 1 University of New Mexico, MSC01-1160, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0016. Reservations will not be accepted without payment in full. You can make reservations over the phone with MasterCard or Visa. For online registration, go to http://www.unmalumni.com.

















Homecoming 2008 E








Photo: UNM Center for Southwest Research

looking at the pit


The Pit is on the brink of exciting renovations.

the WOW! factor

H O L E Y M O L E Y ! Constructed— perhaps excavated would be a better




word—in 1966, The Pit needs a facelift

to remain the bane of basketball competitors nationwide.



m a g a z i n e

album Take a basketball arena considered to be a holy shrine among its faithful regulars. Pack it full of thousands of standing, cheering, cherry-clad fans. Add a couple of

Eileen Jaramillo, ’87 BSED, ’89 MA, is an education technology specialist at Colinas del Norte Elementary School in Rio Rancho, New Mexico, where she provides professional development for teachers. She lives in Jemez Pueblo. Wendy Swedick, ’87 BBA, has joined REDW Stanley Financial Advisors in Albuquerque as a financial planning manager.

hyper, sideline-pacing coaches, and throw in an opposing

Cdr. Stefan Wusstig, ’87 BA, recently reported to USTRANSCOM located at Scott Air Force Base as Branch Chief, Joint Training. He lives in Bellville, Illinois.

team too awestruck and dumbfounded to fully capitalize

Hugh Dangler, ’88 JD, has been named New Mexico’s chief public defender. Hugh lives in Santa Fe.

on their talents and grace. For effect, make it a close game. Make it a conference game. Make it so that thousands of hearts rise in perfect sync with the arc of a three-point shot from the baseline. Then—very quickly—shut off the lights, push the button that instantly installs about $60 million worth of upgrades to the arena, and then turn the lights back on before that three-pointer touches the rim. See if anyone notices that things have changed. If all goes as planned, no one will.

Picture The Pit The Lobo overseeing the $60 million renovation of University Arena says that from the concourse looking down, fans enjoying Lobo basketball games won’t see much of a difference. “Our No. 1 priority is to retain the feeling of The Pit itself,” says Tim Cass, ’87 BBA, senior associate athletics director. “The ‘bowl,’ with the sloping seating area, won’t change much, besides new seats. We see the court itself as kind of a stage … and it can be a very intimidating place for opposing

teams. We want to keep it that way. We want to keep the same mystique.” Cass says that while Lobo fans looking down might not notice anything, they’ll be in for a pleasant surprise when they turn around. What they’ll see might take their breath away, especially if they’re expecting to see concrete, cinder blocks, and a humid, shuffling mass of humanity trying to shoulder its way into the popcorn line or the ladies’ room. What they’ll see, instead, will be a glittering tribute in modern architecture, with more space, more light, and more amenities. Cass says the university is aiming high with this project. He says that when it’s done, The Pit will be “the finest basketball arena in the entire nation.” For starters, the walls are coming down. The concourse width will be expanded on all four sides by about 20 feet. This will create plenty of space for new restrooms and concession areas, and for open, public, and aesthetic relaxation areas. Fans will be able to visit the Lobo Store from the concourse area, or they can rekindle their memories of Lobo

Jennifer Nez Denetdale, ’88 BA, has been promoted to associate professor of history at UNM. She is the author of Reclaiming Dine’ History: The Legacies of Navajo Chief Manuelito and Juanita (University of Arizona Press), and The Long Walk: The Forced Navajo Exile (Chelsea House). Shawn Stomp, ’88 BBA, has joined First Community Bank in Albuquerque as corporate controller. Tina Deschenie, ’90 MA, has been honored by the Society of National Association Publications with its EXCEL Award for her article, “Why We are Sticking to Our Stories,” in the Tribal College Journal. She lives in Mancos, Colorado. Juan L. Flores, ’90 JD, has been selected as the new Archdiocesan legal counsel for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Juan is a partner with the Albuquerque law firm of Sheehan, Sheehan & Stelzner. Kile Turner, ’90 BBA, was recently named an “Alabama Superlawyer,” a distinction limited to the top 5 percent of state lawyers based on peer nominations. He practices civil litigation with the Birmingham firm of Norman, Wood, Kendrick and Turner. Susan Berry Brill de Ramirez, ’91 PhD, had her Native American Life-History Narratives: Colonial and Post-Colonial Navajo Ethnography (UNM Press) included in the Tucson-Pima County Public Library “Southwest Books of the Year” list of notable books. Susan is an associate professor at Bradley University and lives in Princeville, Illinois. Joy Kanter, ’91 BUS, ’94 MA, was selected as one of the Greater Atlantic City region’s “Top 40 Under 40” for 2008 by the Atlantic City Weekly and the Greater Atlantic City f a l l

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Nick Layman

T H E P I T A D VA N TA G E : With its insulating soil and ceiling tiles designed to reflect sound, the Pit is responsible for a deafening home-court advantage that is hard to match.

classics from the past at the Lobo Museum, which will occupy the northeast corner of The Pit. “The architecture will include a lot of glass,” Cass says, “but the designers will be keeping the flavor of New Mexico architecture, like the architecture at the university, so the finished product will be a nice blend of both worlds. It’ll

of The Pit resembling a shopping warehouse will fade into the past. “We’re hoping to establish a ‘wow factor,’” Cass says. “When people first exit the freeway and enter that district, we want people thinking that this looks like an exciting place to be. Isotopes Park on the northeast corner (of University Boulevard and Avenida

“The Pit can be a very intimidating place for opposing teams. We want to keep it that way.” —Tim Cass, UNM Senior Associate Athletics Director be three-stories tall in some places— very dramatic.” “Everyone asks if we’re going to have video boards, and the answer is yes,” Cass says, “but they won’t be on a center-hung scoreboard. The roof just won’t support that. We’ll have video boards in the ‘end zones.’” Plans also include additions or enhancements to the locker rooms, practice facilities, and weight rooms. The basics of wiring, plumbing, heating, and air conditioning will get a healthy dose of attention, and the informationtechnology infrastructure will be pulled into the 21st century. On the outside, the parking lot and medians will be the targets of a major landscaping upgrade, and with the glass-and-steel architecture, the days 22


m a g a z i n e

Cesar Chavez) kind of set the standard in that regard.” Don Flanagan, head coach of the women’s basketball team, says the renovation will restore The Pit’s reputation as “one of the best basketball arenas in America.” “The players, fans, and community will be proud to have The Pit’s appearance match the great national reputation The Pit has earned,” Flanagan says.

Paying The Price Of course, funding is always a huge part of the equation, just as it was back in 1966, when university leaders gambled $1.4 million on the new arena, hoping that the newly successful basketball program would gain the support of the community.

The $60 million needed for the renovation will come in three phases, Cass says. “Some will come from the state, some will come from the issuance of a revenue bond, and some will come from fund-raising,” Cass says, “and believe me, everyone is involved in the fund-raising.” It’s hoped that the revenue bond will be at least partially paid off through the sales of luxury suites, which will be constructed at the mezzanine level above the concourse on the east and west sides of the arena. Cass said he might have a pleasant problem if the demand for the luxury suites is larger than the number of suites available. “We’re getting good feedback about the luxury suites—a lot of people are interested,” Cass says. “We’re establishing a list of criteria we’ll take into account when those suites are assigned. Of course, there will be a certain donation level, and maybe we’ll take into account a history of giving. We’re still working on that.” Cass says the overall capacity of the arena will be reduced by about 500 with the addition of the suites, but it’s a small price to pay for the sake of the program. “You need a source of revenue when you want to make improvements, and the addition of luxury suites has become a very common practice across the country,” Cass says. Cass also says that the naming rights for what has always been University Arena are also part of the funding package. “But it will always be The Pit,” he adds. Construction will begin later this year and will continue through two full basketball seasons. Cass says that the

album contractor, Flintco West (working on designs from the architectural firm of Sink Combs Dethlefs), has been instructed to strategically plan the construction so that The Pit can remain operational for all its various uses, basketball and otherwise, though there might be times when the doors are closed for a few weeks. “By the time of the first tip-off in November, fans won’t notice much,” Cass says, “but we should have the air conditioning, the boiler, and some IT stuff completed by then.”

The Pull of The Pit Men’s basketball coach Steve Alford, who just completed his first season at UNM and led the Lobos to a record-tying 24 wins and a resurgence in The Pit’s attendance, energy level, and excitement about the future, echoed the sentiment that the renovation will lead to the “absolute best facility in the country.” “I have had the opportunity to play and coach in arenas all around the country, and without question, the best

basketball environment I have ever been associated with is ‘experiencing The Pit,’” says Alford, who played in all the big-time arenas during his history-making playing days at Indiana University. Coach Flanagan says that a gleaming new arena might also be an added incentive for high school superstars who are considering donning a Lobo uniform and earning a degree from UNM. “The Pit is probably the best known building in New Mexico, and to have it modernized and updated will benefit fans, players, and recruiting,” Flanagan says. “Having an updated Pit, including a new weight room, training room, and locker rooms, will show our recruits the Lobo commitment to athletics.” With so much anticipation and enthusiasm, the renovation of The Pit might be the biggest thing to happen to the Lobos since they hired coach Bob King in 1962 and almost instantly rose to national prominence—which necessitated the construction of The Pit in the first place.

Project Pit: While the “bowl” of The Pit will stay nearly the same, look for these changes:

• new seats • expanded concourse area

• video boards in the “end zones”

• new restrooms

• infrastructure upgrade

• new concession areas

• new landscaping

• open public spaces

• upgraded locker rooms,

• Lobo Museum

practice facilities,

• luxury suites

weight rooms

Jaycees. Joy is with the Margate Community Education and Recreation Department in Margate City, New Jersey, where she lives. Kimberly Peña, ’91 BBA, and Corine Müller-Peña, ’04 BBA, celebrate their one-year anniversary of owning and operating The Hood Café in the Lovelace Medical Building in Albuquerque. They make their products from scratch, including items such as traditional New Mexican pastelitos. Kelly Callahan, ’92 MA, has been named New Mexico’s 2008 High School State Principal of the Year by the National Association of Secondary School Principals and MetLife. She is principal of the School for Integrated Academics and Technologies Charter School at Albuquerque Job Corps Center. Caline Cone, ’92 BA, ’04 MD, has joined First Choice Community Healthcare as a family practice provider at the South Broadway Health Center in Albuquerque. Henry “Guy” Feltman, ’92 BUS, retired last year from the FAA as an air traffic controller and now spends time as a small business entrepreneur at home in Albuquerque. Joseph Mills, ’92 MA, has published his second volume of poetry, entitled Angels, Thieves, and Winemakers (Press 53). He has also edited A Century of the Marx Brothers. Mills lives in Winston Salem, North Carolina. Francis P. Page, ’92 BBA, has been elected a board member of the State of New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association. PERA manages the retirement funds for public employees in New Mexico. He lives in Albuquerque. David Rasmussen, ’92 BA, has accepted a position as a project manager with Thermal Engineering International (USA) in Santa Fe Springs, California. He has retired as Chief Staff Officer/Executive Officer with a Naval Coastal Warfare Squadron. Now out of uniform, selecting clothes and letting his hair grow are the two biggest challenges he says he has to overcome. David lives in Escondido, California. Michael W. Stockham, ’92 BA, has been elected to the board of directors for the Writers’ League of Texas, a nonprofit professional organization that promotes literacy and writing. The Albuquerque resident is an associate in Thompson & Knight’s Trial Practice Group where he is a member of the Securities and Corporate Governance Litigation Practice Specialty Group.

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Pit architect Joe Boehning says he had “no idea the fans would be that loud.”


hen UNM decided to take the plunge in 1966 and move forward with the construction of a $1 million basketball arena, they called on architect Joe Boehning, ‘53 BSAE, ‘61 BAA, to draw up the plans. Joe was 35 years old at the time. “I knew the UNM architect, Van Dorn Hooker, and I had been calling, telling him that my firm would do any nasty little job he had, just to show him what I could do,” says Joe, now 77, while taking a break from

There are many advantages to below-ground construction, he says, including reduced loss of heating and cooling and the comparative simplicity of digging a hole, shaping the slopes, and pouring the concrete. Plus, the low ceiling provided easier access to the state-of-the-art roof structure. Joe says the excavated dirt was dumped into an arroyo south of the arena. “Today, you can sell dirt like that,” he says. “But we just threw it away.” There are many reasons why The Pit has become such a successful venue. The teams have been successful, the fans have been rabid, and the noise they create can be deafening, resulting in a home-court advantage that is hard to match. The insulating soil of The Pit is the obvious culprit when it comes to decibel levels, but the ceiling tiles were also designed to reflect sound. One would think that Joe intentionally set out to disrupt the free throws of the opposing teams, but he says

album David H. Wilson, ’92 BSCE, ’02 MBA, has been named Engineer of the Year by the New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers, Albuquerque Chapter. David is a stockholder at Gannett Fleming, an international planning, design, and construction management firm, in its Albuquerque office, where he serves as vice president and transportation group manager. Sandy Fye, ’93 BA, is the author of Historic Photos of Albuquerque (Turner Publishing Company), available through Amazon.com. The large format book tells the pictorial narrative of Albuquerque in culled-from-archives photos. Sandy resides in Albuquerque. Bobbie Gutierrez, ’93 MA, has been named superintendent of the Santa Fe School District. She has worked for Santa Fe Public Schools as a teacher, principal, and district administrator for the past 23 years.

Steve Hearn

planning the pit

“Digging a hole was the cheapest way to go, so that's what we did.”

—Joe Boehning

his position at the Albuquerque firm of Dekker/Perich/Sabatini. “A couple of months later, he called and asked me to meet him in (UNM President) Tom Popejoy’s office to discuss a ‘secret project.’ When I got down there, they said they wanted to build a 15,000-seat arena for $1 million.” Boehning, already known to area sports fans as a state-title-winning quarterback and outfielder during his days at Albuquerque High, then proceeded to solidify his place in history by designing The Pit, which was dubbed by Sports Illustrated as the 13th top sports venue on the planet, ranking higher than the Daytona International Speedway and the Rose Bowl, among others. Joe says the decision to build an arena in a pit was a simple matter of economics: “Digging a hole was the cheapest way to go, so that’s what we did.”

that’s not the case. He says many of The Pit’s wonders were happy surprises to him. “We had no idea the fans would be that loud,” says Joe. The first game at The Pit was held on December 1, 1966. The Lobos beat Abilene Christian en route to a record of 19-8. The very next season, the Lobos became the champions of the Western Athletic Conference. Lobomania was in full stride. Between then and today, The Pit has seen its share of sports heroes and unforgettable teams and coaches. Every Lobo fan has a favorite memory of a particular game at The Pit, and they might even remember who else was with them on that particular evening. One thing’s for certain: Joe Boehning was there. “I haven’t missed a Lobo game in 40 years,” he says.

Steve Hearn, ’93 BAMU, has been appointed assistant principal timpani/section percussion with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra. Previously, he held the timpani/ percussion position with the US Army Field Band in Washington, DC. Steve lives in Denver. Brenda M. Saiz, ’93 BA, ’03 JD, has joined the Rodey Law Firm in Albuquerque as a member of the litigation department, focusing on product liability, personal injury, wrongful death, and insurance defense. Joaquin Amador, ’94 BA, ’97 MBA, has joined Accenture as senior manager and internet marketing lead for the Products Operating Group. Joaquin lives in Elmwood Park, Illinois. Ana Baca, ’94 BA, received a first runner-up Zia Book Award from New Mexico Press Women for her bilingual series Benito's Sopaipillas/Las sopaipillas de Benito. Ana lives in Corrales.

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looking at the film industry






When California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declined a

Chad Brummett, front right, is playing a role in New Mexico's developing film industry. Here

cameo appearance in Terminator IV to decry Hollywood’s loss of

he appears alongside Russell Crowe in 3:10 to Yuma, filmed

market share to New Mexico, those in the Land of Enchantment

in rural locations near Santa Fe.

film business knew they’d hit the big time.



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album UNM alumni play

The “Incentivator”

a growing role in New Mexico’s booming film


Richard Foreman/Lionsgate


Terminator is one of approximately 100 major feature film and television projects to recently wrap in the state, adding $1.6 billion to New Mexico’s economy. “Their production is going up, their business is booming, they’re making a lot of money, and they’re putting everyone to work,” Schwarzenegger lamented to the Associated Press in May.

Upon taking office in 2002, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson created the Media Industries Strategy Plan. The plan offered incentives such as a 25 percent tax rebate on film expenditures or no state sales tax, along with loans of up to $15 million per project. Most of those dollars are expended on “below-the-line” production costs such as equipment rental and technical crew salaries. “Above the line” payouts benefit writers, directors, producers, and major actors. Central New Mexico Community College and New Mexico State University are offering below-the-line training. Tackling above-the-line needs are UNM’s media arts, theatre, and music programs and UNM’s ARTS Lab, an arts, research, technology, and science laboratory. UNM schools and colleges collaborated to create an Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media program, accepting students as of this fall. This past spring, Sony Imageworks named UNM a partner in its Imageworks Professional Academic Excellence program.

No Need to Leave UNM alumni working on projects across the state say New Mexico is attaining the critical mass needed to become a film and television production center.

Robert Carpenter, ’94 BA, recently established Summit Intelligence Solutions as a global intelligence provider for strategic and tactical intelligence support to commercial and government clients. Previously he served as an intelligence officer for the CIA and as an associate for Booz Allen Hamilton in its national security business practice. He lives in Albuquerque. Salvador A. Cicero-Dominguez, ’94 BA, of Chicago, is the recipient of the 2007 El Humanitario Award by the Cook County State’s Attorney as part of Hispanic Heritage Month, honoring members of the Hispanic community for their contributions as lawyers and outstanding citizens. Sal, a longtime human rights activist, is the principal of the Cicero Law Firm. Jeremy Wagener, ’94 BFA, was in Albuquerque in May attending screenings of his new documentary film, GasHole, on the history of oil prices and the future of alternative fuels. Jeremy lives in Los Angeles. Maria Montoya Chavez, ’95 BA, is now a shareholder at Sutin Thayer & Browne in Albuquerque. She practices primarily in the area of family law. Mark Heitner, ’95 MBA, runs MidMEx in Albuquerque, a business that matches buyers and sellers of companies online. Matthew Smith, ’95 BA, has taught at Valley High School in Albuquerque for 11 years, and has now received his national certification as a teacher in adolescence and young adulthood/English language arts. His wife, Paula Edgar Smith, ’98 BSNU, is an RN at UNM Hospital. Dolores Valdez de Pong, ’95 MA, has been named the first recipient of the Millie Santillanes Education Award by the New Mexico Hispanic Culture Preservation League. She has been a teacher in the Santa Fe Public Schools for 32 years. Anne Weaver, ’95 MA, is author of The Voyage of the Beetle (UNM Press), a book written for children 9 and older about Charles Darwin and his theory of natural selection, for which she has received the New Mexico Press Women’s 2008 Zia Award. She lives in Santa Fe. Lesha Rupert Harenberg, ’96 MS, teaches AP biology and anatomy & physiology at Eldorado High School in Albuquerque. She recently won the 2007-08 Siemens Award for Advanced Placement in New Mexico. Lisa Logan, ’96 BAA, has joined SMPC Architects in Albuquerque as sustainable design director. f a l l

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“We have so much infrastructure here it is silly to come out of school and move somewhere else,” says filmmaker Charlie O’Dowd, ’81 BAFA. “We have a gigantic jump on other states starting to develop incentives.” Charlie points to strengths such as the $100 million production facility, Albuquerque Studios, rising from Mesa Del Sol; New Mexico’s proximity to Los Angeles; and, lest one forget, “our great weather.” Director, producer, teacher, and owner of Working Boy Productions, Charlie earned his big break on a local project featuring Victoria Principal. “I left my resume with the producer a few times and then I just stood in front of the production coordinator’s desk until they hired me. This is

Virtual ER

Marcey Gillespie, MD, makes the ER look “reel.”

Printed with the permission of Marcey Gillespie.



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courtesy Charlie O'Dowd

NOTES FROM UNDERGROUND: Charlie O’Dowd (in the jean jacket) directs Randy Travis and choir performing “Silent Night” 850-feet underground in the Carlsbad Caverns for an upcoming network Christmas special entitled “Randy Travis: Christmas on the Pecos.”

“We have so much infrastructure here it is silly to come out of school and move somewhere else.” — Charlie O’Dowd, Filmmaker absolutely a business that rewards tenacity and if you are not willing to work 16-hour days, it is not the business for you,” he says. While some say the state’s rise to fame is imminent, others caution there is a noticeable gap between the limited supply of appropriate skills locally and the growing demand for such skills by film companies.


Developing UNM’s budding programs is the missing piece to a solvable puzzle, Charlie notes, adding that seasoned industry professionals are ready and willing to give back to the university.

Rising Star Among those willing to assist UNM in expanding its film initiatives is Albuquerque native Chad

arcey Gillespie, ‘91 MD, has been practicing emergency medicine in Las Cruces for 13 years. She was hired to consult about the “medical veracity” of scenes in the Charline Theron movie The Burning Plain, filmed in Las Cruces, October-December 2007. The following are excerpts of a story she has written about the experience. …There is a virtual small city of trailers in the back of the hospital—makeup, wardrobe, dressing rooms, and offices. I find out the makeup is alcohol based, cannot be removed without solvent. We consult about [actor Danny Pino’s] wounds and what they should look like after he is stabilized in the ER. What kind of bandage, how much blood, how pale would he be, etc. When the process is complete, his supposedly wounded leg looks bruised, damaged, hurt and painful. What a riot, it looks so real. Then Guillermo [Arriaga, the director] returns to speak to Danny about the scene and how it should be played. I head back to the set. This is all beginning to seem normal to me.

Brummett, ’01 BAFA, named best actor by the 48 Hour Film Project, a New Mexico competition. Chad is active with Tricklock Theatre’s campus studio (in what was once the Sigma Chi house at UNM), while building an impressive resume in film, television, and theatre. His credits include parts in 3:10 to Yuma, Beer for My Horses, and the lead role in Sweetie, screened at France’s Cannes Festival. Produced by Scott Milder, ’04 BAFA, co-founder and partner of Trifecta + Entertainment, Sweetie was awarded Cannes’ top US short film honor. Chad caught the entertainment bug in the 4th grade while helping a college student complete a film-school project. A member of the drama club at Cibola High School, he took a year off before heading for college to be sure it was the right business for him. Upon graduating from UNM’s theatre department magna cum laude, he moved to Los Angeles. Hollywood rumblings about Richardson’s incentives began soon after. “New Mexico was beginning to take off when I moved back in early 2003,”

Chad says. “I thought I’d be here a short time and then move on to Chicago or New York,” he confesses, adding that he has no immediate plans to depart from home. “I’d love to be part of the filmmaking revolution here, to be able to help this non-polluting industry succeed. I feel pretty confident we can do it,” he says. “My dream is to see the process accelerated. We are right at the tipping point.” Chad agrees the state needs more talent behind the scenes and in front of the camera to support the growth. “The university has a great opportunity to step up. Students can look to UNM for topnotch training in their medium and even come to New Mexico for that opportunity.”

Scouring the State Eldorado High School graduate Marcus Montano, ’02 BAFA, of Albuquerque, studied media arts with UNM greats such as Ira Jaffe, Brian Konefsky, and Nina Foneroff. With his degree in hand, Marcus found steady employment with a local television

album Mateo Romero, ’96 MFA, has had a mixed-media painting from his Deer Dancer Series selected by the Southwestern Association for Indian Arts as its image for the 2008 SWAIA Indian Market poster. Romero lives at Pojoaque Pueblo. Daryl Dineyazhe-Toya, ’97 BSPH, ’07 PHAR, has been named Young Pharmacist of the Year by the New Mexico Pharmacists Association. She currently works for Indian Health Services in the Albuquerque unit, serving both the Santa Ana and Zia Pueblos as the chief pharmacist and clinical director. Vincent Ward, ’97 BA, ’01 JD, of Albuquerque, is now chief legal counsel in New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson’s office. Julia Bain, ’98 PhD, writes that she is the editor of a novel by Teresa Allen, ’74 BAED, Marty Brown and the House of Face. Both live in Albuquerque. Erin Ferreira, ’98 BUS, ’02 MA, ’07 JD, has joined Martinez & Hart in Albuquerque as an associate. Patrick Gallagher, ’98 BA, retired from a successful career in high-tech sales and marketing in 2006, and took up a second career as a police officer in Plano, Texas, becoming one of the oldest members of the Addison Police Force. Michael Samuel, ’98 BS, has been promoted to Major in the US Air Force. He is moving to FE Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, with his wife and new daughter.

…I negotiated with the producer for my fee (not great) and screen credit – crew members advised this, otherwise it never would have occurred to me. I talked about it later with one of the makeup artists, Sarah. I said, “My name will be at the very end of the credits in tiny print and go by really fast.” She replied, “Oh, no, on the big screen the names are huge and go by really slow. The first time I saw my name up there, I cried.” Wow. …There was a very expensive, silicon, gangrenous looking leg ordered from a special effects company for the next hospital scene. When we tried it out on Danny, his real leg hidden through a hole cut in the bed, it seemed much too large… The stitches were poorly tied—the special effects folks evidently did not know how to tie surgeon’s knots, so I had to retie most of them. We made up several versions of “pus” for drains that we put in the “wound.” The prop master had a great recipe— two parts banana pudding, one part butterscotch pudding, and a little kiwi pudding for that attractive green look. Then a little “reel blood” from the make up arsenal streaked through it. Very believable looking. I should know.

Willow Misty Parks

Donna Fletcher, ’99 BUS, is owner/broker at her real estate business, Invicta Realty, in Helena, Montana.

Willow Misty Parks, ’99 BUS, ’03 JD, has moved Parks Law Office to the Tony Madrid Bail Bond Building in downtown Albuquerque. She practices primarily in the area of wills, trusts, power of attorney, and estate planning. f a l l

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station in the production control room. When film took off he signed on for CNM’s program. “That introduced me to the industry side. I was able to demonstrate my skills, to be working in front of those in the business,” he says. Marcus learned to scout film and television locations, an area of the business that boomed in only a few short years. He works with producers to find the perfect spots, negotiates a price, and keeps tabs on the location once shooting begins. “Moviemaking is very dynamic and it can be very chaotic,” says Marcus, who is among a dozen top freelance location managers in the state. “I’m doing well,” he admits. “Much better than working in broadcast news.” Marcus scouted for No Country for Old Men, shot in southern New Mexico by the Coen brothers. “There is no shortage of seedy motels and backwoods areas,” Marcus chuckles. (New Mexico had the last laugh: the film earned best picture at the Academy Awards.) For a Pangea Pictures project, Marcus scouted for a moon crater to film a space walk scene. “We were going to use part of the West Mesa,” he says, although the project never made it to production. Albuquerque’s South Valley has doubled as a border town and as



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courtesy Marcus Montno

SCANNING NEW MEXICO'S HORIZON: Freelance location manager Marcus Montano searches for film and TV sites across the state. He scouted for No Country for Old Men, shot in southern New Mexico.

“There is nothing wrong with learning theory and about how a film is made. But the way you are really going to learn is by getting out there and working on a movie.”

—Marcus Montano, Film Scout

downtown Philly. Chad Brummett recently starred in a Lifetime Original Movie about the murder and trial of Las Vegas, Nevada millionaire Ted Binion. Producers employed enough talent to create Sin City sets throughout the state. Marcus advocates attaining both UNM and CNM credentials. “There is nothing wrong with learning theory and about how a film is made,” he says, “but the way you are really going to learn is by getting out there and working on a movie.” He offers advice for novices: “Learn when to keep your mouth shut, and hustle when something is asked of you.”

Dan Mayfield, ’99 BA, Albuquerque Journal film industry reporter. Dan could have gone in any direction while launching his career. A former math major at New Mexico Tech working in radio, he transferred to UNM, earning a journalism major and photography minor. For a time, he simultaneously ran a campus gallery, sold camera gear, contributed to the Daily Lobo, and at 6 a.m. edited for the Albuquerque Tribune to complete an internship—while taking 21 credit hours. “What the hell was I thinking?” he says. The hard work paid off and after six years at the Trib he was offered a position at the Albuquerque Journal, the state’s leading daily. The photo and art background soon landed him the position of assistant arts editor. But he first covered film for the business pages and recalls New Mexico

Covering the Boom “We have the largest film-crew base between Los Angeles and Miami. If you don’t want to make movies on the coasts, come here,” says

Governor Gary Johnson offering incentives as early as 1999. “Richardson ran with it,” he says. Dan posits the boom began in 2006. “At the paper, we knew it was time to look at it like a serious industry, like oil and gas.” The hunt was on. As the paper’s film guru, he covers films before they even come to town. He digs deep to find out what kind of talent they will bring and what else they will need to make a project viable. Headlines feature unions, actors, contracts, and crews. “It’s a tough beat. It’s difficult to get interviews and to establish sources. Nobody has the authority to talk. We knew for months that Terminator was going to happen but nobody would

confirm it. It’s frustrating knowing about things and trying to get in touch with that one guy who knows something and is busy 24/7 making a movie. He doesn’t want to talk to some local reporter in Albuquerque,” Dan says. “There are rumors about everything. I don’t want to be paparazzi, I want to be a credible journalist,” he remarks. The state has been at the tipping point for going on two years, Dan estimates. “With our diversity of land and climate, lakes, forests, deserts, mountains, and urban areas, if we can get to the point where we are developing above-the-line guys, this thing will explode,” he says.

follow your heart


ome alumni return to UNM to study the genre not for the experience of working on a film, but to expand their horizons and creative portfolio. Andrés Armijo, ’93 BA, ’97 MA, studied media arts from 2001-2006. He completed two shorts about his family. “It offered me a way of putting my genealogy together that was not just dates and place names. Andrés Armijo My second piece, titled Three Dances, was about my sister, our relationship, and her death.” Both projects were immensely personal and detailed. Andrés worked in all aspects of the film and video genres. “You learn writing, editing, producing, directing —I did everything from reviewing music to storyboarding to test shoots,” he says. “Video is like a canvas, it’s a good metaphor. It took me two or three drafts to get what I needed. The material starts to dictate to you—you fill in some color here and there. It’s kind of subconscious. You don’t know you’re going to go there. It’s a way to organize your expressions or to conceptualize,” he explains. Andrés is a proponent for the age-old adage “follow your heart and the money will follow.” “Are you going to write and direct what is meaningful to you or to a box office? It’s all about your personal interests and what you can do with them,” he advises.

album Renee Barela-Gutiérrez, ’00 JD, has resigned as the attorney for the town of Taos to become human resources director for Taos County. Matthew P. Ortiz, ’00 BBA, has joined Bank of the West as assistant vice-president and sales development officer for its Southwest Division in Albuquerque. Clayton Smith, ’00 BBA, has been promoted to director of sales and business development for One Connect IP of Albuquerque. Hana Stelzer, ’00 BUS, ’05 MBA, has joined the Albuquerque office of KPMG as an audit associate. Voight Thornton, ’01 BA, is owner of Tier One Productions and Playnow DJ active wear in Albuquerque. Erik Aaboe, ’02 MA, has been appointed the New Mexico State Government Energy Efficiency Lead by Example coordinator to help promote and coordinate New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson’s Clean Energy Initiatives. Erik lives in Santa Fe. Karyn Stockdale, ’02 MA, has been hired by Audubon New Mexico as executive director. Karyn lives in Santa Fe. Rena G. Martin, ’02 MA, was named one of 21 Outstanding New Mexican Women by the Governor’s Award Committee, New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women. Rena lives in Bloomfield, New Mexico, and owns a successful cultural resources management program. John Probasco, ’02 BS, has graduated from the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine and will intern at Johns Hopkins-Bayview Medical Center. Rodrigo Ballon, ’03 AABA, ’05 BBA, ’07 MAAC, has joined Pulakos & Alongi in Albuquerque as a staff accountant. Christopher Colville, ’03 MFA, has received a 2008 Artist Project Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts. He will explore through photographs the impact of development on the Sonoran desert. Christopher lives in Phoenix. Amanda Lucero, ’03 BA, ’06 JD, has been named 2008 “New Mexico Rookie Prosecutor of the Year” by the prosecutors’ section of the New Mexico Bar. She is an assistant district attorney in Carlsbad. Yvonne Feltman, ’04 BUS, and twin sister Kellie Feltman Tomlin, ’05 BBA, work at Ernest Health and pursue side businesses such as house/pet sitting and website creation at their Albuquerque homes. f a l l

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looking at ed lloyd


CFO of the United States Fund for UNICEF, Ed Lloyd, ‘66 BA, ‘67 MA, gives business-structure to non-profits so they can do their work better.

the power of structure B Y



Ed Lloyd’s life has always been about structure…the lanes on a track…the number of strides it takes to cover 50 yards… the absolute honesty of a stopwatch. Then there were the people in his life who provided the social structure that freed him as a young man to test his limits on the track.



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HE CAN ASSURE YOU: Since Ed Lloyd was recruited to lead the United States fund for UNICEF in 2001, its operation reserves have grown and the cost to raise a dollar has dropped. His work assures potential donors that their gift is “a good investment in a sound organization.”

Michael C. Jordan, ’04 BBA, was recently designated a Naval Aviator while serving with Training Squadron 21, Naval Air Station, Kingsville, Texas. Chris Lee, ’04 JD, has joined the Albuquerque law firm of Lee & Ross as a partner, representing plaintiffs in a variety of civil litigation. Jeremy Nelson, ’04 BUS, has joined the industrial team at Grubb & Ellis New Mexico in Albuquerque. Marilee Salvator, ’04 MFA, curated an exhibition entitled “Mark,” and did a day-long workshop on solar plate printing in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This year she received a President Fund Academic Initiative Grant, Faculty Professional Development Grant, and a Special Initiative Grant from Bloomsburg (Pennsylvania) University where she is assistant professor of art. She was chosen Best Artist in the State of Pennsylvania in a Midnight in Chicago Cultural and Tourism Initiative, sponsored by the National Association of Autism Research. Julie Anand, ’05 MFA, and Damon Sauer, ’05 MFA, have received 2008 Artist Project Grants by the Arizona Commission on the Arts. They create composite pictures by weaving together strips of two large original photographs. Julie is an assistant professor of photography at Arizona State University, and Damon is an adjunct professor of photography at Glendale Community College. Both live in Phoenix.

courtesy Ed Lloyd

Knowing the importance of a firm underpinning has driven Ed throughout his professional life to create that kind of structure, whether for individuals or the community organizations that reach out to give them a hand up. Since 2001, Ed has been the senior vice president of operations and the chief financial officer for the United States Fund for UNICEF. Reaching around the world to help children in need, UNICEF does its


Baoyuan Fan, ’05 MAAC, has joined Grant Thornton in Albuquerque as a tax associate. Daniel Farley, ’05 BBA, ’07 MAAC, has joined Pulakos & Alongi in Albuquerque as a staff accountant.

work, in part with private funding from national committees. Thirty-six member nations, including the United States, have national committees that raise private dollars for UNICEF. Ed oversees accounting, investments, human resources, strategic planning, and ensuring compliance with state and federal regulatory laws for UNICEF’s private fundraising arm in the United States. He is responsible for making sure the organization is run efficiently.

David L. Moss, ’05 BFA, has received an MFA in illustration from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Matthew Walker, ’05 BBA, ’07 MBA, has joined Meyners + Company in Albuquerque as a staff accountant. Deidre E. Wright, ’05 MAAC, has joined Pulakos & Alongi in Albuquerque as a staff accountant. Matthew Ruybal, ’05 BA, has been named deputy director of constituent services and correspondence by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. Matthew lives in Santa Fe. Lea Anderson, ’06 MFA, teaches art at UNM, CNM, UNM Continuing Ed, and the Harwood Art Center in Albuquerque.

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Throughout his career, Ed’s contribution has been to make sure that not-for-profits have a sound financial and organizational underpinning, freeing them to grow and reach out to people in need efficiently and effectively.

The Business of Social Work After completing his bachelor’s degree and his master’s degree at UNM, Ed started his career in 1967 at The Children’s Village in Dobbs Ferry, New York, running a therapeutic recreation program for emotionally disturbed boys. The experience made him realize that while his degree in recreation administration was great for running the athletics program, he could be more effective if he had a master’s degree in social work. He received his MSW from the Hunter School of Social Work in New York in 1977, with an emphasis in administration and group work. Armed with his MSW, Ed worked in administration for several New York child-care agencies. There was a common thread running through most of the not-for-profits he knew: while they were great at their mission of helping young people, many were not financially sound. They were focused on people, not on business. Ed realized that a master’s degree in business administration would give him the skills he needed to make a real contribution to non-profits. His social worker’s sense of community-building combined with his business acumen enabled Ed to strengthen the structure of these organizations, giving them the financial basis to expand their outreach. When a not-for-profit is organizationally and financially sound, its leaders are free to do what they do best—build the programs that make a real difference in their



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community. Well-run organizations also have more financial resources, because private and corporate donors are more likely to invest in an organization they know is financially sound. In 1989, Ed moved to the New York City national headquarters of Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC), a national organization that provides financial support for community development initiatives. “That’s where I got my PhD, so to speak, he says. “Not an actual degree, but a (careershaping) experience that honed my skills.” He was with LISC for 13 years. Since Ed was recruited to lead the United States Fund for UNICEF in

Giving Back “All my professional experience has been in not-for-profit sector,” Ed says. “I probably missed some opportunities in the private sector, but I’ve done that because I’ve had a love for being in situations where I can give back to people in need.” Ed grew up in a single-parent household just outside Boston in Roxbury, Massachusetts. Along the way there were men in his life who provided direction and guidance. “These people did not have a lot to give,” Ed says, “but they always gave their time to support the kids in

“I probably missed some opportunities in the private sector, but I've done that because I've had a love for being in situations where I can give back to people in need.” — Ed Lloyd 2001, the organization’s operation reserves have grown from $1 million to $17 million, and the cost to raise a dollar has dropped from 18 cents to 12 cents. He also implemented internal controls, an oversight system, and a system of performance indicators usually seen in publicly traded companies. While these controls are not required by regulators as they are in the private sector, they lend transparency to the organization. “My work here has been to make sure that the organization is efficient—one that people will want to give to,” Ed says. “It takes control and accountability—not to handcuff anybody, but so that when a fundraiser approaches potential donors, he or she can assure them that their gift is a good investment in a sound organization.”

the neighborhood. That shaped me.” It also shaped his life-long desire to offer that kind of support to others who had a need. Running track in high school was an outlet, and a way to prove himself. His track experience also led him to a major life change after his senior year, when Hugh Hackett, the coach of the University of New Mexico track team, invited Ed to attend UNM on a full scholarship. Although Ed had the opportunity to attend college locally, he decided that a change of scenery would be healthy. “It was absolutely a life-changing experience,” he says. For the kid from Roxbury, Albuquerque was a real culture shock. Ed was one of only about 50 African-American students on campus, and most were athletes. “I was in a majority environment

for the first time, and that was good for me,” Ed says. “It shaped the way I deal with people today.” Though he felt like a fish out of water his freshman year, he decided to continue his studies at UNM. It was a good decision; in many ways, his sophomore year at UNM was pivotal in Ed’s life.

Change of Focus One of Ed’s proudest achievements is the incorporation of the UNM chapter of Omega Psi Phi fraternity, of which he is a charter member. The chapter was started in 1963 by a group of Lobo athletes who wanted to be active in fraternity life. While they did not face overt discrimination in the Greek system, the fraternities did not actively recruit African-American students at that time. There was some opposition to having a black fraternity on campus, but the group insisted that the chapter was, and would be, open to anyone who wanted to pledge. They all wanted the chapter badly enough to fight the administration for it. Finally, a local group of Omega Psi Phi men petitioned the university on the students’ behalf to create the UNM chapter. The local group included two Air Force generals, a principal of an Albuquerque-area high school, and Dr. Ed Mays, the first African-American graduate of the University of Alabama medical school. The prestige of these members brought credibility to the application, and the UNM chapter of Omega Psi Phi was born. The day Ed was initiated into Omega Psi Phi marked a major turning point in his life; it was also the day he injured his hamstring. Both events effectively diminished the importance of running in his life. “I was never the same runner after that,” he says.

Ed stayed on the team and continued to run, but he never got his stride back like it was before his injury. “I had a great freshman year,” he says. “Then I got injured. My life became about more than track.” Forever shaped by the discipline of track, he began to apply his runner’s work ethic and competitive nature to his studies. For the first time, school came first and track came second. He took so many classes his junior year that by his senior year, he only needed 12 or 13 credits to graduate. The focus he had on his schoolwork made him stand out among that generation of UNM student athletes, and had an impact on his teammates. His friend Rene Matison, who joined the UNM track team during Ed’s junior year, says that Ed’s competitive nature on the track and his focus in the classroom made him the epitome of the student athlete. “We did not have a lot of mentors at that time,” Rene says. “Ed was truly a role model.” “I believe in faith,” Ed says. “I don’t think things just happen.” Although he did not become the all-American runner he had planned to be, his track experience shaped the course of his life. Track allowed him to get an education he might not have otherwise been able to afford. It also brought him to Albuquerque, where he came into contact with people who have had a profound and lasting effect on his life. Ed says his time at UNM had an impact that reaches beyond his own life and his own success. His university experience drove his desire to reach out to others, and formed the personal skills he needed to achieve his goals, shaping his future direction. “There are a lot of people like me who are using what they learned at UNM to improve the lives of others,” he says.

album Kirsten Muncy, ’06 BBA, is collections clerk at Brown Smith Wallace in Albuquerque. Carol A. Parish, ’06 BBA, has joined KPMG in Albuquerque as an audit associate. Rachel S. Clark, ’07 BBA, is now an audit associate with KPMG in Albuquerque. Taryn Hazelton, ’07 MAAC, has joined Meyners + Company in Albuquerque as staff accountant. Christopher Prentice, ’07 BA, has been named a 2008 fellowship recipient by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. He will pursue a doctorate in English literature at the University of Texas in Austin.

marriages Desiree Stone, ’92 BA, ’94 MS, and Robert Gates Patricia Lucker, ’93 BS, and Joshua Garcia Ronnie Garcia, ’94 BA, and Veronica Sanchez Simon Gutierrez, ’97 BUS, and Monica Maestas, ’98 BA, ’03 MA Karla Melendez, ’97 BS, ’03 PhD, and Gary M. Bush, ’88 BS Teresa Cutler, ’98 BA, ’03 MA, and Robin Broyles Benjamin Tucker, ’01, and Jill Ogata Tamarah Begay, ’02 BARC, ’04 MARC, and James Reyes Krystl Kotschwar, ’02 BUS, and Brian Burleigh John Probasco, ’02 BS, and Emelia Spencer Julie Sanchez, ’02 AABA, ’04 BBA, and Bert Ortiz Jesse Andrew Vigil Jr., ’02 BSME, and Bethany Weaver Amy Cook, ’04 BSED, and Tim Reed, ’03 BBA Jeremy Monroe Shaw, ’05 BUS, and M. Angelic Mills Christopher Suski, ’05 BSCE, and Sarah Katz Jungseok Ho, ’06 PhD, and Irene Budianto

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John Perner has always been an outstanding Member of the Pack.

born to be B Y


a lobo

The beauty of childhood dreams is that they can be simple, grand, and attainable all at once. Case in point: one of John Perner’s childhood dreams was to become a great Lobo fan. “Growing up, I rooted for the Lobos rather than the Aggies,” he says. His enthusiasm has never waned—and he’s parlayed it into an admirable record of fund raising and service for UNM athletics. “He embodies everything you look for in a board member and a volunteer,” says Larry Ryan, associate athletics director. “He’s been in the Lobo Club for 20 years and has raised probably $500,000.”

Catching the Lobo Spirit As a UNM student, John received a sudden opportunity to be the Lobo


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mascot, Lobo Louie. It turned out to be a perfect outlet for his energy. “My big brother in Kappa Sigma was Lobo Louie in my sophomore year, but his dad got sick and needed him,” John recalls. “So I ended up doing half the games. That was a really cool experience, going down on the court and seeing the kids. As a mascot, you could do whatever you wanted—like go up behind the refs and mock them.” Upon receiving his BBA in 1987, John joined the Lobo Club and began fund raising for UNM athletics. Although John is one of the club’s top fund-raisers, he sees himself as part of a dedicated team that’s reaching its goal: to cover 100 percent of UNM’s athletic scholarships. “Every year [our fund raising] increases,” he says. “I raised $2,000 my first year and the club didn’t break $1 million. Now we’re raising over $4 million.”

courtesy John Perner

see what you can do


L O B O L E A D E R : As Lobo fan par excellence, John Perner has played Lobo Louie, headed the Lobo Club, and raised a lot of money.

Strong Programs = Generous Support During his two decades of experience, John has learned one of the tenets of fund raising: success breeds success. “When athletics has a rough year, it’s harder to fund raise,” he says. “As the programs do better, people are willing to do more and get better seats. Most UNM sports are doing better every year. The better their successes, the more people want to give. The more they give, the better our programs get.”

Well-Rounded Wolves “When I was growing up in Albuquerque, UNM was the only real show in town for athletics,” he explains. “I went to the basketball games. I started fund raising and meeting the athletes. Seeing their appreciation for what you’re doing makes you want to do more.” But it’s not just about the game. The UNM athletics department also wants students to get a good academic education. “We want the student athletes to graduate,” John says. “GPA is important, but finishing school is the main goal… I see quality kids who weren’t good enough to go pro, but they have become good members of the community.”

A History of Service John was president of the Lobo Club from 2005 to 2006 and served on

its board of directors for seven years, getting involved in the finance and executive committees, the annual football banquet, and the Junior Lobo Club. He’s been very active in the greater Albuquerque community as well. He was the founding treasurer of the Central New Mexico Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation from 1998 to 2003 and the treasurer of the Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande from 2000 to 2006. He’s currently a member of the Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Norte and is the Bishop’s Warden for his church, Hope Episcopal. He referees for his son and daughter’s soccer teams and loves to take his family to Lobo games. Although it’s hard to choose one sport, John’s favorite Lobo sport is football because he enjoys the tailgating and being outside.

“Putting Up the Lobo” “When I was president of the Lobo Club, I always told everyone to ‘put up the lobo’ [hold up their hands in the shape of a wolf’s head]. It was slow at first, but it’s really catching on. Now you see the student section at basketball games ‘putting up the lobo’ during free-throws. “It’s all about marketing and branding,” he continues. “We want to be proud of our lobo; ‘putting up the lobo’ is something we all can do to symbolize that.”

The Lobo Club is a non-profit organization established to raise funds and accept donations for student-athlete scholarships. Anyone can join the Lobo Club; visit unmloboclub.org or call 505-925-5014 for more information on becoming a member or making a gift.

album in memoriam Margaret H. Blum, ’21 Dorothy Hughes, ’29 Maude M. Vinz, ’29 John T. Watson, ’29 May S. Klicker, ’31, ’35 Robert Cisco, ’32 Mildred Starr Roberts, ’32 Sofia O. Gamino, ’34 Frances E. Vernon, ’34 John P. Flores, ’35 Cleo K. Harris, ’35 Ruford Madera, ’35 William P. Wells, ’35 Austin C. Frank, ’36 Melita J. Sedillo Hasson, ’36 Arthur Thornton, ’37 Edwina Gean Triplett, ’37 Margaret Fincke, ’38 Lowell G. Koch, ’38 Clarence Oliver Lagrone, ’38 Barney L. Gardner, ’39 Roy S. Adkins, ’40 Audrey Pitt Enarson, ’40 Mary Lee Forsyth, ’40 Madeline E. Hardy, ’40 Barbara Ruth-Roberts, ’40 Jane R. Walton, ’40 Richard E. Arnold, ’41 Harold O. Taylor, ’41 Virginia Lee Morrow Bluestein, ’42 Lee A. Jay, ’42 John Lavar Lines, ’42 Daniel M. McKnight, ’42 Faye Sackett, ’42 Carol Louise Kirk Stanke, ’42 Kenneth J. Urquhart, ’42 Carrie Elkin Attmore, ’43 Sidney Presberg, ’43 David N. Buell, ’44 May Emilia Carniglia. ’44 Seledon C. Martinez, ’45 Robert Clark Noe, ’45 Mardoqueo Picazo, ’45 Lillian M. Arrighetti, ’46 Edwin M. Kilian, ’47 Guillermo ’Rudy’ Camunez, ’48 Lois Anderson Dittmer, ’48 John Irvin Gregg, ’48 Robert L. Winkler, ’48 Loyle Ernest Baltz, ’49 Allan F. Beck, ’49, ’51 W.R. “Dick” Davidson, ’49 Culbertson F. Martin Jr., ’49 Carl Clifton O’Neal, ’49 Charles T. Simms, Sr., ’49 Loring West Spitler, ’49 Donald Raymond Fowler, ’50, ’51 James C. Gravlin, ’50 Willis G. Groth, ’50 Norman Walter Hanson, ’50 William P. Harley Jr., ’50 Elbert E. Harrison Jr., ’50 Thomas P. Hart, ’50 John W. Jenkins, ’50 Margaret P. Knight, ’50 Allen D. Krumm, ’50

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Ethel F. Leferink, ’50 Vita V. Mitchell, ’50 Willis W. Pickell, ’50 Donald L. Sasser Jr., ’50 Brownell Daniel Brown, ’51 Frank Springer Chapman, ’51 Lucille Fallen, ’51 Mary Pocohontas Jolly Laws, ’51 Sally Eleanor Polk, ’51 Wallace O. Sellers, ’51 Sidney D. White, ’51 Frank B. Correia, ’52 Pete J. Grenko, ’52 Margaret J. Homan, ’52, ’70 William M. Jones Jr., ’52 Charles Benham Larrabee, ’52 Ernest G. Sanchez, ’52 Robert B. Shanner Jr., ’52 Edmund R. Aleksey, ’53 Bob R. Handley, ’53 Alvin Threlkeld, ’53 Robert Zulin, ’53 Ruth Joan Cole, ’54 James Logan Griscom, ’54, ’69 Frederick P. Hayes, ’54 William Marshall Jones, ’54 Phyllis I. Axelrod Kornfeld, ’54 Sandra Ruth Eggert, ’55 Martha B. Hotchkiss, ’56 Phillip M. Alarid, ’57 Dean R. Garrison, ’57 Phillip A. Gelt, ’57 Stanley M. Miller, ’57 Robert King, ’58 Janet Barnes Nations, ’58 Edward Rodman Hollister, ’59 Alvin Carl Scrivner, ’59 Robert Carlton Walters, ’59 Mary Caccamise, ’60 Byron Harvey III, ’60 Thomas A. Kanneman, ’60 Sallie Lutin, ’60 Francis Edward McLaughlin, ’60 Winston L. Pickering, ’60 Florence I. Thomson, ’60 Bob G. Winovich, ’60 Kenneth J. Hardison, ’61 Maurice R. McDonald, ’61 Thomas Brantley Bailey, ’62, ’67 Robert M. Chaplin, ’62 Sydell P. Gold, ’62 Michael H. Luke, ’62 James L. Arnot, ’63 Donald W. Johnson, ’63 Irvin H. Kral, ’63, ’66 Anita Renfro Bowers, ’64 Donald L. Harvey, ’64 Leone Graham Long, ’64 Robert C. Burton, ’65 Dorothy Laird Derr, ’65 Rick Knott, ’65, ’67 Jean Legant, ’65

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alumni outlook


Past, Present, and Future Tenses Judy Zanotti, ’61 BSED, ’73 MA—President, UNM Alumni Association


n 1989 UNM was in the midst of a Centennial celebration and a capital fund campaign. I had the honor then, as I do today, to be stepping into the role of Alumni Association president. As I look back over the past 20 years I am delighted at the growth I see within the Alumni Association and the University. The graduate body has grown from 40,000 to 120,000. Twenty years ago Dr. Karen Abraham was our newly hired executive director. Karen has made a significant impact on the University and the community. She has brought professionalism as well as genuine warmth to the Association’s programs and events. It is my pleasure to again work with Karen, her staff, the UNM administration, and the outstanding Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Alumni Association. • I welcome the opportunity to continue the Association’s partnership with UNM President David Schmidly in support of the University’s strategic plan. • Importantly, we will move forward on the renovation of Hodgin Hall, our Alumni Center.

• Through our Legislative Advocacy Committee we will support UNM’s legislative agenda and host home receptions for legislators statewide. • Our Awards Committee will recognize outstanding alumni and students, and award student scholarships. • Through our national chapters, we will help recruit topnotch students and celebrate the Lobo spirit across the country. • We will help recruit and welcome students, provide mentoring opportunities for them, and encourage them to become active alumni. • We will partner with the new UNM Parent Association. • And we will continue to communicate with all of you through Mirage, the Howler, and unmalumni.com. In November, New Mexicans will vote upon a series of GO bonds. We strongly urge our New Mexico alumni to vote for GO bonds C and D, enabling UNM and others to improve New Mexicans’ healthcare and education. And, of course, we invite you to Homecoming, September 30-October 4. “It’s a Lobo’s Life for Me” says it all for those of us who are proud to be UNM alumni.


UNM alumni association

2009 travel program March 28-April 5 Paris & the French Riviera from $1,749 (air/taxes not included)

May 23-June 1 Paradores & Pousadas of Spain/Portugal from $3,895 (air/taxes not included)

June 13-21 Cruise the Mediterranean from $3,395 (air/taxes not included)

June 18-26 Iceland Alumni College from $2,795 (air/taxes not included)

September 17-25 Lake Garda & French Alps from $1,499 (air/taxes not included)

October 12-21 South African Escapade from $2,995 (air/taxes not included)

December 5-14 Israel Alumni College from $2,195 (air/taxes not included)


August 9: August 28-29: October 3: November 8: TBD:

Wine Tasting at St. Clair Winery Welcome Back Days UNM Homecoming Reunions Young Alumni Migration to UNM vs. UNLV, Las Vegas Finance Workshop, Hodgin Hall

for more information:

www.unmalumni.com | http://incircle.unmalumni.com | email: smac14@unm.edu facebook.com (go to University of New Mexico Young Alumni)



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Trips, dates, and pricing are subject to change. For additional information, contact Charlene Chavez Tunney at the Alumni Relations Office at 505-277-5808 or 800-258-6866.

Fall fun Fall friends August 2 3 9 24

Austin: Annual Hot Weather Relief Ice Cream Social Norcal: Wine Tasting/Appetizer Event Denver: 2nd Saturday Breakfast New York Area: Lincoln Center Outdoors, 25th Annual Roots of American Music Festival 2008

September 6 7 7 13 13 14 20 20 20 24 27 28

Chicago: 6th Annual Green Chile Fiesta Los Angeles: 16th Annual Green Chile Fest Washington, DC: Green Chile Roast & Taco Picnic Las Vegas, Nevada: Green Chile Roast & Picnic Atlanta: Green Chile Roast & Picnic Denver: Alumni Picnic, Auction & Green Chile Roast Austin: Green Chile Roast in Zilker Park Norcal: Green Chile Roast & Picnic New York Area: Open Chapter Business Meeting & Dinner Alumni Band: UNM Wind Symphony Concert Lobos at NMSU: Pre-game and Game New York Area: Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s 16th Annual Chile Pepper Festival TBA Engineering: Centennial Center Dedication & Open House Various Los Angeles: College and Transfer Fair Participation Various Houston: College and Transfer Fair Participation

October 11 23 23 TBD Various Various Various

Alumni Band: Zia Marching Band Concert Lobos at Air Force: Pre-game and Game Denver: Football Viewing Party at Choppers Norcal: Sacramento Pot Luck San Diego: College and Transfer Fair Participation Los Angeles: College and Transfer Fair Participation Houston: College and Transfer Fair Participation

November 8 15 16 Various

Lobos at UNLV: Pre-game and Game Lobos at CSU: Pre-game and Game Alumni Band: Youth Band and Symphonic Band Concert Los Angeles: College and Transfer Fair Participation

December 6 7 7 TBA

Chicago: Hot Chile Nights Party San Diego: Holiday Event Seattle: Holiday Event Austin: Holiday Event

Events, dates, and times are subject to change. Please contact the Alumni Relations Office at 505-277-5808 or 800-258-6866, or go to www.unmalumni.com and select "Events Calendar" for additional information.

album more in memoriam Helen Salyer, ’65 Jay Dee Druecker, ’66, ’73 Catherine Lee, ’66 John R. Grable, ’67 Howard B. Jones, ’67, ’69 Richard Q. Lee, ’67 Genevieve Bonto, ’68 Mary L. Frost, ’68 Alta E.J. Plyler, ’68 Rosalind ’Roz’ Z. Rock, ’68, ’82 Thomas H. Rodgers, ’68 M. Donald Whorton, ’68 Bill T. Jackson, ’69 Albino Joseph Martinez, ’69 Pauline J. Bryant, ’70 Juanito V. Carrillo, ’70 Gloria T. Lyons, ’70 Page M. Niles, ’70 Steven W. Tilghman, ’70 Theodore Arden Amundson, ’71 Andrew S. Davis, ’71 Violet Glee Lucero, ’71 Paula Lund, ’71 Richard Otoski, ’71 Richard Ellsworth Pfeiffer, ’71 Karl Frederick Schiltz, ’71 Nelson B. Kverno, ’72 Max V. Leavitt, ’72 Diane B. Mulcahy, ’72 Gerald Leo Rigler, ’72 Joseph C. Allen, ’73 Isabelle A. LaBalbo, ’73 Winston Lee Adams, ’74 Nicholas V. Albondy, ’74 Berry Felix Estes, ’74 Morris Bernard Henrikson, ’74 David A. Koehler, ’74 Jan Marilyn Lontz, ’74 Virginia Ruth Brahmer, ’75 Eugene L. Garcia, ’75 Kermit O. Lindell, ’75 Jean Bacigalupo Mulhern, ’75 Edward Carl Padilla, ’75 Paula Gunn Allen, ’76 OK Harris, ’76 Clara B. Kinney, ’76 Jennie L. Manwell, ’76 Agnes B. Sanchez, ’76 David Wesbrook, ’76 Marsha Nichols Padilla, ’77 Freda F. Wabnum, ’77, ’81 John Cooper Albright, ’78 Mavis Alexander Alleyne, ’78, ’82 Clarence Coriz, ’78 Scott M. McDonald, ’78, ’81, ’86 Daniel J. Murphy, ’78 Garry R. Spencer, ’78 Patricia Brothwell, ’79 Lenora Manning, ’79 C. Wayne Ehlert, ’80 Denise Marie Glore, ’80, ’85

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Daniel Frederick Michael Kutz, ’80 Maryann Jeannette Biggart, ’81 Margery Bacon Blondefield, ’81 Kirk Kite, ’81 Randolph Forbes Reed, ’81, ’84 Mary Frances Babb, ’82, ’84, ’93 Warren H. Barker, ’82 Steven Carl Choisser, ’82 Lois Evelyn Dickerman, ’83 Nathaniel Lorenzo Holloway, ’83 Marion S. Lanoue, ’83 Marilyn S. Ward, ’83 Stephen Gregg Chumley, ’85 Mark Winfield Manhart, ’85 James E. Parra, ’85 Judith L. Sizemore, ’85 Lyle Christopher Luke Losack, ’86 Robert F. Aragon, ’88 Paula Morgan, ’89, ’02 Roberta Maxine Sanchez, ’89 Robert Renshaw Ellis, ’91 Jeffrey Allen Wall, ’91, ’92 Glenn Pittell, ’93 Leila Sasfary, ’93 Sandra Lee Apodaca, ’94 Linda L. Ward, ’94, ’97 Dwight Henry Fieselman, ’95 James William Krueger, ’95 Eric Thomas, ’95, ’99 David Bruce Kilgore, ’96, ’01 Eric Sloan Rubin, ’96 Jonathan Lee Haus, ’97 Kenneth Alan Olson, ’98 William Henry Dvorachek Jr., ’99 Scott Andrew Hudson, ’04 James Stevens Strange, ’05 Ken Singer Largo, ’06 Mark E. Moss, ’06 Peter Economou, former medical resident W. Garrett Flickinger, emeritus faculty Joseph M. Kuntz, emeritus faculty Gerald H. Ross, emeritus faculty Jacqueline “Jackie” Schlegel, staff Paul F. Schmidt, emeritus faculty Morgan Sparks, former dean Robert Carlton Walters, emeritus faculty

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H omecoming

2008 Poster


he 2008 UNM Alumni Association Homecoming poster features an exclusive work by BC Nowlin, “Circle.” Born in 1949 in Alameda, New Mexico, BC forged childhood friendships with the children of Sandia and Laguna Pueblos that influence his work today. Using vibrant color, he portrays “universal places filled with mystery and spirituality.” He says each piece illustrates a journey. We see these themes in “Circle,” created for the UNM Alumni Association and now on display in Hodgin Hall. BC’s work is exhibited in collections of Hewlett-Packard, the Discovery Channel, and the Palace collection of Costa Rica, and has gained the attention of celebrity collectors such as Tanya Tucker, Robert Plant, and Sophia Loren. “Circle” by BC Nowlin Signed limited edition $50 Unsigned limited edition $35 Order using the form in the enclosed homecoming brochure or online at www.unmalumni.com/homecoming. For more information about BC Nowlin’s work, go to www.bcnowlin.com

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