2014, Spring

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M A G A Z I N E The University of new mexico I Alumni Association

Looking back: 125 years Looking ahead: Innovate ABQ 125 Fun Facts about UNM Bob Sachs: Tech TEAM Player

Show Your 125 Spirit - Insert Inside

Contents 5 LOBO community A message from UNM President Robert G. Frank.

5 Album Keep up with your classmates.

6 Marking Progress The past becomes our present: a retrospective.

12 125 Things A collection of known and perhaps unknown UNM facts.

16 UNM Art Museum at 50 Celebrating the collection, expansion and passion housed right on campus.

17 School of Medicine at 50 The evolution of the UNM Health Sciences Center

20 For the next 25 A vision of the future: the University as an innovation district.

Varsity cheerleaders show their moves on Zimmerman Field in the 1940s.

28 A Focused leader Celebrating the legacy of Joe Long, the thoughtful force behind the University’s Africana Studies Program. By Carolyn J. C. Thompson

22 U Are Here What’s been happening around campus?

Front and Back Cover


A moment in time: Students gather

events, assignments and big ideas,

Story by numbers.

between classes to talk about current circa 1950 and today.



31 From Home and family to distance education in 85 years For those still eager to learn, the Division of Continuing Education offers academic programs beyond a degree. By Kim Jarigese (’86 BFA)


32 Naming Names Van Dorn Hooker’s new book explores the stories of people whose names and lives are memorialized on campus.

33 SHELF LIFE A sampling of books by UNM alumni.

Studying the long term effects of contact sports.

36 Brain safe project Using advanced technology to understand and prevent sports-related brain injuries in student athletes. By Chris Cervini

38 UNM makes the grade Student athletes simultaneously excel in academic and athletic pursuits. By Steve Carr (’90 BA) and Frank Mercogliano

39 Men’s soccer: “an incredible season”

Spring 2014, Volume 34, Number 1 The University of New Mexico: Robert G. Frank, President Karen A. Abraham, Associate Vice President, Alumni Relations Wayne Scheiner & Company, Graphic Design UNM Alumni Association Executive Committee: Randy Royster ’92, President

The men’s soccer team took it all the way to the NCAA College Cup in a memorable 2013 season. By Greg Archuleta (’90 BA)

Brian Colón ’01, President-Elect

40 Tech exec applies his mba

Monica Armenta ’85

Bob Sachs knows New Mexico is a place where big, creative ideas flourish.

Ann Rhoads ’85

42 Awards

Mirage is published two times a year by the

Get to know the UNM Alumni Association’s 2014 award recipients.

University of New Mexico Alumni Association

44 ALUMNI OUTLOOK See what your Association is doing.

Tom Daulton ’77, Treasurer Duffy Swan ’68, Past President

Harold Lavender ’69, ’75

Kathie Winograd ’07

for the University’s alumni and friends. Address all correspondence to UNM Alumni Relations Office, MSC 01-1160, 1 University of New Mexico, 87131-0001 or alumni@unm.edu. You may also contact us at (505) 277-5808 or 800-ALUM-UNM (258-6866). Web: unmalumni.com. Facebook: facebook.com/ unmalumni. Twitter: @unmalumni. To comply with the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, UNM provides this publication in

Mirage was the title of the University of New Mexico yearbook until its last edition in 1978. The title was then adopted by the alumni magazine, which continues to publish vignettes of UNM graduates.

alternative formats. If you have special needs and require an auxiliary aid or service, please contact Karen Abraham using the contact information listed above.



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11/7/12 9:34 AM


Lobo Community Dear Fellow Alumni: This year is an important milestone for us, as February 28 marks the University’s 125th anniversary. Since 1889, UNM has served the state of New Mexico as its flagship institution, and I am sure that many reading this can attest that it has changed significantly over time, even in recent years. One thing that has remained constant is the level of dedication to our community. Living on campus allows Janet and me to be close to the activities organized by UNM departments and organizations. From Welcome Back Days to Hanging of the Greens, campus lecture series to our celebration of the University’s birthday, there is always an event that will bring students, staff, faculty, and alumni together to strengthen our communal bond. Lobo pride and compassion is evident at UNM. I want to share a few of the recent ways in which we’ve made a difference. In early February, Janet and I kicked off the “Battle of I-25,” UNM vs. NMSU rivalry blood drive at the Student Union Building. This drive was just one opportunity to show that Lobos bleed cherry and silver. UNM won the competition with over 322 donors participating and 402 units of blood collected, but everyone is a winner in a competition like this. Other highlights of Lobo generosity include our annual United Way campaign that raised over $1 million in donations through 2013, and our participation in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentor 2.0 Program, which has a higher number of UNM professionals involved than any other New Mexico organization. Activities such as these demonstrate that part of being a Lobo is helping those around us – looking out for the pack. Many of you donate to the University, which helps fund student scholarships, among other endeavors, and many more of you donate blood, time, experience and more to the communities you are in now. Whether your generosity helps to further an education, advance research and innovation, build a better neighborhood or save a life, I thank you for your selflessness. UNM employees, students and nearly 160,000 active alumni form the most caring community in America. Go Lobos!

Kind regards,

Robert G. Frank President, The University of New Mexico

Look for a friend on every page! Send your alumni news to Mirage Editor, The University of New Mexico Alumni Association, MSC 01-1160, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 87131-0001. Or better yet, email your news to mwolfe@unm.edu. Please include your middle name or initial! Deadlines: Spring deadline: January 1; fall deadline: June 1

1930s Lowell E. Orrison (’36 BA), Roswell, celebrated his 102nd birthday last summer.

1940s Charles L. King (’48 BA), Boulder, Colo., is president of the Colorado Association of Scholars, an affiliate of the NAS.

1950s Norman Thayer (’54 BA, ’60 JD), Albuquerque, received the 2013 UNM School of Law Distinguished Achievement Award. Dave Warren (’55 BA), a member of Santa Clara Pueblo, was honored as one of Santa Fe’s Living Treasures. He is a historian, scholar, professor, museum and academic administrator, but perhaps his most important role is that of an advocate who fosters self-determiation among Native American communities.

1960s Kate Jacobson Kuligowski (‘60 BA), Corrales, and her husband Wally have written a book, Our Most Treasured Tails, describing their most unusual and touching experiences with dog and cat rescues for more than 50 years in New Mexico. Jay Miller (’61 BBA, ’68 MA), Scottsdale, Ariz., wrote the final column of his “Inside the Capitol” reports after 26 years. Dennis E. Tedlock (’61 BA), Buffalo, N.Y., has published a new book titled An Archaeology of Architecture: Photowriting the Built Environment. Samuel D. Stearns (’62 PhD), Albuquerque, has retired from Sandia National Laboratories after more than 43 years. (continued, p. 19)



Marking Progress 6


UNM celebrates 125 years of service to students and community. Happy birthday, UNM! At 125 years, the University may be a kid compared to eastern institutions, but it was an adult of 23 by the time of New Mexico’s statehood. Histories can be entertaining and enlightening, but decision makers will find this history comforting as well. Challenges that made headlines and dominated agendas over the years – disputes between Presidents and Regents, differences over academic standards, tight budgets and no budgets – they’re all woven into the University’s fabric from the beginning. This history, in 25-year segments, shows that the institution and its people march on, as the 1930 Fight Song declares, “fighting ever, yielding never, hail, hail, hail!”

1889 Bernard Rodey, a young Albuquerque attorney, worked through the night drafting legislation that passed in the final hours of the 1889 legislative session. On paper, New Mexico had a university in Albuquerque, an agricultural school in Las Cruces, and a school of mines in Socorro. For that, Rodey is considered the father of UNM, and Feb. 28 is the founding date.

To citizens, Rodey was a dreamer. New Mexico Territory was poor and lacked even a public high school. The public showed little interest. State appropriations were so small that the institution, a preparatory school, opened in 1892 with 75 students gathered in borrowed quarters, while the first building was under construction. Two years later the first class – three women and two men – graduated with a Bachelor of Pedagogy. The clash of wills and personalities isn’t unusual at institutions of higher learning, and UNM’s first incident flared in 1897, when President Elias S. Stover, an Albuquerque banker and merchant, brought charges against Vice President Hiram Hadley. Regents debated into the night, and both men subsequently resigned. That year, the university began to evolve into a real university. The administration began systematizing courses, offering more advanced courses. UNM had arts and science classes, but President Clarence L. Herrick expanded the sciences. He created a laboratory for bacteriological research and, with the first large donation, built Hadley Science Hall, the school’s second building, in 1900. He also started the first graduate work, in biology and geology, using his own equipment and supplies. SPRING 2014


Athletics kicked off in 1898, when two graduate students took charge of boys’ and girls’ programs. Girls had two basketball teams, and boys had football, but football wasn’t popular right away. The playing field was gravel. For men, basketball and baseball began the following year. When William George Tight, 36, became president in 1901, UNM had two buildings but no campus of which to speak. The energetic Tight put on his overalls and threw himself heart and soul into the job,

faculty member, Regents discharged him in 1909. Dorothy Hughes and every historian since have lamented that decision.

1914 After 25 years, UNM had grown from 20 barren, donated acres to 300 acres with buildings and landscaping. The University, however, was so little known that New Mexico’s high school graduates usually left the state for a higher education. President David R. Boyd created a publicity department in 1915 and launched a campaign to raise UNM’s profile. In four years, enrollment rose from 78 to 227, only to fall again. By 1916, World War I siphoned off male students, including every member of the football team. In one summer, Camp Funston an instant town of 1,500 New Mexico National Guard members with barracks, tents, supply buildings, weapons and horses – erupted east of the football field.

William G. Tight landscaped UNM and set it on course toward Pueblo Style architecture.

often working alongside the laborers, and drew faculty members and students into the work. He cultivated the ground, planted trees and sent students into the mountains to bring back more trees. By spring 1908, the campus greened with 5,000 trees and plants from all over New Mexico.

Officers took over Kwataka Hall, and the Federal Army Board occupied much of the Administration Building. The sight of army wagons on Railroad Avenue (later called Central Avenue) was a familiar sight, and campus colors seemed to be khaki. When the Guard left, they were replaced by university men in the Student Army Training Corps. Women took classes in home nursing and Red Cross work, and student publications ran long lists of

won accreditation from the North Central Association of Colleges and Universities. UNM was now a real university, but it still struggled financially. In the 1920s, the university was hard-pressed to pay its bills. On one occasion two Regents took out personal bank loans to meet expenses. Thanks to an oil discovery on University trust lands near Artesia in 1924, the University could pay for campus building projects. When James F. Zimmerman became president in 1927, “the University seemed to take on a new life,” wrote Van Dorn Hooker in Only in New Mexico. During his 17-year administration, Zimmerman made construction and university development a priority. His building program “marked the end of concessions to the non-artistic outside critics,” wrote Hughes. The Department of Anthropology was established in 1928. President Zimmerman hired archaeologist Edgar Lee Hewett as director. Together they acquired important archaeological sites for UNM, including the Salinas missions, Coronado Monument and Chaco Canyon. Buildings completed in the 1920s included Sara Reynolds Hall, Carlisle Gymnasium, the President’s House, and a new Hadley Hall to replace the original building destroyed by fire in 1910. As the Depression deepened in 1933, Governor Arthur Seligman told universities

“The University had little money; there was much to be done; everyone did it, and with Dr. Tight at the helm everyone wanted to do it. Such was the man,” wrote Dorothy Hughes in Pueblo on the Mesa. Tight also established a School of Music and School of Engineering in 1906. This president is best known for his fascination with pueblo construction. New buildings – beginning with the heating plant in 1905 and first dormitory, Kwataka Hall, in 1906 – were Pueblo Style, but when Tight “pueblo-ized” the Administration Building (Hodgin Hall), locals thought he had gone too far. After disputes with two faculty members and raised eyebrows over Tight’s relationship with a single, female



Camp Funston, a National Guard camp, materialized next to the football field in 1916.

students in the military in place of news about campus activities. After the war, UNM closed its prep school. President David S. Hill insisted on high scholastic standards, which prompted a faculty shakeup, but in 1922 the University

not to ask for money and ordered cuts in faculty salaries. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt launched programs like the Civil Works Administration, Zimmerman saw an opportunity to build at no expense to the University.

Of the existing building program he said, “We are in the process of filling up the campus with small, ordinary and unimposing buildings, inadequate for the future, and making exceedingly difficult adequate building plans for the future.” He proposed instead to build substantial buildings. In 1934, UNM gave its first commission to architect John Gaw Meem for the Administration Building (later called Scholes Hall). From them until 1956, Meem and his firm did all the University’s work. He is known for refining the Pueblo Style of architecture. During the 1930s, the Department of Education became a college, the College of Fine Arts was established, the Mechanical

aeronautical engineering program and pilot training. The Stadium Building housed the Navy’s V-5 and V-12 programs and later the Navy ROTC program. Enrollment plunged during the war years and then soared afterward, thanks to the GI Bill. Construction unrelated to the war had been curtailed, and administrators struggled to meet the demand for classrooms, offices, and living quarters. They housed hundreds of single men at Kirtland Field, hauled in 38 barracks, and hired 50 new instructors. New organizations included the Institute of Meteoritics in 1944 and in 1947, the College of Law, the College of Business Administration and the Bureau of Business and Economic Research.

Scholes Hall, with its soft lines, shows the hand of architect John Gaw Meem, who refined Pueblo Style architecture.

Engineering Department began, and the University’s long emphasis on Latin American studies began. Buildings completed in the 1930s included The Student Union (now the Anthropology Building), Zimmerman Library, and the Stadium Building.

1939 On the 50th anniversary, Interior Secretary Harold L. Ickes spoke, noting the campus buildings funded by federal programs. There were only 150 graduates; tough economic times pushed the $60 tuition out of reach for many students. The University was soon doing its part for World War II. After Gov. John Miles suggested a school of aviation, a wing was added to the Engineering Building for an

The war’s aftermath created new opportunities. In 1947, biology graduate students began working at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; others joined cooperative research programs with Lovelace Foundation because UNM lacked research laboratories. Tom Popejoy, who became president in 1948, presided over an era of growth and expansion despite materials shortages. Within a few short years, UNM counted 73 buildings on a 440-acre campus. From the late 1940s through the 1950s, new construction included the Journalism Building, Wagner Hall (civil engineering), Mesa Vista Hall (originally called the 400-man dormitory), Castetter Hall (biology), Clark Hall (chemistry), Mitchell Hall, Northrop Hall (geology), Tapy Hall (electrical engineering), Law School

Building, Hokona Hall and Coronado Hall. In the 1950s and 1960s a heightened national interest in engineering and science spurred graduate enrollment. Sandia National Laboratory and the College of Engineering created a program that brought Sandia’s newly hired graduates to UNM for two years of half-time study leading to a Master’s in mechanical engineering. The success of this program helped launch the doctoral program in the early 1960s. The early 1960s saw a flowering of the arts and the arrival of faculty who were notable artists in their own right. In 1961, lithographer Clinton Adams became dean of the College of Fine Arts and later, director of the Tamarind Institute. He brought the Tamarind Institute with him from California. He hired photographer and photo historian Van Deren Coke, who in turn hired art historian Beaumont Newhall. UNM Art Museum opened in 1963 and its substantial collections and programs became a magnet to art and photography students. Regents in 1960 embraced a General Development Plan that preserved the campus core for academic facilities, grouped by discipline, and designated the north campus for a medical complex and south campus for athletic facilities. UNM celebrated a new 30,000-seat football stadium and KNME-TV began “The fact is, youth demands progress and those who would serve youth must plan on an ever growing scale.” – President James Zimmerman broadcasting. Other construction in the 1960s included the Alumni Memorial Chapel, an eight-building complex for the College of Education, and Oñate and Santa Clara dormitories. The early 1960s foreshadowed difficult times ahead. Political conservatives railed against stands taken by faculty and students, and an American Legionnaire questioned whether Popejoy was “soft on communism.” Popejoy took the unusual step of speaking before the American Legion in Carlsbad, where he made clear his support for academic freedom.



American Institute, the Southwest Hispanic research Institute and the UNM Foundation. The General College was reestablished, offering preparatory courses and associate degrees, coupled with increased admission standards and a stepped-up recruitment program throughout New Mexico. Bernalillo County Medical Center came under UNM jurisdiction and the Library acquired its millionth volume. The campus construction boom continued. A new Art Building and new Mechanical Engineering building opened. On the North Campus were the Children’s Psychiatric Hospital, the Family Practice Center, and the Health Sciences Learning Center. In 1978, with fanfare, the last two wooden barracks were bulldozed, which made space for the Duck Pond to be developed.

Professor Dudley Wynn founded the Honors Program in 1957. The American Honors movement stressed intensive individual study and a close working relationship with a faculty member.

1964 In the mid 1960s and early 1970s disruptions were so common that thenRegent Calvin Horn would write a book about them: The University in Turmoil and Transition. Ferrel Heady, who became president in 1968, persevered through years of protests, sit-ins, marches and rallies. Heady and the Regents found themselves under fire from all sides – legislators and individuals who wanted them to get tough and students and faculty who wanted reforms. In 1969, legislators threatened to cut off funding after a poem, “Love Lust,” surfaced in a legislative committee meeting as an example of UNM education. The low point came in May 1970, when students reacted to the Kent State shootings and declared a campus-wide strike. After days of demonstrations and an occupation of the Student Union, the state police chief sent in New Mexico National Guardsmen, who bayoneted ten people, including several reporters. David Stuart, who was a graduate student at the time and later associate provost, said of Heady: “He behaved very sensibly in very tough times. His style was to under-react to the hysteria and to listen to everybody. He was direct, pleasant and calm.” While campus unrest dominated the headlines, the University focused on business, establishing the School of



Medicine in 1964, a research park in 1965, a branch campus in Gallup in 1968 and the School of Public Administration in 1969. New social awareness gave birth to the American Indian Law Center, the Design and Planning Assistance Center (providing services to low-income communities), a Black Studies program in 1970, a Women Studies program in 1971 and a Native American Program in the School of Engineering in 1975. Heady asked for and got more money for women’s athletics from the Legislature. Campus construction enjoyed another boom: Santa Ana and Alvarado dormitories, Fine Arts Center, Basketball Arena, Popejoy Hall, South Campus Golf Course, Farris Engineering Center, Anderson Schools, Bratton Hall (law school), Psychology Building, Regener Hall (physics), Johnson Gym, Ortega Hall, Woodward Hall, Humanities Building and UNM Bookstore. The loop road, Redondo Drive, was completed.

The momentum of all this progress was threatened in the Fall of 1979 when the University was accused of fifty-seven violations of the NCAA code of conduct. Known as “Lobogate,” the investigations, hearings, reports and trials made headlines for the next 2 to 3 years. During the 1980s, enrollment topped 20,000 and the student profile changed. Many were older and had jobs and families, more than half were women, and 38 percent were minorities. The University began offering more late afternoon and evening classes, beginning evening and weekend degree programs in 1987.

“At no time in the history of the University, before or since, has the campus been in such disarray,” wrote Van Dorn Hooker of 1972. New facilities totaled about 400,000 square feet, the equivalent of all buildings on campus in 1941.

UNM also created new programs for minorities, started a Signed Language Interpreting Program, and opened branch campuses in Los Alamos in 1980 and Valencia County in 1981. The Legislature created the Center for High Technology Materials in 1983, and UNM-Gallup added its Zuni Campus in 1985.

During the Presidency of William E. “Bud” Davis, which began in 1975, the University launched such new initiatives as the Presidential Scholarship, the Latin

Despite a severe recession in the mid-1980s that forced budget cuts and tuition hikes, construction marched on: Anderson School of Management, Parish Library, the Science

and Engineering Center, Electrical and Computer Engineering Building, and the Centennial Library.

1989 By its centennial, UNM had matured into a dynamic, competitive research institution with several hundred undergraduate and graduate programs, many nationally recognized. Its student body of 25,000 was the size of a small town. Change was always in the air at UNM, but the pace accelerated.

first universities to establish a Sustainability Studies program. Both ventures took off. The University saw another building boom between 2003 and 2010, when it spent more than $1 billion, largely from its own budget, to add 64 new buildings and renovate others, which increased floor space by 30 percent. Buildings completed in the 2000s included Centennial Engineering Center, Cancer

During this period, students were as attuned as ever to social justice and the movements of the day, but protests were peaceful. In 2012, Robert G. Frank, a three time alumnus, became UNM’s 21st President. In 2013 and now, 2014, there has been a focus on creating a student-centric campus, recruiting international students and positioning UNM as a major driver in a

The University in 1989 was earning a national reputation for research in nanotechnology, materials and semiconductors, climate change and long term ecology, addictions and substance abuse, health policy, and sustainable energy. It was also meeting new education needs of the high-tech and healthcare industries. The 1990s zoomed past. In 1993, UNM was named a minority-serving institution. It took over the Taos Education Center, which became UNM-Taos. Voters in 1994 approved a constitutional amendment adding a student to the University Board of Regents. In 1997, the Legislature established the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship. In 1989 the Minority Engineering Program began, and Regents in 1998 approved African American Studies and Women Studies as academic majors. UNM withdrew from the Western Athletic Conference and helped create the Mountain West Conference. South Campus came into its own. Joining the 100-acre research park were a new building for the Center for High Technology Materials in 1997 and a year later, the Manufacturing Training and Technology Center. To commercialize and market technology of faculty inventors, UNM formed the Science and Technology Corporation, now called SCT@UNM in 1995. Related initiatives included the Center for MicroEngineered Materials in 1989 and the Advanced Materials Laboratory in 1990. Other buildings completed in the 1990s were the UNM Bookstore and Dane Smith Hall, the first new classroom building since 1951. UNM entered the new millennium offering its first online classes and was one of the

An aerial view of UNM’s main campus in 2013 shows the extent of its growth. Hodgin Hall appears in the lower right, next to Tight Grove.

Research & Treatment Center, Domenici Center for Health Sciences Education, Research Incubator Building, Science and Mathematics Learning Center, Student Success Center, new Castetter Hall, George Pearl Hall (architecture) and UNM Hospital. The Pit was renovated. The Great Recession in 2008, along with sequestration, cast its shadow across campus, shrinking budgets, forcing difficult decisions on tuition and salaries, and rendering federal research funding even more competitive. And yet, the economy increased enrollment, as people sought to secure jobs or improve their edge in the job market. In 2010, UNM West opened in Rio Rancho’s City Center, followed in 2012 by the 72-bed Sandoval Regional Medical Center. Needs for more student housing coupled with tight capital budgets led to two public-private projects: Lobo Village in 2011 and the Casas del Rio Residence Hall in 2012. The Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine Lab opened in 2011 to fabricate and test new nanoscale materials.

new paradigm for economic development in the state of New Mexico. As UNM closes its last quarter century, sustainability efforts are campus wide and include Lobo Gardens, a campus community garden project that provides fresh, organic produce to UNM’s dining services vendor, a purchasing department procedure for evaluating vendors by green measures, a building efficiency retrofit program, and Ford Utilities Center’s cogeneration unit. The University is New Mexico’s flagship institution, designated as a Carnegie Very High Research University. Its 25,000 jobs make it the Albuquerque’s largest employer with a one billion dollar impact on the state research awards that total almost $400 million. Most importantly, students still step onto campus with the same excitement and expectation as did the first students 125 years ago. Photos courtesy Center for Southwest Research.




You May Not Know About


Photos compiled by UNM Archivist Terry Gugliotta from the Center for Southwest Research.


UNM’s Taos branch is the nation’s first campus completely powered by solar energy. Its 2,700-panel solar array produces 500 kilowatts of power at its peak, more than enough to run the campus.


Professors Lynn B. Mitchell and Asa Weese started the first golf course on land just north of the university in 1912, about where Zimmerman Library is today. The “greens” were sand and the holes, tin cans. Albuquerque residents asked if they could play, and Albuquerque Country Club organized in April 1914. Despite sand storms and rattlesnakes, golfers enjoyed their games.




The Design and Planning Assistance Center is the second oldest, continuously operating, community design center at a public university. Founded at the School of Architecture & Planning in 1969, it serves low-income communities and has completed more than 1,500 projects in every county of New Mexico.


Mirage was the name of the campus newspaper and the yearbook in 1898. In 1904, the paper became the UNM Weekly. Around 1917, students began thinking about a new name, such as the Rattler, the Sand Devil, the Ki-yo-te or the Cherry and Silver. None of the names stuck. In 1923, it became the New Mexico Lobo.


The first fraternity was the Yum Yum Society in 1901, which became the Tri Alphas, then the Pi Kappa Alphas in 1915. The Pi Kappa Alphas still own and use the Yum Yum’s original meeting place – The Estufa – located between University Boulevard and Redondo Drive. Sigma Tau, organized in 1906, became Sigma Chi in 1916. The first sorority, the Minnehahas, formed in 1903. They became Sigma Sigma and later, in 1911, became Phi Mu.


UNM-Gallup has the largest Native American enrollment of any non-tribal two-year college in the country.

Gardener Harry Frank works in front of the newly remodeled Hodgin Hall. To the right is Rodey Hall, constructed in 1909.


Arbor Day celebrations began in 1903 with President William G. Tight. In the morning, students and faculty planted trees on campus – pinetrees from the Sandias and cottonwoods from the river bottom – and had a picnic and games in the afternoon.


The first campus store was Earl’s Grotto, opened in 1915 by Earl Gerhardt, a student. Students could buy candy and soda pop, and play cards. Tobacco was forbidden but obtainable.


The Women Studies program began in 1971, with a collective of faculty, graduate students and community members. The collective also helped found the UNM Women’s Resource Center and the Albuquerque Rape Crisis Center in 1972.

When the North Golf Course was created with federal funding during the Great Depression, neighbors and members of the UNM community dug up trees from their homes and donated them. In 1912, the 76-acre, 9-hole course, became part of Bernalillo County’s Open Space program.


For the Territorial Fair parade of 1906, UNM created a huge dragon, which rested on 16 wagons drawn by 32 horses.


The Small Business Institute at Anderson School of Management provides student consultants, guided by faculty members, for local businesses. Small businesses get affordable advice, while students gain valuable experiences. Since its beginning in 1978, the Institute has helped more than 600 businesses.


M. Custers, hired as a custodian in 1892, became an instructor when the administration learned about Custer’s knowledge of math, surveying and trigonometry. He was featured in Ripley’s Believe It or Not in 1968.


In 1932, Albuquerque residents could see black smoke billowing from volcanoes west of town. Hours later they learned that UNM engineering students had stuffed tires into the volcano cones and set them on fire.


15 Bernard Rodey drafted the legislation that established the University of New Mexico.

Architect John Gaw Meem’s first project, the Administration Building (later called Scholes Hall), was inspired by the San Esteban del Rey Church at Acoma.




You May Not Know About



In the 1920s UNM briefly had a live lobo. After a government trapper caught a wolf pup on the Floyd Lee Ranch near Mount Taylor, the lobo became the responsibility of cheerleaders who brought it on a leash to every football game. After a child teased the wolf and was bitten, officials were forced to dispose of the wolf, as one historian put it, “for fear other ill-bred brats might become tempted to play with the wolf and bring a damage suit.”


A one-credit course in signed language in 1971 led to the Signed Language Interpreting Program in 1983, after laws mandating services for hearing impaired people created demand for qualified interpreters. Since 1993, a doctoral degree has drawn students from around the world. The program, with more than 1,200 students, is one of 14 in the country accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Interpreter Education.


In 1925, UNM President David Spence Hill invited alumni back to the campus for the first Homecoming celebration. The event began with a pep rally and a bonfire. On Saturday, students had a parade of floats downtown, and fraternities and sororities decorated their houses. The climax was a football game against Arizona. UNM lost 24-0. But for the first time in five years, the stands were packed and athletics made money.

25 The 1913 football team poses in front of the first men’s dorm, Kwataka, a Native American word that means ‘man-eagle.’


When the university began playing football in 1892, the team was simply referred to as “The University Boys” or “Varsities.”


Carlisle Gym, is the only building named for a student — Hugh Carlisle, who died in World War I.


President Tom Popejoy, a 1924 football hero, when asked if he would prefer to have his name on the new football stadium or a concert hall, chose music. Popejoy Hall was completed in 1966.



UNM women challenged the Aggies to a basketball game in 1898. Played in the Armory Hall on First Street, UNM won 4-2. They also played against Albuquerque Indian School and Albuquerque High School. The women ordered uniforms during their second season, which were dark blue with white trim.

In the 1920s, Albuquerque Country Club sold its clubhouse on Las Lomas to the Sigma Chi fraternity. In the 1950s, the fraternity sold the adjacent land to UNM to build the Newman Center.

18 19



In the early 1900s, UNM had an “Arbotheatre” in a natural depression on the northwest corner of campus. It had a stage and seating room for a thousand people.

The first Pueblo Style building on campus was the campus heating plant in 1905. Later, it became the Comedia Theater, used by the Department of Drama then a sculpture studio for the Department of Art. It was demolished in the late 1970s to make way for the Mechanical Engineering Building.

The Museum of Anthropology became Albuquerque’s first public museum in 1932. In 1936, it was on the first floor of the Administration Building (now Scholes Hall). It was renamed the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology in 1972 for Dorothy and Gilbert Maxwell.

The tower of Korber Radio Station stands high above Carlisle Gym, where the station was located in a back room in the 1920s.


Zimmerman Library has Billy the Kid’s spurs, holster and knife. It also has a signed copy of The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid by Lincoln County Sheriff Pat Garrett.

Students enjoy the Castetter Cactus Garden in front of Zimmerman Library in the 1950s.

UNM Firsts 1892: F irst football game, UNM vs. Albuquerque High. 1894: First graduating class; first languages offered were Greek, Latin and Spanish. 1895: UNM Weekly student newspaper published; library made its first official acquisition, a copy of the Century Dictionary. 1897: Alumni Association organized. 1898: F irst athletic association was organized. 1899: F irst baseball game played against Goss Military Institute (UNM won 18-9). Inspired by New Mexico’s landscape, Raymond Jonson painted Grand Canyon Triology in a cubist style. Raymond Jonson (American, 1891-1982); Grand Canyon Trilogy – First Movement, 1927; Oil on canvas; 45 x 56 inches; Bequest of Raymond Jonson, The Raymond Jonson Collection, UNM Art Museum, Albuquerque © The Raymond Jonson Collection, UNM Art Museum; Photo by Robert Reck.


Artist Raymond Jonson moved to Santa Fe from Chicago in 1924. He was instrumental in establishing modernism in the Southwest and helped fellow artists. In 1934, he began commuting to UNM and taught until 1954. In 1950, Jonson Gallery opened. Home to the artist and his wife, it was the first gallery on campus and the first building built with private donations.


Bernard Rodey pulled UNM’s first all-nighter. Holed up for 36 hours in a room of the Palace Hotel in Santa Fe, 32-year-old Rodey dictated nearly all 60 sections of a bill to create a university in Albuquerque, an agricultural school in Las Cruces, and a school of mines in Socorro. With just hours left in its 1889 session, the Territorial Legislature passed it.


In the 1930s students began the annual white-washing of a large U made of stones in the Sandia Mountain foothills that was visible from campus. The activity, which took a half ton of lime and 600 gallons of water, lasted into the 1960s.


With over 2000 performances, lectures and exhibitions annually, the college of Fine Arts plays a major role in Albuquerque’s art community. The College has four academic units, five theaters and performance halls, four exhibition venues and over 30 ensembles and student groups. With more than 30,000 works of art, the UNM Art Museum holds the largest public art collection in New Mexico.


1901: First fraternity, the Yum Yum Society. 1903: First Intercollegiate Athletic Association was formed; members were UNM, the Agricultural College, Las Vegas Normal School, and the Albuquerque and Santa Fe Indian schools. 1903: First sorority, the Minnehahas. 1905: First building in Pueblo Style was the central heating plant. 1908: First tennis match, UNM vs. New Mexico Mines (UNM won 2-0)

The entity with the most name changes is probably the College of Arts and Sciences, which began offering classes in 1894. It became the College of Literature and Arts in 1899, the College of Letters and Science in 1903, the College of Letters and Arts in 1909, the College of Letters and Science in 1912, the College of Arts, Philosophy and Sciences in 1916, and the College of Arts and Sciences in 1919.

1915: First telephone system installed; each dorm had a phone.


1932: Albuquerque’s first public museum, Museum of Anthropology.

In early 2002, Lobo place-kicker Katie Hnida became the first woman to play in an NCAA Division I game at the Las Vegas Bowl.

1921: First campus radio station. 1921: First woman Regent, Mrs. Rupert F. Asplund, who served from 1921-23. 1923: F irst broadcast of a Lobo football game.



UNM Art Museum at 50: Growing and Glowing In a state with a great many works of art, the UNM Art Museum holds the state’s largest publicly held collection of fine art, by far. You’ll find paintings by Fritz Scholder, Ernest Bluemenschein, Luis Tapia, Rembrandt, Jackson Pollock, and photographs by Andy Warhol, Eugene Atget, Ansel Adams, Alfred Stieglitz, and Diane Arbus, just to name a few. Fodor’s Travel has written: “Works of old masters share wall space with the likes of Picasso and O’Keeffe, and many photographs and prints are on display.” In 1961, when lithographer Clinton Adams became dean of the College of Fine Arts, the plan for a gallery in a performing arts building was under way. In 1962, he hired photographer and photo historian Van Deren Coke, who became the museum’s first director and also chaired the Department of Art and Art History. They founded the museum in 1963. The opening show of 61 artists was “Taos and Santa Fe Artists’ Environment 1882-1942.” In 1966, the museum hosted Georgia O’Keeffe’s first solo show in New Mexico. The collections’ heart reflects the passions of Coke and Clinton – more than 10,000 prints and rare books and an equal number of photographs.


You May Not Know About




This O’Keeffe is one of many stunning works in the museum’s collections. Georgia O’Keeffe (American, 1887-1987); Grey Hill Forms, 1936; Oil on canvas; 21 3/8 x 31 3/8; University of New Mexico Art Museum, from the Estate of Georgia O’Keeffe; Image Courtesy of the UNM Art Museum, from the Estate of Georgia O’Keeffe; © UNM Art Museum; Photo by Damian Andrus

On the museum’s lower level is the Raymond Jonson Gallery, dedicated to the work of the pioneering modernist. The gallery relocated in 2010 from Jonson’s campus home and studio at 1909 Las Lomas Road. The Jonson collection includes more than 2,400 works – his own and those of other artists.

the museum’s remarkable 30,000 works. On display are major works of historic European and Spanish Colonial art, important 20th-century works, and contemporary art.

To celebrate its golden anniversary, the museum opened not one but three concurrent exhibits, one culled from

“If you have spent time in a few of the great American and European museums you will appreciate that we have a collection worthy of those institutions right here in Albuquerque,” wrote art reviewer Wesley Pulka in 2013.



The UNM Art Museum owns four paintings by Georgia O’Keeffe: Grey Hill Forms, White Flowers, and Portrait of a Day – Third Day, and Tent Door at Night. The latter was in her first one-person exhibition in 1917 at Alfred Stieglitz’s famous 291 gallery in New York.


In Hodgin Hall hangs a portrait of George Washington, painted more than 200 years ago by Gilbert Stuart, one of the nation’s foremost portraitists.

Men began playing basketball in 1900, and intercollegiate basketball developed after 1922.


President Gray designed the university seal and used it as early as 1909. It featured two New Mexico founders, a Spanish Conquistador and a frontiersman. In the center are seals of the state and the nation and a Spanish coat of arms. The Latin phrase, Lux Hominum Vita (Light is the life of man) was added by Lynn Mitchell in 1914.

School of Medicine at 50 Years

In 1962, the first home of the medical school was a former 7-Up bottling plant on Stanford Drive north of the Bernalillo County Hospital.

This summer, the UNM School of Medicine celebrates its 50th anniversary with months of events, alumni gatherings, a landscaped garden and an art installation. President Tom Popejoy predicted in 1956 that a medical school was five years away. UNM was having trouble placing medical students out of state because states needed the slots for their own students. Sooner or later, he said, New Mexico would need its own medical school. In 1960, Popejoy had plans for a two-year school. Regents established the school in 1961. Dean Reginald Fitz and his staff moved into leased quarters in 1962 and welcomed students in 1964. Dr. Leonard Napolitano arrived at the newly created medical school in 1964 and helped design the curriculum. With the support of then-Gov. Jack Campbell and over objections from some in the medical community, the 1966 Legislature approved UNM’s request to add two more years to the medical school, and a year later the school had a new building.

Napolitano served as Dean for 22 years (1972-1994), taking part in the creation of the Cancer Treatment Center, the Clinical Reseach Center, the Office of the Medical Investigator and the Medical Center Library. In the mid-1970s UNM took over management of Bernalillo County Medical Center. Construction steadily filled in North Campus, creating a modern medical education complex. In 1994, the administration combined the School of Medicine, Physical and Occupation Therapy, Biochemistry, Medical Laboratory Sciences, and other programs into the UNM Health Sciences Center (HSC). Dean Fitz passed away last year. “He understood the challenges facing the faculty in creating a new medical school in a rural, resource-scarce state like New Mexico, yet he also knew the needs of the state’s residents to have accessible, quality health care,” said Paul Roth, Chancellor for Health Sciences. Under Roth’s leadership, the HSC continues to grow and be an invaluable resource to the state.


Actress Jane Fonda gave a speech May 4, 1970, leading to a demonstration that closed the university.


The first athletic field was built in 1908, around the existing Carlisle Gym. In 1918, a new sand and gravel field was built. Students in 1921 built bleachers using donated materials. Fans drove to the edge of the field to watch games. Turf was not added until 1928.

Jane Fonda speaks against the Vietnam War, calling for a strike, on May 4, 1970 after the Kent State tragedy. UNM students begin their strike on May 6.




You May Not Know About



When Hokona Hall was completed in 1956, its female residents called it “the prison” and “the rock” because of the enforced 10 p.m. curfew. Shown here are residents in 1965.


The original Lady Lobos, in 1898, were the Olympians and the Gladiators. Women’s basketball started two years before men’s, playing in a wooden gym with the doors closed and only women present. They weren’t allowed to dribble the ball or guard players, and running was only allowed when the ball was in the air. Football players let them use as goals the upright posts from the football field.

The new Hokona Hall, constructed in 1956, utilized butterflies in the tin light fixtures and the stair railings. Hokona is the Native American work for “maiden butterfly.”


The class of 1908 had the honor of laying a time capsule in the cornerstone of the new Rodey Hall. In 1952, during the renovation of Rodey Hall, the capsule was opened, additional documents were added and it was resealed and buried. In conjunction with the grand re-opening of Hodgin Hall in 2011, the 1908 capsule was opened and the UNM Alumni Association placed another time capsule to be opened in 2111.


With federal funding in 1938, UNM built the Stadium Building, west of the Sub and East of the Carlisle Gym. It held 16,000 spectators and was so bright during night games that one spectator said you could read a newspaper in the stands. When dandelions became a problem on the playing field, grazing sheep were the solution.


Tamarind Lithography Workshop was founded in Los Angeles in 1960 to revive the dying art of lithography. In 1970, it moved to UNM and became Tamarind Institute. Today, it trains master printers and houses a professional collaborative studio for artists.


For 42 years, the John Donald Robb Composers’ Symposium (formerly, UNM Composers’ Symposium) has brought composers and performers to campus. It’s one of the oldest festivals of new music in the world.


The UNM Women’s Basketball team takes a lunch break in 1900. The court behind them was laid out by the football team using their goal posts.



The original school colors were black and gold, but the class of 1896 suggested the colors be changed because of the “Sandia and Manzano Mountains late in the evening that reflected a bright cherry or crimson color from the western sunset.” They also noted that while on class picnics in the Sandia Mountains, “the Rio Grande looked like a silver ribbon weaving its way through Albuquerque’s beautiful valley.” Hence, UNM’s school colors: cherry and silver.

Album Charles M. Atkinson (’63 BFA), Columbus, Ohio, has been named the 46th Distinguished University Professor at Ohio State University. This is OSU’s highest honor. Michael H. Trujillo (’66 BS, ’70 MS, ’74 MD), has joined the Lovelace Health Plan as a medical director. Trujillo previously was an associate dean for multicultural affairs and community outreach and a professor of internal medicine at the Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix. Gary M. Beal Anderson (‘69 BBA), Hobbs, was chosen by the Hobbs Jaycees for their Outstanding Citizen Award.

1970s Harold Bailey (’69 BS, ’71 MA), is president of the Albuquerque chapter of the NAACP. He has received the prestigious FBI Director’s Community Leadership Award for his efforts on behalf of historically disadvantaged groups. Allan J. Graham (’69 BFA), San Jose, N.M. and his wife Gloria have completed a video and photography project, Add-Verse, focused on internationally known beat-era poets. Patricia Madrid (’69 BA, ’73 JD), received the 2013 UNM School of Law Distinguished Achievement Award.

The U sign was proudly displayed atop Hodgin Hall in 1920. Just 10 years earlier, horse and buggy were the only mode of transportation for students and faculty.


Albuquerque residents referred to UNM as “the U” in its early days. In 1922, a 10-foot tall, electrified U, built of tin by Albuquerque Gas and Electric Company, was placed on top of the Administration Building. It required a lot of attention to keep the 50 bulbs replaced but lasted about 10 years. In 2012, the Alumni Association installed a new cast bronze U outside Hodgin Hall.


UNM has three important pieces of the USS New Mexico, the first electric-powered battleship, which was used in WWI and II: the ship’s wheel and bell, and a flag that flew during the Okinawa Campaign.

David E. Stuart (’70 MA, ’72 PhD), Albuquerque, has been appointed interim president of the board of the School for Advanced Research. Stuart is an internationally recognized anthropologist whose books include Prehistoric New Mexico, Anasazi America, The Guaymas Chronicles and the recently released Ancient People of the Pajarito Plateau. Anthony T. Yeung (’70 MD), Phoenix, is a board certified orthopedic surgeon. He and his wife Eileen have donated $2.5 million for the creation of a comprehensive spine center at the UNM School of Medicine.


In 1973, Hodgin Hall was an eyesore and reportedly on a demolition list until Professor Emeritus T. M. Pearce took up its cause as a significant historic site. He thought it should be restored and used as an alumni hall and visitor center. After years of planning, fundraising and construction, Pearce’s proposal became reality in 1983.

William E. Kraus (’70 BSCE, ’71 MSE), McDonough, Ga., was awarded an honorary life membership by the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International.

Peter Johnstone (’71 BA, ‘74 JD), received the 2013 UNM School of Law Distinguished Achievement Award posthumously.

Members of Alpha Phi Omega secure the ship’s bell following its decommissioning in 1946. The bell originally hung in a tower of Scholes Hall. (continued, p. 22)

Baldwin G. Burr, Jr. (’72 BAFA, ’73 MA), Tomé, recently had his second book of historical photos, about Belen, N.M., published in Arcadia Publishing’s Images of America collection. Theodore C. Baca (’72 BS, ’76 JD), announced that he will retire as the Second Judicial District Chief at the end of June. Baca has been an Albuquerque judge since 1998.



At the invitation of Albuquerque Mayor Richard Berry, students in Professor Roger Schluntz’s fourth-year undergraduate architecture studio offered master plan project proposals for Innovate ABQ. This is architecture student Carlos Sabogal’s concept for entertainment at the proposed Innovate Albuquerque complex.

In 1987, UNM and Albuquerque learned that a major opportunity had passed them by. After hot competition among states, Sematech, a consortium of 13 major U.S. semiconductor companies formed to accelerate research, chose Austin.

development zone that could be a catalyst for economic growth in the heart of the city. The plan involves acquiring the former First Baptist Church site downtown, where UNM would build an incubator for startup companies, along

For the next 25, think innovation UNM 2020 provides a roadmap. Innovate ABQ is the vehicle.

UNM became one of five Sematech University Centers of Excellence in 1988, but it was a consolation prize.

with a dormitory. IABQ, as it’s called, might include other properties in the future.

With Innovate ABQ, UNM and Albuquerque plan to create their own opportunities for the next 25 years or more. UNM 2020 will be a roadmap to a future University envisioned by its community.

Investment partners are the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration.

Innovate ABQ is a public-private effort to create a high-tech research and



“The need was clear to me as I came here,” says UNM President Bob Frank. “I’m a New Mexican who left and wanted to

come back, but there was no job to come back to.” Meeting new people and catching up with old friends, he learned that their kids are living out of state. “You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to realize we need to create jobs. Our children are moving away. We aren’t creating enough opportunities.” As recently as the 1990s, universities viewed their mission narrowly as the education of students, but some have shown that higher education can not only participate in economic development – it can be the engine that drives it. “A lot of presidents say that right now,” says Frank. “Mayor Richard J. Berry is working with us. Governor Susana Martinez is willing to work with us. Opportunities today are in collaboration. We can succeed when we create effective alliances. We have this moment. The mayor has offered his hand, and we’re grabbing it.” Frank kicked off Innovate Albuquerque in 2012 with his Economic Development Summit, followed by a visit to Florida’s Innovation Square. Planning consultants studied and ranked possible locations; the top two were the church site and Aperture Center in Mesa del Sol.

Album Susan York (’72 BAFA), a sculptor, is a 2013 recipient of the Santa Fe Mayor’s Awards for Excellence in the Arts.

“We propose the whole idea of a livework-play community,” Frank says. “The area will become an innovation district, a place where people will engage each other. It’s a rich ecosystem for opportunity to grow. We want students in the middle of all that. If we make ideas happen, we can keep them in Albuquerque.”

city’s transportation center. “We’ll have everything we need to flourish.” For years, cities have tried to recreate the types of interaction that occur easily in places like Silicon Valley, where industry and universities are in close proximity. But in spread-out Albuquerque, the 26 startups based on UNM technology are scattered around the city.

Another goal is to partner with Sandia This and other initiatives will be and Los Alamos national laboratories, guided by the 2020 Plan, a vision for not just well but “impeccably,” says Frank. the University developed in 2012 The magnet is affordable space for after consultation with all campus startups in the incubators, and a student communities. See the results at dormitory; the surrounding community UNM2020.unm.edu. then fills up with coffee shops, eateries “We create knowledge. Public service and other retail – what economic and research define us,” Frank says. “As developers call “collision space” we go forward in time, public service and where people meet and ideas form. research will still be important. We have Young faculty members want to live an obligation to create innovation. New downtown. And nearby is the rail yard, Mexico is a great state for innovation.” also slated for redevelopment, and the

Linda Niessen (’73 BA), is dean of the College of Dental Medicine at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale. She is an internationally renowned academician, researcher, author and public health advocate.

Linda Niessen

Ross Allen Wirth (’73 BS), Pickerington, Ohio, has been promoted to assistant provost at Franklin University in Columbus. Previously he was dean of the College of Business and had a 32-year career with an international oil company. Larry William Greenly (’74 MA, 78 MS), has published Eugene Bullard: World’s First Black Fighter Pilot. George L. Johnson (’75 BA), Santa Fe, a longtime science writer, has a new book, The Cancer Chronicles: Unlocking Medicine’s Deepest Mystery. Bill Piatt (’75 JD), celebrated his 63rd birthday by swimming in a race from Alcatraz to San Francisco. Carol Lynne Redman (’75 BMA), Santa Fe, is a flutist who performed “Minuet and Dance of the Blessed Spirits” in a concert of Santa Fe Pro Musica, which she co-founded in 1980. She is often a featured soloist. Roland Kent Sanchez (’75 MD), Belen, was honored at the New Mexico Distinguished Public Service Awards. Mark Morgan (‘76 BA), graduated from Troy University in Alabama with an MS in International Relations. He’s pleased it only took 37 years! Beverly Claire White (’76 MS), Albuquerque, was honored by the Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque at the 2013 Humanitarian Awards. Philip Dabbs Briggs (’77 MD, ‘10 MBA), Albuquerque, is the founder of Santa Fe Family Health Center and Atrinea Health in Albuquerque.

Joseph Cecchi, Dean, School of Engineering, and fourth-year undergraduate Nicholas Andre Larranaga-Couty consult in the architecture studio regarding master plan project proposals for Innovate ABQ.

Peter Shea Kierst (’77 BAFA, ’80 MA, ’84 JD), received the Guardian of Liberty Award from the American Civil Liberties Union for his legal work on marriage equality lawsuits in New Mexico. He is with Sutin, Thayer & Browne in Albuquerque.



U Are Here 125 THINGS

You May Not Know About



The Chelyabinsk meteor’s trajectory and impact is the first of its kind captured on camera.

Catch a falling star In February 2013, a meteorite crashed in Russia. It was not only the largest meteoroid strike in more than a century, but the abundance of data from social media, consumer video cameras and scientific laboratories will make it the most studied. Karen Ziegler, a senior research scientist in UNM’s Institute of Meteoritics, joined 57 other scientists to understand what happened that day. Their report on the Chelyabinsk meteoroid appeared in the journal Science. Ziegler’s research group studied samples to identify the oxygen isotope



composition of this space rock, a way of identifying different groups of meteorites. After a painstaking process involving a laser and mass spectrometer, Ziegler concluded, “It was an ordinary chondrite.” The results matched what others had found based on mineralogy, petrography and chemistry. “This meteorite fireball was interesting because we were able to observe the meteoroid’s spectacular entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, and saw it explode and rain down over Russia, and this is a major, once in a lifetime event.” – Steve Carr (’90 BA)

UNM’s Institute of Meteoritics in 1944 became the nation’s first institution devoted to the study of meteorites. Lincoln LaPaz, the first director, saw Halley’s comet at age 13 and kept looking up. He established a first-rate meteorite collection. Specimens, in excess of 600, draw researchers from around the world. He managed to acquire a one-ton Norton County enstatite achondrite. It was the world’s largest specimen for 28 years until, in 1976, a larger meteorite fell in China. Klaus Keil, the Institute’s second director, secured federal funding to grow the Institute. The first NASA grants received were for the study of lunar samples from the Apollo 11 mission. Go online to view the next 75: unmalumni.com/unm125

President Popejoy (left) congratulates Dr. Lincoln LaPaz for securing the Norton County meteorite, the world’s largest in 1948.

Album Joseph Daniel (J.D.) Salazar (’77 BE), Burr Ridge, Ill., is executive vice president of Fischer Co., a global commercial real estate firm. Salazar founded Champion Realty Advisors in 1997 and grew it to one of the most successful Hispanic-owned industrial real estate companies in the country. Alan R. Wilson (’77 BA, ‘80 JD), Albuquerque, has been appointed by Gov. Susana Martinez as director of the Securities Division of the Regulation and Licensing Department. Tomas S. Mendez (’78 BAA), is the in-house architect for the city of Las Cruces. Lynda Joan Morris (’78 BA), Antioch, Calif., is the Pets & Wildlife columnist for the Bay Area News Group (San Jose Mercury News, Oakland Tribune and Contra Costa Times). Joan’s column appears five days a week in print and online at MercuryNews.com/animal-life. John Tysseling (’78 BA, ’80 MA, ’86 PhD), joins Moss Adams as consulting director. He is the former chief economist of the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Mary M. Altenberg (’79 BA, ’96 MS), Albuquerque, has joined Community Dental Services as executive director.

New home at Anderson School CEOs get all the glory (or all the blame), but the CFO (chief financial officer) keeps a company on its fiscal rails. The CFO Academy, founded by Brandon Haines and a prestigious board of trustees from diverse organizations, has joined the Anderson School of Management’s Executive and Professional Education program. The Academy is a professional association of chief financial

officers dedicated to executive and leadership development. Audrey Arnold, EPE director, said, “The CFO Academy allows CFOs and other financial professionals to grow their knowledge base,” but the public is also welcome at the events, which “focus on the latest technologies, laws and trends in accounting and tax rules that influence financial professionals today.”

$1.25 Million Grant Earned Barbara Rodriguez, associate professor and chair, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, is collaborating with Deborah Rhein, associate professor, Communication Disorders Program at New Mexico

State University, on a $1.25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, to prepare 48 bilingual speech-language pathologists in New Mexico.

Kyle Joseph Hardy (’79 BA, ’81 MA), Albuquerque, bench pressed 337 pounds in the 65 to 69 age bracket at the International Powerlifting League world championships in Las Vegas.

1980s Cristina V. Beato (’80 BS, ’84 MD), Albuquerque, is returning to UNM as executive director of health policy and international health. She was formerly an official in President George W. Bush’s administration. Jaune Quick-to-See-Smith (’80 MFA), Corrales, is the subject of the book Jaune Quick-to-SeeSmith: An American Modernist, written by Carolyn Kastner and published by UNM Press. This is the first full-length, critical analysis of Smith’s paintings. Wayne Scott Appelman (’81 BBA), Albuquerque, celebrated his 30th year as a balloon pilot. After graduating from Anderson School of Management, he wanted to make his hobby of hot air ballooning into a career and established Rainbow Ryders in 1984. John Rick Fellerhoff (’81 BSEE, ’83 MSE), is the new director of the Nuclear Weapons Planning, Operations, and Integration Center 200 and chief operating officer of the NW Strategic Management Unit at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque.

SPRING 2013 4


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U Are Here Rankings snapshot 1st, Among Hispanic Serving Institutions for Peace Corps volunteers (Peace Corps) 2nd, Rural Medicine Program (U.S. News) 4th, Anderson School of Management among schools for Hispanics (HispanicBusiness.com) UNM’s 2013 LoboMotorSports Team at the FSAE competition. Photo by John Russell.

5th, MFA photography programs (U.S. News)

Start your engines UNM LOBOMotorSports finished in 12th place out of 80 international entries at the Formula SAE competition in Lincoln, Neb., last fall. The team also broke its own records, with the highest point total ever and the highest design place, tied for seventh. The team earned a very respectable ninth place for presentation. The formula-style racecar features a snowmobile engine, a continuously variable transmission (CVT) that requires no shifting by the driver, and aerodynamics designed and manufactured by students. Said the race announcer: “Here comes the University of New Mexico. That car is beautiful!” LOBOMotorSports, a three-semester program, starts with how automobiles work, moves on to designing and building each system of a car and



4th, School of Law (Above the Law)

putting all the systems together on time and on budget. Finally, students test their car against other teams.

6th, School of Engineering among schools for Hispanics (HispanicBusiness.com)

Professor John Russell, the program’s director, sees it as a unique opportunity to teach systems engineering and project management.

6th, Graduate physical therapy program (GraduatePrograms.com)

“We run the program as if we were in industry,” said Russell, a former director of space technologies at the Air Force Research Lab. “My job is to prepare them for that first day so when they walk in they are ready to work.”

7th, Anderson School for the percentage of MBAs hired within 90 days of graduation (U.S. News)

“Toyota will give a student out of Formula SAE two years’ experience credit; others, preferential hiring. Space X hires Formula SAE students preferentially because they know they can design and build and they know they can operate either independently or on a team.” – Steve Carr (’90 BA)

7th, Family Medicine (U.S. News)

7th, School of Law among schools for Hispanics (HispanicBusiness.com) 7th, School of Medicine among schools for Hispanics (HispanicBusiness.com) 9th, Medical School’s Primary Care program (U.S. News) 11th, Law School’s Clinical Training program (U.S. News) 14th, Graduate biology program (GraduatePrograms.com)

Album Mark Stephen Pike (’81 BA), Albuquerque, has been promoted by Bank Albuquerque to senior vice president and commercial business development officer. Lu Ann M. Wosick (’81 BSN, ’91 MS), Cerrillos, received the 2011 UNM College of Nursing Distinguished Alumni Award.

Teaching pain management Chronic pain affects some 100 million American adults and children, costing up to $635 billion in medical treatment and lost productivity, not to mention suffering, yet pain management is not taught extensively. The UNM Health Sciences Center has been working on this gap in its curriculum. Recently the National Institutes of Health chose UNM as one of 12 universities to be a Center of Excellence in Pain Education. The curriculum will advance the assessment, diagnosis and safe treatment of a wide variety of pain while minimizing the abuse of opioid pain relievers. Of particular interest to the NIH Pain Consortium

are rehabilitation pain, arthritis and musculoskeletal pain, neuropathic pain and headache pain. Robin Meize-Grochowski, professor and program director at the College of Nursing, is principal investigator. She said the center would work with UNM’s Project ECHO Pain Clinic, a Clinical Center of Excellence in Pain Management designated by the American Pain Society. “We will draw upon our experts in nursing, pharmacy, geriatrics, integrative medicine, curriculum, technology and teaching in the development of learning modules and case-based scenarios related to pain management in older adults,” she said.

Atul Bhatnagar (‘82 MSE), Saratoga, Calif., is president and CEO of Cambium Networks, a leading provider of IP wireless broadband access and transport solutions. Brian Stephen Page (’82 BAA), Spokane, Wash., has joined Bernardo/Wills Architects as a project architect and manager. He is currently on loan to Fairchild Air Force Base’s 92nd Civil Engineering Squadron, providing project management services for renovation and remodel work on the base. John Rowe (’82 MS), Albuquerque, has been named a Sandia Fellow, a designation reserved for those who are recognized pioneers in their fields. There have been only six previous Fellows in Sandia’s history. Rowe has worked in space and ground-based sensing systems for most of the last 30 years. Donna S. Cygan, (’83 MBA), Albuquerque, has published The Joy of Financial Security. To have more happiness about your money, Cygan advises an approach that focuses on gratitude. Mirabai P. Starr (’83 BA, ’84 MA), Denver, has three books coming out: The Showings of Julian of Norwich, Saint Teresa of Avila: Passionate Mystic and Saint Francis of Assisi: Brother of Creation. James Hudson (‘84 JD), Roswell, was appointed District Judge for the Fifth Judicial District in Chaves County by Gov. Susana Martinez. Previously, he was a partner with Hinkle, Hensley, Shanor & Martin, where he worked for 28 years. Peter Anthony Sanchez (’84 BBA), Executive Director of The Atrisco Heritage Foundation in Albuquerque, is a 2014 UNM Anderson School of Management Hall of Fame inductee. Louise D. Lewis (’85 BSN), is the Moreno Valley Healthcare Clinic’s newest provider in Angel Fire. With ties to the valley that date back to her parents’ interest in the area, she makes her home in Ocate. Robert David Marvin (’85 BUS), Reno, is vice president of exploration for Cypress Holdings. He has been involved in mineral exploration for and evaluation of gold, copper, zinc, and uranium deposits along the Cordillera and Archean shield.

A young patient gets a great view of a window cleaner dressed as the Hulk at UNM Children’s Hospital.

SPRING 2013 4


U Are Here Chimpanzee Isotopes Reveal Ancient Food Sources

Researchers say Marble Canyon was carved out in the last six million years. Photo by Laura Crossey

6 million years young Scientists have debated the age of the Grand Canyon for more than 140 years. Some say it’s 70 million years old; others believe it’s much younger.

Professor Karl Karlstrom, of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, along with Professor Laura Crossey, postdoctoral student Ryan Arguments for the older Grand Canyon Crow and PhD candidate Jason Ricketts, studied four of five segments hold that it could have been cut by of the Grand Canyon. Their research a precursor east-flowing California points to the Colorado River using paleoriver in the same location as the some old segments on its way to the modern canyon some 70 million years Gulf of California over the past six ago. Then a west-flowing Arizona paleoriver around 55 million years ago million years. cut deeper. The canyon was shaped “You can think of it like Interstate 40, near its modern depth about 50 million where you have several different roads years ago and reused by the westthat were pieced together over time flowing Colorado River. to form one big highway,” Karlstrom said. “These paleocanyon pathways all New results, however, from evolved over time to form the Grand a rock-dating method called Canyon and each segment has a little thermochronology, which measures erosion when deeper rocks are brought different history to it.” near the earth’s surface, indicates most of the canyon was carved by the Colorado River relatively recently.



Still, he adds, “It doesn’t mean we won’t learn something new tomorrow.”

New research led by UNM Assistant Professor of Anthropology Sherry V. Nelson studies carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in the tooth enamel from a chimpanzee community to understand the environment of fossil apes and early humans. Nelson’s research, “Chimpanzee fauna isotopes provide new interpretations of fossil apes and hominid ecologies,” was recently released. UNM Anthropology Professor Martin Muller and Harvard Human Evolutionary Biology Professor Richard Wrangham co-direct the Kibale Chimpanzee project, a long-term field study of the behavior, ecology and physiology of wild chimpanzees in Uganda. When animals die in the forest, their skeletons are preserved for researchers like Nelson.

Specialty Programs Ranked High US News and World Report magazine has released Best Graduate School rankings for 2014. The list features a number of UNM specialty programs. In the School of Medicine, UNM’s Rural Medicine Program is ranked second in the U.S. Family Medicine is ranked seventh and Primary Care is ranked 9th. Senior faculty and deans of schools and colleges throughout the U.S vote on these specialty rankings.



Nuggets of University Trivia


The number of new startup companies formed by STC.UNM, the University’s technology commercialization arm, in fiscal 2013. It’s a new record. So are these: 63 option and license agreements, 138 technologies disclosed, 51 patents issued.





The size of UNM’s Trailblazer satellite cube in inches. The first satellite built by UNM

researchers and students, it launched from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility in November and is now sending back information on gamma ray radiation in the ionosphere.


The number of former UNM and NFL football


player Brian Urlacher. It was retired during

Renee Maxine Rodarte-Keeling (‘85 BS, ‘05 MA), Albuquerque, was recently named the 2013 New Mexico Parent Teacher Association Outstanding Teacher of the Year. She has been a teacher with the Albuquerque Public Schools for 29 years and an active PTA member each of those years. Barbara June Vigil (’85 JD), Santa Fe, has been a state district judge for more than 12 years and a lawyer for 27 years. She is now chief judge of the First Judicial District, covering Santa Fe, Rio Arriba and Los Alamos counties. Anna Maria Voltura (’85 BS, ’91 MD), Albuquerque, has joined the surgical Oncology Department at the UNM Cancer Center as a new cancer specialist. David Scott Melton (’86 BA), is CEO of Sacred Power Corp. and chairman of the America Indian Chamber of Commerce of New Mexico. His Native American race team, Sacred Power Motorsports, was in NASCAR for three years. Sandra E. Rotruc (’86 JD), a family law attorney at Sutin, Thayer & Browne, has been elected president of the board of directors for the Domestic Violence Resource Center in Albuquerque. Daniel Allen Salzwedel (’86 PhD), Albuquerque, has been elected chair of the New Mexico Lottery Board of Directors for 2014. Jamie Ann Silva-Steele (’86 BSN), has been promoted to interim president and CEO at UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center. Silva-Steele has worked for UNM Hospitals for 29 years. Benjamin Lee Darwin (’87 BBA), is a 2014 UNM Anderson School of Management Hall of Fame inductee. Michael Joseph Kivitz (’87 MBA), of Adelante Development Center Inc. in Albuquerque, is a 2014 UNM Anderson School of Management Hall of Fame inductee. Joseph Perry Pope (’87 BS, ’91 MD), Farmington, was re-elected to the San Juan College Board of Trustees. Pope is also a violist and beekeeper.

a November 2013 UNM-Air Force game to cheers from 21,833 people. The number of students receiving degrees



from UNM at winter commencement. This included: 1,265 bachelor’s degrees, 385 master’s degrees, 142 associate’s degree, 66 doctoral, 22 juris doctorates, four

The total number of UNM alumni, past

medical doctorates, 12 graduate certificates

and present.

and nine educational specialist degrees.

Regina Goff (’89 BBA), Tullahoma, Tenn., was presented with the Professional Achievement Government award at the 2013 Women of Color STEM Conference in Dallas. She is chief of the Financial Analysis Division at Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command. Lillian Montoya (’89 BA, ’98 MBA), has joined Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical Center in Santa Fe as vice president for public policy and stakeholder engagement.






leader in

Times Joe Long’s legacy lives on in UNM’s Africana Studies program. By Carolyn J. C. Thompson Seated in President Ferrel Heady’s office in 1969, Joe Long outlined the Black Student Union’s demands, which included the creation of a Black Studies Department.



Album Sophia Rodgers (‘89 BSN, ‘92 MS), Albuquerque, received the 2013 UNM College of Nursing Distinguished Alumni Award. Doug Thal (’89 BA), and Kristin (Potter) Thal (’96 MA, ’00 JD), are the owners of Thal Equine, a full-service horse hospital south of Santa Fe. They recently launched a mobile application for horse owners and equine professionals called Horse Side Vet Guide.

1990s Steven L. Carr (’90 BA), Los Lunas, is Board Member of the Year of the New Mexico Public Relations Society of America.

Joe Long, with an unidentified member of the Black Student Union, reads a statement to the crowd at a Lobo basketball game with Brigham Young University on Feb. 28, 1970. Photo by Tony Louderbough. Louderbough (’76 BUS, ’86 MPA) is trying to identify and locate people in these and other photographs for a historical project and invites anyone with information to contact him at TonyLouderbough.com.

The year was 1967, and the American Civil Rights movement was stirring the winds of both unrest and hope across the nation. The first African-American justice on the Supreme Court had been appointed, and the first black mayors of major American cities had been elected. Riots broke out that July, with 66 people killed in Newark and Detroit. Martin Luther King Jr., speaking out strongly against American involvement in the war in Vietnam, had become a powerful voice for peace, well beyond issues of race. That same unrest and desire for change were in the air at UNM, especially among UNM’s minority students. Late that year, a small group of black students came together and found their leader.

“There were about 40 of us present, about half of the black students on campus at the time. We walked into that meeting room, a bunch of individuals with many of the same concerns, but without a shared direction. By the end of the meeting we were united and the Black Student Union (BSU) had been formed, all because of Joe. He was our leader, and everyone knew it.” On April 1, 1969, the BSU and United Mexican-American Students marched on the UNM Administration and presented their demands to thenPresident Ferrel Heady.

Tony Louderbough (’76 BUS, ’86 MPA), a young freelance photographer, joined the Black Student Union in a march on Josephus (Joe) Long, a Fine Arts graduate the UNM Administration Building student, was one of the organizers of and accompanied them and the the initial meeting. Barbara Simmons United Mexican-American Students (’74 JD) remembers that day: as they entered Heady’s office to discuss their demands.

Barbara Creel (’90 JD), received UNM’s Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color 2013 AllAround Award, which recognizes a positive impact on students of color in the areas of mentorship, service and excellence in Barbara Creel teaching and research. A member of Jemez Pueblo, she is a professor at UNM’s Law School. Phillip Rivera (’90 BBA), Las Cruces, is president of Physician Services for Memorial Medical Center after two years as chief operating officer. Terri Dawn Fortner (’91 BSN), Farmington, received the 2013 UNM College of Nursing Distinguished Alumni Award. Coco Corral, aka Jennifer Cummings, (’92 BAFA), is a jewelry designer who designed the money clip Walter White used in Breaking Bad. Michael James Crossey (’92 MD), Albuquerque, is the executive medical director of Tricore Reference Laboratories, where he began in 1997. Previously, he was TriCore’s medical director of clinical pathology. John M. Sapien (‘92 BBA), Santa Fe, was appointed chairman of the New Mexico Senate Education Committee and chairman of the Legislative Education Study Committee. He serves on the boards of the National Association of Latino Elected Officials and the Conference of State Governments West. Sapien was also recently appointed to the Education Commission of the States and as a legislative advisor to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education.



“Grant Harvey (’69 BAED), editor of the Lobo at the time, sent me to cover the demonstration that day. His standing photo assignment was, ‘Don’t come back with a crowd shot, and try not to get arrested,’” Louderbough recalls. “There was an energy in the air. I had the sense that what people were doing was larger than themselves. When we entered the President’s office, I knew that Joe was going to do his job, and I had to do mine to try to capture images that would communicate the significance of this meeting. Joe was so impressive, especially in the way that he was able to keep his focus on the larger goals of justice and equality, while also articulating the specific things that could happen to make it all work.

me immediately. He just had a manner about him.” The Model Cities Program, created by President Lyndon Johnson to combat poverty in urban areas, was fertile ground. Long worked hard on issues related to housing, education and health care, with special emphasis on racial and cultural

social justice and humanitarian causes, becoming well known as a social entrepreneur. Sadly, cancer cut Joe Long’s life short when he was in his mid-40s. The Josephus Long Scholarship was created to honor his remarkable life and contributions, and UNM’s Black Alumni Chapter strives to preserve Long’s

“Joe was intense, formidable, and, above all, thoughtful as he presented his points, and it was clear that President Heady was really listening.” One of the demands was for Students marched in 1969 in support of the Black Student Union. Photo by Tony Louderbough. a Black Studies Department. Heady challenged the students legacy. Naming the scholarship for Long matters. Long rose in the ranks from to develop a full proposal for the program. project manager to management advisor reinforces his message that inclusion, Long and his colleagues did just that, and scholarship and alliances with people to director. their initiative produced UNM’s Africana from all walks of life are as important for “Joe and I could talk about anything, and Studies program, creating a permanent students today as they were in 1967. we did so with both humor and respect,” structure for the inclusion and education “Joe was always telling us to go for it, Córdova recalls. “This was a challenging of African-American students at UNM, to become part of everything,” says and transformative time in New Mexico’s touching the lives of thousands over more Simmons, who now serves as the Black history for blacks, Hispanics, Native than four decades. Alumni Chapter president. “He was so Americans, women – basically all Long was also making his mark in the respected by everyone, and that is why [underrepresented] groups. Our ability, community beyond UNM. John Córdova as the Albuquerque Model Cities team, to the scholarship fund was created in his (’61 BS), then director of Albuquerque’s have open and honest dialogue and debate name. There is simply no other person Model Cities Program, remembers hiring more deserving. He was our Martin that could lead to solving fundamental Long to join his team as a project manager problems related to poverty was essential.” Luther King.” in the late 1960s. To learn more about the UNM Black Long graduated from UNM in 1970 “We had recently received federal money Alumni Chapter and how to give to with his Master of Arts in art education, for the program and needed to staff up,” the Joe Long Scholarship Fund, please married Lynn Hoffman, a co-worker at Córdova explains. “Joe basically walked visit UNMAlumni.com/Black-Alumnithe Model Cities Program, and moved in off the street to apply for a job with me, to Boston. He continued his artistic Chapter.html. and his intelligence and sincerity struck endeavors and involved himself with



Album Jo Lynne Catanach (’93 MA), is an elementary school principal in Fort Sumner. She previously served as the assessment and accountability coordinator with Bernalillo Public Schools.

From Home and Family to Distance Education in 85 Years

Celebrating its 85th anniversary is the Division of Continuing Education, which began as a credit division in 1928. Records are thin, but until 1947 the program offered the University’s correspondence courses.

By 1947, the Community Evening College, housed in Hodgin Hall, offered both correspondence and adult noncredit courses. Its typewritten, five-page bulletin listed 17 courses in business administration, vocational and cultural subjects, and home and family living. Tuition started at $4, and married couples could sign up together for $5. From 1948 to 1950, enrollment was 1,085. The college continued adding courses and in 1954 became the Community College. The name Division of Continuing Education and Community Services was first used in 1968, and that spring it began offering a class called “Albuquerque Story,” which is today’s popular “Story of New Mexico.” Computer classes were first offered in 1982.

Credit Independent Study, Non-Degree Credit and Extension Services Programs. After just six years, Continuing Ed outgrew this space and moved noncredit programs to 801 University SE. In 1994, the Training Institute became the Professional Development Program and, after 40 years, the Community College became the Personal Enrichment Program. The division built a new administration and classroom facility in 1997, which brought together under one roof the Computer Program, Professional Development Program and Personal Enrichment Program. On its 70th anniversary, the division had 19 departments offering more than 2,500 courses, both credit and non-credit, and serving some 30,000 students.

Continuing Education and Extended University became independent operating units in 2003, with Rita Martinez-Pursons in charge of Continuing Education and Jeronimo Dominguez becoming vice provost of Extended University. The two units were reunited last year to form Extended Rupert A. Trujillo became division Learning. Monica Orozco Obando director in 1974 and then Dean. He became vice provost of Extended would preside over the division’s growth Learning, and Joseph Miera became until his retirement in 1995, at which time Jeronimo Dominguez became Dean. executive project director of the Continuing Education component. When UNM acquired the Masonic Today Extended Learning has both Temple at 1634 University NE in 1985, Continuing Ed and its growing programs academic credit and non-credit programs and serves more than 36,500 students gained a spacious new home that also across the state. had a 550-seat auditorium and ample paved parking. Also located there were By Kim Jarigese (’86 BFA)

Penny Ann Garcia (’94 MA, ’98 PhD), is dean of the College of Education and Technology for Eastern New Mexico University. Previously she was associate dean for the College of Education and Human Services at the University of Wisconsin. Albert Joseph Lobato (’94 BSN), is a family nurse practitioner at the Presbyterian Hospital emergency department. Alok Maskara (’94 MS), Milwaukee, is president of Pentair’s Thermal Management business, which offers products and services used in refineries, power plants, oil rigs and chemical processing plants. Nancy Santiesteban (’94 AAHS, ’98 ASNU, ’01 BSN), has been promoted by Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health Care Services in Gallup to chief nursing officer. Brian Alan Tuffnell (’94 BSN), won a 2013 New Mexico Nursing Excellence Award. He is a staff nurse in the surgical intensive care unit at the New Mexico VA Health Care System in Albuquerque. Richard Brent Wellborn (’94 JD), Las Cruces, has been appointed as Doña Ana County Magistrate District 4 judge. Lieutenant Colonel James M. Dobbs USAF (’95 BBA), received his PhD in Leadership Studies from the University of San Diego. He is assigned to Osan Air Base, South Korea. Ed A. Manzanares (’95 BA), is the new assistant athletic director for major gifts at UNM. He was previously New Mexico Highlands University’s athletic director. William C. Reichard (‘95 BA, ‘08 MBA), Albuquerque, has recently published his first novel, This Album Full of Angles, a story set in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Kevin Dewitt Schitoskey (BSN, ‘95), Bend, Ore., has joined AirLink CCT as program manager. He recently served as director of emergency services at the UNM Hospital. Joe P. Salgado (’96 MD), was selected Best Healthcare Provider in this year’s Best of Artesia contest in Artesia, N.M. F. Kiko Torres (’96 MD), Corrales, has joined New Mexico Health Connections as medical director for primary care services.



Naming Names Long-time University Architect matches people to buildings in new book

Boal Mitchell, an advocate for expansion, was the long-serving professor, dean and academic vice president who joined the University in 1912 as associate professor of Latin and Greek. In 1951, the new classroom building was named for him. Hooker, former University Architect, cares about buildings and their histories. In 1989, he published Only in New Mexico: An Architectural History of the University of New Mexico. During his 24 years at the University, 87 buildings were built. Today Hooker is part of the history he helped create and preserve.

Hooker’s favorite building was the Humanities Building, completed in 1974. Photo by Gene Peach.

Did you ever wonder about the people whose names identify UNM buildings? Who, for example, is the Ortega of Ortega Hall? Or the Mitchell of Mitchell Hall? Van Dorn Hooker wondered. “It occurred to me that most people don’t know why Scholes Hall is called Scholes Hall,” he said. That led him to write Memories, Memorials and Monuments, a book of “biographical sketches of people who have



something named for them” on any of UNM’s campuses. (At this writing, it’s still in manuscript form.) France V. Scholes was a history professor, beginning in 1925, who was later an academic vice president and grad school dean. Ortega Hall was named for Joaquin Ortega, professor of Spanish, director of the School of Inter-American Affairs, and editor of the New Mexico Quarterly. Lynn

Van Dorn Hooker, shown here in the 1980s, continues to keep an eye on campus development at age 93.

Shelf Life

Books by UNM Alumni

Bone Horses: A Novel

Lesley Poling-Kempes (’76 BUS) La Alameda Press, 2013 New York school teacher Charlotte Lambert is practical and predictable and never allows life to veer off course until she comes to New Mexico. During one summer in Agua Dulce, a village haunted by a phantom herd of wild horses, Charlotte’s world is upended as she unearths the details of her mother’s forbidden love affair, chilling murder, and courageous last act of redemption. The book received the Tony Hillerman Award for Best Fiction and a 2013 New Mexico-Arizona Book Award. About the author: Lesley Poling-Kempes, a resident of Abiquiu, N.M., is the author of nonfiction and fiction books. Won the Tony Hillerman Award for Best Fiction from New Mexico – Arizona Book Awards for 2013.

Clyde Tingley’s New Deal for New Mexico, 1935-1938 Lucinda Lucero Sachs (’66 BA, ’89 MA) Sunstone Press, 2013 Gov. Clyde Tingley, who was also mayor of Albuquerque, created a powerful Democratic machine in New Mexico and cultivated a friendship with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He not only wrangled a better New Deal for New Mexico, he reorganized state government, built roads, and encouraged movies and tourism. His popular wife, Carrie Wooster Tingley, devoted her time to children’s causes and other charitable work. About the author: Lucinda Lucero Sachs is the author of two award-winning short stories and a novel. A native of Alameda, New Mexico, she is the daughter of Erminda and Ben Sachs. She is married to Lewis E. Real.

The End of Night Paul Bogard (’03 MA) Little, Brown and Company, 2013 Bogard, an opponent of light pollution, relates how dark nights are becoming a thing of the past. In exploring night and how we experience it, from the lights of Paris to New Mexico’s Chaco Canyon, from Thoreau’s Walden Pond to the world’s first International Dark Sky Island, he explains why we need darkness for health, inspiration and space study. About the author: Paul Bogard teaches creative nonfiction at James Madison University.

Album Cecilia J. Aragón (‘97 MA), an associate professor of theatre and dance at the University of Wyoming, has been appointed director of the Chicano Studies program.

Cecilia Aragon

Stephanie Jo Ott (’97 MWRA, ’01 MD), Carroll, Ohio, is a rheumatologist with Fairfield Medical Center and an instructor at the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. She was recently chosen by her students as one of the college’s Preceptors of the Year. Christopher R. Moberg (’98 BBA), was promoted to associate dean of the College of Business at Ohio University in Athens. Michael Lee Nesbitt (’98 BS), Pearland, Texas, is the interim football head coach at West Texas A&M, the fourth-ranked team in NCAA Division II. Martin L. Salazar (’98 BA), Las Vegas, N.M., is publisher and editor of the Las Vegas Optic. Angie K. Schneider (’98 BA, ’01 JD), Ruidoso, has been appointed to Division 4 of the Twelfth Judicial District Court bench. Ryan Stark (’98 BA), was named the Civil Air Patrol New Mexico Wing Public Affairs Officer of the Year for 2013. Stark, owner of Clavius PR, is a member of Albuquerque Senior Squadron II at Kirtland Air Force Base. Michael A. Aragon (’99 JD), Las Vegas, was appointed to the New Mexico Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission. Wafaa Bilal (’99 BA), New York City, unveiled an interactive sculpture entitled “The Hierarchy of Being.” The sculpture explores visual culture through the lens of pioneering Islamic sciences and examines how these ideas have impacted current thinking. Sheri Sullivan Milone (’99 MBA), is a 2014 UNM Anderson School of Management Hall of Fame inductee.

Have a Good Howl Our monthly email newsletter, The Howler, keeps Lobos up-to-date with Alumni

Dylan O’Reilly (’99 JD), Farmington, was named the 2013 Business Lawyer of the Year by the board of directors of the State Bar of New Mexico Law Section.

Association news and events, as well as additional alumni profiles not published in Mirage. You can read it online at unmalumni.com/the-howler.html or subscribe to the email version by emailing a request to alumni@unm.edu.



Shelf Life

Books by UNM Alumni

Forget Me Not: A Love Story of the East

Letters to Ann: The Korean War 1950-1951

G. X. Chen (’86 MA) Tate Publishing, 2013

Ann Marie Hughes (’83 JD) Ann Marie, 2013

This is a love story between two childhood friends, Lily Zhang and Li Ling, who were thrown together and then torn apart by the evil force of the Cultural Revolution, the most horrifying 10-year terror in the modern history of China. Blog Critics magazine wrote, “Chen does a phenomenal job relating the history of the Cultural Revolution and entwining the fear and dismay with a heart-twisting love story.”

In a unique perspective on “the Forgotten War,” Captain John F. Hughes shares bits of humor about his daily experience as a battlefield medical officer with his four-year-old daughter, Ann Isabel Hughes. The letters “show his love, longing and the story of Korea and Koreans through this foreigner’s warm eyes,” says the Weekly Focus, a Korean newspaper.

About the author: Grace (Xiao-ming) Chen is a freelance writer who taught literature at UNM and the Shanghai Foreign Language Institute. She published numerous books in China before leaving the country in 1989. She lives in Boston with her husband, Steve.

Intimate Activism: The Struggle of Sexual Rights in Post-Revolutionary Nicaragua Cymene Howe (’99 MA, ’03 PhD) Duke University Press, 2013 Howe tells the story of Nicaraguan sexualrights activists who helped overturn the most repressive anti-sodomy law in the Americas. Passed shortly after the Sandinistas lost power in 1990 and, to the surprise of many, the law was repealed in 2007. Howe also analyzes how local activists balanced global discourse regarding human rights and identity politics with the contingencies of daily life in Nicaragua. About the author: Cymene Howe is assistant professor of anthropology and core faculty in the Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Rice University. She is coeditor, with Gilbert Herdt, of 21st Century Sexualities: Contemporary Issues in Health, Education, and Rights.

Jim Henson: The Biography Brian Jay Jones (’89 BA) Ballantine Books, 2013 This biography covers the full arc of the Muppets’ creator from his childhood in Leland, Mississippi, through the years of fame to his untimely death at age 53. Drawing on hundreds of hours of new interviews with Henson’s family, friends, and closest collaborators, as well as unprecedented access to private family and company archives, Brian Jay Jones delivers an intimate portrait. About the author: Award-winning biographer Brian Jay Jones spent nearly two decades as a public policy analyst and speechwriter, before turning to biography full-time in 2007. In 2010, he received the St. Nicholas Society of New York’s Washington Irving Medal for Literary Excellence. He lives in Maryland with his wife and daughter.



About the author: Ann Marie Hughes, a Denver attorney, is the daughter of Ann Isabel and granddaughter of John Hughes.

Little Folk Stories and Tales by Don Pablo/Chistes y Cuentos de Don Pablo Felipe C. Gonzales (’52 BA, ’60 MA, ’61 MATS) Sunstone Press, 2010 The chiste, the short funny little story, along with the cuento, a homespun little tale, are still popular among Hispanics. They reflect mores, customs, religion and language. Gonzales began collecting them after his retirement. This collection of stories, told in both English and Spanish, was a finalist in the 2011 New Mexico Book Awards. About the author: Felipe Gonzales, author of Recess Is Not Forever, taught in El Rito, Grants and Belen, and was the principal of Bernalillo High School and an assistant principal at Rio Grande and Highland high schools.

River of Ghosts: A Cedar Valley Odyssey Robert F. Gish (’62 BA, ’67 MA, ’72 PhD) Ice Cube Press, 2013 Magic realism meets myth in the real and imaginary efforts of two small towns when they face encroaching corruption and evil. About the author: Robert Gish is the author of multiple works of fiction, memoir, folktales, literary biographies, plus monographs and essays on the literature, history, and culture of the American Southwest.

Album Sagrado: A Photopoetics Across the Chicano Homeland Spencer Herrera (’07 PhD), Levi Romero (’94 BAA, ’00 MA) and Robert Kaiser UNM Press, 2013 Sagrado is a collection of personal essays, poems and photographs of the fence along the United States-Mexico border. The authors provide an intimate look at Chicano cultural practices and beliefs through 117 color photographs, dozens of personal narratives and poems. The photographic journey across the Chicano Southwest features quinceañeras, charreadas (Mexican rodeos), cultural icons, migrant farm worker stories, and portraits of everyday people. About the authors: Spencer Herrera is an associate professor of Spanish at New Mexico State University. Levi Romero, the author of two collections of poetry and the New Mexico Centennial Poet, teaches in Chicano Studies at UNM. Robert Kaiser is a photojournalist.

The Young Neurosurgeon: Lessons from My Patients

Jeffrey Alan Shannon (’99 JD), Taos, has been appointed to a new magistrate seat by Gov. Susana Martinez.

2000s Hongyou Fan (’00 PhD), Albuquerque, a Sandia researcher, received an Outstanding Poster award at the 2013 Spring meeting of the Materials Research Society. Harry Jesse Jacobus III (’00 BBA), Albuquerque, has joined the law office of Dave Giddens PC as an associate. Christopher Lopez (’00 BFA), showed acrylics and mixed media in “Visiones y Recuerdos” at El Chanles: Casa de Cultura in Albuquerque.

Paul Edward Kaloostian (’12 MD) UNM Press, 2013 Kaloostian has written a memoir of a neurosurgery resident’s day-to-day experiences at one of the nation’s busiest trauma centers, providing a rare window into the training of doctors who open patients’ skulls and operate on their brains and spinal cords. He shares the lessons of humility, faith, and compassion that were often more important than the surgical expertise he acquired in the operating room. About the author: Paul Edward Kaloostian did a seven-year residency in neurosurgery at the University of New Mexico Hospital. He is currently a fellow at the Johns Hopkins University Medical Center, where he specializes in complex spinal surgery and spinal oncology.

Show Your Lobo Pride!


Reynaldo (Rey) Reyes (’99 MA), a professor in the College of Education at the University of Texas at El Paso, has published a book on the College Assistance Migrant Program; a program which has made a college education possible for one of the most marginalized groups.

Wear your enthusiasm for UNM on your sleeve … or your back, or your cap! The new Super U Alumni Spirit Club gives alumni and friends of UNM access to exclusive Lobo gear and gifts. In addition, Spirit Club members help support the Alumni Association at the same time. Visit alumnimembers. myshopify.com/pages/registration to learn more, join and receive your registration gift.

Matthew Stephen Page (’00 BA), Moriarty, has been appointed magistrate judge in Torrance County by Gov. Susana Martinez. Dawn Michele Robinson (’00 BBA), Destin, Fla., was promoted to general manager of Southern Vacation Rentals. Meghan D. Stanford (’00 JD), has joined the law firm of Foster, Rieder & Jackson PC in Albuquerque. Denise Michelle Chanez (’01 BA, ’06 JD), Albuquerque, has been elected president of the New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association. Camille A. Pedrick Chavez (’01 BA, ’05 JD), Clovis, has joined Wolf & Fox PC as an associate. She previously worked as a prosecutor in both Tucumcari and Clovis. Gloria Sue Doherty (’01 MSN), Albuquerque, was a 2013 recipient of the New Mexico Nursing Excellence Awards in recognition of her community service work. Christopher Lee Gragg (’01 BBA), Parker, Colo., is the head of search engine optimization for the Unleaded Group of Denver and vice president of search conversion. Ron Hendrix (’01 MA), Los Lunas, is superintendent of the Mountainair Public Schools. Stephanie Kane Demers (’02 JD), Albuquerque, has joined the law firm McCoy, Leavitt and Laskey.



By Chris Cervini

An MRI scan of an athlete’s brain can show before and after effects of a blow to the head.

Brain Safe project examines UNM athletes over course of careers

MRI scans will provide long-term information about young athletes. “Getting your bell rung” in a game is no longer a joke. In the United States alone, sportsrelated concussions are estimated at 300,000 a year. Studies and concerns about concussions, especially for student athletes, have prompted changes in equipment, regulations and treatment. The nonprofit Mind Research Network and UNM have introduced Brain Safe, an innovative, concussion assessment



program designed to study and minimize the impact of brain injury on NCAA athletes in contact sports.

will perform sophisticated MRI analyses using algorithms they developed to identify any brain-related injuries.

More than 200 UNM athletes will receive a noninvasive MRI scan of brain structure, chemistry, connectivity and function at the beginning of every season. Every year, or after any acute injury, the athlete will be scanned again and the results will be compared to their initial baseline MRI. Mind Research Network and UNM scientists

Headquartered in Albuquerque, the Mind Research Network joins scientists around the world in studying imaging technology and its use in neuroscience investigation. The MRI scans are completely noninvasive and provide the most advanced technology for understanding, and ultimately preventing, sports-related

Album Pilar Maria Thomas (’02 JD), is deputy director in the Washington D.C. Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs. She assists in developing national energy policy and programs related to Indian energy development. Valerie J. Trujillo (’02 BA, ‘05 MA), Holly Springs, N.C., received her PhD in Spanish with a concentration in Hispanic linguistics from the University of Florida.

Athlete safety is the focus of the unique and first large scale Brain Safe Project at UNM.

brain injuries. By January, the project had scans of 125 student-athletes playing football, women’s and men’s soccer, women’s and men’s basketball, and women’s volleyball. “This is the first large-scale project to gather state-of-the-art MRI data on athletes’ brains at the beginning of their collegiate career,” said Kent Kiehl, director of the Brain Safe project. “By performing the initial baseline scans, we are in the best possible position to examine whether sports-related impacts alter, or not, the function and structure of the brain. We can also track carefully brain recovery and help to inform concussion assessment and treatment policy.” Brain scans will be conducted on athletes as part of annual physical examinations and will be compared to the athletes’ scans from previous years. The annual brain scans will allow scientists to determine longterm effects of concussions that were often undetectable in the past. “Our top concern is the safety of our athletes,” said Vice President for Athletics Paul Krebs. “This is one more tool for our team doctors to use to make sure that when we return a student athlete to play we are making

that decision based on the very best medical information available.” President Robert G. Frank, who ran a brain injury program for eight years while at the University of Missouri, believes this program is essential to preventing long-term consequences of concussions. “This could be a game changer,” Frank said. “Combining our mind research and our athletics program to create a protocol that will measure the individual against him or herself is one of the most advanced and sophisticated approaches in the country.” Kiehl says that the annual examinations will prevent injuries in the future. “We don’t currently know how these problems manifest because no one has ever tracked the changes in athletes’ brains for this long of a period,” Kiehl said. “By starting with initial baseline MRIs and proceeding with additional scans and neuropsychological tests over the years, we will be able to come up with new treatments for brain injuries that will allow those affected to live longer, healthier lives.” The Mind Research Network plans to offer the Brain Safe protocol to other universities, high schools, and the general public.

Valerie Trujillo

Elyse Adele Eckart (’03 BA), Tijeras, has joined Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb as an associate in the business department of the Albuquerque office. Louis George Griego (’03 BBA, ’04 MBA), Albuquerque, was named to the 2013 class of Albuquerque Business First’s “40 Under Forty.” He is a manager at Sandia. Jesse Alan Herron (’03 BBA, ’05 MBA), Albuquerque, co-owner of the ABQ Trolley Co., is this year’s UNM Anderson School of Management Young Alumni honoree. Christina M. Looney (’03 JD), has joined Sutin, Thayer & Browne law firm in Albuquerque and practices in the firm’s litigation group. Debbie Magdalena Martinez (’03 BSN), has won a 2013 New Mexico Nursing Excellence Award. She is the inpatient nurse supervisor at UNM Hospital. Terry Schleder (’03 MPH), Albuquerque, is executive director of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government. Tatiana D. Engelmann (’04 JD), Albuquerque, has joined Atkinson & Kelsey PA as an associate attorney focusing her practice on family law matters. David V. Gonzales (’04 MBA), Bernalillo, has joined the Presbyterian Medical Group as an internal medicine physician for Presbyterian Rio Rancho at High Resort. Robert Guadalupe Metoyer (’04 BBA), is a licensed architect for Schaefer Johnson Cox Frey Architecture in Wichita. Lynn E. Mostoller (’04 JD), received a Guardian of Liberty Award from the American Civil Liberties Union for her legal work this year on marriage equality lawsuits in New Mexico. She works with Sutin, Thayer & Browne.



UNM makes the grade Students score on and off the field When Paul Krebs became Vice President for Athletics in 2006, he made graduation and academics a top priority. UNM has maintained a 50 percent or higher graduation rate since then. “I think that the commitment to the academic success of our student-athlete really shows in the NCAA Graduation Success Rate, which has continued to stay at a very high rate over the last four years, particularly,” said Krebs. “We will always have a high expectation academically of our coaches and our student-athletes, and we will always strive for improvement.” Lobo athlete grade stats, 2012-13 • 3.05 GPA, 9 consecutive semesters • 99 graduates • 163 Mountain West All-Academic Team UNM • 16 Academic All-District honors • 5 Academic All-Americans In 2013, UNM maintained a 74 percent Graduation Success Rate (GSR), according to the NCAA. And the University had the largest number of honored studentathletes in the spring 2013 Academic All-Mountain West Team. This is the fourth straight year that UNM has scored a 74 percent or better on NCAA’s Graduation Success Rate. The score was 76 percent in 2010, 74 percent in 2011 and 75 percent in 2012. Federal data indicate that UNM graduated 50 percent of all student-athletes who enrolled as freshmen during the 2006-07 academic year, but federal statistics don’t take into account student transfers to other schools.

last year had perfect scores of 1,000, and all sports were well above the 930 marker for APR. The APR allocates points for eligibility and retention, for each team member. Scoring 1,000 were men’s basketball (second straight year), men’s golf, men’s tennis (third straight year), women’s basketball, women’s golf, women’s skiing, women’s soccer, and women’s tennis (second straight year). Last spring, when the Mountain West Conference announced its Academic All-Mountain West Team, UNM had the largest number of honored studentathletes with 111 of 729. This was in addition to the 52 Lobo student-athletes that made the Fall 2012 Academic All-Mountain West Team. UNM’s 163 selections were the largest number of any school in the conference. The award is one of the highest academic honors bestowed by the Conference. To be eligible, student-athletes must have completed at least two academic terms at the member institution, while maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better. UNM led the league in women’s soccer, men’s baseball, women’s basketball, women’s golf, women’s softball, swimming and diving, men’s tennis and women’s tennis. “The way our student-athletes are able to juggle their academic and athletic schedules to achieve such success on both fronts is a source of pride for our entire athletic department,” said Krebs, who credited both coaches and the Office of Student Athletic Success.

“It speaks volumes about what we do here at the University of New Mexico,” baseball coach Ray Birmingham said. “We put what’s important first here. Every aspect The athletic department has seen continued of UNM baseball speaks of excellence. growth in the percentage of student-athletes I’m as proud of this as I am of us winning who have graduated. In 2006, for freshmen any championship.” enrolled in the 1999-2000 academic year, the rate was 37 percent. – Steve Carr (’90 BA) and Frank Mercogliano In another NCAA measure, Academic Progress Rate (APR), eight Lobo teams 38


Whitney Johnson is both a basketball player and a scholar who’s serious about her education. A junior in the Anderson School of Management, she is typical of Lobo athletes.

Men’s soccer: “An Incredible Season”

Album Edward Michael Gallegos (’05 JD), Lindrith, has been appointed to the San Miguel County Magistrate Court.

The UNM men’s soccer team finished the 2013 season as the envy of 199 other soccer programs. Of the 203 programs competing in men’s soccer in Division I in 2013, the Lobos were one of the four who reached the NCAA College Cup, soccer’s version of the Final Four. Only eventual national champion Notre Dame, who stopped UNM 2-0 in a national semifinal game, stood in the way of an opportunity to win a national championship. Behind a group of five senior leaders, UNM won the Conference USA championship in its debut season and gave 2013 Conference USA Coach of the Year Jeremy Fishbein his second NCAA College Cup appearance with the program. The other came in 2005, when UNM finished as NCAA runner-up. “We have high expectations,” Fishbein said. “We expect to play for a national championship every year. Pride and the drive in this program never change. This team had an amazing season and played at an amazing level most of the way.” Senior defender Kyle Venter was the most decorated senior of the group, having earned Top Drawer Soccer’s National Best XI First Team honors – a distinction that

goes to the best 11 players in the nation. He earned All-America honors for the third year in a row, was the Conference USA Most Valuable Player and Defensive Player of the Year and the first Lobo to earn Senior CLASS Award second-team recognition as one of the top soccer student-athletes in the country. Senior midfielder Michael Calderon also earned first-team All-Conference USA honors, as well as third-team All-America honors by College Soccer News. Fellow seniors Michael Kafari, a midfielder, and Michael Lisch, the team’s goalkeeper, earned third-team honors. Fishbein lauded the leadership the four veterans contributed to the 2013 campaign. The Lobos captured the Conference USA crown. UNM then went through the first three games of the NCAA Tournament without yielding a goal. The Lobos’ 1-0 win at Washington in the national quarterfinals was the Huskies’ only home loss of their season. Though the Fighting Irish kept UNM two victories away from achieving its ultimate goal, Fishbein was the first to tout his team’s success: “The positives of this season were immense.” – Greg Archuleta (’90 BA)

Jeffrey Aaron Hoehn (’05 BA, ’13 MPA), Albuquerque, has joined the Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation as executive director. Jeremy Monroe Shaw (’05, BUS), Los Lunas, graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. James T. Burns (’06 BA, ’07 MBA, ’09 JD), Albuquerque, is managing partner of Albuquerque Business Law, PC. Sean McNally (’06 BA), a sports event manager at the Disney Wide World of Sports Complex, has received a Walt Disney Legacy Award. The award is given to cast, crew and Imagineers who exemplify the company values of “dream, create and inspire.” Carmen R. Moseley-Suazo (’06 BA, ’11 BS), Albuquerque, will return to Presbyterian Medical Services as a physician assistant. Maya L. Oliver (’06 BA), Albuquerque, has been promoted by 3 Advertising to senior account manager. Greg Alan Villareal (’06 MS), Miami Beach, is an assistant coach for the Team Florida Wave men’s volleyball team, which won the inaugural Premier Volleyball League’s first national championship. Casey A. Warr (’06 BAFA), had his first solo show, Observe, at the Small Engine Gallery in Barelas. Kathleen C. Larese Anderson (’07 MBA), Rio Rancho, has joined OsoBio as director of laboratories. Lydia T. Ashanin (’07 MBA), Albuquerque, is the director of marketing for New Mexico Health Connections. Courtney L. Benefiel (’07 BBA), Rio Rancho, has joined the American Society of Radiologic Technologists as a software engineer. Hannah Kauffman (’07 BA), is co-artistic director of Tricklock Co., which she joined in 2000. Hannah has trained with Sir Ben Kingsley, Henry Goodman, Norway’s Gruvokompaniet, Teatr Figur Krakow, the Pajama Men, Kathleen Weiss, and has performed across the globe. Jennifer M. Beck (‘08 BS, ‘09 MS), Albuquerque, has joined Rio Grande High School where she teaches biology, anatomy and physiology. Laura F. Case (’08 MSN), won a 2013 New Mexico Nursing Excellence Award. She is the director of nursing services for Albuquerque Public Schools.

Senior Kyle Venter (center) was the season’s most decorated player.



Tech Exec Builds his TEAM Bob Sachs nurtures his roots, his vines and his entrepreneurial zeal. “They’re working, producing, chugging things out,” says the president and CEO of TEAM Technologies Inc., an advanced engineering and manufacturing company in Albuquerque. “My dream is to have a production factory that New Mexico can be proud of. We’re the only state without a company that truly identifies it. I think it would be nice under my watch to grow something to identify New Mexico.” He’s closing in on his dream as a strategic partner to VeriTran Inc., creators of an infinitely variable transmission that uses technology first identified at Sandia National Laboratories. Sachs says the transmission, which has many applications, is being

Alumni Profile primed for use on the pump jacks of the U.S. oil and gas industry and is expected to bring a dramatic increase in production from those domestic wells. TEAM Technologies has been working with the developers of the transmission for 12 years. “We have a couple of technologies, real true New Mexico stories from labs and ideas created here, that are ready to go and that we feel will be pretty big,” Sachs says from the engineering floor of his company offices in the Sandia Science and Technology Park. “VeriTran is the closest of them.”

One class shy of completing his business degree, Sachs began his engineering course work at NMSU. By 1984, he had earned bachelor’s degrees in business management and economics and in mechanical engineering technology. Sachs worked for Hughes Aircraft Company in Tucson and Los Angeles for 13 years, developing tactical missiles as a systems engineer. “Hughes was a tremendous education for me,” he says. “Working for a world class aerospace and defense contractor was a great experience. Bob Sachs directs “brillant people doing great things.” The systems engineering approach (designing and managing a project over its life cycle) was brought to life to me there.”

Even with success at Hughes, Sachs and his wife Evette wanted to get home to New Mexico, and his desire to have a business of his own remained. In 1997, they moved to Albuquerque, and he Sachs, who earned a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of New Mexico’s Executive MBA program in worked as director of engineering at Fiore Industries for almost 2006, was born and raised in business. His grandfather and father five years. owned Sachs Appliance in downtown Belen. His mother’s side of “The whole time working for someone else I had the itch to own a business,” says Sachs, the recently elected chairman of the board the family owned Baca Auto, a Belen car dealership. of the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce. In 2001, As a kid, Sachs walked a block each afternoon from St. Mary’s School to his family’s appliance store on Main Street. He learned he and his brother Danny Sachs, also an engineer, partnered to purchase Team Specialty Products, a spin-off launched in to fix electric wringer washing machines and went out on repair 1986 by David Rice to make precision parts for Sandia’s pulsedcalls with his uncle. He advanced to bigger engines and fixed up power facility known as the “Z” machine. In 2004, the brothers a ’52 Chevy that he took to New Mexico State University for his purchased MC Manufacturing in Rio Rancho. They merged the undergraduate years beginning in 1978. two companies in 2006 to create TEAM Technologies. In 2007, Working as an appliance repairman in Las Cruces while pursuing Sachs bought out his brother’s interest in the company. a business degree, Sachs began to think about engineering. “People with ideas for products end up at our door,” Sachs says of “People would tell me, ‘You’re so good at fixing things, you TEAM Technologies. “We are a product development company. should be an engineer,’ ” he says. There are machine shops that don’t have engineering or electronics



expertise, and there are engineering firms that don’t have machine shops. We’ve got everything under one roof to fully develop a product.”

“Raising four boys has been an awesome experience even with the disabilities,” he says. “In the end it’s what we have, it’s a big part of our legacy.”

TEAM Technologies, a regular on the annual Flying 40 list of top technology companies in the state, has a full machine shop at its Sandia Science and Technology Park location and a second in Albuquerque’s South Valley.

When Sachs and his wife were choosing where to live on returning to New Mexico, he told her he needed a dirt road and a ditch like he had grown up on in Belen. So they settled in Los Ranchos

While 75 percent of TEAM Technology’s business at one time was in Sandia’s “Z” machine and other specialty products for government and quasi-government entities, the company has, since 2010, made a focused effort to diversify and to create and develop its own products. About half of its business now is done for commercial entities. TEAM Technology’s revenues in 2013 were $10.4 million. The company employs about 70 people, Sachs says.

“People with ideas for products end up at our door.” – Bob Sachs de Albuquerque among the fields and cottonwoods of the North Valley, and planted a small vineyard. Sachs stumbled into wine making about five years ago when a batch of grapes crushed for jelly was forgotten for five days in a pantry.

Sachs earned his Executive MBA at UNM as he was acquiring and merging companies into TEAM Technologies. “I was always thinking about how to apply what TEAM Technologies Inc., an advanced engineering and I was learning to this manufacturing company in Albuquerque, turns ideas into products. place,” he says. “And I developed a network of people that have stayed with me – The fermentation process had begun, brilliant people doing great things.” so he followed it through, achieved Along with his business ventures, Sachs has raised four sons, which was tough at times. His oldest twin sons, Luke and Ben, were diagnosed with autism when they were about 4 years old. They are now 24. “Living with autism is a tremendous challenge for the entire family,” Sachs says. “I think that it has certainly taught us more than we’ll ever be able to teach them and it certainly keeps a person humble because it challenges a person on a daily basis.” Sachs’ 20-year-old son, Robert, is in his third year at the University of Southern California, and 17-year-old Joel is a senior at Albuquerque Academy.

accidental success and was hooked.

His vineyard of 30 established vines produces about 120 bottles of mostly red wines each year. He recently planted 70 more vines on his half-acre experimental vineyard that is now home to nine grape varieties, including French hybrids, Malbec and Riesling. Whether it’s winemaking, engineering or manufacturing, Sachs clearly places value in the process and in the results. “We’re technology junkies here,” he says of his company. “We love new product development. To be able to create something out of an idea is very fulfilling.”

Album Kevin R. Flores (’08 MBA), Tijeras, is assistant vice president for commercial lending at First National Bank of Santa Fe. Daniel M. Pacheco (’08 MD), is chief medical officer of Banner Behavioral Health Hospital in Scottsdale. Steven Painter (’08 BA), is the author of Take Her For A Ride, a historical novel set in 1930s Hollywood. Donald E. Wenner, III (’08 MD), Roswell, has joined the Lovelace Health Plan network serving Southeast New Mexico. Ruobing Xiao (’08 MD), Albuquerque, has joined Petroglyph Pathology Services as a staff pathologist specializing in hematopathology. Nadia D. Chisler (’09 BSCHE), Hobbs, was chosen by Urenco, USA to represent the Lea County facility in a company-wide team-building event with Urenco sites from around the globe working with nuclear fuels. Darren L. Cordova (’09 BBA, ’11 MBA, ’12 JD), Albuquerque, was elected to the board of directors of the New Mexico State Bar Association. Leslie R. Kryder (’09 MWR), Las Cruces, is the city’s new water conservation coordinator. Lauri K. Lineweaver (’09 MSN), Albuquerque, received the 2013 UNM College of Nursing New Alumni Award. Jessica E. Mirabal (’09 AS), Gamerco, has been named “The Best of the Best Nurse Manager of the Year” by the New Mexico Health Care Association. Donovan W. Porterie (’09 BA), Port Arthur, Texas, is the only quarterback to guide UNM to a bowl victory in the past 50 years. He will return to play pro indoor ball for the Rio Rancho-based New Mexico Stars of the Lone Star Football League. Clinton T. Reecer (’09 BBA, ’11 MBA), is regional manager for Rio Rancho WESST, a statewide small business development and training organization. Jodi E. Shadoff (’10 BA), Sarasota, has been named to the 2013 European Solheim Cup team after the conclusion of the British Open. Amanda N. Wiley (’10 BA), was crowned Miss Colorado USA 2013. She represented Colorado in the Miss USA 2013 pageant. Tracey S. Young (’10 BBA), Albuquerque, has joined the nonprofit Supportive Housing Coalition of New Mexico as chief financial officer.



Alumni Association Honors Four A U.S. Congressman, a former UNM presidential advisor, a post-colonial literature professor and a Nobel Prize nominee receive its 2014 awards. Breda Murphy Bova Gerald McNerney (’79 PhD), of Albuquerque, (’73 BS, ’75 MS, ’81 PhD) received the Erna S. received the James F. Fergusson Award. As Zimmerman Award. the former advisor – Congressman McNerney, primarily chief of staff of Stockton, Calif., is a – to five UNM presidents, leader in renewable energy Professor Bova frequently in the U.S. House of represented the university Representatives, where he to all its constituencies: is serving his third term. students, faculty, staff, Before running for office, alumni and community. McNerney was a wind Currently, she is special energy contractor to Sandia assistant to the dean of National Laboratories Gerald McNerney Breda Bova the College of Education and a consultant with U.S. where she has taught Windpower. He was also CEO of a startup wind-turbine company. He is co-author of Clean for 34 years. Her research into generational characteristics and relationships, in the workplace and in learning environments, Energy Nation (Amacom, 2011), which covers the history and is the basis of her career. future of fossil fuels in the U.S. Feroza Jussawalla, of James Anaya (’80 BA) Albuquerque, received received the Bernard S. the Faculty Teaching Rodey Award. Anaya, Award. Her specialty, of Tucson, is the United postcolonial literature, Nations Special Rapporteur in the UNM English on the Rights of Indigenous Department lends itself Peoples. Long a champion to teaching at a minorityof indigenous rights, majority university. Professor Anaya teaches at Jussawalla earned her BA the University of Arizona at a women’s college in and travels the globe to India before furthering her report on the status of studies at the University of native populations. He Utah. She taught at UTEP participated in drafting Feroza Jussawalla James Anaya for 21 years before coming the UN Declaration on to UNM in 2001. In her the Rights of Indigenous classes, Jussawalla relates the experiences of international writers People and was the lead counsel in a landmark case against the who lived under colonial rule to the experiences of the myriad Nicaraguan government that for the first time upheld indigenous rights as a matter of international law. In February 2014, Professor cultures in the Southwest. Anaya was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Recipients were honored in February at the Alumni Association’s Winter Award Dinner.



In Memoriam Elmer G. Minton, Jr., ‘33 Georgia K. McMahon, ‘34 Louise D. Baca, ‘39 Anne L. Gere, ‘39 Emily Louise Schumacher, ‘40 Joseph E. Sotak, ‘40 Jean L. Summers, ‘41 Max E. Carr, ‘42 Jane Elizabeth Williams, ‘42 Theo R. Bolingaro Crevenna, ‘43, ‘45 Alma L. Pitts, ‘43 Dr. David E. Simms, DDS, ‘43 Emmett F. Hargett, ‘44 C. Louise Weishaupt, ‘44 Margaret H. Glasebrook, ‘45 Patricia A. Hueter, ‘45 Bette J. Huish, ‘45 E Carl Huish, ‘45 Lt. Commander Thomas B. King, ‘45 Marion C. McBreen, ‘45 Leonor Andrade, ‘46 John Walter Hungate, ‘46 Ruth Greene Plowman, ‘46 John J. Shanahan, Jr., ‘46 Lt. Commander Hershel L. Adams, ‘47 Rosalene Harkins, ‘47 John C. Haskell, Sr., ‘47 William W. Jenkins, ‘47 Edwin Herman Leupold, ‘47, ‘53 Edwina Ramos, ‘47 Ward Dean Weber, ‘47 The Honorable Joe W. Wood, ‘47, ‘50 Edward V. Balcomb, ‘48 Carol L. Bargerhuff, ‘48 John J. Doran, ‘48, ‘61 Elizabeth A. Gerdin, ‘48 Margil A. Lyons, ‘48 Noel Daniel Martin, ‘48, ‘56 Katherine E. Piltingsrud, ‘48 Donald D. Reese, ‘48 James P. Simmons, ‘48 Robert A. Bowles, ‘49 William F. Fry, ‘49 Elizabeth Garliepp, ‘49 Quentin O. Heimerman, ‘49 Robert C. Hogg, Sr., ‘49 Miriam P. Malm, ‘49, 64 Raymond H. Opperman, ‘49, 53 Rosemary Roller, ‘49 Mary Louise Sedillo, ‘49 Harry P. Sheevers, ‘49 Barbara Grimmer Strome, ‘49 Robert D. Taichert, ‘49 Nancy Veitch, ‘49 Edith Wylder, ‘49, 67 Louis C. Androes, ‘50 Louis E. Aragon, ‘50 John Archibeque, ‘50, 58 John Beehler, III, ‘50 Lloyd B. Bolander, ‘50 Roy Carson, ‘50 Dale D. Cooper, ‘50 Felix Garver Corle, ‘50 Robert W. Delarue, ‘50 Dr. Tom A. Erhard, ‘50, 60 Iona May Gamertsfelder, ‘50 John F. Haben, ‘50 Chester I. Hill, ‘50

Ramon Huerta, ‘50, ‘56, ‘80 Gordon D. Larson, ‘50 Vicente R. Ojinaga, ‘50 Alexander N. Raeburn, ‘50 James A. Simpson, ‘50 William C. White, ‘50 Herman John Wirth, ‘50, ‘51 Frank R. Beck, Jr., ‘51 Bob E. Carrico, ‘51 Zona Faye Cottrill, ‘51 E Donald Heymann, ‘51 Daniel Jackson Masterson, ‘51 Robert C. Morrison, ‘51 Ernestine L. Phinney, ‘51 Mary Virginia Porterfield, ‘51 Edwin J. Renkan, ‘51 Agnes Caroline Sheevers, ‘51 Vernon Doak, ‘52 Rudolph W. Ebacher, ‘52 Frederic N. Hicks, ‘52 Nancy Lou Johnson, ‘52 Donald K. King, ‘52 David R. Kraemer, ‘52 Martin E. Nesbitt, ‘52 Robert Sesma, ‘52 William R. Speer, ‘52 Lawrence D. Tuttle, ‘52, ‘58 Peggy Cavett-Walden, ‘53 Robert W. Dash, ‘53 Jessie F. Fitzgerald, ‘53 Marilyn H. French, ‘53 Zane M. Goodwin, ‘53, ‘76 Pat Tancred Julio, ‘53 John N. Landon, ‘53 Barbara Litchfield, ‘53 Warren H. Mantooth, Sr., ‘53 Edward J. Muren, Sr., ‘53 Eleanor S. Richardson, ‘53 Donald V. Wigal, PE, ‘53 Ross Warren Black, ‘54 Robert Habenicht, ‘54 Mary P. Hawkey, ‘54 Herman M. Ingle, Jr., ‘54 Jackie L. McConnell, ‘54 Diane H. ReVeal, ‘54 Clarence Melvin Vick, ‘54 Ann Lee Barr, ‘55 Nelson Wahfong Gee, ‘55 Dr. Roy M. Johnson, ‘55 Robert McMillan Stuart, ‘55 Peggy Trotter, ‘55 Alfred L. Cote, ‘56 Dale L. Crawford, ‘56 Dr. Raymond F. Guerette, ‘56, ‘60 Cleo F. Hughes, ‘56 William Evan Sanford, Jr., ‘56 Roger D. Figge, ‘57, ‘59 Reginald J. Garcia, ‘57 Martha K. Iwaski, ‘57 Lawrence W. Luna, ‘57 Dr. Jack L. Bobroff, ‘58, ‘61, 73 Dale H. Burnworth, ‘58 Gene S. Crook, ‘58 Robert E. Gerow, ‘58 Jerry L. Lewallen, ‘58 Dr. Robert T. Lofberg, ‘58 Edward A. Marinsek, ‘58 Jetty Jo Potter Paul, ‘58

Album Kelly N. Bolling (’11 BS), Albuquerque, was recognized by Sierra Vista Hospital for her work organizing Project Heart Start in Sierra County. Kelly is a second year student at the UNM School of Medicine. Julianna Ferreira (’11 MPH, ’11 MSN), won a 2013 New Mexico Nursing Exellence Award. She is a nurse epidemiologist at the state Department of Health in Albuquerque. Laura A. Fitzpatrick (’11 MA), Albuquerque, has been promoted by Sandia Preparatory School to director of admissions. Emily E. Kowalchuk (’11 MS), Tijeras, is an associate engineer with Larkin Group specializing in consulting and municipal engineering in the areas of water, wastewater, storm water and construction management. Nicole Dishong (’12 MSN), Albuquerque, has joined Southwest Medical Associates as a certified nurse midwife. Laurie Anne Dudasik (’12 BS), Albuquerque, has joined the Archaeological Conservancy as webmaster. Keith A. Greer (’12 BUS), has joined American Society of Radiologic Technologists Foundation in Albuquerque as a donor engagement associate. Dominic Guerra (’12 BBA), has been promoted by Festival Ballet Albuquerque to assistant to the director. He has danced with the company for three years and previously danced professionally in New York City for seven years. Connor Lemp (‘12 BA), Albuquerque, has joined the American Society of Radiologic Technologists as an e-learning developer. Jonathan T. Ragsdale (’12 BFA), Albuquerque, is touring with the Broadway hit Memphis and will perform in Popejoy Hall June 5-8 for six performances. This is his first national tour. Benjamin G. Skaer (’12 BBA), Albuquerque, was the Lobo Football senior punter and is one of 25 players on the 2013 Ray Guy Award Preseason watch list of the nation’s top collegiate punters. Parker T. Tomasi (‘12 BA), is a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and is currently stationed at Quantico, Va. Sonia Bologa (‘13 BA), Albuquerque, is a professional dancer with The Keshet Dance Company. Megan L. Hearting (’13 MBA), Albuquerque, is a student success manager for the Anderson School of Management’s Executive MBA program. (continued, p. 46)



Alumni Outlook UNM Alumni Association 2014 Travel Program GoNext Travel European Mosaic June 16 – 24, 2014 Cuban Discovery Program September 13 – 20, 2014 Civil War & Cherokee Trail of Tears November 14 – 22, 2014 Alumni Holidays Adriatic Antiquities June 26 – July 9, 2014 Lifestyles Explorations in Spain July 12 – August 5, 2014 ACA Nor mandy, 70th Anniversary October 6 – 14, 2014

This is a preliminary schedule. Trips, dates and pricing are subject to change. For additional information, contact Charlene Chavez Tunney at the Alumni Relations Office at 505-277-5808 or 800-258-6866.

Master Calendar March

March 4 Washington, DC Congressional Reception March 8 San Diego Chapter – Lobos at SDSU Pre-game at McGregor’s and Game March 8 Dallas Area Chapter Lobo Basketball Game Watch – Lobos vs. San Diego State March 10 - 15 Mountain West Conference Basketball Tournament – Las Vegas, NV March 21 Lobo Living Room Program: Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media – Behind the Scences – Mesa Del Sol March 23 Austin Chapter CROP Hunger Walk Participation March 29 Austin Chapter Lobo Day Celebration March 30 DC Chapter Annual Lobo Day Event at Ft. Belvoir March College Fair Recruiting Opportunities – Volunteers Needed

April April 4 School of Architecture and Planning Chapter – Career Workshop April 12 Austin Chapter Wildflower and Wine Tasting Tour April 24 Lobo Living Room Program: KNME Confidential – A behind the scenes look at public television – KNME Studios April College Fair Recruiting Opportunities – Volunteers Needed

May May 25

New York Area Chapter Lobo Day - Join us as we welcome UNM Professor Brad Ellingboe to Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center May 29 Lobo Living Room Program: Behind the scene tour of Santa Fe opera campus and performance of Avastar, a family friendly performance

June June 5th Chapter Leadership Council Meeting – Hodgin Hall Alumni Center, June 6th National Alumni Association Board of Directors meeting – Hodgin Hall Alumni Center

July July 13 July

Austin Chapter “Beat the Heat” Summer Social Dallas/Ft. Worth Area Chapter Summer Student Sendoff

August August 21 Lobo Living Room Program: Entrepreneur Avenue – Explore Albuquerque’s unique business trends – Food trucks, vendors and music – Hodgin Hall Alumni Center August 24 Los Angeles Chapter Chile Fest XXII

View online: unmalumni.com/travel September

September 6 Austin Chapter Green Chile Roast at Pease Park September 22-27 UNM Homecoming Week Homecoming Game: UNM vs Fresno State 9/27

Events, dates and times are subject to change. Go to unmalumni.com/calendar for an up-to-date calendar of events or call the Alumni Relations Office at 505-277-5808 or 800-258-6866.



Album Dena M. Knight (’13 MSN), is a midwife at Christus St. Vincent Regional Medical Center in Santa Fe.

A Message from Our Alumni Association President

Lilian Acosta and Miguel Casias ‘06 BSME Laura Armijo ‘08 BSED and Randy Maestas ‘06 BA Amanda Barka ‘09 BA and Lawrence Bustos ‘12 BSCE

Sonja Cordova ‘99 AAHS and Travis Flowers Vanessa C. Dixon ‘12 BA and Brian Staak Ashley Duran and Ricardo Duran ‘12 AAS Lia Gross ‘09 BS and Jordan Gross Jennifer Harrison ‘11 BA and Estevan Roberto Vasquez ‘09 BS Alexis Henson ‘10 PharmD and Eric Foutz Kellie Howie ‘12 BUS and Daniel Howie Lia Hulsbos ‘09 BS and Jordan Gross

Randy Royster addresses fellow alums after his swearing in last spring.

We also solicited your opinions and ideas and have been very gratified by your responses to our survey. Nearly 2,600 of you replied. In general, you want the value of your degrees to increase through the years. You think the University should place emphasis upon preparing students for careers. And it is important to you that you feel valued by the University. These are among the preliminary results. We will keep you posted as we take a closer look and work to respond. All of this is happening alongside the University’s celebration of the 125th anniversary of its founding. Throughout its history, UNM has enriched the lives of countless individuals; its research efforts and community service have benefited the entire state. The future holds significant challenges and opportunities. At all times, we know that education and hope go hand in hand. Our support is paramount! Happy Birthday, UNM!


Jennifer Chavez ‘10 BSN and Juan D. Chavez

It has been quite an adventure serving as your Alumni Association president, and the adventure continues. I am impressed by the Association’s myriad endeavors and outreach to students, legislators and the community, as well as to alumni. We are continually trying to make the Association more responsive and relevant to alumni and the University. In the Fall, we looked closely at how other universities configure their alumni associations; several of their executive directors visited us and shared their best practices.

Romulo Saune (’13 JD), has joined Keleher & McLeod, PA in Albuquerque. He served in the Navy from 1997 to 2009.

Randy Royster, (’92 JD)

Katie Lawrence ‘13 BA and Alex Longston Paige Langlois and Zachary Bradley ‘12 BFA Ashley Lucero ‘13 BA and Richardo Duran Mandy McAdoo ‘01 BA and Chris Grossi Tamara McCray ‘08 BA and John Sutherland ‘13 BA Laura Mendoza ‘13 MS ’10 BA and Ryan Sarabia Trisha Mondragon ‘05 BSN and Patrick Mondragon Jacqueline Orozco ‘10 BBA and Jeremy Baca ‘10 BBA Christine Karver ‘09 BS and Sean S. Petranovich ‘09 BA Brandi Proctor ‘09 MOT and Demetrius Jones Jennifer Rogan and Al Trujillo ‘01 BUS Ashley Romero ‘08 BBA and Frank Baca

UNM Alumni Association President

PS: In the event this is the last letter under my signature, I would like to add: It has been an honor to serve you this year. I strongly encourage all alumni to get involved in one way or another with our Association. This year has been the most enjoyable and challenging experience of my life as a volunteer. Come join us – I promise you it will be one of the most gratifying experiences of your volunteer life!

Blanca Santistevan ‘11 AAS and Dewayne Santistevan Vanessa C. Dixon ‘12 BA and Brian Staak Jessica S Tomasi ‘08 BA and David Goldman Christina M. Brown ‘13 BSME and Kyle A. Wagner ‘12 BSCS Carrie Wubbels and Nicholas L. Velasquez ‘09 BBA



In Memoriam Dr. Randall Lee Williams, ‘58 Dr. Richard C. Allen, Jr., ‘59 Adella A. Cooper, ‘59 Harry L. Hansen, Jr., ‘59 Donald R. House, ‘59 Gary P. McCarthy, ‘59 Sheldon L. McGuire, ‘59 Neal T. Putman, ‘59 Bobby J. Reeves, ‘59 Edgar P. Taylor, ‘59 Russel Vesper, ‘59, ‘62 Eleanor E. Wald, ‘59 Bicknell K. Beckwith, USAF (Ret.), ‘60 Bruce W. Butler, ‘60 Isabell M. Curry, ‘60 Charles E. DeBettignies, ‘60 Thomas C. Duker, ‘60 John B. Hays, ‘60 Linda Bureau Keleher, ‘60 Paul E. Kuhn, ‘60 Richard F. Mayo, ‘60 John G. Miner, Sr., ‘60 Eldon Earl Stogsdill, ‘60 Howard J. Cilke, ‘61 Gresham G. Downs, ‘61 Robert L. Gerding, ‘61 Arthur L. Langhorst, Jr., ‘61 Dr. James Anthony Paredes, ‘61, ‘69 Ernest E. Sanchez, ‘61 Roy G. Hill, ‘62 Billy J. Kerr, ‘62 Natalie J. Mackler, ‘62 Richard L. Masterson, ‘62 Joan M. Polidori-Kleca, ‘62 William A. Reid, ‘62, ‘65 Sharon D. Truske, ‘62 Joe Earl Wolcott, ‘62 Dr. Robert L. Andelin, ‘63 Alice Babington, ‘63 Dr. Kenneth W. Henry, ‘63 George D. House, ‘63 Andre R. Le Blanc, ‘63 Paul C. McWilliams, ‘63 Gilbert Ranjel, ‘63 Paul H. Duray, MD, ‘64 John K. Hackney, ‘64 James E. Leeman, ‘64 Louise Lewis, ‘64, ‘71 Ben A. Luchini, ‘64 Dr. Floyd H. Martinez ‘64, ‘67 Carol Ann Rhudy, ‘64 Goldie A. T. Boyd, ‘65 Dr. Ronnie M. Carden, ‘65 Jerry T. Cole, ‘65 Joan M. Doxtator, ‘65 Alfredo Esquibel, Jr., ‘65 Richard C. Hindley, ‘65, ‘67 Christopher C. Robert, ‘65 Douglas Young, ‘65 Frank Moulton Bond, ‘66 Edward B. Breen, ‘66 George E. Henriquez, ‘66 Stewart A. Lewis, Sr., ‘66 Dr. Robert C. Palmer, ‘66 Milford R. Richey, ‘66 Patricia R. Stribling, ‘66 Jimmie Sue Dobie, ‘67, ‘87 Margaret Hanny Furman, ‘67


Robert J. Janowitz, ‘67 Boyd H. O’Connell, ‘67 Charles A. Sheridan, ‘67 Larry W. Ator, ‘68 Dorothy W. Bauer, ‘68 Marjorie H. Bentley, ‘68 Samuel A. Bradley, ‘68 William D. Ferger, ‘68 Karen A. Graf, ‘68 Miss Ronnae L. Himes, ‘68 Dr. Raymond Calvin Krehoff, ‘68, ‘75 T. Jack Mayfield, ‘68 Gloria B. Nelson, ‘68 Dorothy D. Pierson, ‘68 Beverly A. Ward, ‘68 Jose J. Esquibel, ‘69 Dr. Richard S. Mechem, ‘69 Donald E. Metzler, ‘69 Larry E. Wattenburger, ‘69 Stephen A. Avery, ‘70 Nancy Ann Core, ‘70 Dr. Edward L. Davis, ‘70 Marc I. Herrera, ‘70 Peter T. Kendall, ‘70 Peter N. V. Olivas, ‘70 Rogelio P. Reyes, Jr., ‘70 James E. Schneider, ‘70 Connie J. Vickers, ‘70 John Francis Yoder, ‘70 Leland N. Beardsley, ‘71 Dennis Wilson Bierner, ‘71 Tom Bundrant, ‘71 Roberto L. Cordova, ‘71 David Arthur George, ‘71 Dr. Ronald Allen Gower, ‘71 Dr. Jack Alan Hudson, ‘71 Reverend Andrew C. Husted, ‘71 Jeanelle L. Livingston, ‘71, ‘72 Mary Louise Maes, ‘71, ‘76 Thomas Joseph Ortega, ‘71 Hortensia S. Reyes, ‘71 Tom Cole Fletcher, ‘72 Marc Alan Giaccardo, ‘72, ‘77 Harold Gonzales, ‘72 Patricia M. Metzler, ‘72 Scott Evans Wilson, ‘72 Charles W. Edelman, ‘73 Donald Maclorio Mondragon, ‘73, ‘76, ‘80 Arlene E. Dieterle, ‘74 Joseph O. Herrera, ‘74 Richard Raymond McBride, ‘74 Dr. Thad J. Mularz, ‘74 Pamela Jane Roberts, ‘74, ‘79 Robert George Silva, ‘74 Jan Elaine Tyler, ‘74 Neil Arthur Carter, ‘75 Harry D. Ellis, III, ‘75 Rhoda Greenberg, ‘75 Dr. Susan E. Ivey, ‘75 Esperanza L. Lopez Padilla, ‘75 Steven Ryan Oliver, ‘75 Donald G. Simmermacher, ‘75 John Robert Van Gundy, ‘75, ‘79 Sandra Lee Witt, ‘75 John T. Allison, ‘76 Robert C. Blake, ‘76 Donna E. Cromer, ‘76 Thomas Riley Garrett, ‘76


Carlotta McInteer, ‘76, ‘71 Elauterio Larry Ortiz, ‘76 Lois M. Pierson, ‘76 Constance H. Slavin, ‘76 Milton John Szulinski, Jr., ‘76 David D. Yates, ‘76 Arthur Austin, ‘77 Dr. George Mark Baca, ‘77, ‘86 Virginia M. Baldwin, ‘77 Ruth B. Demuth, ‘77 John Gordon McRae, ‘77 Douglas L. Poltrack, ‘77 Leslie L. Robinson, ‘77 Ursulo L. Castillo, Jr., ‘78 Dr. Hollis L. Elkins, ‘78 Marie J. Korish, ‘78, ‘84 Dr. Edwin Andrew Sanchez, ‘78 Jeffrey William Shepherd, ‘78 Maurice H. Towne, III, ‘78 Steven K. Tuttle, ‘78 Patrice Foster Williams, ‘78 Bernice Brewer, ‘79 Gilberto R. Duran, PhD, ‘79 Dr. Cheryl L. Imes, ‘79 Arthur W. Sanchez, ‘79 Alan G. Zoloth, PhD, ‘79 Frances Harriman Gideon, ‘80 Stephen Herman Loner, ‘80 Clydene Burnett Thomas, ‘80 Barbara M. Domenico, ‘81 Alfredo Robert Santistevan, ‘81 Mimi Haynes, ‘82, ‘85 Jill Marie Meseroll, ‘82 Gwen M. Pullen, ‘82, ‘86 Rita Joann Metzler, ‘83 Mercedes J. Montoya, ‘83 Kaerl Beth Sloan, ‘83 Gayle Hoover, ‘84 Douglas Brian Johnson, ‘84 Gary L. Jordan, ‘84 Henry Joseph Baca, ‘85 Daniel B. Dixson, ‘85 Sue Bohannan Mann, ‘85, ‘88 Marlene Hansen Morgan, ‘85 Mildred L C Paskind, ‘85, ‘90 Dr. Thomas Dale Porter, ‘85, ‘86, ‘90 Dina S. Torres, ‘85 Tony Pascal Cowan, ‘86 Richard D. Jonas, ‘86 Sandra M. Achenbach-Schafer, ‘87, ‘89 Dr. John Michael Baca, ‘87, ‘92 Juanita L. Benavidez, ‘88 Mike Lewis Bornfield, ‘88 Jo Lynn Compton, ‘88 Steven Andrew Hofstadler, ‘88 Robin Rae Hoover, ‘88 Nancy K. Krizman, ‘88 Linda Flanagan, ‘89 Charleston Darae Fobbs, ‘89 Susan Lowell, ‘89, ‘94 Emily G. Dickinson, ‘90, ‘91 Melanie Beth Gregory, ‘90 Robert Louis McCannon, ‘90 Lisa Margaret Richard, ‘90 Keith H. Andersen, ‘91 Kelly K. de la Torre, ‘91, ‘94 Cherryl Renee Harrison, ‘91 Brian J. McDonald, ‘91

Candace Raye Becenti Nez, ‘91 Deborah Ann Abrams-Burroughs, ‘92 Patricia Ann Frazier, ‘92 John Jacob Quitzau, III, ‘92 Mary M. Higgins, ‘93 Brian P. Martinez, ‘93 David Lynn Rhoderick, ‘93 Diane Lynn Forsyth, ‘94 June E. Deatherage, ‘96 Alfonso Jason Gallegos, ‘96 Eric Laurence Crosson, ‘97 Connie Lee Delong, ‘97 Stephanie H. Friar, ‘97 Robert A. Hardekopf, ‘97 Rudy R. Jaramillo, Sr., ‘97, ‘00 David Mark Moye, ‘97 Brandel Lane Hobbs, ‘98 Dr. Mark David Carrara, ‘99 Elizabeth Cassidy, ‘99 Judith Ellen Ficksman, ‘99 Erick Shawn Robinson, ‘99 Khaled Saranjam Khan, ‘00 Michael John Martinez, ‘00 Ralph Edward Garcia, ‘01 Tracy V. Maestas, ‘01, ‘03, ‘07 Marilyn Buhl Mascarenas, ‘02 Tanya Noelle Thayer, ‘02 Brenda Natewa, ‘03 James Timothy Frick, ‘04 Ruth V. Olivas, ‘04, ‘06 Amber Marie Smith, ‘04 Robert F Young, II, ‘05 Lynda K. Branum, ‘07 Dr. Dennis Michael Lensing, ‘07 Jeffrey S. Zammas, ‘07 Isaiah E. Apodaca, ‘10 Ryan D. McEuen, ‘10 Lt. Colonel Alfred A. Abbott Laura Lee Bernd Theodore Roosevelt Brown Nell Claunch Dr. Donald A. Crippen Joseph W. Cvitanovich Patricia J. Cvitanovich Dr. Delio D. Delgado Bruce G. Ferguson, MD Sharon K. Giannini Richard P. Gilbert, Jr. Jean M. Hackney Dr. Melissa A. Herbst Laurance U. Hurley Dr. Perry D. Inhofe Suzanne P. Jacobus Dr. Deane B. Jacques John D. Kailer Dr. Alan S. King Donald W. Myers Mary C. Nesbitt Nettie A. Payne Joel R. Ramirez Dr. Gerald R. Schwarz Dr. Marilee Shively Garth E. Shoop Phyllis E. Shoop Dr. Gregory A. Voit Michael A. Williams Keith A. Wolfenbarger, MD

2013 Freshman Class - UNM Presidential Scholars. Photo: Jodi Newton

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing: It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” – voltaire

UNM's Presidential Scholars appreciate the power of your generosity in their lives. Support the needs of students, incredible faculty, amazing research, excellent programs, vital patient care and more at the University of New Mexico, and make a difference for a future generation. Look forward by giving back. Whose world will you change?



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