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Mmm... Green tea recipes inside!

GO GREEN! (no tree hugging required)

Bike Trails

get back to nature right in your own backyard


Not just for hippies anymore Issue 1 Autumn


ways to keep it real

Jen’s note

Jen Hopf - Managing Editor

You’re looking greener alread y, just by leafi our first issue ng (pun intend of Unrefined: ed) through your all-green therapy. magazine and dose of organi It’s a health-c c onscious, soci ally aware wor good is a sixld we live in th pack or contrib ese days, but uting to charity before we ha what going to do if ve a chance to our planet dies reap the bene yoga for Mothe fits? Think of r Nature. being green as We don’t all ha ve to be hipp ies or farmers ecological foot to take steps prints. So ge in reducing ou t out there an Or better yet, r d save the wha consult Unrefi les! ne d for more re the green philo alistic tips on sophy into yo how to incorp ur life. You can start orate with a differe nt type of ther bringing your apy – the reta own reusable il kind. Aside bags, there is recycle: second from another way hand shopping to reduce, reus ! Not only do us e and ed goods sell for a fraction “greenify” your of the retail pr home and clos ice, they help et because no ping from a fa additional pack r away land w as required, an aging, or ship Secondhand m d nothing goes ania is everyw to waste either here. There sites dealing is a staggerin ! in previously g number of owned items, thrift stores, pa weband that’s no wn shops, fle t to mention a markets an the big dogs al l the d yard sales ou a little compe t there that gi tition. Aside from gr ve oceries, there is really nothin spanking new g you truly ne anyway. You ed to buy bran can find anythi furniture to el d ng from cars ectronics to bo to clothes to oks to access Once you cros ories to…well, s over to this you get the id new old world same way ag ea. , you will neve ain. Cookie-c r ut look at a mall te r have any stor the ies behind them products fresh off the asse mbly line don’ like your onemind, shopping t of -a kind finds. secondhand is And keep in not shopping will thank you se co for it. And M nd-class, but other Nature your wallet won’t be com plaining either .


Unrefined Unearthed... h

Pg 18

Pg 8



Pg 16


Pg 12

Pg 15

h 2 Jen’s Note Secondhand Mania

4 Meet an Organic Wonderwoman Benefits of buying locally

15 Hemp Alternatives

Fashion, food, accessories etc.

22 Quiz

How green are you?

6 Farmers’ Market

Exploring Oshawa’s fine produce

14 Blindly Turning the Corner

A view on Steven Harper’s “so called” environmental platform

23 Horoscopes

With a green twist...

An Organic Wonder Woman Written & Photographed by Colin Boucher

Paula Anderson wears many hats. She is the manager of waste reduction for Pererborough Green-Up, an organization dedicated to help people be more energy efficient and lessen their impact on the environment. She is also a local organic farmer who produces more than 100 varieties of vegetables, and she teaches a food systems course at Trent University. As someone who knows the complexities of how our food system works, she believes that buying locally is one of the best ways Canadians can become more environmentally friendly.


Can you explain how Canadians got to where we are today in terms of food supply? A: In terms of how our food system works, our food is coming from huge distances and it’s predominately dominated by large corporations. Our supermarket chain stores are large conglomerates and there are very few of them. So really it’s only two, three main companies that have pretty much full control over what they decide to put on their shelves.

Q: And the concept of buying locally takes the

power away from that. A: That’s right. To have a food system that’s like that, you have to put a lot of time and energy to get the distribution to work, so when you go into one of those grocery stores, most of it is not coming from your community. It’s been shipped all over the continent and internationally before it gets to you, and that has a huge ecological footprint.


Q: Why is it that you would buy something in the summer that you can grow in your backyard from, say, California or South America? Why does it make business sense to them to sell produce from that far away? A: Part of it is the scale that they’re working at. And that people want everything to be exactly the same. So if you go into a Loblaws here, or in another town, you’re pretty much going to find the same things. So there’s that uniformity people like. And to get that, you have to get rid of a lot of the diversity that’s out there. So tomatoes have to be red. Well, tomatoes aren’t actually all red. They come in many different colours! Green, yellow, orange, purple, pink. And yet when we think of a tomato and what you see in a grocery store is just red tomatoes. They’re almost all of the same size, same shape, uniform, don’t taste really great. And that’s not what a tomato is.

Q: If people shifted to buying locally more and

more, how would that affect the cost of food? A: That’s hard to say. It probably wouldn’t affect the cost of food too much. We used to have a more localized food system, and what has happened as the food system has changed over the past 60 years, is that we’ve lost a lot of our small to middle scale canning, meat processing, all of those kinds of things in our community. So some of that would have to be rebuilt because it just doesn’t exist anymore. There would be a cost associated with that, but no more than having to ship everything really far. The price may go up a little bit, unless the government supported it.

Q: Does produce lose nutrients as its being trans-

ported from far away? A: Yes. And not only that, but stuff that’s shipped from really far away is often picked unripe, and it ripens on the truck. And they often use a gas that helps the ripening process, which means the process doesn’t happen on-vine, and so it’s not getting the nutrients from the soil and the sun and that whole process that is happening to enrich that food product before you eat it.

Q: Why are you so passionate about this subject?

A: I think it’s one of the first things that you can do, because we eat everyday. It’s something that is personal, and I think it’s something tangible that people can get started with to lessen their impact on the environment. If we want to be responsible citizens of this Earth we need to be responsible for how we use our Earth’s resources. And the way we’re using them right now? We’re not being responsible for our kids and our next generation.

Q: What interested you in becoming a farmer? A: I always loved to garden, and I like doing

physical work. And I know that if we can’t get our food system to work so it’s secure and environmentally sound and sustainable, how can we work on many of the other issues? This is something as solid and basic as we can get. So for me it was a place to start, and something I could work on everyday, and it connected with the things I love to do.



Farmers' Market Written and Photographed by Colin Boucher


t was a lovely mid-September morning, not a cloud in the sky. Fresh peppers of every colour, shiny tomatoes and apples glistened in the sun. There was a steady bustle, but it wasn’t crowded. It was just another picturesque day at the Oshawa Farmers’ Market. The market vendors are a mix of farmers, bakers and butchers, who wish to peddle their fresh products to the people. They offer everything from plums and carrots to homemade fudge, preserves, sausages and more. A farmers’ market is not a term used loosely in Ontario. There are actual rules that govern what is and isn’t a farmers’ market. Two representatives from the Durham Region Health Department with clipboards in hand were present to do what they called a “Farmers’ Market Assessment.” “We make sure people aren’t just buying food from terminals and coming here and selling it,” said one inspector. Since the point of farmers’ markets is to have food producers deal directly with consumers, fostering a sense of com-


munity and emphasizing the importance of buying locally, it is the government’s role to ensure it’s happening the way it should. They said more than 50 per cent of vendors have to be farmers for it to be classified as a “Farmers’ Market.” Otherwise it is a flea market. They also ensure your food is safe to consume, by checking things like the grade of eggs or making sure products like cheese and meat are properly refrigerated. One of the meatvending booths that was inspected (and passed) is run by Mike and Cathy Roncetti. They own a butcher shop in Toronto’s St. Lawrence market and have been there for more than 35 years. This is their fifth year in Oshawa. “Everything we sell, we produce. Everything. Except for the summer sausage. That’s made by the Mennonites up in St. Jacobs,” said Mike. At another booth stands an older lady named Erika Walter, mother of Michael Walter, who is the owner of Stickling’s Specialty Baking. The Peterboroughbased bakery has been in business for 20 years, but this was their first year at the Oshawa market. Their products are both organic and kosher. Erika explains what it takes for a bakery to be classified as an organic one. “Everything is done on the premises. If you have an organic bakery, that means all the ingredients have to be organic, and it’s all Ontario grains. We get the grains into the bakery and then we grind it ourselves…it will be baked right there and then we ship it out to

the health food stores.” Their products have no added sugar, preservatives, or dairy ingredients (except their cheese bread). They also sell specialty gluten-free and yeast free breads. Their goods are distributed to health food stores all over Ontario as well as sold at their own store in downtown Peterborough. Their website contains detailed nutritional information of all their products so consumers know exactly what they’re putting into their body. Another vendor that is picky about fresh ingredients is Alice Mollena from ASM Enterprise. She is located five minutes east of Orillia and has been at the market for 15 years. She sells baked goods such as butter/raspberry/coconut tarts, massive brownies, relish, jams, and pies. “We pick our own berries and make our own pastries from scratch,” Mollena said. Although many vendors at the market sell organic products, some explained to us that with some operations, it is nearly impossible. Apple farmers at the market explained their 50 acres of orchard is too much to not use any pesticides. But they said the government regularly inspects their crops to make sure they follow all the rules. Help out your local economy and shop at the farmers’ market! It operates in the parking lot of the Oshawa Centre, and is open from the beginning of May until the end of October from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Top: Cathy Roncetti stands proud beside her selection of meats and pies made fresh at her Toronto Butcher Shop. Centre: Erika Walter, owner of Stickling’s specialty baking shows off her work. www.sticklingsbakery.com Bottom: Alice Mollena is all about picking only the freshest ingredients for her pies and jams.


exploring t trails of


Written Photography by C




n by Elise Haskell Colin Boucher & Elise Haskell

Nestled in the Durham Regional Forest is the most expansive bike trail in the region. Spanning over 15 kilometres of trail, it proves to be excellent for those looking for a challenge, as well as those who just want to spend the day cycling at a leisurely pace with friends or family. Although found just north of the metropolitan areas, once you park your car and get onto the trail, the world suddenly melts away and you are surrounded by nothing but the sight and sound of nature. Perfect for leaving the world behind and just having fun on your bike.

The Trails! The trails are divided into four different paths, each one named after a leaf: Maple, Red Oak, White Pine and Spruce. They give people a chance to explore different regions of the forest and have a new experience each time they visit. Each of these individual trails are around three kilmetres each, so they’re a good distance and won’t present such a hard challenge for any children who might want to have a go at them. Just be careful to avoid the temptation to do some off-trail biking. The forest may not be that big, but the trees are thick enough that you could easily get lost if you strayed from the path. You might want to avoid going on the day after it’s rained, because the tracks can get very muddy and you could easily get lost if you strayed from the path.

Go for a stroll... If you’re looking for a great and fun way to exercise, or just a place where you can get away from all the city noise without travelling far, this is the perfect spot for you. It’s also a great place to take your family and spend the day exploring the trails.


Dig deep! Of course, it’s not just for bikers. Many people come to these trails for all sorts of reasons. Lev and Tatyana Kovler walk the trails at least once a week, collecting mushrooms to cook with as they go. These are regular cooking mushrooms of course, great for those of you who love to cook organically and add an Ontario flavour to your meal. Signs along the trail show pictures of birds found in the area, the perfect markers for birdwatchers. The trails don’t close down in winter either, people still come to cross-country ski on the trails, or even snowshoe their way across.

Just a walk in



Tony and his faithful companion Peppi the dog have been coming to these trails for walks once a week for over eight years now, and they’re not the only ones. Dogs are allowed to be off-leash here, so when you’re on the main trails keep an eye out for man’s best friend wandering around.

* Head North on Simcoe Street * Turn left at Ragland Road, it will become Myrtle Road * Turn North at Lakeridge Road * Turn left at Chalk Lake Road * Turn right at Uxbridge Road * Travel 5 Km. to the trail head


Ways to be more

c i n a Org Written by Jen Hopf


Start with a clean slate

Dress to impress Mother Nature

Organic soaps and shampoos are the next best things to showering under a waterfall. Most are made with fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as essential oils, so they smell delicious and are beneficial for your skin and the environment! Check out Lush products, for unique, handmade cosmetics.


Grow green - and red and yellow and orange

Some farmers are catching on to the organic trend and using less pesticide in their crop growing. So be a softie, and indulge in some comfy, organic cotton – even donning socks made with organic cotton is a step in the right direction.


It doesn’t matter how green your thumb is, planting and harvesting your own garden is a simple way to ensure the food you take in is as lean and green as it can be. Most herbs and spices can be grown right out of planters, as well as certain fruits and veggies, like tomatoes.

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You won’t wine about this! Eat, drink and be merry the green way with organic wine. Bonus: A nutrient called resveratrol, which is found in red grape skin – and therefore your favourite bottle of wine – acts like a fountain of youth, delivering anti-aging, antiviral, anti-cancer benefits, among others. The levels of this nutrient are even higher in organic wines, according to an article in the New York Times, so break out the bubbly!

When cleaning, use less product. Wash your clothes in cold water. Also, look for environmentally friendly products, like Green Works, that are all natural and just as effective as their chemical laden counterparts.


Guilt-free, not caffeine free




As hard as it may be to break free of the Timmy’s spell, try making your coffee and tea at home. That way, you can use organic coffee, teas, milk and sugar, not to mention your own mug or thermos and not a disposable cup. And there will be one less car engine idling in the drive-thru each morning.

Oldies can be goodies...

If you’re shopping for furniture, try hunting for antiques. It’s real, hard wood, not plastic or particleboard. It’s also better quality and will make a unique and beautiful addition to your home. Keep an eye out at flea markets and garage sales for the best deals on potential treasures.

Purify your pets Your pets can also jump on the greenwagon. Treat them to organic doggie biscuits and check out natural pet grooming products or salons. There are also natural flea control methods that are great alternatives to the chemical treatments.

Treat yourself and the planet There are all sorts of guilty pleasures out there that are organically made. Chocolate bars, ice cream, sorbet, frozen yogurt, cookies and more. If you’re going to pig out, you might as well be helping the environment.


The Sweetest dreams are organic ones Escape from reality and lose yourself in lavender bubbles, as you unwind in the tub. Next, sip on a cup of organic chamomile tea and then slide under organic cotton sheets for a sound sleep. You’ll sleep even better knowing you’re doing your part to keep our planet healthy!

Images courtesy of stock.xchng


Blindly Turning

the Corner Written by Elise Haskell

Stephen Harper is as hypocritical as politicians come.

Let us go back in time, back before he wasted $300 million on an election that achieved nothing more than yet another minority government (oh, and don’t get me started on the fact that he once tried to introduce a legislation to have a set election date every four years so that no government would be able to call an election whenever it suited them – and then he went an called an election because he thought it suited him). Let us recall when a Inconvenient Truth came out and suddenly politicians started paying attention to the environment. Good ol’ Stephen Harper got on the bandwagon like he always does, introducing ‘Turning the Corner,’ a very unambitious plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65 per cent… by 2050. Whoa, steady Stephen. Don’t do anything too drastic here. Canada was happy enough, never minding the fact that we would pay the price – literally – through a tax hike. Frankly, I think a tax hike is a small price to pay for a healthier earth. Then the 2008 election rolled around and the liberal candidate Stephane Dion prepared his own green plan: The Green Shift. A plan that no one really understood and the conservatives made as much fuss as they could about the fact that our taxes would go up. Did Canadians just blank out the past two years? Did they not remember how the conservative government was promising nothing more or less? It’s awfully frustrating to see a politician be such a public hypocrite without anyone noticing. It’s even more frustrating when that politician basically wins an election by playing that slight of hand. Now, here we are back where we started, only $300 million poorer and a tax hike on the way, with an uncertain feeling that Stephen Harper might change things while no one is looking, because apparently he can get away with lying to Canadians far too easily. One thing that is unabashedly true about Stephen Harper is that he will do whatever he thinks will make him popular. So as long as we as Canadians press the importance of the environment – so will he. He manipulated us, maybe it’s time we manipulated him.

Images courtesy of stock.xchng


What is hemp... (and no , you can’t smoke it)

Written by Courtney Born

.CLOTHING... Hemp is environmentally friendly in many ways. It can displace the use of cotton, which requires massive amounts of chemicals harmful to people and the environment. Hemp clothing can be anything from a simple tank top to a divine diva sweater and khaki pants. Scarves, socks and toques are among the more popular hemp clothing accessories.

Hemp has carried the stereotype of being just like its counter-partner, marijuana. They do grow on the same cannabis plant, but the biggest difference is that hemp has no THC, the main psychoactive ingredient to marijuana. Hemp has been grown and manufactured for thousand of years, starting off as rope and paper, but now used in food and different strands of fibres for clothes.

.Accessories... Everything from wallets to dog collars and even footwear can be made out of the hemp fibers. Even perfumes and body lotions are being mass marketed with the hemp or organic slogan to appeal to the new “green media”. You can go pick up some of these organic delights online or in independent retailers across Canada, and don’t forget they make great gifts for friends and family.

.Food for thought... Many foods can be made from hemp seeds. They have exceptional nutritional value and contain all eight essential amino acids. Whole seeds can be baked for snack foods or ground into flour for breads. Even the outer shell of the seed, can be used as animal feed or mulch for your vegetable garden. But the most famous of all is the Hempseed oil, a light green, nutty tasting delight used in everything from cakes to dips. Even beer can be made from the leftover crushed hemp seeds.

Images courtesy of stock.xchng


*Green Tea*

Green Tea Recipes Green Tea Martini * Ice * 1 oz green tea, chilled * 2 oz citron vodka * 1 tsp Cointreau * 1 tsp simple syrup * Orange twist (peel)

By Jen Hopf

Nothing quite compares to the comfort of curling up with a warm, satisfying cup of tea – and green tea is no exception. It’s healthy, exotic and not as complicated as other trendy coffee beverages. The flavours can range from grassy, to minty, to spicy, depending on the variety. There are many different delicious kinds to choose from! Green tea is anything but boring. If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea however, check out these unique dessert recipes, infused with a little green essence.

Fill a shaker with ice. Add green tea, vodka, Cointreau and simple syrup. Shake well, strain into cocktail glass. Garnish with orange twist.

Zen Breeze Cocktail Recipe by Eatertainment.com

*1 oz Zen Green Tea Liqueur *1 oz Wyborowa Vodka *5 oz white cranberry juice *1 lime wedge or lime juice


Mix 1 oz of Green tea Liqueur & 1 oz of Wyborowa Vodka with 5 oz of white cranberry juice. Sere in an ice-filled glass and garnish with a lime slice.

Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe by Elise Haskell

Green Tea Cheesecake Recipe by Elise Haskell

* 2 egg yolks * 2-4 tbsp sugar * 200ml heavy cream * 1-2 tbsp matcha * 2 tbsp hot water * 50ml water Lightly whisk egg yolks in a pan. Add water and sugar and mix well. Heat mixture on low, stirring constantly. Remove from heat after mix thickens. Combine hot water and matcha green tea powder together. Add green tea and mix well, cooling in ice water. Add whipped heavy cream and mix well. Freeze and enjoy!

* Sugar * 1 tbsp vanilla sugar * 4 eggs * 1/3 cup butter * 2 tbsp green tea power * 750g cream cheese * Milk Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Separate eggs. Put egg whites in a small bowl with 1/3 cup of sugar, set aside. Combine egg yolks with cream cheese and add another 1/3 cup of sugar along with vanilla sugar, green tea powder and three drops of lemon flavouring. Mix with hand mixer. Add a cup of milk and entire contents of cheesecake package. Continue mixing. Beat egg whites until stiff. Then fold into mix. Put filling in spring form pan. Bake for 6070 minutes. Remove sides of spring-form pan and let cake cool for at least 30 minutes. Place cooling rack on top of cheesecake, turn upside down. Carefully remove bottom of spring form pan. Wait 30-60 minutes. Turn right side up again. Cover and place in fridge.

*Matcha Matcha Matcha* By Courtney Born

What’s this stuff we call Matcha? It’s the green tea leaf minus the stem and veins, which is then stone-ground into a fine powder. Matcha is a great alternative to using regular green tea leaves. It’s time saving and comes complete with more nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants the body cannot produce on its own. Basically, it just tastes good!

Images courtesy of stock.xchng


How to be ....

Green Written by Jen Hopf





Required Being green is more than just the latest passing craze. It’s about making changes to our lifestyles that will ultimately change the ailing condition of our environment, preserving it for future generations.It doesn’t necessarily mean living in a cabin in the woods or regressing to a simple way of life. You can still enjoy all the comfort and convenience of our modern world, while protecting it at the same time. There are many factors contributing to the downward spiral of our planet: The looming threat of global warming, the increase of pollution, the risk of running out of our natural resources. These are all prominent issues that should be at the front of our minds, yet most people don’t even realize the seriousness of it all. It’s as though the situation will work itself out if we just ignore it and let it run its course. However, these problems won’t disappear with a band-aid solution. The upside is that everyone can do something to help solve them. Cleaning up our environment doesn’t have to be just a pipe dream. Simply by making a few minor adjustments to your daily life is a step in reducing your ecological footprint. You don’t have to sacrifice much. Even switching to more energy efficient light bulbs, or taking public transit are effective ways to put a smile on Mother Nature’s face. It’s worth it in the end, that is, unless we all want to be sleeping in domes on the moon one day.

Images courtesy of stock.xchng


Going RE N is easier than you think...


Written By: Colin Boucher and Jen Hopf


hile supporting fair trade products doesn’t directly make you greener, it certainly makes you a better global citizen. Buying fair trade contributes to a greater good, and that sure can’t hurt. Fair Trade is an international system based on honesty and respect for everyone involved in the production of goods, from the producers of the raw materials to the manufacturers of the finished product. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions in developing countries. Fair traders promote decent compensation for the products and labour of all parties involved, sustainable environmental practices and investment in local infrastructure. They require minimum standards for producers and they have to meet those requirements to be designated as “fair trade.” Anything with the fair trade label has to be certified. In Canada, this certification is done by TransFair Canada. Certified products carry a logo (seen right), indicating they are fair trade certified.


. . . s p i T g n i Gas Sav Gas Saving Tips... ips... T g n i v a S Gas

• Avoid quick acceleration from stops and hard braking: Several studies have shown that being aggressive with your starts and stops only shaves off about four per cent of travel time but eats up to 37 per cent more fuel. • Use cruise control on level planes: As long as you’re not driving on steep hills, you can save about 7 per cent more fuel with the use of cruise control. • Keep your tires properly inflated: Natural Resources Canada estimates that for every two pounds per square inch under inflated each tire is, you use about 1 per cent more fuel to go the same distance. • Don’t idle excessively in the winter: CAA says it wastes fuel and isn’t good for your engine.


• Minimize A/C use in the summer: When driving in the city, it’s much more fuel efficient to open your windows. But beware of highways; the aerodynamic drag caused by open windows at high speeds wastes more fuel than if your windows were closed and your A/C is on.

• Ask questions about where your products came from and how they were produced – especially if they claim to be organic – to make sure your articles are authentic.

• Try to avoid using beauty products that have too many chemicals in their ingredients, as some can even be toxic and harmful to your skin. Also check that they are PETA approved, meaning not tested on animals.

. . . .


• Choose products that are not excessively packaged and try to look for wrapping that is recyclable, or at least biodegradable.

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• Pick up a needle and thread rather than your wallet when your clothes show signs of wear and tear, to extend their life and avoid waste.

. . .

Carbon Footprint:

a measure of the greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide produced by daily living and the burning of fossil fuels; calculates the impact of our activities.

Carbon Tax:

a tax issued on anything that requires fossil fuels, as a way to reduce the amount people use.

Ecological Footprint:

a measure of human demand on our natural ecosystems and how much land and water a population uses to support itself.

Green Energy:

renewable energy that comes through sustainable methods such as solar power, rather than using fossil fuels, which will eventually run out.

LED Bulb:

an energy efficient light that uses nearly six times less wattage than an incandescent bulb.

Rainwater Harvesting:

describes the collection of rainwater to be used for purposes such as gardening. Images courtesy of stock.xchng




a) Reading, Writing and ‘Rithmetic

b) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle c) Reuse, Revamp, Rearrange


10 - 15 points

How do you get where you’re going in a hurry? a) Jump in a car: Zoom, Zoom b) I’ll walk there if I have the time c) Carpool with some friends


How often do you turn off the lights and other electronic gizmos? a) Once I’m done using it b) Whenever I remember, or someone reminds me c) When I feel like it


Do you go out of your way to buy organic food? a) I dont need to, I have my own vegetable garden b) I like that guy singing, “Good things grow in Ontario” in that commercial, does that count? c) Not really, too expensive.


How do you take your coffee? a) Black, and double cup it please b) In my fancy dancy travel mug c) I make it at home to save time

1. a-0 b-3 c-1 2. a-0 b-3 c-2 3. a-2 b-1 c-0 4. a-3 b-2 c-1 5. a-0 b-4 c-3


GREEN THUMB David Suzuki would be proud. You obviously know how to save our beautiful mother earth one step at a time and encourage others to join you. Don’t forget your reusable travel mug and cloth bags before you head out on another green power mission!

Green on the Mind 5 - 9 Points You’re on the right path, but hit a fork in the road along the way. You try to be as environmental as possible but it doesn’t come easy. Recycling is just the beginning, continue to think green and before you know it the hulk will even be jealous of your colour.

Litter Bug 0 - 4 Points Step back and pick up that candy wrapper you just tossed on the ground and put it away. The earth is not your personal garbage can, its just that easy. There are a million little ways to be green it just takes a second, remember we all need to pitch in to keep our planet growing green.

Aries (Mar. 21 to Apr, 20)

Fall will bring forth exciting opportunities, as long as you’re listening carefully for the knock. Green tip: Get involved in an environmental cause close to your heart and others will surely follow.


o r o s c o p e

Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

Being two-faced will cause you nothing but double the trouble. Be sincere and people will respect your opinions much more. Green tip: Walk wherever, whenever possible. It will give you time alone with your thoughts while giving our air a break from harmful emissions.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)

As self-sufficient as you may be, open your mind to the possibility of letting someone else take the reins – even if it’s just for a quick joy ride. Green tip: Encourage your friends to join you on an exciting adventure outdoors.

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 23)

Others will find you irresistible, as your most desirable traits shine through. You will have the ability to effortlessly charm even strangers. Green tip: You love to be surrounded by beautiful things, so fill your home with exotic plants and flowers to add that little extra touch to your décor.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21)

Now is the time for you to start thinking more seriously about what your future could hold. You won’t be able to deny yourself of what you really want for much longer. Green tip: Take up a new hobby that will get you back to nature, such as mountain biking.

Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19)

Express your ideas to those you really trust and they will help push you forward in your endeavours, while helping to keep you on the right track. Green tip: Being the humanitarian of the zodiac, why not consider a career that will involve helping others and the environment?


Taurus (Apr. 21 to May 20)

You will stabilize a significant relationship that has been on shaky terms recently if you are able to finally let go of your resentment over a trivial dispute. Green tip: Cut back on your material possessions and start to enjoy what nature has to offer.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

Make sure you are taking time out for yourself every now and then and not spreading yourself too thin. You will need to be well rested to enjoy your imminent success! Green tip: With your ability to adapt, it should be easy to start incorporating more organic ingredients into your diet.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

It may be taking you awhile, but your diligence toward a major project could result in lifealtering changes if you stay on course. Green tip: Allow yourself to be more open-minded about lifestyle adjustments that will contribute to the health of our planet.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22)

Be careful your magnetic personality doesn’t bring people in too far. Take a step back from your emotions to clear the blurriness of your vision and you will see the solution to a burning problem was obvious all along. Green tip: Use your passion for life to inspire others to be more environmentally conscious.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20)

It is acceptable to let your mind wander and fantasize a little once in awhile. Even the hardest workers deserve a break. Green tip: Responsible by nature, you can achieve much if you focus your energy on a worthy mission to save the planet.

Pisces (Feb. 20 to Mar. 20)

Let your imagination run wild, but don’t let yourself escape into a fantasy world. Accepting criticism could lead to a greater understanding of a point of view you never considered. Green tip: Growing your own herb garden can provide relaxation as well as tasty additions to your meals.

Jen “The Lizard Queen” Hopf Managing Editor Just your typical girly girl, well, maybe not quite so typical…I like frat boy things-like beer and poker- just as much as kitties and clothes. I’m a hopeless romantic who tends to view the world through rosetinted glasses. Peace and love baby! Should’ve been a hippie…but I’m not as innocent as I seem! ;) I get what I want and I like to be the boss, which might explain why I’m the editor. Oh, and I hate drinking out of plastic!

Colin “Vitamin Water” Boucher Photo Editor

I am honoured to be able to write for such a good cause! I think caring for the environment and living healthy, active lifestyles are so important. I’m a fiercely loyal friend and love good food and good wine. My environmental pet peeve is Drive-Thrus! Get out and walk in, if you need to drive at all, especially if there’s lots of cars already lined up. Don’t be so lazy, people!

Elise “Ayyyy” Haskell Copy Editor I am 23-years-old and live, eat and breathe words. I came to Unrefined in the hopes of helping to inspire the younger generation of Durham to take another look at environmentalism and the outdoors. Although a lot of my time is spent indoors working at a computer, I try my very best to get outside and bike as often as possible. My personal pet-peeve? Plastic bags at the grocery store. *Shudders*

Courtney “Woo” Born Artistic Director I’m not a tree hugger; I don’t live in the forest and eat twigs. I don’t know all 200 species of birds in Ontario but I’m sure they are very pretty. I believe in car-pooling, public transit and herbal remedies. I make hemp bracelets, teas and other organic things. My name is Courtney and I am the art director for Unrefined.

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