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SOPHIE Sophia is a self-graduated Mistress of Art, her work centres around the value of her SELF. SOPHIE’s conceptual and performance art explores the taboos of selfishness, hearing voices, declaring oneself as GOD, pricing one’s own artwork outrageously, psychosis as a spiritual awakening and SELF Love.

SOPHIE declares her name an artwork, highlighting when a woman signs her art it devalues it; ‘My name is wise, therefore valuable.’ In 2022 SOPHIE opened her solo show SELF(ish), with a controversial performance titled, ‘Come as yourSELF’, a live therapy session with psychotherapist she had never worked with. SOPHIE Sophia has assisted Artist Polly Morgan on Morgan’s first public sculpture.


Instagram: @sophie_mistress_of_art

Web: www.sophiesophia.co.uk

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