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Unstoppable Women's Empire Magazine - Winter Edition 2022

W I N T E R 2 0 2 2 E D I T I O N



Celebrating Unstoppable Women’s Empire 1st Year!

Happy Anniversary! Happy Birthday to Us!

Advice from Industry Experts

Featuring: Taurea Vision Avant & Others

Sharing what they do to prepare for their New Year!

Dr. Carmen turns 60!

My Daily Confession

Dr. CarmenDr. Carmen ThomasThomas

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A letter from the Founder of Unstoppable Women's Empire / Editor-in Chief

What I do to set the stage and plan my New Year on Purpose


Highlights and Testimonials




By Dr. Carmen Thomas

Select the Best Membership that fits you! You will be happy that you connected to a global women's network where women empower women!

Grants, Magazine details and Upcoming Events



I’m so excited to finish 2021 and launch 2022 with you! Together we did it!

In this edition, we celebrate by sharing the different voices from the different experts. Each one provides you with priceless gems and strategies for moving forward into your next season.

I began preparing my calendar in the late spring for the next year. It’s so important to write the vision and revisit it in the fall to make final modifications before you launch it in January.

A year in a glance- looking back at what I previously planned and pinned to my electronic device. What did I finish, what do I need to keep and what do I need to delete. Advice to self - Dr. Carmen Denise Thomas, Carmen, Girl, Sis, Honey you got this!

Major Accomplishments: 1. I prayed for businesses to be trademarked - two were completed. 2. I prayed for funding to come in for the nonprofit Transformation GEMS won 6 figure grants and more to come. 3. I prayed for powerful global women to join the membership site and you did. Lastly, thank you to all the Unstoppable Women for connecting with our membership, together we made a successful impact in our first year. Africa, Dallas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Phoenix, Detroit, Lansing, Kalamazoo, and the Philippines. I’m so excited to see what 2022 Unveils for us All in 2022!

I invite you to connect with us! I encourage you to share your story in the Next issue. We have a quarterly magazine owned by members.

Together, We Are On Our Way Up!

Dr. Carmen Thomas



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Speaker|Author |Wife and Minister who teaches others to Live Life By Design https://www.take2withtonia.com/

Hello beautiful women! We have come to the close of another year. Everyone during this time is hurriedly planning for the next 365 days. As Unstoppable Women we must be intentional about how we prepare for the next phase. I would like to share with you one of the strategies that I use to get myself ready for the new year.

During this time of the year, I like to take a minute and reflect on all the things that were accomplished in the previous year as well as some of the failures.

This reflection can take place by reading old journals, looking at testimonials from clients, and if

For those things that did not particularly go well, make a note of those items as well and plan to pivot, change, or enhance those things in the upcoming year.


you are heavily engaged in social media postings, check your insights to see what your community engaged with the most. Notice all the things that went well and plan to continue to do those things in the new year.

Remember it is all about perspective. Those failures should be viewed as learning tools.

As you review keep in mind that all is well and in divine order. Happy end of the year and Happy planning for next year.

Please tune in to my podcast “Take 2 with Tonia” on all podcast platforms. This podcast is for women over 50 who are in their second phase of life. We discuss all Mindset, Entrepreneurship, and all things sisterhood. Please Subscribe, Leave a comment, and share.


Taurea Vision Avant

The Queen of Book Profiting

Showing Speakers, Coaches and Network Marketers how to increase their sales with writing the RIGHT Books.

Taurea's Contact Details Free $10,000 Masterclass www.10kbook.com www.Instagram.com/visionavant www.Facebook.com/visionavant www.Linkedin.com/in/visionavant www.twitter.com/visionavant www.TaureaAvant.com

What I do to set the stage and plan my New Year on Purpose

I know that for many, the new year represents a chance to start all over and to make the new year better than the year before. I, however, don’t necessarily believe in waiting for the new year. I believe that everyday is a new day to do something great. I am a big Goal Setter and I like to set out my goals 90 days in advance. I’ve always been told that “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail” , and that its never a better time to take massive action. HOWEVER, when I say massive action, I mean in all areas of my life that are important to me at that time. I don't just focus on business, I focus on all areas that are important for me in that season. Those areas include business/career, family/friends, romantic, health/wellness, finances, spirituality, personal development and environment. Every three months I rate myself on all eight areas where I feel I am and where I wish to be and then subtract the two.

The top three I focus on the most. This allows me to have better focus on the things that are important to me at that time. The one thing I may do differently for the new year would be my New Year New You Conference and of course TAXES lol. However, I am a big believer in not waiting until the new year to set new goals. Do it now because tomorrow is not promised.



The end of the year is a fantastic time to give an intentional gift to your future self! I call it a gift to your future self because we are so often on a Next Thing treadmill, or I Don’t Have IT Yet cycle or both. For many of us, especially over the last two years, it has been a paradox of a forced pause AND attempting to keep up with the constant change…that’s a lot of emotional labor.

There’s a story of an ambitious traveler who employed men of a village to go on this long trek. Each morning they got up very early, traveled very far and went very fast…this went on for several mornings. On the fourth morning the traveler woke up to his astonishment, the men were sitting under a tree. He was upset…

’didn’t they know we have to get up early to travel far and go fast?’

At that point the village elder appeared and shared (James Earl Jones voice):

“they are waiting for their souls to catch up with their bodies. ”

Pausing…to reflect, revive and reawaken gives our souls time to catch up with our bodies.

A dear friend, Hanna Cooper (who transitioned in 2019), shared a wonderful process and I’ve adapted this exercise into my practice in honor of her each year. The process grants us time to reflect on the closing year, garner the lessons learned and align those with your strategic vision for the coming year…. what a beautiful, intentional, and loving gift to your future self!



OWNER and Author at Inspired Action Motivates, LLC Collaboration Strategist and Catalyst for Dialogue at Inspired Action Motivates, LLC


President/Senior Event Designer eleven11eventsgroup.com 517-886/0601

Eleven 11 Events

To be the premier upscale decor, design and rental firm in Michigan requires that I have a clear vision. The stage is set by developing a strategic plan. Write the vision and make it plain right?

Making it plain for me is determining an action plan. The goal for 2022 is to scale my business. My first strategy was to hit the 4th quarter of “2021" with a marketing campaign for engagement season looking to attract my ideal client for 2022 and beyond.

Determining where they live, the places they frequent, then being there physically or virtually via media or print.

Next, I answer a problem. Ex. Too busy to plan? Eleven 11 Events frees up your time by taking care of all the details. Solving problems adds to your like, know and trust factor.

Planning my year on purpose requires me to see my business as a ministry. I am building God’s kingdom by celebrating people.

It’s my gift and passion to serve through creating an unforgettable day, with exquisite designs for exceptional people.

Eleven 11 Event’s core values of Authenticity, Balance, Creativity, Influence and Community is how I stay grounded.

Having a clear vision, setting goals with an action plan while keeping the core values intact as I minister through my God-given gifts, talents and continuance of education is how I intentionally plan out the new year on purpose.




I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions, as I have found that knowing my Why is really what drives me. As the chief marketing officer and chief diversity officer at LAFCU, I’ve charted my course in my career around my Why. However, nothing has made me be more clear about knowing my Why than being the chief diversity officer. This work challenges your every fiber of your being because you’re not just dealing with a product, you’re helping people and businesses become more introspective.

KELLI ELLSWORTH-ETCHISON Chief Marketing Officer / Chief Diversity Officer LAFCU

Your teaching people to throw out what Uncle Joe said at the kitchen table growing up, or that the off color “harmless” joke you used to laugh at with your coworker is actually harmful. You’re creating awareness around bias, inequities, and changing policies. I’ve found that when I identify a void that matches up with what drives me, then I create a lasting plan of action to unlock my Why.

This is my approach all year long. For me, it can’t be shaped in a resolution, that’s not sustainable. I say uncover your Why instead of making a resolution. Why do you want more out of life, eat better, exercise, be a better friend, eliminate debt, be a better version of you?

The next step in your Why discovery is working your Why. Why are you making the decision to start something new? Are you passionate about this new goal? Have you started with a plan?

According to U.S. News & World Report; there’s a 80% failure rate for New Year’s resolutions, and most people lose their resolve around mid-February. https://www.inc.com/marla-tabaka/why-setyourself-up-for-failure-ditch-new-yearsresolution-do-this-instead.html This is why knowing your Why is important, it will drive success in your goals.

Know Your Why by Michael Jr. https://youtu.be/1ytFB8TrkTo



We frequently hear things like "New you for the New Year" . But I prefer to call it "moving forward with greater wisdom" . The bad things...learn from them. The good things...treasure & build on them.

Some tips to position 2022 to be your BEST year ever.

1) Slow down to speed up. Be willing to intentionally evaluate the root cause of negative belief systems or mindsets that are holding you back. Then let them go.

2) Give yourself permission to invest in yourself! Do what feeds your soul & practice daily self-care!

3) Invest in authentic relationships with like-minded friends who call out the greatness in you, & who will hold you accountable to become the best version of yourself. Simply put, find your TRIBE.

7) Start somewhere (not everywhere) & don't quit! Trying to change multiple things at once can be discouraging & distracting.

8) Laugh frequently & love lavishly.

9) Celebrate your dang self. You are amazing!

4) Live each day "on purpose" . That means being crystal clear on your divine calling & then daily walking it out with relentless passion.

5) Lean on faith. God's abundance & wisdom are FAR beyond our comprehending. Trust that you are His precious child & worthy of His favor.

6) Keystone habits. If you want a drastic shift in your peace & productivity, figure out the one or two habits that will change the trajectory of other habits & therefore outcomes.

"Oh Lord, let my story bring You glory"

Jen McClure Ind. Mary Kay Beauty Consultant https://www.marykay.com/jtmcclure PH: (517) 861-1601


Angela Hook

F O R E V E R E V O L V I N G , L L C F O U N D E R | C H I E F E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E R

What I do to set the stage and plan for the New Year on purpose:


A s a n e n t r e p r e n e u r , I h a d t o b e c o m e s e r i o u s a b o u t a c h i e v i n g m y g o a l s . I h a d t o m a k e m y g o a l s a p r i o r i t y i n o r d e r t o p r o d u c e r e s u l t s . T h i s i n c l u d e d l e t t i n g s o m e t h i n g s t o g o f o r a s e a s o n , d e l e g a t i n g s m a l l e r t a s k t o f r e e u p t h e t i m e I n e e d e d f o r l a r g e r t a s k , a n d m a k i n g s u r e I s t a y e d f o c u s e d t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r b y s t r a t e g i z i n g , p l a n n i n g , p r a y i n g a n d c o n s u l t i n g w i t h G o d .

" C o m m i t t o t h e l o r d w h a t e v e r y o u d o

, a n d h e w i l l e s t a b l i s h y o u r p l a n s .

" I m a k e e v e r y e f f o r t t o s e t u p s y s t e m s t o m e a s u r e m y p r o g r e s s b y i m p l e m e n t i n g m e a s u r a b l e a c t i o n s t e p s f o r s u c c e s s . L a s t l y , I b e l i e v e y o u h a v e t o b e c o m e i n t e n t i o n a l o n b u i l d i n g y o u r o w n p e r s o n a l t r i b e o f w o m e n t h a t s h a r e y o u r v a l u e s a n d s t i m u l a t e y o u r g r o w t h . G r o u p s l i k e U n s t o p p a b l e W o m e n ' s E m p i r e h a v e b e e n t h a t a n c h o r f o r m e .

Are you struggling with anger, depression, relationship issues, or anxiety and need a safe place to heal? I am dedicated to helping my clients to become the best version of themselves. I have extensive experience providing skill-building techniques, relationship-building, and effective communication skills. I am committed to working with couples, families, women issues, and adults that have suffered from substance abuse dependencies and adverse childhood experiences.

My approach can best be described as person-centered using a non-authoritative style that allows you to take more of the lead in the discussions so that in the process, you will discover your own solutions.

I draw from a variety of methods such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, solution-focused, and psychoeducation.

I will commit to being there for you every step of your journey and help you grow from your struggles, heal from your pain, and move you forward to where you want to be in your life. Growth is not a destination but a lifelong journey.


For more information about our services please visit my website at: www.foreverevolving.services

Contact me at: 517-331-9401

email me at: angela@foreverevolving.services


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I have been sharing grants with you all on the Unstoppable Women's Empire Facebook Page — if you missed it, stay tuned for the next one and I'll continue to share!

I'm forever Grateful and Thankful for each one of you!

You still have time to take advantage of the membership by January 2022 as a founding member with a lifetime rate of no increase.


Magazine Dates

March Women’s History Month Magazine/Book Collective

April Retreat - TBD


VIP Members: 1/2 Page Ad

Basic Members: Business Card Ad

Non-Members Ads available:

1/2 Page $35 250 Words Max

Full Page $80 - 500 Words Max

For Details Email: uwemembership@gmail.com

UWE Members, email your ads to share in Newsletter. 250 Words Max.

Magazine Dates:

1. Spring Issue - Ads due by 2/20/22 published 3/31/22

2. Summer Issue - Ads due by 6/1/22 published 6/30/22

3. Fall Issue - Ads due by 8/1/22 published 9/1/22

4. Winter/ Holiday Season - Ads due by 10/15/22 published 11/20/22


W I N T E R 2 0 2 2 E D I T I O N

Thank You!Thank You!


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