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New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net2 Debi Thorne Advertising Sales Manager 07714Debi.thorne@blackmorevale.net289409 Lloyd Armishaw 01963newsdesk@blackmorevale.netPublisher400186 Jane Toomer Account Manager Lorraine Drake Distributor 07850lorraine_drake@icloud.com529937 01963adverts@blackmorevale.net400186 Kye Harman Sports 01963sports@blackmorevale.netEditor400186 EDITORIAL ADVERTISING We love hearing your news and views. Get in touch with us by emailing or calling 01963 400186 Editorial deadlines are the Wednesday the week before publication. Display ads must be booked by Wednesday the week before publication, with final copy submitted by the Friday Classified ads may be accepted after this, however these will be subject to space. What’s inside this week… • Top: Michael Jones, OBE, celebrates his 100th birthday, page 26 • Above: Rewilding beavers, page 14 • Left: West Dorset MP Chris Loder talks heritage and tourism, page 5 BurlandTrust/JamesWildlifeDorset Announcements 76-77 Arts & Entertainments 35-37 Antiques & Collectables 48-50 Church 40 Education 38-39 Equestrian 89 Events 32-34 Farming 90-97 Field & Stream 88-89 Food & Drink 70-71 Health & Wellbeing 72-73 Home & Garden 51-58 Items For Sale 87 & 111 Letters 31 Local Services 59-67 Motoring 74-75 Pets 68-69 Politics 41-43 Property 98-111 Puzzles 44-45 Recruitment 79-87 Sport 46-47 ADDRESS: 3 Alfred's Way, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9RU Online:

Thanks to a generous by Leweston School, residents of
Trinity Manor care home can tickle the ivories whenever they like…
When Trinity Manor care home reached out to Dr Rachel Milestone, music director at Leweston School, they were thinking they might be able to collaborate with her students. What they didn’t anticipate was an incredibly generous musical gift from the school. Rachel immediately invited the residents to attend the school’s summer concert, which was enjoyed by many from the home, staff and residents alike. A week or so after the concert, Trinity Manor home services advisor Rebekah Goddard was delighted when Rachel offered the home a piano as a gift from the school. “We were thrilled when Rachel asked us if we wanted to give a piano a home – what an offer!” said Rebekah “We were so happy when a few weeks later, Rachel arrived with her daughter to deliver it. The piano has already been played by residents and staff alike, as well as visiting musicians. We cannot thank the school enough for such a lovely present.” Deputy manager Paul Pippard added: “Some of the students are hoping to come and visit us in the autumn term for a variety of activities involving our residents, many of which we hope will involve our new piano. We are excited to see how these visits pan out and we are certain that they will mutually benefit both students and residents, offering an opportunity to create some new friendships too. “Huge gratitude to Leweston for such a wonderful gift and here’s to some great future opportunities for us all.”
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 3 * Same day delivery available within 20 miles of BA12 6HB when ordered by 2pm, while stocks last. Sold as agent for Euronics Ltd. Prices correct at time of going to print. Come and see our Chapel Showroom, great deals every day, 100s of products in stock, for immediate delivery to your home!* SAMSUNG UE40J6300-AKXXU40CURVED £429.99 Whilst stock last. Sold as an agent for Euronics Ltd. Prices correct at time of print. - You won’t find these great products anywhere else! FREE SAME DAY IF ORDERED BY 5PM UPTO 20 MILES FROM BA12 6HB ON ALL ITEMS OVER £200 (IN STOCK ITEMS ONLY) INTERNET PRICES BOSCH WARRANTYSMS50T02GB £249.99 SAMSUNG UE40J6300-AKXXU40CURVED £429.99 Whilst stock last. Sold as an agent for Euronics Ltd. Prices correct at time of print. - You won’t find these great products anywhere else! Chapel Showroom, Boar Street, Mere. BA12 6DD, also shop at Salisbury Street, Mere. BA12 6HB 01747 860215 FREE SAME DAY IF ORDERED BY 5PM UPTO 20 MILES FROM BA12 6HB ON ALL ITEMS OVER £200 (IN STOCK ITEMS ONLY) INTERNET PRICES £129COOKERSFROM CASHCARRY CHAPELSEECOMEOURSHOWROOM FANTASTICSTOCK KNIGHTWHITE TUMBLEDRYERC45CW £149.99 ZANUSSI HEATZDH8333PPUMPTUMBLEDRYER £399.99 RADIO’SROBERTS FrostGSXV90MCAELGFreeAmericanStyleFridgeFreezer£18992YearWarrantyFRIDGEMASTERMCF9655cmChestFreezer2YearWarranty £139.992WarrantyYear FullSMS2HVW66GBOSCHSizeDishwasher13PlaceSettings £379 2 WarrantyYearFREE Delivery, Fitting & In-storeRecycling.ordersonly.Ends30thAugust 43”43UQ91006LALG4KLEDSmart TV with Voice Assistance £449 NSWE845CWSUKNHOTPOINT8kg1400SpinWashingMachine £339.99 Music in their hearts
Trinity Manor resident Pat plays the piano donated to the home by Leweston School; care team member Ligy enjoys the music!

Hours of meticulous research enabled the residents of the village of Hazlebury Bryan to make informed decisions about their uptake of new solar energy options by Keith Wheaton-Green
Best value for everyone
A walk around… Melbury Bubb
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net4
GET TOUCHINDo you have a story aboutyour village workingtogether on a project likethis? We’d love to hear fromyou! blackmorevale.netnewsdesk@Email
Powering the village hall
I have been a key stage 2 teacher and climate change officer for South Somerset District Council but, in my retirement, my motivation is simply to help my fellow householders reduce their electricity bills.
A couple of years back I put out a post to my neighbours in the village of Hazelbury Bryan, offering free advice to anyone thinking of installing solar panels. We already have two small 500 kW solar farms in the village as well as 28 dwellings (of the 480 total) with solar panels. But there’s lots of unused roof space. I got about 15 responses initially. I shared my opinion on the current best panels and inverter and sent them drawings of their roofs with appropriate numbers of panels.
Following the numerous encouraging responses to my articles in the NBVM, I’d like to make it clear that I am not commercially involved in the solar industry.
Retired Dorset rights of way officer Chris Slade takes you on a pleasant ramble – don’t forget your wellies though!
When the Parish Council set up a Climate Group I just had to join. In keeping with the traditions of British civil society, we have a chair, a secretary and lots of enthusiasm. I suggested we explore solar panels and air source heating for the village hall. A fellow group member did a great job of getting quotes for us to compare. Following a lot of research and discussion, we decided upon the best installer and equipment. The hall has an oil-fired boiler and wet radiator system that needs replacing. We investigated the best way to use solar panels for heating. As the hall has instantaneous electric water heating we focused just on space heat and decided an air-to-air heat pump best matches the use pattern of the hall. It gives fast heat. It’s very efficient because 1kW electricity gives 6kW of heat. We visited a recent installation in Exeter with two sceptical village hall committee members. Once the system was demonstrated to us, all scepticism vanished. There are five heat settings, a cooling (air conditioning) setting, air filtration and a remote control. In operation, the indoor and outdoor units were almost silent. The intention is to install the solar panels, a battery that operates during a power cut, and the heating system. I calculate the £24,400 investment will save £2,700 a year in reduced future energy bills rising with inflation. Homeowners take note Our next venture was to hold an event at the hall where those of us that have some experience of solar photovoltaic roof top arrays, batteries, heat pumps and electric cars could talk about it with anyone interested. About 40 people turned up and my solar group swelled to over 30. Householders valued the independent advice on the best value equipment currently available and the research time they had been able to avoid. With their permission, I arranged site visits with our preferred installer, who is based in Ringwood. We managed to visit 27 houses in a day. We have now received quotes for all (plus a few tag-alongs).
My initial thinking had been that there would be economies of scale from using the same equipment and installer, with installations planned around the same time. The reality has been that our chosen installer purchases a container load of the best value panels at a time to reduce costs and interested households are spreading their orders over a wide time frame. When it’s financially possible, good decision making – such as paying off a mortgage early or installing solar panels –increases future resilience to financial shocks and general well-being. So let’s all install solar.
MELBURY BUBB IS a lovely peaceful place with pleasant scenery. Park near the church and if it’s open, visit it to see the famous font. Then walk back along the road you drove up, east, over the railway bridge, then south-east until, just past a wood, you join a footpath on your left heading north across a couple of fields to join the Chetnole road. Turn right and head south along the road, passing Hell Corner where it bends to the south-east for a while. Carry on for about half a mile until you come to a crossroads at Redford Farm. Turn right and follow the road south-west past Woolcombe and under a railway bridge. There is a footpath just after the bridge but, currently, it has no gate or stile and needs stepping stones to negotiate the swamp. Dorset Council is onto it. Instead, continue for about a furlong and then turn right, down the lane to Woolcombe Farm, where, just before the farm buildings, you turn right and join a footpath which takes you north across several fields. You’ll probably meet some cattle, so take appropriate precautions if you have a dog with you. They’re okay with people. After the third field you’ll be on the Hardy Way which takes you north-west into a narrow, double- hedged lane where you’ll suddenly realise you should have worn wellies! It’s a bog-mire, but, if you’re reasonably agile, you can get onto the embankment and wend your way through the bushes until you get to the gate at the end. You then pass through a couple more fields and a farmyard to join the lane which leads back to the church and your car. You’ll have walked four miles.
Our solar-powered story

Countrymen UK celebrates its 10th anniversary at Ryland’s farm
“My husband loved it here; it was the best thing for him.”
Lydlinch and Bagber’s Doggylympics (some said it should have been renamed the Commonwoof Games) made a welcome return in the glorious August sunshine, raising £600 for renovations for Hooper Hall, Lydlinch. Among the attractions were an obstacle course, a temptation alley (where canny canines had to avoid the sausages and the squeaky toys) and 10 judged categories including best rescue.
The success of the Countrymen UK Clubs can be summed up from various comments heard throughout the day:
The Lord-Lieutenant Angus Campbell gave a toast to the unpaid carers and families who support the men and have had such a tough time during Covid-19, as well as to the men who are no longer with us and the current men who attend, commending them for their strength and bravery.
A smile and a wave
“I knew when he got on the bus he would be well cared for and I could relax. He always came home with a smile on his face.” “He loves it here being part of the farm team. He feels at home, he does so much –I can’t believe it when I see what he has been up to in the photos.”
Refreshments included a tasty ploughman’s lunch from Wyke Cheese from Bruton, who donated butter and cheese as well as home-made cakes. There was also a much-needed ice cream from Ecco Gelato of Sherborne. If you’d like to find out more about Countrymen UK Clubs, visit www. Alternatively you can email or call 01963 210789.
Commonwoof Games
Local support
Making a difference This year marks the 10th year since Julie’s initial start-up. Over the last decade the Club has trained 11 other spaces and farms across the country to use the its model, from Cornwall to Buckinghamshire, Wales to Scotland. Julie says, “We hope that now Covid is more manageable that we will be able to train more sites in Dorset.”
Farmer’s daughter Julie Plumley formed the Countryman UK Club when she realised that her father, who was suffering from Parkinson’s, had no outdoor spaces or areas where he could engage in some meaningful activity. “He had always been a farmer and was not used to just sitting in a room indoors.” Julie established the Countrymen UK Club for men with various life-limiting conditions that make accessing a practical work environment, farm or countryside activity difficult to manage independently. The Club helps men find longed-for respite and meaningful activity.
It was Ana Richards’ 80th birthday on Sunday 31 July… She had always wanted to ride in a V8 Morgan, and so Tim Ayres of New Elms Classic Garage, Shaftesbury, made her wishes come true. That smile says it all really!
Innovative local club helps men with life-limiting conditions access farm and countryside activities to improve their quality of life and mental health
Countrymen UK Clubs have proved to be beneficial to men from all walks of life. As part of the Countrymen UK Monitoring and Evaluation project, research has been carried out by the University of Essex that found the Club has helped to improve men’s wellbeing and improve sleep. The Club has featured on Escape to the Country and BBC Countryfile, and this July marked its 10th anniversary with a party at Ryland’s Farm, outside Sherborne.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 5

DonationDetails Wincanton hosts 65th flower show
The WDGA was able to plant and maintain the flower containers throughout Wincanton despite the pandemic. For many years this has been undertaken by a small team of volunteers. The objects of the association are the promotion and advancement of horticulture and friendliness. New members are always welcome! For further information visit or call 01963 33160.
Donations needed to catalogue Hardy archives
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net6 Age NorthConcernDorset (Sturminster Newton) | 01258 475582 Office open 10am - 2pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday Your local charity for all age-related information and advice • Befriending • Welfare Advice • Telephone Support • Foot Clinic
After an absence of two years, due to the pandemic, it is with great pleasure that the Wincanton and District Gardeners Association is hosting its 65th Annual Flower Show, on Saturday 3 September in Wincanton Memorial Hall, open to the public from 2pm.
readsFree by Faith Eskersall Dorset library members can check out 31 eAudiobooks and 21 eBook titles, including How to Stop Time by Matt Haig, Leslie Manville reading Richard Osman’s The Thursday Murder Club, and The Seven Sisters by Lucinda Riley, by installing the borrowbox app and activating the service using their (membershiplibrarydetails
Kids will love Flying Fergus: The Best Birthday Cake by Chris Hoy and Marcus Rashford’s You are a Champion.
Charlton Horethorne: call for panto actors!
Although it has been a difficult year for gardeners, what with the long and hot dry spell this summer, the WDGA looks forward to seeing a wide range of exhibits. A wide variety of classes cater for both novices, children and the more experienced exhibitor.
The Charlton Horethorne Amateur Pantomime Society is pleased to announce that a read-through and auditions for its next pantomime production, King Arthur, are scheduled for 2.30pm on Sunday 11 September at Charlton Horethorne Village Hall. Simply turn up on the day if you are interested in taking part in either acting, technical or facilities, or email chaps.panto@gmail. com if you’d like more information. Rehearsals will begin on Monday evenings in October, and the show opens week commencing 16 January 2023. Break a leg!
Fascinating and valuable archives of Hardy’s manuscripts and correspondence need some tender loving care to unlock their secrets by Faith Eckersall Dorset Archives Trust has launched an appeal to raise £60,000 to pay for an archivist who can work with volunteers to unlock the archive of Thomas Hardy for a wider audience. Hardy’s archive is UNESCOlisted as internationally significant and comprises 150 boxes of material, including the manuscript of the Mayor of Casterbridge, correspondenceandto Hardy from luminaries such as TE Lawrence and Siegfried Sassoon. Because it’s currently uncategorised it is, says DAT, “almost invisible to the wider world”. When it starts, the archivist project will create a free online catalogue, ensuring that Hardy’s archives – the bedrock of any research into the author, his life and work – will be discoverable and usable for all. Chairman of Dorset Archives Trust, Carola Campbell, said: “The Hardy archives are a treasure trove of Dorset’s most famous author’s work, thoughts and images. The importance of cataloguing these precious 150 boxes containing thousands of items, cannot be overemphasised.” She said the material provided: “The most complete picture of Thomas Hardy, a uniquely talented and complex man, whose writings are revered around the globe. Most importantly the project will make these archives fully accessible to everyone, for the very first time.” So far, the project has raised over £1,000. To pledge your support, donate here:!/cafdonate.

New members are always welcome – the band practices in Shroton Village Hall on Monday evenings from 5-6pm. Find more info online at
Dorset Archaeological Days is holding a series guided events over the coming month, looking over some of the county’s most fascinating historical sites.
Police say that around 3.30pm on Monday 25 July, a 10-year-old boy was playing with a family member in the football cage at the RiversMeet Leisure Centre in Hardings Lane when he kicked a ball out of the area. As the child went to retrieve his ball, it is reported that he was grabbed on the back of his T-shirt by an unknown man and pulled to the floor. The suspect is described as a white man, aged in his 30s, approximately six feet tall and of medium build. He was wearing black tracksuit bottoms and a black hooded top. Police Constable Neil Hawkes, of North Dorset police, said: “I would urge anyone who witnessed what happened, or recognises the man, to please come forward.”
The Shroton Ukelele Band is now performing gigs again! All the money collected from the band’s performances is donated to various charities… This month alone it has given a total of £1,100 to Pampers, Blandford Food Bank, Julia’s House, The Hound Trust and Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.
Police call for help by Faith Eskersall Police are appealing for witnesses to an incident in which a young boy was assaulted in Gillingham.
On 1 October, from 2pm4pm, you;ll be able to explore the archaeology of the Kingston Lacy Estate as seen from Badbury and High Wood with Martin Papworth of the National Trust. The walk will take about two hours and is free. Details of this and other events can be found at
Exceptional Platinum Award-Winning Care Gold Standards Framework 2022
Contact Dorset Police at www., via email or by calling 101, quoting occurrence 55220120364.number
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 7 LUXURY SENIOR LIVING BOURNEMOUTH A warm welcome awaits you at Glenhurst Manor Exceptional Platinum Award-Winning Care Gold Standards Framework 2022 Lasting Deliciousfcompanionship ood Elegant interiors Spacious en-suite rooms 01202 761175 Call us today to arrange a viewing... a warm welcome awaits you.

You’d better rush, you’re supposed to be meeting the student couple, the brunette and Mr Panama for lunch.
Hundreds gathered to enjoy Swingtime in Dorchester’s Borough Gardens, a fabulous afternoon of music and entertainment to raise money for The Fortuneswell Cancer Trust
Improving lives Over the past 20 years, the Trust has donated nearly £1million to major projects at DCH. It also funds items of specialised equipment for patients, pays for nurses to attend courses and conferences to keep their skills up-to date, funds clinical reflexology for cancer patients and even pays for newspapers for patients, so they have something to read as they undergo chemo.
Can you keep a secret?
The crowds made the most of the gorgeous weather at Swingtime this summer, with many bringing picnics, blankets and chairs to sit in the shade and tap their toes while enjoying music from The Purbeck Big Band, The Bridport Big Band, Saxtet Jazz Band and Dorset For Singing Choir. Dorchester Classic Vehicle Club put on a display of classic cars. The Fortuneswell Cancer Trust (FCT) aims to improve the services available to cancer patients in Dorset, mainly through Dorset County Hospital (DCH). More than 12,000 patients receive treatment each year in the Fortuneswell Outpatient Unit and Ward. The Trust is run by volunteers –everyone on the committee (or their partner or spouse) is or has been a cancer patient.
With the children back at school, now’s a good time to enjoy some peace and quiet at your favourite seaside spot… by Brian MacReamoinn You’re sitting on the plane and you’re feeling pretty smug. You’ve got your linen jacket; your string tote bag and you’ve packed a trendy yellow bikini. You gaze pityingly at your fellow passengers. The young student couple across the aisle who no doubt have a week ahead of them in a high-rise horror on Costa Incompleta; the tall brunette frantically scrolling through her tablet wondering what overcrowded hell awaits her; and the man in a knock-off Panama hat desperately leafing through his guidebook. They’re all trying desperately to find that special place and you’ve already nailed it, and what’s more they are searching in vain. Because unless they’re locals – and they don’t look like they are, they’re too pale they’ve got loads of freckles – they couldn’t possibly know about the beach (‘your’ beach) that’s so remote and out-of-the-way that it’s not even on a map. When they glance over at you, you assume an air of casual, carefree sophistication. Soon you’re hopping on the small ferry to the island. What a strange coincidence that the young couple and that tall brunette are also aboard. And isn’t that the same man, holding on to his hat? Now you’re in the back of the hotel owner’s battered pickup truck making its way down the narrow stony track to the beach – on which you’ve been absolutely convinced no other English person has ever set foot. So there’s no denying your disappointment when the four people sitting opposite are incredibly familiar. The explanation is simple: they’ve all read the same article in the weekend supplement. Secret coves. Hidden gems. Unspoilt island getaways. These are the clichés of the travel business. Unexplored corners But is this all just marketing drivel or is there any substance to the claims? Of course, such hideaways do exist. Although it does seem that every far-flung corner of the world has already appeared on Instagram, there are still plenty of places just lying there, waiting for some lucky person to stumble upon them by accident. But the problem is it doesn’t take long for them to be ‘discovered’ by the voracious tourism industry and then publicly pronounced ‘secret’. As soon as that status is conferred on them, it immediately means the opposite. It’s a paradox that affects the poor travel writer who has got to sell something while simultaneously trying to keep it hush-hush. It’s a difficult balancing act having to waffle on about private paradises and exclusive Edens, while overlooking the fact that all this is being published in a’sbetter to relax and stop worrying about a few other people sharing your peaceful slice of paradise. The only secret worth bothering about is the secret to enjoying your holiday. Oh, is that the time?
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net8
At this year’s Swingtime, Clinical Reflexologist, Abbigail Langstone-Wring along with her colleagues, Lorna and Jane, from the Clinical Reflexology team from DCH’s Fortuneswell Trust (DCHFT) offered reflexology sessions – the ladies were busy all afternoon! “It was a lovely day,” said vice chairman and trustee, Loric Collins, “and we raised £1,141. Thank you everyone.” To find out more about the Trust,
Swingtime in the sunshine!

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 9 Why not arrange a visit to see for yourself 01258 857378 | | “Your staff are exemplary in every way. They care for my every need, showing genuine kindness and always go above and beyond the call of duty. The excellent chef caters for my special diet - all cooked to perfection. I couldn’t ask for anything more.” Current residentExceptionalGoldWeAward-WinningPlatinumCare2022havebeenawardedthismuchsoughtafteraccoladeforourworkwithStandardsFrameworkCare in Stunning Surroundings Live life better... every day at Spetisbury Manor Bright, airy spaces Loyal
Welsh choir in pub singalong
Locals get an unexpected vocal treat…
by Brian MacReamoinn
Saturday night regulars at a Wilton pub got a bit of a shock recently when a large Welsh choir descended on the establishment and treated everyone to an impromptu gig. Earlier that evening, the Cowbridge Male Voice Choir (pictured) from south Wales had given a special concert at the town’s magnificent parish church in aid of resident Dawn Conrad, who suffers from a very rare and long-term disease called autoimmune ganglionopathy.autonomicHerfather sings with the choir and organised the visit to help raise funds for research into Dawn’s condition. The final echoes of loud applause had faded into the summer sky as the visitors retired to The Bear Inn across the road. The pub’s clientele were enjoying a quiet drink when suddenly in came the equivalent of three rugby union teams. Forty-odd singers plus the musical director and accompanist soon filled the place with their jovial presence. Choir members looked resplendent in their green jackets, decorated with a ribbon in the blue and yellow colours of Ukraine. After a round of drinks to oil their vocal chords following a stirring performance in the church, the second (unscheduled) concert of the evening got under way. It began with one solo voice then quickly became a wave of warm joyous harmonies which spread throughout the pub. As well as Welsh ballads, the choir diplomatically catered to other corners of the British Isles with Fields of Athenry, Flower of Scotland and even Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
The camaraderie was infectious, with everyone in the place singing along. Then it was announced that Tom Jones, who at that exact moment was supposed to be appearing on stage at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff, was in fact among those present. This news was greeted with considerable enthusiasm and, soon, the unmistakeable tune of Delilah was booming around the room. ‘Tom Jones’ then continued the rugby theme by leading his fellow singers in a rousing rendition of Hymns and Arias This song was written by Max Boyce, a name that might be familiar to more mature NBVM readers, as he used to provide pre-match entertainment at Wales’s home fixtures. During this, the Wilton locals sportingly joined in the chorus, despite knowing that the lyrics celebrate a humiliating defeat of England by their fierce rivals at Twickenham.Itwasagreat end to a great night, then the choir’s coach arrived and spirited this little part of south Wales away back “across the bridge”.

Please call us on 07860 772274 or email
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net10
At Winterborne Legal Services we can help you to put suitable protection in place in your Lasting Power of Attorney, so that you can be comfortable giving power to your Makingchildren.a
Bring back the bells
The sound of the National Anthem ringing out across Yetminster used to be a regular occurrence. Now, sadly, the bells are quiet and the tower clock and carillon need more than £30,000 of restorationCommissionedwork. in 1682 by churchwardens Benjamin Coome, Thomas Stone and William Bisshop, the clock was made by Thomas Bartholomew, a blacksmith and clockmaker in Sherborne. He actually altered the mechanism of a much older church clock to what was then cuttingedge pendulum technology. The clock has no face but chimes the hours on a bell cast in 1400, which would have been the same bell calling people to church and regulating the working hours for the men in the fields in the 15th century. The carillon was added in 1897 to mark Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee and was paid for by a generous village resident. It plays the National Anthem every three hours day and night. To celebrate the Platinum Jubilee, this year the carillon was operated to ring out manually as part of Yetminster’s Jubilee celebrations. In this Jubilee Year, the Friends of St Andrew’s are fundraising to help restore this rare and historic tower clock. Churchwarden Geoffrey Goater explains: “For us in Yetminster, the clock is a much-loved and familiar part of our lives, and the sound of the bells ringing out over our houses and the fields beyond has been greatly missed since it fell silent a year ago.”
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The tower clock of St Andrew’s church, Yetminster, is one-of-kind, but is desperately in need of expensive renovations
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Urgent fundraising St Andrew’s Church Council now faces a restoration estimate of over £30,000 to replace the worn parts and improve the winding systems. “This will be a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the whole village to get our clock working again, so that it will chime out for our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren too,” says Geoffrey. The Friends are asking the community for help to raise funds via local events and a crowdfunding page ( crowdfunding/ ).
They are already over halfway to their target, and are grateful to all those who have given so far including: the Erskine Muton Trust, the Benefact Trust, the Lockie Trust, the Church Buildings Council, the Yetminster Fair Committee, St Andrew’s Church Council (PCC) and the Yetminster Parish Council.

The raffle run by the Friends of The Yeatman Hospital raffle at the Sherborne Castle Country Fair this May proved exceptionally popular, and around 50 tickets were sold on the basis that any winning prizes would be donated to the staff at the Hospital. So when the draw was made at the end of the day, it was wonderful that the winning ticket for lunch for two, with wine, at the Clockspire in Milborne Port, was one of those bought to benefit the Hospital staff! The trustees gave the prize to health care assistant Carol Wilson. Carol has worked for the NHS for 45 years, 40 of those at the Yeatman. She was presented with the prize by chairman of the Friends David Hayes at a ceremony at the Hospital (pictured below). Asked about her long service, Carol said how much she had enjoyed working at the Hospital and had seen many changes over the years… “It’s like being part of a family devoted to the care of our patients”.
Drought and difficult growing conditions didn’t stop East Knoyle’s gardeners (and cooks!) finding impressive exhibits for this summer’s Flower & Vegetable Show. Jennie Hynd was the overall winner, but a notable mention must go to Helen Lever’s Platinum Jubilee flower arrangement. Sisters Elfie and Araminta Morsman (pictured) proudly received the Village Shield for their efforts. Congratulations!
Long service rewarded
Worthy winners

Ride & Stride to raise money for Dorset churches
We realise talking about divorce or separation is very personal and so we are offering appointments at our offices. For new clients seeking initial advice a FREE appointment can be booked on Wednesdays 9am – 1pm. To book an appointment please call us on 01747 852377
Offices in Shaftesbury – Sturminster Newton – Gillingham
THE ANNUAL RIDE & STRIDE day in aid of Dorset churches takes place this year on Saturday 10 September. Shaun Leavey of Dorset Historic Churches Trust explains its importance: “In Dorset we have many amazing churches; most of them are in very rural areas with small congregations. Dorset Historic Churches Trust makes grants available to churches for repairs to the fabric of their buildings. Irrespective of whether or not one is a church-goer, most of us value the place of our church buildings within the landscape. Ride & Stride is our main way of raising funds, so each year its success is crucial.”
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net12 Find your perfect new bed with us in our summer bed sale. and ON OUR BEST SELLING BEDS SPRING SAVINGS A TRUSTED FAMILY BUSINESS EST. 1965 01935 423596 www. thebedspecialist 106 Huish, YEOVIL , BA20 1AQ Summer BED SALE
Family Law Advice
Lillington church (pictured) needed urgent repairs recently and Dorset Historic Churches Trust was able to make a significant contribution to the cost of that work. From 10am on 10 September, outside Sherborne Abbey, there will be an opportunity for anyone willing to clock up some mileage on a static bike – and make a donation, of course.
Come along to Shaftesbury Library on Saturday 17 September between 10am and noon to discover how we can each do our bit for the planet in simple and achievable ways. This drop-in advice and guidance session is free and open to all adults and children.
We realise talking about divorce or separation is very personal and so we are offering virtual appointments by Zoom. As an alternative, we offer a one off FREE telephone appointment for initial advice on Wednesdays 9am – 1pm To book an appointment please call us on 01747 852377
Family Law Advice
Planet Shaftesbury

Nature nurtures wellbeing thanks to Dorset Community Foundation
BATHROOMSBespoke kitchens, created to be the centre of your home
Grants totalling more than £10,000 have been awarded by Dorset Community Foundation to 12 grass roots groups and charities using nature to improve people’s quality of life
Dorset Community Foundation director Grant Robson said he is proud to have connected so many worthwhile projects with a donor who cares so much about using nature as a healing tool. “We are very thankful for Sybil’s support for this fund and delighted that her generosity will fuel so much good work. “These are all small projects but they are having a huge impact.”
“People get real satisfaction and a feeling of wellbeing from knowing they are helping to grow produce that is feeding people. When you plant a seed and nurture it, seeing it grow actually feeds you back and when people see they have produced a crop of potatoes or carrots, the feeling of self-worth in them is palpable.”
The Nature Heals Seed Fund was launched in partnership with Dorset High Sheriff Sibyl Fine King, who has made promoting the healing power of the natural world one of the themes of her shrieval year.
The fund is aimed at small projects using nature to benefit people…
The four-acre site has a community orchard, growing space and formal gardens and is used by young people, older people, refugees and adults with disabilities. A third of the food grown goes to Sturminster Foodbank, a third to Blandford Foodbank and the rest taken home by gardeners.
The Big Yellow Bus Garden Project community garden at Shillingstone, near Sturminster Newton, has been awarded £1,000 for adaptive tools, as well as items like kneelers and portable sunshades, to help older people and those with disabilities take part in horticultural activities.
Find out more about the work of Dorset Community Foundation
Founder Paul Williams said: “The grant will help us make the garden more accessible, so we are very pleased. We want as many people as possible to be out enjoying working in the garden.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 13 OF WESSEX CALL 01258 480621 FOR A FREE DESIGN CONSULTATION Visit our showroom at 10 Glenmore Business Park Blandford DT11 www.kingshotts.net7FP FITTED KITCHENS &


New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 15 Gillingham Showroom 01747 833 789 Unit 21, Kingsmead Business Park, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 5JG Opening–Friday:Hours9am–5pmbyappointmentonly.Saturday&Sunday. Contemporary or traditional kitchens manufactured to order
Over one hundred Gypsies and Travellers were in attendance for the unveiling of the new Legend Pole at Kingston Maurward College on 17 July. The new Legend Pole, crafted by wood carver Gary Orange, has been erected in the beautiful garden area of Kingston Maurward College. Music was provided by duo Tom and Jean Orchard, who entertained guests with songs, tunes and stepdances. Notable attendees included former Chaplain to the Gypsies and Travellers Reverend Roger Redding MBE; Chaplain to Gypsies, Travellers and Showmen Reverend Jonathan Herbert; Romany filmmaker Jake Bowers; and the Chair of Kushti Bok Betty Smith Billington. “This is a brilliant opportunity for all Dorset residents to become more aware of the beautiful culture and heritage of the Travelling communities,” said Betty.
Community benefit Kushti Bok supports Gypsies and Travellers in Dorset to gain greater control over their lives and influence the decisions that affect them. It campaigns to end the discrimination Gypsies and Travellers experience. This project is an opportunity to collect and share stories and memories. A range of events is planned around the Legend Pole project, such as traditional craft and family history workshops, with the aim of increasing connection and engagement within the Dorset Gypsy and Traveller communities.
Kushti Bok unveils new Legend Pole
Majestic new Legend Pole reflects the heritage and culture of the Travelling communities

FAIRS organised this summer as part of Blandford’s CAN 2022 (Climate Action Now 2022) project were held in July and August at two linked venues – Angus Wood in St Leonard’s Avenue and beside the railway arches on Langton Meadows.Exhibitors included nature and wildlife charities, local charities such as Blandford Environmental Trust, producers of food, cosmetics and gifts, refilling businesses and other eco-friendly products, and information from a number of organisations, including local government, on their efforts to meet the climate emergency challenge and on ways to become involved.
Seafire flyover
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net16
Blandford battles climate change
RAF memorial service
Hero honoured Soldier awarded a Victoria Cross after Arnhem to be commemorated in plaque unveiling in Winterborne Monkton by Peter Metcalfe
Climate Action Now 2022 is an initiative developed by Blandford Museum in partnership with charities in Blandford and supported by a grant awarded by South West Museum Development, with thanks to funding from Arts Council England. In the belief that climate change is the biggest challenge confronting the world in the years to come, CAN 2022 has been hosting and will continue to host events on climate change including children’s workshops, school events, lectures, museum collections, woodland events for families and special events for seniors. A new exhibition will also be created at the Blandford Town Museum using work from the community, schools and local groups. You can find more information at uk/climate-action-now. To get involved call 01258 450388 or email Waste stall at this year’s Blandford Environmental Fair
A short service is being held at 11am on Sunday 11 September at the Memorial on Park Walk, Shaftsbury in memory of all those who served in the RAF. It will be led by The Reverend Patrick Riley. All are welcome to attend.
If you’d like to find out more about Devon and Dorset’s military history, visit The Keep Military Museum on Barrack Road in Dorchester
CleanupBlandford/War on Waste, whose team of helpers every Saturday morning in August are conducting litter-picks in the town centre, displayed their work. The Art Shed, Blandford Museum, Blandford Environmental Trust and other wildlife charities held activities for children based on raising awareness about our impact on the environment and ways in which we can help in the fight against climate change.
Climate Action Now 2022! brings together charities and local organisations to effect change by Nicci Brown
This August Mr Jameson, one of the residents of the Old Vicarage care home in Leigh, Dorset, was lucky enough to have a personal flyover from a vintage Seafire plane. The flyover was arranged by Commander Cunningham (President of the Royal Navy Heritage). Mr Jameson, who will be 99 this year, served in the armed forces for many years and was thrilled with the plane.
Combating climate change
In order to place a plaque in the church a faculty is required, and permission only granted from the church authorities in the Salisbury Diocese.
The churchwarden Mrs Judy Norman has worked tirelessly filling in forms and contacting Salisbury by phone and email to persuade the authorities to grant us this permission. Our unveiling ceremony will take place at 2pm on Monday 19 September, being the 78th anniversary of Capt Queripel VC being killed in action at the battle of Arnhem. The ceremony will be attended by close family members, representatives of the Royal Sussex and Parachute regiments, a number of senior retired military personnel and local dignitaries.
LIONEL QUERIPEL WAS born in the manor house at Winterborne Monkton in July of 1920 and spent the first six years of his life in Dorchester. He was educated at Marlborough College and joined the Royal Sussex regiment at the start of the Second World War. Capt Queripel was evacuated from Dunkirk at the fall of France in 1940 and fought at the battle of El Alamein in 1942 in the western desert. He transferred to the Parachute regiment in 1944 and was killed in action at the battle of Arnhem on 19 September 1944. Queripel was awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross for his remarkable bravery and is buried in the Commonwealth war cemetery at Arnhem Oosterbeek in Holland. It was Major Nick Speakman from the Keep Military Museum who discovered that a Victoria Cross winner had been born near Dorchester. We decided that, as there is no memorial to him locally, we would place a plaque to his memory and bravery in the church at Winterborne Monkton, where he was baptised in August 1920.

Raise a glass (champagne, naturally) to the Wessex Wine Society, which celebrates its 45th birthday this year Super SaleA selectionHugeof... BLANDFORD - Holland Way near Lidl store Also in POOLE • SALISBURY • CHANDLERS FORD Freephone: 0800 122 3334 FurnitureBeds,...Sofas,indoor&outdoor A jolly good vintage!
The sound of laughter and clinking glasses emits from Stourton village hall (on the National Trust Stourhead estate)… It must be a meeting of the Wessex Wine Society, who get together on the second Wednesday of the month from October to May. This small, friendly group normally numbers about 40. They taste eight wines on average, with an interval for bread and cheeses. There is always at least one wine in the £10 region, and none is normally over £35 a bottle. The purpose of the society is to discover interesting wines from around the world, to compare and contrast them, and understand regional variations. To achieve this, there are presentations by suppliers and importers from all over the UK, who guide members through a selection of their wines. Orders can be made on the night (frequently at discounted prices), although that is far from obligatory. Although some members are very about and appreciate good wine – while enjoying themselves! Occasionally wine-related visits are arranged such as a lunch and guided tour of Wraxall Vineyard in June. There is also the occasional light-hearted (but informative) quiz, a Christmas evening – pairing wines with food – and a dinner near the end of the season. Everyone is welcome, and no previous knowledge of wine is necessary. Visit the Wessex Wine Society website to find out more and get in touch. The first meeting after the summer recess is on Wednesday 12 October. Why not go along for an exploratory visit?
Members of the Wessex Wine Society enjoy an informative visit to Wraxall vineyeard, near Shepton Mallet

Age Concern is looking for two more local trustees willing to help the charity move forward. Becoming a trustee is not an onerous task – it would involve attending approximately six trustee meetings a year, as well as supporting the charity’s work in some form dependent on experience and skills. Once agreed, trusteeship is for one year and after that renewable on a yearly basis. If you would like to find out more about the trustee role you can call the office on 01258 475582 and arrange to pop in for a chat, or visit
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net18 Enrol today! Now taking last-minute enrolments for September 2022! Choose from over 300 adult education opportunities across Dorset. 01202 123444 Trustees needed for Age Concern Do you have time to spare to help out the local branch of this invaluable charity, and make a real difference to lives in the Vale?
AGE CONCERN HAS been supporting Sturminster Newton and the surrounding area since 1971. The charity has seen many changes over the years, and in 2015 ACND became a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) to improve governance and legal structure. That same year it moved into a small office in Stour Connect. Age Concern helps many elderly people in the community with services including: Befriending/friendship Welfare advice and information, including Attendance Allowance Telephone support service Fortnightly foot clinic Drop-in service Monday and Wednesday, 10am-2pm
The bee’s knees
Make a beeline for Compton Chamerlayne village hall, where Brigit Strawbridge Howard will enlighten you on the world of bees Compton Events is a new venture in Compton Chamberlayne, Wiltshire. “We are very keen to keep our village hall running,” one of the organisers told the NBVM. “We got our heads together to come up with a way to raise funds. Surrounded by so many interesting people, we thought we could invite them to do talks.”
The first talk, on Thursday 8 September at 7pm is ‘The Hidden World of Garden Bees’ by Brigit Strawbridge Howard. Come and hear Brigit talk about the bumblebees,honeybees,andsolitary bees, and what we can do to help them. Brigit will share fascinating details of the lives of flora and fauna that have filled her days with ever-increasing wonder and delight. The talk will last for one hour with questions afterwards. A glass of wine and nibbles will be available from 6.30pm. Tickets cost £15, and are available from (07919 566968) or (01722 716123).
Photo by Tania P on Unsplash

Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only)
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 19
Open Monday Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am 12pm
Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only)
Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Tel: 01747
Jewellery Repairs
Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-12pm Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only)
Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi-Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering
Open Monday Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am 12pm
Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi-Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, JEWELLERS Gold, Peridot and PendantDiamond£515,Earrings£570 a Family Run Traditional Independent Jewellers Clement White | 8 High Street | Yeovil | Somerset | BA20 1RG 01935 423 439 | |
Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-12pm
Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi-Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering
Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi-Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering
Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre,
Open Monday Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am 12pm
Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only)
Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering,01747826888
Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only)
Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only)
| Watch Repairs | Commissions | Restringing
Open Monday Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am 12pm
Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre,
Take a look around the Tivoli Theatre and Allendale House in Wimborne Minster, both open as part of this year’s Dorset Architectural Heritage Week
Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering
Take a peek behind the scenes at some of the county’s most important and interesting buildings during Dorset Architectural Heritage Week From 9–18 September, 60 properties across Dorset will be opening their doors to visitors as part of Dorset Architectural Heritage Week, which celebrates the county’s rich historic built environment. Some of the properties taking part are not normally open to the public, while other familiar buildings will open their doors for special events or to offer exclusive behind-the-scenes tours. It promises to be an exciting week… Dorchester will be closing its High Street to cars and opening its doors for a ‘Discover Dorchester’ event that promises to be an exciting celebration of our County Town. The beautiful Grade II listed Allendale House, the home of Dorset Architectural Heritage Week, will open its doors for the day. Enjoy tours of the house, have a go at (model) train driving and chat to the enthusiasts from Wimborne Railway Society. Visit Blandford Fashion Museum, which is housed in a beautiful Georgian building, built by the Bastard Brothers for their sisters following the Great Fire of Blandford 1731. Or the cemetery chapel at Blandford Forum, now fully restored since it was vandalised in 2013. There’s a guided heritage walk around Blandford Forum, which takes in the architecture of the city centre over two hours. Milling around Castleton Waterwheel Museum brings alive the history of the supply of drinking water to Sherborne and its surrounds. While at Sturminster Newton Mill, which new evidence suggests is on a milling site that dates back to 1016, you can see the machinery in action and find out more about the history of the mill and milling. A comprehensive information booklet is available in all libraries and Tourist Information Centres across Dorset, or can be downloaded from Tickets are available online now: tinyurl. com/mrxzmrmd . For more info call 01202 888992 or email
Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Showroom in Orchard Park Garden
Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, Gillingham SP8 5JG
Discover the architectural gemson your doorstep this September

Salisbury Soroptimists celebrate a bumper collection of useful used undies for donation to Afreebra
Most of the bras go to Ghana and are then distributed by the Rural Smile Foundation ( They have a ‘Queen Mother’ system: a senior local woman is responsible for distributing bras to women in her community. In Zambia, a charity offers a free bra to mothers as an incentive to bring their children to the book club, with the aim of increasing literacy. Some bras go to the Democratic Republic of Congo, where they are distributed by church groups. Wherever they end up, your pre-loved bra is used and appreciated by another woman.
The Salisbury Soroptimists would also like to thank Five Rivers Leisure Centre for hosting the collection box and Penny, who made frequent trips there to keep the bin empty! Thanks too to all the other collecting points in various villages, supporters’ houses, and other locations. The ladies beat last year’s record by a couple of hundred. Next year they’re aiming for higher than 2,527! For more information, visit: drawers-and-donate-gently-used-brassalisbury/2022/05/09/
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net20 30 High Street, Shaftesbury, SP7 8JG Tel:01747 852444 Visit our website SALE MASSIVE BRAS £20 SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE NIGHTWEAR 50% OFF GENUINE REDUCTIONS ALL DEPARTMENTS (Selected lines) (Selected lines) FURTHER REDUCTIONS in all departments grab a bargain F£20ASHION RSALE AIL 50% OFF (Selected lines) TOPS £20 (Selected lines) SHOES 20% OFF (Selected lines) What do 2,500 bras look like?
If you must know: 24 black sacks and a box! The Salisbury Soroptimists would like to thank everyone who kindly donated gently used bras for AfreeBra. They are now all sorted and packed ready for transport to various African countries, where they will be given to local women who would otherwise not be able to afford such garments. For the fifth year running, the Soroptimists of Salisbury asked women to turn out their drawers and donate gently used bras. Last year they collected over 2,300 bras, which were transported to Smalls for All in Edinburgh. This year they decided to support ZABRA: AfreeBra initiative (find out more at en-gb.facebook. com/AfreeBra).

Importantly, it also protects the capital in the Trust, which passes to the children and / or beneficiaries upon the death of the surviving partner.
One way to protect assets in these types of situations is through using a Flexible Life Interest Will. This type of Will allows assets to pass into a Trust rather than passing to a surviving Thepartner.Trust is managed by Trustees and it pays an income to the surviving partner for the rest of their life. It may also confer the right for the surviving partner to continue living in their any shared property during their lifetime.
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This type of Will can also provide additional benefits when considering inheritance tax planning, and potentially protecting capital should the surviving partner need to fund care in their later life. Our professional legal advice can help.
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If for example someone remarries after a partner’s death, it may mean that hard earned assets don’t pass to intended beneficiaries, such as children, and that new partners may be left without fi nancial support.
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New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 21 Advertisement

Remembering heroes Forces veterans and volunteers manned The Not Forgotten Association stand at the Show to raise awareness of the charity and foundedMartafunds.Cunninghamtheorganisation
Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show 2022
He added: “We don’t know the exact number yet, but it was more than 20,000 people!”
The IMPs Motorcycle Display Team, whose youngest member is just five years old, put on a spectacular show in the main ring. Event organiser James Cox said he was pleased that after more than 15 years the Grand Parade of Livestock returned to the main ring.
after visiting a War Office Hospital in Chelsea a year after the end of the Great War and finding hundreds of men languishing in wards. The charity has supported wounded service personnel and disabled veterans since 1920, its team of 10 staff now helping more than 10,000 individuals. Its programme includes challenge and activity breaks such as adaptive skiing, trekking and alpine canoeing; outings and visits to prestigious sporting events such as Wimbledon; holiday grants; the provision of televisions and television licences for those confined to their homes; and computers for the digitally isolated.
In the last 12 months the show has raised £10,000 for local clubs, charities and an agricultural student support fund.
North Dorset Beekeepers provided a window on the world of bees in the new Bees & Honey marquee, with an observation hive, beeswax making and honey tasting, and much more. Sheep shearing, which is always popular, returned with a whole Wool Village. There was a fantastic turnout in the sheep classes with over 500 sheep of many breeds shown. The Turnpike ring, this year sponsored by the NBVM, offered entertainment for all ages, including ferret and terrier racing, and gun dogs and falconry displays.
Good weather and record crowds made this year’s Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show, the annual celebration of agriculture, the countryside and rural life, held at the Turnpike Showground, near Motcombe, a great success.
On the stand (from left) are Pete Pugsley-Davies (RAF bomb disposal), Eddie Howe (Royal Navy Falklands War veteran), volunteer Ross Griggs, volunteer Diane Mathiot and Terri Pugsley-Davies (WRAF medic) Above: The Lightning Bolts Army Parachute Display Tram arrive at the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show in style!
Below: The daredevils in the IMPs Motorcycle Display Team wow the main ring with their feats of skill and bravery
The agricultural stands were a highlight of the show, and he was delighted by visitors’ reaction to the show and the attendance.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net22
The show, put on with the help of more than 300 volunteers, has been running for over 160 years and planning for next year’s event, being held on Wednesday, 16 August, is under way.
One of the many highlights of the show was a display by the Lightning Bolts Army Parachute Display Team. Eight members of the team took off from Netheravon Airfield on Salisbury Plain before jumping 3,500 feet into the main ring, including one team member with a giant Union flag.

Then and now: Tom Davies with the Lloyds Bank black horse and now at the Gillingham and Shaftesbury Show
Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show visitor Tom Davies brought along this photograph taken at the show nearly three decades ago. Tom, from Gillingham, is pictured proudly holding aloft an award for ‘endeavour’ at what was then the Shaftesbury show in 1993. The horse in the picture is Downlands Cancara, an English graded Trakehner stallion famous for representing Lloyds Bank as the Black Horse in its longrunning series of television adverts.
Snapshot of history…
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 23
Tom, who was 24 at the time the photo was taken, had a stroke aged eight months old which left him unable to use the right side of his body. He started riding at the age of nine with Riding for the Disabled and still rides once a week near Wincanton.

He left school at 15 and worked with his father for three years to learn how to make hurdles. “My pay was £1 and 1 shilling for a seven-day week and no holidays then,” he added.
Ernie started school in the village at the age of five and can remember his father, who was head woodsman, putting him on his bike to go into the woods to help him.
Woodsman Ernie Steel at the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show
Ernie was making spars for thatching aged about ten and at 12 could split 1,000 spars in four hours for his father to put points on them. “Nowadays, children get pocket money, but not me – not even a thank you,” Ernie said.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net24
Ernie, 85, was born in 1936 when his father was caretaker at Larmer Tree Gardens but moved to Farnham in 1940 to a home with a dirt floor and no electricity, with a Tilley Lamp or candle used for light.
He was called up for National Service but failed the medical and went back to the woods for a short time before working as a mechanic for a brief period and then returning to the woods.
Fastest woodsman in the west
Hurdle making has been practised for hundreds of years, not only for stock control of sheep and cattle, but for building houses – many made of wattle- and daub-covered hurdles are still standing.
Veteran woodsman Ernie Steel, from Farnham, once dubbed ‘the fastest woodsman in the west’ for his success in competitions, demonstrated his skills at the Gillingham and Shaftesbury Show.

Beekeepers at the show were able to highlight the key part honey bees play in food production and food security – and that the bee population has been in long-term decline since the 1970s. The north Dorset group trains 25 beginners a year and aims to improve the skills of its 150 members. Novices may be wary of getting stung, but James Nalty, who became a beekeeper after his children paid for him to go on a course as a present, said: “By the time we get to the end of the participantscourse,arein it up to their arms – you’re not a beekeeper until you’ve had your first sting!” James is delighted about the increase in interest in beekeeping. “It reflects positivity in the natural world and bees in particular.” A number of ways are available to support the honey bee centre project, including visiting www. Business sponsorships are also on offer and individuals can become patrons of the planned centre. For more info go to or find the group on Facebook – NDBKA.
North Dorset Beekeepers Association membership secretary James Nalty and committee member Sue Billington, in the Bees and Honey Marquee
The centre has received planning permission and Dorset Council has granted a 50-year lease for half an acre of land at the farm. Fundraising for the first stage of building for services and groundwork is up and running with funding for about a third of the cost already in place. It is hoped the centre will open in 2025.
The new Bees and Honey Marquee at the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show was a hive of activity, attracting hundreds of visitors throughout the day. Visitors to the marquee, run by North Dorset Beekeepers Association (based at Shillingstone), had the chance to see baby bees hatching in an observation hive, make candles out of beeswax, taste honey to see if they could distinguish between the genuine article and fake products, and learn more about bees. Plans for a new North Dorset Honey Bee Centre at Holloway Farm in Shillingstone, which will cost £150,000 to £200,000 – met through fundraising and grant aid – were also on show. It will provide a learning and community centre for training new beekeepers, developing skills, and education about the role of the honey bee in food production and the wider environment for visiting schools and other groups.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 25
Brilliant bees

Matthew & Martin Farwell
Advertising feature
“We would like to thank all our customers, old and new, and look forward to the next 40 years in business,” says Mark.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net26
Specialising in agricultural buildings and rural projects, the business has vast experience in this field, including grain stores, cattle buildings, conversion of redundant buildings, equestrian facilities, forestry, lake construction and dredging“Althoughetc. our operation and capabilities have expanded, the fundamental focus is still on quality as it always has been from the start.
Contracting and groundworks is now a major part of the business, evolving and meeting demands of changes in technology and industry regulation.
Farwell Plant Hire and Groundworks based in North Dorset celebrates its 40th year in business this year. The family-run company was founded in 1982 by Mark who built the business from a single backhoe loader to the extensive fleet of new machinery operating today. As well as plant hire the business runs a fleet of tipper and grab lorries for aggregate sales, muckaway, and low-loaders for haulage requirements.BlandfordConcrete, its sister company based from the same yard, operates a concrete batching plant which assures supply consistency of quality ready-mixed concrete to customers whilst facilitating the company’s own concrete teams.
Built from the ground up, Farwell celebrates four decades of success

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 27 Superb kitchens designed and installed for you. Visit our showrooms to view our kitchen displays. Shaftesbury: 01747 851 476 Longmead Industrial Estate, Shaftesbury SP7 8PL Warminster: 01985 219 200 5-6 George Street, Warminster BA12 8QA
So I am totally dismayed by universities today “cancelling” lecturers and visiting speakers whose opinions they think their students (or they) may not share, removing books from study lists for the same reason, and putting “trigger warnings” on mainstream literature. Warwick University now warns its students that they could be upset by Thomas Hardy’s Far from the Madding Crowd because of its “upsetting scenes concerning the cruelty of nature”. Aberdeen regards A Midsummer Night’s Dream as “classist”. York cautions that the Bible contains “shocking sexual violence”. Other authors attracting warnings include Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, Geoffrey Chaucer, Charles Dickens and Agatha Christie. Have they missed the point? Some of this censorship has rebounded. Exeter does not want its students to read the 1831 classic The History of Mary Prince because it contains “graphic accounts of racism, slavery and extreme violence”. So it does. It’s autobiographical. Mary Prince was a black slave who managed to escape her fourth “owner” when he and his family moved to London. Illiterate, she dictated her story to a supporter, and its publication had an immediate effect on public opinion. Of course students shouldn’t be discouraged from reading it. Exeter’s attitude has been described by one black commentator as “patronising and profoundly racist”. Robust discussion Of course, all this is but one manifestation of a deeper cultural shift, in which a new orthodoxy insists that nothing should be allowed that might offend someone. As psychological skins get thinner and more and more people embrace “victimhood” as a mindset, so healthy mental growth and development are stunted. What we need is for our universities – and schools and colleges – to be places where, as Cardinal Newman put it long ago, “inquiry is pushed forward… and error exposed, by the collision of mind with mind, and knowledge with knowledge.” We all need to be robust enough to say to those with whom we disagree (as the French philosopher Voltaire is supposed to have done), “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
loose Canon
The current vogue for avoiding offence has been taken to extremes… by Canon Eric Woods
I AM FORTUNATE to have received two large slices of university education, and all in the days of grants, not loans. Three years at Oxford reading history, and later three years at Cambridge studying theology. My second ordained job was as a Chaplain at Bristol University, and when I became an incumbent near Swindon, every Tuesday morning in term time was spent teaching ethics in Bristol’s theology department. Teaching ethics to students was interesting, because so many of them had already made up their minds about the various moral issues we explored. So they tended to write me sermons instead of essays, which was precisely not what I wanted. My job was to get them thinking more deeply, and learning how to argue coherently and logically, with wellresearched evidence. I met one of my old students recently, and she told me it was the best preparation she ever had for her future profession. She is now a highly successful barrister!

Operation Christmas Child is a project of the Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian International Relief Organisation. Shoeboxes are filled with small toys and useful items then shipped to children around the world affected by war, poverty, natural disasters, famine and disease. How can you help?
Total Energy Services will be filling and delivering shoe boxes containing a range of items for children of all ages. Any gifts would be very much appreciated. Boxes will be collected nationally from 14–21 November 2022, so gifts to be with Total Energy Services by 31 October to ensure enough time to pack up the boxes and deliver them to the local church.Gift suggestions include: Toys: including cuddly toys, dolls, toy cars, musical instruments, yo-yos, balls, small puzzles, sticker books. School supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons or felt pens, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or notebooks, solar calculators, colouring and picture books Hygiene items: toothbrushes, bars of wrapped soap, combs and hairbrushes, face flannels Accessories: hats, gloves, scarves, sunglasses, caps, socks, T-shirts, flip-flops, hair accessories, jewellery sets, watches, wind-up torches. Knitted items are greatly appreciated for many of the conditions for the children are very harsh. Do notToothpaste,include: lotions or liquids Used or damaged items War-related items Food (including gum) or seeds Religious or political literature Medicines, aerosol cans or sharps Stories from Moldova Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe; some of the shoeboxes prepared by Total Energy Services were among the three lorry loads sent from the UK last Christmas. Artiom (2) and Stas (8) have a disability that affects their mobility. Therefore, all the family’s money is spent on medical bills with nothing spare for presents. When Artiom and Stas received their shoeboxes, they described the gifts as “sent from heaven”.
How to donate Simply drop your items off in a bag to Total Energy Services, Unit 1, Uplands Way, Blandford Forum, DT11 7UZ. (The company is based on the Uplands Industrial Estate at the top of Blandford, just off the bypass.)Youdo not need a shoebox – Total Energy Services will supply, pack and deliver the sealed boxes to the drop off locations. Any questions, please call 01258 472132 and ask for Holly Lamb, or email holly@
Operation28 Christmas Child
Total Energy Services is preparing to send off shoeboxes filled with gifts for the 2022 Operation Christmas Child appeal
Last year’s Operation Christmas Child appeal was a huge success thanks to the generosity of the local community, who donated so many thoughtful gifts along with many beautifully knitted items (which are perfect for children in the winter months).
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022
www. westcountrywindows .com T: 0800 378 371 DESIGNED YROTCAFRUOANDMANUFACTUREDIN• YEARS 45 Helping you BEAT INFLATION... Made in the West Country Just 10% deposit will secure the price for the next 12 months! Inflation is running at its highest level for decades, and it’s affecting the price of everything…including home improvements. But at West Country Windows we can help you BEAT INFLATION! A 10% deposit will secure the price of our quality doors, windows and conservatories for 12 months – so even if you’re not planning to have the work done until 2023… you’ll only pay today’s prices. And don’t forget our 15 year guarantee on all installations. Please call West Country Windows for a free no obligation quotation. An inflated Puffer fish

Co-educational day and boarding | 01963 211015 | Nursery | Prep | Senior | Sixth Form Join our Senior School Open Morning on 22 September at 10.00am for boys and girls aged 11 to 18 to find out more about life at Leweston Education
Last month, Leweston celebrated their A-Level results with students gaining over twice the national average at A*. Over half of all results were A* and A and over two thirds of the year group celebrated at least one of these grades. Whilst there were many outstanding individual results, the school is equally proud of all the students’ achievements with the vast majority going on to their first-choice universities and courses, highlighting the individual attention that the Sixth Form students receive. This year the Art and Design results were particularly notable with 100% of Fine Art grades A* and A. This year students will be joining courses including Fine Art, Photography, Fashion and Fashion Styling at some of the top Art and Design schools in the Leweston’scountry.Norfolk
To find out more about Art and Design at Leweston and view the students’ impressive work join us at our Open Morning on Thursday 22 September, 10.00am. For boys and girls looking to enter Years 7-13. To book visit our website:
Leweston, is
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 29
Art and Design Centre provides pupils aged 8 to 18 with access to specialist teaching in Fine Art, Textiles, Photography, 3D Design and ceramics. The facilities include: 3D printing and laser cutting, a ceramics studio, creative graphics suite, photographic dark room, sewing studio, resistant materials workshop and fine art studios, with two exclusively dedicated to Sixth Form use. Offering Fine Art, Textiles, 3D Design and Photography at GCSE and A Level there are a multitude of opportunities for budding artists to develop their talents. Former pupils have worked with Izzy Miyake, Moshulu, Vivien Westwood, Tommy Hilfiger and Damien Hurst as well as formed successful careers as artists in their own right.
our standard

BACK IN THE spring of 1952, Mrs Hester Barrington and her sister, Mrs James Jeffery, Mrs Powell (all from Donhead St Andrew), Mrs Mullins from Charlton and other women from Donhead St Mary and Ludwell first started a social club for the people of the Donheads and surrounds.
If you love to sing, The People’s Choir Yeovil offers you a warm welcome when rehearsals resume on Tuesday 6 September at St Peter’s Church (BA21 3DY) at 7.30pm.Founded in 2012, The People’s Choir Yeovil is a friendly, duringperformevenalsosensememoryrelivespromoteCommunityeclecticyouschool.haven’treadmatteranyonecommunitynon-auditioningchoir,whichcanjoin.Itdoesn’twhetheryoucanmusicornot,orifyousungsinceleavingEnthusiasmisallneed.TheChoirsingsanvarietyofmusic.singinghelpspositivefeelings,stress,enhancesandgivesaofbelonging.Itisgreatfun!There’sthechancetointwoconcertstheyear.Forfurtherdetailsemail Jenny btinternet.compcysecretary@ or search
The Club is for the community. We are young at heart and welcome any age, both male and female, to come and join us and help keep the Donhead Happy Gathering Club going for many years to come.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net30
The Club eventually moved to the Old Remembrance Hall, Ludwell, and after that was sold we moved across the road to the New Remembrance Hall, Charlton.
“The fund-raising events are enormous fun as well as charitable,” Lady Rumbold explains. “But we badly need more local volunteers. Younger blood is needed to continue the important work of supporting patients with terminal illnesses and their families. We implore the Tisbury community to please assist us in recruiting dynamic folks from local schools, youth clubs, sports facilities, the churches and elsewhere, to give some time helping the cause of Salisbury Hospice Care, which does crucial humanitarian work in support of the NHS.” Opening slightly earlier than previously, this year’s Open Garden boasts a barbecue as well as traditional cream teas and a wide variety of stalls to browse. Lady Rumbold and Mrs Vernon’s famous clothes stall is always packed with amazing finds – treasure seekers should arrive early to avoid disappointment!
Sherborne Castle Country Fair donates £16,400 to local charities
Idyllic Hatch House, near Tisbury, will once again hold its annual Open Garden from 11.30am5pm on Saturday 10 September (adults £5, children £1), by the kind permission of Sir Henry and Lady Rumbold. This wonderful event raises vital funds for the Salisbury Hospice Charity (
The People’s Choir Yeovil on Facebook.
Donhead Happy Gathering Club celebrates 70 years of friendship
Hatch House open garden
The first meeting was held at Rowberry House by kind permission of Mrs Powell, but later moved to Donhead St Mary’s Village Hall. The name – the Happy Gathering Club –was chosen by a gentleman from Charlton. Originally the Club was the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS), but it’s now run independently, supported kindly and generously by the fetes of Donhead St Mary and Donhead St Andrew and by members paying an annual subscription. Cut to the present day, and volunteer drivers bring members to the meetings – that’s how I first got involved. Over the years I’ve been Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. As Secretary I arranged the yearly programme of entertainment for the monthly meetings as well as lunches and outings. At the Christmas parties, members all had presents bought from funds, which I wrapped, until it was decided that money would be given instead. There were about 50 members then, both male and female and mostly of a certain age!
We meet on the 3rd Friday of each month from 2.30–4.30pm with entertainment, tea, raffle, and a sales table with items brought in by members and the proceeds going towards the cost of the entertainment and outings. Our present Chairperson is Mrs Mary Sparks from Berwick St John.
Formed back in 1952, the Donhead Happy Gathering Club has been enriching the lives of men and women from the Donheads, with parties, outings and communal lunches for 70 years… by Mrs Zillah Gillespe
The Sherborne Castle Country Fair always offers a variety of entertainment and this year was no exception. Boasting main ring attractions, a dog show, silent auction, rural crafts, a rare breeds show, music, a funfair, vintage vehicles, food and shopping, there was plenty to keep all ages happy.
The Fair raises money for local children’s charities and is run by volunteers. On 20 August, a lunch was held at the Digby Hall in Sherborne to thank them for the time and support they give so freely. It was also an opportunity to make donations to some 16 local charities that the Fair was supporting this year. All the charities are based in Dorset and Somerset and work with children and young people. A total of £16,400 was shared between them. Teams taking part in the Dragon Boat Racing on Fair-day raised a further £7,700. Since 1996, the Fair has raised in excess of £1.3m and has supported over 100 local children’s charities. It returns next year on Bank Holiday Monday 29 May.
Raise your voice in song

We should consider our energy policy in the round Keith Weaton-Green (The future is renewable, New Blackmore Vale, 5 August).
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 31
Three times recently, on going to pay, I have been advised ‘card-only payment’. When I questioned whatever happened to personal choice and that cash is legal tender etc I get a shrug of shoulders. Whatever happened to customer service?
In setting targets, we need to take into account that we are responsible for barely one per cent of carbon worldwide and that it makes no sense to embark on the overhasty adoption of substitutes, many of which are as yet unproven and uneconomic. Gas will continue to play an important part in our energy mix for the foreseeable future. What is clear is that we need to take all practical steps to increase our security of supply by diversifying to the extent possible the range of energy generation and the diversity of sources of supply.
How sad to see Roger White coarsening political debate with his unpleasant rant against a New Blackmore Vale contributor (Letters, 5 August). Didn’t the Tories promise to do something about so-called cancel culture? Oh well, seems it’s yet another broken promise from Boris. Simon MoonMere Oops! Your article ‘Travel for better fuel prices’ (New Blackmore Vale, August 19) could come as surprise to drivers living in or near Sherborne.Youreported that at the time of going to press, petrol at the Co-op in Sherborne was 165.9p/ litre. When did edition 50 go to press? There hasn’t been a Co-op in Sherborne for quite a few years! Is it possible you meant Budgens, which sells BP fuel on its site in Sherborne? GordonChetnoleRatcliffe
Why am I not allowed to pay by cash in some eating and dining establishments in Shaftesbury.
The final and critical element of our electricity generation is from gas, which accounts for 40/55 per cent of total generation.Turning to the balance of our energy consumption, which accounts for 65/70 per cent of the total, this is comprised almost entirely of oil and gas. The major uses of oil and diesel are to power motor vehicles, trains, homes and much of industry; and gas, to heat among other things 22 million homes, as well as a multitude of industrial uses.
First, we should not conflate electricity with energy. The former accounts for 30/35 per cent of the latter and under the Government policy of Net Zero would increase substantially overRenewablestime. are and will continue to be an important part of our sources of electricity. However, wind power is subject to interruption, when the wind ceases to blow and when it blows too hard. In recent weeks, electricity from wind power has been as low as 4 per cent and 7 per cent, while rated capacity is rising to 55 per cent of current demand. This means it has to be backed up by standby capacity, which realistically can only be met by gas-fired generation, which substantially increases the cost of wind power. The same applies mutatis mutandis to solar Threepower.further issues need to be taken into account – first, widely scattered small scale production from wind and solar are virtually irrelevant, unless used in their immediate vicinity; second, battery storage technology is in its infancy; and thirdly, the capacity of the grid is almost at breaking point and will require massive capital expenditure to handle projected volumes.Some 10 per cent and declining of our electricity comes from nuclear power. I agree with Mr Wheaton-Green on the costs and risks associated with EDF’s nuclear technology. However, we should put every effort into bringing forward Rolls Royce modular plants, which are proven but need to be scaled up. We could start installing these within two years on all existing nuclear sites. We rely increasingly on imports of electricity through inter-connectors from the EU, which is generated from a variety of fuels, including hydro-carbons, and from Norway from hydro-power. Both are likely to be increasingly unreliable, as the priority will be to meet domestic demand.
Take the broad view on energy policy
Camilla Trimble Via email
Chris Slade Via email
I liked your interview with Paula Carnell (New Blackmore Vale August 5). I have been a beekeeper for 44 years and would add to what Paula said by saying that beekeeping is like mindful meditation in that whenever you have a hive open everything else leaves your mind.
In the immediate future the Government needs to call in the oil and gas industry and the all-out development of domestic supply from offshore and from hydraulic fracturing on land.
Patrick de TemplecombePelet

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net32 Events Guide MAIN FUNDING PARTNERs 16TH - 25TH SEPT 2022 LOCATIONSNATUREPURBECKACROSS&WILDLIFE FOOD - DRINK - MUSIC - ART - FILMS - FUN - KIDS ACTIVITIES PLANETPURBECK.ORG@PLANETPURBECK@PLANETPURBECK@PLANET_PURBECK 17th & 18th September 2022 “Voluntary donation in aid of Salisbury District Hospital Stars Appeal” FREE ENTRY - OPEN DAILY FROM 10.00am (SP7 0EX) • STEAM • CRAFT TENT • RURAL CRAFTS • DOG SHOW • • TRACTORS • LIVE MUSIC • LOCAL BEERS • MILITARY • • STATIONARY ENGINES• TRADE STANDS • CLASSIC CARS • • TEA TENT• COLLECTIVE AUCTION • AND MORE ... COUNTRY LINK SOCIAL GROUP. Fresh air, fun, food and friendship. Tel. Andy 01225 834834 or Val 01749 LYN’S BINGO at Marnhull Royal British Legion on Monday September 5th. Eyes down 7pm HORSINGTON VILLAGE CHARITYSATURDAYPARTY 17th SEPTEMBER 2022 8 pm till late Horsington Field off A357 Disco, Licenced Bar and Hog Roast. £10 per adult, accompanied children £2.50 Hog Roast included in admission price. All in Aid of Macmillan and ResearchCancer CLASSICALCONCERTGUITAR Gary Ryan – Professor of Guitar at RCM on the 10th September at 7PM Tickets available from Bishops Caundle Shop or Phone 01963 23428 Event at St. Laurence Church, Holwell DT9 5LB, Tickets £12. CHETTLE FLOWER FESTIVAL 10th-11th September from 10:00am at St Mary’s Church. DT11 8DB Celebrating Chettle Life Entry £5 for adults to include a piece of cake and a cup of tea or coffee CHARITY BARN DANCE CORN EXCHANGE Blandford Friday 7th October For Blandford Evenng WI Bar Raffle Supper See Facebook for details 22.10.22 - 3PM ‘TOP BRASS & WIND CONCERT BAND’ ‘AUTUMN SPECTACULAR CONCERT’ St Mary’s Church, ‘Dementia Friendly Gillingham’ ‘Weldmar Hospice Care’. Dave Webster Paintings by Glasgow School of Art graduate spanning 1962 2022. Dave pursued a successful career in film animation and is an ex film animator for Warner Bros, Spielberg and Disney, starting with Yellow Submarine in 1967, as well as a muralist and musician. 25 September 2 October 2022 11am 4pm 07833 WiWestSticklandStickland248371StudioFarmStnterborneStickland, DT11 0NT JUMBLE SALE STOUR PROVOST VILLAGE HALL Saturday 17 Admission2.30pmSeptember50p FUNDRAISER FOR ANIMAL RESCUES SATURDAY 17 SEPTEMBER 10.30 – 12noon Gillingham Methodist Church Hall - STALLS, TOMBOLA RAFFLE, REFRESHMENTS

BASS PLAYER NEEDED by 5 piece nature covers band. Rehearsal room near Crewkerne. Afternoon practice. Contact Simon 07867 452666
Saturday 10th September 9am-4.30pm Shaftesbury Town Hall. Supporting Weldmar Hospice and Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. FRIDAY 23rd SEPTEMBER FROM 2:30PM – 3:30PM, Sherborne Library host ‘A Talk from Litter Free Dorset’. Find out more and how you can get involved. Booking is advised – visit Eventbrite online or call 01935 812683
The Show will feature heavy horses from across the West Country and beyond, and some of the best horses in the area will be competing in the prestigious West of England In-Hand and Harness Championships which is the highlight of the day, and the climax of the show season. Competitors will have qualified at one of the qualifying shows across the south-west of England this summer show season, and the Championship classes bring together the Champions from each of those shows to find the best in the west! Other attractions at the Show will include a horse shoe making competition for local farriers, displays of vintage and classic vehicles and tractors, craft stalls and trade stands. Visitors to the show can also enter their four-legged friends into the fun dog show, which always proves to be very popular. For more pictures of last year’s show, and information on the work of the Society, please visit our Facebook page – Wessex Heavy Horse Society or our website Horses are
on their way!
The Heavy
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 33 Events Guide
Friday 30 September.
The Wessex Heavy Horse Society’s Show and Country Fair will take place at the Turnpike Showground on Sunday 25th September. The Society’s mission is to promote the heavy horse, and visitors to the show will be able to see heavy horses being put through their paces in the in-hand, harness, driven and ridden classes.
THE SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH from 11:00am – 1:00pm Sherborne Library host ‘Family and Local History sessions with the SDFHS’. All welcome. Please call 01935812683 for more information.
Home-cooked food, Dorset beers & a warm welcome at ‘The Bull’ Our new all-day menu, now available at the Bull Tavern, to eat in or take away Our normal pub menu is still available but if you fancy popping in for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea with home-made cakes or just a coffee we are open from 9.30am – 9pm. Choose from a fabulous selection of paninis, pizzas, fresh salad bar, cheeseboard, charcuterie board, ploughman’s, much sourced from local suppliers. Ideally situated in the heart of Dorset with a ‘secret garden’ and views over the River Stour. Kids and dog-friendly. Free parking. Tel: 01258 472435 Townbridge, Common Lane, Sturminster Newton DT10 2BS
01258 628079 for further information OBORNE FETE, Saturday 3rd September, 12:30pm – 3:30pm, Everyone welcome. FRIENDS OF THE YEATMAN CAR BOOT SALE at the Terrace Playing Fields, Sherborne, DT9 5NS on Sunday 4th September. Sellers entry 8am £5 per car Buyers 9am £1pp Refreshments available Sadly no dogs are allowed. Enquiries to Roger Marsh Sunday 25th September 2022 Turnpike Showground SP7 9PL (Between Gillingham & Shaftesbury on the B3081) Wessex Heavy Horse Show & Country Fair including The West of England In-Hand & HarnesswessexheavyhorsesocietyChildrenChampionshipsAdults£10under16FREEAdvancedTickets£ In Hand, Harness, Turnouts, Ridden and Ladies Cart Trade Stands, Craft StationaryClassicFunRefreshments,Stalls,DogShow,Vehicles,Engines,Inflatables.
LEARN SOME SIMPLE, practical steps to help ourselves, our community with Planet Shaftesbury at Shaftesbury Library Saturday 17th September 10am -12pm BLANDFORD & DISTRICT U3A OPEN MEETING John Smith on the Battle of Britain and 2 pm at Durweston Village Hall. Please phone (07518 927531)
SATURDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER FROM 10:00AM – 12:00NOON, Sherborne Library host ‘An Introduction to Coding Fun’ – drop in and have a go at CoderDojo to learn some coding skills! Suitable for children aged 8-13 years old. Booking is advised - visit Eventbrite online or call 01935 812683
The Bull Tavern is a 15th century tavern located in the beautiful heart of Dorset on the outskirts of Sturminster Newton. Said to have been visited by Thomas Hardy, the area is great for walks and the Bull is the perfect stopping-off point for refreshments now that the all day menu is available – eat in or take-away from 9.30am to 9pm. The ‘secret’ beer garden has fantastic views over the River Stour which is ideal for a spot of fishing. Traditional Dorset beers, ciders and lagers are feature along with an amazing Gin bar and outstanding home-cooked meals on a menu that varies seasonally. Sunday roasts are served between 12 noon – 2.30pm, booking is strongly recommended.Kidsanddog-friendly with free parking add to the warm welcome at the Bull Tavern.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net34 Events Guide The 2022 Yarlington Fair at Yarlington House (BA9 8DY) with its beautiful gardens rarely open to the public by kind invitation of Count and Countess Charles de Salis Sunday 11th September 10.30am to 4pm, adults £5 (cash please), children free Hawk Flying Display (3pm), Circus Skills Workshop, Cart Rides, Dog Show (1.30 3pm), Art Workshop, Craft Demonstrations, Heavy Horses and The Famous Yarlington Mile (2.30pm) Live music throughout by The John Lime Blues Trio Local produce, all day refreshments, lunches, raffle, bar tent and a huge range of stalls providing Christmas present opportunities galore www.yarlington or ring either Jane (01963 440660) or Hilary (01963 440 999) Dogs on leads please. In aid of Yarlington Village Hall

Young performers in the spotlight
The Fantastic Day singer scored four top ten singles and a debut album which went platinum, and after his band parted, Heyward carried on record through the 1980s, he found his stride again with From Monday to Sunday in 1993. Lead single Kite took off in the burgeoning alternative scene in the US and had Heyward touring the country with the likes of The Lemonheads and Tony Bennett. The follow-up, Tangled, was more pure power pop and led to Heyward signing to Creating Records for his final album of the 1990s, The Apple Bed. Critics’ favourite Woodland Echoes (2017), Heyward’s most recent release, saw him return to touring with shows in the UK, USA and Japan. Nicky Heyward is at the Exchange on Saturday September 10 at 8pm. More details and booking information is available at acoustic-show/programme/nick-heyward-
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 35
Nicky Heyward from 1980s chart-toppers Haircut 100 is appearing at Sturminster Newton’s Exchange with his new acoustic trio. The concert celebrates his chart-topping back catalogue and previews soon-to-be released new material, written and recorded during Covid lockdown.
A feast of contemporary poetry is promised at the Tears in the Fence Poetry Festival at Stourpaine village hall over the next three days. The festival, an important fixture in the British poetry calendar, is organised by Durweston poet David Caddy and members of his poetry workshop, which meets at the White Horse in Stourpaine. There will be readings, talks, discussions, book signings, music, a bookstall and refreshments –including on Saturday a visit by the pizza man and a ploughman’s supper.More than 35 poets from Britain and abroad will be reading their work, with this year’s festival theme festivalKiziewicz,wild’.‘Bewilderment/Bewildered/BebeingWorkshoppoetMoragwhoisdeliveringtheaddress,said:“Poets,
sensitive people, all are bewildered, finding words to mine, express and share the effect of the startling and disconcerting times we are in, fumbling in our bemused ways into the “Climatelight.change, with the long predicted global conflicts, resource issues and movement of people and boundaries, is requiring inner change, ancestral knowing. Many are finding ways of expressing this through poetry.” Among this year’s poets are Emily Critchley, Frances Presley, Ian Seed and Harriet Tarlo.The festival runs on Friday, 2 September (evening), Saturday, September 3 (all day and evening) and Sunday, September 4 (morning). For more information about the festival and how to book, visit the website,
Important date in poetry calendar
Students from the Artori Academy performed their end of term showcase at the Corn Exchange in Blandford to a packed audience. The show, for all the community to enjoy, featured monologues, duologues, dance performances, musical numbers, soundscapes, special effects make-up catwalks and recited comedySoloistspoems.Rosie Cherrington and Lani Bennett Seeger took the spotlight on their own, singing musical numbers. Daisy Lewin-Gray narrated a comedy catwalk and Olivia Baker performed a dance solo.Having spent the last academic year honing a selection of skills ranging from prop-making to singing, the students were proud to perform a selection of their work. Principal Kelly Hunter said: “I am so proud of our students – they worked tirelessly on this Showcase and the work they produced was fantastic.” Industry and West End professionals have visited the students each term and over the year the youngsters have learnt a range of techniques including gold leafing and prop ageing, stage combat and how to create special effects burns and injuries, alongside all the expected singing, acting and dancing.Classes run every Saturday in the Corn Exchange. For more information visit theartoriacademy.comwww.
Arts & Entertainment
Fantastic Day singer at the Exchange

n Gabrielle Bill – Gabrielle, who studied under the tutelage of Paul Butler at the Surrey Institute of Art & Design, enjoys working closely with the human figure. Figures hide in the shadows giving depth and a further dimension – a story to be unravelled. She also paints landscapes.
original Rock'n'Roll Pioneers
QDG Afghanistan by Alix Baker.
n Alix Baker – Alix spent most of her art career as an internationally renowned military artist and writer. She now paints many subjects in several media and styles. She has chaired a national art society and been on the committee of others.
The choir is meeting at the David Hall in Roundwell Street, South Petherton (TA13 5AA) on Monday 5 September at 7.30pm. The first two weeks are free to newFormembers.moredetails either email or phone Bonnie on 01935 822287. Members of Stanchester Quire at Yetminster Fair this summer.
Singer-songwriter Anna Howie is set to perform at All Saints Church in Castle Cary. Anna says her songs are a positive take on life, love, loss, friendship and family. She is playing on Sunday September 11 at 4pm. Tickets priced £10 are available from and Bailey Hill
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net36 Arts & Entertainment THEATRE MUSIC CINEMA VENUE HIRE DANCE COMEDY GALLERY CAFE MARTY WILDE & THE WILDCATS SAT 24th SEPT 7.30PM SAT 10th SEPT 8PM Critically acclaimed singer songwriter, Nick Hayward returns after his sell out show in 2018 The front man of Haircut 100 with hits including 'Love Plus One' and many solo hits such as 'Blue Hat For a Blue Day ' NICK HAYWARD ANDY FAIRWEATHER LOW & THE LOW RIDERS
is the
FRI Low's pedigree stuff rock of just remember early hits such as Eyed live on stage of the only performing in the World his many hits including 'Teenager In Love' and a host of songs from the era Marty Wilde and his band take back through some of the most musical times this country has ever experienced
If you
Self-taught Dorset palaeontologist Dr Steve Etches MBE will give a talk at the Exchange, Sturminster Newton, on Wednesday September 7 at 7.30pm. His talk is on Species Diversity in Kimmeridge Clay. tickets priced £10 are available at the Exchange.
Christmas is coming early for Quire
work and major
and Legless' you're in for a treat! A chance to see
The Stanchester Quire is led by musical director Eddie Upton, holder of the English Folk Dance and Song Society gold badge for services to folk music.
dreams are made
Palaeontologist’sbookshop. talk
today With
It may seem early to be thinking about Christmas but members of the Stanchester Quire will resume meeting at the David Hall in South Petherton next week to learn carols and songs.
Four into one does go at art show
n Tana Knyvett – Tana is a figurative and impressionist painter working in oil, pastel and charcoal. She is particularly drawn to subjects with a human interest and to scenes from her travels abroad.
16th SEPT 7 30PM Andy Fairweather
The festive songs have either been collected from, or written about, the South-West of England, with several originating within a 20-mile radius of South Petherton. They will be performed at a series of Christmas concerts. The choir welcomes new members and it is not necessary to pass an audition or read music, as everything is learnt by ear.
The Wessex Painters, a group of four professional artists who have travelled the world with their military husbands from posting to posting, are staging an exhibition in Shaftesbury at the Art Centre Gallery. The exhibition, featuring a wide variety of work, runs from Sunday to Saturday September 7-13. The artists are: n Sue Fawthrop – Sue’s work is about mood and atmosphere, inspired by the landscape and coastal areas of Dorset and further afield. Her interest is in creating an exciting image with a sense of mystery, leaving some questions unanswered for the viewer to explore.

Busy term for singers
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 37
WEBSITECHECKINGPLEASEKEEPOURAlthough it is not currently a legal requirement, please consider wearing a face covering to protect yourself and others when visiting the
Arts &
THE GEORGEPROJECTHARRISONFriday2ndSept7.30pmTickets£20 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) 15thThursdaySeptember7.30pmTickets£20 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) THE ZOOTS Sounds of the 60s THE RAILWAYRETURNCHILDREN(PG)3rd,5th,6th&7thSept7.30pm,Mat8thSept1pmTicketsAdult£8eve,mat£7,U16s£6 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) Thursday 8th September 7.30pm Tickets £24.50 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) CALLING PLANET EARTH Saturday 10th Sept, 7.30pm Tickets £ 24.50/ £22.50 concs (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) FRANKIE’S GUYS: A Celebration Of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Friday 9thTickets7.30pmSeptember£20 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) AYNSLEYblues-basedLISTERSuperbrock! WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING (15) 12th & mat14thSeptember,13th7.30pmMatineeSept2pmTicketsAdult£8eve,£7,U16s£6 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) Friday 16th Tickets7.30pmSeptember£21.50 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) THE BOHEMIANS Queen – Greatest Hits Tour 17thSaturdaySeptember7.30pmTickets£18.50 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) JOHN VERITY BAND FISHERMAN’S FRIENDS: ONE & ALLmatAdult&19th,(12A)20th21stSept7.30pm,Matinee22ndSept1.30pmTickets£8eve,£7,U16s£6 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction)
Most famous tank in the world will be in action
The Athenaeum Singers of Warminster resume rehearsals at Christ Church in the town on Tuesday (6 September) under new director of music Nigel Edwards. Nigel comes from Salisbury and started his musical career as a chorister at St Paul’s Cathedral. He will be preparing the singers for their first concert at Minster Church of St Denys on Saturday, 26 November,. The singers have a busy run to prepare for the concert, and then rehearse for the Carol concert in December. New singers are welcome to attend three rehearsals without charge before committing to membership. The choir’s website, www., gives more information on activities. 131 only twice a year at the Tank Museum at Bovington Tivoli.
The world’s only running Tiger I tank will be in action on its last outing of 2022 at Tiger Day at the Tank Museum at Bovington Camp. Tiger 131 runs only twice a year, on Tiger Day in April and September, and attracts huge crowds when it does. Visitors will have the chance to see it in action in a 45-minute Second World War tank display, including its Fury movie co-star, the Sherman tank ‘Fury’.Aswell as an action-packed arena display, including the Panzer III, Comet, Chaffee and more, visitors can get up close to vehicles in the Tank Park and explore military history traders set among the museum collection.Museum curator David Willey said: “Tiger 131 is the most famous tank in the world and a lot of tank fans will jump at the chance for a ride in this Second World War icon. “A significant amount of work goes into keeping the Tiger running and it is extremely fragile and liable to faults. During the war it took ten hours of maintenance for every hour the Tiger ran – now it takes the museum staff and engineers an astonishing 200 hours.” The Tiger tank was a formidable weapon introduced by the Nazis and the capture of 131 allowed the Allies to understand exactly what had beenTicketsunleashed.forTiger Day on Saturday, 17 September, must be purchased in advance at whats-on/events/tiger-day

Youngsters rise to the challenge
Results in hand: The Gryphon School headteacher Nicki Edwards said students succeeded in their exams despite the challenges posed by the last three years because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Students at The Gryphon Sixth Form in Sherborne are celebrating after receiving fantastic exam results. The proportion of students achieving A*-B increased compared to last year when students received Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs). Headteacher Nicki Edwards said: “We are incredibly proud of all our students today. This year group has never sat formal examinations before, having had their GCSE year disrupted by the start of the pandemic, so to see them succeed despite the challenges of the last three years is brilliant”. Students saw success across the wide range of subjects offered at The Gryphon, with an impressive 37 per cent of 3D design students achieving an A*, resulting in four students going on to university to study Architecture, a testament to the school’s 3D Art department. Cameron Hancock achieved three A grades and said he was ‘very pleased with his results’. He is now heading to the University of Bath to study Architecture.LucyJones (four A*) is heading to Oxford to study Classics and Spanish, Bella Whitmore also received four A* grades and is going to study Law at Oxford, and Katie Copp (three A*, A) is heading to Cambridge to study History withMollyRussian.McKenzie is going to the University of Birmingham to study Medicine, Jessica Chiu will study Medicine at the University of Bristol, and Beth Linscott will pursue Medical Microbiology, also at Bristol.
School head hails exams success
Assistant headteacher and head of sixth-form Michael Motteram added: “These results are testament to the dedication of the students and the school staff, along with the care given by their families. I would like to thank all those that have played a key role in supporting and shaping this cohort and the outcomes they have received today are truly a ‘team effort’.” Students are heading to a range of destinations, including Russell Group universities, apprenticeships, local colleges and employment. The following students achieved outstanding results: Megan Tubb – five A*; Aron Walter – four A* and A, Cambridge University to study Maths with Physics; Abi Strookman – three A*, University of Exeter, Clinical Psychology; Isobel Field – three A*, University of Warwick, Psychology; Rosie Jackson – three A* and A, Cardiff University, History; Paige Salisbury – two A*, two A, Nottingham University, Veterinary Medicine; Molly Cotton – two A*, two A, Newcastle University, Philosophy; Alex Green – four A, University of Bath, Accounting & Finance; Ryan Green – four A, St George’s London, Biomedical Science; Jacob Message – four A, Leeds University, Natural Science; Hana Wong – two A*, A, B, Leeds University, Nutrition; Caitlin Daly –Distinction*, Distinction, Distinction, selfemployment; Florence Mak – two Distinction*, Merit, Sheffield Hallam, International Tourism Management; Kieran Maskell – Distinction*, Distinction, Merit, Bournemouth University, Sport and Exercise Science; Alex Howe – RSSI Laboratory Technician Apprenticeship.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net38 Education
Beth said: “I’m shocked and happy, and very relieved the wait is over. I’m really excited about going to university.” Students have secured university places to study a wide range of subjects. Esme Eaton (two A*, A) said she was ‘pleasantly surprised with her grades’ and is now heading to the University of Birmingham to study OliverMusic.Barrett (three A*, A) said his fantastic results ‘hadn’t sunk in, and are better than expected’. He will now study Ecology and Conservation at the University of Exeter.
Students and staff at Shaftesbury School have been celebrating excellent exam results – and among best-ever individual progress.Theschool saw record levels of achievement across A-levels and BTECs with the number of students achieving A*D grades increasing compared to last year’s Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs). All Drama students achieved A*-A, and nearly two-thirds of Chemistry and Maths students A*-A.Youngsters achieved good results despite not sitting formal GCSE exams and with much of their studies completed in lockdown.Headteacher Donna London-Hill said “We are delighted with today’s results! It has been a tough few years for students, and their hard work, in partnership with our dedicated staff, has helped secure these excellent outcomes. I am incredibly proud of what all our students have achieved and wish them good luck with their next steps.”
Sophie Garcia (two A*, A) said ‘I never thought I’d achieve this’ – she will now study Sports Science at Loughborough University. Aidan Hoggan (four A*) said ‘the results are great, and better than expected. I wasn’t nervous until last night, but I’m now really happy’. He will now head to LSE to study Economics. Not all students choose to follow the university route and this year has seen Gryphon students offered apprenticeship opportunities including with the NHS, JP Morgan and as a chef at The Newt in Somerset.
The waiting is over for happy youngsters at Shaftesbury School after receiving their exam

Yeovil College students in happy mood after receiving their exam results.
Students score top marks in exams
2018/19 saw a significant improvement, particularly with high grades, and twice as many students doing A-levels. There was a 16 per cent increase in A*-A grades, a 17 per cent improvement in A*-B grades and a nine per cent increase in A*-CMarkgrades.Bolton, chief executive and principal at Yeovil College, said: “We are delighted to formally congratulate our students, who have yet again impressed us with their relentless drive and ambition to achieve the very highest grades in both A-level and vocational subjects.“Ourstudents have been consistently brilliant in applying themselves throughout this year and in completing their studies with care and precision, which has now provided them with the results they rightly deserve. Their achievements are all the more commendable given the disruption to their education since March 2020 – they are a remarkable generation with the resilience to make a great impact in the world.” Most Yeovil College students have also secured their first choice destination and university choices, including prestigious Russell Group universities, which will enable them to pursue their chosen careers.Local and partner universities have also been favoured this year, helping to retain the next generation of academic talent and future workers within the South-West.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 39
Yeovil College and Yeovil College’s Kingston Sixth Form Centre scored top results again, despite the national downturn in A-level results. The Covid-19 pandemic meant it was the first time A-level students had sat a national examination and that they had to contend with a disrupted period of teaching and learning. A significantly increased student cohort saw more college students sit three A-levels and an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) this year than ever before – in fact, more than double the number than in 2018/19, the last fully examined year before the pandemic. Students studying A-levels achieved a 100 per cent or 99 per cent pass rate for the seventh consecutive year. English, Economics, Law, Photography and Art and Design achieved a 100 per cent attainment rate for A*-C grades, while 50 per cent of the student cohort achieved A*-B grades in Art, Business, Chemistry, Economics, English Language, English Mathematics,Geography,EnvironmentalLiterature,Science,History,Law,Photography and Psychology.Morethan one-third of entries achieved A*-A high grades, and 40 per cent of students achieved at least one A grade.The following subjects achieved a 100 per cent pass rate: Art & Design, Biology, Business, achievingcentnationalraisedSociology.Physics,Mathematics,Geography,EnvironmentalEnglishEconomics,Chemistry,EnglishLiterature,Language,Science,History,Law,Photography,PsychologyandHighest-performingstudentsthebaragainsttheaveragewith83perofcollegeA-levelstudentsA*-Cgrades.Examresultscomparedto
Ashley MacLauchlan, formerly of Westfield Academy, achieved A*, A*, A* and A in Maths, Chemistry, Biology and Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and secured a place at the University of Oxford where he will study Medicine. Ashley said: “I have loved life at Yeovil College and have met many friends, who will be friends for life. I have enjoyed the benefit of the new Health, Education and Science Centre, which has made a positive impact on my teaching and learning.”

• Our Lady’s RC Church, Marnhull. Mass Sunday, 9.30am and 6pm.
Sadly, however, some valuable prizes remain unclaimed as the beneficiaries have, presumably, been unaware of their good fortune. What a great shame if you are struggling and are unaware you could have had a major windfall. How very sad! Now, if you’re just about to stop reading, please continue, because this next bit is for you! YOU can be a major winner! Quite a long time ago someone left a legacy, a huge gift, that is available to everyone, but – sadly – many haven’t claimed their share. They may be unaware that this gift exists or they may have just chosen to ignore it, getting on with their busy lives as best they can. The giver made it available to everyone and, in fact, it was such a valuable gift it cost him his life.
• Sherborne Quakers meet Sundays 10.30am in the Griffiths Room, Digby Memorial Church Hall. Everyone welcome.
• Lower Stour Benefice September services. Sunday, 4 September – 10.45am, Together Communion, All Saints Langton Long. Sunday, 11 September – 9.30am, Communion, Blandford St Mary; 11am Communion, All Saints Langton Long; 11am Family Service, Tarrant Keyneston.
• Witchampton Church. Third Sunday of the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
• West Camel Independent Methodists. All Saints Church on the first Sunday of the month at 4pm followed by tea. Other Sundays, evening worship is at 6pm. 01935 850838,
• Kingston Lacy. Second Sunday of the month, 9.15am Holy Communion. Fourth Sunday of the month, 9.15am Family Service. • Shapwick. Third Sunday of the month, 9.15am Holy Communion.
• St Mary’s, Sturminster Newton. First and third Sundays, 11am Holy Communion; 6pm BCP Evensong. Second and fourth Sundays, 9.30am Morning Prayer; 6pm BCP Evensong. Fifth Sunday, 11am Benefice Holy Communion. Wednesdays, 10am BCP Holy Communion.
• Chalbury Church. Fourth Sunday of the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
• St Thomas’ Lydlinch. Second and fourth Sunday, 11am Holy Communion. Third Sunday, 6pm Evensong.
• Horton Church. First Sunday of the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
• Chris Mahon is giving an organ recital to celebrate his 25 years as organist in St James Church, Shaftesbury, on Sunday 4, September, at 3pm. He is using this as an opportunity to collect funds for RNID, in particular aid for Hear to Help groups in the Gillingham and Shaftesbury area.Donations will help to make life fully inclusive for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus.
• St Benedict’s RC Church, Gillingham. Sunday, 11am.
• Organ recitals at Sherborne Abbey on Mondays at 1.30pm resume on 12 September.
• Sherborne Abbey – the abbey is open to visitors Monday to Saturdays from 8am-5pm and on Sunday from 11am-5pm. The abbey may close when private services are taking place.
• St Mary’s Stalbridge. Sunday, 4 September, Holy Communion 10am; Sunday, 11 September, Harvest Festival 4pm; Sunday, 18 September, Morning Worship 10am.
• Mothers’ Union meeting at the Griffiths Room, Digby Memorial Church Hall, Sherborne Abbey, on Friday, 23 September, at 10am for 10.30am start.
• Fancy a coffee? The churches in The Donheads, Charlton, East Knoyle, Semley and Sedgehill now have a team of friendly, approachable people available to offer home visits. Contact Revd. Kate at, 01747 830174.
• Hinton Martell. Second Sunday of the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
If, until now, you’ve been thinking only in monetary terms, take a few minutes to think a little wider, and deeper. What could this amazing gift be? Is money the most important thing in life? What about relationships? What about love? What about forgiveness? Many rich people are not happy and some who have come into a sudden fortune have not been able to cope with it and their lives have fallen apart. No – this gift is more important than money. It’s the best gift ever because it lasts for ever! It’s the gift of eternal life, reconciliation with Creator God, total forgiveness for every wrongdoing, a completely new start in life. This gift was made possible by Jesus Christ – the Son of God –who gave his life to pay the price for our sins – yours and mine. He offers this gift to all who are willing to receive it. Have you claimed yours?
• Blandford Methodist Church Morning worship Sunday 10.45am, followed by refreshments and chat in the hall. Thursday 10am-noon – coffee morning. Fridays noon-2pm –lunch club for over-55s at £5 –phone 07817 505 543 to book. If you have a prayer request or are feeling lonely and need to chat, phone 07799 516735. For details visit
• St Peter’s, Hinton St Mary. First, second and third Sundays, 9.30am Morning Prayer. Fourth Sunday, 9.30am Holy Communion.
• Dorset Historic Churches Trust’s 2022 Ride and Stride event is on Saturday, 10 September.
• Sherborne Abbey. Monday to Saturday, 8.30am Morning Prayer; Sepulchre Chapel. Mondays, 9am CW Holy Communion; Lady Chapel. Tuesdays, noon CW Holy Communion; Lady Chapel. Wednesdays, 10.30am Holy Communion with Homily; Lady Chapel (alternates CW and BCP). Thursdays, noon BCP Holy Communion; Lady Chapel. Fridays, 9am Ecumenical Holy Communion; Lady Chapel. First Friday of the month, 9am Requiem Holy Communion; Sepulchre Chapel. Third Friday of the month, 11am Remembering the Fallen. Saturdays, 9am CW Holy Communion; Sepulchre Chapel.
• Gillingham Methodist Church. Sunday afternoon recitals 3pm (lasting about one hour). Admission free: retiring collection. Superb two manual William Sweetland organ. Video screen. 4 September, Philip Scriven (Cranleigh School) – JS Bach, Widor, Mendelssohn, Jongen, Dubois, Locklair, Dupre, Vierne, Takle.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net40 Church • Shaftesbury Quakers (Society of Friends). Meets for one hour each Sunday from 10.30am at the Quaker Meeting House, Abbey Walk, Shaftesbury SP7 8BB.
• St Mary’s Church, Donhead St Mary (SP7 9DQ) open afternoon on Saturday, 3 September, 2.30-4.30pm. Explore the medieval church and churchyard; find out about bell ringing and hear the bells in action; listen to and play the organ; historic photographs from around the parish; try your hand at flower arranging; join in activities for children.
• Anglican High Mass at Wimborne St Giles. High Mass is the first Sunday of each month at 10am. BH21 5LZ.
How would you feel if someone offered you a gift which was worth a fortune? Most people’s first reaction would be one of disbelief: “How could anyone give me something so valuable?” Those who’ve won the lottery or other major prizes have mostly greeted the news with initial amazement and incredulity. “What me?” “Is it really true?” But when the reality has sunk in, they have enjoyed celebrating their win and have usually wanted to share their joy with others.
Thought for the day by Vera Peevor Co-Leader Sturminster Christian Fellowship
• Horton and Chalbury village hall. Third Sunday of the month, 9am Breakfast Church.
Striking conversations at the big show
Mike Chapman on behalf of Liberal Democrats across the Blackmore Vale
I’ve been struck by the number of articles and letters on UK energy policy in recent local publications. I try to avoid returning to the same topic on consecutive fortnights but feel it’s warranted given the current energyWithcrisis.nuclear, it’s easy to criticise the huge sums involved in the construction and decommissioning of reactors. The fact is, though, we’d be far less worried about keeping the lights on this winter if we had France’s fleet of nuclear power plants. What matters is the cost per megawatt hour and we would all be delighted if Hinkley Point C were generating at £106/MWh right now! So, like most pragmatists, I believe there’s a large role for nuclear in this country’s future.
The non-fossil fuel alternative to new nuclear is a lot more of all types of renewables coupled with battery storage on a scale that’s difficult to comprehend. This route is not without its moral dilemmas. Consider, for example, all the rare minerals needed for batteries which come from African and Asian countries with poor labour practices and environmental protections. And despite the waste from spent batteries not being as dangerous as that of nuclear, it’s still hazardous.
Greg Williams on behalf of Dorset Labour
Labour has already called for business rate relief to be increased to £17,000 rateable value, and a £1bn fund to help energy-intensive industries this winter. While this is welcome, it should be accompanied by regulatory changes to prevent all the burden falling on the taxpayer. For example, there’s no obligation on energy suppliers to provide businesses with a quote. Companies large and small can end up getting transitioned on to ‘default’ rates when their fixed contract expires, or ‘deemed’ rates when they take on a new property. Whereas the domestic price cap is currently about 28p/kWh, some deemed rates are hitting £1/kWh. There’s no justification for this. I’m arguing that businesses should benefit from protection similar to the current iteration of the domestic price cap, where energy supplier profits are limited to 1.9 per cent.
Large role for nuclear in energy mix
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 41 Politics
By some miracle the G & S Show stayed dry. It turned out terrific. We stood outside our tent and talked and listened all day.Early on, a former magistrate stopped by and proceeded to dismiss the present cost-ofliving concerns as a problem of welfare-dependent ‘feckless poor’.David Cameron was the last one to use that term as he launched into the welfare reforms which have given us Universal Credit, designed to drive out that dependency. I am sure many have a view on this… Then, there was the guy who cheerily engaged me with: “I don’t pay any tax. Anyone who does is a mug. Look after number one, that is my advice to you lot.” I did ask for his contact details but the look of derision on his face warned me off a second request. The team on the stand wondered if he was for real and decided he was. Wow! Worth reflecting before you applaud, that the sizeable, tax-free black and purple economies doubles up the burden on the rest of us. Nonetheless, there were many positive and constructive conversations throughout the day about action to support farming, climate change and about the cost-of-living crisis. As always, it was so cheering to hear from younger people about their personal commitment to carbon reduction.Oneof the last conversations of the day shook me. I have had to digest it and reflect on it in the days since theThis,Show.I was told, is the Subscription Generation writ large. Concerns about affordable housing, the well-being of isolated rural communities, the lack of public transport, the slow provision of decent broadband and so on are for the birds. “Look to the future, not back at old models,” I was told. “If I want something, I dial it up – accommodation, transport, food, IT, household, whatever. I don’t need to own it, I just want to use it. In ten years, we will have stopped worrying about ownership and be in a faster moving, more sorted world. Invest in tomorrow, stop trying to fix the past.” There is no doubt this is our direction of travel and it could well be the mindset which will accelerate green solutions as we share more resources. But, are we ready for the absolutist message, the emphasis on consumerist supremacy? I worry the consumer society lacks morals and restraint. I don’t think it listens. We shall carry on doing precisely that but with an eye on technology and an ear to all the other challenges.
A lot has been written about the need to decouple the wholesale electricity price from the cost of gas and instead peg it to the cost of generation. You can do this for yourself today with domestic solar. But a farmer can’t put up a wind turbine or install a solar array. It’s crazy to me that communities are prevented from achieving energy independence in their own backyards.Whiledomestic energy consumers have rightly been the political focus, businesses need support, too. They don’t have the benefit of price caps.
While offshore wind has taken off, unresolved connection issues remain. Our grid would be more resilient if we had more renewables closer to centres of consumption. So, like many, I’m really disappointed both Tory leadership candidates have committed to continue to block onshore wind.

Politics Time to cut red tape for farmers
Last week, it was a pleasure to have been at the Melplash Show in Bridport, the first in three years.And while I have always enjoyed attending year after year, this was my first such show since I was elected MP. I hosted a drop-in surgery and spoke to many local people who stopped by for a chat, asked for help or who simply wanted to know more about the work I do on their behalf in Westminster. This year felt very special, not just because this was the first show since the Coronavirus pandemic began, but because now more than ever we are appreciating the importance of good, local produce.Ondisplay at Melplash last Thursday were some of West Dorset’s finest livestock, shown by some of our most passionate and dedicated local farmers.Oneof the key messages I took back from this through local farmers was the need to support small rural businesses and cutting back the red tape within agriculture – a task for which I have lobbied rigorously in Westminster. Those in West Dorset producing food do so because they are passionate and take great pride in their products. When a new ministry forms next week, I expect the policies emerging to enhance British agriculture’s reputation as the gold standard throughout the world, while also freeing hard-working farmers from the tremendous burden of red tape that has for too long bogged down productivity and dampened people’s passion for the job. That previous Sunday, it was great to have joined the front of the Bridport Torchlight procession alongside the Mayor and town crier.The Bridport Torchlight has become an integral part of Bridport’s Carnival weekend. It raises much-needed funds for the carnival and the local community and is one of the highlights of West Dorset’s social calendar. It was therefore a shock to have learnt late last year that this procession was at risk of being cancelled due to a highways contractor refusing to continue its assistance in operating the closure of the A35 Crown Roundabout. After two years of postponement due to the coronavirus pandemic, another cancellation was simply not acceptable in my view, and so I was determined to do all I could to sort this out. I therefore held a virtual summit with Dorset and Bridport Town Council, Bridport Carnival Committee and National Highways in order to formulate a solid plan of Iaction.wasvery pleased to have helped ensure this event could continue this year, and indeed to take part in it. As always, please feel free to contact me via hello@ if there are ever any matters I can help you with.
Congratulations to all of those who have received exam results recently. I hope they were what you wanted and needed. If not, please remember there are no cul-de-sacs in education, only finding different routes. For those starting or returning to school I wish you a happy term. Again, I thank all our teachers and school support staff who make it all happen.
Conservative MP for West ChrisDorsetLoder
Cost of living must be top priority
Now for the politics. These last several weeks we have had a caretaker government –awaiting a new PM, unable to make any major decisions or commitments to bind its successor.Withall that is going on with the cost-of-living crisis, energy prices spiralling and inflation rampant, this could not have come at a worse time. All I want you to know is that I’m more than aware of the fear, pressures and strains they are causing to people across north Dorset. Like you, I wait to see what the new PM and Government do to provide comfort and help.Iwill do all I can to push, press and demand supports. If this is not THE top priority for the Government from day one, then it will be in very choppy water with the country – and rightly so.
Conservative MP for North Dorset Simon Hoare
Bridport Torchlight has become an integral part of Bridport’s Carnival weekend and is one of the highlights of West Dorset’s social calendar.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net42

By the time this is printed all votes in my party’s leadership race will have been cast. Hurrah! Of course, whoever wins is likely to be content with a process that has delivered victory which means change is unlikely.However, several people have said over the past few days how cross they are at the drawn-out nature of the election and the unflattering impression given of governmental drift during the interregnum.Ithinkalengthy campaign for leadership is fine, even desirable, when a party is in opposition, but I do think we need to have a conversation about abbreviating it for a party that’s actually in government for obvious reasons.Ithas been suggested that the matter should be dealt with under circumstancesthoseby the party’s
Corporation Tax cuts which chiefly benefit big businesses. In my view the evidence for them increasing returns to the Treasury isn’t great and my view seems to be held by most economists. If you want to go for growth, heading off stagflation, you would be better helping small businesses, indirectly probably, with energy costs –they’re about to sound the death knell for many in our area.I’ve been an active Rishi supporter throughout. He’s a great guy and I so very much hope he wins. However, whoever gets the keys to Number Ten can rely on two things from me – my deepest sympathy and my full support. Good luck!
Small government? Big bills!
Help should target most in need
MPs alone. I’m sympathetic to that view. The immediate issue is how best to mitigate the energy crisis, inflation and the cost of living. My strong preference is for targeted help for those who need it most. That could be benefit payments, VAT cuts – since they benefit the least well off the most – or action on income tax bands that will help low-pay households. General relief however delivered makes less sense because it’s simply giving with one hand and taking with the other – through taxes –shifting more of the public into State dependency. I’m uneasy with that.
ConservativeDorsetMP for South West Wiltshire Dr Andrew Murrison
I am not keen on
Ken Huggins on behalf of the Green Party in North
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 43 Politics
The ideology that says Government is best when it is ‘light touch’, with minimal bureaucracy, may initially seem appealing. It certainly makes for simpler government, with a reduced role for the state, reduced public sector borrowing and reduced taxation. But it has a fatal flaw – human greed for money.Theclaim is that when business is freed from the restrictions of ‘red tape’ it can get on with supplying the market with what people need.Bad businesses will fail and only good businesses will succeed.Sadly, history has shown that it doesn’t work that way, and for proof we need look no further than the present plundered and polluted state of our planet. An example currently hitting the headlines is the water industry in England, overseen by the Government regulator Ofwat and the Environment Agency, both said to be poorly resourced – there’s that ‘light touch’ for you.The industry was privatised in 1989 by a Tory government, under the pretext that the private sector would inject the cash needed to upgrade old Victorian sewers and fix leaky mains water pipes. That went well, didn’t it ! In fact, the privatisation of the English regional water boards is an abject lesson in how private corporations cannot be trusted to do what is best, because for them doing ‘best’ is measured by how much money they can extract from the business to pay their senior managers and shareholders regardless of the consequences for other people and the planet. I know that statement will provoke much spluttering from avid supporters of privatisation, but the facts rather speak for themselves. To enable the water boards to be privatised the Tory government wiped out their debts to the tune of £5bn, sold the businesses at a 22 per cent discount, gave the private companies a cash injection of £1.6bn plus a 25-year monopoly in their respective regions so they didn’t have to compete – subsequently effectively exemption–LabourindefinitelyextendedbytheNewgovernmentin2002andfinallyspecialfrompaying profits tax and an extremely generous price regime so that profits rose by 147 per cent in the first seven years while sewerage and water prices rose by 42 per cent and 36 per centAndrespectively.whatdidthe private companies do with their businesses?A2020report found they had loaded them up with £48bn of debt which effectively went to fund dividends of Customers’£57bn.water bills meantime increased 40 per cent above the rate of inflation.In2021 water company executives received an average of £100,000 bonus on top of their salaries, during a period in which foul water was discharged for 2.7 million hours into our rivers andLittleseaside.wonder that the Green Party is calling for the water companies to be brought back into public ownership, along with the big five energy suppliers.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net44 Puzzles MAKE SOMEONE’S DAY, EVERY DAY. Biofuel Oils HEMPFALSECOTTONSEEDCORNCOPAIBACOLZACOCONUTCASTORFLAX TIGERNUTSAFFLOWERRICERAMTILPALMMILKJOJOBAJATROPHABUSHBRAN R C R K A O C M A T N O R P Z E O O E R A R O H R U U A N M A L L F W A F P P D O J K I O R Z D I T O O T E A A H L U F H A A X T O L E U N I K T O A E E A E A M S F A N B B J B L A L O I O N A R F U O R A U S Z H I O O A B R S A A C T M E C T P T J E O H T A S I O A F L A T O C S J O J O B A A C L C O S I R F N F O E T B A R A C L R T Z T U N R E G I T W X P T O I O B A J A P M A A O H P A L M Z R O J A H E M P T L P N T S J C N R O C B I N M U 25 RESULT ÷5 +45 -18 ×1/4 +2 ‘The(inits)Feds’ Asset Turkish title A fright Carved Forks Bustle Lazy Jokes Neckwear unselfish,Beingperhaps Ready to fire Unobserved Blunders Gun Vocal music Take in tow Egg layers Religiouspainting Afflict antelopeLarge Flag Bog Eras vegetablesPodded OldcoinBritish Respiratoryorgan Arrow Wordsearchwords Crossword 7 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 13 15 17 Across 7 Regain strength (7) 9 Cays (5) 10 Adult male (3) 11 Economic good (9) 12 Raise a glass to (5) 14 Part person, part fish (7) 16 Perform a magic trick (7) 18 Stalks (5) 19 Cocktail (9) 20 Plastic ball-support (3) 21 Elegance (5) 22 Flower wreath (7) Down 1 Theatrical (8) 2 Hospital check-up, maybe (4) 3 Long-legged wading bird (6) 4 Energy (6) 5 Final (8) 6 Classic children’s game (1,3) 8 Recalling (11) 13 Atypical (8) 15 Goes down (8) 17 Habitual practices (6) 18 Flight of steps (6) 19 Robs in a public place (4) 20 Train that runs along roads (4) Sudoku 7 2 9 8 5 7 3 5 4 6 8 2 7 5 4 3 9 2 4 1 6 2 1 5 7 4 4 7 9 6 3 5 Brain chain
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 45 PuzzlesCall 01425 460 955 ColtenCareers .com For the solutions, turn to page 11123 RESULT +123 +50% +27 -60 ÷6 Place 1 to 9 once each into every row, column and boldlined 3x3 box. No digit maybe repeated in any dashed-lined cage, and dash-linedeachcage must result in the given value when the stated operation is applied between all of the digits in that cage. For subtraction and division operations, start with the highest number in the cage and then subtract or divide by the other numbers in that cage Jumbo sudoku 8357 21 6 1 7 3 76 9 7 1 7 8 25 97 6 4 65 5 4 7 8 65 2 1 56 8 2 6 4 2 95 8 9 1 1 43 1 62 8 1 3 6 5 4 1 93 7 8 3 4 238 74 857 2 Place 1 to 9 once into every black-bordered 3x3 area as well as each of the 54 rows indicated by the coloured lines. Rows don’t cross the thick black lines. 1 4 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 2 3 5 6 7 8 14 18 20 Across 1 Recall work held by quiet slim type (5) 4 The Italian showing in a short while variable skill (7) 9 Criminal figure in a court? (8) 10 Measure of insulation on a classic garment (4) 11 More irritable English broadcasting executive? That’s right (6) 12 Take up a function beside port (5) 13 Neighbour is round deprived of love (4) 15 A component of musicals therefore (3) 16 Dark sauce in this way always given backing (4) 17 Strife off road in musical club (5) 19 Out with a stage dancer (6) 21 By the sound of it, put up with ill-mannered person (4) 22 A lot of resolve shown in compact period of decay (8) 23 Distinguished conservationists behind European place for underground work? (7) 24 Park within week in ruin (5) Down 2 Submit product (5) 3 Forecast made by pair with decree (7) 5 A recruit Cuba trained – given to petty regulations? (12) 6 Liberal German in game with cards (5) 7 Intoxicated woman ignoring a duke in a way (7) 8 Envoy’s free to wander periodically (5,2,5) 14 Prosperous time enthralling journalist given right place for retirement? (7) 16 More daft lines I start to expose in gentleman (7) 18 Source of blaring noise produces anger among polar opposites (5) 20 Antiquated character in charge showing system (5) 1 4 119 12 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 2 3 5 8 14 18 Across 1 Recall work held by quiet slim type (5) 4 The Italian showing in a short while variable skill (7) 9 Criminal figure in a court? (8) 10 Measure of insulation on a classic garment (4) 11 More irritable English broadcasting executive? That’s right (6) 12 Take up a function beside port (5) 13 Neighbour is round deprived of love (4) 15 A component of musicals therefore (3) 16 Dark sauce in this way always given backing (4) 17 Strife off road in musical club (5) 19 Out with a stage dancer (6) 21 By the sound of it, put up with ill-mannered person (4) 22 A lot of resolve shown in compact period of decay (8) 23 Distinguished conservationists behind European place for underground work? (7) 24 Park within week in ruin (5) Down 2 Submit 3 Forecast 5 A regulations?recruit 6 Liberal 7 wayIntoxicated 8 Envoy’s 14 rightProsperous 16 gentlemanMore 18 amongSource 20 systemAntiquated 1 4 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 2 3 5 6 7 8 14 18 20 Across 1 Recall work held by quiet slim type (5) 4 The Italian showing in a short while variable skill (7) 9 Criminal figure in a court? (8) 10 Measure of insulation on a classic garment (4) 11 More irritable English broadcasting executive? That’s right (6) 12 Take up a function beside port (5) 13 Neighbour is round deprived of love (4) 15 A component of musicals therefore (3) 16 Dark sauce in this way always given backing (4) 17 Strife off road in musical club (5) 19 Out with a stage dancer (6) 21 By the sound of it, put up with ill-mannered person (4) 22 A lot of resolve shown in compact period of decay (8) 23 Distinguished conservationists behind European place for underground work? (7) 24 Park within week in ruin (5) Down 2 Submit product (5) 3 Forecast made by pair with decree (7) 5 A recruit Cuba trained – given to petty regulations? (12) 6 Liberal German in game with cards (5) 7 Intoxicated woman ignoring a duke in a tense way (7) 8 Envoy’s free to wander periodically (5,2,5) 14 Prosperous time enthralling journalist given right place for retirement? (7) 16 More daft lines I start to expose in gentleman (7) 18 Source of blaring noise produces anger among polar opposites (5) 20 Antiquated character in charge showing moral system (5) Killer sudoku Brain chain (hard version) 10 144 8119 10 10 19 10 8 13 17 9 16 7 20 12 21 1410 5 14 8 9 17911 9 6 28 19 18 Cryptic crossword
Dorchester 1st XI Shane Pulling, Captain After winning the toss and choosing to bowl Sherborne started well. Dorchester put on a decent opening partnership but once the first wicket fell, the home side took three more quick wickets. Unfortunately, Sherborne gave away about 70 runs in extras which was ultimately their downfall. Stand-out performers with the ball were 17-year-olds Jake Elsworth 3-34, Ni Denham 2-42, and Otto Denham 2-38. Sherborne started well with Josh Lawrence (76) and Mark Roca (49) putting on an opening partnership of 131. Sherborne stood a chance but the target of 258 proved too much with the Dorchester bowlers keeping it tight. Abbotsbury v Sherborne 2nd XI Andy Guppy, Captain Abbotsbury won the toss and asked Sherborne to bat on a crumbling wicket. Captain Andy Guppy went LBW in the third over, closely followed by Joe Stratford, then Freddie Harden and Will Sharman went quickly,Evergreentoo. Adam Smith halted the flow of wickets but when he departed for 29 Sherborne were 50-5. Roger Parfitt did his best to get his side back into the game with a quick 22 but after losing the experienced Andy Nurton (12) Sherborne were 101-8. Sherborne’s long batting line up saved the collapse with Andy Pinkaw (65) and David Barnstable (22) coming together to bat superbly on a poor pitch. A 78-run partnership helped the visitors get to unlikely 197 all out.Sherborne came out to bowl after break with a lot of promise, Marc Hancock bowling superbly into the wind (8-29) keeping it tight with his brother Paul at the other end with (8-3-27) taking quick wickets to put Sherborne in a great position at drinks with the home side struggling at 67-3. Andy Nurton (8-3-27) then got stuck into the Abbotsbury batsman with three quick wickets and after Deurdoth fell to the bowling of Barnstable (5-1-24) the game was over. Guppy (5-1-25) and Fred Harden (2-2-4) cleaned up the wickets and the match went to Sherborne.
Sherborne pay the price for high number of extras
FA Cup triumph for Wincanton Wincanton Town beat Camberley Town 3-0 to go through to the first qualifying round of the FA Cup – the furthest they have been in the world’s oldest football tournament.Thehome team scored three clinical goals past a welldrilled defence. Their next FA Cup game is tomorrow Saturday, September 3, against AFC Totton at Wincanton Sports Ground, Moor Lane, Wincanton BA9 9RB. For match highlights visit the club’s YouTube channel, ‘YouTube WTFC’ or find them on Facebook. The club also have a new ladies team and are inviting new female players to join.
by Emlyn SherborneKuhn1stXI
Wincanton golf Wincanton Golf Club, Seniors Monthly Medal – 19 August: 1 Kees Schouten nett 66; 2 Colin Jacobs nett 67 ocb; 3 Ray Phillips 67. Jack Smale Memorial Shield – 23 August: 1 Colin Jacobs 48; 2 Richard Strong 43; 3 John Morgan 40 ocb; 4 Harry Eden 40. Monthly Stableford – 28 August: 1 Jim Phillips 41; 2 Simon Lenton 39; 3 Maxine Portnell 38.
makesDuckweedfor tricky fishing by William Hanson Sturminster and Hinton Angling Association’s annual Pairs Cup was held on the lower fields of Colber Farm on Sunday, 21 August. The weather was fine and dry, overcast for much of the match, but the lack of rain and flow has led to duckweed building up in lots of the swims, making fishing difficult for manyThecompetitors.winnerswith a combined weight of 22lbs 9ozs, were Tony Cairns and Charlie Way. Tony was also the individual winner with 19lbs 9 ozs, coming from a peg just upstream of the old railway bridge. He had a mixed bag of roach, perch and skimmer bream on a variety of baits over groundbait. Second was Steve Harvey from the penultimate upstream peg with ten decent skimmers and a back-up of perch on worm over groundbait then chopped worm.Simon Dennis was third with 10lbs 3ozs of roach, rudd and perch, again fishing a variety of baits over groundbait. There were four sections, the upstream end being peg 1. Pegs 1-6 winner was Kev Bennett, who had 5lbs 7ozs of very small fish fishing pinkie shallow. Ian Dunlop won pegs 7-12 with 7lbs 6ozs. The third section went to Paul Wilding with 4lbs 10ozs and the bottom section to Neil Sims with 5lbs 7ozs.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net46 Sport

Blandford swimmers Freddie Beasley and Freddie Hodgetts.
Saddle up – in aid of a good cause
The day would not have been so successful without the great efforts of club members to set up a gazebo and marquee, prepare and run the bar, and make and serve the delightful meal.
The call has gone out for cyclists to join the tenth anniversary Rotary Dorset Bike Ride.Expected to attract more than 500 riders, this year’s event is on Sunday, October 9, and starts and finishes at Longthorns Campsite, next to Monkey World in Wareham.
The event has raised money for several charities over the past ten years, including £300,000 for Cancer Research UK, which is again the beneficiary this year. The routes through beautiful Dorset countryside are 22, 35, 55, 70 and 108 miles. Riders are invited to sign up for the event by visiting www. A discounted entry fee is available by registering in advance online – this begins at £35, increasing to £40 for registrations on the day. Children under 16 are free for all routes, if they are registered online and accompanied by a paying adult. Organisers are also looking for volunteers and marshals to support the co-ordination of the event.
Much work was also done to ensure the green did not just play well but looked at its best.
Bowls match played in great spirit
Two boys from Blandford Forum excelled at the 2022 Swim England Summer National championshipsPooleHodgetts,FreddieChampionships.BeasleyandFreddieaged14,representedSwimmingClubattheatPondsForge, Sheffield. Beasley won gold in the 200-metres breaststroke, becoming English champion, while Hodgetts won bronze in the 50-metres backstroke. Hodgetts swam a personal best time in his heat going into the backstroke final for the 15-year age group fifth fastest.
Young swimmers excel in champs
It was a big day for Mere Bowls Club and our secretary Don Butchers, president of Bowls Wiltshire (Men) for 2022 on Sunday, 14 August.
If you want to see bowls locally, Mere Bowls Club will host a match between Bowls Wiltshire (Men) and Bowls Wiltshire (Women) on Wednesday, 14 September, at 2pm. Spectators welcome. John FitzGerald Captain, Mere Bowls Club
The cycle challenge is for riders of all ages and abilities, with several routes tailored for families and amateurs, to serious cyclists.
the British Swimming short course National Championship in Sheffield between 1-4 December.
On a hot afternoon, Don brought a county men’s team to play Mere men for one of the highlights of his presidential year. Forty players took to the green for the match, followed by a two-course meal prepared by a group of female members and players’ wives led by Don’s wife, Mary. The match was played in a great spirit, with a drinks break in the middle because of the weather, and was enjoyed by all. For the record, Bowls Wiltshire (Men) won by 102 shots to 64 and on all rinks bar one, Don’s!
A big thanks to all concerned, you know who you are, but a special mention for the green team led by Rich Coombs and Jeff and Geraldine Cornford for all their work on the surrounds.Youmay have seen and even been inspired by the lawn bowls at the Commonwealth Games.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 47 Sport
Beasley came out with a personal best and fastest time in the 15-year age group in his heat of the swimmingbreaststroke.200-metresBothboysstartedcompetitively at the age of eight. Their training regime includes eight sessions a week at Talbot Heath Girls School, beforeincludingBournemouth,earlymorningschool.Theboys’nexttargetis

Advertiser’s announcement
The car was sent to Australia but returned to these shores and ended up for sale in a garage in Shaftesbury in 1954. A 73-year-old farmer fell in love with the car and purchased it for £1,050, a large sum in those days. Bought as a ‘farm vehicle’ the farmer disliked the yellow paintwork and had the car repainted black, costing another £500.
Theatrical masterpiece up for auction
The Bentley failed the MOT on its kingpins in 1968, so it was pushed into the farm cart shed, but was brought out again in about 1971 by the current owner, the farmer’s grandson, when repairs were made. However, it was put back in the shed, where it has remained, with the exception of the Bentley winged B radiator cap which was taken into the farmhouse for safe keeping. With the farmer’s grandson, and now his own son, realising they will never get around to restoring this beautiful Bentley, they contacted Richard Bromell at Charterhouse in Sherborne to value the car which has been in their family for 68 years. This rare car, which has just a handful of owners and now requires full restoration, is for sale in the auction at Haynes International Motor Museum, Sparkford, on Wednesday, 12 October.
A 1935 Bentley, which has been stored in an old cart shed for the past 68 years, is estimated to sell for £50,000-£70,000 in a Charterhouse specialist auction of classic and vintage cars. Richard Bromell, from the firm, said: “Growing up as a child I thought every farm had old buildings hiding away classic and vintage cars. Although I have seen and sold many barn finds at Charterhouse over the decades, this one certainly trumps all other previous discoveries.”
Farm fresh Bentley could make £70k
Duke’s Autumn Auction features an array of period examples including paintings, furniture, textiles, sculpture and silver. An oil depicting Edward Townsend singing The Beggar, a song by playwright John O’Keeffe, is a highlight. This animated theatrical portrait by Johann Zoffany (1733-1810) is from the end of his career. Zoffany’s theatrical portraits are regarded as some of his most innovative and beguiling works and only a handful remain in private collections, of which this is one of the finest. Preserved in outstanding condition and painted on a mahogany panel, this portrait has not been on the open market since the early 19th century and not exhibited in public since 1893. The Autumn Auction is on Thursday, 29 September, at 10.30am and is followed by the Art & Design post-1880 sale the next day. Printed catalogues will be available alongside the online versions. Viewing begins at the Dorchester Fine Art Saleroom on Saturday, 24 September. For more information on these and all upcoming auctions visit or phone 01305 265080.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net48
Antiques & Collectibles
The Bentley rolled off the Derby production line in 1935 and was bought by wealthy Australian tea merchant Philip Bushell who dispatched to Thrupp & coachbuildersMaberlywhere a drop head coupe body was fitted.
AuctionsClarke’s Auctioneers & Valuers Units 1 & 2 Kingsettle Business Park, Station Road, Semley, Shaftesbury SP7 9BU 01747 A 1955 Austin A90 Six Westminster. Sold for £4,600 Antiques & Collectibles Next sale Friday 9th & Saturday 10th September 2022 Free Specialist Valuation Days Watches, Jewellery & Silver 5th Fishing, Hunting, Shooting & Sporting 6th Chinese, Japanese & Asian Art 7th Pictures, Books, Maps & Postcards 8th Automobilia, Signs & Mantiques 9th Classic Motorcycle Auction 5th October Classic Car Auction 12th October Entries invited for the next above sales Microcar Museum Auction 27th October The Long Street Salerooms Sherborne DT9 3BS 01935 812277 • 12th September 6th October 5th October 28th October 5th & 6th November5th & 6th November Specialist Free Valuation Days Monday 12th Pictures, Maps, Books & Postcards Tuesday 13th Silver, Jewellery, Watches & Clocks Wednesday 14th Model Cars, Trains, Dolls & Toys Thursday 15th Medals, Militaria, Coins & Stamps Friday 16th Asian Ceramics & Works of Art Classic Motorcycle Auction 28th October Classic Car Auction 11th November Further entries now being accepted The Long Street Salerooms Sherborne DT9 3BS

Bonnie Prince Charlie miniature Advertiser’s announcement ThirtyPASTIMESOfSherborne(neartheAbbey)yearsofdealinginantiqueandCollectibleToys.Toppricespaidforalltypesofmodelrailway,diecastcars,earlyActionManandStarWars,Scalextric, Meccano, unmade Airfix kits etc. Those magical makes; Hornby, Dinky, Triang, Spot-On, Corgi, Subbuteo, Britains, Timpo plus plus plus Telephone; 01935 816 072. Mobile; 07527 074 343 COVID SAFE We’re coming back An Edward VII 1902 Specimen Coins set, a complete set of thirteen gold and silver coins. SOLD FOR £6,900 • Entries invited for our Specialistforthcomingsales • Catalogues available online • Full calendar of Specialist sales Free Valuations, Shaftesbury Office Offices in Dorset, Wiltshire and London Station Road, Semley, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9AN 01747 855 122 A 19th century violin in case with two bows, with fragmentary label for Carlo Giuseppe Testore. SOLD FOR £47,000
The leather-cased Bonnie Prince Charlie portrait miniature with a heavy cast brass surround came with two fabric tabs from his uniform, worn in 1745-46 at Fernton (Fairnton), the home of Lord included(pictured)Drummond.Thelotalsoapair of rock crystal and silver earrings containing plaited hair with the Royal cypher of JR and CR – Bonnie Prince Charlie and his father James Francis Edward Stuart. A hand-written letter of provenance mentions Flora McDonald, best known for helping Bonnie Prince Charlie evade Government troops after the battle of Culloden in 1746. The lot was estimated at £2,000-5,000 Acreman is holding JewellerySpecialistit and General Antiques Auction on Friday, 23 September, and its TextileSpecialistFashion & Apparel Auction on Friday, 21 October. Items are still being accepted for both auctions. To discuss consigning items to auction contact Gill Norman either by email at or by phone on 333577/0193507908508764.
Sherborne had an item of great historical interest in its auction last Friday (26 August).
Acreman St Antiques Auction
upcoming auction highlights TheInteriorsAutumn Auction Art & Design post 1880 Icons of Motoring - A Land Rover Auction(Entries closing soon) Asian Art (Entries closing soon) 10th6th30th29th8th Tel: 01305 enquiries@dukes-auctions.com265080 BreweryDuke’s AuctionsDorsetDorchesterSquareDT11GAcommence at 10.30am NovemberOctobSeptemberer Find more information and all auctions on our website 24thInteriorsMarch at 10:30am A FRENCH BOMBE COMMODE | £4,000 - £6,000 featuring in our upcoming Autumn Auction

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net50 Antiques & Collectibles Advertiser’s announcement Antique & Classic Clock Repairs & Restoration Longcase Clocks a speciality Antique Clock sales Clocks Unlimited Tel: (01935) 423233 Mobile: 07974 520545 WE BUY Email:orCallANDCOLLECTIONSRECORDS, GOOD CONDITION VINYL RECORDS WANTED Larger collections preferred No classical please, cash 07831-266478paid Book Online classified@
Gold sovereigns make £30k-plus
Clarke’s Auctions at Semley is busy preparing for the first of its Autumn sales being held on Friday and Saturday, 9-10 September. It looks to be another bumper sale with more than 500 lots already consigned. The August sale was busy with 1,200-plus lots offered and more than 1,000 of them found buyers. A private collection of Chinese scroll paintings sold well with an album of watercolour paintings of ballerinas, attributed to modern Chinese artist Huang Zhou, making £8,500 and a vivid scroll splash ink and watercolour painting attributed to Zhang Daqian achieving £5,100.Inthe furniture section, a 19th century teak Campaign chest made £1,150, a Chinese carved hardwood altar or side table £650 and a late 18th/early 19th century elm country dresser £650. A local client in the process of restoring a property sold his private collection of more than 90 gold sovereigns and half sovereigns to help fund the costs of the work. They made more than £30,000, including commission, showing that in today’s economic climate people are still keen to invest their savings in gold sovereigns.
Clarke’s Auctions is taking entries for future sales and enquiries for consignment, probate and insurance valuations, and part or full house clearances. Phone Richard Clarke or Karen Marshall on 01747 855109 at the main offices on Kingsettle Business Park, Station Road, Semley, Shaftesbury. The next Classic Vehicles & Automobilia sale is in October.
ACREMAN ST. SHERBORNEAUCTIONANTIQUES SPECIALIST JEWELLERY & GENERAL ANTIQUES AUCTION Friday 23rd September 10am Viewing Thursday 22nd September 10am-5pm For all enquiries please contact Gill Norman on 07908 333577 or 01935 508764 & We are now accepting items for our September auction PROOF© NewBlackmoreValeMagazine PROOF© NewBlackmoreValeMagazine Dore & Rees, Auction Salerooms, Vicarage Street, Frome BA11 1PU 01373 462 257 FORTHCOMING AUCTIONS VALUATION DAYS 12 & 13 September Meet specialists Lee Young and Susan Rumfitt and receive an auction valuation for your jewellery and Asian art. Call or email to make an appointment – home visits available ASIAN ART 7 November, 10:30am Inviting entries until 30 21Inviting6JEWELLERYSeptemberDecember,10:30amentriesuntilOctober

by Sally Gregson In many gardens, great and small, after mid-summer the annuals seem to take over the show. Over and gone are the bearded irises, the peonies, the alliums. But, dancing through and around the later-flowering perennials, are the ephemera which perform until the first frosts. At ground level in a sunny, well drained position, bouncy little Mexican Daisies (Erigeron karvinskianus) battle it out with scented Calamintha all summer long. These both are technically perennials which benefit from being shorn to the ground in winter. Oenothera odorata ‘Sulphurea’ is another short-lived, perennial – an Evening Primrose with palest-yellow flowers which last for just a day, before fading to a gentle soft-apricot. It has a branching habit, and flowers all summer long. After a year or two those plants which have survived the winter do get a bit woody, and beg to be cut back. Collect the prolific amounts of seed, scatter some around, give some away and pull up the mother plant. These self-sown ‘volunteers’ will be with you for ever if you put the woody Mums on the compost heap, along with others of that ilk – forget-menots, Grape Hyacinths (Muscari), primroses.Tidygardeners perhaps should look away now, as should hoes. If a dandelion, dock or nettle pushes its way through the seedlings they should, of course, be weeded out, but the remainder of those self-sown seedlings will produce a paradise of flowers until the end of the summer. However, they often attempt to grow among the tight crowns of other, deliberately planted perennials. So, during the winter months, after it has rained, cut back the faded stems of the permanent plants to the crown, and cover them with a thick layer of inert mulch, to prevent germination of rogue volunteers within the plant. Mushroom compost, enriched with very well-rotted manure, is excellent. Well-rotted manure on its own tends to harbour seed of docks and nettles. (Horses’ stomachs don’t digest them). Composted bark is good, too, but can rob the plant of nutrients as it breaks down on the soil. If this mulch is put on during the winter months, the result will be less moisture-loss in summer and better perennials, with the areas around them alive with flowers until winter.
by Sally Gregson
At the end of August as the summer borders begin to fade, gardeners can feel jaded, satiated with all that sunshine and the season’s bounty. Soon Autumn will take over with its bonfire of colour but while August still reigns there is a lull in the garden. Meanwhile, in a quiet corner, Japanese Anemones are using this hiatus to put on a show. ‘It’s not all over yet’, they say. Loudly. Japanese Anemones seem to flourish in shadier beds. And they have a stubborn dislike of being moved. Often an old, established plant will stoically re-emerge in its old home, pushing up through its neighbours who have got a bit tooDuringfamiliar.the Spring, as the previous year’s crowns reestablish themselves, they take a quiet back-seat among the other herbaceous which flower first. But they are biding their time – waiting for a moment of glory in late August and September.Thereis a long list of single and double pink-flowered forms to ring the changes, ranging from the clear white, singleflowered A. ‘Honorine Jobert’ to the beautiful tousled double white, A. ‘Whirlwind’, and the pretty pink A. ‘Pamina’. They mostly grow to about 1m and spreadRobertcomfortably.Fortuneis credited with discovering them among the tombs and graves on the ramparts of the city of Shanghai. Apparently, on the way back to Europe laden with his plants, Fortune’s ship fought off pirates and hair-raising attacks by bandits. But Fortune was successful. It’s a measure of the resilience of the plants that they survived such a long and arduous journey.
Flowers of the wind
Oenothera stricta Sulphurea.
Once the anemones arrived here and flowered, the horticultural world was struck by their beauty and their popularity spread rapidly. Hybrids were raised by 19th and 20th century nurserymen – the late Eric Smith raised a shorter variety, A. ‘Hadspen Abundance’ at Hadspen gardens, on the site of The Newt, Somerset. It has midpink petals with wine-red reverses and makes a good companion to the lateflowering ‘Kermesina’Clematis . And the pure white petals of ‘Honorine Jobert’, and the frilly double A. ‘Whirlwind’ make an excellent contrast to wine-red Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Merveille Sanguine’. Anenome Whirlwind.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 51 Home & Garden
‘Volunteers’ keep the garden going

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net52 Home & Garden www. .com HOUSE CLEARANCE Plus Sheds, Attics, Garages & Gardens Quality Items Offset Registered Waste Carrier Tel: 01258 440838 or 07853 enquiries@back2market.com275379 FURNITURE & WINDOWSRESTORATIONGIBSON AND RADFORD RESTORATIONS Est 1976 T: 01963 370471 M: based company in Stalbridge with 25 years experience. All your window and door needs undertaken, from repairs to replacement. Contact Terry on 07514224712 or find me on Facebook and WhatsApp. FREE QUOTATIONS. DRYSTONE WALLING AND LANDSCAPING SELF DRIVE DIGGER AND DUMPER HIRE, 01258 861647 R&WSERVICESFENCING All types of fencing, Agriculture and Domestic 01258 880892 07980 036250 RETORATION OF YOUR WOODEN WINDOWS, DOORS AND SO MUCH MORE. Embrace the old don't buy new. Ask me first and see what I can do. Tel: 01747 822537 Mob: 07554 654982 LANGTON NURSERIES (C W Abbott & Son) Roses. Perennials and shrubs. Stockists of Kings, Franchi and Fothergill Budget Seeds. Potting compost. Large selection of pots. Open daily 10am - 3pm. Langton Long, Blandford Forum, Dorset. DT11 9HR. Telephone: 01258 452513 MAINTENANCE,ENVIRONMENTALLYFRIENDLYHEDGEGARDEN lawn mowing, strimming, hedge cutting and land clearance using Stihl’s latest electric equipment to avoid disturbing wildlife/people Call David 07786 658708 EX-DISPLAY SHEDS, Stables/field summerhouses,shelters,offices, workshops, agricultural 01935 891195 WANTED - Dave buys all types of tools Call 01935 428975 TREE & SERVICESGARDEN 07435 220238 / 01258 858888 Fully insured quality service provided GardenDesignEst20Years 01258 881112 07900£395431701 Contact us 01963 400186to advertise The New Blackmore Vale Magazine DEADLINES Display ads must be booked by Wednesday the week prior to publication, with final copy submitted by the Friday. Classified ads may be accepted after this, HOWEVER these will be subject to space.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 53 Home & Garden TOOLS WANTED. Cash waiting. 01747 850474 D KING & SON Tree and Garden Services • 25 years’ experience • Registered waste carrier • Free estimates • All areas covered • No job too small 07831 091239 Vale Tree Surgeons Limited Tel: 01747 228484 Mob: 07770 833734 TREE WORK Felling Section StumpPruning/shapingfellingHedgecuttingScrubclearancegrindingPlanting£10Mpublicliabilityinsurance TreeSurgeons( Established 1997) LANDSCAPING Fencing Patios Sleeper walls All hard landscaping ASH DIE SPECIALISTSBACK MAN WITH MICRO-DIGGER & 1.5ton digger, stump patios,Gardengrinder,clearance,fencing,decking,landscaping,driveways30+years’experienceContactKen078824418730196332034 ASBESTOS REMOVAL Garages, Sheds, Lean to’s, Roofing and CollectionCladdingandDismantlingBYRegisteredHazardousWasteCarrier LAWN MOWING SERVICE, Tel 01747 821 726 Treecare Tree Specialists TREE STUMP REMOVAL Pruning, bracing, shaping. Preservation of mature trees. Hedge cutting. Trees supplied & planted. Landscaping & maintenance. Heavy duty winch hire available. Tree Surgery BS.3998 Contractors to local authorities. WOODTel/Fax:FreeFORCHIPPINGSSALEQuotes&AdviceShafts853512Mobile:07831262083 Established in 1976 At TreeCare we care... TREEWISE aspectsExpertsinallof TREE HEDGECUTTINGSURGERY,&STUMPREMOVAL NPTC qualified & fully insured No job too small, Friendly, personal advice and free quotations. Make a wise choice and call David Merefield today on 01747 850906 / 07966 522361 GARDEN RESCUE TEL: 01747 821 726

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net54 Home & Garden Don’t miss out - visit us now! Monday – Saturday 9am – 5:30pm and Sunday 10am – 4pm Milton on Stour, Gillingham SP8 5QA 01747 824015 S is for SEPTEMBER S is for SPECIAL OFFERS S is for SALE

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 55 Home & Garden We are a traditional sawmill in Dorset offering High quality timber from locally sourced trees Building, Landscaping & Fencing CedarTimberShingles & Shakes Feature CladdingStumps–Waney edge, Square edge, Featheredge and Profiled edges Posts –inc weather tops Beams/Mantels (New & Rustic) – Green & Air SleepersDried200 x 100 & 200 x 50 (or any other size) Rare, unusual & exotic hardwoods Extensive range of Slab/Plank Wood available both air dried & kiln dried – Oak, Birch, Beech, Ash, Yew, Walnut, Sweet Chestnut, Macrocarpa, Sequoia (Red Wood), Cherry, Plum, Monkey Puzzle, Sycamore & more! 100s in stock... Linwood Sawmill Ltd, Willow Farm, Holt Road, Wimborne, BH21 7JY 01202 402018 / 07444 789137 / / Woodland Mulch & Clean Path/Play Chip Linwood’s wood chip is made from a mixture of hard and softwoods, its durable and long lasting. *Prices plus vat. Free delivery for BH postcodes (min order of 2 bags/loads) Woodland Mulch Chip Clean Path Chip Woodland Mulch Chip Clean Path Chip Cube Bag (0.6m3) Cube Bag (0.6m3) Cube Loose (1m3) Cube Loose (1m3) £35£30£60£40 £30£25£55£35 £25£20£50£30 1 bag/loadeach 2 bag/loadeach 3+bags/loadeach 01747 359015 www inspire eden co uk | hello@inspire eden co uk SHOWROOM OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK! UNIT 2, STATION ROAD, GILLINGHAM SP8 4QQ Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01963 530 112 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS garagefifor£895From*afullyttedelectricdoor. WAS £1,354 INCLUDING VAT. *O er valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Landscaping, Groundworks and Garden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing Free Quotation Tel: 01747 850544 Mobile: 07921,GroundworksandGarden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing Free Quotation Tel: 01747 850544 Mobile: 07921,Groundworks and Garden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing Free Quotation Tel: 01747 850544 Mobile: 07921,GroundworksandGarden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing Free Quotation Tel: 01747 850544 Mobile: 07921,Groundworksand Garden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing Free Quotation Tel: 01747 850544 Mobile: 07921, Groundworks and Garden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing Free Quotation Tel: 01747 850544 Mobile: 07921

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net56 Home & Garden LOGS GOOD SEASONEDQUALITYOAK&ASHLOGS Barn stored, £170 for 8ft by 6ft trailer load, Delivery free within 10 mile radius of Templecombe. 07773 254174, ANDY BLACKMORE VALE LOG SPLITTING AND CHIPPING - Your local mobile service07760 469411 HUSQVANA 418TS RIDE-ON MULCH MOWER, petrol, 112cm cutting deck, recently serviced, vgc £4,800 no vat 07974 764793 OAK DINING TABLE and six rush seated dining chairs, good condition. £300. 01747 824109 RACING 62PR RIDE-ON MOWER good condition hardly used. £500 buyer collects. 01985 221859 SEASONEDLOGSHARDWOOD £155 double load £90 half load 01258 880892 07980 036250 LOGS R US 1 ton pickup load of logs £100 double load £160 dumpy bag £70 All 0125807790hardwood404593818081 WANTED: GARDENER ONE DAY A WEEK. Planting and maintenance for small garden and vegetable patch. No Mowing. Also Part time cleaner. 4 hours per week. 4 Bedroom house in Gasper, Stourton. Contact : or text 07713 643977 OUR LOCAL SHOWROOMS: Newbury, Gillingham, Dorset SPB 4QL | 01747 835394 Wincanton Business Park, Somerset BA9 9RR | 01963 33574 | 9.00amSaturday:8.30amMondayRe-UpholsteryBlindsCurtainsKarndeanWoodRugsVinylsCarpets-Friday:-5.30pm-4.30pmestablished in 1978 For all your fencing and decking needs Closeboard, panels & sheds supplied and fitted. Gates made to measure. Sherborne Fencing Ltd Tel: 01935 814272 Mobile: 07814246332 Grow your business with The New Blackmore Vale Magazine Call us on to 400186advertisingdiscussinthemagazineandonline01963 LAWN SCARIFYING, Moss and thatch removal. Tel 01747 821 726

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 57 North Dorset Tree Surgeons We carry out all aspects of tree surgery, hedge cutting and stump grinding. Ash dieback specialist. Fully insured and NPTC qualified. Call Will today on 01747 854517 or 07872 970741 Professional Experienced Reliable Home & Garden Tree Surgery. Reductions. Felling. Hedge Trimming. Stump Grinding. Woodchip supplies. Family run business since 1946 Tel: 01963 250005 Mobile: 07976 934 252 Tree Surgery. Reductions. Felling. Hedge Trimming. Stump Grinding. Woodchip supplies. Family run business since 1946 Tel: 01963 250005 Mobile: 07976 934 252 Machine or Hand-Lay Local Authority Approved ESTABLISHED 1988 All aspects of Surfacing Roads Drives Footpaths Drop Kerbs Resin Bond Drives Call for a free quote 01747 820234 The Depot, Longcross, Zeals BA12 6LJ SEWJESSALLI SEWINGSCHOOL &SHOP GlenmoreBusinessPark,Blandford,DT117FP 01258268541 WORKSHOPS CLASSES&CLUBS FABRICS HABERDASHERY ALLAGESWELCOME Barn SeasonedStoredFirewood £80 per bag Free delivery, any area Call Phil on 07903 535 745 LES BENHAM Garden Property Maintenance All Hedge/tree work/rubbish clearance Gravel Driveways/Pressure Washing Patio and Fencing Work Fully Insuranced/Free Quotes 01258 458849/07788 907343 / check a trade GUTTERS CLEARED • Windows, • Fascias, • Soffits, • Gutters cleaned, • Repairs, • Free Estimates 07788-376752 £250 VOUCHER OFF THE COST OF YOUR UPGRADE Book your free loft insulation quotation today 0800 246 5145 Looking to reduce your energy bills? HOWISEFFICIENTTHERMALLYYOURLOFTINSULATION? We are the leading local supplier of loft insulation

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net58 North Buckham Farm, Beaminster Tel: 01308 863054 / 07974 943411 We deliver a range of products in various sizes to North Dorset, Somerset & South Wiltshire postcodes. Please get in touch to place your Compost,order. Top Soil, Mulch, Manure & Chippings DELIVERY WWW.CHEDINGTONCOMPOST.CO.UK STORAGE BOSS FLAT PACK STORAGE CONTAINERS for SALE or RENTAL* *(on your own premises) Call 01722 714514 today to discuss your requirements Home & Garden Season Barn Dry Logs 20 miles radius of Sherborne FREE delivery Tel: 01935 815534

• We supply,can fit and tankyourtakeoldaway which prevent water and bugs to build up in your tank. This year has seen the cost of living increase dramatically. That’s not news to anyone but what we’ve been doing here at Northover Energy may well be! We decided before the Easter half term to run a simple competition. We delivered some pictures of our new Scania R770s to the surrounding primary schools and asked the kids to colour them in and return them! This gave them the chance to get their name on the side of one of the lorries! More importantly, the lucky winner also won their parents/guardians 1000 litres of heating oil. Whilst this competition was running the cost of oil was well over £1 could imagine it was a tough choice as to who was happier Lewis or hisThismum!was Lewis at the yard, right, when the new lorries arrived! What a proud day for all of us at Northover Energy! Before putting these R770’s to work, we took the opportunity to use them as a backdrop to present our most recent cheque to Julia’s house…WOW What a fantastic charity they are. If you’re a customer of ours and you’ve ordered online before, you’ll know you have the opportunity to donate at checkout! The owners of Northover Energy love nothing more than digging deep to match your generous donations. These fantastic photos would not have been possible without the amazing generosity of Lord and Lady Radnor of Longford Estate. Most recently we rolled out our new competition. ‘Northover Energy postcode Lott’oil’ry’. I’m sure you all know the format. We publish a postcode at the start of the month and if you’re in the chosen postcode that month and
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 59 Head Office: Butts Pond Industrial Estate, Sturminster Newton, Dorset DT10 1AZ Tel: 01258 472619 | Your local suppliers of Heating Oil, Commercial Fuels, AdBlue, Lubricants and Gas Bottles The Family Firm That Keeps You Warm! EMERGENCY DELIVERY Within 24 Hours EXPRESS DELIVERY Within 3 Days STANDARD DELIVERY Within 5 Working Days HEATINGDOMESTICOIL Order online at COMMERCIALFUELS 205L GAS LUBRICANTSADBLUEWHITEOILDIESEL Like our Facebook page for offers and information & REPLACEMENTS
quotations •
Northover Energy... the family firm that’s been keeping you warm for over 100 years

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net60 Local Services ARCHITECTURAL, BUILDING & ELECTRICAL Free estimates for all electrical work, no VAT North Dorset location, will travel. Call Alan Brown, C&G 2330, 2391,2382 on 01258 446258 or 07976 630 904 FRANKS D T L 01747 •Alterations •Renovations •Carpentry •Kitchen Fitting •Bathroom Fitting •Wall/Floor Tiling •Plastering •Hard Landscaping •Painting & Decorating •Plumbing •Electrical MAINTENANCE GROUP Serving all your interior & maintenanceexteriorneeds BUILDINGMAINTENANCE Architectural Services Planning & Building Applications for New Build, Extensions and Conversions 01747 822162 Our advice is always free DORSET LIME Specialists in all external and internal lime work. Lime crete flooring. All aspects of traditional building. Call Dave or Dan 07492 181788 DORSET WOOD TRADITIONAL BUILDINGS Oak Timber Framing Bespoke Timber Building Traditional Building Specialist inc All Building WorklAll aspects of Lime External and Internal CRendering/Plastering/RepointingLimeCreteFlooringhimneyRebuildsandRepointing Contact Dave Welsh 07838 654468 PlumbingPainting& decorating Shed erecting & repairs Flat pack furniture Shelves & curtain rails No job too small. Please call with your requirements. 01963 364457 07368 J& C Handyman Services Door hanging & skirting Gutteringboards and facia clearing and PointingFencingreplacementetc... Home extensions | Barn Conversions Cottage Renovations | New Build Homes Project Phone:EstablishedManagementover40years 07979 210 074 / 01747 855 280 E: w: Buildingwww.sturgessandsturgess.comConstructionSpecialists Concrete & Floor Screed Mixed On site Any Quantity Delivered Sand Gravel Stone Cement Blocks etc Supplied Loose or in Big Bags Good Quality Top Soil in Stock Now available... Rockery Stone Competitive Rates 01747 853687 or 01747 Groundworks . Construction . Plant Hire . Muck Away . Drainage . Landscaping . Agri/Equine construction Ma x: 07854 117590 Jamie; 07773 178083 p

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 61 Tel: Damp Control Timber CondensationDryTreatmentsRotControl30-YearBondedGuarantee ALL IRONWORK. Handrails. Gates. Railings. Repairs.01258Restoration.880301 Local Services ARCHITECTURAL, BUILDING & ELECTRICAL SW BUILDING & RENOVATIONS All aspects of building and plumbing catered for Tel: 07970 437786 e: Fully Insured Failed Double Glazed Units UPVC Windows and Doors Shower Screens, Balustrades Free Survey T: 01747 631899 / 07708 180306 e: w: B.LUCAS General builder 25 Years Experience, City & Guilds Qualified Extensions, Renovations, Alterations, New Build, Plastering, Floor and Wall Tiling, Brickwork, Blockwork, Stonework and Patios, Fencing and Decorating. FREE estimates, No VAT 01747 228827 07809 362919 Steve Guppy Home Maintenance & Improvements Fully Insured Tel: 01747 590584 Mob: 07812 106 513 FLATPACK ASSEMBLY. Shelving. New locks fitted or replaced.07552 540540 CARPENTERTRADITIONAL and general builder, loft conversions and extensions. Kitchen, bathrooms, doors, painting and 07852plastering.201867 Call 01747 229757 email: General building Extensions/Renovations Loft conversions Oak frame Groundwork/LandscapingbuildingsAllyourpropertyneeds Bryan G Paulley LtdOil Tank Services Domestic & CommercialREPLACEMENTTANKSINSTALLATIONSRE-SITINGTEMPORARYTANKSEMERGENCYPUMPOUTSBUNDED/SINGLESKINMETALTANKS/FUELSTATIONSABOVEGROUNDORBELOWMOLINGSERVICEFORBELOWGROUNDUTILITIESCOMMERCIALBOILERREMOVAL New bunded tank installed for between £1300 and £1900 +VAT depending on size of tank. All areas. OFTEC Registered Tel: 01963 363870 24hr Emergency, Leaking Tanks or Oil Spills 07836 502683 E:

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net62 Local Services CHIMNEYS CHIMNEYS K.SANSOM CHIMNEY SWEEP: Brush & vacuum APICS01963registered370038 STEVE ADAMS SWEEPINGCHIMNEY HETAS registered woodburner and flue installer. Birdguards and cowls 07932 655267 CHIMNEY SWEEP Evening and appointmentsweekendsavailable07725112160 Tel: 01258 NACS certificates issued Chimneys and Flues Extremely clean service Fully insured (£5m) Smokin ChimneyNicelySweeps Vale Computers Your local computer specialist Any computer related problem fixed: Blank screen, slow computer, upgrades, virus removal, broadband setup and data recovery. Fixed charge repairs – no call out charge. New and second-hand computers for sale. MS CompTIA+ certified engineers. Ring 01258 880442 Email: Open Hours: Mon to Fri: 8.30am to 4.30pm Sat: 9.00am to 1.00pm COMPUTERS & TECH SOLID FUEL INSTALLATIONS LTD accredited installers from the competent persons scheme for wood burners, multi fuel stoves, chimney liners and twin walled flues. Sweeping chimneys, birdguards & cowls. Fireplace alterations to your needs, chimney works including pointing. 01749 677440 - 07921 074602 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Purchase advice, Virus Removal, New PC Setup/ Installation, Internet Connection, Upgrades, Computer/ Software Tuition - Call Gregg on 01963370713 DEREK ETHERINGTON BSc(Hons). PC/Mac, Repairs, Networks, Websites, Tuition. Free local callout. 01963362403 CLEANING SHINY STOVES OVEN CoveringIndependentOvens,Ranges,CLEANINGAga’s, Joseph Crocker Computers Custom built gaming & office PCs Desktop & laptop repair Help with mobile devices General computer and IT advice NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL 01963 23669 07484 Want to advertise your Debibusiness?Thornecontact: 28940907714 Cadvertisinglassified place your ad today adverts@blackmorevale.netemail: ARCHITECTURAL, BUILDING & ELECTRICAL Quantity Surveying Estimating Surveying Dispute Resolution 01749 813625 Robert Chalke www.rca-qs.comAssociates ASAarchitects Architecture Masterplanning Conservation EXTENSIONS, CONVERSIONS, NEW BUILD. FREE CONSULTATION. Book Online classified@

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 63 Local Services Get connected. Stay connected. Call me now on 07805 783147 WiFi • Email • FaceTime • WhatsApp Skype • Google • eBay • Amazon Facebook • Twitter • Instagram • Friendly, patient, and knowledgeable help • Keep in touch with family, friends and colleagues for free over the Internet • Sell online easily, quickly and reliably • Buying advice, setup and installation I’m Phil Hudson, your local tech expert and trouble-shooter. I’ll come to you and sort things out, at a time that suits you. Or you can drop off your machine at my workshop for quick, efficient care and maintenance. R Laptop R Tablet R Smartphone R desktop PC AERIALS & Satellite Direct Repairs & Installations - 7 days per week No VAT - Prompt & Friendly Service TOM MOSS Mob: 07931 727 961 Email: COMPUTERS & TECH Painting & Decorating Local Quality Painter & Decorator, All maintenance.home 35 Years Experience FREE Estimates. No VAT Tel: 01258 880670 Mob: 07825512627 ‘Your home in safe and capable hands’ DECORATION, FLOORING & CARPENTRY DECORATION, FLOORING & CARPENTRY BLACKMORE VALE HANDYMAN SERVICES Efficient - Tidy - Insured - Reliable 35 Year’s Experience Decorating, Plumbing, Carpentry, Plastering, Wall tiling, Pointing. And much more. No job too small. Contact Brian for a quote 01747 821454 07410 blackmorevalehandyman@gmail.com580499 LES BENHAM Painting Services, Property Maintenance, Domestic/ Commercial Inside or Out, Fully Insured/Free Quotes 01258 458849/ 07788 907343 /checkatrade DOMESTIC APPLIANCES PROPER DOMESTICS APPLIANCE REPAIRS & INSTALLATION 01747 416059 Property Service John Banham’s Contact:BathroomsREFRESHING&KitchensUpgradesandCarpentryDecoratingservicesRefreshingsaleandrentalupgradesHandymanprojectsPlumbingrepairsTilingservicesJohnBanham Office: 01747 838 087 Mobile: 07768 190 131 email: Contact us 01963 400186to advertise W STAGG, DECORATING Services, Interior & Exterior, City & Guilds Qualified, 07894 wstaggdecor@gmail.com328774, Deadline to place your advert is the Friday before publication.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net64 Want to build your BlackmoreThetobusiness?DebiThorneradvertisecallNewValeMagazine07714289409 Local Services DOMESTIC APPLIANCES LOCKSMITHS & GARAGE DOORS LOCKSMITHS & GARAGE DOORS Jeans of Mere, offerrepairsappliance on most brands with fixed labour repair charges (parts on top) 01747Call860215 Jeans of Mere offer appliance repairs on most brands with fixed labour repair charges (parts on top) 01747Call860215 D&TandPlumbingHeating Oil servicing and repairs, plus all other aspects of plumbing and heating carried out t:01747 854887 m:07525 755 696 PEST CONTROLMUSICGUITARSHERBORNETUITION 01935 389655 ahiahel@live.comPLUMBING, HEATING & DRAINAGE Sectional Doors / Roller Doors / Up and Over Side Hinged / Personnel Doors Spares & AutomationInstallationAccessories/Servicing/ PESTSPECTRUMCONTROL Wasps, Rodents and all other pests humanely dealt with. Honey Bee swarms collected and re-homed T: 01258 721462 M: 07379 405080 Qualified and Experienced Technician. Member of the British Pest Control Association Deadline to place your advert is the Friday before publication. WE BUY & SELL QUALITY USED GUITARS and offer a repair, restoration & custom build service. Crimson Guitars & Luthiery School 01300 348862 BASS PLAYER NEEDED by 5 piece nature covers band. Rehearsal room near ContactAfternoonCrewkerne.practice.Simon07867452666 Want to build your NEW HOUSEHOLD MOBILE KEY CUTTING SERVICE Covering Dorset and Wiltshire From Blandford to Witchampton Including Sturminster Marshall and Tisbury No call out charge, minimum 4 keys. 07747 488587 • Shoe Repairs • Key Cutting • Engraving • Car Key Programming & Repairs 4 Salisbury Street, Shaftesbury SP7 8EJ 01747 853 Contact to40018601963Usadvertise

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 65 PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAINAGE ABBEYUNBLOCKINGDRAINAGEDRAINS Sinks Toilets Rodding High pressure jetting CCTV Surveys No dig relining Septic tank and water treatment plant installation All repairs and renewals No call out charge 01747 640188 07587 238563 We cover all of the Blackmore Vale area Septic Tanks, Treatment Plants & Soakaways Problems with your sewage system? Need to replace your septic tank? Speak to your local experts 01747 823731 or 07970 484890 Established 1980 FOR ALL YOUR DRAINAGE NEEDS • Blocked Drains • Drain Repair/Relining • CCTV Surveys for Drains • Drainage Investigation • Septic Tank Installation/Repair • Sewage Treatment Plant Installations/ Services 24 HOUR DRAIN CLEARANCE Office: 01747 859203 Mobile: 07453 319391 Email: Local Services 01258 472132 01747 250010 heating and plumbing services 01258 446186 07973 183658 • Natural Gas, LPG and Oil • Central Heating and Power Flushing • Condensing CombinationandBoilers • Landlord’s Certificates • Bathrooms, Kitchens and Tiling • All of the Blackmore Vale area covered01258 452500 DRAIN SEPTICCCTVUNBLOCKINGSURVEYSTANKEMPTYING BLANDFORDDRAINS Family Establishedbusiness1996 Shaftesbury 01747 812335 Mobile: 07971 865496 email: OKEFORD HEATING LTD • PROFESSIONAL • TRUSTED • RELIABLE • • OIL AND GAS HEATING INSTALLATIONS • • BOILER REPLACEMENT AND SERVICING • • LANDLORD’S GAS SAFETY CERTIFICATES • • BESPOKE PLUMBING AND BATHROOM DESIGN • 123456 128053 500285 General Plumbing Oil/Natural Gas/LPG Installations Bathroom and Kitchen Installations New Boilers and Cylinders Underfloor Heating & Renewables Landlord Safety Certificates Office: 01747 829222 Mobile: 07900916810 Email: MJ HPPS LTD Plumbing and Heating Contractors All workmanship guaranteed, along with manufacturers’ warranties. Cadvertisinglassified place your ad today adverts@blackmorevale.netemail:

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net66 Local Services TAXIS JASMINE CARS TAXI SERVICE 07495 922821 Comfortable, spacious and clean estate cars. For hospitals, airports, seaports and local work. Distance no object, day trips and special occasions. Lady driver available. For safe Covid-aware transport. 5 star Google rating. JUST ASK! ROOFING ROOFING CHRIS LANGLEY FLAT ROOFING BLANDFORD Specialist in Hi-performance felt & GRP. All of our work is GUARANTEED. All types of roofing professionally carried out. PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF ALL ORDERS. 01258-450879 | 07855-402799FREEQUOTESANDESTIMATES Tel: 07931 583614 valesideroofing@hotmail.comFinduson Based in Wincanton Tom the Roofer I cover all aspects of roofing work, gutter replacement, cleaning and repair work t:01747 854887 m:07525 755 696 • Felt Roofing Specialist • Tiling, Slating and UPVC • Velux Windows • No Job Too Small • Insurance Work • Leadwork Friendly Service Free Estimates Mobile 07973 PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAINAGE REMOVALS & STORAGE to advertise your business email The New Blackmore Vale Magazine ANDHEATINGPLUMBINGFRANKS D T L,vicingand826656 •Boiler Replacement •Boiler Servicing •Gas, Oil & LPG •General Plumbing •Bathrooms •Landlord Certification •Solid Fuel ServicingInstallationStoveand MAINTENANCE GROUP TrustScore 4.4 Book your free quote www.armishaws.comtoday. Safe. Secure. Simple. Household Storage 01258Blandford447005 01305Dorchester231267 01747Shaftesbury440426 01935Sherborne316221 01925Warminster984459 01963Wincanton34065 To advertise your business Debi Thorne Advertising Manager Tel: 07714 289409 email: contact: Book Online classified@

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 67 TILING WANTED - Dave buys all types of tools. Call 01935 428975 TOOLS & DIY WASTE & HOUSE CLEARANCE WASTE & HOUSE CLEARANCE MaidenClearanceNewtonLtd We clear houses, garages, gardens across Dorset. Our experienced team will bag, box and clear everything. We will purchase some items or advise on those that should go to auction. Free quote on viewing. Where our waste goes – we try to recycle as much as we can however some of the items cleared are not reusable. Our waste is split into categories of household waste, wood, rubble, metals, and hazardous waste such as old refrigeration units, paint and mattresses. Our waste goes to Canford Recycling centre, near Wimborne or Dorset Waste Partnership. Contact Chris: 07580 193 352 Kim: 07467 070 960 Email: Fully licensed & insured. Waste carriers licence no: CDBU204730 All Size Skips Available Full muckaway service available, small or large loads inc grab lorries Tipping facilities at our LoosetopSandpremises,gravel&soilsuppliedorinBulkBagsTradeandDIYwelcome Ring for enquiries Gillingham 01747 826107 Trusted family run business T F PLANTSKIPHIRE Rob’s Clearance • House, shed, and site clearance • Rubbish removed • Recycling carried out • Good/interesting items bought for cash • Friendly and reliable 01747 839751 or 07956 414896 www. .com HOUSE CLEARANCE Plus Sheds, Attics, Garages & Gardens Quality Items Offset Registered Waste Carrier Tel: 01258 440838 or 07853 enquiries@back2market.com275379 Local Services ALL AREAS COVERED ALL SIZE OF SKIP AVAILABLE PLEASE RING 01258 860 166 or 07974 822 243 CLIVE SMITH ANYTIME Waste Transfer Note Smiths Triangle, Fifehead, St Quinton, Sturminster Newton, DT10 2AW (Also disposal site) Email: Tel: 01258 860 166 Mobile: 07974 822243 Waste Carriers Number: CBDU112820 Ticket No: Permit Number: EPR/JB3101KP VAT Reg Number: 634 6316 44 Date ______________ S.I.C Code: 38110 By signing this form confirm have fulfilled my duty to apply the Waste Hierarchy as required by Regulation 12 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011. PRINT NAME __________________________________ SIGNATURE ________________________________ WHITE OFFICE YELLOW CUSTOMER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS (SEE REVERSE) Clive Smith Ltd. SKIP HIRE NOTEPLEASE • LEVEL LOADS ONLY • IT IS DANGEROUS TO TRANSPORT AN OVERLOADED SKIP, THIS INCLUDES BOARDS TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE LOAD. THE DRIVER MAY REFUSE TO REMOVE AN OVERLOADED SKIP AND/OR AN EXTRA CHARGE WILL APPLY TO COVER COSTS. No Asbestos • Do not move skip • No Plasterboard/Gypsum • No Fires in Skip • No Sludge • NO Fridges / Freezers • Tyres • Gas Bottles • Toxic Solvents • Paints and Liquids CUSTOMERS ORDERING VEHICLES OFF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY DO SO ENTIRELY ON THEIR OWN RESPONSIBILITY (See Condition 17 overleaf). RegistrationVehicle Driver Customer Address COLLECTIONEXCHANGEDELIVERYDATESkip Size Description 2 Yrd Mixed Con, Brick 170107 4 Yrd Concrete 170101 6 Yrd Soil & Stone 170504 8 Yrd G Mixed Waste 170904 NOTEPLEASE Clive Smith Waste Transfer Note.qxp_Layout 1 01/10/2020 09:33 Page 1 SKIP HIRE The 01963BlackmoreNewValeMagazineExpandyourcustomerbasecalltoadvertise400186BookOnline classified@ Contact

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net68 Pets
BANTAMS FOR SALE Pretty birds hatched this year. £10 each Tel: 07823 559249 PUPPIES FOR SALE Merle, Spotted and White 3 girls 2 boys Available from mid September Please Call Amber 07525 750996 KITTENS FOR SALE, friendly, several colours 01963 458199 GUINEA PIGS, ALL COLOURS, various ages, male and female - £5 each loving home - 01963 458199
The ins and outs of microchips...
The Control of Dogs Order 1992 still requires that any dog in a public place must wear a collar with the owner’s name – initial and surname – address and postcode engraved or written on it, or engraved on a dog identity tag. Dogs not wearing a tag can be seized by the dog warden and a fine be charged for their return if found wandering. It is not yet a legal requirement for cats to be microchipped, although this requirement has been proposed and is likely to become law under plans already formulated by the Government. It would be required from 20 weeks of age and, like dogs, owners would be given 21 days to comply or risk a £500 fine. It makes sense to get your cat chipped. If a cat is injured or dies outside it is very difficult to locate its owner without a chip. Cats without distinctive markings can be very difficult to accurately identify. Cats may travel long distances and may be taken to a vets away from their home making social media ineffective at locating their owners.Collars with tags are less suitable for cats because of the risk of them getting caught up or lost. Only quick release collars should be used as significant injuries can be caused by cats getting caught by their collars. A paper one – so that it will tear if caught up – can be used if you need other people to know that your cat is owned if it is prone to wandering or visiting other homes.Ifyou look on any Facebook page there are daily reports of missing or found cats. Cats are unique in our pets in that they are allowed to roam freely. This allows them to go where they like, visit who they like and move home permanently if they choose. Microchipping provides a quick, simple way to identify a cat and contact their owner to establish if they are missing or lost or, as is often the way, choosing to visit new areas. Unfortunately, many chips do not have their registered details updated when contact information changes. Many pets brought in to vets have chips but their owners cannot be contacted because of this. Please update details, provide multiple phone numbers and email addresses to minimise the risk of being uncontactable. Many other species are also microchipped. It is a legal requirement in horses and CITES-restricted species of tortoises. It is also sensible to chip other species including rabbits, ferrets and birds, as well as other species of tortoise. It is demoralising for veterinary staff when a sick, injured or deceased animal is brought in without a chip or with out-of-date details. We do our best to trace owners but sometimes welfare issues or time constraints mean decisions have to be made in the absence of the owner to ensure the animal’s best interests are considered.
Independent family run business offering a very personal, caring pet cremation service to bereaved pet owners. Collection Service Farewell Room Out of Hours Service provided Located in a rural countryside setting on the Somerset Dorset border Contact us on: 07900 654
MINI SMOOTH DACHSHUND PUPS. DNA tested clear. Vaccinated, health checked & micro-chipped READY NOW. 07707 646359
The Government has formulated plans for compulsory microchipping of cats.
JACK RUSSELL X LAKELAND PUP'S. Show parents. Pup's JRT colour. £900. docked dewclawed, vet certificate. Also Jack Russell bitch pup 15 weeks old, rough coat. £950. 07779 685709 F1B COCKERPOOS available mum can be seen all black and one liver please call for more information 07596 286649 BLACK & WHITE KITTENS £40 01963 362351
by Lynn PracticeLongmeadBroomVeterinary
PHOTO: Mabel Amber/ Pixabay
Microchips became available in 1989 in pets to provide a permanent form of identification. In 2016 it became a legal requirement in the UK for all dogs to be microchipped from eight weeks of age. Owners are given 21 days to comply and risk a £500 fine for non-compliance.Italsobecame a requirement that the first registered owner of puppies from a litter is the breeder so that the puppy can be traced back even if the new owner fails to get the chip registered to themselves.
CompanionsatPeace Pet Cremation
WEIMARANER PUPPIES. Amazing parents, good breeding. Loving with children, adults and other family animals. Fully wormed, 1st and 2nd vaccination, microchipped and KC registered. If seriously interested please contact 07521 136185 KITTENS £20 EACH Various colours. All female Ready now. Yeovil 07967 478793
Friars Moor Sturminster Newton Contact Gloria 07784 15http://muckypups-bee-online.commuckypupsfrance@yahoo.com332682yearsexperienceindoggrooming
LOVELY CLUMBER CROSS COCKER PUPPIES for sale. Will make excellent working dogs or lovely family pets please contact Sophie 07444 892321 for more information 3 BLACK KITTENS FOR SALE, ready now, young ducks available would make ideal pets Tel 01747 828736

Behaviours often perceived as indicating ‘guilt’ have been shown to be fearful or appeasement behaviours – that is behaviours designed to reduce or stop aggression.Since aggression is almost always a response to a perceived threat, punishing a dog for showing aggression is particularly damaging and often actually increases aggressive behaviour. This is because the original ‘threat’ is now even more threatening – as bad or scary things often happen in its presence. This may not happen immediately – indeed, punishment often appears to ‘work’ at first – and will not always be directed at the original target. This is why clinical animal behaviourists do not use punishment to try to solve behaviour problems.
We urgently need outside homes for a number of farm/feral cats. If you have a farm/stables/ground and can help, please contact us. Roo (three months). Lovely little dumpling of a kitten. Timid but affectionate. Needs home with no other animals. Tiny (three months). Tiny little girl, bundle of fun, will suit any Max (four). Lovely friendly black boy will suit any Nero (one). Black and white boy. Friendly – needs quiet home to build his confidence. Millie (nine). Gorgeous fluffy tabby and white girl, desperate for love and attention but a little shy. Needs a quiet, safe home. Hattie (one). Black and white. outside.understandingNeedshomeashasneverbeenLookingforpossiblegardenhome.
If you are regularly seeing a cat in your garden or down your street which you don’t think has an owner, please give us a call. It might be a lost cat that could be reunited with its owner. n Pale ginger/white tabby found in Stalbridge. n Black and white female found Child Okeford.
If you have lost a cat please contact us via our website, phone or Facebook. Please make sure we have a contact phone number so we can get in touch with you quickly if needed. n Black cat still missing from Alexandra Street, Blandford since July. Chipped but no collar. FOUND CATS
Reprimanding or punishing your dog for a misdeed comes naturally to many owners. However, it is often ineffective and, worse, often causes or worsens behavioural problems, particularly aggression.
Dogs do not understand English, and despite what owners believe, don’t usually understand exactly what the punishment – which they will perceive as unprovoked aggression – is for or how to avoid it. Plus punishment does not teach the dog what behaviour is wanted.
These are the cats which have most recently been lost or found – please check out our Facebook page or give us a call. LOST CATS
Punishment is defined as ‘the application of a stimulus that decreases the chance that a behaviour will be repeated’.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 69 Pets Loving homes needed for cats and kittens in our care. MID CATSDORSETPROTECTION For more details, please call our helpline 01258 858644 or visit our website: (Formerly Blandford & Sturminster) Sponsored by Longmead Veterinary Practice Ltd For details, please call our helpline on 01258 858644 or visit our website, BEHAVIOUR TIPSCAN YOU BE A FOREVER HOME?
Helen Taylor BSc(Hons) ADipCBM; Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB); ABTC register of Clinical Animal Behaviourists and Animal Training Instructors; Member APBC & APDT (881); Phone: 07951 985193; help@; www.helentaylordorset.
We are still offering neutering and micro-chipping for £5 in postcode areas DT10, DT11, SP5, SP7, BH21 and now also in SP8. Phone 01258 268695.
Mid Branch Cats Protection

August and September are such busy months here at Rawston Farm. We have finished an early harvest this year, and we have been clearing the straw from the fields for winter feed and bedding. It’s also the time our dairy cows are calving and having their babies so they can produce lots of milk. We sell our milk to a co-operative called Arla, which I’m sure you’ve all seen advertised. You’ll have seen the butter, cheese, milk and other dairy products with its label on. Here in Dorset we produce some of the best milk in the country. This is because we have lush pastures which produce good grass that we then feed the animals on. We milk about 300 milking cows and these are split into two units with their own herd person looking after them. They milk them twice a day, early morning and again in the afternoon. It’s extremely hard work but also incredibly rewarding looking after and being responsible for their own animals. It’s wonderful to read that 96 per cent of UK adults continue to purchase milk on a regular basis and 94 per cent also buy cheese. Both are an essential component of a healthy and sustainable diet. Although we produce all this milk ourselves we cannot sell it direct to the public as we do not have a pasteuriser, so we also buy from local dairy farmers Meggy Moo’s – past winners and current sponsors of Love Local Trust Local. We sell its wonderful pasteurised milk, fabulous double cream and new range of homechurned butter in our farm shop. I love working with other likeminded businesses which are working equally hard to produce great local food from a small business in this very challenging climate.Recently Meggy Moo’s was invited to the House of Commons to showcase what it is doing for the British Dairy Industry together with other producers from across the UK. What an honour and a great achievement for a Dorset business to be up there having its say. Since that visit Meggy Moo’s Sea Salted Hand Crafted Butter has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Great Dorset Food Awards.It’sgood for farmers to hear that members of Parliament are interested in what’s going on in the food and farming world. Last week I had a good chat with several of our local councillors at the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show and they listened to our story with great none.welfareoftheit’sareCommunicationinterest.andeducationalwayskeyonbothsides,andimportanttorememberthatBritishdairyindustryisonethebestintheworldandourstandardsaresecondto Barbara Cossins is founder of Love Local Trust Local; www.;;www. produces some of the best milk in the country.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net70 Food & Drink
Harvest is done, calving has started
by Barbara Cossins
FarmEnfordShop Durweston DT11 0QW Home reared and locally produced meats, game, deli, fruit, veg, free range eggs and lots more. Follow us on Facebook for all our latest meat pack deals and what’s in fresh that week. BBQ packs also available. Half a pig approx £120. Chicken feeds etc available. Open Wednesday to Saturday 8.30am-4pm. Outside shop with self service for essentials open daily 8am-8pm 01258 450050 PiquantWarmingAromaticAward-winning, hand-crafted Dorset Gin. Visit Ash Farm Courtyard, Stourpaine DT11 8PW. Open Friday and Saturday 9am – 12 noon. Call us on 01258 The spirit of Dorset... Delivered.

We can’t wait to welcome you, through our doors to sample the local produce and enjoy the orchard.
We can’t wait to welcome you, through our doors to sample the local produce and enjoy the orchard. If you fancy a trip out with a friend or an alternative to shopping in the supermarkets this is a great destination worth exploring.
If you get a kick from making others’ days, can the gears on a busy day, are passionate about
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 71 Food & Drink
Roasted pears and plums with a vanilla mint yogurt (Serves 4) 4 plums 4 ½pearscupplain live yoghurt 4-5 mint leaves ½ tsp vanilla extract (or ¼ tsp vanillaHeatpowder)theoven to 180 degrees. Halve the plums and remove the stones. Halve the pears lengthways, or quarter if they are a lot larger than the plums, remove the core and stem. Place the fruit cut side up in an oven-proof dish and pop in the oven for 15-20 minutes until just tender – not mushy! While the fruit is in the oven, finely slice the mint leaves, stir into the yoghurt with the vanilla, and set aside. When you take the fruit out of the oven, allow it to cool for a couple of minutes, then divide into bowls and spoon over some yoghurt. I love using fresh mint in sweet and savoury dishes but know that to some this combination might sound a little odd – it works especially well with stone fruit, so I urge you to try it at least once! Rebecca Vincent BSc (Hons) BANT-registered nutritionist 07515 019430;
RESPONSIBLY SOURCED GOODS FROM FANTASTIC LOCAL PRODUCERS. It features a restaurant, food market, butcher, bakery, cheese counter, bottle shop selling wine local cider, and beer, a gift shop with independent-label gifts and healthy food to go. A healthy kitchen will serve nourishing plates from across the region.
WESTBOUNDA303 A303EASTBOUND CadburySouth North South Cadbury Junction NorthJunctionCadburySouth 1 Orchard Lane, South Cadbury, Yeovil BA22 7FS
If you fancy a trip out with a friend or an alternative to shopping in the supermarkets this is a great destination worth exploring.’twaittowelcomeyou, through our doors to sample the local produce and enjoy the orchard.
RESPONSIBLY SOURCED GOODS FROM FANTASTIC LOCAL PRODUCERS. It features a restaurant, food market, butcher, bakery, cheese counter, bottle shop selling wine local cider, CALL US 01963
Pears are a good source of vitamins C, B2, E, copper, potassium and fibre. They contain soluble and insoluble fibres, including pectin which is recognised as a prebiotic that feeds the good bacteria in our guts. Pears contain more pectin than apples which are typically considered a rich source.
Plums are a very good source of vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6, fibre and polyphenols such as neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. There are a wide variety of plums with colours ranging from the most commonly thought of purple-red right through to green-yellow, and these different colours can offer us different beneficial polyphenols which have anti-oxidant properties and many other benefits.
Pears and plums taste extra special when they are cooked.
If you fancy a trip out with a friend or an alternative to shopping in the supermarkets this is a great destination worth exploring. CALL US 01963 361755 GENERAL ENQUIRIES OPENING TIMES 8am-6pm 7 days a week
Healthy combo a right sweet treat
by Rebecca Vincent This time of year has me craving something sweet, and this dish using the beautiful plums and pears available from greengrocers at the moment really hits the spot! They are lovely to enjoy raw but always feel extra special when I take the time to cook them.

Meditations in nature: Sound of rain by Susie Curtin
Once all these have been eliminated from the diet, the detox can start. First is a kidney flush, the juice of a lemon in warm water with cayenne tincture or powder – not much – first thing in the morning for a few days. (I actually do it most mornings as the lemon juice, once through the digestive process, is alkalising to the body). Next comes a bowel cleanse. Both these are extremely important when detoxing. If you are not getting rid of the toxins and wastes in your body through the bowel or urine, it will be recycled and can become even more harmful, which leads to autotoxaemia, causing all sorts of problems. The bowel cleanse consists of demulcent powders which protect your mucous membranes and bulk up the stool while stimulating the liver to produce bile and draw out the toxins.This is run alongside a liver cleanse which is a delicious – I think – drink first thing in the morning which includes apple and lemon juice, garlic and olive oil, followed by a detox tea.The tea is important as it helps clear the liver and kidneys by having a gentle laxative and diuretic effect but at the same time providing vitamins and minerals for the body. The ‘tea’ is actually a decoction which contains lots of roots. The root is where the plant stores all its sugars and nutrients and they are only released through cooking, so it needs to boil for a couple of minutes and then simmer for at least 15, the end result being a very pleasant-tasting tea. The whole process takes about a month, but it leaves the body clean and strong to face the next season.
by Fiona Chapman
It’s mid to late August after the hottest summer I can recall. The landscape is yellow and parched, and there are places I barely recognise as the Dorset countryside. But this morning, I woke to the soft musical notes of rain, gently pitter-pattering on my garden below. It is 6.30am. I get up to see the fine straight rods of raindrops falling from the thundery greyness above. Apart from the rain, everywhere is still. The birds are singing elatedly, and the windless air is cool and welcoming. I gather my waterproof and step out to the sound of gentle popping noises on my hood, and the sweet smell of rain on the ground. I can almost hear the land sighing with relief. For some reason, I feel quite excited – perhaps it is the distant sound of thunder and the promise of a storm. Or maybe it is because it is a long time since I was last out in the rain. This summer has been extraordinary under the cloudless skies and searing heat. I have always loved the sunshine. Whatever the season, a bright sunny day always calls me outside. But when such hot, fine weather continues unabated, it begins to feel wrong – this is not the British summer of yesteryear. We usually make our plans with our fingers crossed for good weather as predictability and English summers do not go hand in hand. Rain is nearly always perceived as a negative component in art and literature. In Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Feste’s song reminds us that our festivities are only short-lived intervals – thereafter ‘it raineth every day’, a symbol of life’s hardship. But like most things, it all depends on your perspective. I look back rather ashamedly when I remember how I would sit at my mother’s kitchen table grumbling about yet another rainy day when my boys and I wanted to be on the beach. With infinite patience she would remind me that without the rain, we would not live in such a beautiful country, and that when she lived in Africa, people would pray for the rains to come. And when they did, all forms of life would flourish. She loved it. If she were here today, I would, for once, agree with her sentiment. Even in those days, I had to admit to her how much I enjoyed flying home to Britain and seeing Blake’s ‘green and pleasant land’. For now, I am happy to be striding out as the raindrops get heavier, and I think of all the good they are doing and the life they will replenish.
Detox now for a healthy autumn
Dr Susie Curtin (email
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net72 Health & Wellbeing
As we approach autumn and winter, we should be thinking of how to be as strong and healthy as possible to fight off all the lurgies which seem to surface once schools and colleges go back.Giving your body the tools to fight off any infection starts with a good detox and September is the time to clear ourselves out, strengthening the immune system and nourishing the blood which feeds all the cells in our Unfortunatelybody. doing a good detox does mean you have to give up coffee, alcohol, processed foods, dairy and sugar – but it is not for long and often, if you can do it, your body then does not need it and eating something sweet or processed becomes disgusting!
PHOTO: Roman Grac/ Pixabay Before detoxing you need to give up coffee, alcohol, processed foods, dairy and sugar.
PHOTO: Silvia/Pixabay
Rain is nearly always perceived as a negative component in art and literature.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 73 Health & Wellbeing
More than good – it’s essential for us to keep successfully.survivingAtthestart of this year, I set out my own goals for my business. Some of them are on track, others less so, having got lost in the distraction of everyday life or becoming less relevant. By the time you read this, the school holidays will be drawing to a close and I think the start of a new academic year is as good a time as any to consider how your plan is turning out – are you on track, is it all still working?While goals are for the most part helpful, they are there to serve us, not the other way round. We should not become slaves to the goals or targets we set for ourselves. When that happens, the anxiety produced as a byproduct is distracting, draining and time-wasting. If a goal is causing those symptoms, it probably needs revising. Or the tools you are using to reach that goal need reviewing.
Alice Johnsen is a life coach based near Sherborne (phone: 07961;) HAIRDRESSERMOBILE covering Shaftesbury and surrounding area. Contact Angela 01747 BOARDMAN854188SLR 8.6 Aluminium women’s road bike. Size M Grey with pink accents VGC. 07790833186£515.00 HEADKNEESSHOULDERSANDTOES Massage for Sciataca, and relaxation. Improve your health and well-being. Posture – helpful in easing the symptoms of Parkinsons WILLIAM ROWSWELL AHCP Qualified Massage Therapist Promassage999@gmail.com07771133293 FOOT CARE AT HOME Professional, friendly service since 2005. All common problems treated. Blandford, Sturminster Newton, Gillingham and Shaftesbury areas. Ring 01258 Keep your goals small or, with a big goal to aim for, break it down. PHOTO: Alexa/Pixabay
It’s mid-August as I write. The heatwave rages on and we’ve all stopped assuming it will rain soon. This summer has sharpened our focus on climate change and the lifestyles we will need to adapt to change,uncomfortableWhilesurvive.itcanbetomakechangeisgood.
Take stock: It’s time to review where you’re heading...
by Alice Johnsen
A goal in itself can be a good thing but it needs a story around it. Why are you aiming towards that particular goal? Why is this the right time in your stepsbreakregionalsuch–this,tryingtoareseemgoals.distraction?potentiallynowDoeswhatwhentraining?life/business/relationship/Howwillyouknowyouhaveachieveditandwillitleadyouonto?itsitwellwithyourlifeorisitastandaloneidea,astandaloneOnelastthoughtaboutAbiggoalwillquicklyunobtainablewhentimestough.Itbecomestooeasygiveuponwhatyouaretoachieve.Topreventkeepyourgoalssmallorwithabiggoaltoaimfor,asqualifyingforalevelsportsteam–itdown.Createsmalleryoucanworkthroughto take you to that goal. Give thought as to how you can recognise when you have achieved each step so your mini-successes build to motivate you towards the big success. That way, you build a feeling of having a positive influence on your life, you’re in control, moving forward and can be proud of what you are doing.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net74 Motoring CAR SERVICE COMING UP? All Makes Servicing Free vehicle health checks MOT Tests £39 Air-Con Servicing Tyres and Exhausts Brakes and Clutches Batteries Suspension Cambelts and Water Pumps ODIS VW Audi Diagnostics Generic Diagnostics (most makes) To book your service please call 01747 855247 or email Cann Common, Shaftesbury SP7 0EB MOTS, SERVICING AND REPAIRS ON ALL VEHICLES UP TO 3.5 TONNES INCLUDING HORSEBOXES AND MOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTRE MOTs – class 4, 5 and 7 Diagnostics Air Conditioning Courtesy Cars Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services MOTS, SERVICING AND REPAIRS ON ALL VEHICLES UP TO 3.5 TONNES INCLUDING HORSEBOXES AND MOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTREMOTS,SERVICINGANDREPAIRSONALLVEHICLESUPTO3.5TONNESINCLUDINGHORSEBOXESANDMOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTRE Over 30 years experience Best prices paid please call: Best prices paid please call: Best prices paid please call: Keeping you on the move... John’s Caravans Mobile Caravan Servicing & Repairs Please call 01747 853114 or 07546 548017 Looking to sell your car? advertise it in The New Blackmore Vale! email: DORSET’S COMMERCIALPREMIERVEHICLESERVICE Full dealer service for all makes of commercial vehicle Brake testing Tachograph service MOT preparation etc. ETS TRUCK&VAN 6 Witney Rd, Nuffield Industrial Estate, Poole BH17 0GH Tel: 01202 669339 Email: Shaftesbury Lane, Blandford, Dorset DT11 7FB Tel: 01258 480404 Email:

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 75 Motoring Five Square Motors (Bosch Garage) Salisbury Road (A30) Shaftesbury SP7 8BUCAR SALES 01747 CAR SALES WE BUY CARS & VANS SO IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL GIVE US A CALL, WE PAY GOOD PRICES & CONSIDER MOST VEHICLES. 01747 854789 2018 (18) Ford EcoSport 1.0T EcoBoost ST Line SUV 5dr. 140bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, partial leather, heated seats, heated steering wheel, park sensors & camera, 18" wheels, sunroof, blind spot assist, cross traffic alert, sign recognition, keyless, cruise, auto light & wipe, sat nav, bluetooth, hill start assist, B&O sound, 25,500 miles ....................................................................................................................£14250 2018 (18) Ford EcoSport 1.0T EcoBoost Zetec Nav SUV 5dr. 125bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, sign recognition, park sensors, hill start assist, heated front screen, DAB, touch screen, upto 54mpg, 18,500 miles ..............................................................£12450 2018 (67) Dacia Sandero 1.0SCe Ambiance 5dr. 75bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, exceptional value car with low running costs, 54mpg economy, bluetooth, USB, air con, hill start assist, 46,500 miles ..................................................................................................£6450 2019 (19) Mazda3 2.0 Sport Black 5dr. 120bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, heated seats, heated steering wheel, sat nav, reverse camera, park sensors, cruise control, auto lights & wipers, hill start assist, bluetooth, sign recognition, front scanner, 15,800 miles ..............£16750 2014 (64) Mini Hatch 2.0 Cooper S 3dr. 192bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, outstanding looks & performance, partial leather, auto lights & wipers, park sensors, hill start assist, bluetooth, cruise control, 78,500 miles ..................................................................£9650 2016 (66) Nissan Qashqai 1.2 DIG-T Tekna SUV 5dr. 115bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, reverse camera, park sensors, heated seats, leather seats, touch screen, bluetooth, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, hill start assist, lane aid, sign recognition, only 19,500 miles .................................................................................................................. £13250 2017 (66) Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T Tekna SUV 5dr. 115bhp, petrol. 6 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, touch screen, 360 degree reverse camera, leather seats, heated seats, cruise control, bluetooth, lane keeping aid, blind spot assist, speed sign recognition, hill start assist, auto lights & wipers, 28,500 miles .........................................................................................£10450 2018 (68) Renault Clio 0.9TCe GT Line 5dr. 90bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, touch screen, sat nav, partial leather seats, park sensors, auto activation lights & wipers, cruise control, hill start assist, bluetooth, upto 56mpg economy, 18,900 miles .........................................£10650 2019 (19) Skoda Karoq 1.5TSi SE Automatic SUV 5dr. 150bhp, petrol, 7 speed automatic gearbox, touch screen, bluetooth, park sensors, cruise control, hill start assist, auto activation lights & wipers, pre-collision assist, lane keeping aid, sat nav capability via smart phone car play, 12,900 miles ...........................................................................................................£19650 2018 (18) Vauxhall Astra 1.0 T EcoTech SRi 5dr. 105bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, hill start assist, bluetooth, DAB audio, touch screen, upto 58mpg, 32,000 miles ......................................................................................................£10450 2018 (68) Volvo V40 Cross Coutry Pro 1.5 T3 Automatic 5dr. 152bhp, petrol, 6 speed automatic gearbox, winter pack, heated seats, full leather seats, sat nav, reverse camera, park sensors, hill start assist, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, 2 tone alloys, bluetooth, full Volvo service history, 41,800 miles ..........................................................................................£14650 2013 (13) Volvo XC70 2.4TD D4 AWD 4x4 SE Lux Automatic Estate 5dr. 163bhp, diesel, 6 speed automatic, winter pack, heated seats, leather seats, sat nav, bluetooth, electric tailgate, park sensors, cruise control, front scanner, hill start assist, hill descent control, climate control, 30,800 miles .................................................................................................................. £16500 PART EXCHANGE CLEARANCE VEHICLES 2009 (09) Ford Focus CC3 2.0TDCi Coupe Cabriolet 2dr. 134bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, clearance car with MOT until May 2023, elec folding hard top, auto lights & wipers, cruise, partial leather, heated seats, 83,500 miles ............................................................£2250 2007 (57) Mini Clubman 1.6 Cooper Estate 5dr. 120bhp, 6 speed manual gearbox, starts & drives but needs plenty of work, can be driven but ideally trailer away, MOT Nov, spares or repairs, cheapest Clubman anywhere ..............................................................................£1200 COMMERCIAL'S 2018 (68) Ford Transit Connect 1.5 EcoBlue L1 200 Limited Van 5dr. 120bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, 2 seats, side door, bulkhead, ply lined, liner mat, cruise, auto lights & wipers, keyless entry, heated front screen, heated seats, DAB, bluetooth, hill start assist, park sensors, air con, 40,800 miles ............................................................£14500+VAT = £17400 NUMBER PLATE FOR SALE A4 TGM £350 MOTO GUZZI NEVADA 750, 2018, new MOT and Service, 2500 miles only in Excellent condition. £4,500 Tel 07761 233330 NISSAN NOTE 2008 Automatic 1.6 Tecna 109 BHP, silver, half leather interior, good condition, 55,504 miles, very reliable, £3000 Tel 01258 458749 Mobile 07864 297226 YAMAHA XS 650 HERITAGE SPECIAL Y 1983 8,500 Miles Been In Storage For Past 20 Years. Runs But Needs TLC £1,400 Tel: 07528 458586 FORD RANGER PICK-UP, 2007 Diesel King Cab. Tipper body with aluminium “greedy” boards. Tarp, a/c, ally wheels, hitch. Mot to Feb ‘23. £5,500 no vat. 07974 764793YEAR 2000 VAUXHALL VECTRA, 2.5 V6 Design edition. One owner from new, good clean condition for year. MOT June 2023, Petrol engine, 90,938 genuine miles. £1,600 ONO Tel: 07933 745933 WANTED CAR TRAILERS of all types 07736 871092 MOTORBIKES WANTED Non runners and Unwanted Phone Keith on 07966 213344 STORAGE FOR CARAVANS, boats and cars at Enford Farm near Blandford. 01258 450050 / 07704 813025 OLD, INTERESTING & CLASSIC CARS wanted pre 1990s Any condition including unfinished projects Cash/Transfer Please Phone Paul 07890 096907 UNWANTED VEHICLES bought for cash ●Mot failures ●end●Unfinished●Nonrunnersprojectsoflifescrapvehicles●minimumof£200paid for complete vehicles. Call Ryan on 07474 737577

The Funeral Service is to take place at Salisbury Crematorium, at 1300 on the 8th September 2022. Family flowers only please. Donations if desired in memory of Richard, to go to Parkinson's UK. Donations can be made within Bracher Brothers Funeral Directors, Newbury, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4QL. Tel: 01747 822494.
Passed away on 8th August 2022 aged 86 years at Salisbury District Hospital. Devoted Husband to Joyce, Loving Father to Rosalind, James, Francis and Michael, and Grandfather to Joshua, Francesca, George, Jemima, Molly-Rose, Cathrine, Lucas and Benjamin.
Passed away on 14th August 2022. Aged 71 years. A much loved Father and Grandfather. Karl will be sadly missed by his family and many friends.
Passed away peacefully at Dorset County Hospital on 5th August 2022, aged 81 years. Much loved brother to (the late Michael), Derek and Chris. Funeral Service at Weymouth Crematorium on Monday 5th September 2022 at 12.15pm. Family flowers only please. Donations if desired for Marie Curie may be sent c/o Woods Funeral Services 11a Icen Way, Dorchester. DT1 1EW Telephone 01305 250425 ROGER MERYON We are sorry to announce the death of Roger Meryon. He died peacefully in Sherborne, on 11th August, 2022, aged 87 years. Having led an interesting life, he settled in Sherborne where he volunteered for several local institutions, during which time he gave generously to friends, family and charities. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Funeral Service will take place at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Castleton, Sherborne on Wednesday 7th September, 2022 at 12.00 midday. All enquiries and donations in memory of Roger for Medecins Sans Frontieres may be sent c/o A.J. Wakely & Sons, 16 Newland, Sherborne, DT9 3JQ. (Please make cheques payable to the charity)
Family flowers only please, donations if desired for ‘The Cherubim Trust’ can made via or cheques can be sent c/o Chris White Funerals, 12 South Street, Wilton, Wiltshire, SP2 0JS. Tel: 01722 744691
Aged 89, Died peacefully on Tuesday 23rd August at home. Beloved Husband, Father, and Grandfather. Funeral service to be held at St Laurence Church, Folke on Tuesday 27th September at 2:30pm. All enquiries to A.J. Wakely & Sons, Sherborne. Tel: 01935 816817
On 15th August 2022 peacefully in Yeovil District Hospital aged 83 years of Wincanton. A much loved mum to Camilla and Mandi. Also a loving nan, great nan and great great nan. Will be sadly missed by all. Funeral service to take place at Yeovil Crematorium on Monday 12th September at 12.00 noon. No flowers please, but donations if desired to Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance can be made online at www. or send cheques payable to the charity c/o Merefield & Henstridge F/D, Ridgemount, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 0BU. Tel: 01747 853532
Funeral service to take place at 11am on Thursday 1st September 2022 in St John’s Church, Tisbury, Wiltshire.
Passed away peacefully at 81 years, on the 11th August 2022. He will be sadly missed and was much loved by all.
A service of thanksgiving is to be held on Friday 21st October at 2.30pm at St Michael the Archangel, Mere. No flowers please. Donations, if desired to Cancer Research, UK on the day or via the following link:
Funeral Service to be held at St Nicholas Church, Winterborne Kingston on Wednesday 14th September 2022 at 2.00pm Family Flowers only please, but donations, if desired for St Nicholas Church, Winterborne Kingston, may be made online by visiting www. or cheques payable to PCC of Morden-RP c/o Colin J Close Funeral Service, Peel Close, Salisbury Road, Blandford DT11 7JU. Tel: 01258 453133
There will be a memorial service for Rose in Pulham church at 2.30 pm on Thursday 15th September. All welcome.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net76 Announcements
Professor Ganderton had a distinguished career in both academic and industrial pharmacy. He was a former Chairman of the British Pharmacopoeia Commission and a member of the Chemistry, Pharmacy and Standards Sub-committee of the Committee of Safety of Medicines. For such services, an OBE was conferred in 1995. He received the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's Charter Gold Medal for 1998, an award which marks an outstanding contribution to the profession of pharmacy nationally. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by all who knew him.
On August 17th aged 93, at home. Beloved husband of Sue. Funeral Service will take place at Sherborne Abbey on Wednesday 14th September, at 12.00 midday. Donations in lieu of flowers for S.S.A.F.A. Forces Charity. Enquiries to A.J. Wakely & Sons, 16 Newland, Sherborne, DT9 3JQ. (Please make all cheques payable to the charity)
on 10th August 2022, passed away peacefully in Westminster Memorial Hospital surrounded by his family, aged 76 years of Bedchester. A much loved husband to Jean and adored dad to Nicola and Tom. Also a much loved grandfather who will be sorely missed by all family and friends. Private cremation followed by a service to celebrate Michael's life to take place at St. Andrew's Church, Fontmell Magna on Thursday 1st September at 2.00pm. No flowers please but donations if desired to Weldmar Hospicecare Trust or The Friends of Westminster Memorial Hospital may be made online at or send cheques payable to the charity c/o Merefield & Henstridge F/D, Ridgemount, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 0BU. Tel: 01747 853532 MARTIN 64 meet Lady at the Swan Sturminster Newton every Friday and all day Saturday 01258 472910
Passed away on 26th August, 2022, aged 95 years, at Blandford Community Hospital Beloved husband of Gill will be sadly missed by all his family and friends. Funeral Service will take place at Harbour View, Lytchette Minster on Tuesday 6th September at 3pm
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 77 Announcements
Funeral service to take place at Yeovil Crematorium on Wednesday 7th September at 11.20am. Family flowers only. Enquiries c/o Bracher Brothers, Newell, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EZ Tel: 01935 813479
Passed away peacefully in Yeovil District Hospital on 7th August 2022 aged 85 years. A much loved wife of Ernest, mum, gran and great gran.
DavidHISCOCKGeorge Passed away peacefully at home on Saturday 20th August, aged 89. Beloved Husband of Val and Dad to Simon and Alistair. Much loved Stepdad, Father- in- Law, Grandad (Grandy) and Great Grandad. A true ‘Gentleman’. David will be hugely missed by us all. At Rest now. Funeral Service will be held at Salisbury Crematorium Chapel on Wednesday 7th September at 3.00pm. Family flowers only please but donations in David’s memory, if desired, for Tisbury Surgery c/o Chris White Funeral Directors, 12 South Street, Wilton SP2 0JU. Tel: 01722 744691
Peacefully on 16th August 2022 aged 88. A memorial service will be held at Winterborne Kingston Church a date to be announced Book Online classified@
COLIN NIGEL SMITH suddenly on 22nd August 2022 aged 83 years of Shaftesbury. Husband to the late Shirley. A much loved dad to Linda, Gary and the late Keith, also a much loved grandad, brother, uncle and friend to many. Funeral service takes place at Salisbury Crematorium on Monday 19th September at 11 am. No flowers please, but donations if desired to Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance or Lewis-Manning Hospice Care may be made online at or send a cheque made payable to the charity c/o Merefield & Henstridge F/D, Ridgemount, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset. SP7 0BU. Tel: 01747 853532
Passed away peacefully on Tuesday 16th August aged 93 years. A dearly loved wife to the late Dennis. Loving Mum to Tony, Trish & the late Angela, a very dear Nan and Great Grandma who will be sadly missed. The funeral service to be at Weymouth Crematorium on Tuesday 13th September at 13:45. Family flowers only please, donations in lieu of flowers for IFAW may be sent to Albert Marsh Funeral Directors, St Michaels Road, Wareham, BH20 4QU Tel: 01929 552107
On 13th August 2022. Suddenly at home aged 50 years. A much loved Son, Dad and Brother. Funeral service takes place at St. Michael & All Angels' Church East Coker on Thursday 8th September at 12.00 noon. Please wear bright colours. Family flowers only. Donations are invited in aid of The Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance and the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI) These may be left after the service, sent c/o Stoodley & Son, The Park, George Shopping Centre, Crewkerne Tel. 01460 73229 or online
HOWARD EDWARD HUNT passed away in Canada on 14th July 2022, aged 90 years. Memorial Service to be held at St Mary's Church, East Knoyle on Thursday 15th September at 2pm. Donations in memory of Howard may be made to the Alzheimer Society, Scott Lodge, Scott Road, Plymouth, PL2 3DU or
Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse Wakely& Sons Funeral member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Tel: 01935 816817 Tel: 01963 31310 Hour Service –available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net78
our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors
Peacefully on the 11th August 2022 at Signature House Nursing Home, Dorchester. Angela Margaret aged 87 years of Glanvilles Wootton. A dearly loved Mum, Nan & Great Nan. Funeral service at Yeovil Crematorium on Friday, 23rd September at 10am. Family flowers only please, donations if desired for Achalasia Action. C/o Peter Jackson Funeral Services, Mons, High Street, Henstridge, BA8 0RB. Tel: 01963 362570
PETER FUNERALJACKSONSERVICES Independent Family Owned and Run Funeral Directors Private Chapels of Rest • 24 Hour Service • Golden Charter Pre Paid Funeral Plans Henstridge (01963) 362570 Mons, High Street, Henstridge, Somerset BA8 0RB Gillingham (01747) 833757 Harwood House, Newbury, Gillingham SP8 4QJ Proudlyservingyourlocalcommunity 01747 860 361 Water Street, Mere, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 6DZ Callusforimmediatesupport,advice,ortofindout moreaboutourprepaidfuneralplans. Weareheretohelp24hoursaday. " @ Family Run Caring & Efficient • Private Chapels of Rest Personal Day & Night Service “Golden Charter” Pre-paid Funeral Plans available Memorials in Stone Marble & Granite, etc. Shaftesbury (01747) 853532 Gillingham (01747) 835335 “Ridgemount”, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset. SP7 0BU A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel:
our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors
31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available
31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available
contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance.
Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Tel: 01963 including
Passed away on 22nd August 2022 at Salisbury Hospice, aged 73 years. A much loved Husband, Dad, Grandad, Brother and friend to many who will be greatly missed. Funeral Service to be held in Long Barrow Ceremony Hall at Harbour View Crematorium, Lytchett Minster, BH16 6AN on Thursday 8th September at 2.30pm. Family flowers only please. Donations, if desired, for Salisbury Hospice Charity may be made online at
ROY ELLIS Roy Ellis passed away peacefully at Wincanton Community Hospital, aged 85 after a courageous battle with Alzheimers. A loving husband to June, devoted dad to Damian & Tara and adored by all his grandchildren. Funeral has taken place. 01963 including
HAROLD ARTHUR GEORGE MUNDAY “GEORGE” on 20th August 2022 after a short illness bravely borne in Salisbury District Hospital aged 96 years of Shaftesbury. Much loved husband, dad, father-in-law, grandad, “grandad great one”, brother, brother-in-law and uncle. Adored and sorely missed by all who knew him. Funeral service to take place at Salisbury Crematorium on Tuesday 20th September at 11.00am. No flowers please. Donations if desired to The League of Friends of Salisbury Hospital may be made online at or send cheques payable to the charity c/o Merefield & Henstridge F/D, Ridgemount, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 0BU. Tel: 01747 853532

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 79 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Recruitment Your FuneralLocalProfessionals Newbury, Gillingham SP8 4QL Tel: 01747 822494 Newell, Sherborne DT9 4EZ Tel: 01935 813479 • Unattended funerals starting from £995 • Tailored and unique Attended Funerals • Prepaid funeral plans also available • Local knowledge and expertise with a reputation for quality that is second to none • Reassurance that your loved one will be looked after with utmost care and professionalism Available 24 hours a day. Find us at: HELPING YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY BRACHER BROTHERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Pricing is correct at time of print and is subject to change. Price stated is for an Unattended Funeral.

TRACTOR DRIVER/ GFW needed on Dairy/Beef and Turkey farm. Between Wincanton and Bruton. May suit 07812student.009364
Option to increase hours by joining the gardening team maintaining our beautiful estate grounds and walled gardens.
Part Time Minibus Driver 20 hours per week Monday to Friday Term time only, 34 weeks Annual salary of £8,500
Start date: September 2022 Hanford is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. This post is subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure. Registered charity number 01001751
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net80 Recruitment
HERDSPERSONASSISTANTMagazineWANTED. -Near Sturminster Newton -For milking, calf rearing and yard work -300 cow dairy, 24/24 parlour expanding to rotary in November. Mobile home no bills available. 07826 929187 - Will Hiscock
Deadline to place your advert is the Friday before publication.
• School holidays and exeat weekends off • Chance to learn mass catering in a supportive environment
Grasp this opportunity to join our friendly kitchen team, catering for the staff and children of 150 in our beautiful school
NIGHT CARE ASSISTANT Required 3 nights per week, total hours 36 per week. Experience is essential. Excellent rates of pay and benefits provided. For further information please call us on 01258 860330 or email to request an application form to advertise your business email
The New Blackmore Vale
• Providing quality food for 150 For an application form please see our website, or for more information email Hanford is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitm ent This post is subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure. Registered charity number 01001751 PART-TIME CLEANER required in Wincanton. Mon/ Wed/Fri. Two hours a day (morning or Email:afternoon).
We are a fourth generation family farm near Wincanton. We milk 280 cows and we need some help. We love dairy farming and plan to stick to it. Keen family who try to get it right but recognise that sometimes it goes wrong Usual family farm banter between generations! 9000 litres. Flying herd. AYR Calving. 24:24 parlour. We need excellent stock skills, attention to detail and a good sense of humour. We provide, a competitive salary, house and a good place to work. Interested? Call Tom Down on 07796 550577 for a chat and more details. call us on: To place an advert in recruitmentoursectioncalluson01963400186
ALISON CARES, SELF EXPERIENCEDEMPLOYEDCARER, insured DBS call Alison 01963 371339 or 07928 290216
• Other benefits including discounts for staff children
• Some flexibility around shifts
• Live and work in the stunning Dorset countryside with time to enjoy it • Competitive salary : £10 11.25 per hour • 40hrs per week, part time considered • Term Time only 3 5 weeks per year
Two positions available

The care we provide at both The Old Rectory in Stalbridge and Bramley House in Mere is second to none. Our residential care homes offer excellent care within a true homely environment offering a safe haven for vulnerable people living with dementia and age related conditions. Our residents move safely about our homes and gardens and are encouraged to lead a full and active life. A real home from home with bright and spacious air conditioned communal areas that provide the perfect space to sit and relax, meet other residents for a chat, enjoy one of the daily activities or simply sit and enjoy watching the world go by. Our bedrooms are light, airy and bursting with charm. All unique, individually decorated and furnished to a high standard, many offering beautiful views and wet room en-suites. Our sheltered walled gardens are safe and secure, beautifully landscaped with ponds and pergolas. The raised flowerbeds are specifically designed so residents can easily enjoy the flowers and join in with the gardening if theyOurwish.dedicated caring and professionally trained team provide our residents with all their day-to-day care needs. Our Activities Hostesses are available every day ensuring residents are kept active and engaged, offering and assisting with many enjoyable activities from crafts and flower arranging to gardening and supported outings in our own wheelchair accessible minibuses. Plus, our on-site hair dressing salons are available 5 days a week to ensure that one can keep up
Excellent care in a true home environment
At Bramley Care we have a policy of unrestricted visiting. During the difficult times of the covid pandemic we provided safe on-site visiting in our garden rooms where loved ones could meet each other in a covid safe environment. Now that the Government restrictions have relaxed, we are able to return to our unrestricted visiting policy. Friends and relatives can follow their loved one’s activities on Facebook. Immediate family or friends can also follow their day-to-care via our on-line care planning
At Bramley Care we recognise the high costs and financial uncertainty that one faces when having to move into residential care, especially now with rampant inflation pushing costs constantly upwards. To provide our residents with peace of mind we offer a ‘fee for life’; We promise that the fee agreed will not change, therefore giving our residents and their relatives a chance to budget and plan for the future. If you or a loved one would like more information about moving into care, please call us on 01747855844 or visit 855844
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 81 Recruitment
Completeappearances!care solutions
Our chefs provide delicious home cooked food sourced, as much as possible, from local food providers. The Chefs adjust the menus with the seasons and with the likes and dislikes of our residents. Food, drinks and snacks are available 24 hours a day plus, we also offer visitors the opportunity to join us and enjoy meals with their loved ones.

ADMINISTRATOR SOUGHT FOR SHAFTESBURY OFFICE. Would suit Legal Secretary. Pay dependent on experience. Flexible hours (with a minimum of 30 per week). References essential. Please call 07742419491
Aluminium and Steel Fabricator required We require an additional Aluminium and Steel Fabricator at our Classic Car Restoration Company near Shaftesbury, Dorset. Hours available are 8:30am 5:00pm Monday to Friday. Full or Part Time hours would be considered for the right person. No weekend or Bank Holiday working. Salary will be dependent on experience. Tel: 01747 852899 for further information. Email your CV to: CONTACT US TODAY ! 01258 INFO@KINGSSTAGJOINERY.COM441030
We Are Hiring!!
Wren Classics Limited, Knights Barn Farm, Higher Coombe Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9LS
Hanford is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. This post is subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure. Registered charity number 01001751
TERRASCAN LIMITED, THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY SURVEY SPECIALISTS, are looking for a new assistant surveyor to aid the team leader in day to day tasks, other roles also available. For more information and to apply, please email:
The ideal candidates will be able to deliver quality products while prioritising their work schedule to ensure smooth workflow through the various stages of production ensuring on time delivery to our customers.
We are looking for two Outpatients Clerk/Hospital Receptionists who can provide a timely, accurate and responsive service to the Medical Records and Outpatients Department at the Yeatman Hospital, YouSherborne.should have excellent interpersonal and IT skills, as the position requires the use of several different patient administration systems and constant contact with the general public. Previous experience in medical records and using outpatient systems is advantageous but not essential for the right person. Flexibility essential. There are two part time positions one of 18 hours and one of 20 hours per week over three days each, between the hours of 08:00 17:30 depending on service requirements. To apply for this vacancy, please visit and search for vacancy reference 152 C221.22. This post is open for applications until midnight on 11th September 2022. For any further information please contact Jayne Martin on 01305 361591
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net82 Recruitment
A great opportunity for an enthusiastic team player to join our friendly kitchen staff. 40hrs per week. Term time only (34 weeks) with school holidays off. Some flexibility around shifts for the right candidate and a competitive salary. For an application form please see our website, or for more information
Outpatient Clerk/Hospital Receptionist, Band 2
An attractive employment package is available for the right candidates including start up bonus, competitive rates of pay and regular overtime.
We are looking for permanent full time employed BENCH JOINERS
Who can use their initiative and skill working to exacting specifications and drawings manufacturing a range of products using modern workshop machinery.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 83 Recruitment You don’t experienceneedincare to make a real difference to our residents’ lives. JOIN OUR TEAM MAKE SOMEONE’S DAY, EVERY DAY. Fairfield, Bristol Road, Sherborne, DT9 4HG TO REGISTER Scan the QR code or Call 01425 460955 Residential and Nursing Care RECRUITMENT OPEN DAY Fri 16th Sept 11am - 4pm AV_Blackmore Vale_AD_196x264_8-22.indd 1 24/08/2022 16:06

WINDOWAPPRENTICEFITTING (Sturminster,ShaftesburyGillingham,area)
A period of training and gaining experience can reward you in becoming an installer of windows, doors conservatories.and
BUTCHER OR APPRENTICE WANTED. Full time, Pay dependent on Ferndownexperience.01202855817
Key Skills Required: ▪ Enthusiasm ▪ Willingness
To aid our Senior Builder in constructingbases,conservatory install cavity trays and lintels. Must have a full clean driving licence. If you are prepared for physical outdoor work and are practically minded these jobs could be a trade for you. Apply with CV
MJAbbottLimitedisanequalopportunitiesemployer *SUPER
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net84 Recruitment
We have 2 kids 6mth & 3yrs living in Charlton Horethorne. Monday-Thursday 8.30-5.30pm Responsibilities: sch run, swim, cook, weaning, baby classes. Ideally also help cleaning, washing, and house work. To start immediately. Pls Contact
The UK’s leading Sports Turf & Golf Construction Company Requires serve an apprenticeship in our Accounts Department working with a small, experienced Accounts Team. would be interested in hearing from applicants who have obtained GCSE’s or A Level’s prepared to attend further education to gain the relevant qualifications. You will be mentored and provided with both internal and external training leading to a formal AAT Level 2 qualification on a day release scheme. You will gain experience in an accounts environment. to UK is a full time apprenticeship based at our offices in Dinton an application pack please contact: Mrs Jules Simmons M J Abbott Limited Bratch Lane, Dinton, Salisbury, SP3 5EB Email: NANNY
A cheerful and energetic person to help clean and keep our family house in order! 8 hours a week, hours to suit. For more details: 07970 642775
learn ▪ Good time keeping ▪ A Full
RELIEF MILKER REQUIRED 2 days a week, 20/20 parlour 140 cows Buckland Newton 07974 087395
an Accounting Apprentice To
driving licence or working towards one This
P/T NIGHTS WAREHOUSE OPERATIVE (Temp-Perm) preparing orders for loading onto vans, assisting in the warehouse, involves some work in fridges and freezer, plus ambient warehouse. Sunday–Friday 09.30pm-12.30am. Email
WAITRESS REQUIRED at Hays Park Retirement apartments, Shaftesbury. Alternate weekends and Mondays & Tuesdays 12-2pm. (Job share considered). For more details on the role and pay, please contact Carolyn or Rosie on: 01747 830349 or email: googlemail.comhays.park@
We are looking for polite, hard working, responsible people to join our small friendly team. Hours are flexible and will include every other weekend. Customer facing, competitive rates of pay. Contact

The UK’s leading publisher of historical photographs is looking for an extra person to join the team in their factory at Dinton, making picture frames, cutting mounts and packing orders. Full training will be given and the role would suit someone used to working with their hands to a high standard. Flexible hours by arrangement. Good rate of pay for the right person. Please email with CV: WANTED - 3 hours per week, £12 per hour, near Templecombe - 01963 371668
ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT REQUIRED for busy haulage and construction company. Start date 17/10. Please email CV and covering letter to
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 85 Recruitment bc4.docxservice\temp\13b799662fd3ae39e6e3b0f98dcb83fcfb20587631f8fa3a1d86c47f1ecac PORT REGIS Motcombe Park, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 KITCHENwww.portregis.com9QAPORTER
required to join our team at Fowler Fortescue in Fonthill Bishop. The ideal candidate wi ll be competent and confident in Payroll, VAT and preferably have knowledge of partial exemption. Using Xero you will manage your own portfolio of clients to Trial Balance and liaise with accountants at year end. For a full job description or to apply wit h your CV please email:
We are seeking to appoint a Kitchen Porter to work on Thursdays (16.30 19.30) and Saturdays (11.00 19.00), term time only. Extra hours are available for events and during school holidays. The successful candidate can expect a competitive salary, benefits package and an exceptional working environment. For full details of the role and application procedure, please visit our website (key information / staff vacancies)
Closing Date: Friday 16 September. Early applications encouraged. Port Regis is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The successful applicant will be required to under take an Enhanced DBS Disclosure and other safer recruitment checks Charity No: 306218

The DJ Fox & Associates website is at Please send a CV and a short covering letter to Suzi Donoghue, email
D J Fox & Associates is an Employment Expert Witness Company based in Somerset and we work in the legal sector. We have an exciting opportunity for a bright, confident and experienced office assistant to work full time as an Office Administrator with our team of four in Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 8BP.
We are seeking to recruit candidates for the following roles: KITCHENFOODHOUSEKEEPERSCARETAKERPORTERSERVICESASSISTANTS
The successful candidates can expect a competitive salary, benefits package and an exceptional working environment. For full details of the roles and application procedure, please visit our website (key information / staff vacancies).
Vacancy for a Full Time AdministratorOffice
Skills Required: Office based IT skills, Microsoft (Word, Excel, etc.). Organisational ability. Confident. Understanding of numeracy for invoicing work. Excellent attention to detail. Strong communication skills.
We seek 2 cheerful, energetic and hardworking individuals to be part of the School’s cleaning team. Term time only. Meals provided during working hours. For further details please contact: Chris Stewart, Sandroyd, Rushmore, Tollard Royal, Nr Salisbury, SP5 5QD Tel: 01725 Closingbursar@sandroyd.com516329www.sandroyd.orgdateFriday16SeptemberInterviewsthefollowingweek
Hours of work: Full time 0900 to 1700 Monday to Friday. Initially a 1 year contract with the possibility of permanent employment or contract extension beyond this time.
Sandroyd is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. This post involves contact with children and is classed as “regulated activity” by the UK government. As such, a number of mandated pre-employment checks (including an enhanced DBS check) will be undertaken to ensure that the successful candidate is suitable for work with children. Additionally, suitability for work with children will be assessed by taking up appropriate references and at interview. Finally, candidates should be aware that this post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and the amendments to the Exceptions Order 1975, 2013 and 2020.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net86 Recruitment
Early applications encouraged.
Brief Description of Role: Working in a small team, involved in the admin process of producing written expert witness reports. Competitive salary offered.
WANTED Sandroyd Co-ed Boarding and Day Prep and Pre-Prep School Two DomesticCleaners/AssistantsRequiredSeptember
PORT REGIS Motcombe Park, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 9QA
Port Regis (Charity No: 306218) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The successful applicants will be required to undertake an Enhanced DBS Disclosure and safer recruitment vetting checks.
Port Regis is a delightful preparatory school for day and boarding children aged 2-13.
EXPERIENCED EMPLOYED CARER available for night care. Insured, dbs and references. Contact 07792 063215
SELF CARER with 30 years experience, available for all aspects of care from personal to more advanced. References, Insurance and CRB checked. Please call Sarah on 01258 269654 or 07530 631847
Closing date for application is 16th September 2022

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 87 ItemsRecruitmentforSalemore Items for Sale on page 111 Westhaven Hospital open day Come and find out about our amazing range of job and career development opportunities across nursing, healthcare and facilities –where no two days are the same and the opportunities are endless… 10am – 2pmRadipole DT4Weymouth,Lane,0QE Sept21 You’ll have the opportunity to: • meet the staff • tour the hospital • have a career discussion • discover our staff benefits • apply for vacancies on the day For more information, drop-inFreeevent Half page - 133mm x 196mm - Westhaven Hospital open day.indd 2 24/08/2022 13:34:41 FREEWANTEDADupto £50 1 ad per contact number please limit to 20 words or less classified@ OLD BOOKS BOUGHT. Will call by appointment entirely without obligation. Bristow & Garland 07392 602014 ALL RADIO CONTROL MODELS WANTED. Purchased.CompletePlanes/Trains/Boats.CollectionsRingMichael01747229725 ELECTRIC BIKE, Kalkhoff, step through ,lights, lock, rack. New charger .Light use £950. 01308 488757 WOOD AND MULTI FUEL STOVES at discount prices. Latest previous and ex-display models traditional and modern design Wessex Wood Burners Tel 01747 853110 TWO AND A HALF TON TIPPING TRAILER, finished to a high standard, floor and sides 6 x 1 treated timber with brand new electric tipping gear. Also full lighting board offer and more details phone 01963 210773 2 PAVING STONE CIRCLES 6 foot diameter £40 each or 2 for £60 Tel 01747 841117 HEAVY DUTY TROLLEY. Great for moving heavy items when moving house. £50 07551 007667 M&S GREY OVERCOAT with knitted lining Size 46, brand new cost £85 bargain at £45 Tel 01747 841088 or 07855 820332 2X3 DRAWER CHEST OF DRAWERS 2x3 drawer. Bedside cabinets. 1 mens tall boy. All matching in white £90 Ono 01722 329989 07788143029 ELECTRIC COOKER. Immaculate, little used.Ceramic hob, fan oven and separate grill (new house has fitted cooker) £50. HEDGE TRIMMER. Mains electric £15. ARMCHAIRS comfortable pair, beige colour, GC £10 DOG GUARD for Mercedes C200/220 Estate £20 SPARK GUARD. (39 " wide x 24 " high ) Blacksmith made for large open fireplace £15. Delivery possible all items. Tel. 07731 843743 anytime DOUBLE WARDROBE. matching chest draws dressing table. 2 bedside tables with draws washed cream. as new.£250 ono. M&S. light oak. dining table.and 4 chairs seat 6 as new. 07762 626953 APPROX. 100 RAILWAY SLEEPERS for sale £5 each, Cubic shed for 60 cattle offers07816 536788 QUICK TANK 5,000 LTS. colapsable ate tank on steel poles cost £890, £150 onto 01747-81162 for details and photos VARIOUS BIRD BATHS, sundial, terracotta pots, planters, etc Tel 01747 820541 eves RECLINING CHAIR/ BED Initially £1,200. Beige with a small pattern.VGC £150 contact 01935 425875 EPSON CHEETAH INK CARTRIDGES 3x Black T0711, 4x Cyan T0712, 2x Magenta T0713, 2x Yellow T0714. Collect Mere. £50. 01747-861550 IKEA 2-SEASONSSUPERKINGDUVETS240X220 - 1 summer-weight, 1 midweight. Fasten together for winter warmth. Pristine Condition. £8 pair Tel 01935-872217 BEADS AND MAKINGJEWELLERYITEMS. Variety of fixings in copper and silver (some sterling silver) including calottes, crimps, headpins, jump rings,etc. Tigertail nylon coated wire in silver. Wood, glass, acrylic beads. £15 Tel: 07968 702904 or 01258 820150 DELUXE PAINT. 2.5 litres of cranberry crunch. Vinyl soft sheen. £25. Tel. 01935 814404

The modern agricultural fair has its roots in Michaelmas fairs.
PHOTO: Russell Holden/Pixabay
EXPERIENCE plus references seeks small shoot to either rent or run alongside the landowner within easy reach of Mere, Wiltshire, call Gary if of any interest on 01747 861143
by A J Selby
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net88 Field & Stream Air Rifles & AirwantedPistols Any make or model Any condition Call 07970 742471
DISCOUNT AIR GUNS, new & used, spares, repairs, tuning, sights and night vision. 01747 823981, Gillingham
Warm September brings the fruit, sportsmen then begin to shoot
Late summer and early autumn is the time for the country fair. We are well blessed in this area with several to choose from – the Gillingham and Shaftesbury Show, Buckham Fair, Dorset Steam Fair, Melplash Show, Dorset County Show and the Frome Cheese Show, to name but a handful. Country fairs, traditionally held around Michaelmas – one of the four quarter days in the calendar – in late September, are no longer fixed on that date, and are now held throughout the summer and earlyTheautumn.quarter days themselves are a fascinating insight into English history, being the days that the quarterly rent was due, labour was hired and school terms started. They fall roughly at the two equinoxes – spring and autumn – and the two solstices –winter and summer. The first is Lady Day on 25 March and if you ever wondered why the income tax year starts on 6 April, it’s not a random date but it corresponds to 25 March, Lady Day under the old Julian calendar. In 1582 the Gregorian calendar was adopted by the Holy Roman Empire and then gradually across Europe, finally being accepted in England in 1752. It involved moving the dates by 11 days – plus one day due to a skipped Julian leap day in 1800 – hence 25 March became 6 April. It wasn’t universally accepted and stories abounded of peasants who thought they had been cheated out of some of their life, shouting ‘give us back our 11 days!’ Along with the quarter days were the four cross-quarter days of Candlemas – 2 February, May Day – 1 May, Lammas Day – 1 August, and All Hallows – 1 November, hence All Hallows Eve, ‘Halloween’, falls on 31 October. The Michaelmas quarter day – September 29 – was the most important as labourers would sometimes offer themselves for hire for a full 12 months, the farming ‘year’ starting as it does in September. This was the time of year when ground was ploughed and readied for the sowing of winter corn, rams and bulls were prepared for fathering duties and all was done to ensure that man and beast could survive winter. It was at these Michaelmas fairs that labourers went to offer themselves for work, where farmers took animals to sell for eating and breeding, and the fruits of field and orchard were put up for sale to those who had not ground to grow their own or good fortune in harvest. It was also a place for courting and matchmaking, as many eligible lads and lassies never ventured beyond the parish boundary and used the fairs as a place to meet and choose a mate. The earliest fairs go back centuries, to the time of the Norman Conquest and probably before, and have changed little in their offerings –the best livestock and produce, entertainment, music and drinking, and place for the great and the good to meet up, and swap stories and parish gossip. Then it was local merchants and revellers travelling to the fair on foot or horseback, now it’s a queue for the revellers in to the car-park; then it was fat cattle which we probably wouldn’t recognise and now its pedigree and generations of considered breeding; then it was jousting, falconry and jesters, now its ferret racing, falconry and dog agility; then it was the lute, ale, cider and mead, now it’s live bands, beer and cider; then it was smocks and sticks, now it’s still smocks and sticks for a few and everything in-between that and flip-flops and shorts! And we still meet to gossip and swap stories. The basics are still the same, just the times that have changed. The countryside is at an impasse at this time of year. It’s still summer, just, with September potentially offering some gorgeous weather and the chance to finish the harvest as fields of wheat ripened to a burnished gold are devoured by the combines. There are also hints of autumn as cooler evenings and shorter days signal the change of the seasons. The leaves on the trees are ready to turn colour, our summer migrants are preparing for the off and hedgerows promise plump blackberries, blood red rose-hips and oil black sloes. Pheasants can be seen filling up on beech mast and spilt corn while the wood pigeon is waiting for the autumn sown oil-seed rape to appear. The year is changing, just imperceptibly at present before full-blown autumn, but there is still enough time to enjoy the waning summer and, it is hoped, a wonderful, warm September.

Treasure trove of goodies at the farm sale
PHOTO: MegLearner/Pixabay
Equestrian QUALITY HAYLAGE 6ft bales & Hay, ready to feed TEL Mark 07860 759996 HORSE/PONY TRAILER Bateson, old but very usable, solid floor £575 ono – 01747 822345Cadvertisinglassified place your ad today adverts@blackmorevale.netemail:
PERMANENT PART TIME JOB Groundsperson / handyperson wanted on small stud farm near Milborne Port. Fencing, repairs, small building work, landscape work. Hours offered variable according to skills. Ability to help with horses if required an advantage. Accommodation a possibility. Please respond by text or email only detailing suitability for the job. email:text:slt@manualinvesting.com07734599223Field&Stream
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 89 Field & Stream
by Tria Stebbing
Along with the hot sunny weather comes the usual myriad of activities for the farmer with a bit of time on his hands. Top of the list in our house is the farm sale, which I have discovered does not mean buying a farm, instead it is an assortment of otherwise unusable bits of farm machinery which will be useful to someone. These ‘lots’ are laid out in a farmer’s field and a catalogue put together which any self-respecting farmer will then spend hours drooling over. When sale day arrives, it is the norm to arrive early to register and get your bidding number before standing around by the catering van, munching on a bacon roll while discussing the preferred lots. Anything is sold from disused oil cans right up to shepherd’s huts and tractors and more. By the time the auctioneer is ready to start, small clumps of farming folk will be hanging around their coveted prize holding their bidding number. Bidding can get quite frantic at times with some crafty moves pulled by those who know their stuff. The sale can take all day to get through the mass of items and only the most stoic will last to the end. So, I was not surprised when a new topper appeared after the last sale. Him outdoors had been after one for a while to complement the rest of the fleet, the mower, the turner, the baler and the rest of the essential equipment. We decided this year not to cut our own fields for hay so left the sheep for longer than usual to graze it right down to nothing, which left a field that needed ‘topping’.Topping is when a mower or similar is used to remove the aerial part of a crop to prevent the seed formation and distribution into the soil. Our field looked downright scruffy with its random bits of long grass and thistle sticking up, old and more worryingly brown and dull. The new topper made light work of the field and in no time at all it was tidy again, albeit brown and tidy! Now we just wait for the rain as the field needs to rejuvenate and restore itself to peak condition ready to take the ewes back in the Autumn. The trees are heavy with acorns this year and it has been a bumper start to the blackberry season. I am waiting patiently for the sloes to appear and in anticipation of a bumper year am busy collecting vessels in which to put my own countryside bounty. The small bales have been well received by some already and for us, this is clearly the way forward. It has been a bumper start to the blackberry season and the trees are heavy with acorns this year.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net90 LOGIC 4' PETROL FLAIL TOPPER. 12.5 hp Vanguard v twin engine. Adjustable wheel heights, roller. Suit ATV/4x4.New belts.Runs well. £1300. No vat. 01308 488757 LOOKING FOR BARN TO RENT, possibly Blandford area to keep tractors. Tel 01258 880892 or 07980 036250 WANTED ALL CATTLE PURCHASED Store Cattle Beef, cows and calves Barren Cows Bulls and fat cattle Price on farm, paid on the day. Haulage Brookfieldarranged.Livestock Marketing Ltd Call anytime 07811 381 159 or 01749 830 530 We provide a friendly, local service at competitive prices. Based at Redlynch near Bruton, we supply Car, 24hrAgricultural,Commercial,Plant&4x4tyresandofferabreakdownservice. We won’t be beaten on price. Call us on 01749 813957 or 07971 012628 or find us METAL RECYCLINGSCRAP WESSEX METALS STURMINSTER NEWTON & BLANDFORD AREA WA NTED Scrap Metal, Cars, Heavy and Light Iron Farm And Factory Clearance Weighbridge TOP PRICES PAID Skips/HAIB lorry available for onsite collection Tel 01258 860 166 or 07974 822 243 01305 266058 Millers Close, Dorchester, DT1 1HW All pictured items in stock. All prices are subject to VAT. TIPPING TRAILER ATV 1,420KG HYDRAULICELECTRICALWITHTIPPER£2,200 STRIMMER3-POINT£2,160 FLAIL MOWER W 1.95 M SIZES FROM 1.05m£1,9902.8m ATV MOWERFLAIL1.5 M 13.5 £2,250HP

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 91 HAY FOR SALE. 6 string, 4 string, round bales, small bales. Call Mike 07816 601538 Near Stur Newton RELIEF MILKER REQUIRED 2 days a week, 20/20 parlour 140 cows Buckland Newton 07974 087395 ATV SPRAYING, GRASS & FERTILISER applications, Flailing, harrowing & rolling with Tractor or ATV, Muck away, Digger work, All aspects of tractor work 07711 980871 Farming Hydraulic Hose Specialists and Stockists to the Agriculture, Forestry, Automotive and Transport Industry Pneumatic fittings Air brake fittings Hose HydraulicclampsHosesMob: 07966 244536 Email: Cote Farm Works, Kilmington, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 6RF Quick release couplings Pressure wash hoses + lances Up to 1 ½ “Hose stocked Variation of oils Mobile service available Conyers Country Outfitters (Justin J Frampton) R.F.D.13D New or Secondhand Shot & Air Guns, Rifles and Game,Repairs.Coarse & Sea Angling Equipment 3 West Street, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 7AW Mob:Tel:www.conyers.bizjay@conyers.biz0125845230707973642278 Est 1886 TYRES AROUND LTD Mobile Service Agricultural Specialist Over 35 year’s Experience NIGEL MARTIN 07921 929891 SHEEP KEEP WANTED for around 50 head 12-15 miles radius of 07564-277083Wincanton Frome, Somerset, BA11 2QB Email: FUTURE SALES STORE CATTLE EVERY WEDNESDAYPIGSFRIDAY7THSEPTEMBERREAREDCALVESWEDNESDAY14thAUGUSTMONDAY19THSEPTEMBEROrangeTBRestrictedMarketORGANICCATTLEFRIDAY23RDSEPTEMBERToIncludeaConsignmentof 90 Hereford, Angus & Continental Steers & Heifers from one Farm WEDNESDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER Special Breeding sheep sale to include: PEDIGREE SHOW & SALE OF BELTEX & BLUE TEXEL SHEEP Entries close Monday 12th Sept SALE RESULTS WEDNESDAY 24th AUGUST Prime Cattle to 237.50p/kg & £1663 Cull Cows to 199.50p/kg & £1617 Prime Lambs to 294p/kg & £156 Store Lambs to £87.00 Cull Ewes to £120 Pigs to £199 Calves to £310 FRIDAY 26th AUGUST Fleckvieh x Steer 30mo to £1450 Angus x Steer 24mo £1390 British Blue Steer 26mo £1380 Angus x Heifer 19mo £1400 Continental x Heifer 27mo £1400 Brirish Blue Heifer 26mo £1275 Market Office 01373 830033 Frome Livestock Market, Standerwick, Frome, Somerset, BA11 2QB Email:

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net92 Farming Dates for your Diary FARM MACHINERY AUCTIONS TUESDAY 6th SEPTEMBER - Beef & Arable Machinery at Wormwood Farm, Box, Corsham, Wilts SN13 8JG – on site only TUESDAY 13th SEPTEMBER - Livestock & Pasture Machinery at Common Moor Fm, Black Pit Drove, Glastonbury, BA6 9AX – on site only THURSDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER - Collective Machinery Sale at Frome Market, Standerwick, Frome, BA11 2QB – on site only TUESDAY 27th SEPTEMBER - Modern Arable Machinery in conjunction with Carter Jonas – on site & at Tinkerbarn (Waglands Grain Unit), Brunton, Collingborne Kingston, Marlborough, Wilts SN8 3SG THURSDAY 6th OCTOBER – Modern Arable Machinery in conjunction with Carter Jonas – on site & at Hill Barn Fm, Bishops Cannings, Devizes, Wilts, SN10 2LW Catalogues online inc Conditions of Sale & Payment Terms - www.cooperandtanner/forthcoming-sales Enquiries 01373 831010 (3). Please register on i-bidder well in advance. FARMS & LAND For free Marketing Advice phone Martin Hemmett 01373 455060, Ross Whitcombe 01458 834288 or Hannah Pole 01761 411010 FARM & RURAL FINANCE Contact your regional agents: Chris Eden 01373 831010, Tori Osborne 01934 740055 or Nick Oliver 01458 834288 DO YOU NEED A NEW GRAIN STORE BUILDING? Do you need to improve or increase your Grain Storage capacity? Do you need to speed up grain tipping and handling? Look no further we are here to help! We are your ‘One stop Shop’ for the construction of grain storage and grain handling buildings. Leave it to us we can assist with! • Design and specification requirements • Assisting with the planning application process • Excavation and groundworks • Supply and erection of new structures • Dryers, drying floors and grain handling equipment • Tipping pits and elevator systems • Stirrers and aeration equipment • Installation of electric and gas services Farwell Plant Hire are a Dorset Based company with years of experience in meeting our customers needs in providing grain storage solutions whether you require a new grain store or to improve your existing storage and grain handling equipment. We will manage your project from start to finish ensuring that the design is tailored to exactly meet your needs and is installed in conjunction with service engineers to establish future maintenance plans. You will have one point of contact throughout the project. For more information or to discuss your needs please contact: Martin Farwell 01258 455219 or email 28940907714 Advertising Manager Debicontact:Thorne Want to advertise your business?

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 93 Farming
Advertisement feature Insurance you can trust. Call us on 01872 277151. Nochargeshidden To read more about agricultural innovation and the
system, go to the
Farming needs to continue to innovate and adopt new technologies if it is to rise to the challenges ahead and reduce risks, according to farming insurer Cornish Mutual. “New approaches are vital if the industry is to adapt to the ongoing changes to farming policy and the pressure to produce more with less, while also benefitting the environment,” said Dominic Jones, Loss Prevention Leader. “We believe exploring new technologies needs to be a priority across the industry, which is why we have been looking for new approaches to support our Members.
Innovation has also been a focus for Cornish Mutual’s Future Farming Programme, which has looked at projects benefitting the region’s farmers. These include Future Farm, a research platform exploring how innovative changes to feed and management of dairy cows can affect the environmental impact of milk production. Dr Robin Jackson, former director of Agri-Tech Cornwall which co-ordinated the project, believes the project’s findings will have far-reaching benefits: “We hope the work at Future Farm will lead to better management of livestock for the benefit of those animals, the farming business and the environment.” vital to the future of farming HAYTECH Cornish Mutual website:
“Recently we launched a partnership with Quantari, having successfully trialled its HAYTECH system. This is a simple but innovative product to help prevent devastating hay bale fires. We continue to look for more innovations which can benefit Members by reducing risks and improving farm safety.”
Alice Miller BVSC DBR MRCVS Friars Moor Livestock Health
Independent veterinary services for livestock in Dorset, Somerset and medicinesCollectionWiltshirepointsforlivestockandsuppliesatSherborne,SturminsterNewton,BlandfordandShaftesbury
Please call the office on 01258 472314
Fertility work and teaching
Please call the office on 01258 472314
RYELAND SHEEP FOR SALE. 9 Ewes £120 - £150 each. Tel Julia 07711 715435 ZWARTBLES PEDIGREE shearling ram Tel 01985 248353
Independent veterinary services for livestock in Dorset, Somerset and medicinesCollectionWiltshirepointsforlivestockandsuppliesatSherborne,SturminsterNewton,BlandfordandShaftesbury
One of the best things about being a vet is the variety that comes with the job. When I was training, I didn’t quite appreciate all the career opportunities available. I always had in mind just the clinical work. But sometimes we aren’t just GPs and surgeons for animals we also try our hand at teaching. This is a part of the job I really enjoy and a skill that I have tried to develop over the years. The topics and audiences vary and include giving evening presentations, teaching students and running training courses. While these things often take a lot of time and preparation there is great reward in being able to discuss interesting topics with like-minded people. As a practice we are lucky that we have many vets within the team who all have varying specialities and interests. This means we can offer high-level training on most topics required by our clients. We currently have upcoming courses on foot trimming, AI training, medicine use and even a calving course for ten–16-year-olds. These are all detailed in our monthly newsletters and on our website so keep a look out or phone our office on 01258 472314 if there is anything of interest or anything you need. I particularly enjoy the cattle fertility work and run our AI training courses and calving courses. This week I did something a bit different though and taught a group of vets. It was a foundation course in fertility for the British Cattle Veterinary Association. The Kingman family kindly hosted the group for the afternoon, where the vets learnt how to master the use of ultrasound scanning. One of my very first articles answered the question: “Why do you put your arms up cow’s bottoms?” and indeed it is so we can examine their reproductive tracts, which sit internally, below the rectum on the floor of the pelvis. I taught the vets how to examine the reproductive tract using this technique, and by the end of it they could make diagnoses by scanning the uterus and finding the ovaries. You can tell a lot from examining the structures on the ovaries, so I spent a large proportion of the theory training covering the oestrus cycle of the cow. You can tell what stage of the cycle she is at by examining the size of the structures. And if you understand the natural hormonal cycle, when it goes wrong in cases of infertility, you can use hormone treatments to correct it. Naturally it is a complex hormonal system that involves the release of hormones from the brain, that travel via the bloodstream to the ovaries to stimulate follicular growth, which leads to ovulation and then either maintenance of pregnancy or recycling. Cows are aseasonal, polyoestrus breeders, which means they reproduce any time of year and cycle continuously. Cows aren’t restricted to breeding at certain times of the year – so we are able to drink fresh milk all year round. Some block calving systems choose to calve all their cows over a 12-week period either in Spring or Autumn, however this is a management decision rather than a biological one. We also discussed how to pregnancy scan and age foetuses. This can be done more easily in younger pregnancies as you can visualise the whole calf and take body measurements – such as the crown-rump length. These scaled measures on a chart are translated to the age of the calf in utero. When the calf gets bigger it becomes harder to visualise the whole calf. However, while you can’t take body length measurements you can measure the orbital diameter – if you can reach the calf’s head. The scale of this measurement accurately translates to age, as the orbital cavity within the skull grows at a uniform rate. You can tell a lot from the use of ultrasound. And while this week I have discussed fertility work, next week I will discuss what else we can use ultrasound scanners for in farm vet work.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net94 Farming
SHEPHERDS HUT fully fitted with shower washbason and toilet ideal for campsite or glamping. As new, Tel 01747 830686 2021 MEADOW HAY, 4 string large bales, Barn stored, 200 available. Please call for price 07714 289400
Deadline to place your advert is the Friday before publication.
Please call the office on 01258 472314
Alice Miller ran a foundation course in fertility for the British Cattle Veterinary Association.
Independent veterinary services for livestock in Dorset, Somerset and medicinesCollectionWiltshirepointsforlivestockandsuppliesatSherborne,SturminsterNewton,BlandfordandShaftesbury

by Ruth Kinber
Still no meaningful rain. The cows are now being supplemented with second cut silage and the dry and young stock with straw. It’s a worrying time as we are now relying on rain to bring forward a third cut of silage to replace what’s being eatenI’venow.been asked my opinion on regenerative farming. Well, I have to say we have been practising it for years. As a mixed dairy/beef farm, we operate a rotation cropping system. We have cattle which graze the paddocks, moving on to let the sward recover and grow – they, of course, leave behind them valuable manure. We have sheep which also make their mark with eating all the plants – weeds, some might say! – and again the valuable droppings are left behind. The crops of grass for silage and maize are grown primarily using farmyard manure and slurry from the cattle – both feed the soil and the plants. The challenge comes when farms just grow cereal with no livestock to aid soil fertility and structure.Myother big grumble is introduced species, plant and animal. I’ve been saying for several years, grey squirrels damage trees, and in particular young trees, and sadly our native oak seems to be a favourite snack. Too many deer is also a real problem for newly planted trees – I believe the muntjac is particularly damaging to saplings. We now have a programme of reintroducing beavers without any real plan if and when we have some unexpected problems down the road. They, of course, fell and feed off trees, creating dams and flooding areas which can aid wildlife or in the wrong place cause flooding downstream and destroy woodland.
We live on a small island and, with lots of humans, we have to try and live together, but balance is the key. Home food production has never been more important since the Second World War. We can produce more food and deliver for wildlife, but we must be smart about how we manage it.
Grey squirrels are an ‘introduced species’.
Our brooks and rivers are being overtaken by Himalayan Balsam, a pretty pink plant, but very invasive which soon chokes native vegetation. Japanese knotweed is another such plant. We have also seen the rise in ragwort, again a pretty yellow multi-headed plant, but not only poisonous to horses and cattle but again very invasive and smothers other plants.
A new threat to productive agricultural land is the purchase of farmland to mitigate the carbon used by big business and individuals in air travel. So, without making the necessary changes to your business or lifestyle, you can ease your conscience by buying land then planting trees all over it! There are even some Government grants! Unintended consequences, I feel, or not joined up thinking. Tree planting is great, but only in the right places, then those trees need to be protected and looked after until they can fend for themselves, like most young life. We have planted a few on our land but it has to be done intelligently. Our parish council is embarking on a small scheme to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee but not first looking into the most suitable trees for our land and how to look after going forward.
Kimbers Farm Shop, The Kitchen and Somerset Trading Barn, Linley Farm BA9 8;0196333177;open8.30am-5pm,9.30am-4pm.
Himalayan Balsam is a pretty pink plant, but is very invasive, soon choking native vegetation.
PHOTO: David Mark/Pixabay
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 95
Home food production has never been more important since the war
PHOTO: Manfred Antranias Zimmer/Pixabay

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net96 Farming SALES | LETTINGS | AUCTIONS Maiden Newton Guide £1,005,000 (whole) A block of productive, free draining arable land and pasture downland situated in West Dorset. For Sale by Private Treaty as a whole or in two lots. 133.75 acres (54.13 ha) in all. Will Wallis 01305 236237 CORNWALL | DORSET | DEVON | HAMPSHIRE | SOMERSET | WILTSHIRE | LONDON ONLINE DISPERSAL AUCTION Friday 2nd – Monday 12th September Dispersal of Outdoor Activity Centre Vehicles & Recreational Equipment Highlights include: 4 Off Road Mini Maveriks c/w roll cages, 3 Formula 2 Eagle Hovercrafts 500cc with 2 stroke Rotax 503 Engines, Land Rover Defender 110 V8, Land Rover 88 Series 3, Bowman Claytraps, Barnett Adults & Childs Cross Bows, 2 Air Rifles, Selection of Archery Bows, Shooting Ear Defenders, Full Face Crash Helmets, Down Hill Soap Box Racer, large variety of Mini Parts including Engines & Gearboxes, Calf Crush & IAE Creep Feeder etc. Viewing Day: Thursday 8th September 10.00am – 4.00pm On behalf of Henley Hillbillies (Ceasing trading). Contact Symonds & Sampson Yeovil on 01935 382909 ON-FARM DISPERSAL AUCTION Thursday 15th September at 11.00am Crockers Farm, Twyford, Shaftesbury, SP7 0JF Dispersal Sale of 3 Tractors, Farm Machinery, Livestock & Butchery Equipment, etc Highlights include: New Holland T5070 with Quicke Q46 Loader, Ford 6610 with McConnel 060 Loader, Ford 4600, Keenan Klassik 100 Mixer Wagon, Abbey 1300gln Vacuum Tanker, Teagle Tomohawk 808 Straw Blower, Twose Round Bale Handler, Parmiter Mounted/Trailed Disc Harrows, Econ Dual Spreader, McConnel PA93 Hedgetrimmer, Marshall BC21 21’ Bale Trailer, Ifor Williams 12’ Livestock Box, IAE Cattle Hurdles, 20 x Galvanised Calf Pens, Cake Silo approx. 10t, Wooden Butchers Block, Cutting Tables, Cold Display Fridge, Meat Mincer, Metal Carcass Stands, Small quantity of Household Effects including 2 x 2 Seater Sofas, 5’ Pine Kitchen Table, Pine Cabinet, etc Introduced Items inc: John Deere 6600 (97), Land Rover Defender TD5 (03) 230,000 miles, Honda Big Red Quad, Polaris Sportsman SP5500 Quad, Ifor Williams GD85 & CT 136 Trailers, Hardi Master 1000Ltr 12m Sprayer, Kuhn GA4321 GM Single Rotor Rake, Maschio 3m Power Harrow, Agribiz 6m Aerator, Chain Harrows, McConnel Rhino 9 Topper, ATV Sprayer, Logic ATV Flail Topper, 2016 Kuhn FC283 Mower, Twose Folding Cambridge Rollers, Complete Icerobotics Cow Alert System, etc On behalf of Messrs D & J Selby (Retiring). Contact Yeovil Office – 01935 382909

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 97 Farming PLANNING | VALUATIONS | BUILDING SURVEY DEVON DORSET WILTSHIRE SOMERSET CORNWALL HAMPSHIRE DORSET | DEVON | SOMERSET | HAMPSHIRE | WILTSHIRE | CORNWALL | LONDON SALES | LETTINGS | AUCTIONS | PLANNING | NEW HOMES SEE SCANMOREHERE SYMONDSANDSAMPSON.CO.UK Devon Axminster: One bedroom cottage for improvement. Guide £135,000 Axminster: 4 bedroom cottage. Guide £200,000 - £250,000 Colyton: 27.25 acres of Pasture & Woodland. 2 Lots. Lot A: Guide £90,000. Lot B: Guide £145,000 Torquay: Vacant Development Site (STPP) of 0.23 acres. Guide £50,000 Sidmouth: 0.98 acres of pasture. Guide £30,000 Cornwall Liskeard: Barns for conversion in 0.33 acres (STPP). Guide £135,000 Camelford: 2 bedroom flat. Guide £85,000 - £100,000 Oxford Church Hanborough: 6 acres of pasture land. Guide £120,000 Wiltshire Near Stonehenge: Cottage for renovation. Guide £225,000 Near Salisbury: Development site for two detached dwellings. Guide £275,000 Somerset Taunton: 12 Luxury apartments with ERV of £98,000pa. Guide £1,350,000 Milborne Port: Pair of cottages for improvement. 2 Lots. Lot A: Guide £300,000. Lot B: Guide £280,000 Ashill: Cottage for modernisation. Guide £175,000 Horton, Ilminster: Cottage for renovation. Guide £200,000 Chard: Period house in 0.54 acres incl. Paddock. Guide £300,000 West Dorset Lyme Regis: 10 bedroom house for refurbishment. Guide £1m - £1.25m Dorchester: Central town substantial detached property for development. Guide £725,000 Melplash: Bungalow for refurbishment in 0.48 acres. Guide £350,000 Piddletrenthide: Detached 4 bedroom cottage. Guide £300,000 Weymouth: Georgian style building & warehouse. Guide £200,000 Bridport: Former church for conversion (STPP). Guide £75,000 Beaminster: Terraced house for improvement. Guide £195,000 Portland: 0.75 acres. Guide £90,000 Eype: 37 acres of arable and woodland in 2 lots. Lot B: £160,000. Lot A: £195,000 East Dorset Wimborne: Victorian cottage for updating. Guide £395,000 Wimborne: Cottage for renovation in 0.81 acres. Guide £350,000 East Morden: Barn for conversion (STPP) in 0.64 acres. Guide £185,000 West Moors: Single building plot 0.14 acres. Guide £70,000 Wareham: 1.43 acres with field shelter. Guide £45,000 Holt Wimborne: 0.5 acres. Guide £46,000 North Dorset Marnhull: Single building plot with outline planning consent. Guide £80,000 Fontmell Magna: Bungalow for modernisation. Guide £500,000 Charlton Marshall: 0.74 acres with building. Guide £65,000 Stoke Wake: 11.91 acres of pasture land. Guide September£110,000. & October Property Auctions Meredith Holmes | 01202 843190Mark Lewis | 01258 473766 Graham Barton | 01297 33122

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net98 Property SALES | LETTINGS | CORNWALLAUCTIONS|DORSET | DEVON | HAMPSHIRE | SOMERSET | WILTSHIRE | LONDON Blandford Forum Guide £410,000 A modern 3 bedroom detached property with garden, garage and parking close to local amenities. No onward chain. EPC B; Council Tax D. Freehold Blandford 01258 452670 Yetminster Guide £575,000 A beautifully presented 5 bedroom detached house with a good sized enclosed rear garden, detached garage and driveway parking in a sought after village. EPC C; CTB F. Freehold Sherborne 01935 814488 Iwerne Steepleton Guide £675,000 A semi detached 4 bedroom period cottage with a delightful mature garden, garaging, outbuildings and wonderful views over Hambledon Hill and Hod Hill. EPC B; CTB F. Freehold Sturminster 01258 473766 Hinton St Mary Guide £850,000 A charming detached Grade II Listed 4 bedroom house which has been beautifully renovated, with separate barn and stunning gardens near the middle of this popular village. EPC Exempt; CTB F. Freehold Sturminster 01258 473766

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 99 Property SALES | LETTINGS | AUCTIONS QUALIFIED | EXPERIENCED | PROFESSIONAL DON’T HOMESELLINGLEAVEYOURTOCHANCE Symonds &Sampson Talk to us about featuring your property in our London showcase at at The London Office 40 St. James Place Witchampton Guide £2,000,000 A Grade II Listed 5 bedroom period property with 1 bedroom annexe and further outbuildings set in large mature gardens. Garaging and ample parking set in a rural location with countryside views. EPC Exempt; CTB G. Freehold Wimborne 01202 843190

Muston Vineyard has a guide price of offers in excess of £1,200,000.
vineyard in the Piddle Valley in Dorset has come to the market through Savills for a guide price of offers in excess of £1.2 million.
“The vineyard is close to the tourist hotspots of the West Dorset Heritage Coastline and the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and could lend itself to a wine tourism venture, subject to planning.”
Muston Vineyard extends to about 44 acres, with 30 acres of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier vines which are in their sixth year and are reaching full maturity. A small harvest has been taken for the last couple of years, producing fine English sparkling wine.The vineyard is in a private position in a rural yet accessible location, on the edge of the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It also benefits from planning permission, which was granted in August 2020, for a 10,000 sq ft agricultural building situated at the end of a central track. Next to the vineyard is an area of pasture, which has previously been used for grazing livestock, sheltered by a small area of mature woodland. Muston Vineyard is located one mile from the village of Piddlehinton, and five miles from the county town of Dorchester which offers a range of amenities and services.
For more information, contact Matilda Stent of Savills southern farm agency team on 07866 203463.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022
Vineyard in the Piddle Valley, Dorset, comes to the market
Matilda Stent of Savills southern farm agency team, says: “Nestled on a south east facing slope in the Piddle Valley, Muston Vineyard offers a very rare opportunity to purchase an established vineyard at the heart of rural Dorset.

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 101 savills Matilda Stent Farm Agency +44 (0) 7599 372 961 David Cross Farm Agency +44 (0) 7967 555 617 Muston Vineyard, Piddlehinton, Dorset Vines of the Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier varieties. Planning permission for 10,000 sq. ft. agricultural building. Pasture and Woodland. In all about 43.46 acres (17.5 hectares) | Guide £1.2 million Established Vineyard nestled in the Piddle Valley Property

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net102 Property Local & National reach through a network of London & Regional offices PROPERTY EXPERTS SINCE 1910 SHERBORNE 01935 810141 SHAFTESBURY 01747 850858 BLANDFORD 01258 423002 LEIGH, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £1,550,000 SOLD NORTH BREWHAM, SOMERSET GUIDE PRICE (TENDER) £350,000 SOLD PIMPERNE, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £560,000 SOLD EAST KNOYLE, WILTSHIRE A handsome stone house in an elevated position with lovely views Shaftesbury 01747 850858 Guide Price £1,750,000 EPC Band E

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 103 Property SHAFTESBURY, DORSET A well presented and extended bungalow close to the centre of Shaftesbury Shaftesbury 01747 850858 Guide Price £595,000 EPC: Band C Local & National reach through a network of London & Regional offices PROPERTY EXPERTS SINCE 1910 SHERBORNE 01935 810141 SHAFTESBURY 01747 850858 BLANDFORD 01258 423002 SHERBORNE, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £1,600,000 SOLD SUTTON WALDRON, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £595,000 SOLD STURMINSTER MARSHALL, DORSET PRICE GUIDE £1,100,000 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD LEIGH, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £1,550,000 NORTH BREWHAM, SOMERSET GUIDE PRICE (TENDER) £350,000 PIMPERNE, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £560,000 SHAFTESBURY, DORSET A charming period cottage on the south side of St James Shaftesbury 01747 850858 Guide Price £299,950 EPC: Exempt

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net104 Property Local & National reach through a network of London & Regional offices PROPERTY EXPERTS SINCE 1910 SHERBORNE 01935 810141 SHAFTESBURY 01747 850858 BLANDFORD 01258 423002 LEIGH, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £1,550,000 NORTH BREWHAM, SOMERSET GUIDE PRICE (TENDER) £350,000 PIMPERNE, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £560,000 WEST COKER, SOMERSET A light and bright house with impressive proportions that is presented with great style in an exclusive location within this popular village Sherborne Office 01935 810141 Guide Price £795,000 EPC: Band F SHERBORNE, DORSET A light and spacious detached house with a southerly aspect, large garden and enormous amount of potential in one of Sherborne’s most coveted addresses. Sherborne Office 01935 810141 Guide Price £1,100,000 EPC: Band E

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 105 Property Local & National reach through a network of London & Regional offices PROPERTY EXPERTS SINCE 1910 SHERBORNE 01935 810141 SHAFTESBURY 01747 850858 BLANDFORD 01258 423002 LEIGH, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £1,550,000 NORTH BREWHAM, SOMERSET GUIDE PRICE (TENDER) £350,000 PIMPERNE, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £560,000 HARDINGTON MANDEVILLE, SOMERSET A quiet and exclusively located pretty thatched cottage with real character, lovely rear gardens and a versatile double SherbornegarageOffice 01935 810141 Guide Price £500,000 EPC: Band D CLOSWORTH, SOMERSET A particularly handsome former Rectory with coach house, swimming pool and paddock, set in delightful established gardens with commanding far reaching rural views Sherborne Office 01935 810141 Guide Price £1,550,000 EPC: Band E

Our showcase events are always popular among city dwellers, and the London Office is located in a wellpositioned and easily accessible position in St James’s. Head of Agency Jon Summers who will be hosting the event with colleague Peter Grout-Smith and Morgan Clement is looking forward to the event. “Demand from London and Home County based buyers continues to influence the regional market, and we have agreed sales to many properties to buyers relocating from London and the Home Counties”.
If you are considering selling and would like your property to feature at this exclusive London event, please call Jon on 01305 251154 or your local Symonds & Sampson office to arrange a free, no obligation market appraisal, and we’ll look forward to telling you more. Symonds & Sampson often sell individual building plots in their collective property auctions, but the July auction included the successful sale of a development site for nine houses. Calton Stockley, Head of Land and New Homes, was delighted with the result “This was an opportunity to acquire an attractive development site with planning permission for nine detached houses. Extending to 2.5 acres, the site lies within striking distance of local amenities at Crossways, a mainline station at Moreton, and the Purbecks, Coast and pretty Dorset countryside. We received encouraging levels of interested from both local and national developers resulting in a sale in excess of the Guide Price”. Auctioneer Mark Lewis added “This is the third substantial development site we have sold at auction; the fact that the seller is able to provide all relevant independent reports in advance of the auction dates attracts buyers who are then able to bid with confidence.” Symonds & Sampson have achieved notable successes in both securing planning and then promoting development sites of all sizes by Informal/Formal Tender, Private Treaty, Options etc., as well as by auction, therefore if you have a site you are considering selling, please do get in touch with Calton Stockley on 01305 251154 to discuss the most suitable method of sale to achieve the most rewarding results.
Symonds & Sampson are heading back to the Capital in October to showcase properties across the region to London and Home counties buyers. During the pandemic property marketing changed, with the internet become pivotal as the ‘shop window’ for house hunters. However, as life has returned to some normality Symonds & Sampson have found buyers are eager to engage face to face with our property experts. Discussions are beneficial to buyers who can discuss their requirements and gain local knowledge, particularly advice on schools, commuting times and communities are hard to fathom out from afar, and being able to hone that information to identify the most suitable search areas before travelling is invaluable.
New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net106 Property Development site sells for more than £1 million
Capital showcase for our regional property market

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 107 Get your free quote. ON MOVE?THE Rated ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot Family BusinessOwnedEst.1973 British Association of Removers Eco RemovalsFriendly Removals made easy. UK Removals All houses great and small! A worry-free service from planning, packing to completion. Storage 24-hour to long term contracts, our advanced containerised system makes storage simple. European Removals Our friendly team will help guide you through the process from beginning to end. Emergency Storage We’ll collect and deliver to and from your location to give you one less thing to deal with. THE SOUTH WEST’S LEADING REMOVAL SERVICE01258Blandford447005 01305Dorchester231267 01747Shaftesbury440426 01935Sherborne316221 01925Warminster984459 01963Wincanton34065

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net108 H ◆ A ◆ M ◆ B ◆ L ◆ E ◆ D ◆ O ◆ N WW W .HAMB L E D ON . NE T Gillingham Tel: (01747) 824924 Shaftesbury Tel: (01747) 851151 Wincanton Tel: (01963) 34000 Sturminster Newton Tel: (01258) 472647 WWW.HAMBLEDON.NET WINCANTON0196334000 GILLINGHAM01747824924 SHAFTESBURY01747851151 STURMINSTER NEWTON 01258 472647 An individual and deceptively spacious four bedroom detached bungalow which enjoys the benefit of a large landscaped garden. Characterful sitting room, separate dining room, large kitchen/breakfast room, master bedroom with dressing room and en-suite and useful attic room. WINCANTON £410,000 NEW INSTRUCTION A substantial three bedroom detached bungalow situated in a small close in the sought after village of South Cheriton. Spacious sitting room with open fire, separate dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, utility/boot room, en-suite shower room, attractive landscaped garden and garage. SOUTH CHERITON £430,000 NEW INSTRUCTION A spacious four bedroom terrace house situated within a short walk of local schools. The property enjoys the benefit of a loft conversion creating a master bedroom with dressing room/study and en-suite. Spacious lounge/diner, fitted kitchen, private garden, garage and no forward chain. EPC Rating: C. BRUTON £225,000 An exceptionally well presented three bedroom semi-detached house with stunning far reaching views over Wincanton and countryside beyond. Sitting room, stylish fitted kitchen, master bedroom with en-suite shower room, cloakroom, driveway and garage alongside property, WINCANTON £226,500 NEW INSTRUCTION An attractive two bedroom mid terrace house situated in a small close on a mature development. Spacious sitting room, kitchen/diner, bathroom, easy to maintain garden, allocated parking, ideal investment or first time buy. EPC Rating: C. WINCANTON £145,000 NEW INSTRUCTION A spacious two bedroom semi-detached house situated on a popular residential development. The property is presented in excellent order and enjoys the benefit of a car port, long driveway, enclosed garden, sitting room, fitted kitchen, conservatory and potential to extend (STPP). EPC Rating: D. WINCANTON £179,950 HAMLET01963LETTINGS34006WINCANTON0196334000 Shaftesbury01747851151 Take a step back in time with this delightful semi-detached cottage. Charm and character throughout, cosy living room with window seat, dining room, two bedrooms, loft room, kitchen, garden and off road parking. EPC Rating: F. £500,000 Bayford A three bedroom detached house with delightful views over adjoining fields. This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance, modernise and extend (STPP) to create a wonderful family home. Kitchen/dining room, lounge with open fire, conservatory, utility room, shower room, garage/workshop, no forward chain. EPC Rating: E. Thinking of Moving? Due to continued sales success we urgently require more properties to meet the demand from buyers looking for a home in Wincanton, Bruton, Mere, Stalbridge, Milborne Port and the surrounding villages. If you are considering bringing your property to the market we would be delighted to provide you with a free market assessment and valuation. Please call 01963 34000 to arrange an appointment or email A three bedroom semi-detached house situated on a popular residential development. This excellent family home enjoys a well proportioned living/ dining room with a door leading out to the garden, fitted kitchen, cloakroom, family bathroom, attractive landscaped garden, driveway and garage with remote controlled door. EPC Rating: C. £285,000 Wincanton £400,000 Mere An impressive three bedroom end terrace house situated on the edge of a modern characterful development. This particular house has been designed with a curved wall to one side providing a stunning kitchen/diner and master bedroom with en-suite. Light and airy sitting room and utility room. An early viewing is highly recommended. EPC Rating: B. Attractive period cottage situated in the heart of Wincanton. Accommodation spread over three floors with a spacious sitting/dining room, fitted kitchen, utility room, large garden, GCH, double glazing, no forward chain. EPC Rating: D. £275,000 West £425,000StourWincanton

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 109 Don't leave your property sale to chance - call our Award Winning Team for a FREE valuation today! Gillingham 01747 824547 Sturminster Newton 01258 473030 w w w . m o r t o n n e w . c o . u k Gillingham Guide Price £325,000 A handsome double fronted mid terraced former brewery workers cottage with three generously sized bedrooms, good sized garden and situated in the favoured Wyke area of the town. EPC E Gillingham Guide Price £400,000 A delightful detached chalet style home, presented to the market with no onward chain, offering well proportioned, flexible accommodation with two/three double bedrooms. EPC D Templecombe Guide Price £375,000 A h a n d s o m e d o u b l e f r o n t e d d e t a c h e d f a m i l y h o m e w i t h t h r e e g e n e r o u s l y s i z e d b e d r o o m s , s i t u a t e d a t t h e e n d o f a q u i e t c u l d e s a c o n a s m a l l d e v e l o p m e n t . E P C E South Cheriton Asking Price £750,000 A g r i c u l t u r a l t i e d d w e l l i n g i n S o u t h C h e r i t o n c o m p r i s i n g f i v e b e d r o o m e d c h a l e t s t y l e b u n g a l o w s e t i n f i f t e e n a c r e s w i t h a n o u t b u i l d i n g . E P C D Fiddleford Guide Price £575,000 A charming detached cottage with two double bedrooms, contemporary living space and sitting in good sized grounds, occupying a lane side position in the delightful hamlet of Fiddleford EPC E Hazelbury Bryan Asking Price £500,000 A fabulous, individually designed four/five bedroom detached chalet style home oozing with internal character, offering flexible room usage, double garage and parking EPC C

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 2022 blackmorevale.net110 Chapman Moore For the Complete Property Package. Agents for Residential, Commercial, Property Investment & Management. Townbridge House, High Street, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4AA Telephone/Fax: (01747) 822244 E-mail: See all our properties on & GILLINGHAM More Properties Required Contact Andrew Bonnet or Sue Moore GILLINGHAM Det 3 Bed En Ut Gdn Gge Price £425,000 GILLINGHAM More Properties Required Contact Andrew Bonnet or Sue Moore GILLINGHAM More Properties Required Contact Andrew Bonnet or Sue Moore GILLINGHAM GF 2 Bed Apartment Pkg Space Price £145,000 TISBURY ET 3 Bed Gdn Workshop Price £290,000 GILLINGHAM GF 2 Bed Parking Space Com Gdn Price £127,500 MOTCOMBE Det 3 Bed 2 Rec Gdn Pkg Price £750,000 GILLINGHAM More Properties Required Contact Andrew Bonnet or Sue Moore GILLINGHAM D 5 Bed 2 Rec 3 Bath/Shwr Gdn/Pkg Price £599,950 GILLINGHAM GF Commercial Property Price £155,000 EAST STOUR Det 3 Bed Ens Ut Gdn Gge Pkg Price £400,000 GILLINGHAM 2nd Fl 1 Bed Parking Space Price £94,500 New Instruction Sold Sale Agreed Sold New Instruction New RetirementInstructionApartment Viewing Recommended Sold Versatile Accommodation New RetirementInstructionApartment GILLINGHAM More Properties Required Contact Andrew Bonnet or Sue Moore No Forward Chain GILLINGHAM GF 2 Bed Shw Rm Com Gdn Pkg Price £132,000 No Forward Chain Retirement Apartment GILLINGHAM Self Contained Office Suite Parking Price £145,000 D C No Forward Chain CFreeholdSold C C C/DE D D D B

New Blackmore Vale, 2 September 111 Puzzle solutions (from pages 44-45) Killer sudoku 8 6 7 3 4 2 5 9 1 9 2 4 1 7 5 6 8 3 1 3 5 9 6 8 4 2 7 5 7 3 2 8 9 1 4 6 4 1 8 5 3 6 9 7 2 2 9 6 7 1 4 3 5 8 7 5 9 6 2 3 8 1 4 3 8 2 4 9 1 7 6 5 6 4 1 8 5 7 2 3 9 9 4 12 7 31 9 136 12 7 12 13 2057 17 13 17 12 14 22 22 21 2230 30 18 Sudoko 4 7 2 9 3 1 6 8 5 9 5 3 2 6 8 1 4 7 6 8 1 5 4 7 3 9 2 7 1 9 6 5 4 2 3 8 8 3 4 1 7 2 9 5 6 5 2 6 3 8 9 7 1 4 2 6 5 4 1 3 8 7 9 1 9 8 7 2 5 4 6 3 3 4 7 8 9 6 5 2 1 Jumbo sudoku 58 37 1 29 641 2 53 6 84 7 9 2 7 6 5 4 9 8 3 1 8 9 7 4 1 5 6 2 3 1 5 32 6 84 9 726 89 4 15 37 89 76 2 43 51 6 4 3 7 2 9 1 8 5 9 4 87 3 15 6 2 2 9 6 4 5 7 3 1 8 8 1 53 9 27 6 4 3 7 4 1 8 6 2 5 9 5 8 27 1 63 4 9 9 7 6 3 4 2 8 5 1 3 1 48 5 92 7 646 25 7 18 39 78 34 2 51 69 41 96 8 52 371 3 89 5 62 4 7 2 6 5 4 7 3 9 1 8 9 7 42 8 15 6 3 7 1 4 8 9 6 5 3 2 9 2 34 7 51 6 8 5 6 8 1 2 3 4 9 7 13 96 4 75 28 87 92 5 13 4665 43 8 21 97 Cryptic crossword A D F B B S A S E A G U L L O P T I C T F L U N A R O F F A L R I S O T T O N O U A N A D A P T A B I L I T Y I I W N M M U L T I P L I C I T Y A N H I S G O U N D E R A D M I T I G E I N A I N Y L O N D I G I T A L E Y T E E E L Crossword S A D D L E I M P A I R C I E U R E Y E S S O M E T I M E S T T S I I I H O U R S C H N A P P S E R A R O A T B Y P R O D U C T I E P W S R C M E D I E V A L R O T A B A V T L U I N T E R V E N E C O S B I E C A E E N C O D E S H A R E D Arrow words C U Y A O L O V U M M U S C A D E T R U E A N O N S P R O M G Y E P B M O O O B O E B R U G F I T A N T I M A L I E L F K E N B I R D M E S S 5 RESULT 16 4 24 42 21 Brain chain Wordsearch R H M A P O R T H O L E A G L E C E K D H E T M L O R C V N N O Z C A A I O E S L K E P D E M Z O R A B E I A M N I C F O P A D L G W L H D T C O E T H A N N N Z L C R A T C N N N E S I I A E N E N U U E E D E O S N W R E A A R L S M E E F D E E T R M R E U T E A W A H D C G F H E H S E S D T N T N R R H O H N E L A L O L C G D E N L T H E L C I D I D R B N C E A A S A N G C G I L T O A T E F M N L H M H C S R L W A W A H I N T Z T N I L E W R I Brain chain (hard) 45 RESULT 30 131 130 70 220 Property 1 BED FLAT, BRUTON, UF, NS, no pets, no DSS, rent £625pcm excluding bills. Suit single professional. Tel 01749 813001 WEST BAY 2-BEDROOM ground floor hoilday flat to let Tel 01963 23456 ACCOMMODATIONSELF-CONTAINED on quiet farm near Yeovil 01935 891817 GARAGE TO LET. Central Sturminster Newton. £100/ month. Tel: 01258 473061 TO LET GENTLEMAN’S CLOTHING FOR SALE. Coats, trousers, and shirts etc. Medium to large size. Offers. 01305 751620 FORMULA 1 DIE CAST MODEL. 1.18 scale. Original box. Michael Schumacher 2000 Ferrari £50. Tel 07538 871856 MAGAZINE RACK GEORGIAN style mahogany with drawer on brass wheels. Good condition £30 ono. 01935 815931 22 DOUBLE CD AUDIO BOOKS modern mainly thriller/murder listened to once. £50 the lot, for Car Boot? 01963 210359 AIRFIX 90 TEARS OF FIGHTERS commemorative gift set.7 models,boxed and edition.£45.unopened.Limited07747098126 BEDROOM CHEST OF DRAWERS 4 drawer chest H90 W77 D40cm as new condition £20.00 can send email picture. 01747 854190 MEN’S WATERPROOFSTUBURTGOLFSHOES. black/red soft spikes spare laces. size 7 microfibre comfort almost new £45 01935 851076 GENTS WOOL BLEND grey striped suit with 2pr trousers by Harbarry of England. 40r w34” £45 01935 851076 2 LARGE INFLATABLE BOAT FENDERS 600X300 unused £50 Bourton 01747 840908 FREE TWO SEATER SETTEE, good condition collection from BLANDFORD call 01258 455700 for details MAKITA 110MM POWER planer 1911b £45 01747 840835 VARIOUS TOOLS, aviary panels and old coins. Offers - 01963 33156 SMALL AMOUNT OF OLD TABLE + tray clothes & doyleys, some with lace, all clean v.g.c 01747 830000 FREE AD up to £50 1 ad per contact number please limit to 20 words or less classified@ Items for Sale...contd from page 87 ONE availableBUNGALOWBEDROOMtoletfor6months. Quiet location, Child Okeford, £750pcm. No pets please. Enclosed garden. References required. Please email: LADDER, 2-section extension high quality aluminium, approx. 7 metres total height, hardly-used, Stephenson & Carter Clima brand, £25 07774-628641cash; CANON 350PRINTER £25 01935 321926 DOUBLE BED FRAME, light wood £40. Small filing cabinet 3 drawers £15. Wooden standard lamp £10. 01747 840777 HEAVY DUTY IRON BENCH VICE £15 OVNO call Jay 07545 065503 DECORATORS PLATFORM not used. £49.00 . Please phone Ken 01935 815158 ELECTRIC HEDGE TRIMMER. Black & Decker electric hedge trimmer with 20M cable. Old but in good working order. 01747-811150£12
A R C H I T E C T U R A L M E T A L W O R K C u s t o m m a d e o r r e s t o r e d i n n u m e r o u s f i n i s h e s a n d m e t a l s Balustrades Canopies & Pergola's - Estate Ironworks - Furniture & Ornaments Handrails Orangeries & Glass houses Railing & Fencing - Staircases Steelworks & Fabrications Windows & Doors R E Q U E S T A Q U O T E : W W W N E W T O N F O R G E C O U K / R E Q U E S T Q U O T E 0 1 2 5 8 4 7 2 4 0 7 | M A I L @ N E W T O N F O R G E C O U K U N I T 2 0 C , B U T T S P O N D I N D U S T R I A L E S T A T E , S T U R M I N S T E R N E W T O N , D T 1 0 1 A Z