4 minute read
Thought for the Day by Canon Charles Mitchell-Innes at Sherborne Abbey
IN OUR RECENT jubilant celebrations of the Queen’s long and exemplary reign we have seen how powerful her influence and personal authority continue to be, not only in this kingdom but throughout the Commonwealth; indeed, we have seen the respect in which she is held worldwide. Yet she has little actual power in worldly terms. Instead, she demonstrates to us all what might be called the royalty of service, embodying in her public life the values of truth, wisdom and integrity, and what St Paul calls “the fruit of the Spirit,” qualities that include patience, kindness and faithfulness. To wear the crown is not an easy calling: it comes with heavy responsibility. Carol Ann Duffy, in her poem The Crown, written for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee (2012), speaks eloquently of its load:
“One head alone
Can know its weight, on throne, in pageantry,
And feel it still, in private space, when it’s lifted.” This crown, she says, has many jewels, amongst which are “The shy pearl, humility.” Above all, it is “Not lightly worn.” These are the things that are truly valuable, of which the Queen, over these 70 years, has been a constant example. This celebration has been a way of giving thanks for that example, and an encouragement to let the Christian spirit of humility and service to others infuse our own lives, “So that, bearing about with us the infection of a good courage, we may be diffusers of life… giving Thee thanks always for all things” (Robert Louis Stevenson). If you would like to book an Abbey tour, please contact the Parish Office: 01935 713777 (Mon–Fri 9am–3pm), parishsecretary@ sherborneabbey.com, www.sherborneabbey.com.
• Shaftesbury Quakers (Society
of Friends). Meets for one hour each Sunday from 10.30am at the Quaker Meeting House, Abbey Walk, Shaftesbury SP7 8BB.
• West Camel Independent
Methodists. All Saints Church on the first Sunday of the month at 4pm followed by tea. Other Sundays, evening worship is at 6pm. 01935 850838, Geoff.mead@yahoo.com.
• Blandford Methodist Church.
Sunday services start at 10.45am. Thursdays: Coffee and Chat from 10am- noon. Fridays: Lunch Club for the over-55s from noon at £5 a meal. Phone John Cornish to book your meal, 07799 516735.
• Anglican High Mass at
Wimborne St Giles. High Mass is the first Sunday of each month at 10am. BH21 5LZ.
• St Gregory’s Church,
Marnhull. Coffee, Cake and Company, Thursdays from 10-11am. Everyone welcome. • Sherborne Abbey. Monday to Saturday, 8.30am MP; The Sepulchre Chapel. Mondays, 9am CW HC; The Lady Chapel. Tuesdays, 12 noon CW HC; The Lady Chapel. Wednesdays, 10.30am HC with Homily; The Lady Chapel (alternates CW and BCP). Thursdays, 12 noon BCP HC; The Lady Chapel. Fridays, 9am Ecumenical HC; The Lady Chapel. First Friday of the month, 9am Requiem HC; The Sepulchre Chapel. Third Friday of the month, 11am Remembering the Fallen. Saturdays, 9am CW HC; The Sepulchre Chapel.
• St Peter’s, Hinton St Mary.
First, second and third Sundays, 9.30am MP. Fourth Sunday, 9.30am HC. • St Thomas’ Lydlinch. Second and fourth Sunday, 11am HC. 3rd Sunday, 6pm Evensong.
• St Mary’s, Sturminster
Newton. First and third Sundays, 11am HC; 6pm BCP Evensong. Second and fourth Sundays, 9.30am MP; 6pm BCP Evensong. Fifth Sunday, 11am Benefice HC. Wednesdays, 10am BCP HC. • Kingston Lacy. Second Sunday of the month, 9.15am HC. Fourth Sunday of the month, 9.15am Family Service. • Shapwick. Third Sunday of the month, 9.15am HC. • Horton Church. First Sunday of the month, 10.30am HC. • Hinton Martell. Second Sunday of the month, 10.30am HC.
• Horton and Chalbury Village
Hall. Third Sunday of the month, 9am Breakfast Church. • Witchampton Church. Third Sunday of the month, 10.30am HC. • Chalbury Church. Fourth Sunday of the month, 10.30am HC.
• Our Lady’s RC Church,
Marnhull. Mass Sunday, 9.30am and 6pm.
• St Benedict’s RC Church,
Gillingham. Sunday, 11am. • Fancy a coffee? The churches in The Donheads, Charlton, East Knoyle, Semley and Sedgehill now have a team of friendly, approachable people available to offer home visits. Contact Revd. Kate at rector@benofbart.org.uk, 01747 830174. • St Mary’s, Stalbridge. 10 July, Evensong 4pm; 17 July, Morning Worship 10am; 28 July, HC 10am. • Lower Stour Benefice. Sunday, 10 July: 9.30am Communion – St Mary Church, Blandford St Mary; 11am Communion – All Saints Langton Long; 11am Family Service – Tarrant Keyneston. Sunday, 17 July: 9.30am Communion – St John Baptist Church, Spetisbury; 9.30am Morning Worship – St Mary The Virgin Charlton Marshall; 11am Morning Worship – All Saints Langton Long; 11am Communion – Tarrant Rushton; 4pm Family Service – St Mary The Virgin Charlton Marshall. • Julian Group: Next meeting on Wednesday 13 July, at St John’s Almshouse Chapel from 4-4.30pm. Everyone welcome.
• Saying Goodbye
Remembrance Service: Sunday, 10 July, at 3.30 pm at Wimborne Minster, Dorset. For people who have suffered the loss of a baby, either recently or past, and for those grieving the fact they have been unable to have children www.sayinggoodbye.org
ST PETER & ST PAUL WINCANTON CHURCH PATH FETE Saturday 9th July 10am - 1pm Wincanton Parish Church Books, Cakes, Gifts, Raffle, Refreshments, Various Stalls Country Dancing. Everyone is very welcome For further information. Please Tel: 01963 824503