Thank you Ma’am Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 1 The New Blackmore Vale Edition 52 Friday, 16 September, 2022FREE EVERY FORTNIGHT Whole School Open Morning24 September 2022DISCOVER OUR INNOVATIVE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT REGISTER TODAY • 01747 813111 PROGRAMMEDEVELOPMENT

Hear from the Head, Jo Thomson and the leadership team in exclusive presentations, and enjoy a tour of our wonderful facilities and grounds.
We warmly welcome you to join us for an all school Open Morning this September, to see the school ‘in action’ and discover our innovative personal development programme LEX.
Hear from the Head, Jo Thomson and the leadership team in exclusive presentations, and enjoy a tour of our wonderful facilities and grounds.

We warmly welcome you to join us for an all school Open Morning this September, to see the school ‘in action’ and discover our innovative personal development programme LEX.
We warmly welcome you to join us for an all school Open Morning this September, to see the school ‘in action’ and discover our innovative personal development programme LEX.
Hear from the Head, Jo Thomson and the leadership team in exclusive presentations, and enjoy a tour of our wonderful facilities and grounds.

We warmly welcome you to join us for an all school Open Morning this September, to see the school ‘in action’ and discover our innovative personal development programme LEX.
Hear from the Head, Jo Thomson and the leadership team in exclusive presentations, and enjoy a tour of our wonderful facilities and grounds.

A Breath of Fresh Air...

Life at Clayesmore Prep is busy and varied, with all the academic rigour you would expect but complemented with creativity, music, sport and forest school! We love the outdoors, and encourage learning outside in the lush surroundings as much as possible.

Prep Year 5 and Year 7 Scholarships Application deadline 5 December Academic • Music Sport • All Rounder (Year 7 are Continuity Scholarships and will run until Year 11) Find out more at or contact the Admissions Team on

Clayesmore is renowned for our family orientated feel, but we are ambitious – for your child and for our whole school community.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net2

Clayesmore Prep is a small, nurturing school where we take time to get to know every pupil. We are a day and boarding school; thriving in the day and full of energy and positivity in the evening!

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 3 RAPID RESPONSE SPECIALISTS COVID RESPONSIBLE ENGINEERS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS FRIENDLY HELPFUL TEAM WE GET THE JOB DONE! Abbots FREE CALL OUT on availabilitysubjectrequestto COVERING: NO JOB TOO SMALL Salisbury Fordingbridge Shaftesbury Gillingham Dorchester Wincanton Sturminster Newton and surrounding areas Call Free: 0800 096 9910 Family firm Estd 1991 PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAINAGE The New Blackmore Vale Edition 52 Friday, 16 September, 2022FREE EVERY FORTNIGHT Thank you, Ma’am Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Our tribute, pages 3-5

What’s inside this issue… • Top: How one dedicated postie makes a difference to village life, page 20 • Above: Students across the Vale celebrate their GCSE results, page 28 • Left: Setting the record straight when it comes to foxes, page 24 Editorial deadlines are the Wednesday the week before publication. Display ads must be booked by Wednesday the week before publication, with final copy submitted by the Friday Classified ads may be accepted after this, however these will be subject to space. EDITORIAL ADVERTISING ADDRESS: 3 Alfred's Way, Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 9RU Online: Announcements 78-83 Antiques & Collectables 48-50 Arts & Entertainment 35-38 Business 72 Church 39 Education 28-29 Equestrian 93 Events 32-33 Farming 94-101 Field & Stream 92-93 Food & Drink 70-72 Health & Wellbeing 73-75 History 40 Home & Garden 51-57 Items For Sale 110 Letters 30-31 Local Services 60-67 Motoring 76-77 Pets 68-69 Politics 41-43 Property 102-110 Puzzles 44-45 Recruitment 83-90 Sport 46-47 Debi Thorne Advertising Sales Manager 07714Debi.thorne@blackmorevale.net289409 Lloyd Armishaw 01963newsdesk@blackmorevale.netPublisher400186 Jane Toomer Account Manager Lorraine Drake Distributor 07850lorraine_drake@icloud.com529937 01963adverts@blackmorevale.net400186 Kye Harman Sports 01963sports@blackmorevale.netEditor400186 We love hearing your news and views. Get in touch with us by emailing or calling 01963 400186

In his tribute, Mr Loder recounted the numerous times the Queen visited West
Dorset during her reign – from her trip to an archaeological dig at Maiden Castle in July 1952, after only five months as Queen, to opening the Dorset County Hospital buildings in 1998, and unveiling the statue of the Queen Mother with King Charles III in Poundbury in 2016.
During her long reign, the Queen touched many lives and made multiple visits to the Blackmore Vale. Did you meet her? Did she support your charity or social enterprise? If so, we’d love to hear about it: send your stories, memories and photos to and we’ll compile them in the next issue.
As Supreme Governor of the Church of England, she had a clear understanding of what her Church is for. As she told the assembled bishops at the Lambeth Conference in 2012, “We should remind ourselves of the significant position of the Church of England in our nation’s life. The concept of our established Church is occasionally misunderstood and, I believe, commonly underappreciated. Its role is not to defend Anglicanism to the exclusion of other religions. Instead, the Church has a duty to protect the free practice of all faiths in this country.
Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in the House of Commons chamber on the evening of 9 September. Mr Loder conveyed the deepest sorrow he shared with so many of his constituents at the passing of the UK’s longest serving monarch.
Your memories…

there are those in this country who love to sneer at and mock the monarchy, just as they sneer at and mock everything that is good and true and noble in our land. But then, the monarchy, like the Church, is ultimately a profoundly counter-cultural institution. It stands for the eternal verities, not the fads and fashions of this passing age. And it points beyond itself to the majesty of God. As one recent commentator has put it, ‘Hereditary monarchy is a lonely, noble, sacrificial calling’ – and so it is. At this time, then, we should offer up our heartfelt thanks for Queen Elizabeth II, for so long our Sovereign Dei Gratia, by the grace of God. We should pray that she will rest in peace, and rise in glory. And we must pray too for her son, King Charles III, that he will always know the love and loyalty of all his subjects and, above all, the strength and blessing of Almighty God.
“It certainly provides an identity and spiritual dimension for its own many adherents. But also, gently and assuredly, the Church of England has created an environment for other faith communities and indeed people of no faith to live freely. Woven into the fabric of this country, the Church has helped to build a better society – more and more in active co-operation for the common good with those of other faiths.”Sadly
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
A tribute by Canon Eric Woods Deputy Lieutenant of Dorset
Mr Loder referenced Her Majesty’s dedicationunwaiveringandhardwork
IT IS SAID that, when a British Monarch is crowned, he or she goes into Westminster Abbey as one person and comes out as another. If you have ever watched the televised recording of the Coronation, you may remember that, while the choir sang Zadok the Priest, the Queen was divested of the great crimson royal robe of state. Wearing a simple white dress over the coronation dress, she moved to King Edward’s Chair and took her seat there, facing the altar, not the congregation. The historian Lawrence Tanner afterwards remarked how deeply he had been moved by that slight figure, “clothed in simple white, terribly alone, awaiting her anointing.”
God save The King.
Now she has gone from us, but so much of her still remains: her example of dedication and service, her concern for the peace and unity of her realm, and of the Commonwealth of Nations, her love of all peoples, regardless of creed, colour or class, and her profound Christian faith.
West Dorset MP Chris Loder pays tribute to HMQ in Commons speech
The Queen chose Sherborne Abbey for the location of her visit to Dorset as part of her nation-wide 2012 Diamond Jubilee Tour

WEST DORSET MP Chris Loder gave a heartfelt tribute, on behalf of all in West Dorset, for the life and service of Her late

The church remained open for prayers during the week, and a service of thanksgiving was scheduled for 11am on Sunday 18 September, the day before the funeral for the late monarch.
During her life and times, Queen Elizabeth touched the lives of many…

But following the news of the Queen’s passing, a call for volunteers went out to clean it up and move rolls of insulation which had occupied the pews so it could be fully opened for a service on Sunday morning.
Right, from top: Floral tributes for The Queen laid against the hoarding around the scaffolded Blandford Parish Church in the churchyard Field of Remembrance; The Mayor of Blandford Colin Stevens reads the Proclamation with, left to right, RBL standard Bearer Tony Lucas, deputy Mace Bearer James Watling, Mayoress Chris Stevens, Deputy Mayor Hugo Mieville, Mace Bearer David Jardine, and Mayor’s Chaplain Chris Beaumont, and behind other town councillors and Deputy Town Crier Liz Rawlings; Some of those who gathered in Blandford Market Place to hear the Proclamation of the Accession of Charles III
“Her Majesty performed her duties with such dignity and calm assurance during a remarkable reign which has served as an inspiration and example to so many.
A space had been made available in the churchyard of the parish church for people to place floral tributes to the Queen, the first laid by the Mayor and his wife Chris, and the front lobby was opened up as a place for prayer and reflection, with the opportunity to light a candle.Andthe church itself, which has for the last six months been unavailable for prayer and worship due to the restoration being carried out inside and outside, was re-opened on Saturday after a major exercise to clean up six months’ of builders’ dust.
President of Dorset Chamber Caron Khan said: “All at the Dorset Chamber are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal family at this time of such great sorrow.

An open day had been planned on Saturday (10 September) to coincide with the annual Ride & Stride of the Dorset Historic Churches Trust and Dorset Architectural Heritage Week, when the wider community was invited to see the work carried out to the church, and the newly painted and re-gilded East End.
The Mayor’s Chaplain, the Rev Chris Beaumont, led prayers during the short service, and afterwards Rob Chalkley led the gathering in the singing of God Save the King.
Above: the assembly’s singing of God Save the King was led by Rob Chalkley, pictured with (L to R) deputy Mace Bearer James Watling, Mayoress Chris Stevens and the Mayor of Blandford Colin Stevens
Tributes to HMQ
“The profound loss we now feel is mirrored by thanks for her life of exemplary public service, including her support for business as patron of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC).
“Although this is a very sad day, her legacy will live on through her family and the country she has helped to shape with such
“Elizabeth II is the only monarch many of us have ever known and she has remained a constant presence as a symbol of unity through good times and bad.
The Union Flag at Castle Hill, Mere, flies at half mast (picture by George Jeans)

The town’s book of condolence remained in the Corn Exchange throughout the week, and will be available for signatures on Saturday, when a consultation is taking place on the local Neighbourhood Plan, and the town hall and council chamber will be open to the public as part of Dorset Architectural Heritage Week.
Blandford pays its respects
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net6
The people of Blandford came out to witnesss history, to mourn collectively and to celebrate the life and legacy of Queen Elizabeth II
Hundreds of people gathered in Blandford Market Place on Sunday afternoon to witness the historic Proclamation of the Accession of King Charles III, brought in the traditional way by the Mayor, Colin Stevens, after he heard the pronouncement in the county town of Dorchester earlier that day.

The lone Union Flag flew at half-mast over the Corn Exchange where a book of condolence was opened on Friday morning and remained open from 9am to 8pm daily during the week for people to visit and sign.

“We have all lost a unique, loving and determined Monarch who has, over 70 years, not only delivered the extraordinary, devoted service and support she promised at such an early age, but given us so very much more besides.
“Our loss is incalculable.”

wisdom and leadership over so many years.
The Rev Chris Beaumont, Mayor of Blandford Colin Stevens and chairman of the Blandford branch of the Royal British Legion Terry Clarkson gather at the Town Pump in front of Blandford Parish Church to hear the church bell tolling for an hour from noon on Friday following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The nation enters a period of mourning

Angus Campbell, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant for Dorset, said:“While still a Princess, on her 21st birthday, Her Majesty broadcast a declaration to the country and the Commonwealth which included the words: ‘I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.’
The final stages of the Tour of Britain cycle race, the seventh stage of which was set to take place through Dorset on Saturday (10 September), were also cancelled.
“Those words encapsulate the love, service and strength of character with which Her Majesty has led the monarchy of Great Britain and the Commonwealth over her 70-year reign.
Cllr Val Pothecary, chairman of Dorset Council, said: “Our thoughts and prayers are with the Royal Family and the country as we mourn the loss of Her Majesty, and I would like to offer them our heartfelt condolences. We give thanks for her wonderful life and years of devotion to serving the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. She has been an inspiration to us all.”
East Dorset Heritage Trust, organisers of Dorset Architectural Heritage Week, announced that the event from 9-18 September would go ahead but invited individual participants and event hosts to decide whether or not to cancel their particular activity.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 7
The Royal British Legion nationally has cancelled all events during the period of national mourning, which in Blandford included its annual Poppy Walk on Sunday and a Battle of Britain Thanksgiving Service at Blandford Cemetery on Thursday (15 September).

It was also a small celebration, because it is 100 years since BEWI was created in 1922 – although it had a two-year ‘sabbatical’ between 2011-13. The group was restored after Simone Walls Macdonald asked the County Federation if Blandford had a WI and was asked if she would like to re-open it. The WI was revived on a bleak February evening in 2013 and has blossomed ever since.
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Members of the Blandford Evening Women’s Institute visit Holme for Gardens…

The group meets on the second Friday of every month at 7pm in the Pavilion, the Woodhouse Gardens, Blandford.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net8
Why not arrange a visit to see for yourself 01258 857378 | |

“Your staff are exemplary in every way. They care for my every need, showing genuine kindness and always go above and beyond the call of duty. The excellent chef caters for my special diet - all cooked to perfection. I couldn’t ask for anything more.” Current resident
Every August, the Blandford Evening WI (BEWI) group usually organises an outdoor gathering instead of a regular meeting. This year members visited Holme for Gardens in Wareham to wander the paths, admire the flowers, hunt for herbs and plan next year’s planting in their own gardens. All finished with a cream tea!

WI bids farewell to a long, hot summer

The rules of the road

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 9 LUXURY SENIOR LIVING BOURNEMOUTH A warm welcome awaits you at Glenhurst Manor Exceptional Platinum Award-Winning Care Gold Standards Framework 2022 Lasting Deliciousfcompanionship ood Elegant interiors Spacious en-suite rooms 01202 761175 Call us today to arrange a viewing... a warm welcome awaits you. Exceptional Platinum Award-Winning Care Gold Standards Framework 2022

Help needed

Police have warned that any driver caught contravening the traffic order will be subject of a fixed penalty notice, resulting in a nonendorsable fine of £50.
Sturminster Newton Heritage Trust is looking for Opportunitiesvolunteers…areavailable for all ages and skill sets in archives, audio-visual, collections, education, exhibitions and events, front of house, marketing, outreach work, social media, research, website and IT. Work in some volunteer positions can be carried out remotely if necessary.

by Faith Eckersall
Anyone interested should contact the group for an informal chat with a volunteer. Call Zilla Brown on 01258 473178 or visit

Police will be showing an increased presence in the pedestrianised part of Sturminster Newton’s Station Road, following reports of an increase in traffic, with suggestions that some drivers are not permitted to use this section of road.

“It was at one of these that a

After this, curving south east, the road becomes very steep. It is bounded by the woodland nature reserve which would be good to explore with bird and botany books to hand during the warmer seasons. At the top of the hill, after pausing for breath, turn left and you’ll soon be back at your car.
You can keep up with Haidy’s rescue clan at
little hen was taken out of the crates ice cold, her eyes tight shut. It was suggested she wasn’t going to make it. I felt desperately sad for her, brought her home and sat in my shed with her that night. I could hear the church bells, so I named her Belle. When I kissed her goodnight I promised I would do all I could to fight for her and her sisters.
A walk around… Hilfield
THIS IS A SHORT walk of about four miles, but the last section is rather steep! Start at the car park at the nature reserve by Gore Hill, and allow a little time to explore the reserve. Head north east along the road for three-quarters of a mile until you come to a footpath on your left, opposite a bridleway. The path takes you along a farm track, first north west and then curving down to the north east. It’s easy downhill walking, in places with a carpet! The views over the Vale are really fantastic.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net10
“When Belle finally opened her eyes we connected, and that was the start of two very happy years for us. Belle grew into a most beautiful girl and became head hen in my little clan. Watching my rescue hens stretching their wings, digging for grubs, dustbathing and sunbathing is so satisfying.”
Eventually, after crossing a field, you come to a road. Turn left and walk north west until you come to a cross roads at Stone’s Farm. Turn left, west, and in half a mile you’ll arrive at the Hilfield Manor House. Turn left again and make your way southwards along a windy road past several farms. After about a mile you’ll see the tiny church on the hillside next to the road. Pause to visit it.
When Haidy Mansfield first heard about rehoming commercial hens in 2016 she had no idea that, six years later, she would be helping to rescue thousands of hens destined for slaughter. Haidy explained, “My partner and I wanted to be more self-sufficient so, along with our lush new veg beds we registered with the charity Fresh Start For Hens (www.freshstartforhens. and soon rehomed three wee hens!

“And so began my discovery of what it means to be a commercial hen. I sat and watched these three scraggy girls, with barely a feather between them, looking so ill-at-ease with their freedom. They had come from their cages aged 72 weeks, diverted from the slaughter man by Fresh Start for Hens. Seeing them in that condition broke my heart and opened my eyes. I wanted to do more, so I volunteered with the charity and started helping out at rehomings.
Now continue south west crossing a stream, after which, logically, the slope is upwards. Soon you’ll arrive at the Franciscan Friary. It’s actually in Batcombe but their car park, opposite, is in Hilfield. You might like to visit their little shop.

Retired Dorset rights of way officer Chris Slade guides you on an quick ramble around Hilfield with a short, sharp climb at the end
On 8 October Haidy will be hosting a collection point in Hazelbury Bryan for people wanting to rehome hens. Register your interest at
Above: Haidy pictured with Asha; right and below: rescues really are granted a new lease of life
Hazelbury Bryan to become hub for rehoming ex-commercial hens and helping their recovery

Hens hoping for happy homes


New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 11 Are you struggling with your mental health? Several organisations in Somerset offer emotional and practical support to children, young people and their families. Yeovil 4 Family has link workers and volunteer mentors who work with families to help bring about positive and sustainable changes in their lives. For more information phone 01935 530050 or * Same day delivery available within 20 miles of BA12 6HB when ordered by 2pm, while stocks last. Sold as agent for Euronics Ltd. Prices correct at time of going to print. Come and see our Chapel Showroom, great deals every day, 100s of products in stock, for immediate delivery to your home!* SAMSUNG UE40J6300-AKXXU40CURVED £429.99 Whilst stock last. Sold as an agent for Euronics Ltd. Prices correct at time of print. - You won’t find these great products anywhere else! FREE SAME DAY IF ORDERED BY 5PM UPTO 20 MILES FROM BA12 6HB ON ALL ITEMS OVER £200 (IN STOCK ITEMS ONLY) INTERNET PRICES BOSCH WARRANTYSMS50T02GB £249.99 SAMSUNG UE40J6300-AKXXU40CURVED £429.99 Whilst stock last. Sold as an agent for Euronics Ltd. Prices correct at time of print. - You won’t find these great products anywhere else! Chapel Showroom, Boar Street, Mere. BA12 6DD, also shop at Salisbury Street, Mere. BA12 6HB 01747 860215 FREE SAME DAY DELIVERY IF ORDERED BY 5PM UPTO 20 MILES FROM BA12 6HB ON ALL ITEMS OVER £200 (IN STOCK ITEMS ONLY) INTERNET PRICES ON YOUR HIGH STREET £129COOKERSFROM CASHCARRY CHAPELSEECOMEOURSHOWROOM FANTASTICSTOCK KNIGHTWHITE TUMBLEDRYERC45CW £149.99 BOSCH WARRANTYSMS50T02GB2YEAR £249.99 WARRANTY RADIO’SROBERTS FRIDGEMASTERMCF9655cmChestFreezer2YearWarranty £169.992WarrantyYear FrostGSLV71PZTFLGFreeAmericanStyleFridgeFreezer £1399 2 WarrantyYear 55UQ75006LF_AEKLG55”4KLEDSmartTV £499 FullSMS2ITW08GBOSCHSizeDishwasher12PlaceSettings £379 2 WarrantyYear NSWE845CWSUKNHOTPOINT8kg1400SpinWashingMachine £339.99 54cmCCFM3582WBEKOFridgeFreezerFrostFree £369.99

The advantage of allowing each property to run as a unique business means that At the Chapel can fit in seamlessly and can continue to do what it does really well. We have no plans to change the offer, we just want to bring it back to its peak. The restaurant for example, is now open again in the evenings and by the end of the month we plan to reopen all day every day. We’re also super excited about the bakery, which is outstanding. We’re hoping to be able to
super excited about the
Top: Rob Greacen; above: At the Chapel’s light-filled restaurant

I’m not a great one for sitting still, so outside of work you’ll find me on the tennis court or on my bike. We’re open seven days a week, so there is always something going on and I’m really quite happy not to have too much down time!
With such a busy professional life, how do you relax?
You were in real estate and private equity; how did you get into the restaurant trade?
And although we’re clearly a group (with over 230 employees now) each property is run as a unique business adapted to its local environment. The only common theme is that all our food is cooked fresh on site and our food and drinks offer must take advantage of the best locally available produce. It’s a real pleasure to show what the West Country can offer.
You can never have a pint in peace.
I’ve known Catherine and Ahamed for a long time. We started our businesses roughly at the same time within a few miles of each other and are good friends. I’ve always hugely admired what Catherine has done in creating such a ground-breaking and well-loved institution, one that deserves its plaudits. I think that she put Bruton on the map and kick-started the food scene here. We both agreed that At the Chapel was an ideal fit for Stay Original.
Can you describe how Stay Original Company works?
We recently caught up with Rob Greacen, co-founder and managing director of the Stay Original Company, which owns six award-winning properties including The Grosvenor Arms in Shaftesbury, The King’s Arms in Dorchester and, most recently, At the Chapel in Bruton…

To succeed in this game, it is about everything – the building, the staff, the food, the drink, the atmosphere and the consistency – relentlessly maintaining the same standards day in day out. Get one part of that wrong and you won’t thrive.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net12
NBVM chats with… Rob Greacen

What’s the best thing about owning a pub/inn/hotel?
What is the secret of your success?
It took us quite some time to master all those elements. Finding the right property and making it beautiful was probably the easiest part to get right. Again, we were
I was in real estate and private equity for much of my career and at one point was a director and shareholder in River Cottage with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. I really didn’t know anything about hospitality when we decided to buy The Swan in Wedmore 10 years ago. I was very lucky, though, because the team that joined us to run that project – Tom Blake as Head Chef and Natalie Zvonek Little as General Manager, really knew what they were doing, and they still lead the company now.
hugely lucky to work with Ali Guttridge of Origin Design and we still work with her today. With Tom and Nat, we created attractive menus and service style, but learning how to build and motivate a great team took us a lot longer. It was only when we succeeded there that we really began to thrive. Providing a rewarding and happy environment for your staff is critical, especially in hospitality. Happy staff really do ensure that you have happy guests, so we spend a lot of time making sure that we are a good place to work. It’s our annual staff party next week in a field at my house… I’m always a little apprehensive –people in hospitality take their partying seriously!
And the worst?
spread some of that bakery love to the rest of our group. It’s really special.
Normally we buy beautiful but rundown old buildings, spend huge amounts of money rebuilding and redecorating before relaunching them as busy hotels, restaurants and bars. So far it has worked quite well! Occasionally (as with At the Chapel) we buy similar existing businesses as well. We love being based in the West Country and all our properties are quite close together. We’re quite an unusual company in a couple of ways: we own all our properties and we have a young, driven team running the business within a very ‘can do’ management structure.
What drew you to At the Chapel in Bruton?
It’s a very rewarding business and I work with some very special people and that makes life so much more fun. It’s also very satisfying to bring old buildings back to life. It’s a very tangible thing. And there’s always somewhere to go for a pint.
Entry is £10 per tractor, including a bacon or sausage bap plus a cup of coffee or tea for the drivers. Spectators are invited to see the gathering before drivers set off on a course around the local countryside. All proceeds, including any donations given by spectators, will be in aid of Caundle Marsh church.
Age NorthConcernDorset (Sturminster Newton) | 01258 475582 Office open 10am – 2pm Monday & Wednesday. Answerphone Friday Your local charity for all age-related information and advice • Befriending • Welfare Advice • Telephone Support • Foot Clinic

The event will include a raffle to which Dykes has contributed two £50 catering vouchers; Church View Larder a £50 meat voucher; the Snug at Caphays a two-night stay for two; Barbers Cheese a hamper; Di and James Hiscock a drinks hamper; and a ‘Pot Doodles’ voucher.
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney, and do you need one?

Lasting Powers of Attorney are documents that, when registered, mean you have given another person legal power to deal with financial decisions for you, or medical and welfare decisions.

Please call us on 07860 772274 or email

Tractor fun run
A tractor run for vintage and modern tractors, hosted by Di and James Hiscock of Caundle Marsh, will be held on Sunday 25 September from 10am. The meeting point is just off the A3030 at post code DT9 5LX with signs showing the way.

If you need somebody to rely on in later years, perhaps to take over making decisions on your behalf, that person will need your formal written authority.
This authority is given by creating a Lasting Power of Attorney.

At Winterborne Legal Services we can help you to put suitable protection in place in your Lasting Power of Attorney, so that you can be comfortable giving power to your Makingchildren.a

UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Open Mon - Sat, 10am - 5pm Also open on the Sundays of the monthly market New autumn stock coming in Stocking the same brands as Nowbeforestockist of Marble Clothing from Scotland

Lasting Power of Attorney can be a big leap of faith for you, if you have any questions we are ready to help.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 13

The cheque was presented by Chris Cox, owner of Sturminster Newton-based CJ Cox, and colleagues. The company provides agricultural products and is a certified dealer of Valtra Tractors, part of the AGCO brand.

Tractor power
– Sturminster Newton – Gillingham

Family Law Advice
Members hosted their 11th Patchwork and Quilting exhibition over two days in May at Long Sutton Golf Club. Visitors enjoyed viewing the exhibits and indulged in a little retail therapy including hand-made items, haberdashery stalls, tombola and raffle. Quirky Quilters is made up of like-minded friends who enjoy sewing and occasional workshops, speakers and outings. If you’d like to know more about the group, look for @qqsomerset on Facebook.
Family Law Advice

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net14
We realise talking about divorce or separation is very personal and so we are offering appointments at our offices. For new clients seeking initial advice a FREE appointment can be booked on Wednesdays 9am – 1pm. To book an appointment please call us on 01747 852377 in Shaftesbury
To book an appointment please call us on 01747 852377
CJ Cox and Valtra (AGCO) have given £100 from every new tractor sale over the last year to Ducks & Drakes Cancer Trust.

Charity trustee and local farmer Richard Drake said: “We are very grateful to CJ Cox, Valtra and AGCO and their customers for raising such an incredible amount. This will make a huge difference to the work we do in Dorset and has also helped us raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer among the farming community.”
Quilters create for charity
THE QUIRKY QUILTERS group, who meet on alternate Tuesday afternoons in Stoke-sub-Hamdon, have given £1,200 to mental-health charity Mind in Somerset.

Ducks & Drakes Cancer Trust was founded in 2012 to increase awareness of the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer, especially in young people. The trust also raises funds to financially support bowel cancer patients and their families and local cancer services.
Chris and Val Cox said: “This has been a fantastic initiative and we are so pleased to have raised such a large amount for the work Ducks & Drakes does in Dorset supporting bowel cancer patients. We’d like to thank our customers for their support and Valtra and AGCO for being part of the fundraising.”
Trustees from Dorset-based cancer charity Ducks & Drakes Cancer Trust were delighted to receive a cheque for £6,000 at the Dorset County Show
(From left) exhibition chairman Bridget Thorn, club chairman Zoe Grainger and Vicky Poole from Mind in Somerset
We realise talking about divorce or separation is very personal and so we are offering virtual appointments by Zoom. As an alternative, we offer a one off FREE telephone appointment for initial advice on Wednesdays 9am – 1pm
Cox, Guy Dibble, Tweeka Yeatman, Stan Wyatt, Ducks & Drakes treasurer Jane Weeden, Neil Warr, Ducks & Drakes trustee Richard Drake and Martin Spicer.
EASTER IN WEST YORKSHIRE 1 5 Apr £515 SUNDAY LUNCH 25 Apr £45 RHS MALVERN SPRING SHOW* 8 May £79 RHS HYDE HALL* 15 May £65 AGATHA CHRISTIE WEEKEND 21 24 May £375 LEED’S CASTLE* 22 May £75 GUERNSEY DAYTRIP MAY* 22 May £65 SUNDAY LUNCH 30 May £45 SUDLEY CASTLE & GARDEN’S* 6 June £65 SAINT FAGAN’S MUSEUM* 12 June £55 JAMES HERRIOT’S WORLD 14 18 June £529 BRYAN’S MYSTERY TRIP* 19 June £60 HISTORIC DOCKYARD CHATHAM* 19 June £69 GUERNSEY DAYTRIP JUNE* 20 June £80 HARRY POTTER STUDIO TOUR* 26 June £101 ADULT / £91 CHILD RHS HAMPTON COURT SHOW* 10 July £89 LOOKING GOOD DEAD 10 July £95 SUNDAY LUNCH 25 July £45 HIGHCLERE CASTLE* 28 July £75 HAIRSPRAY 31 July £115 PEAK PERFECTION 2 6 Aug £479 ARUNDEL CASTLE* 8 Aug £75 LOOE CORNWALL 13 16 Aug £525 BOWOOD HOUSE & GARDEN’S 14 Aug £69 Find us on Facebook 01963 363000Book getaway!your *Packed lunch included in these trips THE ROYAL MINT PROJECT & LUNCH* 27th Oct £69 TURKEY & TINSEL IN LLANDUDNO, WALES 28th – 31st Oct £420 LONGLEAT FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS ROALD DAHL THEMED 5th Nov £95 adult / £85 child under 16 CHATSWORTH & BEAMISH LIVING MUSEUM 12th – 15th Nov £360 plus £66 single supplement ILLUMINATING KEW GARDENS* 19th Nov £85 adult / £75 child under 16 CASTLE HOWARD AT CHRISTMAS & JAMES HERRIOT’S WORLD plus A FREE DAY IN HARROGATE 27th – 30th Nov £445, plus £99 single supplement THURSFORD CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR 11th – 13th Dec, £325 CHRISTMAS IN WARWICKSHIRE 23rd – 27th Dec, £730 plus £200 single supplement NEW YEAR IN EASTBOURNE 30th Dec 2022 – 2nd Jan 2023 £490 plus £55 single supplement
CJ Cox owner Chris
Helen Gilchrest hands a cheque to Jane, Secretary of MHND HAPS
HEATHER WAS AMONG those who attended a welcome service at Salisbury Cathedral in May for the new bishop and was given a gold envelope containing £10 – provided by anonymous donors – and asked to follow the parable of the Good Samaritan and put it to good use.

a ‘social

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 15 OF WESSEX CALL 01258 480621 FOR A FREE DESIGN CONSULTATION Visit our showroom at 10 Glenmore Business Park Blandford DT11 www.kingshotts.net7FP FITTED KITCHENS & BATHROOMSBespoke kitchens, created to be the centre of your home

The Vale Pantry, supermarket’ in Sturminster Newton, has received a helping hand from Heather Fullarton and friends

Generous donations

church members from Hinton, Lydlinch and Sturminster Newton to contribute their smallShechange.ispictured presenting a cheque for £220 to Carole Jones from The Vale Pantry, which provides food, resources and services to individuals and families facing food insecurity.
Helen rises to the challenges

HELEN GILCHRIST OF Poles Ahead has recently finished three amazing sponsored challenges… Helen’s first challenge was to walk the 72-mile coastal path of the Isle of Wight. “My second challenge was to Nordic-walk the Jurassic Coast 100km event,” explains Helen, whose personal training company Poles Ahead ( covers North Dorset and Somerset. “It was 26 hours of endless hills and only brief stops for food. My third event was to swim the Solent from Hurst Point to Colwell Bay.”
Heather donated and invited
Helen raised £1,325.00 for Mental Health North Dorset Help and Peer Support, which runs peer support groups in Shaftesbury, Gillingham and Sturminster Newton. Find out more at The swim event raised another £408 for the West Wight Sports and Community Centre on the Isle of Wight.

“I love all of them, I just love
She said: “If you had told me I would be in the tent this time last year, I would say you were smoking something! When I got the call it was so hard not to utter a word to anyone and I had to carry on as normal.
She said that when she first stepped into the GBBO tent it was much smaller than she expected but she felt quite at home as it was such familiar surroundings.
Born and bred in the West Country, the 59-year-old supermarket cashier lives in a village near Sherborne with her husband Michael and has been selected as one of the 12 contestants on this year’s Great British Bake Off.
Sugarcraft skills

Carole said that she never dreamt she would win a place in the iconic tent alongside Paul Hollywood, Prue Leith, Matt Lucas and Noel Fielding and she received the call saying she had won a place just 10 minutes before her supermarket shift began.

It was the artistry that she uses in her garden, and in turn brings to her baking, that attracted the attention of bosses at Channel 4.
She also hosts a segment called “Compost Carole” on local radio station Abbey 104, sharing her green-fingered knowledge with listeners.

by Deborah Gingell
She believes that practice makes perfect and says she has refined her skills by baking things multiple times until she could make it properly.
“My strengths are definitely decorating the cake, especially using fondant, but my weakness is possibly patisserie,” she said.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net16
When asked if she could make a cake of herself illustrating her proudest moment, she said: “I would make one of me behind my workbench in the tent and would make a carrot cake.”
Edwards, as she’s finally allowed to talk about her selection for the Great British Bake Off, which starts on Tuesday 13 September at 8pm on Channel 4. We’re rooting for you Carole!
AS ONE OF the country’s favourite baking shows hits the TV screens next week, all eyes in the Blackmore Vale area will be on fun-loving, pink-haired grandmother Carole Edwards who will be whipping up the cream for Dorset.

Since then she has refined her skills, using YouTube to teach herself the finer techniques of decoration and her favourite flavours are fruity and punchy.
During the first week of filming she said she had her photo taken about 200 times and loved getting to meet her fellow bakers, learning about them and making friends.
She is renown for creating colourful and eclectic bakes that are inspired by her passion for horticulture and began her dedicated baking journey with a first birthday cake for her eldest granddaughter Maisie.
The one item she would not be without in her kitchen is her bowl scraper so she gets every last bit out of the bowl, and her craziest showstopper bake would be a life-sized orangutan after seeing them in the wild in Borneo.Shesummed up her love of baking by saying there is no cake or biscuit that she doesn’t like.
“I love all of them, I just love cake!”
To enquire about the service, volunteering opportunities or giving to the scheme, contact Martin or June Hull on 07763 426664 or by email
After months of fundraising, Shaftesbury Car Link is the proud owner of a seven-seater wheelchair-accessible vehicle

The fourth annual ‘Best Begonia Basket in the Benett Bar’ competition at the Benett Arms, Semley, produced its usual riot of colour as regulars competed for the coveted shield, sponsored by NJM Carpentry

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 17
Hosting the event for the third time, licensee Sam Hatcher provided the buffet and was looking forward to a subject other than begonias monopolising the ‘bar banter’ until next summer.
Thanks are also owed to Shaftesbury Charitable Trust, Williams & Williams, Shaftesbury Town Council, Trinity Trust, Tesco, Rotary Club of Shaftesbury, John Foyle Trust and the community and residents of Shaftesbury.
drivers are unable to claim more than the recommendedGovernment-ratefor travel expenses. Costs in general are rising, so any donations to the scheme to enable it to continue to operate are welcome.
Begonia competition winners Ron Clark (left) and Jason Stoppes (right) with Sam Hatcher, landlady of the Benett Arms
The Benett’s bonkers for begonias
Now scheme organisers Martin and June Hull have thanked those who supported the project. Farnfields Solicitors held a charity golf day at Rushmore Golf Club in April, 23 teams taking part. FJ Chalke arranged a hole-in-one car – which unfortunately was not won;–there were banner and hole sponsors, businesses gave raffle and blind auction prizes, and mini-competitions were held. Some £2,500 was raised and presented to Martin and June.
scheme, with 21 registered volunteer drivers and now a volunteer assisting availablevolunteerthesupportwouldcontinuesadministration/co-ordinating,withtogrow.Morevolunteerdriversbewelcomedastheareahasincreasedinlast12monthswithfewerschemesbeingthanpre-pandemic.A
Shaftesbury Car Link celebrates new minibus
An unexpected phone call in February from the Lord Lieutenant’s office in Dorchester led to Martin and June Hull being invited to a Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in May. They spoke with HRH Prince Edward – whom they also spoke to online during the pandemic – and Sophie, Countess of Wessex. Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, and Princess Alexandra – cousin to Her Majesty, the Queen – also attended.Drivers and representatives of various charities, and Mayor of Shaftesbury Piers Browne, recently enjoyed a ‘thank you’ tea. Dike & Son in Stalbridge gave £200 towards the food and refreshments.Asthehospitals, dentists and other medical practices ‘ramp up’, more than 400 trips a month are being run, and the
The scheme has been selected as one of the

beneficiaries of this year’s Shaftesbury Carnival, being held after a two-year gap in carnival proceedings.
volunteer is also required to set up and run social media and keep the web page up to date. The organisers are always being asked when they are going to put up the 50p a mile donation request as vehicle running costs continue to be high. Due to HMRC regulations
First prize in the main class went, for the first time, to Ron Clark, narrowly pipping previous winner Jason Stoppes in second with Laurence Malden third. But nothing could stop Stoppes romping away with first prize in the Freestyle Class with the judge’s notes reading ‘fantastic – what more can I say!’ Another Malden, this time Sue, finished in the frame again in second, ahead of Ron Clark in third.
Hardy Lodge in Shaftesbury held a coffee and cake morning and £350 was raised by residents, many of whom use the car link scheme to get them to hospital trips.
Judge Claire Gosling, of Thorngrove Garden Centre, said the overall standard was high in both classes, despite a difficult growing season, resulting in some close decisions.
AUSTRIAN TYROL Cables, Cogs and Cruising
10 Days – 24th June to 3rd July Scotland’s North- West Passage
HOLLAND “Tulip Train”
Here are just a few comments I’ve noticed recently, showing just how effective the misinformation campaigns have been.
• “Shale gas costs less than a quarter of wind and we have decades of supply, maybe a hundred years’ worth” (John Longworth Daily Express 29/08/2020). As the precise opposite is true, perhaps he unwittingly misunderstood statistics.
The trip of a life-time! The Scottishultimateroad-trip.
Italy & Austria Collide Unlike anywhere else in Europe
5 Days – Sun 28th to Thur 1st June Dumfries & Galloway Gar5dens of South-West Scotland
4 Days – Mon 14th to Thur 17th Aug
8 Days – Tue 15th to Tue 22nd Aug

7 Days – Sun 14th to Sat 20th May
6 days – Sat 10th to Thur 15th June
The very first horseless carriages were electric. But a group of industrialists persuaded everyone that fossil fuels were the best idea. Only now, due to the development of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, large wind turbines and lightweight lithium ion batteries, are we moving towards universal use of electricity, simple cables, heat pumps, electric generators and motors.
PEARL OF THE RHINE Boppard in Germany
8 Days – Sat 18th to Sat 25th March
• “We need more nuclear power and as much renewables as the tax payer can afford” (Mark Spencer MP, Radio 4 Question Time 20/08/2022). He obviously doesn’t understand that new nuclear power will be subsidised by the tax payer but new renewables will not. Or that new renewables provide the cheapest energy.
I hope you are as disappointed as I am that people with real influence and power in the media and government can be taken in.
by Keith Wheaton-Green
5 Days – Mon 10th to Fri 14th April
• “Renewables are driving up bills” (Steve Baker, Conservative MP). Given that electricity from gas is four times the cost of wind, the opposite is true.
The electric generator/motor was probably the best invention since the wheel. A simple arrangement of magnets and copper wire. If you turn the shaft, electricity comes out. If you put electricity in, the shaft turns. Simples.
Amazing views and experiences
Renewable energy has its enemies
Full board cruise in Holland
Less hurried, cleaner, safer…
4 Star Magic Circus Hotel off-site
As an adolescent in the 1970s, when silent electric milk floats ensured we could still sleep in the early hours, I struggled to understand why the developed world had chosen such difficult technologies as digging for coal, drilling for oil, transporting the cumbersome stuff enormous distances then feeding it to complicated combustion engines and steam turbines for our transport and electricity, when much simpler technologies would do…
The individuals, businesses and nation states heavily invested in fossil fuels (and nuclear power) are evidently very keen to protect their investment. They see the cheaper, simpler renewables as dangerous competitors. The last thing they want is individual households generating their own electricity to become energy independent; powering their homes and cars for free. At the very least, they want to delay the deployment of renewables for as long
5 Days – Mon 17th to fri 21st April
Steam train through Bulbfields
With so much money tied up in the fossil fuel industry, and the lobbying power of multinational corporporations and oil-producing companies, who can you trust when it comes to information on renewables and climate change?
as possible. So they use all the tricks tried and tested by the tobacco lobby. They lobby governments, place their “advisors” for free as close to the heart of government as possible and troll the media. They set up third party organisations pretending to be ‘think tanks’ and ‘foundations’ with names that suggest they support renewables. Some are even charities! They publish supposed ‘research’ that hits media news feeds and is constantly quoted as if it’s real. Their aim is to misinform and confuse.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net18 And many more … Phone us for free postal dispatch of brochure PURBECK GAZETTE publication for 26/09/2022 Half Page @ £195 + VAT BRITISH 2 Days – Sat 11th to Sun 12th March The Freedom of London No ties – Go as you please 4 days – Sun 23rd to Wed 26th April NationalArboretumMemorial and The Cotswold Steam Railway 6 Days – Mon 3rd to Sat 8th April Springtime in Cornwall Country house hotel in St Agnes 5 Days – Sun 21st to Thur 25th May Yorkshire TV Themes Heartbeat, Emmerdale, All Creatures 5 Days – Mon 5th to Fri 9th June Snowdonia – Rail & Sail Sightseeing by coach, boat and train 5 Days – Sun 28th to Thur 1st June Dumfries & Galloway Gar5dens of South-West Scotland 10 Days – 24th June to 3rd July Scotland’s North- West Passage The trip of a life-time! The ultimate Scottish road-trip. EUROPEAN 8 Days – Sat 18th to Sat 25th March Italy & Austria Collide Unlike anywhere else in Europe 5 Days – Mon 10th to Fri 14th April DUTCH WATERWAYS Full board cruise in Holland 5 Days – Mon 17th to fri 21st April HOLLANDTrain”“Tulip Steam train through Bulbfields 7 Days – Sun 14th to Sat 20th May THE ISLE OF MAN Less hurried, cleaner, safer… 6 days – Sat 10th to Thur 15th June PEARL OF THE RHINE Boppard in Germany 4 Days – Mon 14th to Thur 17th Aug DISNEYLAND PARIS 4 Star Magic Circus Hotel off-site 4 8 Days – Tue 15th to Tue 22nd Aug AUSTRIAN TYROL Cables, Cogs and Cruising Amazing views and experiences 2023 British & OurHOLIDAYEuropeanBROCHUREselectionofindividuallytailoredcoachholidaytoursofferacustommadeproductprovidingafeelingofluxuryandaspiration.Specificallyaimedatthemorediscerningcustomer.Convenient&FREElocalpickinguppointsthroughoutthePURBECKarea And many more … Phone us for free postal dispatch of brochure 83 The Esplanade, Weymouth, Dorset. DT4 7AA83 The Esplanade, Weymouth, Dorset. DT4 7AA 2023 British & European HOLIDAY BROCHURE Our selection of individually tailored coach holiday tours offer a custom made product providing a feeling of luxury and aspiration. Specifically aimed at the more discerning customer Convenient & FREE local picking up points throughout the DORSET area BRITISH 2 Days – Sat 11th to Sun 12th March The Freedom of London No ties – Go as you please 4 days – Sun 23rd to Wed 26th April National Memorial Arboretum and The Cotswold Steam Railway 6 Days – Mon 3rd to Sat 8th April Springtime in Cornwall Country house hotel in St Agnes 5 Days – Sun 21st to Thur 25th May Yorkshire TV Themes Heartbeat, Emmerdale, All Creatures 5 Days – Mon 5th to Fri 9th June Snowdonia – Rail & Sail Sightseeing by coach, boat and train
Forshaw family have decided it is time for the collection to be enjoyed by new owners. The speedway motorcycles, which will be individually auctioned, are to be sold at Bonhams on Sunday October 16. The collection is valued at about £500,000.

Volunteer David Hellier beside the Forshaw Speedway Collection at Haynes Motor Museum
A collection of more than 30 month…Motorsetmoremotorcyclesspeedwayiconicracingspanningthan90yearsistoleaveHaynesMuseumnext
Motorcycle Speedway is thought to have originated as a form of dirt track racing in the early 20th century in Australia and the US. The sport reached the UK in the 1920s and in the past has attracted more than 30,000 spectators.
Now, 25 years later, the

“However, I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to talk about these incredible machines, which helped shape speedway sporting history, one final time. I hope whoever gets to own them offers as much love as the museum has given them over the years.”
Haynes bids farewell to historic bikes
The motorcycles, loaned to the museum in Sparkford in 1997 by the late Richard Forshaw, will be put up for auction at Bonhams later this year.
September marks the last time the collection will be together and the final opportunity for visitors to the museum to appreciate these famous

“Being a huge fan of speedway and having worked on motorcycles similar to those in the collection I’ll be sad to see them leave,” said David.
The late Richard Forshaw was an engineer and avid collector of speedway bikes. He loaned his collection to Haynes Motor Museum to increase public awareness of speedway.

To celebrate the collection, the museum is holding special talks on Fridays in September given by Haynes Motor Museum collections volunteer David Hellier, a former mechanic himself.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 19 30 High Street, Shaftesbury, SP7 8JG Tel:01747 852444 Visit our website NEW AUTUMN STOCK ARRIVING DAILY LOOKING FOR BARGAINS SALE RAILS IN STORE

pieces of motor racing history.
The sport involves motorcycle riders racing around an oval circuit without using brakes or gears. The bikes use a 500cc single cylinder engine fuelled by pure Methanol and can travel up to speeds of 80mph. They are capable accelerating from a standing start to 60mph in about three seconds, which is almost as fast as a Formula One car.
Climate change AND a cost of living crisis: Planet Shaftesbury brings together knowledge and enthusiasm to help the whole town tackle the challenges both immediate and that lie ahead by Rachel Bodle
The defibrillator project is an excellent example of our contributions to emergency care, and we are delighted to collaborate with Sherborne Town Council and local businesses to ensure the equipment’s introduction and sustainability.”
of the Yeatman Hospital, which committed £1,740 to the project.Friends chairman David Hayes CBE said: “At the forefront of The Friends of the Yeatman Hospital’s priorities is emergency and long-term care for the Sherborne community.
Left to right: Jane Wood, president, Sherborne Chamber of Trade; Andrew Maddock, Midwest the Stationers; Nicola Girling, Girlings Complete Hearing; Cllr Juliet Pentolfe, Mayor of Sherborne; David Hayes CBE, chairman, Friends of the Yeatman Hospital

This new defibrillator, purchased and maintained through the Community Heartbeat Trust, would not have been possible without the generous support of The Friends
On Saturday 17 September, from 10am-12noon Rachel Bodle and other Planet Shaftesbury volunteers will be on hand at Shaftesbury Library to talk to and will bring activities to engage children.From 12-17 September a display ‘Cost of living crisis: what can I do and save the planet too?’ offers many suggested actions covering different aspects of climate response. An accompanying survey asks what support needs to be available locally. As you look ahead to 2030 and plan your own changes, what information do you need? Come along and help influence what, when and where supportShaftesburyPlanetprovidesinfuture?
Sherborne’s new defi brillator unveiled
AS WELL AS action by governments, there are plenty of simple, practical steps we can take as individuals and communities to help tackle climatePlanetchange.Shaftesbury is a
network of local people who want to respond to the current global challenges of climate change, biodiversity and pollution. This year, an idea emerged from a small group conversation… We’d find it
Planet Shaftesbury: act now
A new community public access defibrillator (cPAD) in Sherborne has been officially launched by local businesses and organisations which have supported the £3,000 project

The defibrillator, available 24/7, is in Cheap Street, outside Sherborne Post Office, in an iconic K6 telephone kiosk. The defibrillator, designed to give confidence to those attending a casualty, provides real-time voice instruction, helping rescuers deliver high-quality CPR. Its innovative, intuitive design offers even inexperienced users the ability needed to treat sudden cardiac arrest.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net20
useful if there was a vision for a more sustainable Shaftesbury, we said. This vision was one of a town that was clearly responding to those global challenges, that was on the way to becoming ‘Net Zero’, was

Local business Girlings Complete Hearing kick-started the project in September 2021, following a Sherborne Chamber of Trade appeal, by making a £500 funding pledge and a commitment to manage the project. Midwest the Stationers raised a further £360 through its charityNicolaraffle.Girling said: “As hearing healthcare providers, we didn’t think twice about supporting this new health resource for the town. Naturally, we hope the defibrillator isn’t needed, but it’s reassuring to know it is available round the clock for anyone experiencing a cardiac emergency”.

• Completing a single-use-plastic audit

• Providing staff opportunities for sustainable activities Litter Free Dorset is developing a Sustainable Business Network where businesses can support each other towards a more sustainable future. Businesses who sign up to the network will be invited to events hosted by environmental experts and will meet other businesses taking similar steps to reduce single use plastic, waste and potential pollution from their business.
Gustavo Montes de Oca of Tisbury Car Club will explain how their scheme works.

September and October.
• Increasing your recycling

• Joining the refill campaign
Litter Free Dorset’s Sustainable Business Network and Award is free to join and open to all Dorset-based businesses who want to reduce their plastic consumption and become more sustainable. It’s all about helping businesses make small changes that can have a big impact on the environment.
The hundred or so participants at the event watched short films, were able to choose from eight talks, then came together for an informal meal over which they could submit questions for a panel discussion (pictured opposite).
At 7pm on 22 September, there will be a screening of Kiss the Ground, a film showing nature’s capacity to heal the planet, at Shaftesbury Town Hall. Locals Linda Philp, permaculturist, and ffinlo Costain, producer of the Farm Gate podcast, will be on hand for discussions afterwards.
Eimear Coyle, Litter Free Dorset Project Officer, said: “There will be some pledges you may never have thought of, so it’s a great opportunity for businesses to look at what they’re currently doing and take steps towards sustainability.” For more information head to Litter Free Dorset’s website:
Then, on 29 September at 7.30pm at Shaftesbury Town Hall we’ll be exploring the demand for an electric car rental service in Shaftesbury. Would an occasional car meet your needs and save you money?
Watch this space for October’s programme of events.

boosting biodiversity, reducing waste and reusing materials.Thepeople participating in our discussions recognised the importance of this vision coming from the town itself. It needs to work for every person from every different area of our community. This was the thinking behind the event that we hosted with Shaftesbury School in May and the reason for calling it ‘Shaftesbury 2030: choosing our future’.
Green week plans

Dorset’s businesssustainablenetwork

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 21 Open Monday Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am 12pm Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only) Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-12pm Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only) Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi-Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Open Monday Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am 12pm Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only) Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, Open Monday Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am 12pm Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only) Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, Gillingham SP8 5JG Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Tel: 01747 Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-12pm Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only) Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Showroom in Orchard Park Garden,01747826888Open Monday Friday 9am 5pm and Saturday 9am 12pm Gillingham, SP8 5JG (Showroom by appointment only) Conservatories, Solid Roofs, Bi-Folds, Sealed Units, Windows, Doors, Fascia, Soffit & Guttering Showroom in Orchard Park Garden Centre, a Family Run Traditional Independent Jewellers Clement White | 8 High Street | Yeovil | Somerset | BA20 1RG 01935 423 439 | | Jewellery Repairs | Watch Repairs | Commissions | Restringing JEWELLERS Jewellery Repairs and Commissions

To get your Sustainable Business Award, head to www. and complete a 10-minute survey, pledging the actions you plan to make as well as record what you are already doing. Actions that can be pledged include:

Building on the momentum, we’ve created a packed autumn calendar. In addition to taking part in the nationwide initiative Great Big Green Week, which runs from 24 September to 2 October, we’re putting on various activities through
On 15 September from 7.30–9.30pm we’ll be holding a discussion at the town hall: a public event and an opportunity to consider what, when and where Planet Shaftesbury could provide support for local people looking to make sustainable lifestyle choices.
limited opening hours.”
A day in the life
One couple from Compton Chamberlayne told how during lockdown Justin was a lifeline to the village, arriving from the outside world, always cheerful, and always ready to chat. One gentleman spent time ordering masses of things online, Justin’s deliveries must have quadrupled as there were so many parcels to be delivered, but no-one ever heard him complain. Many said how he was a reassuring figure through those strange months.
Many of us have an idealistic vision of being a postman. We picture a van tootling round the countryside, packed full of cards and parcels, and a postman whistling happy tunes, bringing joy and cheer to each of his customers. Can this character really exist?
I caught up with Justin, on his morning round, to find out about a day in the life of this popular postman. It is the height of summer and he is looking relaxed, dressed in the smart Royal Mail uniform of shorts and short-sleeved shirt. We chat leaning against a pristine clean red van. “My alarm goes off at 3.20am,” he told me. “I’m on my bicycle by 4am, at the collecting depot in Salisbury by 4.20am where I pack the van with tracked parcels. Up until 7am I deliver these, then return to the depot to collect letters. My day comes to an end at 3pm.”
Proof of how much Justin is respected is that on his 50th birthday, as he left his postal rounds, he found that his van was festooned with balloons, champagne and presents.Congratulations Justin, you really are a genuine Ambassador for the Royal Mail.

Is there someone in your town or village who makes a real difference to the lives of the people there?
Justin really does go that extra mile, another resident said, keeping an eye on things and checking that residents are OK from day to day. A lady living on her own
“Justin goes the extra mile” was a phrase I heard frequently. Most residents had an agreement as to where parcels should be left if they were out: behind a shed, next door to the recycling bin, behind the red flower pot. “I desperately try not to take parcels back to the depot,” Justin said. “It really is an hour of someone’s life wasted if they have to go and pick up a parcel, there is nowhere to park, you have to take identity, and there are
“I have been doing these rounds for 10 years and I absolutely love it, driving round in beautiful countryside and delivering parcels to friendly people.”

One resident at Barford St Martin praised Justin, telling how he checks up on residents, if he knows they may be in a vulnerable position. “I know all the residents so well,” Justin said. “If a certain person does not have any mail but I know they may be struggling, I cannot just walk past their door and not do anything. A small tap on the door to say hello to someone is a very small thing I can do. I am certainly not a hero; I know many other rural postmen get to know their customers and enjoy looking after them.”
“There were many more deliveries,” Justin confessed. “But I felt lucky that I was able to bring things to residents when most of them were stuck in their homes for 24 hours a day. The Royal Mail was one business that had to keep going, personally I would have hated to be stuck at home, so I felt the lucky one.”
Justin makes the job sound so simple, but as residents have said Justin is: “More than just a postman, for many of us he is a lifeline, checking up on us; He always has time to chat; Justin would often really brighten up my quiet day.”
Justin Sainsbury, whose postal round covers Compton Chamberlayne and Barford St Martin, has been delivering smiles along with the usual letters and parcels by Katrina Ffiske
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net22
told how Justin once picked up her prescription for her. “I really do like to keep an eye on the elderly,” said Justin. “For some of them I can be the only friendly face that they see in the day. I do find myself changing light bulbs and on occasions buying milk and bread for customers. At one house, come December, I am taking Christmas decorations down from the loft and one month later I am there helping put them back up! It’s doing those things that make the job enjoyable.”
Someone who goes the extra mile to check on vulnerable and lonely residents, who’s always ready with a smile and a willing ear or who offers practical help without being asked? If so, we’d love to hear about them… Email the NBVM
Had Justin always wanted to be a postman? In January 1998 he went straight from school in Salisbury to do a Youth Training Scheme as a postal cadet. Here he was introduced to every part of the job: early shifts, last shifts, sorting, delivering. “I loved it from the beginning,” Justin said. “I went on to be a postman for 20 years, based in Wilton, where I grew up and still live. Everything was delivered on a bicycle, then the Royal Mail system was changed. Vans were introduced and we had to drive round in pairs, streets would be split up between us, admittedly the job would be done quicker, but I missed my independence working on my own. I requested to go to a rural area and I was given Barford and Compton Chamberlayne.
Residents of Compton Chamberlayne and Barford St Martin are lucky enough to have postman, Justin Sainsbury, to deliver their mail. Each and every resident I spoke to sang his praises.
Nominate your local hero
A very popular postie
It seems that he does…
The dog whisperer
Every dog seemed happy to hear Justin coming, it seems he knows all the dogs’ names and gives each one a warm pat on the head on arrival. One owner said how her lovable black lab waits every morning for Justin to arrive. She hears his van and waits for the letter to drop on the mat, the Labrador then delivers the letter by mouth to itsButowner.dogs are not always warm and welcoming. “It is a cliché but dogs really can be of the perils of the job,” said Justin. “Many of us get bitten by dogs, and once bitten it is a complicated process, involving Union Reps, and far too many forms to fill in, and of course we have to get a tetanus jab. Most postmen make it their business to get to know dogs. I have been bitten three times during my time as a postman.”
Above and beyond
Having dedicated his life to motorcycle racing, Max Symonds game all way

is at the top of his
Crewkerne, Somerset, TA18 7JU 01460 279100

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 23 …that’s refreshing | DIVORCE FINANCIAL SETTLEMENTS FAMILY LAW Whilst “no fault divorce” simplifies certain elements, don’t ignore the need for financial advice. • Review of assets • Make informed decisions • Save time & money • Achieve a fair settlement Read about the benefits of early legal advice. Call our experienced family law team on 01460 279100 to arrange a chat ExecutiveLegalCharteredCoyneHayleyPartnerWeatherillLeanne


and looking to go
Poole House, 17 Market Street,
he also competed in three rounds of the National Superstock series at British Superbikes – including the local race at Thruxton – the top level of motorbike racing in the UK. This type of racing is always close, with fierce battles all the way down the field between the best bikes, teams and riders. Max and his Galhampton-based team Max Symonds Racing far exceeded expectations beating many full-time riders and teams with much bigger budgets.
Motorcycle racer Max Symonds has had a great season, claiming plenty of wins and podium finishes, as well as the Open and Powerbike championships with NG Road Racing.Theseason culminated in six wins in six races at the Castle Combe Grand National race event where he was awarded the coveted ‘King of Combe’ title and trophy for his performances and sealed both championship titles.
amateur and national level winning 10 championships, racing in the UK and abroad in front of crowds up to 100,000 people – and breaking a few bones along theThisway!year
Max learnt and developed his skills riding and racing motocross and mini-bikes, and started racing full-size bikes at the age of 12. He has gone on to compete at
Max, 26, who grew up in East Knoyle, has had a lifetime in the sport, first visiting the paddock at the age of six months when his father, Joe, competed. The NBVM ran an article on his father becoming Novice Champion back in the 1990s with a photo of him holding the championship trophy in one arm and a very small Max in the other.
The team want to compete in more National Superstock races next year, so are looking to raise money via sponsorship and advertising with the team. Anyone who can help should contact

Max Symonds: King of Combe

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net24
of your first home is a major financial commit ment. You may have used your hard-earned savings to fund the deposit. If you are buying jointly with a partner, and you have both put different deposit amounts down, how do you ensure that you “get out what you put in” if the house is sold because of a relationship breakup? Other questions that a Solicitor can help with is what happens to my share of the house is something happens to me?

Another important aspect to consider and record is how you would deal with ensuring fairness if one person spent a lot of money renovating the house which increased the value of the house? If a relationship breaks down, a one person does not wish to sell, what happens then? A Decla ration of Trust can provide an agreed mechanism to ensure that the house is sold, and the proceeds distributed fairly. There is a lot to consider as a First-time buyer. A Solicitor can help ensure that the Conveyancing is done properly, but also help you ensure that you understand all the rele vant ownership options available to you and that you have protected yourself and your family, especially as this is one of the largest financial commitments you will make.
Why a Will is definitely the best way for First Time Buyers
For more information, please contact Deborah by;orcall01935811314.
The purchase of your first home is therefore a good time to consider putting a Will in place. If something happens to you, who do you want to leave your house to? If you own the house jointly with somebody else, and you pass away, who will benefit from your property?

Our experience, your future
It is important that you understand the difference between the different types of joint ownership and how that affects how you can benefit your loved ones with your share of the home. A Solicitor can help you decide if what type of joint ownership - joint tenants or tenants in common – is right for you.
A Solicitor can also help you with a Declaration of Trust if you are buying jointly with a partner. A Declaration of Trust is evidence of the agreement between the two of you as to what share of the house you own, what deposit each put down, what if any mortgage there is on the property and how the sale proceeds of the house are divided between you, taking into account any deposit and capital growth. It also can regulate the payment of monthly expenses in relation to the property, for example council tax insurance and utility bills.
Buying your first home is an exciting, albeit sometimes stressful time. For many people it is the first time that they have had to use a Solicitor.

The obvious service that a Solicitor will provide to a house purchaser, is that of Conveyancing to complete the sale and ensure transfer of the property into your name. However, there are other ways that a Solicitor can assist you at this time to ensure that all your affairs are in good order. Senior Associate Private Client Solicitor Deborah Escott-Watson

Asteris, of Savills, said:

“The Brewery is a meticulously refurbished piece of history which has been brought back to life having been in ruins for many years. It is a shining example of how special a conversion of a period building can be and a real heritage success story for the town.
The Eldridge Pope building in Brewery Square, built in 1880, is one of Dorchester’s most historic and prominent landmarks. Now it has been restored by Juno Homes to create 29 one-, two- and three-bedroom warehouse apartments set over seven floors.
The brewery changed hands at several points in its long history, most notably to the Pope family in 1871, who took full ownership in 1874. The Popes commissioned influential architect W R Crickmay to design the red brick building which still stands today.

The launch of the final phase, with the opening of a show home, took place at the start of September. The fully furnished show home is also now available to buy. Prices are from £425,000 and the Assisted Move Scheme is available on the development.
Following the purchase of land from the Duchy of Cornwall, the Popes set about creating a new brewery set upon a significantly larger footprint with direct access to the railway. Expansion of their empire, now over 97 freehold outlets, continued throughout the 20th century, capitalising on the growing trend for ‘take home’ trade.Helen
“The apartments have been incredibly popular and we expect a continued great deal of

interest in the remaining few.”
followed, a steady expansion of the business took place, with a focus not only on beer and ale but wine and spirits, and the acquisition of a network of public houses and hotels stretching the length of the south coast from Weymouth to Portsmouth.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 25 Gillingham Showroom 01747 833 789 Unit 21, Kingsmead Business Park, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 5JG Opening–Friday:Hours9am–5pmbyappointmentonly.Saturday&Sunday. Contemporary or traditional kitchens manufactured to order ThedreamtheLivingtransformation
of the Eldridge Pope Brewery Dorchesterin into new homes is completionnearing
Dorchester’s renowned brewery was established in the early 19th century by Charles and Sarah Eldridge within The Green Dragon pub and brew house. In the years that
A piece of history

by Pip Donovan
Foxes are an essential part of our ecosystem. In rural areas, foxes are the crop farmer’s friend, preying on rabbits, which eat the crops. In urban areas, they clean up food wasted by humans, which would otherwise need to be cleaned up by the local council. In both areas, they provide effective, consistent and natural control of other animals, eating rats, mice and pigeons. Foxes themselves are classified as ‘wild animals’ and not as ‘vermin’. Most people enjoy seeing foxes in our gardens and I for one, am happy to share my world with such a wild, clever, beautiful and useful creature.
Extensive research shows that our rural and urban foxes are a timid and peaceful bunch

When dusk falls, cats like to leave their homes and prowl about their neighbourhood. Foxes do the same thing at the same time. It is inevitable, then, that wild foxes and domestic cats will encounter one another at some point. But are foxes a threat to our cats?

things through with a solicitor can make all the difference.” These surgeries will go ahead on pre-planned dates by phone and will be by appointment only. Face-to-face appointments may be possible – ask for more details when booking. Phone
Zoe Blyth from Age UK said: “We are happy to work with local solicitors to provide this much-needed and valuable free service to local older people. Issues around making a will or power of attorney can be daunting and being able to talk
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net26
fox) have been the aggressor”. Another vet (36 years experience) said that a “fox would look for an easier meal”.

Age UK North, South & West Dorset on 01305 269444 or email uk/
Do you have a question about wills or power of attorney?

It is proven that domestic cats are not part of a fox’s diet. When foxes do eat meat, they choose small mammals, particularly rodents (rats, mice, voles, rabbits and hares). Most of the rest of their diet is made up of scraps – fruit, maybe. They do not choose to eat cats. Foxes are not much bigger than cats; cats are agile, clever animals and they are armed with sharp teeth and claws. When finding food, wild animals choose easy targets. If foxes and cats get into arguments, it is not because the fox is trying to eat the cat. Generally speaking, foxes and cats give each other a wide berth and rarely get into altercations.

In 2021, Action Against Foxhunting (AAF), in conjunction with Mini’s Law – a group that was set up by Carly Jose, whose cat was savaged and killed by hunting hounds in March 2021 – contacted 166 vets and asked them if they had ever treated a cat who had definitely been attacked by a fox. Out of the replies, only one vet said that they treated a cat definitely attacked by a fox. The cat recovered. None of the vets reported any cat deaths caused by a fox. One vet, of over 41 years’ experience, told us he had never treated a cat for wounds inflicted by a fox. Another one, who qualified in 1977, also had never seen a case. This vet added “clients often assume, almost certainly incorrectly, that they (the

In defence of foxes
Foxes don’t kill cats
Additionally, Trevor Williams, from the Fox Project, a specialist Wildlife Information Bureau and Fox Deterrence Consultancy, explained, “Over the 23 years we’ve been in existence we’ve paid for around 15 post-mortems on cats suspected of being killed by foxes. In every case, death was from other means, usually crushing (road accident). As foxes will certainly scavenge roadkill, sightings of foxes hauling dead cats across the road or even found consuming them, are regularly misinterpreted.”AAFisanational organisation based in the West Country. This year, AAF has so far surveyed 940 rural residents in and around Castle Cary, Chard, Dorchester and Frome (as well as other locations), to determine the level of support for foxhunting. Of those questioned, 93% do not support foxhunting.
Vital role in nature

AGE UK NORTH, South & West Dorset, in partnership with local solicitors from Nantes, Blanchards Bailey and Humphries Kirk, is holding a free service for anyone over 50 to ask an expert questions about wills and power of attorney.

The couple have been together four-and-a-half-years and plan to marry in 2024, in a marquee in a field next to where they live.

Residents rate Care South among the UK’s best

Farmer Josh Atkins came up with the kind of proposal a girl just couldn’t say ‘no’ to – ‘Marry Me’, written in giant letters in a wheatfield at his farm in Bruton.

Josh added: “It was a surprise I had planned for months, and it was hard to keep it quiet – the whole family has been in on it.
Josh would like to thank agricultural contractor Jack Dowding for carving out the message in the field, Bliss Helicopters of Bournemouth and friends and family for their support.
Fern Brook Lodge
“Alice didn’t have a clue what was going on when we got to the farm, but she looked out of the window, and I popped the engagement ring out. “I said, ‘well is it a ‘yes’ and she said ‘yes, of course it is’.”
Josh, 28, of New House Farm, said: “I bought the flight for her birthday and said we were going to the Isle of Wight.
Alice, 28, owns Dorset Delights Catering (www.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 27 For further information about Fern Brook House call 01747 449812 or visit
Simon Bird, Chief Executive Officer at Care South, commented: “It is always good to receive so many endorsements from our residents, their families and friends who have taken their time to recommend us, and praise the amazing and compassionate care being provided by all our frontline care staff. We really appreciate all our staff who have gone to such great lengths to make our residents’ experiences in later life the best that they can be.”
Fern Brook Lane, Gillingham SP8 4QD
residential and dementia care warmly welcoming new residents and inviting families and friends visiting their loved ones to share in the Food, Fun and Friendship us today to see how we can help create a new home for you or a loved one

by Mark Pritchett
“We have both been through so much and finding each other has transformed our lives. It really is true, miracles happen!”
4 March 2020

In the heart of the Gillingham community 01747 834020 Care South is a not-for-profit charity. Registered Charity No. 1014697

Residents and their families have rated care provider Care South as one of the Top 20 Large Care Home Groups in the UK. The award is based on the provider’s care home reviews from its residents, as well as their friends and relatives.

Fern Brook Lodge is owned by Care South, a not-for-profit charity and leading provider of residential and home care across the South of England. It is a welcoming 75-bedroom home nestled in the north Dorset countryside and offers residential, respite and dementia care in a safe, home-fromhome environment providing peace of mind for loved ones.

Josh and his fiancé Alice Conway were on a helicopter flight when she saw the message.
Bruton farmer surprises his fiancé with a unique proposal. Spoiler alert: she said ‘Yes’!
Written in the stars (or the wheat)

Essential works to make the 14th century church of St Mary Magdalene at Fifehead Magdalen fit and safe to use in good time for Christmas are getting under way

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net28
We all thought that the mastery in this book was the way that Sedaris balances these very personal passages with genuinely hilarious character
Church treasurer Rosemary Redwood said: “It is such a privilege to be working on this beautiful Blackmore Vale church and to be getting it repaired not just for this Christmas but, we hope, for many years to come.
“Our very grateful thanks goes to all the grant bodies which contributed to the work including Dorset Historic Churches, Erskine Muton Trust, Garfield Weston Foundation and the All Churches Trust.
Fifehead Magdalen church on the mend
Left: the state of the work currently. All the old plaster has been stripped off and the laths repaired. Application of the first coat of plaster has just started
be an ideal party guest (even though he insists not), but we thought we’d be permanently on edge trying to maintain good, normalWhatbehaviour!kindofperson can share so much of themselves with the world? Sedaris doesn’t shy away from stories that paint him in an unflattering light. Perhaps he uses writing as a form of confessional. During the course of this book, his 98-year-old father dies. While he has previously written very directly about experiences that would now be called out as child abuse, Sedaris has always veiled them in dark humour. This time felt different, as he recounts in great detail his father’s inappropriate behaviour towards all his children, and his sister Tiffany’s eventual death by suicide.
Fundraisers are grateful for several grants towards the cost of the work, particularly from Dorset Historic Churches Trust which has given two awards, totalling £6,500, to ensure the work is under way and will be completed before winter begins to bite.

Looking for something to cheer us up in the throes of what felt like continually depressing news about war, climate change and politics, one book club member suggested the latest anthology from American essayist David Sedaris. He’s known for his unflinching observations, finding a wry humour in the ordinary and the extraordinary. Happy-golucky includes stories from both before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although Sedaris is frequently the focus of his monologues, the pandemic caused this collection to be heavy on intimate anecdotes.

Simon Leach, whose firm is doing the work, added: “Lime work takes time and care but will be really worth it in the end. We look forward to seeing the church re-opened by November.”
After falls of plaster from the ceiling, St Mary Magdalene’s at Fifehead Magdalen had to be closed and services relocated to the village hall.
“Without the support of grant bodies such as these we could not possibly raise the funds to undertake projects of this scale.”
Happy-go-lucky by David Sedaris HB, £18.99 (Little, Brown) you’d
The first musing of book club was whether we would want to be friends with such a public over-sharer. Does one have to get the permission of acquaintances before frankly discussing their embarrassing foibles? Does Sedaris struggle to make new friends now that he’s famous for his writing? We all admitted that he appears to
Now, after a major fundraising drive, SRL Lime Plastering is renewing the nave ceiling, which was last carried out over 120 years ago. Specialist lime work, involving up to four coats of plaster, is essential and quite expensive.

sketches and wordplay. If you aren’t laughing out loud in chapter one (at his idea for name for gun-toting pants) then this isn’t the book for you. Luckily, all the book clubbers found Sedaris hilarious. We wanted to go shopping with him and his sister Amy after reading about their slightly unhinged clothes-buying trips. We wanted to be surrounded by his opinionated sisters, and be given unbidden advice on our choice of partner, job or dinner menu. Perhaps to be such a candid writer implies a degree of attention-seeking, mused one of us. As a kid growing up in such a large, noisy and outspoken family, perhaps your inhibitions are shaped differently. Whatever the reason for Sedaris’s ability, we were all in agreement that this wouldn’t be the last of his books we would be enjoying. Next book club we will be discussing ‘Queenie’ by Candice Carty-Williams.
JOIN THE NBVMCLUB!BOOK Every issue we’ll be reading a new book – if
like to join in the discussion, email your thoughts to us at blackmorevale.netnewsdesk@

Confident of success, the gathered formations of the Luftwaffe along the French and Belgian coasts began their first heavy onslaught early in July, directed against British shipping and the channel ports. The intention of this first phase of the battle was to draw the RAF into battle and wear down its strength. The second phase, from 8–18 August, consisted of
this aerial armada we had fewer than 60 fighter squadrons, representing some 650 aircraft, and the ground staff had sometimes to work 16 hours a day to keep the machines in the air. Between 24 August and 6 September alone, Fighter Command lost 103 pilots killed and 128 seriously wounded, while 366 fighters had been put out of action. The position was indeed grave.
This Sunday, 18 September, is Battle of Britain Sunday, observed by an ever-decreasing number of people, as it marks a period in our island history now more than 80 years old. But it still deserves to be remembered, because it commemorates the great victory won by the Royal Air Force, which saved Britain from invasion in 1940. The enemy’s objective was to eliminate the RAF, both in the air and on the ground, and to obtain air superiority for a seaborne and airborne invasion.
by Canon Eric Woods
Throughout October, the fifth and last phase saw the decline of enemy daylight attacks on London and an increase in the night bombing of Britain’s major ports and industrial centres. At the beginning of the battle the Luftwaffe had no fewer than 2,790 aircraft to launch against England. To meet

intensive day operations against coastal radar stations and fighter airfields, especially around London and the south-east. The third phase began after a five-day lull with increased night attacks.
Empire, and indeed throughout the world, except in the abodes of the guilty, goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by the odds, unwearied in their constant challenge and mortal danger, turned the tide of the world war by their prowess and their devotion. Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”
Our loose Canon
In 1940 our freedom to hear any of the stories of our nation – or of our salvation – was in peril. That freedom was preserved for us by the few. We, the many, must remember. And be thankful.

The daylight assault on London itself marked the beginning of the fourth phase, which opened on 7 September with attacks on the docks, which although serious in themselves, brought vital relief to the fighter airfields which had been under such pressure. This phase reached a climax on 15 September, when over one thousand sorties were flown against the capital in the afternoon and at night.
On Sunday 15 September came what Sir Winston Churchill called “one of the decisive battles of the war” and with it the Luftwaffe’s greatest defeat. In Churchill’s immortal words, “The gratitude of every home in our island, in our

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 29 Superb kitchens designed and installed for you. Visit our showrooms to view our kitchen displays. Shaftesbury: 01747 851 476 Longmead Industrial Estate, Shaftesbury SP7 8PL Warminster: 01985 219 200 5-6 George Street, Warminster BA12 8QA

Students at The Gryphon School in Sherborne have been celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results. Fourteen students gained ten or more GCSE grades equivalent to the old A* grade and 39 gained five or more grades at that level.

grade 8s, four grade 7s and four gradeSome6s.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net30 Education
and every student for their individual success and send our very best wishes for their future studies.
teachers. so
Headteacher Nicki Edwards said: “I couldn’t be more proud of all of our students. They have battled through three years of disruption in their education and have achieved these amazing results despite all of the challenges.
teachers. We are so proud of everyone and feelBenshell-shocked!”Tituswasfeeling ‘super proud and over-the-moon’ as he joins The Gryphon sixth-form, as are Barney Griffiths and Liv Bowditch – Barney saying: “I am very happy and looking forward to the next steps.” Liv said she was happy and excited to get the grades she needed for her A-levels.
Head of Year 11 Laura Bucke said: “The achievements of this year group are a reflection of their resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity throughout their GCSE years. I am proud of each and every one of them.”
This year’s exams were the first formal examinations since 2019 because of the Covid-19 pandemic.Eleanor Bowman was among the top performers receiving ten GCSEs, gaining one grade 9, one Distinction*, three grade 8s and five grade 7s. She also achieved a Level 3 Free Standing Additional Maths qualification. Eleanor is moving on to study A-levels in Maths, Chemistry and English at Yeovil College.BenMorris gained a Distinction*, one grade 8, four grade 7s, two grade 6s, two Merit 2 and a grade B (Level 3) in his Free Standing Additional Maths. Ben is going on to study A-levels in Maths, Physics and English Language at The Gryphon School Sixth Form.
16 per cent of students are taking up apprenticeships locally, including Harry Cropper at Thales Engineering, which has a land-basedHarveyapprenticeshipprestigiousprogramme.Lanesecuredhisapprenticeship
School has lots of achievershigh
through Wiltshire College and University at the start of his Key Stage 4 studies.
Headteacher Jen Jacklin said: “We are extremely proud of all the hard work and awesome achievements of our students. After what has been a disrupted and difficult time, our students have risen to the challenge and demonstrated resilience and commitment to their success. As a school, we congratulate each
Two students are moving to the newer T-level vocational courses, with the remaining 80 per cent of Year 11 moving to studies at college or sixth-form.
“We look forward to welcoming many of them into our sixth-form, and wish those students going on to apprenticeships and college courses all the very best for their future. I am very grateful for all of the effort put in by our incredible team of staff to support all of our students in enabling them
Students at King Arthur’s School in Wincanton have been celebrating success in their GCSE exams and vocational qualifications.
to reach their full potential.”
Olympia Pudelko, who achieved 13 grade 9s, and her friends Sophie Lord and Imogen Kimber, said: “Thank you to all our
Students’ ‘awesome achievements’

“The improvement since the last set of formal exams in 2019 is significant and exciting, and demonstrates what a rapidly improving school King Arthur’s is. Our teachers have worked tirelessly to support students to ensure they could achieve and take their next steps. As always, we will be thrilled to hear what our students achieve in the future and look forward to them joining our school alumni so we can stay in touch.”
Katie Bolan will be studying a mixture of Sciences, Maths and English at A-level at Yeovil College after achieving two

To visit during the afternoon next week, contact the school office for an appointment at n The school’s open evening for parents, and pupils now in Years 5 and 6, is on Thursday 29 September starting at 6.30pm.
Parents can see school in action
The subjects which achieved these excellent outcomes were: the Arts, Biology, Chemistry and Physics, French, Religious Studies, Drama, History and HeadteacherMaths.Donna London-Hill said: “We are thrilled with these results. They are a testament to the hard work of our students and staff

The number of students achieving five or more 4+ grades, including Maths and English, has improved, with many subjects securing at least 80 per cent of their entries at grade 4+.
Happy faces of students at Shaftesbury School –headteacher Donna London-Hill praised youngsters’ resilience and determination.
“The school believes in educating
Parents thinking of sending their children to Sturminster Newton High School can visit during the school day next week to see the school in action. Students and staff will be showing parents around and answering their questions from Monday (19 September). The school said: “Sturminster Newton High School sets high standards for academic and personal achievement
“The students were relieved and delighted with the results they received today and it was lovely to see so many happy faces – it means they are able to move onto their next steps, which is great.”Lots of students were keen to thank their teachers for the support and guidance they had been offered for the duration of their courses.
within the ethos of a smaller school setting.“One of its strengths is that it knows its students well and can help them succeed on a personal level. Young people leaving this school will be confident individuals with the necessary ‘lifeskills’ for further success at university, college or in employment.

Hard works pays at GCSE, says head
who have worked in partnership to secure these high outcomes.
Students at Shaftesbury School achieved excellent GCSE results and BTEC grades this year.

“We all know that the past few years have been tough, but the resilience and determination shown by our young people is just brilliant, and it goes to show that hard work does pay off.
students academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually to support and challenge them to achieve their best.”
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 31 Education
The Great Dorset Steam fair highlighted, yet again, the nonsense of our net zero emissions policy.
Our Government, in its obtuse wisdom, has banned the mining of high-quality anthracite and closed our pits. The pollution from imported coal is far worse and entails transport costs and additional emissions, with the loss to ourselves of jobs, revenue and general knock-on support for theTheeconomy.objections have already been raised in connection with the highly successful and, until now, profitable and enjoyable, private steam train companies and lines run throughout the country.
As someone who has spent their life trying not to cause a nuisance or trouble for anyone, I find myself brought not only to tears but also to writing to the community over the flagrant disrespect of drivers through East Stour for the law and the lives of others.
In the meantime, when we could be producing high-quality steel in Cumbria, from local
the 30mph speed limit repeaters are so worn you can hardly see them but that does not give permission for such flagrant disrespect and downright dangerous driving – the number of times cars overtake because someone is driving responsibly at 30mph is frightening.
Cartoon by Lyndon Wall

how renewables are the entire answer, with no need for nuclear or other energy sources (The New Blackmore Vale, 19 August).Evenif we were to carpet the countryside with wind turbines and solar panels – so much for the natural beauty of our county – it would still be inadequate to our needs, partly for the inescapable reason that, as Mr Lethbridge says, there are many days in the year when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine.
The great spectacle now has to be driven by dirty, but not cheap, coal from Poland, and, I believe, Colombia.
The driver, clearly doing way over the 30mph speed limit, sped up and swerved towards the curb and on passing us chose to shout and gesticulate out of the window as he sped towards the village hall and beyond.AsIcarefully crossed the road, tears began to swell, not only from release of the adrenaline that was now coursing through my body but also at the realisation that to some, human life – and for that matter canine life – means so little.
Net zero, while a noble long-term target, will bankrupt this country, while the rest of the world laughs up its sleeve at us. We are responsible for one per cent of the world’s emissions.Noother country is following our example – indeed even ‘Green’ Germany is increasing its use of coal and has postponed prohibition of nuclear power.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net32 Letters
If this letter pricks just one driver’s conscience to take more care as they drive through East Stour, then it was worth it – that could be the one life saved.
It seems there have not been ‘enough’ deaths on this road to warrant traffic calming or even a pedestrian crossing to the village hall, playfield or bus stop. To be fair to motorists, all
To suggest this doesn’t matter because, as Mr Adams supposes, there will be technologies as yet not invented to deal with the problem is nonsense.Forthe foreseeable future we can only keep the lights on with
Mr Adams asserts that ‘supplying low-cost renewable energy to heat our homes, fuel our cars and support families is a fundamental right for all’, but even if that were true, it would not, in the current state of technology, be achieved by relying exclusively on renewables.Weneed to live in the real world and not in one that doesn’t exist.
Driver’s behaviour drove me to tears
This is not the first time this has happened either to myself or my fellow villagers. Does it take another death on this road through the village before something is done about it? Motorists using the road know they are not going to get caught – the police are so busy with other priorities.
the help of existing energy sources such as nuclear, oil and gas, plus fracking.
I was walking my dog at the weekend along the pavement on Back Street in East Stour. We had stopped on the pavement, behind the curb, to attempt the somewhat dangerous activity of crossing the road. The dog was sat obediently at my side as we listened for traffic coming from Gillingham and watched for traffic coming from the A30/ Sturminster. Nothing unusual so far!As
Of the two readers who wrote to comment on the article ‘The future is renewables’, Gordon Lethbridge has his feet on the ground and is in touch with the reality of the situation, whereas Vince Adams talks airily about
I was about to start to cross, the dog and I heard a car coming from the Gillingham direction at some speed so pulled back further onto the pavement to sit/stand and wait.
I would like to thank the road team who resurfaced the road through Hazelbury Bryan.
coal, we continue to import low-quality steel made with dirty coal from China, with all its associated ofconceptnoddingminorities?Green,andsmall-scalefrackinggovernmentenvironmentalcosts,andeconomic.Whenwillthishypocriticalgetagrip,startandinvestinginnuclearreactors,ceasepanderingtotheWoke,LiberalItisalljaw-jaw,solemnandwringingofhands.ThisGovernmenthasnoofforwardthinkingorgovernance.
J Tabernacleviaemail
One can only hope our local MPs read and digest Mr de Pelet’s excellent letter (The New Blackmore Vale, 2 September).Hehighlighted what needs to be done, and can be done, to secure UK energy supply using our own resources. He also put the contribution of the UK’s total greenhouse gas emissions into context – ‘climate change’ would continue unabated were the UK ever to reach its virtue-signalling ‘net zero’ target.One method of localised electrical power generation did not get a mention. MWE –Municipal Waste to Energy –technology has come on in leaps and bounds and should be included in the mix.
They have made a great job in making ‘the worst road in Dorset’ into a surface that is safe to cycle on. Many Jamesthanks.RogersKingston
Gordon Ratcliffe Chetnole
I don’t want to tar them all with the same brush, as I’m sure there are a few decent ones out there, but in my experience most have no issue holding up traffic and will not pull over to let it pass, even when suitable spaces and lay-bys are on the route.
Brian Andersonviaemail
I hate holding other traffic up if I am driving slower than most and will happily pull over to let it pass rather than have a tailback of seething motorists behindTractorme.drivers on the other hand seem to relish it. Perhaps it’s a game they are playing to see how many motorists they can accumulate in one journey or in a day’s work?
It was interesting reading the article in ‘Farming’ from Ruth Kimber (The New Blackmore Vale, 5 August).
I would be very grateful if anyone prepared to collect in their area would contact me on 01747 822690 or email
I know times are hard but I hope we can continue to support this very worthwhile charity.
The fact that nuclear power stations exist must now be seen as the ultimate liability in a conflict. Not only are we leaving a legacy of toxic who knows what for our children’s children’s children to deal with but now we provide a static target for any potential enemy. Surely the only sustainable answer is renewables – solar, wind etc with the use of hydrogen, made in days of excess wind/sun, stored like petrol and then used to power turbines to produce electricity on cloudy, windless days.
Will Phillips Kington Magna
A paragraph in her article suggested she had apparently seen ‘an explosion in the fox population’ and suggesting that this would be a problem as ‘foxes take eggs and young birds, poultry and often feast on domestic cats!’ In all my years as a wildlife conservationist I have never heard of this happening.Iwould beg to disagree, these beautiful creatures need to survive.Domestic cats probably take more young birds and, in my opinion, are much more of a menace than foxes. As Ruth mentioned, a cat took one of her turkeys.
I realise this may sound petty with lots more important dramas going on around us and affecting us all, but I’m interested to know if anyone else noticed the complete disregard for other traffic many tractor drivers seem to show these days?
I know we live in a rural community and tractors are part of everyday life. I don’t have a problem with that, and I’m not expecting them to stop using the roads, only to have a bit more common decency and to give other road users the opportunity to get past them as tractors are so much slower than most other traffic.
Happy Ibirthday90thhadmy90thbirthdaypartyatthe

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 33 Letters
My name is Brian Anderson and I am the Poppy Appeal organiser for the Gillingham Area.First, may I thank everyone for their amazing generosity last year which saw £15,000 raised for the charity – this includes my thanks to the shops and supermarkets that allowed collections in their premises, and The Pearls Before Poppies initiative, which made a major contribution.ThisyearI am hoping to re-start collections,house-to-housewhichhave not been sensible for the past three years owing to Covid-19.
Swan Inn, Stalbridge, on 31 August. I would like to thank everyone who came and made it such a success. Thanks also for all the cards, gifts and donations – £140 to Smile Train and £185 to Sightsavers.Abigthank you to Alison and Andy for the fantastic food, Chris Baker for the great singing and Nicky for the amazing birthday cake.
We need to be able to live in harmony with all our wildlife –if you choose to keep poultry then make sure they are safely put away well before dusk.
Jeremy Bloomfield Gillingham
Guy Levy Stour Provost
n. 25 September – 2 October 2022 11am – 4pm 07833 WinterborneWestSticklandStickland248371StudioFarmStStickland, DT11 0NT 11 5 4064 22 BINGO! Stalbridge Doors29thThursdayHallSeptemberopen6.30pmEyesdown7.30pm In aid of hall funds 9029th September
LYN’S BINGO at Marnhull Royal British Legion on Monday September 19th. Eyes down 7pm ROLL IS BACK’
COFFEE for Casualties" Royal British Legion, Saturday 17th September 10:00 - 12:00
Thursday 29th September 10am – 2.30pm

MOTOWN NIGHT 15th OCT 19.30 non members £5 entry Jumble Sale 29th Oct 1400-16.30 followed by Bingo Children's Halloween Party and Guy Making 30th 1500-1800 £4 per child All welcome Kilmingtonhomeguard@live.contactco.ukfordetails
‘ROCK ‘n’
Maybe you dug something up in your garden, found an object or fossil on a walk, inherited an item or have had a ‘treasure’ for years. Why not have it identified by a finds officer at Sturminster Newton Museum.
Saturday 24 September, 10am - 1pm, Free entry. Information:gmail.com6dhandleyhall@
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net34 Events Guide
GILLINGHAM LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY talks resume on Tuesday 20 September when Peter Cox, archaeologist, will present 'Gillingham expands, and its earlier history is revealed' at the Methodist Church Hall, Gillingham at 7.30pm. All welcome. Donations appreciated from non-members.
JUMBLE SALE SATURDAY 15th OCTOBER 2pm Damerham Village Hall SP6 1HN in aid of St George's Church Damerham

POP UP £1 SALE also Jumble,Toys, Crafts and Cakes at South Barrow Church on Saturday 1st October 10am
Tuesday 20th September 2pm – 4pm Vicarage School Room Gillingham
Village Hall, Common Road SP5 5NJ
Dave Webster Paintings by Glasgow School of Art graduate spanning 1962 2022. Dave pursued a successful career in film animation and is an ex film animator for Warner Bros, Spielberg and Disney, starting with Yellow Submarine in 1967, well as a muralist and musicia
For more pictures of last year’s show, and information on the work of the Society, please visit our Facebook page – Wessex Heavy Horse Society or our website
beers, ciders and lagers are feature along
Event Information
21st Century ABBA: live at Gillingham Methodist Church - 7.30pm, Saturday 17th September. Call 07817 379006 for tickets.

The Bull Tavern is a 15th tavern located in Said visited Thomas Hardy, area day
for a spot of fishing. Traditional
Visitors to the show can also enter their four-legged friends into the fun dog show, which always proves to be very popular.
served between 12 noon

The Heavy Horses are on their way! Contact us 40018601963to advertise

KATE ADIE Talk in aid of the restoration of Chicklade Church, 22nd September, 7pm. £17.50 including wine and chickladelectures@gmail.comcanapes.
is great refreshments now that the all
menu is available – eat in or
and outstanding home-cooked meals
Stour which is ideal Dorset with bar on roasts are – 2.30pm, is recommended.Kidsanddog-friendly with free parking add to the warm welcome at the Bull Tavern. normal pub menu is still available you fancy popping in for breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea with home-made cakes or just a coffee are open from 9.30am – 9pm.
the beautiful
a menu that varies seasonally. Sunday
an amazing Gin
The Wessex Heavy Horse Society’s Show and Country Fair will take place at the Turnpike Showground on Sunday 25th September. The Society’s mission is to promote the heavy horse, and visitors to the show will be able to see heavy horses being put through their paces in the in-hand, harness, driven and ridden classes.

to have been
Choose from a fabulous selection of paninis, pizzas, fresh salad bar, cheeseboard, charcuterie board, ploughman’s, much sourced from local suppliers. situated in the heart of Dorset with a garden’ and views over the River Stour. and dog-friendly. Free parking.
but if
Our new all-day menu, now available at the Bull Tavern, to eat in or take away Our
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 35 Events Guide

Tel: 01258 472435 Townbridge, Common Lane, Sturminster Newton DT10 2BS Sunday 25th September 2022 Turnpike Showground SP7 9PL (Between Gillingham & Shaftesbury on the B3081) Wessex Heavy Horse Show & Country Fair including The West of England In-Hand & HarnesswessexheavyhorsesocietyChildrenChampionshipsAdults£10under16FREEAdvancedTickets£ In Hand, Harness, Turnouts, Ridden and Ladies Cart Trade Stands, Craft StationaryClassicFunRefreshments,Stalls,DogShow,Vehicles,Engines,Inflatables.

The Show will feature heavy horses from across the West Country and beyond, and some of the best horses in the area will be competing in the prestigious West of England In-Hand and Harness Championships which is the highlight of the day, and the climax of the show season. Competitors will have qualified at one of the qualifying shows across the south-west of England this summer show season, and the Championship classes bring together the Champions from each of those shows to find the best in the west! Other attractions at the Show will include a horse shoe making competition for local farriers, displays of vintage and classic vehicles and tractors, craft stalls and trade stands.
A great day out for teenagers, parents and grandparents with new inspirational presents alongside some of the more traditional gifts.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net36 Events Guide

If you were on the flight or were a long serving member of staff why not come and join us at SLS REUNION on 21st DECEMBER 2022 EAT, DRINK & CATCH UP WITH DAVID (on David’s 80th birthday), ROSEMARY, OLD FRIENDS & COLLEAGUES WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU

Book tickets at or contact
Sponsored by: Aspire Defence Ltd, KBR Aspire Defence Services, General Dynamics UK

D Harrison, London
Do you remember flying with David on Concord?
IP Colin Thackery (Chelsea Pensioner who won Britain’s Got Talent 2019).

Tuesday 27th & Wednesday 28th September.
A wonderful setting to shop, gain inspiration, meet friends, have a delicious lunch and maybe a glass of wine.

Vivien Green, Henley

Loved it – what an event and I could not stop shopping! I had the best day out and stayed for the delicious supper catching up with everyone. It is one of the best events I have been to over the years.

Lady Carlton Smith Caroline Cary - Fair & Events Organiser and Fundraiser. Lt Col Nick Turner - Former Tidworth TNB Garrison Commander.
We are deeply saddened to hear the news of the loss of our beloved Queen. She was our immensely dedicated Patron of ABF The Soldiers’ Charity. This year we wanted to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee. The 2022 EEC Fair will continue to be held in her honour and as well as celebrating her glorious 70 years as Sovereign, we will also be paying tribute to her life of service and dedication to others. The event sits on the most glorious polo grounds adjacent to Tedworth House in Tidworth. Huge stunning marquees are erected the week before the event, lined, lit and warm. Whatever the weather it is a welcoming space with the most glorious array of shopping. You’ll find inspiring gifts and treats for everyone, including: delicious food items; fashion and beauty products; books and pictures; beautiful things for your home and garden; gifts for men & women; inspirational gifts for children and babies. There is free parking right beside the event, so it’s easy to drop off shopping and there is a wonderful cafe serving coffee, cakes, lunch and teas or you can join us for the evening champagne/supper reception, all tickets online.
A Benford, Dorset
Sara Wells, Hampshire
This is the best fair I have been to in recent years –massive variety stalls, great prices, delicious food and a great atmosphere – easy shopping and parking just outside – if you have not been before then it is a must! Thank you we all loved it so much.
Over 100 amazing stallholders all give 10% of every purchase you make to The Soldiers’ Charity.

Contact email:

The Platinum Jubilee Early, Early Christmas Fair 2022

I remember rolling over onto my back, watching him come towards me with my heart pounding, thinking: ‘this is the end, he’s going to crush me under his knees and there’s nothing I can do’. He came right up to me, and his massive frame blocked out the moon…and then he stopped. He reached out his trunk and he smelled every bit of me, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. And then he stood there, processing the information – human, female, sleeping. And then he turned, and very slowly he walked away.
Q. What kind of childhood did you have?
A. My father’s work means I’ve always felt intimately connected to elephants, and to their fate. Because they were never anonymous creatures for me – all the ones I’ve ever known had names. I’m thinking for example of Boadicea, a ferocious matriarch who would come at us, thrashing her way through the bushes. She’d meet us in this swirl of dust, and we were left cowering in the footwell of the car as my father turned the engine off and we just sat there.
Q. Where did you go to school?

A. I grew up in East Africa, living in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. My father had spent part of his boyhood in Africa and always wanted to return there – he’s a zoologist, and when I was a child, he was researching elephants in Lake Manyara National Park in Tanzania. He did the first-ever study of the social behaviour of wild African elephants, and made the big discovery that elephant herds are led by matriarchs and not by bulls, as had previously been thought.
A. My sister and I went to boarding school in Nairobi, but during the holidays we’d return to Uganda, where our parents were living at the time, and it was basically a war zone. Idi Amin had just been deposed, and it was a very turbulent time: there were soldiers roaming around, a 6pm curfew, and we could hear gunfire across the Nile. People were starving, and every building
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 37 Arts & Entertainment
A. When I was in my late 20s, a great friend of mine was shot in a violent robbery in Kenya. That triggered something in me – I realised I could be dead tomorrow, that I had to push myself to my limits and find out who I was. I spent a lot of time in the bush working with Save The Elephants and then someone from the BBC reached out to me and asked if she could see what I was like on camera, and that led to my work as a television presenter.
Q. What’s been your biggest moment as a wildlife filmmaker?
Q. How did you get into the work you do now, as a conservationist and a conservation filmmaker?

A. A few years ago I was working on a BBC shoot in the Namibian desert, and decided to sleep on a mattress on a dry riverbed, under the stars. The film crew weren’t so keen, so they stayed in tents. During the night I could hear elephants in the distance and that didn’t faze me at all, I thought, how beautiful – but then suddenly I woke up, 100 per cent alert, and saw a huge bull elephant walking towards me. There were no trees to climb to get away from him, and the sand was too heavy to run in. I realised my only option was to lie
still, and to play dead.
was pock-marked with bullet holes. We lived in a tiny house beside the river. It had no doors or windows, and we had to barricade ourselves in at night to stop the hyenas getting in.
still, and to play dead.
millions for This Wild Life and Big Cat Diaries series – is coming to Yeovil next week. The New Blackmore Vale caught up with her as she prepared for the show
n Saba Douglas-Hamilton is at the Westlands entertainment venue in Yeovil on Tuesday 20 September.
. Right now we’re in a moment of success with elephant conservation, because a global coalition has defeated the ivory trade – at least for now – and the elephant populations are increasing. The big issue though is co-existence – because the human population is growing as well, and we leave a heavy footprint, especially across Africa. We must make sure we leapfrog the kind of mistakes that have been made elsewhere in the world – we must do better than was done before, by previous generations. We have to create long-term sustainability and making that happen is very much my mission.
Q. Is this why you love elephants?

Call of the wild: amongDouglas-SabaHamiltonherbelovedelephants

I enjoy telling stories, so this brought together everything I most cared about. And I love the teamwork – you have to work very closely with the other people in the team and there’s a wonderful synergy, a great sense of purpose.
Inside Douglas-HamiltontelevisionconservationistRenownedelephantsworldwonderfultheofelephantandwildlifepresenterSaba–known to
Q. What’s next for your work with Aelephants?

The exhibition runs from Saturday 17 September until Saturday 29 October –Somerset Art Weeks is from Saturday 24 September to Sunday 9 October. Opening times are Wednesday to Friday, 10am-4pm, and Saturday 10am-5pm – entry is free.
Admission to the lecture is £5 at the door and free to members of Shaftesbury & District Historical Society. Further details of the lecture and the exhibition can be found at or phone 01747 852157.
The story of the sale is told in Fonthill Fever, an impressive free exhibition which can be seen at Gold Hill Museum,
By 1821 he was unable to pay the interest on debts calculated to be £145,000 – about £15 million at today’s values. Reluctantly, Beckford put the sale of Fonthill in the hands of auctioneer James Christie and decamped to Bath, where he began yet more grandiose building. The auction date was set for 17 September 1822, virtually 200 years ago to the day.
All proceeds from the event on Friday 23 September at 7pm will be sent to support Save the Children’s emergency fund in Afghanistan, Somalia, Ukraine and Pakistan.
September 1822 saw 700 sightseers a day flocking to Fonthill Abbey, the Gothic folly created by reclusive slaveowner William Beckford in west Wiltshire and filled with expensive works of art.
Gothic folly was filled with expensive art
Grażyna (pictured) is known for working in a variety of forms from painting, sculpture and textile, to performance and installation.

Tickets priced £15 adults (£8 students) are available from Winstone’s Book Shop, Cheap Street, Sherborne DT9 3PX; The Sapling, 51 East Street, Blandford DT11 7DX; and by post (including SAE) from Mrs F Allen, Okeapple House, Okeford Fitzpaine, Blandford DT11 0RS.
Grażyna Wikierska during the Somerset Art Weeks Festival.
Chris Dunseath, RWA and Fellow of the Royal Society of Sculptors, will be exhibiting a series of small sculptures in bronze and plaster.
The Gentlemen of St John’s will perform in aid of Save the Children in a 28th anniversary concert at Cheap Street Church, Sherborne.Sevenchoral scholars from the world-renowned choir of St John’s College, Cambridge, together with their organ scholar, will hold an afternoon workshop with Leweston School pupils, who will later join them to open the evening’s concert.
In a programme to suit all musical tastes, the first part of the concert will cover early English music, while the second half will provide a variety of contemporary, close harmony
THEATRE MUSIC CINEMA VENUE HIRE DANCE COMEDY GALLERY CAFE MARTY WILDE & THE WILDCATS SAT 24th SEPT 7 30PM Cinema: ELVIS THUR 22nd SEPT 7PM Baz Luhrmann's biopic of Elvis Presley, from his childhood to becoming a rock and movie star in the 1950s while maintaining a complex relationship with his manager, Colonel Tom Parker A chance to see live on stage of the only performing original Rock'n'Roll Pioneers in the World today With his many hits including 'Teenager In Love' and a host of wonderful songs from the era Marty Wilde and his fabulous band take you back through some of the most exciting musical times this country has ever experienced ANDY FAIRWEATHER LOW & THE LOW RIDERS FRI 16th SEPT 7 30PM Andy Fairweather Low's pedigree is the stuff rock dreams are made of If you just remember Andy's early work and major hits such as 'Wide Eyed and Legless' you're in for a treat! Sponsored by Farnfields Solicitors
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net38 Arts & Entertainment
The story of Beckford’s life in Bath, where he lived in Lansdown Crescent until his death in 1844, is the subject of the Teulon Porter Memorial Lecture by Dr Amy Frost at Shaftesbury Town Hall on Tuesday 27 September at 7.30pm. Amy is an expert on William Beckford, as the curator of Beckford’s Tower and Museum, and senior architectural curator of the Bath Preservation Trust.
Sidney scaleBeckfordsecretaryBlackmore,oftheSocietyandcuratorofGoldHillMuseum’sFonthillFeverexhibitionwithmodelofFonthillAbbey,loanedbyBeckford’sTowerand Museum. Only the Lancaster Tower (lower left) is still standing. Though it resembles a cathedral with its 90-metre-high central tower, Fonthill Abbey was a Gothic Revival country house, and never a church.

Choristers sing for children’s charity

Shaftesbury, until 31 October.
music. It is planned to give people from Ukraine free tickets to attend the concert.
Steve McAuliffe, the writer and founder of Wink Wink Theatre Company, believes passionately in the power of local theatre. He said: “Wherever possible we want to use local talent in the production of new plays, and Rehearsal I believe will establish us as an exciting presence in and for the community. The play is funny, the actors are superb and Kate’s Kirkpatrick’s direction is everything a writer could dream of.”
The company, which staged the play to a sell-out audience at Sandford Orcas in August, is coming to Springhead Gardens, Fontmell Magna, for an outdoor performance.TheThree

Inch Fools have built a reputation for bold and vibrant productions, with a fast-paced, musically-driven style featuring a variety of instruments, actors playing multiple roles and quick costume changes.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 39 Arts & Entertainment
Wincanton will soon be hosting the premiere of Rehearsal, an original play performed by the Wink Wink Theatre Company.Thecomedic and supernatural plot centres around a troupe of back-biting and largely washed-up actors who gather to rehearse a play in a soon-to-be demolished theatre. The rehearsals, however, are almost immediately beset by problems – the play is only half written, the theatre is crumbling, and the cast are soon being terrorised by the ghosts of former actors.
Ghostly goings on behind the scenes

Rehearsal is at King Arthur’s (School Hall), Wincanton, on Thursday 22 September and Saturday 24 September at 7.30pm. Tickets priced £8 are available on the door or in advance from Vintage, 43 High Street, Wincanton. Phone Steve on 07562 366610 or email
Touring theatre company The Three Inch Fools are dusting down their musical instruments and heading back to Dorset for a second performance of Shakespeare’s riotous comedy, Twelfth Night.

WEBSITECHECKINGPLEASEKEEPOURAlthough it is not currently a legal requirement, please consider wearing a face covering to protect yourself and others when visiting the Tivoli. Wednesday 28th September, 7.30pm. Tickets £15 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) MATT BLACK & SPECIAL GUESTS JAX HALL ‘Inspired By Adele’ & Marky Dawson Thursday 29th September 7.30pm Tickets £20 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) MAGGIE BELL & DAVE KELLY Friday 30thTickets7.30pmSeptember£25 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) CATS IN SPACE Friday 16th Tickets7.30pmSeptember£21.50 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) THE BOHEMIANS Queen – Greatest Hits Tour FISHERMAN’S FRIENDS: ONE & ALLmatAdult&19th,(12A)20th21stSept7.30pm,Matinee22ndSept1.30pmTickets£8eve,£7,U16s£6 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) A JOURNEY INTO FRENCH22ndFromMUSICOffenbachtoGainsbourgThursdaySeptember7.30pm.Tickets£15 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) A HEAD FULL OF COLDPLAYFriday23rdSeptember7.30pm.Tickets£20 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) THE KING’S VOICE Gordon Hendricks As 24thSaturdayElvisSeptember7.30pm.Tickets£26 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) FROM THE UNPLUGGEDJAM:Tuesday27thSeptember7.30pm.Tickets£32.50 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) 1stSaturdayOctober7.30pmTickets£21 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) PURPLE ZEPPELIN
The Rehearsal cast in rehearsals
Kate Kirkpatrick added: “We want the

audience to be thoroughly entertained, we also want them to be surprised, maybe even a little spooked – but in a good way, obviously.”

The performance is suitable for all the family and audience members should dress for all weathers, take cushions and camping chairs, and pack a torch. Tickets and further information are available from Springhead on 01747 811853 or online at
The cast of five will present an inventive take on Twelfth Night, being staged with Artsreach, the county’s touring arts charity, on Tuesday, 20 September, at 6.30pm.

New poetry collection
To some the figures seem like the men are stepping out of the earth picking up sticks and stones on their way. To others they have a war-like quality – are the men emerging from the trenches?
n Emptying Houses can be ordered from the publishers at, from Amazon and bookshops. To purchase a signed copy email Gerald at gkllngwrth@
Two years ago, Gerald’s spooky children’s novel, The Dead World of
“How will we survive if things do go wrong? Working with a figurative language is not very fashionable. Over the years I have been trying to reinvigorate a post-war British sculpture language of the bronze figure, trying to find new meaning in it.”
Sculptor Laurence Edwards with one of his large-scale bronze figures

Lanthorne Ghules, was published by the Pushkin Press and it was selected as one of The Guardian’s picks of the month.
The video, made with film-maker Alex Bowdery, is his second with Playmotion Visuals with more in the pipeline.Playmotion has previously worked with the Royal British Legion, mental health charities Suicide&Co and Headstrong, Community Rail Partnership and corporate clients, and made personal short films.
Poet Gerald Killingworth

Blandford St Mary author Gerald Killingworth has published his first collection of poems entitled Emptying Houses.
ideas and working studies which relate to the main body of work in the barn. The show continues until Friday 16 October.
Busker on the beach

After a career teaching English, Gerald moved from Wimbledon to Blandford St Mary six years ago and he has fully taken to life in Dorset. He dances with Wessex Morris Men, captains a local tennis team and is involved with the Tears in the Fence Poetry Festival which takes place every September in Stourpaine village hall.
The video features footage captured on an original Super 8 camera, as well as more modern cameras, and is partially set on beaches in Weymouth.
are slightly wary and scared about where we are going. Looking at piles of sticks and thinking ‘help, one day I night need those sticks.
Edwards admitted he had a fascination with First World War photographs but he is not precious about his work and encourages and enjoys hearing how others perceive the sculptures – and occasionally takes their ideas away with him.
On display in the smaller gallery are the
Musician Conor Smith, who busks in Shaftesbury and Yeovil, has released his latest song, Please Don’t Go, accompanied by a video telling the story of a relationship.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net40 Arts & Entertainment
He talked about his work to a large number of art lovers in the Tithe Barn at Messums in Tisbury, a peaceful crowd gathered around a ‘Tribe’ of giant bronze ‘Walking Men’ striding through the ancient building.Johnny Messum and Edwards have been friends for many years and Johnny has been a long-time admirer of the sculptor’s work.
A tribe of walking men
“The figures are both post- and preindustrial,” Edwards said. “We are at a strange time at the moment and many of us

Two of Gerald’s poems were short-listed in a competition run by the prestigious poetry press Dempsey & Windle. Following the competition, the publishers offered to bring out a collection of Gerald’s work and he was delighted to say yes.
by Katrine ffiske

Sculptor Laurence Edwards is exhibiting for the first time large-scale bronze figurative sculptures and small-scale maquettes and studies at Messums Wiltshire.Thegallery has shown Edwards’ work on and off over the years, a few pieces at a time, but this is his first solo show – the culmination of ten years’ work – and the largest exhibition of his sculptures to date.
Gerald said: “When I came to arrange the poems for my collection, I realised they fell into three clear categories. The largest of these contains poems about time and what we leave behind us, our legacy. There are also poems about people and our often troubled relationship with the natural world. My poem Buying Time is typical of my perspective on the world and the way I use language. I hope that The New Blackmore Vale readers enjoy it.”
• Organ recitals at Sherborne Abbey on Mondays at 1.30pm.
• St Peter and St Paul at Caundle Marsh. Harvest Festival service and afterwards a ‘bring-and-share’ supper on Friday 7 October at 6.15pm. The church – post code is DT9 5LX with signs for car parking off the A3030 – will be decorated with harvest produce and flowers. Any produce left over will be auctioned and anyone kind enough to make financial contributions can do so with cash or cards – all proceeds in aid of Caundle Marsh church. An event held in July raised £1,136, with £400 going to the British Red Cross Ukrainian Appeal and the rest to Caundle Marsh church.
• Witchampton Church. Third Sunday of the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
• Organ recitals. Mondays in Sherborne Abbey at 1.30pm. Autumn recital series: Monday 19 Sept – Peter Bray, assistant organist, Sherborne Abbey; Monday 26 Sept – Simon Clarkson, Yeovil; Monday 3 October – Paul Ellis, organist emeritus, Sherborne Abbey; Monday 10 October – Stephen Bell, Ash.
• Sherborne Abbey. The abbey is open to visitors Monday to Saturdays from 8am-5pm and on Sunday from 11am-5pm. The abbey may close when private services are taking place.
• Sherborne Abbey tours. Everyone is welcome to join the tours which last 45 minutes to one hour. They run on Tuesday at 10.30am and Friday at 2pm until the end of November. No charge is made and booking is not necessary – visitors can turn up and the guide will be waiting near The Abbey’s porch. Larger groups should book a date and time with the parish office – again no charge, but any donation to The Abbey greatly appreciated.
• Shaftesbury Quakers (Society of Friends). Meets for one hour each Sunday from 10.30am at the Quaker Meeting House, Abbey Walk, Shaftesbury SP7 8BB.
• Our Lady’s RC Church, Marnhull. Mass Sunday, 9.30am and 6pm.
• St Benedict’s RC Church, Gillingham. Sunday, 11am.
• Blandford Methodist Church. Morning worship Sunday 10.45am, followed by refreshments and chat in the hall – everyone welcome. Thursday
• Chalbury Church. Fourth Sunday of the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
St Thomas’ Lydlinch. Second and fourth Sunday, 11am Holy Communion. Third Sunday, 6pm •Evensong.
10am-noon – coffee morning, everyone welcome – we look forward to meeting new friends. Fridays noon-2pm – lunch club for over-55s at £5 – phone 07817 505 543 to book. If you have a prayer request or are feeling lonely and need to chat, phone 07799 516735. For more details visit
• Harvest lunch. Sunday 25 Sept at 12.30pm for 1pm in the Digby Memorial Church Hall. Cottage pie with cheesy leek crust and peas or a vegetarian option, followed by blackberry and apple crumble or fresh fruit plus wine/ soft drinks. Tickets £10 (£5 for aged 16 or under) available from the Parish Office (cash/cheques) until noon on Friday 23 Sept. Donations of raffle prizes requested – can be left at the Parish Office – proceeds to Sudan Medical Link.
• Sherborne Quakers meet Sundays 10.30am in the Griffiths Room, Digby Memorial Church Hall. Everyone welcome.
• Gillingham Methodist Church. Sunday afternoon recitals 3pm (about one hour). Admission free, retiring collection. 2 October – David Bednall (Bristol Cathedral), programme TBC; 16 October –Clapper Chaos (handbell group) and Gordon Amery (Gillingham Methodist Church), programme TBC; 30 October Lyndon Ford (Fareham), programme TBC. For details and updates visit the website at uk or phone 07817 379006.
• Fancy a coffee? The churches in The Donheads, Charlton, East Knoyle, Semley and Sedgehill now have a team of friendly, approachable people available to offer home visits. Contact Revd. Kate at, 01747 830174.
St Mary’s, Sturminster Newton. First and third Sundays, 11am Holy Communion; 6pm BCP Evensong. Second and fourth Sundays, 9.30am Morning Prayer; 6pm BCP Evensong. Fifth Sunday, 11am Benefice Holy Communion. Wednesdays, 10am BCP Holy Communion.
• Horton Church. First Sunday of the month, 10.30am Holy •Communion. Hinton Martell. Second Sunday of the month, 10.30am Holy Communion.
• St Mary’s Stalbridge. 18 Sept, morning worship 10am; 22 Sept, Holy Communion 10am; 2 October, Holy Communion 10am.
• West Camel Independent Methodists. All Saints Church on the first Sunday of the month at 4pm followed by tea. Other Sundays, evening worship is at 6pm. 01935 850838,
• Horton and Chalbury Village Hall. Third Sunday of the month, 9am Breakfast Church.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 41
First Sunday each month 10.30am Informal Service. Other Sundays 10.30am Parish Communion.
• Save the Children’s 28th anniversary concert. Friday 23 Sept, 7pm, Cheap Street Church, Sherborne. Seven choral scholars and an organ scholar from St John’s College, Cambridge, will be visiting. All proceeds will be sent to the charity’s Emergency Fund, as support is urgently needed in Afghanistan, Somalia and Ukraine. Tickets £15 adults (£8 students) from Winstone’s Book Shop or by post (including a SAE) from Anne Dearle (1 Dunstan Street, Sherborne, DT9 3SE (phone 01935 814887).
St Peter’s, Hinton St Mary. First, second and third Sundays, 9.30am Morning Prayer. Fourth Sunday, 9.30am Holy •Communion.
• Anglican High Mass at Wimborne St Giles. High Mass is the first Sunday of each month at 10am. BH21 5LZ.
• Mothers’ Union. Meeting at the Griffiths Room, Digby Memorial Church Hall, Sherborne Abbey, on Friday 23 Sept at 10am for 10.30am start.
• Sherborne Abbey. Monday to Saturday, 8.30am Morning Prayer; The Sepulchre Chapel. Mondays, 9am CW Holy Communion; The Lady Chapel. Tuesdays, noon CW Holy Communion; The Lady Chapel. Wednesdays, 10.30am Holy Communion with Homily; The Lady Chapel (alternates CW and BCP). Thursdays, noon BCP Holy Communion; The Lady Chapel. Fridays, 9am Ecumenical Holy Communion; The Lady Chapel. First Friday of the month, 9am Requiem Holy Communion; The Sepulchre Chapel. Third Friday of the month, 11am Remembering the Fallen. Saturdays, 9am CW Holy Communion; The Sepulchre •Chapel.
Lower Stour Benefice Sunday 18 Sept – 9.30am, Communion – Spetisbury; 9.30am Family Service – Charlton Marshall; 11am Morning Worship – All Saints Langton Long; 11am Communion – Tarrant Rushton. Sunday 25 Sept – 9.30am, Communion, Charlton Marshall; 9.30am, Morning Worship, Spetisbury; 11am, Communion (BCP), Tarrant Crawford; 11am, Communion, All Saints Langton Long; 5pm, Harvest Service and meal – Blandford St Mary.
• Kingston Lacy. Second Sunday of the month, 9.15am Holy Communion. Fourth Sunday of the month, 9.15am Family •Service.Shapwick. Third Sunday of the month, 9.15am Holy Communion.
• St Mary’s Stalbridge. Sunday, 18 Sept, Morning Worship 10am.
• Longburton Village Café. Tuesday 20 Sept, 10.30am-noon. St James the Great Church. Tea, coffee (free refills) and cake just £1.50. Everyone welcome – come along and bring a friend. Mothers’ Union: Next meeting on Friday 23 Sept, Griffiths Room, Digby Memorial Church Hall, 10am for 10.30am start.
A biography is a legacy for you and future generations
In September 1987 the Scientific Exploration Society sent a team of scientists and mountaineers to climb Mount Xixabangma in Tibet, and study the flora and fauna. Being over 26,000 feet, this was the 14th highest peak in the world. It had taken a while to get permission from the Chinese to climb the remote mountain.

Thus in September 1987 our science and mountaineering teams set out from Kathmandu by bus. I led the science team, which included young scientists and my pal Dr John Davis from Cornwall. Nearing the frontier, the road was blocked by rockfalls, which meant we were at least able to acclimatise well to the altitude by having to march northward over the mountains. British climber Julian Freeman-Atwood,
n Autographed copies of Colonel John Blashford-Snell’s new anthology of his adventures and exploration From Utmost East to Utmost West will be available from the Scientific Exploration Society from 1 October. Price including postage and packing is £19.
Colonel John Blashford-Snell CBE is a former British Army officer, explorer and author who founded Operation Raleigh and the Scientific Exploration Society.

“Tell me, sir,” enquired one elderly gentleman, “what’s ICKY?” I looked puzzled for a moment until I realised he was referring to the ICI logo. I quickly explained that ICI were our sponsors and manufactured, among other things, fertilisers and explosives.

We were always keen to go to Tibet and originally wanted to make the first descent of the turbulent Brahmaputra river which runs through a series of deep gorges before plunging into Assam. However, when we approached the Chinese authorities they demanded a fee of $1million. “But we don’t want to buy the river,” we retorted, so the Chinese offered to let us climb Mount Xixabangma for $7,000.
Let us help you tell your life story, the story of your business or your part in a landmark event. Your book written & published by local, experienced writers.
Colonel John Blashford-Snell on the slopes of Mt Xixabangma, Tibet, (above) and with daughter Emma, now nursing in Yeovil, (left). Leeches were a hazard (below).
Through the gloom we could make out the precipitous gorges known as ‘The Gates of Hell’ that led deeper into Tibet.
Email or phone 01747 854456.
together with Army Lance Corporals John House of the Devon and Dorset Regiment and Jim Kimber, goaded on the 178 porters carrying our four tons of stores up the narrow paths. Each man bore a large box labelled ‘Jade Venture’ –the expedition title – and an ICI logo.Filing up a narrow mountain path, we came upon some American tourists, who watched the procession with interest.
used to drill holes in glaciers for the purpose of making scientific measurements. The evil-looking lance bore a strong resemblance to a weapon from Star Wars and displayed the words ‘Made by British Aerospace’, which also manufactures missiles. To contribute to the confusion, John wore a T-shirt inscribed ‘Jade Venture – The Empire Strikes Back’. “Oh, I get it,” the American winked. “The CIA has companies like ICKY. Good luck to you, youngPerspirationfellow.” poured off us as we continued to climb up the high, steep slopes, picking off tenacious leeches which dropped from every bush. It was a fit, lean group that finally reached the border with Tibet and met our Chinese liaison officers, sent to keep an eye on us.
As we threaded our way across a recent rockfall there
was a distant rumble. “Hully, hully…” cried the liaison officers as we ran and stumbled over the loose scree dodging rocks falling from a landslide.
XixabangmaMount is known as ‘the Abode of God’!
Here he recounts a trip to climb one of the highest mountains in the world. or call Rachel on 07484 186 141

Journey to ‘the Abode of God’
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net42 History
We just reached safety as boulders the size of houses came crashing down the mountain and it started to rain.
“Looks as if you have enough to fertilise the whole of China, then blow it up,” retorted the American. At this point John House happened to walk past carrying a steam lance to be
God save the King.
write about her constancy, that she was a rock in a tumultuous world. That is true. We are told that she was the thread that held the nation together, something imperceptibly woven into the country’s fabric. To me that metaphor does her a disservice. To most of us, she was something that had always been there. A link to the past, yes, but also a foundation that gave us the resolve to look forward.
After our period of mourning, and the coronation of Charles III, uncertainty will come. The ‘realms’ – former dominions of the Empire – will reconsider their relationship with the Crown. Many at home as well as overseas will find this natural and inevitable. In an era when Britain is struggling to define its place in the world, many others will find this destabilising.Inthesetimes, we should ask ourselves what Queen Elizabeth II would have done. We hope, we trust, that her wisdom has passed to her son and the heads of government across the Commonwealth, so that they might guide us all through this world she has now departed.
I was a strong Rishi Sunak supporter but always said I’d get behind whoever won the contest for leader of my party since they were all good candidates.

Liz Truss’s early announcement on energy costs, recognising the huge, looming, significance of the issue for households I represent, was reassuring.Ilookforward to detail on support for small- and mediumsized businesses. My patch is home to a large number of them. It would suffer enormously if bills were allowed to climb as forecast.
and on Thursday night. The first is understandable but the second more difficult to explain. After all, I only met the Queen once, when I joined the Privy Council. She and I were hardly intimates and her passing after a very long life well lived was not unexpected. Sometimes we surprise ourselves.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 43 Politics
A good and gracious lady has been taken from us. We are all the poorer for it. But in his first days as King, a grieving son and his consort have stepped out strong and sure-footed.
Greg Williams on behalf of Dorset Labour
Last Thursday, I found it hard to explain to my two sons, aged one and two, what had happened. Who the lady on the television was. Why Mummy and Daddy were crying. What death is.
all experience in our lives –those moments of happiness, of sadness – she had experienced them too. Ten-fold.
A big week got immeasurably bigger. On Monday a new head of government, on Thursday a new head of state.
Like many, I’ve found the events of the past few days disorientating. Emotions have swung between great sadness for loss and celebration as we proclaim the new monarch.
I’m pretty stiff upper lip, welling up just twice in my adult life – when my father died
For me, what made her relatable was her experience as the head of a family. A family with its triumphs, its tragedies, its warts and all. Yes, the monarch and her family are shielded from many of the adversities and privations her subjects face. But the events we
Around the world, her wisdom and counsel were sought by leaders who held a close relationship with Britain, or little affinity at all. The tributes to her that have been offered since her death are a testament to that. It’s a real tragedy that we don’t have her experience anymore. I’m sure that the new Prime Minister
I suppose that’s how transition is meant to be. Seamlessness is a strength of the institution of constitutional monarchy.
Elizabeth the Great
On behalf of Liberal Democrats across the Blackmore Vale, we express our sorrow at the loss of our departed Queen Elizabeth, our heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and our honour and respect to King Charles III. Mike Chapman
‘Great’ isn’t a descriptor to be dispensed lightly. But, in my opinion, our late Queen is Elizabeth the Great.

On Friday, I was able to pay my tribute to the late Queen on the floor of the House and record the condolences of the people I represent. On Saturday, I attended the Accession Council of the Privy Council at St James’ Palace where the passing of Her Majesty was formally announced and King Charles III proclaimed. What a privilege.
Many others have and will
The only political controversy appears to be on furthering the windfall tax. I have no principled objection to such a levy but would say that it’s a secondary issue since even the most punitive tax would be dwarfed by the borrowing needed to fund the package
already announced.
Conservative MP for South West Wiltshire Dr Andrew Murrison

What made the Queen relatable was her experience as head of a family
feels that acutely. And I do sympathise for her at this time.
It occurred to me that the Queen would have dealt with this situation before. I wondered how she would have explained such an event to her children. And I reflected how there was little that people will face in life that she hadn’t too faced, at some point past.
In 878 Alfred the Great beat the Danes at Ethandun, now Edington, near Westbury. The battle secured the Kingdom of Wessex, a seminal event in the creation of today’s nation state.
Hard to imagine a worse choice.Acynic might point to Truss’s previous career as an industrial economist for Shell.
Conservative MP for North Dorset Simon Hoare

In her first speech as PM, Truss included energy supplies as one of her key priorities.
New Government, old problems
Burning more fossil fuels will simply speed up climate breakdown, giving us more extreme heat, floods, storms and food shortages, here in the UK and across the world.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net44 Politics
Of the many qualities the Queen possessed the one which always struck me was Her modesty. A very rich and powerful woman surrounded by beautiful art, jewels and living in wonderful homes could have been very puffed up and full of Her self-importance. She never was. Talk to anyone who met Her and they felt they were talking to a fellow human being. She put people at their ease because She wore Her authority lightly.
The very things she was urged NOT to do by both the government Committee on Climate Change and the National Commission.Infrastructure
how kind but why?”.
She had no air of selfentitlement. She knew from Her promise made at the age of 21 through to the Coronation Oath that She had a contract with Her subjects and the Commonwealth.widerItwas an oath of service She wished to renew everyHerday.‘thank you’ letter to the nation during the Jubilee celebrations concluding ‘your servant, Elizabeth R’ said it all. I think it was Her faith, of a higher being to whom we are all accountable, that shaped Her national service. For that we should all be grateful.
After five very long weeks of Tory leadership campaigning we have finally got what was widely forecast from the start, a new Government with Liz Truss as Prime Minister.
For that we have to thank the tiny minority of the electorate who as members of the Conservative Party made the decision for us.
As many have said we have not lost some distant Crown but someone who was of and for us, Sovereign and Grandmother amalgamated.Ithinkthere are countless numbers across our country who have been saying to themselves: I didn’t think it would affect me so much. None of us are so foolish to believe that any of us will live for ever. We all have a span. Perhaps it was seeing the Queen frail but alert at Balmoral in those PM-appointing photographs on the Tuesday and then the suddenness of Her passing that has exacerbated the shock.
We propose a cap on energy prices at the October 2021 level of £1,277 while higher income households pay progressively more as they use moreTheenergy.planwould be funded by a heavier windfall tax on the fossil fuel industry and taxes on the wealthy. It’s the fair way.
I am certain everyone will remember precisely where they were when the sad news broke. Luckily, I was at home with my family. And we five all cried.
We had shut our minds from
So, while we say God Save the King let us also give thanks and prayers for the very existence of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth. For Her devoted duty, signal service and Her love. May God Bless Her; may She Rest in Peace. She had, in the words of St Paul, run the race to the finish. She has earned Her Eternal Rest.
The Green Party has a fair plan to tackle energy costs now, create lower bills in future and ensure we move towards a cleaner, greener and cheaper energy supply.
To say She will be missed is an understatement. The Queen provided a living example of how we all could be and perhaps Her passing may inspire more to follow Her example.
We’ll return to the subject of democracy another time, but for now let’s look at the start Truss has made. Promising, or not?
investments in oil and gas producers, along with tobacco and mining companies.
The acres of newsprint and hours of television following the death of HM the Queen sometimes makes one feel there is nothing else to say or write.
I always felt She looked surprised if not a little embarrassed when presented with some flowers or alighted from a car to see a throng of excited subjects patiently waiting to greet Her or catch a glimpse of Her. Her expression almost said: “You’re here for me? Thank you,
No surprise there, but disastrously her plan to address the problem is to end the ban on fracking and grant new licences to oil and gas companies to expand their climate-destroying industry.
the inevitability of it all and that has the made the body blow of Her loss even more acute. What we thought had been a perpetual national light has been extinguished. A figure with the permanence of Gibraltar or Stonehenge has disappeared from our sight.
The Queen had many qualities but the one that struck me was modesty
The most effective and sustainable way of bringing down the cost of living is to invest in insulating houses –making them warmer and healthier – and massively ramp up renewable energy and storage.Why has she continued the Tory approach of ignoring these solutions?Andwhy has she put Jacob Rees-Mogg in charge of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy? He’s expressed climate scepticism, and is a founding partner in Somerset Capital Management which has
Ken Huggins on behalf of the Green Party in North Dorset

On behalf of West Dorset, I
Tributes to Her late Majesty the Queen were made until late into the night, when I was able to make my tribute to HM the Queen at 9.30pm, which you can watch online at
Conservative MP for West ChrisDorsetLoder

Foster’s School, Sherborne in 1987, and the Foster’s Flyer bus

Some of you may know I am a bellringer – in my spare time! And on Sunday 11 September, in the morning, I joined the Sherborne Abbey ringers in the fully muffl ed ringing of the eight bells –something I have never done before, nor heard – because it
Get-together for Schoolex-Grammarstudents
Queen Elizabeth is lying in state in Westminster Hall for four days before her funeral and I am going to pay our respects to the Queen on Friday afternoon by going to Westminster Hall in person.
The event is open to ex-students of Fosters and Lord Digby’s schools, including those who are not association members, but it is hoped may join at some point.Tickets, including a three-course meal, are £32 and can be purchased in advance from Dr Ian Maun – e-mail wordsmith@eclipse.
I wished the King to know
only happens on the passing of a monarch. I then went to Dorchester where King Charles III was proclaimed as the new Monarch at 1pm, and then back to Sherborne at 3pm for the town proclamation before going to London that night.On Monday 12 September, with 1,200 fellow MPs and Peers, we listened to the King speak in Westminster Hall where a presentation of sympathy from both Houses was made to the King. The moving response from King Charles was one that inspired hope through the most painful grief.
The two schools closed in 1992 and all pupils then went to the Gryphon School.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 45 Politics
Students also came from among the Polish refugees at Haydon Park at the time and some were evacuees to the area during the war – others came from further away and were boarders at the old school in Hound Street.

paid tribute to The Queen. I spoke of the fondness and aff ection with which the Queen is held by West Dorset, with much of this stemming from Her Majesty’s numerous visits to the area over the 70 years of her reign.
Sherborne for many years had two Grammar Schools – Lord Digby’s and Fosters School.Many pupils from a wide area – Sherborne, The Caundles, Yetminster, Bradford Abbas, The Comptons and so on – who passed the ‘11-plus’ exam went to these schools.
Thirty years later, the two schools’ past pupil associations continue and again on October 15 the Old Fosterians’ Association is holding its annual lunchtime meal followed by the annual meeting. It is held at the Grange Hotel, Oborne.

of the profound sadness we share with him and our sympathies. Of how much we have appreciated the Queen’s incredible leadership and steadfast support, and our enormous respect for her duty and service to this country.In1998 she unveiled the Great West Window at Sherborne Abbey, planted a commemorative tree at Minterne Gardens and opened the new buildings at Dorset County Hospital, and on her Diamond Jubilee Tour in 2012 she arrived at Sherborne station by train.
On Thursday 8 September at 6.30pm, we were told, the Queen had Parliamentarydied. business was halted the next day. HM the King addressed the nation and we received that address in the House of Commons chamber via a television screen.
I am very sad that our Queen has died and I can assure you that being your representative in the House of Commons, especially at this time, is a responsibility I take very seriously.Ithought you might like to know a little bit of what has actually happened in Parliament this week.
A momentous week in Parliament
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net46 Puzzles MAKE SOMEONE’S DAY, EVERY DAY.Edition 52 Asian Countries JORDANIRANINDIABRUNEIBHUTANBANGLADESHBAHRAINAFGHANISTAN SYRIASRISOUTHSAUDIQATARPHILIPPINESNEPALMALDIVESARABIAKOREALANKA P L R A D H S E D A L G N A B D A A S L N L S R I L A N K A A P A K A U A R I H A A S I I A E A E I U N D H N T A M R T S N B J R A D E R S R A A L L A E O A T O H I I O L N A U I D T N U H P K N A D J H T P G S B H I R S A H I R D S O D S L B R N P H R V T A A O A N N S N I U G P E P U U B B I L P Y H M F N S I N J P O A I I I R A A N I E E L O A R S D A J I P A E S D I I I H S N A B Y A N N N G U L U A H Q A T A R A I D N I A N B B E P H K P S 34 RESULT -23 +21 ×1/2 -25% ×1/3 ModernPersiantongue Jazz variant Bistro Tropicalforest Average Thrash Rises SlightlyopenFuzz Above Oral Guacamoleingredient providerADSL(inits) teacherMale Space Block Scottishriver Peruses supportersArtilleryburstMotion Geologist’stimemeasure monthsTwelve Curve Conflict Coniferoustree Sunbeam Apart someonePutdown Lowerqualityin Black,birdnoisy Arrow Wordsearchwords Crossword 1 109 12 14 15 19 20 22 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 13 16 17 18 21 23 Across 1 Contact list (7,4) 9 Realistic, as landscapes in art (13) 10 Reword (8) 12 Touch (4) 14 Edible, freshwater fish (5) 15 Fourth Greek letter (5) 19 Repeated musical phrase (4) 20 Computer programs (8) 22 Ambitious and go-getting (4-9) 24 Option (11) Down 2 Decline (3) 3 Extremely thorough (8) 4 Scanty (6) 5 Thai currency unit (4) 6 Large musical group (9) 7 Keep; put aside (5) 8 In a deceitful way (5) 11 Collected body of work (9) 13 Fiesta (8) 16 Rainbow-forming glass (5) 17 Spa bath (3,3) 18 Guides (5) 21 Flightless Australian birds (4) 23 Add, with ‘up’ (3)Sudoku 4 3 7 2 9 7 1 3 6 2 5 9 4 9 3 7 6 9 5 5 4 7 8 3 7 4 5 1 4 8 9 2 Brain chain
20 Observe first person in hearing (3)
dash-linedeachcage must
Across Recall work held by quiet slim type (5) The Italian showing in a short while variable skill (7)
Place 1 to 9 once each into every row, column and boldlined 3x3 box. No digit maybe repeated in any dashed-lined cage, and result in the given value when the stated operation is applied between all of the digits in that cage. For subtraction and division operations, with the number in then ruse, (9) together nearly military group (4) delay, produce words to help left close to redundancy (8) energy with purpose? Key to changing state (8,5) with broom curved stair (5) department by hospital extending far (2,5)
24 Park
12 Take up a function beside port (5) Neighbour is round deprived of love (4) A component of musicals therefore (3) Dark sauce in this way always given backing (4) off road in musical club (5) with a stage dancer (6) the sound of it, put up with ill-mannered person (4) lot of resolve shown in compact period of decay (8) conservationists behind place for underground work? (7) within week in ruin (5)
7 Obsessive nerd getting an approval around Oregon (6)
15 Earth, maybe, putting energy into growth garden? (6)
3 Harmony in green team after review (9)
14 How one might describe eight on lake sequentially (2,1,3)
17 Without
we’re told, in the interim
17 Strife
2 Independent French novelist taking in lake Corsica, maybe (6)
1 4 119 12 13 15 17 19 21 22 23 2 3 5 8 14 18
19 Out
22 A
21 Clean
the cage and
18 Newpaper editor gangsters checked (5)
9 Criminal figure in a court? (8)
10 Measure of insulation on a classic garment (4)
23 Distinguished
19 Unrestrained
4 Official with appeal for work on car again?
21 By
22 Popular
6 Digest some cake attentively (3)
Down 2 Submit 3 Forecast 5 A regulations?recruit 6 Liberal 7 wayIntoxicated 8 Envoy’s 14 rightProsperous 16 gentlemanMore 18 amongSource 20 systemAntiquated 1 4 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 19 21 22 23 24 2 3 5 6 7 8 14 18 20 Across 1 Recall work held by quiet slim type (5) 4 The Italian showing in a short while variable skill (7) 9 Criminal figure in a court? (8) 10 Measure of insulation on a classic garment (4) 11 More irritable English broadcasting executive? That’s right (6) 12 Take up a function beside port (5) 13 Neighbour is round deprived of love (4) 15 A component of musicals therefore (3) 16 Dark sauce in this way always given backing (4) 17 Strife off road in musical club (5) 19 Out with a stage dancer (6) 21 By the sound of it, put up with ill-mannered person (4) 22 A lot of resolve shown in compact period of decay (8) 23 Distinguished conservationists behind European place for underground work? (7) 24 Park within week in ruin (5) Down 2 Submit product (5) 3 Forecast made by pair with decree (7) 5 A recruit Cuba trained – given to petty regulations? (12) 6 Liberal German in game with cards (5) 7 Intoxicated woman ignoring a duke in a tense way (7) 8 Envoy’s free to wander periodically (5,2,5) 14 Prosperous time enthralling journalist given right place for retirement? (7) 16 More daft lines I start to expose in gentleman (7) 18 Source of blaring noise produces anger among polar opposites (5) 20 Antiquated character in charge showing moral system (5) Killer sudoku Brain chain (hard version) 18 6 15 12 11 57415 20 10 9 4 7 8 10 11 13 28 17 13 10 13 18 30 8 9 18 17 12 27
16 Bring
subtract or divide by the other numbers in that cage Jumbo sudoku 5 42 8 9 6 4 54 8 7 315 8 9 2 3 6 9 4 5 43 1 6 19 23 7 7 9 4 5 37 4 7 1 6 2 84 47 14 5 6 5 8 35 8 459 1 8 2 9 7 4 87 9 4 61 53 4 187 Place 1 to 9 once into every black-bordered 3x3 area as well as each of the 54 rows indicated by the coloured lines. Rows don’t cross the thick black lines. Cryptic crossword 1 5 109 11 12 16 17 2119 22 2 3 4 6 7 8 13 14 15 18 20 Across 1 US singer croons in a tram partly (7) 5 Recall son with old French painter (5) 9 Fictional car I suspect requires explanatory statement (13) 10 One with remote family connection notes car that’s crashed (8) 11 Yankee’s predecessor given medical photograph (1-3) 12 Low
11 Axes? Cut and start to handle one as instrument (9)
11 More irritable English broadcasting executive? That’s right (6)
8 Drive very quickly special constable or companion (6)
13 Container overturned by family – and bit cloth (6)
an actor
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 47 PuzzlesCall 01425 460 955 ColtenCareers .com Edition 52 For the solutions, turn to page 111105 RESULT -50 +80% ÷3 +28 -5
Queen Elizabeth II had been the patron of the Croquet Association, a role that perhaps
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net48
teaching those new to the sport or who want to improve their standard of play.
Queen was patron of Croquet Association
by David Morley
by Paul Russell
The runners completed their 5K run at Henstridge park run, supported along the route by many members of the Doddlers.
All participants crossed the finish line and received their finisher’s medals, and best of all, they all had a smile on their face.In the space of ten weeks, the runners went from zero to hero.
– 11 September: winners –Pete Williams/Ian Chandler; runners-up – John Burns / Geoff Lye.
TBCC’s WhatsApp facility helps to keep members in touch with what games are going on and who is looking for partners – or opponents. If players like what they have experienced, the membership list for the 2023 season will soon be open and a year’s subscription to the club, as a Christmas present, could make a brilliant start for many to the New Year.
For information on the Dorset Doddlers C25K programme, including how to register for the next free course, see
The Couch to 5K (C25K) programme organised by the Dorset Doddlers running club ended successfully once again.
Athletics coach, and four friendly volunteers, the runners are taught how to build up their weekly running slowly and safely ready for the final 5k challenge. Over the weeks they are shown techniques to improve running technique, improving form and efficiency.
took her back to when, 80 years ago at the Britannia Royal Naval College in Dartmouth, she first met – and played croquet with – the man she would one day marry.
Sad because, inevitable as it was some day, it was somehow surprising, and almost ‘shocking’ in its enormity, when it happened.Thisgreat lady was suddenly no longer there to guide our affairs of state, so soon after her pivotal role in formalising the appointment of her 15th Prime Minister.Thatsaid, mourning gave a wonderful opportunity for peaceful reflection of all the ways her presence affected our everyday lives. It also allowed time for the carefully structured mechanism of succession of the monarchy to happen, and for ‘her people’ to become comfortable with life as subjects of King Charles III.
and it is proving popular with some great feedback from participants.Oneofthe runners who completed the course at Henstridge said: “I am so pleased I did it – I wouldn’t have done it without your help!”. Another said: “You guys are so positive and kept us all going each week – even when we thought we couldn’t.”
The Doddlers hold their C25K programme twice a year
Bowls players will typically gravitate to ‘indoor bowls’ at this time of year. By contrast, croquet will continue to be played throughout much of the winter, subject only to the conditions of the green, which in turn will be most affected by the weather.
2022 Pairs knockout final
The course is designed for those completely new to, or returning, to running. Supported each week by an England
Tisbury Bowls and Croquet Club (TBCC) officially opened in June, since when membership has increased to more than 40, with three-quarters of members being interested in playing croquet – and many of these have a genuine interest to give bowls a try. The aim for 2023 is to grow that number by 20-30 newAmongmembers.the current members are a number of experienced croquet players, several of whom enjoy the prospect of
The next C25K is scheduled for January 2023 and places are already reserved.

Everyone’s focus throughout much of September has been on the sad news about the Queen.
Princess Elizabeth plays croquet with the future Duke of Edinburgh when he was a student at the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth.

Novices up and running
Wincanton Golf Club results. Category championships – 4 September: Division 1 winner – John Atkins, nett 74; Division 2 winner – Mike Taylor, nett 70; Division 3 winner – Trevor Mills, nett 66; Division 4 winner – Ray Hirst, nett 73.

Contact us at tisburybowlsandcroquet.cominfo@ and get the ball rolling.
The next few months are the ideal time to see what the growing interest in croquet is about.An introductory game, with good quality instruction available, will soon show just how interesting the sport is while at the same time bringing people together, often in mixed groups drawn from a variety of age groups.
Golfers in the winning frame
“At this level it is not about winning and losing – it’s about getting time on the pitch with your pals, playing your very best, learning and having the best fun you can have on a Sunday morning.”
the game with new enthusiastic players.
Rugby club looking for new recruits
“From non-contact tag rugby for U7s and U8s through a carefully supervised safe transition to contact rugby at u9s and U10s right up to the full 15-a-side game.
They play from 10-11.30am every Sunday at the Larksmead Pitches, Blandford, and any young players looking for a team will receive a warm welcome from a club which has family at its heart.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 49 Sport
The under 8s, 9s and 10s in particular are seeking new team-mates to join their ranks and rucks.
For more information contact Trevor Bristow, head of Mini and Junior Rugby, on 07368 344230 or club chairman Tom Davis-Richings on 07594 953947.
The club gave thanks to Bridport Barracudas, Frome,

Heron, Weymouth and Wincanton for making it such a great competition, Mark Hoskins for organising the event and all the officials, coaches and volunteers for their time and Anyoneexpertise.whohas a child or
children interested in getting involved in the club should head to Blandford Flyers’ website, www.blandfordflyers. It is a friendly club which welcomes all standards of youth swimmer from Learn-to-Swim Level 7 upwards.

It was an performanceoutstandingfromeveryone in the squad, many having to swim up an age group or two or swim events outside of their comfort zone.
Trever Bristow, head of Mini and Junior rugby at Blandford, said: “If you turn up to a rugby game for youngsters you’ll see that there’s a game at every age level adapted exactly to the abilities and maturity of the children playing.
Flyers land league title
Blandford Flyers Swimming Club battled for another win in the fourth and final round of the Jurassic League at Bridport Leisure Centre.

This third victory gave the Flyers a four-point lead in the table to secure the Jurassic League title for the first time in the club’s history.
Blandford RFC’s Minis & Juniors are looking for new players from U6s to U13s for the upcoming season.
The competition was fierce and Frome led from the start very closely followed by Blandford, Bridport and Weymouth.TheFlyers’ persistence and resolve paid off in the last five races where they took the lead and finished five points in front on the night.
The team spirit throughout the competition was commendable with the encouragement and support provided to other swimmers playing a major part in this success.
All the club’s coaches are RFU qualified, DBS checked and passionate about sharing
Head coach Jon Creffield said: “The club is very proud of every one of our swimmers and hope they are also proud of their achievements – they deserve all the praise they are getting.”
The General Antiques Auction includes a hand-signed photograph of Queen Victoria presented to Kate Marsden, an explorer and nurse dedicated to finding the cure for Leprosy; a King Edward VIII book signed by him; a collection of antique and vintage and enamel signs; a collection of antique pewter; and a large Dutch Delft polychrome wall plaque dated 1758 estimated at £500-800.
contact Gill Norman by email at or by phone on 333577/0193507908508764.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net50 Antiques & Collectibles Advertiser’s announcement

Acreman St Antiques Auction, Sherborne, is holding its Specialist Jewellery auction and General Antiques auction on Friday 23 September, featuring more than 250 lots of jewellery, including 80 lots being sold on behalf of the Yeovil Hospital New Breast Cancer UnitAmongAppeal.the lots are a pair of large diamond stud earrings 3.02ct total, estimated at £12,000-£14,000; a large diamond set ring with a 4.55ct centre stone set in white gold, estimate £18,00020,000; a white gold diamond tennis bracelet, estimate £5,000-£6,000; antique Art Nouveau 18ct opal and diamond brooch/pendant in original Spink & Son Ltd fitted box, estimate £500-£600; and
80 lots will be sold for hospital appeal
Home visits can be arranged. Acreman also offers a complete house clearance service at competitive rates. To discuss consigning items to auction

Acreman is accepting items for its October auction – it is happy to take in everything from single items and specialist collections up to whole house clearances.
antique large-scale goldmounted cameo of Hebe, estimate £300-400.
Free Specialist Valuation Days Pictures, Books, Maps & Postcards 19th Fishing, Hunting, Shooting & Sporting 20th Automobilia, Signs & Mantiques 21st Watches, Jewellery & Silver 22nd Chinese, Japanese & Asian Art 23rd Classic Motorcycle Auction 5th October Classic Car Auction 12th October Entries invited for the next above sales Microcar Museum Auction 27th October The Long Street Salerooms, Sherborne DT9 3BS 01935 812277 12th October 6th October 5th October28th October 5th & 6th November5th & 6th November Specialist Free Valuation Days Monday 12th Pictures, Maps, Books & Postcards Tuesday 13th Silver, Jewellery, Watches & Clocks Wednesday 14th Model Cars, Trains, Dolls & Toys Thursday 15th Medals, Militaria, Coins & Stamps Friday 16th Asian Ceramics & Works of Art Classic Motorcycle Auction 28th October Classic Car Auction 11th November Further entries now being accepted The Long Street Salerooms Sherborne DT9 3BS AuctionsClarke’s Auctioneers & Valuers Units 1 & 2 Kingsettle Business Park, Station Road, Semley, Shaftesbury SP7 9BU 01747

The automobilia section features an important archive of motorcycle ephemera relating to works A J S rider R L Graham featuring the Works Porcupine 500cc motorcycle at the Isle of Man TT and other photographs. Clarke’s is still taking entries for its Classic Vehicle & Automobilia sale.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 51 Advertiser’s announcement Antiques & Collectibles An ebonised table clock, circa 1690, Henry Stockar, London. SOLD FOR £6,500 • Entries invited for our Specialistforthcomingsales • Catalogues available online • Full calendar of Specialist sales Free Valuations, Shaftesbury Office Offices in Dorset, Wiltshire and London Station Road, Semley, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9AN 01747 855 122 A Belle Epoque seed pearl & diamond necklace. SOLD FOR £15,000 PASTIMES of Sherborne (near the Abbey) Thirty years of dealing in antique and Collectible Toys. Top prices paid for all types of model railway, die cast cars, early Action Man and Star Wars, Scalextric, Meccano, unmade Airfix kits etc. Those magical makes; Hornby, Dinky, Triang, Spot-On, Corgi, Subbuteo, Britains, Timpo plus plus plus Telephone: 01935 816072 Mobile: 07527 074343 COVID SAFE We’re coming back Just like the Old Days upcoming auction highlights The Autumn Auction Art & Design post 1880 Icons of Motoring - A Land Rover Auction AsianInteriorsArt (Entries closing soon) 10th13th630th29thth Tel: 01305 enquiries@dukes-auctions.com265080 BreweryDuke’s AuctionsDorsetDorchesterSquareDT11GAcommence at 10.30am NovemberOSeptemberctober Find more information and all auctions on our website

Entries are being taken for future sales and enquiries for consignment, probate and insurance valuations, and part and full house clearances should be made to Richard Clarke or Karen Marshall on 01747 855109 at the main offices on Kingsettle Business Park, Station Road, Semley, Shaftesbury.

exotic birds sold for £1,800; a pair of modern Oxford-style leather wingback armchairs made £350; and a charming watercolour painting attributed to John Northcote Nash (1893-1977) fetched £2,400 including premium.
A private collection of taxidermy from an Oxfordshire Manor House is consigned for Clarke’s Friday and Saturday

7-8 October sale. It includes a kid goat, a Spicer fox mask, a cased full mount salmon, a cased kestrel, a cased full mount fox and shield-backed deer, stags and an alpine goat, lots ranging from £50 to £200.
24thInteriorsMarch at 10:30am

DAME ELIZABETH FRINK (1930-1993) | ‘Boar’ | £20,000 - £30,000 Art & Design post 1880 | 10.30am 30th September embroideredwithebonisedSeptembersawClarke’sforcollectionTaxidermysaleAuctionsatSemleygoodpricesinitssales.A19thcenturyChinesehardwoodtablescreencentralcircularsilkpaneldepicting

The more ‘traditional’ antiques in the Autumn Auction on Thursday 29 September at 10.30am includes works by Landseer, Zoffany and Heinrich Hansen.Theauction also includes a private collection of stunning Bohemian glass, and a select group of fine antiques furniture made up of Longcase clocks, commodes and matched sets of dining chairs.

The clockwork Alfa Romeo P2 was made in France by the Industrial Toy Company. From 1924-30 the Alfa Romeo P2 was victorious in 14 Grand Prix and other major events including the Targa Florio .
Model car could sell for £2,000
A signed and dated still life by Mary Fedden (1915-2012) is for sale with an estimate of £10,000-£20,000 at Duke’s

“The owner, who lives in Devon, played with the clockwork car for years,” said Richard Bromell. “And then the teenage years came along and his interests changed from models to full-sized cars, and it was relegated to a cupboard.”
Landseer to Frink pieces in auction

Duke’s Autumn Auction and Art & Design Post-1880 Auction are both online with fully illustrated catalogues.
The Art & Design Post-1880 sale on Friday 30 September begins with an expansive private collection of 20th century art followed by pictures by Lowry, Fedden, Riley and Piper.Viewing begins at Duke’s Dorchester Fine Art Saleroom
on Saturday 24 September. Printed catalogues will be available. Find more information on all upcoming auctions at www.dukes-auctions. com or on 01305 265080.
A model of a racing 1924 Alfa Romeo played with by its owner decades ago is estimated to sell for £2,000 in the Charterhouse online auction of automobilia and memorabilia on Thursday 29 September.
All the lots, with live internet bidding, are on atSherborne,Longcontactedteamcharterhouse-auction.comwww.RichardBromellandtheatCharterhousecanbeforvaluationsatTheStreetSalerooms,on01935812277or cominfo@charterhouse-auction.
It has been involved in a few racing crashes and re-painted at some point. Despite this, it is estimated to sell for £1,5002,000 when it goes under the auctioneer’s gavel along with other models, automobilia and memorabilia such as vinyl records and film posters.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net52 Antiques & Collectibles Advertiser’s announcement Antique & Classic Clock Repairs & Restoration Longcase Clocks a speciality Antique Clock sales Clocks Unlimited Tel: (01935) 423233 Mobile: 07974 520545 WE BUY Email:orCallANDCOLLECTIONSRECORDS, GOOD CONDITION VINYL RECORDS WANTED Larger collections preferred No classical please, cash paid 07831-266478 Book Online classified@ ACREMAN ST. SHERBORNEAUCTIONANTIQUES SPECIALIST JEWELLERY & GENERAL ANTIQUES AUCTION Friday 23rd September 10am Viewing Thursday 22nd September 10am-5pm For all enquiries please contact Gill Norman on 07908 333577 or 01935 508764 & We are now accepting items for our October auction

The Alfa Romeo P2 at Charterhouse has been well loved and played with over the years.
They are taking further entries for their two-day October auction of pictures, prints, books and sporting items, and for their specialist classic cars and classic motorcycles also in October.
Ornamental grasses

shape of a vase with room in the centre for air circulation. But temper your cutting enthusiasm. Remember the shoots that are being pruned will bear next year’s roses. Allow a little disorder in its dress.
Siberian irises also associate well with old roses. They have been bred to flower in all shades from purple, through silveredged blue, to shades of buff yellow. Their upright, swordlike leaves contrast well with the lax growth and soft pink and white roses. They enjoy the same conditions of rich soil in sun and would make good companions for many years.
Stipa gigantea
while you are working around the roses you could

and the perpendicular structure of the awns lends an upright element to a border. And they move. They are dynamic. Asters, phlox, heleniums – all the usual late border beauties, are static until they fade away for winter. But plant Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’ among them and their open panicles of tiny, dark red flowers and reddening leaves, dance around them in the late summer breezes. Or try a few upright tussocks of Deschampsia cespitosa with arching stems of silver-purple flowers among the heleniums. Neither self-seeds, nor do they have invasive roots – and both are a similar height and would make good companions in a sunny bed.
bamboo heritage, it makes big, discrete, 40cm clumps of yellow variegated foliage like a golden fountain. In the shade. It is deciduous, and associates well with sky-blue Corydalis elata in late spring, and the ‘black grass’, Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ all year round.
In late summer and autumn many other ornamental grasses bear sterile seed pods,

Rosa Cornelia and nepeta
Some gardeners like to tie in the taller shoots to large metal hoops anchored in the ground. Bending over the upright stems to the horizontal causes them to break along the stem and produce flowers at each interval. It all sounds the antithesis to a sweet disorder, but the multitude of flowers soon hides the hoops and the result in summer is of a romance of roses.Once the roses are tamed for the winter, water them well, and apply a thick layer of organic mulch – a mixture of mushroom compost and very-well-rotted horse manure is nutritious and inert.And
If there is a particularly appealing grass that deserves to be placed around the garden, grow it on for a year or two to bulk it up. Then lift it and split it up in the spring. Many grasses fail to re-establish in autumn. They seem to prefer to get their roots into well-drained, fertile soil as soon as the seasons warm up.
Many gardeners have been growing fashionable, ornamental grasses in their gardens since the turn of this century. Grasses suddenly ‘took off’ and became part of every modern border. And for good reason. Tall grasses lend movement. They spill the wind. They become part of a garden’s dynamic. And yet some gardeners are still a little worried by the spreading, seeding ways of some members of the tribe. However, two decades of experience have proved most to be valuable garden perennials. They are the stars of late summer and autumn borders, and their faded, straw-coloured clumps hold well into December out of the wind.
One of the finest ‘statement’ grasses is Stipa gigantea. This elegant grass makes an evergreen, 40cm clump of basal leaves, and by mid-summer produces airy, 2m awns of flowers. They remain on the plant well into autumn until the winter gales fell their seedheads. The seeds are, however, not viable, and so this elegant grass makes a non-spreading, elegant specimen plant.
Many grasses prefer sunshine and good drainage, but not all. Foremost among the shade-lovers is the Japanese grass Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’. Despite its
by Sally Gregson
Mostly the ‘old’ roses only flower once with a dazzling display, then fade away to concentrate on the following year. While there is still plenty of warmth left in the soil, cut back the old, flowered stems to outward-facing buds. Remove any dead or dying wood, and suckers that have arisen at the base. Then stand back and look at the remaining shrub. In an ideal world it should be the
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 53 Home & Garden
insert some interesting companions to flower at other seasons. Hellebores are the classic accompaniment, and this year there are some lovely new varieties to tempt. Ashwood Nurseries produce some stunning colours. Try its Garden Hybrids for single, double, anemone-centred forms in colours from white and yellow to sooty slate black.
Roses all the way
After the roasting-hot, rollercoaster ride that was this summer, late September days bring a little relief. It may or may not be raining, but at least the sun will be weakening and giving in to the cool of autumn. It’s the ideal time to tidy up the summer-dry fallen leaves and cut back the dead stems of the ‘old’ roses. At least they gloried in the sun and with good luck and a drop of rain, will be making some new shoots, ready to flower next year.
by Sally Gregson
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net54 Home & Garden www. .com HOUSE CLEARANCE Plus Sheds, Attics, Garages & Gardens Quality Items Offset Registered Waste Carrier Tel: 01258 440838 or 07853 enquiries@back2market.com275379 FURNITURE & WINDOWSRESTORATIONGIBSON AND RADFORD RESTORATIONS Est 1976 T: 01963 370471 M: based company in Stalbridge with 25 years experience. All your window and door needs undertaken, from repairs to replacement. Contact Terry on 07514224712 or find me on Facebook and WhatsApp. FREE QUOTATIONS. DRYSTONE WALLING AND LANDSCAPING SELF DRIVE DIGGER AND DUMPER HIRE, 01258 861647 RETORATION OF YOUR WOODEN WINDOWS, DOORS AND SO MUCH MORE. Embrace the old don't buy new. Ask me first and see what I can do. Tel: 01747 822537 Mob: 07554 654982

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Wanted : Gardener one day a week. Planting and maintenance for small garden and vegetable patch. No Mowing. Also Part time cleaner . 4 hours per week. 4 Bedroom house in Gasper, Stourton. Contact : nick@camack. or text 07713643977
L.DAVIS AND SONS Garden clearance and garden design Concrete bases, patios, gravel, fencing and much more. We also deliver compost, pots, bark, logs and other gardening products. 01458 241230 or 07950 261510
Onion Sets & IOW Garlic Pansies & Polyanthus Roses, Perennials & Shrubs.
To Plant Now Spring Flowering Bulbs
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 55 Home & Garden TOOLS WANTED. Cash waiting. 01747 850474 D KING & SON Tree and Garden Services • 25 years’ experience • Registered waste carrier • Free estimates • All areas covered • No job too small 07831 091239 Vale Tree Surgeons Limited Tel: 01747 228484 Mob: 07770 833734 TREE WORK Felling Section StumpPruning/shapingfellingHedgecuttingScrubclearancegrindingPlanting£10Mpublicliabilityinsurance TreeSurgeons( Established 1997) LANDSCAPING Fencing Patios Sleeper walls All hard landscaping ASH DIE SPECIALISTSBACK MAN WITH MICRO-DIGGER & 1.5ton digger, stump patios,Gardengrinder,clearance,fencing,decking,landscaping,driveways30+years’experienceContactKen078824418730196332034 ASBESTOS REMOVAL Garages, Sheds, Lean to’s, Roofing and CollectionCladdingandDismantlingBYRegisteredHazardousWasteCarrier LAWN MOWING SERVICE, Tel 01747 821 726 Treecare Tree Specialists TREE STUMP REMOVAL Pruning, bracing, shaping. Preservation of mature trees. Hedge cutting. Trees supplied & planted. Landscaping & maintenance. Heavy duty winch hire available. Tree Surgery BS.3998 Contractors to local authorities. WOODTel/Fax:FreeFORCHIPPINGSSALEQuotes&AdviceShafts853512Mobile:07831262083 Established in 1976 At TreeCare we care... TREEWISE aspectsExpertsinallof TREE HEDGECUTTINGSURGERY,&STUMPREMOVAL NPTC qualified & fully insured No job too small, Friendly, personal advice and free quotations. Make a wise choice and call David Merefield today on 01747 850906 / 07966 522361 GARDEN RESCUE TEL: 01747 821 726

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net56 Home & Garden Don’t miss out - visit us now! Monday – Saturday 9am – 5:30pm and Sunday 10am – 4pm Milton on Stour, Gillingham SP8 5QA 01747 824015 S is for SEPTEMBER S is for SPECIAL OFFERS S is for SALEforS TrustScore 4.4 Rated ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot Family Owned British Association of Removers Eco RemovalsFriendly 01258Blandford447005 01305Dorchester231267 01747Shaftesbury440426 01935Sherborne316221 01925Warminster984459 01963Wincanton34065 Get your free quote. THE SOUTH WEST’S LEADING REMOVAL SERVICE Storage 24-hour to long term contracts, our advanced containerised system makes storage simple. Armishaws provide the highest levels of customer service, tailored to your move. UK Removals All houses great and small! A worry-free service from planning, packing to completion.

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Free Quotation
Tel: 01747 850544,GroundworksandGarden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing Free Quotation
Free Quotation

Mobile: 07921 637227
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 57 Home & Garden We are a traditional sawmill in Dorset offering High quality timber from locally sourced trees Building, Landscaping & Fencing CedarTimberShingles & Shakes Feature CladdingStumps–Waney edge, Square edge, Featheredge and Profiled edges Posts –inc weather tops Beams/Mantels (New & Rustic) – Green & Air SleepersDried200 x 100 & 200 x 50 (or any other size) Rare, unusual & exotic hardwoods Extensive range of Slab/Plank Wood available both air dried & kiln dried – Oak, Birch, Beech, Ash, Yew, Walnut, Sweet Chestnut, Macrocarpa, Sequoia (Red Wood), Cherry, Plum, Monkey Puzzle, Sycamore & more! 100s in stock... Linwood Sawmill Ltd, Willow Farm, Holt Road, Wimborne, BH21 7JY 01202 402018 / 07444 789137 / / Woodland Mulch & Clean Path/Play Chip Linwood’s wood chip is made from a mixture of hard and softwoods, its durable and long lasting. *Prices plus vat. Free delivery for BH postcodes (min order of 2 bags/loads) Woodland Mulch Chip Clean Path Chip Woodland Mulch Chip Clean Path Chip Cube Bag (0.6m3) Cube Bag (0.6m3) Cube Loose (1m3) Cube Loose (1m3) £35£30£60£40 £30£25£55£35 £25£20£50£30 1 bag/loadeach 2 bag/loadeach 3+bags/loadeach 01747 359015 www inspire eden co uk | hello@inspire eden co uk SHOWROOM OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK! UNIT 2, STATION ROAD, GILLINGHAM SP8 4QQ
Tel: 01747 850544 Mobile: 07921,Groundworks and Garden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing

Mobile: 07921 637227
Tel: 01747 850544,Groundworksand Garden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing

Mobile: 07921 637227
Tel: 01747 850544
Tel: 01747 850544

Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. CALL US TODAY ON: 01963 530 112 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS garagefifor£895From*afullyttedelectricdoor. *O er valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override.
Landscaping, Groundworks and Garden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing,GroundworksandGarden Maintenance, Specialists in Patios, Fencing, Driveways, Walling, Ponds, Turfing

WANTED: GARDENER ONE DAY A WEEK. Planting and maintenance for small garden and vegetable patch. No Mowing. Also Part time cleaner. 4 hours per week. 4 Bedroom house in Gasper, Stourton. Contact : or text 07713 643977

1 ton pickup load of logs £100 double load £160 dumpy bag £70 All 0125807790hardwood404593818081
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OUR LOCAL SHOWROOMS: Newbury, Gillingham, Dorset SPB 4QL | 01747 835394 Wincanton Business Park, Somerset BA9 9RR | 01963 33574 | 9.00amSaturday:8.30amMondayRe-UpholsteryBlindsCurtainsKarndeanWoodRugsVinylsCarpets-Friday:-5.30pm-4.30pmestablished in 1978 For all your fencing and decking needs Closeboard, panels & sheds supplied and fitted. Gates made to measure. Sherborne Fencing Ltd Tel: 01935 814272 Mobile: 07814246332 LAWN SCARIFYING, Moss and thatch removal. Tel 01747 821 726 Season Barn Dry Logs 20 miles radius of Sherborne FREE delivery Tel: 01935 815534 SeasonedLogsHardwood £155 double load £90 half load 01258 880892 07980 036250 Grow your business with The New Blackmore Vale Magazine Call us on to 400186advertisingdiscussinthemagazineandonline01963

Barn stored, £170 for 8ft by 6ft trailer load, Delivery free within 10 mile radius of Templecombe. 07773 254174, ANDY
OAK DINING TABLE and six rush seated dining chairs, good condition. £300. 01747 824109
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New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net58 Home & Garden LOGS
D&N GARDEN SERVICES. General Garden Maintenance Call Dan: 07591 684393
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New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 59 North Dorset Tree Surgeons We carry out all aspects of tree surgery, hedge cutting and stump grinding. Ash dieback specialist. Fully insured and NPTC qualified. Call Will today on 01747 854517 or 07872 970741 Professional Experienced Reliable Home & Garden Tree Surgery. Reductions. Felling. Hedge Trimming. Stump Grinding. Woodchip supplies. Family run business since 1946 Tel: 01963 250005 Mobile: 07976 934 252 Tree Surgery. Reductions. Felling. Hedge Trimming. Stump Grinding. Woodchip supplies. Family run business since 1946 Tel: 01963 250005 Mobile: 07976 934 252 Machine or Hand-Lay Local Authority Approved ESTABLISHED 1988 All aspects of Surfacing Roads Drives Footpaths Drop Kerbs Resin Bond Drives Call for a free quote 01747 820234 The Depot, Longcross, Zeals BA12 6LJ SEWJESSALLI SEWINGSCHOOL &SHOP GlenmoreBusinessPark,Blandford,DT117FP 01258268541 WORKSHOPS CLASSES&CLUBS FABRICS HABERDASHERY ALLAGESWELCOME Barn SeasonedStoredFirewood £80 per bag Free delivery, any area Call Phil on 07903 535 745 LES BENHAM Garden Property Maintenance All Hedge/tree work/rubbish clearance Gravel Driveways/Pressure Washing Patio and Fencing Work Fully Insuranced/Free Quotes 01258 458849/07788 907343 / check a trade GUTTERS CLEARED • Windows, • Fascias, • Soffits, • Gutters cleaned, • Repairs, • Free Estimates 07788-376752 £250 VOUCHER OFF THE COST OF YOUR UPGRADE Book your free loft insulation quotation today 0800 246 5145 Looking to reduce your energy bills? HOWISEFFICIENTTHERMALLYYOURLOFTINSULATION? We are the leading local supplier of loft insulation

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net60 Telephone 01202 741671 | Insignia, 1-7 Ashley Road, Poole, Dorset BH14 9BS Opposite Homebase and John Lewis at Redlands Retail Park Open Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.00pm and Saturday 9.30am - 3.00pm Follow us on Facebook @insigniaBlindsPoole and Twitter @insigniablinds1 Bring style into your home with Plantation Shutters. The ultimate window covering for privacy, light and temperature control. Choose from our wide range of styles, colours and premium materials. We come to you to advise, measure and price, without obligation Think shutters. Think Insignia! Residential or commercial internal and external blind and awning specialists, Insignia has all the answers. Visit our showroom and see our extensive range of made to measure internal and external blinds, awnings and shutters at affordable prices, or call us today to arrange a free no obligation survey and quote From inspiration to installation... Insignia!Think

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 61

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net62 Local Services ARCHITECTURAL, BUILDING & ELECTRICAL Free estimates for all electrical work, no VAT North Dorset location, will travel. Call Alan Brown, C&G 2330, 2391,2382 on 01258 446258 or 07976 630 904 FRANKS D T L 01747 •Alterations •Renovations •Carpentry •Kitchen Fitting •Bathroom Fitting •Wall/Floor Tiling •Plastering •Hard Landscaping •Painting & Decorating •Plumbing •Electrical MAINTENANCE GROUP Serving all your interior & maintenanceexteriorneeds BUILDINGMAINTENANCE Architectural Services Planning & Building Applications for New Build, Extensions and Conversions 01747 822162 Our advice is always free DORSET LIME Specialists in all external and internal lime work. Lime crete flooring. All aspects of traditional building. Call Dave or Dan 07492 181788 DORSET WOOD TRADITIONAL BUILDINGS Oak Timber Framing Bespoke Timber Building Traditional Building Specialist inc All Building WorklAll aspects of Lime External and Internal CRendering/Plastering/RepointingLimeCreteFlooringhimneyRebuildsandRepointing Contact Dave Welsh 07838 654468 PlumbingPainting& decorating Shed erecting & repairs Flat pack furniture Shelves & curtain rails No job too small. Please call with your requirements. 01963 364457 07368 J& C Handyman Services Door hanging & skirting Gutteringboards and facia clearing and PointingFencingreplacementetc... Home extensions | Barn Conversions Cottage Renovations | New Build Homes Project Phone:EstablishedManagementover40years 07979 210 074 / 01747 855 280 E: w: Buildingwww.sturgessandsturgess.comConstructionSpecialists Concrete & Floor Screed Mixed On site Any Quantity Delivered Sand Gravel Stone Cement Blocks etc Supplied Loose or in Big Bags Good Quality Top Soil in Stock Now available... Rockery Stone Competitive Rates 01747 853687 or 01747 • Plant Hire • Groundwork’s • Treatment plants • Concreting • Landscaping • Driveways Mobile 07773 178 wrightgroundworks@gmail.com083

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 63 ALL IRONWORK. Handrails. Gates. Railings. Repairs.01258Restoration.880301 Local Services ARCHITECTURAL, BUILDING & ELECTRICAL SW BUILDING & RENOVATIONS All aspects of building and plumbing catered for Tel: 07970 437786 e: B.LUCAS General builder 25 Years Experience, City & Guilds Qualified Extensions, Renovations, Alterations, New Build, Plastering, Floor and Wall Tiling, Brickwork, Blockwork, Stonework and Patios, Fencing and Decorating. FREE estimates, No VAT 01747 228827 07809 362919 FLATPACK ASSEMBLY. Shelving. New locks fitted or replaced.07552 540540 CARPENTERTRADITIONAL and general builder, loft conversions and extensions. Kitchen, bathrooms, doors, painting and 07852plastering.201867 Call 01747 229757 email: General building Extensions/Renovations Loft conversions Oak frame Groundwork/LandscapingbuildingsAllyourpropertyneeds Bryan G Paulley LtdOil Tank Services Domestic & CommercialREPLACEMENTTANKSINSTALLATIONSRE-SITINGTEMPORARYTANKSEMERGENCYPUMPOUTSBUNDED/SINGLESKINMETALTANKS/FUELSTATIONSABOVEGROUNDORBELOWMOLINGSERVICEFORBELOWGROUNDUTILITIESCOMMERCIALBOILERREMOVAL New bunded tank installed for between £1300 and £1900 +VAT depending on size of tank. All areas. OFTEC Registered Tel: 01963 363870 24hr Emergency, Leaking Tanks or Oil Spills 07836 502683 E:

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net64 Local Services CHIMNEYS CHIMNEYS K.SANSOM CHIMNEY SWEEP: Brush & vacuum APICS01963registered370038 STEVE ADAMS SWEEPINGCHIMNEY HETAS installer.woodburnerregisteredandflueBirdguardsandcowls07932655267 CHIMNEY SWEEP Evening and appointmentsweekendsavailable07725112160 Tel: 01258 NACS certificates issued Chimneys and Flues Extremely clean service Fully insured (£5m) Smokin ChimneyNicelySweeps COMPUTERS & TECH SOLID FUEL INSTALLATIONS LTD accredited installers from the competent persons scheme for wood burners, multi fuel stoves, chimney liners and twin walled flues. Sweeping chimneys, birdguards & cowls. Fireplace alterations to your needs, chimney works including pointing. 01749 677440 - 07921 074602 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS Purchase advice, Virus Removal, New PC Setup/ Installation, Internet Connection, Upgrades, Computer/ Software Tuition - Call Gregg on 01963370713 DEREK ETHERINGTON BSc(Hons). PC/Mac, Repairs, Networks, Websites, Tuition. Free local callout. 01963362403 CLEANING SHINY STOVES OVEN CoveringIndependentOvens,Ranges,CLEANINGAga’s, Joseph Crocker Computers Custom built gaming & office PCs Desktop & laptop repair Help with mobile devices General computer and IT advice NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL 01963 23669 07484 Cadvertisinglassified place your ad today adverts@blackmorevale.netemail: ARCHITECTURAL, BUILDING & ELECTRICAL ASAarchitects Architecture Masterplanning Conservation EXTENSIONS, CONVERSIONS, NEW BUILD. FREE CONSULTATION. Book Online classified@ blackmorevale.netHOUSECLEANING in Sturminster Newton area. Message me on 07574 574617 Lilyana Fully Insured Failed Double Glazed Units UPVC Windows and Doors Shower Screens, Balustrades Free Survey T: 01747 631899 / 07708 180306 e: w: Steve Guppy Home Maintenance & Improvements Fully Insured Tel: 01747 590584 Mob: 07812 106 513 Tel: Damp Control Timber CondensationDryTreatmentsRotControl30-YearBondedGuarantee Deadline to place your advert is the Friday before publication. R&W Fencing Services All types of fencing, Agriculture and Domestic 01258 880892 07980 036250 Handyman, reliable and experienced Call Chris 07413 678076

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 65 Local Services Get connected. Stay connected. Call me now on 07805 783147 WiFi • Email • FaceTime • WhatsApp Skype • Google • eBay • Amazon Facebook • Twitter • Instagram • Friendly, patient, and knowledgeable help • Keep in touch with family, friends and colleagues for free over the Internet • Sell online easily, quickly and reliably • Buying advice, setup and installation I’m Phil Hudson, your local tech expert and trouble-shooter. I’ll come to you and sort things out, at a time that suits you. Or you can drop off your machine at my workshop for quick, efficient care and maintenance. R Laptop R Tablet R Smartphone R desktop PC AERIALS & Satellite Direct Repairs & Installations - 7 days per week No VAT - Prompt & Friendly Service TOM MOSS Mob: 07931 727 961 Email: Vale Computers Your local computer specialist Any computer related problem fixed: Blank screen, slow computer, upgrades, virus removal, broadband setup and data recovery. Fixed charge repairs – no call out charge. New and second-hand computers for sale. MS CompTIA+ certified engineers. Ring 01258 880442 Email: Open Hours: Mon to Fri: 8.30am to 4.30pm Sat: 9.00am to 1.00pm COMPUTERS & TECH Painting & Decorating Local Quality Painter & Decorator, All maintenance.home 35 Years Experience FREE Estimates. No VAT Tel: 01258 880670 Mob: 07825512627 ‘Your home in safe and capable hands’ DECORATION, FLOORING & CARPENTRY BLACKMORE VALE HANDYMAN SERVICES Efficient - Tidy - Insured - Reliable 35 Year’s Experience Decorating, Plumbing, Carpentry, Plastering, Wall tiling, Pointing. And much more. No job too small. Contact Brian for a quote 01747 821454 07410 blackmorevalehandyman@gmail.com580499 LES BENHAM Painting Services, Property Maintenance, Domestic/ Commercial Inside or Out, Fully Insured/Free Quotes 01258 458849/ 07788 907343 /checkatrade DOMESTIC APPLIANCES Property Service John Banham’s Contact:BathroomsREFRESHING&KitchensUpgradesandCarpentryDecoratingservicesRefreshingsaleandrentalupgradesHandymanprojectsPlumbingrepairsTilingservicesJohnBanham Office: 01747 838 087 Mobile: 07768 190 131 email: W STAGG, DECORATING Services, Interior & Exterior, City & Guilds Qualified, 07894 wstaggdecor@gmail.com328774, GENERALCARPENTERTRADITIONALANDBUILDER, loft conversions and extensions. Kitchen, bathrooms, doors, painting and plastering. 07852 201867

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net66 Local Services DOMESTIC APPLIANCES LOCKSMITHS & GARAGE DOORS LOCKSMITHS & GARAGE DOORS Jeans of Mere, offerrepairsappliance on most brands with fixed labour repair charges (parts on top) 01747Call860215 Jeans of Mere offer appliance repairs on most brands with fixed labour repair charges (parts on top) 01747Call860215 PEST CONTROLMUSICGUITARSHERBORNETUITION 01935 389655 ahiahel@live.comSectional Doors / Roller Doors / Up and Over Side Hinged / Personnel Doors Spares & AutomationInstallationAccessories/Servicing/ PESTSPECTRUMCONTROL Wasps, Rodents and all other pests humanely dealt with. Honey Bee swarms collected and re-homed T: 01258 721462 M: 07379 405080 Qualified and Experienced Technician. Member of the British Pest Control Association Deadline to place your advert is the Friday before publication. WE BUY & SELL QUALITY USED GUITARS and offer a repair, restoration & custom build service. Crimson Guitars & Luthiery School 01300 348862 MUSIC TEACHER offering violin, singing, music theory lessons, based in Motcombe. Contact 07891 091723 georgina.jcluett@gmail.comorforfurtherdetails. Want to build your NEW HOUSEHOLD MOBILE KEY CUTTING SERVICE Covering Dorset and Wiltshire From Blandford to Witchampton Including Sturminster Marshall and Tisbury No call out charge, minimum 4 keys. 07747 488587 • Shoe Repairs • Key Cutting • Engraving • Car Key Programming & Repairs 4 Salisbury Street, Shaftesbury SP7 8EJ 01747 853 Contact to40018601963Usadvertise PROPER DOMESTICS APPLIANCE REPAIRS & INSTALLATION 01747 416059

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 67 Want to build your BlackmoreThetobusiness?DebiThorneradvertisecallNewValeMagazine07714289409D&TandPlumbingHeating Oil servicing and repairs, plus all other aspects of plumbing and heating carried out t:01747 854887 m:07525 755 696 PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAINAGE ABBEYUNBLOCKINGDRAINAGEDRAINS Sinks Toilets Rodding High pressure jetting CCTV Surveys No dig relining Septic tank and water treatment plant installation All repairs and renewals No call out charge 01747 640188 07587 238563 We cover all of the Blackmore Vale area Septic Tanks, Treatment Plants & Soakaways Problems with your sewage system? Need to replace your septic tank? Speak to your local experts 01747 823731 or 07970 484890 Established 1980 FOR ALL YOUR DRAINAGE NEEDS • Blocked Drains • Drain Repair/Relining • CCTV Surveys for Drains • Drainage Investigation • Septic Tank Installation/Repair • Sewage Treatment Plant Installations/ Services 24 HOUR DRAIN CLEARANCE Office: 01747 859203 Mobile: 07453 319391 Email: Local Services 01258 472132 01747 250010 heating and plumbing services 01258 446186 07973 183658 • Natural Gas, LPG and Oil • Central Heating and Power Flushing • Condensing CombinationandBoilers • Landlord’s Certificates • Bathrooms, Kitchens and Tiling • All of the Blackmore Vale area covered 01258 452500 DRAIN SEPTICCCTVUNBLOCKINGSURVEYSTANKEMPTYING BLANDFORDDRAINS Family Establishedbusiness1996 General Plumbing Oil/Natural Gas/LPG Installations Bathroom and Kitchen Installations New Boilers and Cylinders Underfloor Heating & Renewables Landlord Safety Certificates Office: 01747 829222 Mobile: 07900916810 Email: MJ HPPS LTD Plumbing and Heating Contractors All workmanship guaranteed, along with manufacturers’ warranties. Cadvertisinglassified place your ad today adverts@blackmorevale.netemail:

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net68 Local Services TAXIS JASMINE CARS TAXI SERVICE 07495 922821 Comfortable, spacious and clean estate cars. For hospitals, airports, seaports and local work. Distance no object, day trips and special occasions. Lady driver available. For safe Covid-aware transport. 5 star Google rating. JUST ASK! ROOFING ROOFING CHRIS LANGLEY FLAT ROOFING BLANDFORD Specialist in Hi-performance felt & GRP. All of our work is GUARANTEED. All types of roofing professionally carried out. PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF ALL ORDERS. 01258-450879 | 07855-402799FREEQUOTESANDESTIMATES Tel: 07931 583614 valesideroofing@hotmail.comFinduson Based in Wincanton Tom the Roofer I cover all aspects of roofing work, gutter replacement, cleaning and repair work t:01747 854887 m:07525 755 696 • Felt Roofing Specialist • Tiling, Slating and UPVC • Velux Windows • No Job Too Small • Insurance Work • Leadwork Friendly Service Free Estimates Mobile 07973 PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAINAGE ANDHEATINGPLUMBINGFRANKS D T L,vicingand826656 •Boiler Replacement •Boiler Servicing •Gas, Oil & LPG •General Plumbing •Bathrooms •Landlord Certification •Solid Fuel ServicingInstallationStoveand MAINTENANCE GROUP To advertise your business Debi Thorne Advertising Manager Tel: 07714 289409 email: contact: DOMESTIC AGRICULTURAL COMMERCIAL HEATING OIL TANKS Replacement Oil Tanks Emergency Holding Tanks Tank Relocation Heating Oil Tanks Diesel Storage Tanks Rainwater Harvesting System Call today 01722 714514 Shaftesbury 01747 812335 Mobile: 07971 865496 email: OKEFORD HEATING LTD • PROFESSIONAL • TRUSTED • RELIABLE • • OIL AND GAS HEATING INSTALLATIONS • • BOILER REPLACEMENT AND SERVICING • • LANDLORD’S GAS SAFETY CERTIFICATES • • BESPOKE PLUMBING AND BATHROOM DESIGN • 123456 128053 500285 QUALITY ROOFING: Stripping/re-tiling old chimneys,re-building/re-pointingroofs,leadworksandrepairs.NoVAT!Contact07745625617 KDL PLUMBING AND HEATING ALL JOBS UNDERTAKEN. CALL KEVIN 0747-5128249 (01929) - 448548 (01305) - 290265

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 69 TILING WANTED - Dave buys all types of tools. Call 01935 428975 TOOLS & DIY WASTE & HOUSE CLEARANCE WASTE & HOUSE CLEARANCE MaidenClearanceNewtonLtd We clear houses, garages, gardens across Dorset. Our experienced team will bag, box and clear everything. We will purchase some items or advise on those that should go to auction. Free quote on viewing. Where our waste goes – we try to recycle as much as we can however some of the items cleared are not reusable. Our waste is split into categories of household waste, wood, rubble, metals, and hazardous waste such as old refrigeration units, paint and mattresses. Our waste goes to Canford Recycling centre, near Wimborne or Dorset Waste Partnership. Contact Chris: 07580 193 352 Kim: 07467 070 960 Email: Fully licensed & insured. Waste carriers licence no: CDBU204730 Rob’s Clearance • House, shed, and site clearance • Rubbish removed • Recycling carried out • Good/interesting items bought for cash • Friendly and reliable 01747 839751 or 07956 414896 www. .com HOUSE CLEARANCE Plus Sheds, Attics, Garages & Gardens Quality Items Offset Registered Waste Carrier Tel: 01258 440838 or 07853 enquiries@back2market.com275379 Local Services ALL AREAS COVERED ALL SIZE OF SKIP AVAILABLE PLEASE RING 01258 860 166 or 07974 822 243 CLIVE SMITH ANYTIME Waste Transfer Note Smiths Triangle, Fifehead, St Quinton, Sturminster Newton, DT10 2AW (Also disposal site) Email: Tel: 01258 860 166 Mobile: 07974 822243 Waste Carriers Number: CBDU112820 Ticket No: Permit Number: EPR/JB3101KP VAT Reg Number: 634 6316 44 Date ______________ S.I.C Code: 38110 By signing this form confirm have fulfilled my duty to apply the Waste Hierarchy as required by Regulation 12 of the Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2011. PRINT NAME __________________________________ SIGNATURETERMS________________________________ANDCONDITIONSOFBUSINESS(SEEREVERSE) Clive Smith Ltd. SKIP HIRE NOTEPLEASE • LEVEL LOADS ONLY • IT IS DANGEROUS TO TRANSPORT AN OVERLOADED SKIP, THIS INCLUDES BOARDS TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE LOAD. THE DRIVER MAY REFUSE TO REMOVE AN OVERLOADED SKIP AND/OR AN EXTRA CHARGE WILL APPLY TO COVER COSTS. No Asbestos • Do not move skip • No Plasterboard/Gypsum • No Fires in Skip • No Sludge • NO Fridges / Freezers • Tyres • Gas Bottles • Toxic Solvents • Paints and Liquids CUSTOMERS ORDERING VEHICLES OFF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY DO SO ENTIRELY ON THEIR OWN RESPONSIBILITY (See Condition 17 overleaf). RegistrationVehicle Driver Customer Address COLLECTIONEXCHANGEDELIVERYDATESkip Size Description 2 Yrd Mixed Con, Brick 170107 4 Yrd Concrete 170101 6 Yrd Soil & Stone 170504 8 Yrd G Mixed Waste 170904 NOTEPLEASE Clive Smith Waste Transfer Note.qxp_Layout 1 01/10/2020 09:33 Page 1 SKIP HIRE The 01963BlackmoreNewValeMagazineExpandyourcustomerbasecalltoadvertise400186BookOnline classified@ ALL AREAS COVERED ALL SIZE OF SKIP AVAILABLE PLEASE RING CLIVE SMITH ANYTIME Waste Transfer Note Smiths Triangle, Fifehead, St Quinton, Sturminster Newton, DT10 2AW (Also disposal site) Email: Tel: 01258 860 166 Mobile: 07974 822243 Waste Carriers Number: CBDU112820 Ticket No: Permit Number: EPR/JB3101KP VAT Reg Number: 634 6316 44 Date ______________ Clive Smith Ltd. SKIP HIRE NOTEPLEASE • LEVEL LOADS ONLY • IT IS DANGEROUS TO TRANSPORT AN OVERLOADED SKIP, THIS INCLUDES BOARDS TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE LOAD. THE DRIVER MAY REFUSE TO REMOVE AN OVERLOADED SKIP AND/OR AN EXTRA CHARGE WILL APPLY TO COVER COSTS. • No Asbestos • Do not move skip • No Plasterboard/Gypsum • No Fires in Skip • No Sludge • NO Fridges Freezers • Tyres • Gas Bottles • Toxic Solvents • Paints and Liquids CUSTOMERS ORDERING VEHICLES OFF THE PUBLIC HIGHWAY DO SO ENTIRELY ON THEIR OWN RESPONSIBILITY (See Condition 17 overleaf). RegistrationVehicle Driver Customer Address NOTEPLEASE Clive Smith Waste Transfer Note.qxp_Layout 1 01/10/2020 09:33 Page 1 SKIP HIRECrushed concrete available at £6.16 per ton. Wood chip and oversized rubble available free of charge, with collection from the yard. CLIVE SMITH 01258 860 166 or 07974 822 243 T F PLANT Trusted family-run business, ring for enquiries 01747 826107 TF Plant, 8 Brickfields Industrial Estate, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4JL Sand, gravel, cement and topsoil supplied Trade & DIY. Supplied loose or collected. Small or large loads also bulk bag materials & small handy bags. Muck-away service of inert materials Contact us 40018601963to advertise

the skin is tight over bones and lacks cushioning. If the dog becomes unwell it has no reserves and can rapidly lose muscle mass. Joints require strong muscles for stability and loss of muscle can increase risk of joint injury.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net70 Pets
COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES ready now! 2 bitches,2 dogs. Chocolate roan variations in colour. Phone 07890 448620
HUNTAWAY PUPPIES looking for forever homes, both working parents. Well socialised, 4 left, ready from 16/8/22. Call Sarah for details 07398 762751
Being overweight puts extra stress on a dog’s joints, and fat itself can increase inflammation making, for instance, arthritic joints more painful. Many overweight dogs have a reduced appetite – unless they are labradors – because their body already has more calories than it needs. As a result, many obese dogs appear to be fussy eaters. Fat dogs often lack energy, but weight loss can help regain this.
Flat coated retriever puppies, black KC reg, parents hip & eye tested, lovely temp, ready to loving homes. Tel 07736 886736
LABRADOR PUPPIES KC REGISTERED Black and Yellow. Well handled, make great working and family pets. Please call 07816 760757 or 07795 144428 01458 762760 Nr Langport
Obese cats are prone to developing Type II Diabetes. If they suddenly stop eating, they can also suffer from a condition called fatty liver. This is life-threatening – affected cats need help to stimulate their appetite again and may need a feeding tube placed.
PHOTO: Barbara Danázs/Pixabay
How to feed for a healthy weight
Maintaining a healthy weight optimises an animal’s ability to remain healthy. We have control over our animal’s food intake and have the abilty to keep them healthy and active.
Fat cats
Puppies should be fed according to age, size, breed and exercise levels rather than relying on the feeding plan provided on purchased food. Labradors, for instance, benefit from slow growth to maximise healthy joint development, so avoiding obesity at a young age is beneficial.
If your dog is underweight then it is worth ruling out simple causes first. If they are eating well, are not vomiting and don’t have diarrhoea, are up to date with worming and are
We often love to give our pets treats and this strengthens the bond with them. They are also very useful during training. Using smaller treats or one instead of three can help reduce those extra calories. Again compensate with smaller meals where treats are provided. Dogs are usually much smaller than us, meaning that a biscuit contains much more calories relative to size.
by Lynn PracticeLongmeadBroom,Veterinary
MINI SMOOTH DACHSHUND PUPS. DNA tested clear. Vaccinated, health checked & micro-chipped READY NOW. 07707 646359
Pet Cremation
Tailor-made diet
Cocker spaniels are very active and often need much more food than feeding guides suggest. Your vet surgery will be happy to provide advice on feeding and body condition.
active, then simply increasing the amount you feed and reweighing them may be all that is needed.Adogthat loses weight unexpectedly can be investigated. It is worth considering causes such as no longer stealing food when an older dog has died or increased exercise during summer weather burning more Consideringcalories.thedog’s total calorie intake throughout the day is important to consider reasons for weight gain. You may be weighing your dog’s meals out carefully, but the biscuits given as treats or the food dropped by toddlers can really add up. If extras cannot be avoided or reduced then
Feeding our pets is a great way to interact with them and show them that we love them. But we can also kill them with kindness and they will be much happier if fed appropriately to maintain a normal body weight.
Fox red Labrador bitch 14 weeks old Chipped & fully vaccinated £900 Tele Gavin 07973289480
compensating by reducing meal size is important.
Dogs that are overweight suffer extra stress on their joints.

CAVAPOOCHON BOY PUPPY Microchipped & vacs. Ready now 07790 704653
CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA? A pastel portrait of your or a loved ones dog done from photographs. Visit my adlingtondogportraits.comwebsite.
MUCKY PUPS DOG GROOMER Friars Moor Sturminster Newton Contact Gloria 07784 15http://muckypups-bee-online.commuckypupsfrance@yahoo.com332682yearsexperienceindoggrooming
Cats that are underweight, particularly if they eat well, may have an underlying health condition which should be investigated.
KC REGISTERED MINIATURE DACHSHUND puppies, boys and girls in a variety of colours including dapples. £1600 ono. Ring 07779 110578
Independent family run business offering a very personal, caring pet cremation service to bereaved pet owners. Collection Service Farewell Room Out of Hours Service provided Located in a rural countryside setting on the Somerset Dorset border Contact us on: 07900 654

Springer Spaniel puppies for sale. Ready 11th September. 3 girls, 4 boys available. From working lines. Will make excellent working dogs or family pets. Docked and Dewclawed. Yeovil based, £600. 07867315141
Guinea Fowl hatched this year £4 each Tel 07974 042589
Kittens for sale , friendly, several colours 01963 458199
Being underweight can also cause problems. A dog that is too thin has little or no fat. This can increase injuries because
Therefore, asking your dog to do a trick or two may be more successful than asking for a sit if you want to distract your dog and focus his attention on you in a situation which may worry him.
and micro-chipping for £5
Since cues such as ‘paw’, ‘twist’, ‘weave’ are never used directly as a means to control the dog or said in anger, panic, fear or in an overbearing manner – as they are, by definition, done for ‘fun’ –this means the dog’s association with hearing those cue words will usually be completely positive and happy, and he is therefore more likely to feel happy while doing them.
Arlo whoaffectionate(two).Verylovelyboywouldfit
We are still offering neutering in postcode areas
n Black female, missing from Blandford, since about 25 July.

If you have lost a cat please contact us via our website, phone or Facebook.

Tip#23: bywhytrainingTrick–bother?HelenTaylor
Rex VeryblackGorgeous(four).boy.friendly,lovingcat.
Kittens – We have kittens available soon. If you’d like to register interest, please visit our website and fill in the enquiry form: blandford. Please do not phone as we are all volunteers and can’t always answer. Thank you.
For details, please call our helpline on 01258 858644 or visit our website,
Hattie (one). Looking for understandinganhome.
n Pale ginger tabby/white, Stalbridge, currently being fed by finder.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 71 Pets Loving homes needed for cats and kittens in our care. MID CATSDORSETPROTECTION For more details, please call our helpline 01258 858644 or visit our website: (Formerly Blandford & Sturminster) Sponsored by Longmead Veterinary Practice Ltd BEHAVIOUR TIPSCAN YOU BE A FOREVER HOME?
If you are regularly seeing a cat in your garden or down your street that you don’t think has an owner, please give us a call – it might be a lost cat that could be reunited with its owner.
Millie lady.whitetabbyDelightful(nine).andfluffySheisalittleshybutdesperatetobeloved.

Many owners may consider trick-training to be a waste of time. However, training your dog to do something that has no obvious purpose – that is taught and practised purely for fun – can be very beneficial.
Owners often let their emotions spill into their words, even if they are trying hard not to. It is very hard to say ‘paw, twist, weave’ in an angry or worried manner and, on the contrary, trick cues are usually spoken with a happy voice without any conscious effort to do so.
Blandford and Sturminster Newton branch Cats Protection

into most families.
DT10, DT11, SP7, SP8 and BH21. Phone: 01258 268695.


n Helen Taylor BSc(Hons) ADipCBM; Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB); ABTC register of Clinical Animal Behaviourists and Animal Training Instructors; full member APBC & APDT (881); phone 07951 985193;; www.
Please make sure we have a contact phone number so we can get in touch with you quickly if needed.
Most people think we Brits drink wine rather than produce it. Well, how wrong theyOverare!the past decade this has changed dramatically and here down in the south of England we are making and producing world class bubbles, winning awards and beating major champagne houses in competitions across the globe. We are also making white, red and rosé wines, some very good ones, in fact, right here in Dorset.
A wine can only be called ‘English’ if it is made with grapes grown in England; ‘British’ wine can be made from grapes grown elsewhere if the juice is fermented and bottled in the UK. The Love Local Trust Local label is all about highlighting these important facts, so always read the labels.Down south is a little warmer than elsewhere and with help from global warming our average temperatures are rising – so from Cornwall to Kent we all have similar climates and soil types, and great for growing English wine in Dorset. The fertile soil here is largely made up of clay, chalk and flint, the same as the Champagne region of France. Harvest time for the grapes is late summer to late autumn. Due to the exceptional weather this summer, 2022 should be a bumper year for
by Barbara Cossins
From experience in my own pubrestaurant our customers love the local wine, cider, real ale, gin and other spirits. I know English wines are a little pricey compared to those from other countries but what you get in the supermarkets is mass produced – the English wines are tasty, really good and will be a talking point on the dinner table. They are going to be pricier because labour and production costs in this country are more expensive than in
other countries and the number of bottles produced is Remember,limited.ifyou buy local it is helping the rural economy here in Dorset, the South-West and throughout England. Soil type and growing conditions are things I keep on about as we all need to know what is produced in our own counties. In Dorset and the south of England we produce some of the finest food and drink. This is food for thought – maybe Britain is becoming the new wine world. Eating and drinking locally helps and supports local businesses.
Just a bit of an update on what is going on on the farm. When writing this two weeks before the New Blackmore Vale goes to print, it is still very dry – we are already having to feed the animals winter food, silage we cut back in May. This is a worry as we haven’t even hit Autumn yet –nothing is growing. There’s lots of seasonal produce on the shelves at the moment, so make sure you are eating fresh and local.
It was National Red Wine Day on 28 August which got me thinking about all the wonderful wines and vineyards here in the south. Did you know there are eight in Dorset alone – just stop and think when you are out for lunch or dinner and ask if there are any local wines on the menu.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net72 Food & Drink
n Barbara Cossins is founder of Love Local Trust Local; www.thelangtonarms.,
Dorset has eight vineyards
Perfect weather for English wine growers

English sparkling wine.
PHOTO: johnboyflash from Pixabay

by Rebecca Vincent
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 73 Food & Drink
Optional extras for the dip: feta, yoghurt, mint, chives
Peel off the outer leaves from the corn and any fibres underneath. Cut a flat base to the first corn, then stand it on that base while very carefully slicing it in half lengthways. Lay the halves flat side down and cut into three equal slices lengthways again, ensuring you keep some of the middle intact,

so the kernels don’t fall off the inner layer. Repeat with the second ear of corn.
While the sweetcorn is in the oven, blend the butternut squash with the harissa, extra virgin
n Rebecca Vincent BSc (Hons) BANT-registered nutritionist; 07515 019430;

olive oil, lemon juice and a pinch of pepper to form a smooth dip. When the sweetcorn strips are ready, dip them in the butternut squash mix, nibble the kernels off the inner layer and enjoy!
Sweetcorn strips with harissa and butternut squash dip (Serves 2)

Butternut squash and sweetcorn are combined in this colourful dish
In this colourful dish I’m combining two bright stars of the season, butternut squash and sweetcorn.Sweetcorn is a good source of vitamins C, E, B5 and B1, folic acid, magnesium and phosphorus. It comes in a wide variety of colours including pink, red, black and blue which offer an array of different anti-oxidants, but in the UK the most common is yellow which is high in a carotenoid antioxidant called lutein.
FarmEnfordShop Durweston DT11 0QW Home reared and locally produced meats, game, deli, fruit, veg, free range eggs and lots more. Follow us on Facebook for all our latest meat pack deals and what’s in fresh that week. BBQ packs also available. Half a pig approx £120. Chicken feeds etc available. Open Wednesday to Saturday 8.30am-4pm. Outside shop with self service for essentials open daily 8am-8pm 01258 450050 WarmingAromaticAward-winning, hand-crafted Dorset Gin. Visit Ash Farm Courtyard, Stourpaine DT11 8PW. Open Friday and Saturday 9am – 12 noon. Call us on 01258 Piquant The spirit of Dorset... Delivered.

2 ears of corn
Stars of the season combined
1 tsp harissa paste
Coat the slices of corn in a little oil, salt and pepper, then pop in the oven for about 20 minutes until golden and they have curled up slightly.
Pinch salt and pepper
½ small butternut squash

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (more if you want a thinner dip)
Juice ½ lemon

Heat the oven to 180 degrees, peel the butternut squash and cut the flesh into similarly-sized cubes. Place the cubes on a baking tray and roast for about 20 minutes until tender, then set aside to cool.
Butternut squash, as with most ‘winter’ squashes, is a good source of vitamins C, B1 and B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, niacin, potassium and dietary fibre.
the coverage of gigabit broadband from seven per cent of households to 70 per cent and I am proud that today more than 20 million households, businesses and organisations are able to tap into rapid and reliable internet, unleashing their potential, creating opportunities and driving growth across the country.”
The project will cover the rural outskirts of towns, villages and hamlets from Sherborne to Verwood and Shaftesbury to Blandford Forum.
“The benefits of better broadband connectivity cannot be underestimated and

PHOTOS: Simon Dawson/No 10 Downing Street
“Over the last four years, we have connected thousands of homes and businesses across the South-West to full fibre broadband and are excited to accelerate our roll out further with this new contract.”CllrJill Haynes, Dorset Council’s portfolio holder for Corporate Development and Transformation, said: “This significant government investment in Dorset is great news for communities and businesses that would otherwise have been left behind as the country moves to gigabit-capable broadband.
Internet service provider Wessex Internet welcomed a VIP visitor when former Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited north Dorset in the final days of his premiership.

“In just three years we have increased
It will provide the speed and reliability to enable anyone to start up and run a business of any size from even the most remote areas of the AndUK.families will be able stream movies, television and video games in high quality 4K and 8K definition onto multiple devices at the same time with no slowdowns in speed.Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “From Sherborne to Stirling, lightning-fast broadband is levelling up towns and villages across the country.
Project Gigabit aims to provide the fastest broadband to areas considered too difficult or expensive to connect under the broadband industry’s commercial plans, with government funding complementing industry investment.
Gigabit broadband can provide speeds of more than 1,000 megabits a second, more than 30 times faster than copper-based superfastGigabit-capablebroadband.connections will underpin revolutionary new technologies such as Virtual and Augmented Reality, and more internet-connected appliances in the home and the workplace.
The contract, the first awarded as part of the £5 billion Project Gigabit, will see the first home connected by the end of the year, with an expected completion date of 2025.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net74
“Good broadband connection has never been more important as we rebuild the economy after the pandemic. We look forward to working with Wessex Internet and the Government on this exciting development in technology, which will greatly benefit some of the most rural parts of our county.”
The VIP visitors in the control room at Wessex Internet room
The Government has awarded Wessex Internet a £6 million contract to connect more than 7,000 hard-to-reach premises to the fastest broadband.
Mr Johnson went to the company’s offices in Shroton and to a network construction site in East Orchard, accompanied by then Digital Secretary Nadine Dorries.

Ms Dorries said: “Today we enter an exciting new phase of our £5 billion Project Gigabit digital connectivity programme by signing our first major contract in Dorset. Thousands of hard-to-reach homes and businesses in the region will get access to faster connections and join the 20 million properties we’ve helped connect over the last three years.
Wessex Internet chief executive Hector Gibson Fleming said: “We’re thrilled to have been awarded the first contract under the Government’s £5 billion Project Gigabit programme.
“As a business based in north Dorset, our priority has always been to bring fast, reliable broadband to rural communities overlooked by other providers. We believe passionately that rural areas must have access to gigabit-capable connectivity and the exciting benefits it brings for homes, businesses and communities.
this work will mean those living in rural areas can enjoy 21st century speeds in the home and workplace, making their lives easier and more productive”
and highlighting some of Dorset HealthCare’s ‘Here For Each other’ staff well-being initiatives, which include well-being coaching, psychologicalcounselling,therapy and mental and physical health.
The kingfisher I had seen earlier was still calling its single, shrill note as it shot past me, the familiar streak of metallic blue just visible in the gloom.
The one to ten of happier living...
They will also be introducing the Action for Happiness: Ten keys to happier living, based on a simple mnemonic, GREAT DREAM which stands for: Giving (doing things for others); Relating (connecting with people); Exercising (taking care
by Dr Susie Curtin
n Dr Susie Curtin (email curtin.susanna@
‘Here For Each Other’ Happy Cafes online at www.wellnet.
The aim is to create a warm, friendly and welcoming online

Now back home, feeling happier and pleasantly sleepy, I am sat with a hot drink on my patio listening to my garden crickets clicking and chirping to attract their mates – a sound that takes me back to end-ofsummer camps and my travels in Greece as a youth.Theclouds
Meditations in nature: Soundscapes to heal your thoughts
I have just returned from a sunset quest to see the barn owl and the two young foxes that live down by the River Stour. It has been a difficult day – one of those where nothing goes quite right and single tasks take too long.
Find out more about the
above me are dissipating and gradually the constellations of the Plough and Cassiopeia become straddled by the Milky Way. My newly acquainted hedgehog is rustling through the dry summer debris behind my ash tree, looking for snails and slugs, sniffling and snorting as he moves through the garden. Beside me, Henry my cat lies purring.
Then came the squawking, prehistoric sounds of a heron as it took to the skies to find its roost, and the mutterings from the moorhen hunkering down beside the banks.
The squadron of starlings that I had seen sweep and swirl in a mini-murmuration before diving down into the reeds were noisily jostling for position, while a distant
PHOTO: Kevin/Pixabay
I cannot think of a better end to a difficult day, away from the television and the nightly news. An after-dinner walk, and time and space to be at one with an evening soundscape, creates moments of peacefulness and instils a calm and fulfilled sleep.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 75 Health & Wellbeing
The barn owl that was quartering her usual fields, stopping on a post every now and then to take stock

The World Happiness Project is launching a series of online Happy Cafe meetings this month to support NHS staff working across Dorset.
of our body); Awareness (living life mindfully); Trying out (keep learning new things); Direction (having goals to look forward to); Resilience (finding ways to bounce back); Emotions (looking for what's good in life); Acceptance (being comfortable with who you are); Meaning (being part of something bigger).
During the initial trial period, guest speakers will be talking about a range of important issues
Instead, my attention turned to the foxy siblings who were rolling and playing chase, and the barn owl that was quartering her usual fields, stopping on a post every now and then to take stock and to listen for voles. I could feel the tight muscles in my face soften into a smile as she flew straight
The fortnightly meetings are aimed at the 50,000-plus staff working in all sectors of the NHS across the county, including the region’s hospitals, Foundation Trusts, primary care networks, GP practices, local councils and care providers.
I was very glad to escape into nature where there is so much more to focus on than my frustrations, and the circling pessimism about the environment and the economic uncertainty we all face.
place where staff can meet informally and share their interest in personal happiness, improved mental health and well-being in the home, the community and the workplace. Meetings provide an opportunity to meet like-minded people and discuss practical ways to deal with common issues in a fun, informative and inspirational way.
As the sun set over the hills and the washed-out colours of early September diminished, I began to key into the soothing sounds of the riverbank that were wafting downstream.
towards me down the track.
tawny owl and the mewing of sheep completed the evening symphony as I made haste in the darkness.
How to take control of ‘crisis’ talk
The ‘cost-of-living crisis’ is a label or tagline that flows off the page very easily. Wherever you look, there is reference to it, often either written in unhelpful or anxiety-creating language.It’snot all like that. A lot of media coverage is providing us with essential information so we can make informed choices about the months ahead. But I would also urge us all to remember, not all sources of news coverage are accurate. Can we really believe everything we read? Of course not. Many reports are too focused on the emotions this
by Alice Johnsen
OAP CAREMASSAGE,INCLUDING nail cutting, companionship.sleepovershavingandcare,RingJoyceon07591760333 HEALINGMEDITATIONVISUALISATIONCIRCLE Sturminster Newton Tuesday's 10.30-12.30 & 3pm-5pm For more info Contact Kate 07903 005218
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net76
n Alice Johnsen is a life coach based near Sherborne (07961 080513;

I would urge you to seek help. My first port of call would be Citizens Advice. Go to www. Getting help is not easy but the hardest part is the first phone call or first contact.
Without doubt, this is the season to look after ourselves by taking a step back when we need to and by asking for help when we feel overwhelmed. It is also time to look out for our neighbours, too.
suggest a charity which provides meals to feed people in need. The Country Food Trust uses game to produce single pouches or catering packs to support other charities feeding large numbers of people who need such support. If you’d like to support them please go to

situation is triggering – an all too easy game for something as serious as the fuel and budget fiasco that is brewing up across Europe right now.
If you are overwhelmedfeelingbyyour situation,

While we cannot necessarily help our reaction – which can become very draining and distracting – we can take control of how much of it we absorb. I remember talking about this during the early days of the coronavirus epidemic. Self-monitoring applies now as it did then. If the drip feed of fear-fuelled media is causing you to feel anxious about the immediate future, take a step back.
If, having read this, you would like to help others, can I
Health & Wellbeing
Unless you are employed in a role where you have a direct effect on the policies or prices we face, it’s okay to take a break from it. Switch off your news feed or radio for a few hours or a few days.
PHOTO: Vitaliy Shmidt/Pixabay
The elderflowers are particularly good for upper respiratory infections and with the nettle prepare the body for the hay-fever season by acclimatising it to pollen. The
Professional, friendly service since 2005. All common problems treated. Blandford, Sturminster Newton, Gillingham and Shaftesbury areas. Ring 01258 KNEESSHOULDERSANDTOES
nettles are also full of minerals the body needs. I use the young, fresh nettles which have a second flush in the autumn. Once steeped, it can be overnight, the whole lot should then be put through a muslin cloth to get rid of pips and hairs and fibre. I find this quite sweet enough, but you can add some untreated organic honey – again excellent for hay-fever – to taste which will also help to preserve it. It should be kept in the fridge – or freezer if I make a surplus – and can be added to fizzy water as a lovely, light refreshing pack-apunch drink!
Massage for Sciataca, and relaxation. Improve your health and well-being. Posture – helpful in easing the symptoms of Parkinsons Massage

by Fiona Chapman
and the hay-fever season, so if I can make something that will provide protection from colds during the winter and give my body some resistance to pollen for the spring, it would be ideal.The elderberries are, as I write, almost ripe for picking. The berries should be removed from the stalk, and they need cooking, as raw, they contain quite a bit of cyanide which is not something we want to consume. Cooked, they provide the most amazing amounts of vitamin C, have quantities of anti-oxidants and are antiinflammatory, and have been proved to help the body fight off some flu viruses.

from dog roses, are the most potent. Again, they are packed with vitamins, particularly C and anti-oxidants. Depending on your harvest, but it should always be responsible and never take too much, I cook these berries in the juice of two organic apples and filtered water to cover the fruit. Cook until they are soft. I add dried elderflowers – harvested in spring – and fresh nettle into the cooked berries right at the end and leave it to all steep together.
Just the tonic for winter and spring
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 77 Health & Wellbeing
Therapist Promassage999@gmail.com07771133293
n Fiona Chapman is a naturopathic herbalist (
This year, as there is no college for me to think about, I am going to try and make some really good tonics to get my family through the winter. I also have an eye on the spring HEAD
I don’t know if it is going to be a very cold winter, but in the spring, I noticed the trees, particularly oak, laden with flowers and there is now an abundance of acorns. Likewise, the blackberries are phenomenal at the moment and I regularly have a breakfast of them as I am walking my dogs.
It is the time to be harvesting and there are a huge variety of herbs which can be picked or dug up and dried or processed for the long winter days.
Rose hips, particularly those
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net78 Motoring CAR SERVICE COMING UP? All Makes Servicing Free vehicle health checks MOT Tests £39 Air-Con Servicing Tyres and Exhausts Brakes and Clutches Batteries Suspension Cambelts and Water Pumps ODIS VW Audi Diagnostics Generic Diagnostics (most makes) To book your service please call 01747 855247 or email Cann Common, Shaftesbury SP7 0EB MOTS, SERVICING AND REPAIRS ON ALL VEHICLES UP TO 3.5 TONNES INCLUDING HORSEBOXES AND MOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTRE MOTs – class 4, 5 and 7 Diagnostics Air Conditioning Courtesy Cars Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services MOTS, SERVICING AND REPAIRS ON ALL VEHICLES UP TO 3.5 TONNES INCLUDING HORSEBOXES AND MOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTREMOTS,SERVICINGANDREPAIRSONALLVEHICLESUPTO3.5TONNESINCLUDINGHORSEBOXESANDMOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTRE Over 30 years experience Best prices paid please call: Best prices paid please call: Best prices paid please call: Keeping you on the move... John’s Caravans Mobile Caravan Servicing & Repairs Please call 01747 853114 or 07546 548017 Looking to sell your car? advertise it in The New Blackmore Vale! email: DORSET’S COMMERCIALPREMIERVEHICLESERVICE Full dealer service for all makes of commercial vehicle Brake testing Tachograph service MOT preparation etc. ETS TRUCK&VAN 6 Witney Rd, Nuffield Industrial Estate, Poole BH17 0GH Tel: 01202 669339 Email: Shaftesbury Lane, Blandford, Dorset DT11 7FB Tel: 01258 480404 Email:

£1850. Tel:
Five Square Motors (Bosch Garage) Salisbury Road (A30) Shaftesbury SP7 8BUCAR SALES 01747 VANS SO IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL GIVE US A CALL, WE PAY GOOD PRICES & CONSIDER MOST VEHICLES. 2010 (60) Fiat 500 1.2 Lounge 3dr. 69bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, only 33,500 miles, sat nav, parking sensors, air con, alloys, bluetooth, electric opening sunroof, £30 road tax, upto 58mpg, cambelt replaced, 33,500 miles .........................................................£4850 2007 (07) Ford Fiesta 1.25 Style 5dr. 75bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, 1 owner & under 17,800 miles from new, full service history, cambelt replaced, excellent condition, less than 17,800 miles ...........................................................................................................£3450 2018 (18) Ford EcoSport 1.0T EcoBoost ST Line SUV 5dr. 140bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, partial leather, heated seats, heated steering wheel, park sensors & camera, 18" wheels, sunroof, blind spot assist, cross traffic alert, sign recognition, keyless, cruise, auto light & wipe, sat nav, bluetooth, hill start assist, B&O sound, 25,500 miles .................£14250 2018 (68) Ford Transit Connect 1.5 EcoBlue L1 200 Limited Van 5dr. 120bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, 2 seats, side door, bulkhead, ply lined, liner mat, cruise control, auto lights & wipers, heated front screen, heated seats, DAB audio, bluetooth, hill start assist, parking sensors, air con, 40,800 miles .............................................£14500+VAT = £17400 2018 (67) Dacia Sandero 1.0SCe Ambiance 5dr. 75bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, exceptional value car with low running costs, 54mpg economy, bluetooth, USB, air con, hill start assist, 46,500 miles ................................................................................................£6450 2019 (19) Mazda3 2.0 Sport Black 5dr. 120bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, heated seats & steering wheel, sat nav, reverse camera, park sensors, 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...................................................£13250 2008 (58) Nissan Qashqai 2.0 4WD Tekna SUV 5dr. 139bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, park sensors, switchable 4 wheel drive, heated leather, sunroof, few marks around the body, clearance car, MOT Sept 2023, 106,000 miles ...............................................£2000 2017 (66) Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T Tekna SUV 5dr. 115bhp, petrol. 6 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, reverse camera, heated leather, cruise, bluetooth, lane sign & blind spot aid, hill start assist, auto lights & wipers, 28,500 miles ................................................£10450 2010 (60) Nissan Juke 1.6 Tekna SUV 5dr. 115bhp, petrol. 5 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, touch screen, reverse camera, leather seats, heated seats, cruise control, bluetooth, auto lights & wipers, 81,500 miles ..................................................................................£5250 2018 (68) Renault Clio 0.9TCe GT Line 5dr. 90bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, partial leather, park sensors, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, hill start assist, bluetooth, upto 56mpg economy, 18,900 miles .............................................................£9950 2013 (13) Toyota Hilux 2.5D-4D HL2 Double Cab 4x4 Pickup. 144bhp, diesel, 5 speed manual gearbox, switchable 4 wheel drive, 5 seats, rear canopy, great condition, air con, alloys, cambelt replaced, 134,800 miles ................................................No Vat to pay £10500 2018 (18) Vauxhall Astra 1.0 T EcoTech SRi 5dr. 105bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, hill start assist, bluetooth, DAB audio, touch screen, upto 58mpg, 32,000 miles ....................................................................................................£10450 2014 (14) Vauxhall Meriva 1.4 SE MPV 5dr. 100bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, high seating, large boot, parking sensors, hill start assist, cruise control, sunroof with electric blind, only 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Tel: 07850 429058

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Kawasaki KMX125 F reg, Jan ’23, vgc for year. 4 years. 01935 427397
1989. MOT


Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of the above named, late of 1 Drapers Court, Market Place, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1AS, who died on 15/07/2022, are required to send written particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before 17/11/2022, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have had notice.
Ash Leaning trading as Mayflower Logistics Ltd of 4 Market Cross Mews, Market Cross, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1AN is applying for a licence to use Mark Billen of 7c, Butts Pond Industrial Estate, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1AZ as an operating centre for 1 goods vehicle. Owners or occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating centre who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House, 386 Harehills Lane, Leeds, LS9 6NF, stating their reasons, within 21 days of this notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given at the top of this notice. A Guide to Making Representations is available from the Traffic Commissioner’s office.
13 September 2002. In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister. Love from Mum, Vivian and family.

Goods Vehicle Operator’s Licence
Congratulations on your Diamond Wedding Anniversary 22nd September, 2022 Love Sue & Stu DEATHS
Passed away peacefully on the 19th August 2022 at Yeovil District Hospital. John was much loved, and will be sadly missed by all. Donations to The British Legion or Weldmar Hospice Care if desired can be made through Bracher Brothers Funeral Directors, Newbury, Gillingham, Dorset SP8 4QL. Tel: 01747 822494.
Funeral service will take place on Wednesday 28th September 2022, 2.30p.m. at Mendip Crematorium. Family flowers only please.
c/o A. J. Wakely & Sons, The Old Police Station, Carrington Way, Wincanton, BA9 9JS.
David, Maria and the family wish to thank the doctors, nurses and staff at Queen Camel Medical Centre, on Ward 9A at Yeovil District Hospital and the carers from St. Margaret’s Hospice for all their kindness and care. We also thank relatives and friends for their kind cards and messages of sympathy, for their attendance at the service and for donations which are being gratefully received for St. Margaret’s Hospice, Yeovil c/o Mr. Harold F. Miles, funeral director, South Cadbury BA22 7ES. Our grateful thanks also, to The Reverend Prebendary Rose Hoskins, Mr. Harold Miles and family, Robert Ham and everyone at The Sparkford Inn for their wonderful catering. Please accept this as our personal message of thanks.
FN: 553807 AH: PUB:RJNew Blackmore Vale Size: 80x46mm (1 col) To place an obiturary or advertisementrememberancein The New Blackmore Vale Magazine pleasecalluson: or email:
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net80
A GREAT BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HEATHER MILLER, another milestone reached! looking forward to lots of celebrations, all our love Sadie, Lee (Benji) and their families xxx
Mike & Shirley Henstridge
WATTS Michael Austin
Passed away peacefully on Saturday 3rd September 2022, aged 89 years.
Donations in memory of Michael for the Royal British Legion may be sent
The family of the late David Dennis wish to express their sincere thanks to all who attended his Service of Celebration on 8th September at Harbour View. Please accept this notice as their personal thank you..
Beloved Husband to Margaret, Dad to Brian and Anne and Grandad to Hannah, Freya and Matthew. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Donations in memory of Chris for Save Our Spaniels may be sent c/o A. J. Wakely & Sons, The Old Police Station, Carrington Way, Wincanton, BA9 9JS. Tel: 01963 31310.
Peacefully on the 28th August 2022. Annie aged 68 years of Thornford. A dearly loved Wife of Cyril, Sister of Robin, Rachel & Jackie. Much loved Auntie, Great Auntie & friend to many.
Those who knew Jackie are welcome to join the family at a service of thanksgiving to be held at 2 pm in St Johns Church, Tisbury on Wednesday the 21st of September, followed by a reception at the Hinton Hall.
Passed away peacefully at home on 24th August, aged 100. Much loved wife of James (Jim Wellard), mother of Jill and Peter, grandmother of Joanne, Richard and James, and great grandmother of Georgia, Alexander, Archie and Alice.
Died suddenly at home on 15th August 2022. Dearly beloved husband of Margaret and much loved by all his family and friends. A celebration of his life will take place at Stake Farm, East Chelborough to send him off on his way on Tuesday, 20th September at 11.30am. No flowers please donations are for East Chelborugh PCC or The Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance which may be given online at www. or sent c/o A J Wakely & Sons, 7 North Street, Beaminster DT8 3DZ.
Passed away at home on 23rd August aged 71 years. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Service will take place at Yeovil Crematorium on Thursday 29th September at 12.00 noon.
FRY, Jackie (nee Sladen)
Donations if desired for Parkinson’s UK, donate online at,pleasecontactShandFuneralServiceon01258453425
Please make cheques payable to the charity.
Funeral service at Yeovil Crematorium on Monday, 19th September at 2.40pm. Family flowers only please, donations if desired for The MS Society Yeovil & Sherborne Branch or Guide Dogs. C/o Peter Jackson Funeral Services, Mons, High St, Henstridge, BA8 0RB. Tel: 01963 362570.
Frederick Vincent Harry Hunt
Passed away at home in Gillingham, on 23rd August, aged 92 years.
She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends. Her funeral will be held at Salisbury Crematorium on Friday 23rd September at 2pm followed by a Reception.
Formerly of Totterdale Farm Tisbury, passed away peacefully on the 31st of August 2022. She will be dearly missed by her children, grandchildren and friends.
Family flowers only but donations if desired for Cancer Research UK c/o Bracher Brothers, Newell, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4EZ Tel: 01935 813479
Head Gardener of Stourhead for 25 years.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 81 Announcements
Fred will be sadly missed by all his family and friends. Funeral service to take place in St. Michael's Church , Stour Provost on Thursday 22nd September at 14:30, followed by a burial in the churchyard. Family flowers only please.
Donations in memory of Fred would be gratefully received for The National Trust at Stourhead and may be left at the church or sent c/o Bracher Brothers, Newbury, Gillingham, Dorset. SP8 4QL.
Passed away suddenly on 30th August 2022. Much loved husband to Sandie, dad to Emma and Tim, grandad to George and Odie. He will be sadly missed by friends and fellow runners. Funeral service on Monday 19th September 2022, 10.40a.m. at Yeovil Crematorium. Family flowers only please.
On the 19th August 2022 peacefully in Salisbury District Hospital aged 94 years of Berwick St Leonard. A much loved Mother, Nanny, Aunty, and friend to many. Funeral service takes place at St Margaret's Church, Chilmark on Monday 26th September at 2pm. No flowers please but donations if desired to Cats Protection or Pets as Therapy may be made online at or send cheques payable to the charity c/o Merefield & Henstridge F/D, Ridgemount, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 0BU. Tel: 01747 853532
Veteran of the Arctic Convoys and D Day, survivor of the sinking of HMS Swift in 1944.
peacefully at home on 8th September 2022. Celebration service: Buckhorn Weston Church, 6th October, 2pm. No flowers; donations please to St Margaret’s Hospice c/o Howard F. Miles, Funeral Director 01963 440367
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net82 Announcements
Honor (Nora) Elsie Woolard (nee Earl)
Jill Ann Stevens
For further enquiries, please contact Lesley Shand Funeral Service on 01258 453425.
Peacefully at home on Monday 29th August 2022 aged 94 years.
BUNDY Alfred George
Passed away peacefully at home on 24th August, aged 100. Much loved wife of James (Jim Wellard), mother of Jill and Peter, grandmother of Joanne, Richard and James, and great grandmother of Georgia, Alexander, Archie and Alice. She will be sadly missed by all her family and friends. Her funeral will be held at Salisbury Crematorium on Friday 23rd September at 2pm followed by a Reception. Donations if desired for Parkinson’s UK, donate online at
Died peacefully at home on 29th August 2022. Aged 70 years.
Passed away peacefully at Dorset County Hospital on 30th August 2022. Aged 99.
Funeral Service to be held at Yeovil Crematorium on Tuesday 27th September 2022 at 10.40am.
Much loved husband of the late Vera and beloved father to the late Marilyn. Cecil will be much missed by family, friends and neighbours.
Funeral service has taken place.
Family flowers only please, but donations, if desired for the British Heart Foundation , may be made online by visiting or cheques payable to the charity c/o Colin J Close Funeral Service, Peel Close, Salisbury Road, Blandford DT11 7JU. Tel: 01258 453133
Peacefully on the 2nd September 2022 at Yeovil District Hospital. Philip aged 75 years of Stalbridge Weston. A dearly loved Dad, Grandad and Great Grandad. Funeral service at St Peter’s Church, Stourton Caundle on Wednesday, 28th September at 1.30pm. Family flowers only please donations if desired for the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Trust. C/o Peter Jackson Funeral Services, Mons, High St, Henstridge, BA8 0RB. Tel: 01963 362570.
Beloved Wife to Pat. Loving Mum to Paul, Sam and Laura, Nanny to Abby, Max, Florence, Edith and Ralf.
He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. The Funeral Service is to take place at Blandford Methodist Church, Blandford on Tuesday 20th September 2022 at 2:00PM. You are all invited to tea in the Church Hall after the service. The family wish to convey their sincere thanks to the Weldmar Hospice, Marie Curie Carers and District Nurse teams for the love and care they gave Alf and his family during his final weeks. Family flowers only. Donations if desired for the Weldmar Hospice Trust and Blandford Methodist Church may be sent to Lesley Shand Funeral Services Blandford, 28, East Street, Blandford, DT11 7DR Tel: 01258 453425
Cecil Albert Stirk
Donations in Cecil’s memory, if desired for The Royal Naval Benevolent Trust, may be made online by visiting or cheques payable to the charity c/o Colin J Close Funeral Service, Peel Close, Salisbury Road, Blandford DT11 7JU. Tel: 01258 453133
David, Maria and the family wish to thank the doctors, nurses and staff at Queen Camel Medical Centre, on Ward 9A at Yeovil District Hospital and the carers from St. Margaret’s Hospice for all their kindness and care. We also thank relatives and friends for their kind cards and messages of sympathy, for their attendance at the service and for donations which are being gratefully received for St. Margaret’s Hospice, Yeovil c/o Mr. Harold F. Miles, funeral director, South Cadbury BA22 7ES. Our grateful thanks also, to The Reverend Prebendary Rose Hoskins, Mr. Harold Miles and family, Robert Ham and everyone at The Sparkford Inn for their wonderful catering. Please accept this as our personal message of thanks.
Family flowers only please.
30th September 1938 - 27th August 2022. Peacefully passed away at Salisbury District Hospital. Funeral at 2.40pm on the 21st September 2022, at Yeovil Crematorium. No flowers please. Donations to MIND if you so wish, through the funeral directors. Bracher Brothers, Newbury, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4QL. Tel: 01747 822494, or in person at the service.
Nigel Edward Marsh
Derek George Stansfield
Amended funeral date
George Cuff of Sturminster sadly passed away on 1st September aged 77 years. Beloved Husband, Dad, Grandad, brother and friend to many, George will be missed by all.
Donations if desired for Parkinson's UK may be given as you leave the church or sent c/o Bracher Brothers, Newbury, Gillingham, Dorset. SP8 4QL
Passed away peacefully at home on 31st August 2022, aged 78 years. He was Assistant Organist at Sherborne Abbey (1967 - 1976) and Director of Music Lord Digby's & Foster's Grammar Schools in Sherborne; then at Croft House School, Shillingstone, and Organist & Choirmaster at the Holy Rood Church, Shillingstone (1982 - 1993)
Colin Nigel Smith
On 7th September 2022 passed away peacefully in Salisbury District Hospital aged 71 years of Shaftesbury. Beloved husband to Susie, dad to Paul, Stu, Claire and Josh, also a loving grandfather to three, who will be sorely missed by all family and friends. Funeral service takes place at Salisbury Crematorium on Tuesday 27th September at 12 noon. No flowers please but donations if desired to Cancer Research UK may be made online at or send a cheque made payable to the charity c/o Merefield & Henstridge F/D, Ridgemount, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset. SP7 0BU. Tel: 01747 853532
CUFF George
Funeral Service to be held at St Mary and St James Church Hazelbury Bryan on Thursday 29th September 2022 at 11am, Black need not been worn.
Peacefully on the 28th August 2022 in the loving care of the Old Vicarage, Leigh. Ros aged 86 years of Marnhull. Wife of the late David Hole. Dearly loved Mum, Nana, Great Nana & Sister. Private cremation. A Service of Thanksgiving at St Gregory’s Church, Marnhull on Friday, 14th October at 12 noon. Please wear a splash of colour. Donations if desired for the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Trust or Blood Cancer UK. C/o Peter Jackson Funeral Services, Mons, High St, Henstridge, BA8 0RB. Tel: 01963 362570.
suddenly on 22nd August 2022 aged 83 years of Shaftesbury. Husband to the late Shirley. A much loved dad to Linda, Gary and the late Keith, also a much loved grandad, brother, uncle and friend to many. Funeral service takes place at Salisbury Crematorium on Tuesday 4th October at 3pm. No flowers please, but donations if desired to Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance or Lewis-Manning Hospice Care may be made online at or send a cheque made payable to the charity c/o Merefield & Henstridge F/D, Ridgemount, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset. SP7 0BU. Tel: 01747 853532
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 83 Announcements
He will be sadly missed by all Funeral service to take place at St Mary's Church, Sturminster Newton on Thursday, 6th October at 14:00. Cremation at Yeovil Crematorium on Friday 7th October at 11:20. All welcome to either or both services.
Family flowers only please, but donations if desired for the British Heart Foundation, c/o Grassby and Close Funeral Service, 4 Innes Court, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 1BB, Telephone 01258 471024, cheques to be made payable to the Charity or can be made online by visiting
Peacefully on the 2nd September 2022 at Yeovil District Hospital. Philip aged 75 years of Stalbridge Weston. A dearly loved Dad, Grandad and Great Grandad. Funeral service at St Peter’s Church, Stourton Caundle on Wednesday, 28th September at 1.30pm. Family flowers only please donations if desired for the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance Trust. C/o Peter Jackson Funeral Services, Mons, High St, Henstridge, BA8 0RB. Tel: 01963 362570.

Pre-payment plans available
A private cremation has taken place. A thanksgiving service will be arranged later.
Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any or guidance.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net84 Announcements FUNERAL DIRECTORS PETER FUNERALJACKSONSERVICES Independent Family Owned and Run Funeral Directors Private Chapels of Rest • 24 Hour Service • Golden Charter Pre Paid Funeral Plans Henstridge (01963) 362570 Mons, High Street, Henstridge, Somerset BA8 0RB Gillingham (01747) 833757 Harwood House, Newbury, Gillingham SP8 4QJ Proudlyservingyourlocalcommunity 01747 860 361 Water Street, Mere, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 6DZ Callusforimmediatesupport,advice,ortofindout moreaboutourprepaidfuneralplans Weareheretohelp24hoursaday. " @ Family Run Caring & Efficient • Private Chapels of Rest Personal Day & Night Service “Golden Charter” Pre-paid Funeral Plans available Memorials in Stone Marble & Granite, etc. Shaftesbury (01747) 853532 Gillingham (01747) 835335 “Ridgemount”, Pitts Lane, West Melbury, Shaftesbury, Dorset. SP7 0BU A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors Please contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance. Pre-payment plans available Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310 – 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors contact Richard Wakely, or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance.
Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse
or a member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance.
Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310
Hour Service –
Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310
Please contact Richard Wakely,
member of our dedicated team for any advice or guidance.
Sherborne Tel: 01935 816817 Wincanton Tel: 01963 31310

Pre-payment plans available
Pre-payment plans available
Tel: 01963 31310
Elizabeth Kendall
A J Wakely& Sons
Choice of Hearses
– 24 Hour Service
available including our Land Rover Hearse
– 24 Hour Service –
Elizabeth passed away on August 27th Elizabeth was much loved by her brother Martin, his wife Beryl, nieces Kate and Sarah and her many friends. She will long be remembered.

Wife of Gp Capt David GOUCHER, passed away peacefully at home on 31 August 2022. Her funeral service will be held on Friday 23 September at 11am at St Mary’s Shroton. Majesty Queen Elizabeth
available including our Land Rover Hearse

Pre-payment plans available
Tel: 01935 816817
– 24 Hour Service –Choice of Hearses available including our Land Rover Hearse A J Wakely& Sons FamilyIndependentFuneralDirectors
Thank you Ma’am Her
II 1926 – 2022
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 85 Your FuneralLocalProfessionals Newbury, Gillingham SP8 4QL Tel: 01747 822494 Newell, Sherborne DT9 4EZ Tel: 01935 813479 • Unattended funerals starting from £995 • Tailored and unique Attended Funerals • Prepaid funeral plans also available • Local knowledge and expertise with a reputation for quality that is second to none • Reassurance that your loved one will be looked after with utmost care and professionalism Available 24 hours a day. Find us at: HELPING YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY BRACHER BROTHERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Pricing is correct at time of print and is subject to change. Price stated is for an Unattended Funeral. LESLEYSHAND.CO.UK • 01258 453425 FACILITIES OVERVIEW ROOMCEREMONY MAX VISUALAUDIO/PEOPLE70DIRECTORFUNERALAVAILABLEOPTIONSAVAILABLEBUDGET Personalise services our own on-s e ceremony room. 2389-Blackmore-Vale-Half-Page-Advert-Ceremony-Room-130x196-Lesley-Shand-Blandford-Vis1.indd 1 12/09/2022 14:19 Announcements FUNERAL DIRECTORS

Hours available are 8:30am 5:00pm Monday to Friday. Full or Part Time hours would be considered for the right person. No weekend or Bank Holiday working.
• To ensure that adequate supplies of fuel and water are available
• To escort contractors and other persons to sites of repair and maintenance
• To drive vehicles and operate equipment as required for ground maintenance operations
Wren Classics Limited, Knights Barn Farm, Higher Coombe Shaftesbury, Dorset SP7 9LS
Key responsibilities:
For information and details of how to apply, please visit
Based in Stourpaine, Dorset. Are you an experienced and enthusiastic administrator who enjoys a busy and varied work environment?
Sandroyd is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. This post involves contact with children and is classed as “regulated activity” by the UK government. As such, a n umber of mandated pre employment checks (including an enhanced DBS check) will be undertaken to ensure that the successful candidate is suitable for work with children. Additionally, suitability for work with children will be assessed by taking up appropriate references and at interview. Finally, candidates should be aware that this post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and the amendments to the Exceptions Order 1975, 2013 and 2020
GARDENER EXPERIENCED PERSON FOR ONE DAY A WEEK. All aspects of general maintenance in a pretty cottage garden, vegetable garden and wild flower meadows. Contact 01747 828449 if interested.
The Role is a permanent position, 37 hours per week. Please contact:
Closing date Friday 7 October Interviews the following week

Dorset Centre of Excellence are looking for a candidate to undertake Caretaking based in Shaftesbury, Dorset.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net86
• To identify and report building, furnishing or fittings deficiencies across the whole estate
• To exercise responsibility for the operation of the school heating systems
• Arrange regular checks on alarm and fire systems and routine compliance

For further details, please contact: Chris Stewart, Sandroyd, Rushmore, Tollard Royal, Nr Salisbury, SP5 5QD Tel: 01725
Cleaner/Domestic Assistant Required Now
To carry out a range of duties to contribute to the security, safety, and maintenance of the premises
• Locking & unlocking school premises
Co-ed Boarding and Day Prep and PrePrep School
• To be responsible for taking the delivery of stores, goods and equipment
Aluminium and Steel Fabricator required
Caretaker Groundskeeper&
We require an additional Aluminium and Steel Fabricator at our Classic Car Restoration Company near Shaftesbury, Dorset.
We are looking for a full time Administrative Secretary to support the Archdeacons of Dorset and Sherborne, and to support the smooth running of the Sherborne area office.
Salary will be dependent on experience. Tel: 01747 852899 for further information. Email your CV to:
• Keyholder cover & alarm call out’s
Administrative Secretary to the Archdeacons of Dorset and Sherborne

Closing date for applications: 25th September 2022
We seek a cheerful, energetic and hardworking individual to be part of the School’s cleaning team. Term time only. Meals provided during working hours.
LOCAL BUSINESS SEEKING A COMPANY to undertake commercial and agricultural roof repairs - call David on 01963 34065 or email
• To undertake routine maintenance to manually operated equipment as shown and directed
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 87 Recruitment We’re recruiting to a variety of fulfilling roles including nurses and carers JOIN OUR TEAM MAKE SOMEONE’S DAY, EVERY DAY. Stourcastle, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1FF Call 01258 474530 ColtenCareers .com Residential, Nursing and Dementia Care * * Rating correct at time of print

For an application form please see our website, or for more information email Hanford is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitm ent

The Larmer Tree Gardens, part of the Rushmore Estate located near Tollard Royal, Wiltshire, are recruiting for a full time caretaker / cleaner. The candidate will need to be experienced in maintenance and cleaning, be organised, have strong interpersonal skills, and be able to work comfortably on their own.
Please send your CV and covering letter to

This post is subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure.
You will also be required to manage and order stock and materials, together with additional cleaning help and contractors as required. Flexible hours to include early starts and weekend working.
Grasp this opportunity to join our friendly kitchen team, catering for the staff and children of 150 in our beautiful school
A great opportunity for an enthusiastic team player to join our friendly kitchen staff.
CLEANERS REQUIRED IN SHAFTSBURY SCHOOL, SP7 8ER 6 hours per day £9.89 per hour. Mornings - 06.30am - 08.30am
Registered charity number 01001751
Salary: £22,000.00 £24,000.00 per year
Registered charity number 01001751
Afternoons: - 3pm - 7pm or 4pm - 7pm DBS required. Daily tasks to include classroom and toilet cleaning. Full on the job training will be provided. Permanent To apply; Kirsty Short: 07590 kirsty.short@churchillservices.com351214
• Providing quality food for 150
• Live and work in the stunning Dorset countryside with time to enjoy it Competitive salary : £10 11.25 per hour 40hrs per week, part time considered Term Time only 3 5 weeks per year Some flexibility around shifts Other benefits including discounts for staff children School holidays and exeat weekends off Chance to learn mass catering in a supportive environment
40hrs per week. Term time only (34 weeks) with school holidays off. Some flexibility around shifts for the right candidate and a competitive salary.

For an application form please see our website, or for more information
Hanford is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff to share this commitment. This post is subject to an enhanced DBS disclosure.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net88 Recruitment
small friendly company looking for full time Vehicle Technician/ MOT Tester Required £24,500 - £36,500 please send CV crackmorgarege@gmail.comtoorcontact01963251221
Sunrise Business Park Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1 and a half hours each visit £10 an hour
SEEKING LIVE-IN CARER for wonderful, old lady
Usual family farm banter between generations! 9000 litres. Flying herd. AYR Calving. 24:24 parlour. We need excellent stock skills, attention to detail and a good sense of humour. We provide, a competitive salary, house and a good place to work.
TRACTOR DRIVER/ NEEDED on Dairy/Beef and Turkey farm. Between Wincanton and Bruton. May suit student. 009364
Key position. References Required CALL JOHN ON 07788 593040

Ideally you will be familiar with the operation of small plant, and you must hold a full UK driving licence.
Experienced in all types of drainage, the installation of underground tanks, pipe laying, concreting, kerbing, car parks, landscaping, and a variety of ground works
The ideal candidates will be able to deliver quality products while prioritising their work schedule to ensure smooth workflow through the various stages of production ensuring on time delivery to our customers.
You will be conscientious and hardworking. You will work in teams and your work must be to a high standard to maintain our reputation for providing a high quality service.
We invest significantly in our employees and promote continuing professional development (CPD) within the business We encourage our staff to train in new skills as well as maintaining existing qualifications
We are looking for experienced Ground workers to join our installation teams on local Drainage & Civil Engineering projects
Experienced Groundworkers Required

In return, we offer a competitive salary, minimum 8 hours pay for rain days, a generous holiday allowance increasing with time served and paid travel to and from site We will provide transport, company phone (where necessary), full uniform and all necessary PPE All tools and equipment will be provided by the company
Mrs Jules Simmons M J Abbott Limited Bratch Lane, Dinton, Salisbury, SP3 5EB Email: MJ Abbott Limited is an equal opportunities employer CONTACT US TODAY ! 01258 INFO@KINGSSTAGJOINERY.COM441030

PT DEBT ADVICE TEAM LEADER. Based at the Foodbanks, we are looking for someone to oversee this work. Full training will be given. get-involved/job-vacancies/
We Are Hiring!!
We are looking for permanent full time employed BENCH JOINERS
Sherborne 3 hours a week on Thursdays day can be changed if required £10 an hour. Call John 07788 593040
Who can use their initiative and skill working to exacting specifications and drawings manufacturing a range of products using modern workshop machinery.
Please contact for an application pack
Operating from our head office in Dinton, this is a great opportunity to work for a well established professional company with a reputation for quality
LIVE-IN CARER for lady of 97years with dementia 07836 250077
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 89 Recruitment
We are a fourth generation family farm near Wincanton. We milk 280 cows and we need some help. We love dairy farming and plan to stick to it. Keen family who try to get it right but recognise that sometimes it goes wrong
An attractive employment package is available for the right candidates including start up bonus, competitive rates of pay and regular overtime.
Interested? Call Tom Down on 07796 550577 for a chat and more details.
Mrs Jules
You will be conscientious and hardworking. You will work in a gang and your work must be to a high standard to maintain our reputation for providing a high quality service.
We are looking for experienced Water Engineers to join our installation teams on local Water Engineering projects
Ideally you will be familiar with the operation of small plant, and you must hold a full UK driving licence.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net90 Recruitment
Abbott Limited Bratch Lane, Dinton,
MJ Abbott Limited is an equal opportunities employer
SUPPORTER / PERSONAL ASSISTANT (MALE) opportunity near Sherborne (self-employed OR agency) enabling personable young man with autism (life skills, cinema, shopping). Flexible hours for appropriate experience, genuine commitment. email info@ CV. or phone 01202 723301
Experienced Water Engineers

Experienced in pressurised pipe systems with a broad practical knowledge of plastic pipe, uPVC & steel pipe repairs
A period of training and gaining experience can reward you in becoming an installer of windows, doors conservatories.and

If you’re interested in joining us, please send an email to:

M J Salisbury,
call Jamie or Becky on 01258 473377, option 3
We invest significantly in our employees and promote continuing professional development (CPD) within the business We encourage our staff to train in new skills as well as maintaining existing qualifications
We’re a family firm, for more than 20 years, based in Blandford. We’re proud to be the UK’s largest Organic Sheep’s Milk Yoghurt and Cheese producer. Have you got food experience? We’re expanding and have positions available within our friendly team.
install cavity trays and lintels. Must have a full clean driving licence.
FREE room and board in lovely home 2mins walk from Shaftesbury Town Hall. Stipend offered. In return company and light duties for a mature artist. Would suit individual who works from home (office available) or has part time job. Must love animals. Driver and DBS preferred noah88cw@gmail.comEMAIL
Please contact for an application pack

In return, we offer a competitive salary, minimum 8 hours pay for rain days, a generous holiday allowance increasing with time served and paid travel to and from site We will provide transport, company phone (where necessary), full uniform and all necessary PPE All tools and equipment will be provided by the company
If you are prepared for physical outdoor work and are practically minded these jobs could be a trade for you.
Operating from our head office in Dinton, this is a great opportunity to work for a well established professional company with a reputation for quality.
To aid our Senior Builder in constructingbases,conservatory
ARCHBISHOP WAKE PRIMARY SCHOOL are recruiting a cleaner and midday supervisor. For more information please contact us on 01258 453120
UREGENTLY LOOKING for FULL time and PART time persons to run a high health status beef and conservation farm. Accommodation can be discussed. Applicants must be knowledgeable in farm machinery, ground care and animal husbandry. Call 07540 633125 near Gillingham
Apply with CV
Marchant-Holliday School, North Cheriton, Templecombe, Somerset, BA8 0AH Email: Tel: 01963 33234 Charity No. 310218

ADMINISTRATOR SOUGHT FOR SHAFTESBURY OFFICE. Would suit Legal Secretary. Pay dependent on experience. Flexible hours (with a minimum of 30 per week). References essential. Please call 07742 419491 CLEANER SHAFTESBURY 1.5hrs twice a week. CV to Required October.
RELIEF/PART TIME CALF REARER REQUIRED on family farm near Templecombe, excellent facilities for rearing 280 calves between September and May. Good rate of pay given to the right candidate who must reliable. Contact Giles 07974 207127 or email
Duties include: cooking healthy meals; meticulous cleaning; laundry care; dog care.
To find out more about this opportunity please contact Mr Danny Kitts, Head Teacher for an initial discussion or email Debbie Jones at We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. This role will require an Enhanced DBS check.
Do you think the professionals who support them are amazing?

A background in education is not necessary as we welcome applicants from a range of backgrounds and professions who are willing to contribute their time and skills and are able to attend six evening meetings per year.
We are looking for a part time housekeeper to run our 5 bedroom home just outside Shaftesbury. 12-15 hours a week but could be flexible. Job is cleaning, ironing and running the house and if interested then some light cooking. Ideally an animal lover and someone flexible and with references . Good rates of pay and paid holiday. Please Contact Victoria on 07917204677
required to join our team at Fowler Fortescue in Fonthill Bishop. A hugely varied and interesting full time role, working closely with land agents and their clients in the management of country estates that include residential, agricultural and commercial property. The ideal candidate will have property management experience and be IT literate. For a full job description or to apply with your CV please email:
Marchant-Holliday School is a day and residential Independent Special School and a Charitable Trust which caters for the needs of up to 50 boys between the ages of 5 and 13 who experience a range of Social, Emotional and Mental Health issues and find mainstream education too challenging. Our boys have been referred by Local Authorities across the South West of England. Further details of our school and all that we do can be found on our website

The Ice Cream Parlour at Stourhead is looking for polite enthusiastic people to join our small friendly team. Hours are flexible and will include every other weekend. Customer facing. Excellent rates of pay.
A lovely Witchampton-based family is looking for an experienced housekeeper to manage their home.
Caring person needed to help elderly gentleman with some agreed household tasks ie food preparation due to health conditions, in exchange for reduced rent of ensuite room and use of facilities In house in Shillingstone. Must be easy going,able to drive and like dogs. For more information please contact 07796403327
*Full-time Housekeeper Required*
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 91 Recruitment
Do you care about children with Special Needs (SEN)?
Would you like to contribute to the ongoing success of our school as a Governor/Trustee?
Contact: 01747 841 353
Live-in or Live-out. References essential. Competitive Salary. Please call 07957 828898 or email:
Bridge Street, Sturminster Newton, Dorset,DT10 01258 472257

To join a fantastic small team providing 1:1 care 24/7 for 97 yr old gentleman in The Gussages. Must have experience with advanced dementia. Weekday/weekend shifts available. For further information please contact: 01725 552375
1BZ Tel
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net92 SITUATIONS WANTED Recruitment RELIABLE CLEANER offering excellent service/references 07762 198208 ONE OFF DEEP CLEANING AVAILABLE, Call Lili on 07523 406300 MILL ON THE BRUE ACTIVITY CENTRE, BRUTON Chef Manager and Sous Chef required to join a friendly, capable team catering for mainly primary age children. Experience of producing nutritious, delicious locally sourced, seasonal meals essential. Good work - life balance Ability to work on a multi-level site with stairs essential. Further info: Applications by CV to:

Would you like to know more about the opportunities for your 4 year old starting school in September 2023 If so, why not come along to William Barnes Primary School Tour of the school at 1.30p.m & 2.30p.m on Wednesday 12th October 2022 and then Meet the Headteacher and our Early Years Teaching Staff 6.00 p.m. After a short meeting where you will be given the opportunity to ask questions, there will be a chance to look around our early years’ classroom an d a short tour around the school. We look forward to meeting you.
TRACTOR DRIVER WANTED on dairy farm, in Sturminster Newton area 01258 472162
Caring is at the heart of everything we do
Our care homes in Dorset: Ashley Court, St Peters Road, Poole, BH14 0PA Call us on 01206 646646 for a reassuring chat with one of our , Milldown DT11BlandfordRoad,Forum,7DE The Malthouse, Bay Gillingham,Road, SP8 4EW The Old Vicarage, Leigh, Sherborne, DT9 6HL Committed, compassionate, caring www. westcountrywindows .com T: 0800 378 371 DESIGNED YROTCAFRUOANDMANUFACTUREDIN• YEARS 45 Helping you BEAT INFLATION... Made in the West Country Just 10% deposit will secure the price for the next 12 months! Inflation is running at its highest level for decades, and it’s affecting the price of everything…including home improvements. But at West Country Windows we can help you BEAT INFLATION! A 10% deposit will secure the price of our quality doors, windows and conservatories for 12 months – so even if you’re not planning to have the work done until 2023… you’ll only pay today’s prices. And don’t forget our 15 year guarantee on all installations. Please call West Country Windows for a free no obligation quotation. An inflated Puffer fish

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 93
At Healthcare Homes, we believe our dedication to exceptional care makes us stand out from the crowd.
Our attentive and thoughtful staff are committed to looking after your family like they would their own, catering to their every need and supporting them to enjoy later life.

Our care homes offer the highest standards of care where dignity is respected, and where talents and interests are encouraged. With a range of residential, nursing and dementia care on offer, Healthcare Homes is the ideal choice.

In the First World War soldiers were said to have read maps in the trenches by the glow worms’ light
using any chemicals we provide them with the sanctuary they need to survive.
DISCOUNT AIR GUNS, new & used, spares, repairs, tuning, sights and night vision. 01747 823981, Gillingham
The worm that’s really a beetle…
for a few short weeks after hatching. They have bioluminescent bodies which they use to communicate with other beetles – the one glowing is the female looking for a mate. Once she has mated, she stops glowing.Sadly, recent statistics show that the glow worm is declining by about 3.5 per cent each year.
We have a glut of blackberries, sloes and elderberries currently and have never seen so many acorns on our oak trees. I begin to wonder what sort of a winter we will have if nature is providing for us this early in the year.
by Tria Stebbing

Any condition Call 07970 742471
A glow worm is not a worm, it is a small beetle which lives for about three years in meadows and grassland. We have seen them over the field for a few years now, on the ground and in bushes. As adults they have no mouth, so while the lava eats worms, the adults do not eat at all and only live

This last two weeks has seen the field used for recreation. Friends from the New Forest camped and enjoyed the North Dorset experience. We joined them on their first evening, sitting under the stars marvelling at the jet-black canvas of stars above us. No street light pollution is a real bonus and gives us amazing opportunities to watch the night sky. Right on cue shooting stars started falling from the sky, one with a tail-like a comet the best we have seen since owning the field.
Over in the far corner under an oak tree we spotted a bright light, which can only be described as like a glow stick which a child had discarded – on closer inspection it turned out to be a glow worm trying to attract a mate.
Air & AirwantedPistols make or model
With the sheep happily grazing on brown dry stubble and munching through next winter’s hay, we have time to enjoy the field and reflect on our farming summer. A disastrous lambing in which we lost two of our best ewes, due to cast and mastitis, but on the positive a herd of very strong lambs which are gaining weight. Baling early was a plus, but little did we know we would be feeding it already as the drought has taken its toll on the grass.
EXPERIENCE plus references seeks small shoot to either rent or run alongside the landowner within easy reach of Mere, Wiltshire, call Gary if of any interest on 01747 861143
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net94 Field & Stream
In the First World War soldiers were said to read maps by their light in the trenches – the glow worms’ contribution is recognised on the Animals in War memorial in Hyde Park. We feel very honoured to provide a home for this declining little beetle. By laying hedges, not being vigorous in our boundary cutting and not
New Prime Minister Liz Truss set our her energy support package for households and businesses last week.
“As it stands, the energy marketplace is volatile and far from transparent. We urge the new energy supply taskforce to develop a plan which supports a functioning domestic energy market – one which provides stability for British farm
“Energy is crucial to the
After that six-month period, ministers plan to offer ‘focused support’ to vulnerable industries.
Farmers’ leader on supportenergypackage
“Like many sectors, the British farming sector is facing crippling costs. Some fruit and vegetable growers have been hit by 300 per cent increases in energy costs, and horticulture businesses aren’t the only ones impacted. Across all sectors, there are many farmers who simply can’t afford to keep producing the same volume of food.
Support businessesfor
affordable British food for the country.”
“As we head into the autumn and winter, protecting our food security must be a priority for the Prime Minister. Our farmers are doing all they can to continue producing high quality, affordable food, but we need confidence that this new Government is backing British food and farming and, crucially, reflecting that in its policy making. This is essential now and beyond the initial six-month scheme and will require the farming industry and the Government to work together to develop targeted support across all farming sectors.
businesses, rewards those producing renewable energy, and enables the continued production of sustainable and

NFU president Minette Batters

whole food producing process, from fertiliser production and heating greenhouses to baking bread, and so the cost of producing food and the cost of energy are closely linked.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 95 Equestrian DOUBLE PADDOCK WITH FIELD SHELTERS to rent and stable, Shaftesbury area Tel 01747 850773 or 07834 871548 Cadvertisinglassified place your ad today adverts@blackmorevale.netemail: For 1:1 Mind/Body Coaching“Inordertoheal,weneedtofeel”sessionsincludeanumberofhealingmodalities,breathing,movement,Nutrition,healing,intuitiveteachings&more,allalongsidethehealinghorses. Farming

As outlined by Liz Truss in her speech, support for businesses will include:
There will be a new six-month scheme which will provide equivalent support to that being offered to consumers.
The Business Secretary will work with businesses to review where this should be targeted, to make sure the most in need get supported. The review will be concluded within three months.
Responding to the announcement, NFU president Minette Batters said: “It’s a relief to hear that the Government will be providing support for businesses with a cap on energy bills for the next six months. We now urgently need clarity about what these measures will look like. It’s also good to hear plans to accelerate the production of renewables in the UK which British farmers are well placed to help deliver with government support.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net96 Farming
Please call the office on 01258 472314
It is also useful to be able to visualise

When calves present with navel swellings the scanner can help diagnose an abscess as well as confirming the presence or absence of a hernia, a result which would dictate the treatment path of choice. I have even found it a useful tool for assessing the fertility status of bulls, where lesions are found in the testicles. So, while we can’t fit our patients into a small animal diagnostic centre with all the fancy equipment at hand, it doesn’t mean that we can’t still tell a lot using what we have in the back of the car!
Vets scan sheep
scanner can be used to assess both the thoracic cavity, and the abdominal cavity in sheep and cattle. It is useful to assess the heart and lungs where clinical examination raises suspicion of certain conditions including pneumonia, lung lobe consolidation, pleural effusion, septic pericarditis or OPA – ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma – in sheep. Abdominal scanning can help assess structures such as the liver, kidney, reticulum and spleen.
Please call the office on 01258 472314
and able to milk alone. Good rates of pay for the right person contact 07860 939901
Independent veterinary services for livestock in Dorset, Somerset and medicinesCollectionWiltshirepointsforlivestockandsuppliesatSherborne,SturminsterNewton,BlandfordandShaftesbury
Please call the office on 01258 472314
Independent veterinary services for livestock in Dorset, Somerset and medicinesCollectionWiltshirepointsforlivestockandsuppliesatSherborne,SturminsterNewton,BlandfordandShaftesbury
place your ad today
As farm vets out on the road, we carry our office and pharmacy with us in our vehicles. One bit of kit I will never be without is my ultrasound scanner. I use it nearly every day and while we tend to use it primarily for pregnancy diagnosis in cattle, there are also several other times it can be used as a diagnosticUltrasoundtool.scanners were not always affordable or widely used by farm vets in practice, vets used to rely more heavily on manual palpation techniques to assess the fertility status of the uterus and ovaries. While this is a technique that we still use there is nothing better than being able to visualise what you can feel, especially when you see a little foetus wriggling around inside. Often more accurate diagnosis can be made too, especially as you can see details such as the foetal heartbeat or the presence of twins.
Independent veterinary services for livestock in Dorset, Somerset and medicinesCollectionWiltshirepointsforlivestockandsuppliesatSherborne,SturminsterNewton,BlandfordandShaftesbury

Relief milker wanted near Sturminster Newton, 2.5-3 days a week, 300 split block calving cows, 24:24 must conscientious,be

Another use is to sex the foetus. Once the foetus reaches 70 days it is possible to do so. We look for the genital tubercle which is a structure found between the hindlegs in all younger pregnancies, then as the foetus develops it moves either towards the tail or the umbilical cord to develop into the female or male genitals respectively. It is a bilobed oval structure that appears hyperechoic – bright white – on the scan, often appearing as two little white lines.
Ultrasound scanning in farm vet work

something that feels abnormal. For example, last week I diagnosed an ovarian tumour in a cow, who had not been able to get in calf. The ovary felt huge and using the scanner you could see how abnormal the tissue consistency was.
The ultrasound scanner can also be used externally on animals to visualise different areas. Our probes are designed to use rectally, so it is important when using them on skin to prep the area carefully to ensure the best picture is achieved, and to do so a close contact is required. We prep the area by clipping the hair and we need to achieve a close shave. Then I soak the skin by applying warm water and then apply liberal amounts of ultrasound gel, giving it five minutes to soak in before scanning. A gentle amount of pressure is then applied to maintain a good contact. The depth and
frequency of the ultrasound waves can be adjusted depending on what you are scanning and how far away it may be or how much detail you wish to see.
by Alice Miller BVSC DBR MRCVS -Friars Moor Livestock Health

Ultrasound can be used to assess udder health, especially if there is an unexplained enlargement of the gland which could be due to a haematoma, abscess or oedema. It can also be used to examine the teat, to assess the inner structure and confirm diagnosis of fibrosis or stenosis of the teat canal.The
Wildlife verge planting on Ruth Kimber’s farm.
habitats for insects, birds, mammals and plants, all alongside food production.
She held Agriculture as part of her remit when Secretary of Environment Food and Rural Affairs. Let’s hope she uses her knowledge of agricultural matters and takes home production, food security and a balanced approach on land use for food and wildlife seriously and boldly to protect and deliver on all fronts. Home food production
As we have lovely ancient hedges on the farm, we also have lots of wildflowers on the banks/base of the hedges stream and ditches. The animals also use this resource to self-medicate. Trimming hedges is done this time of year, but only on a pre-set-out programme. Not every hedge will be trimmed each year – this allows certain species to complete their two-year cycles. Thick hedges are home to a huge variety and quantity of wildlife, providing vast
‘Thick hedges are home to a huge variety and quantity of wildlife’

We listen with interest to what the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, will do about the cost of energy and inflation in general.
Kimbers Farm Shop, The Kitchen at Kimbers & Somerset Trading Barn, Linley Farm, Charlton Musgrove BA9 8HD. Open Tuesday-Friday 8.30am-5pm, Saturday 9.30am-4pm.; phone 01963 33177;
The farm has grown extra wildflower areas – the new one this year was planted with a different mix and has delivered a riot of flowers throughout the season, and the birds and bees and so on certainly appreciated it.

Food has been too cheap for too long and there has been a lack of education to help families produce wholesome balanced meals from scratch. Some 30-40 per cent of food is still wasted. The old habit of our mothers and fathers was roast on Sunday, cold on Monday, pie or curry with the left-overs on Tuesday – no waste was allowed.Theuse of insulation in our homes, not only the roof and walls, but windows and doors, interlined curtains and draft excluders can hold in the heat and keep out the cold. Also, the choice of our clothes on our bodies – layers of clothing, including wool, really makes a difference. I often say, when talking about the subject, ‘sheep don’t shiver’!
should be at the top of the page and farming should not be used as a disposable industry when making international trade deals.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 97 Farming
The long-awaited rain has given us to date three-quarters of an inch – well, it’s a start!
Calving season has started – modern breeding has massively reduced problems at delivery time. Rarely does a cow need help and then it’s usually if there is a breach presentation, or maybe twins, both rare. However, the farm is vigilant and the cows are monitored closely.
Each year I promise myself I will make a list of the wildflowers on the farm and nearby lanes, but again I have failed. We have so many I usually give up as the cow parsley engulfs the verges, one of my favourites. Now we have lots of Old Man’s Beard adorning the lanes with elderberries hanging heavy with rich dark berries. Is this abundance of berries a preparation for a hardThewinter?costof food production is eyewatering and although the price of milk has risen, the outcome on the bottom line remains challenging. Energy in its various forms has massive effects on all we do.
by Ruth Kimber
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New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net98 Farming
THURSDAY 22nd SEPTEMBER - Collective Machinery Sale at Frome Market, Standerwick, Frome, BA11 2QB – on site only
TUESDAY 27th SEPTEMBER - Modern Arable Machinery in conjunction with Carter Jonas – on site & at Tinkerbarn (Waglands Grain Unit), Brunton, Collingborne Kingston, Marlborough, Wilts SN8 3SG
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THURSDAY 6th OCTOBER – Modern Arable Machinery in conjunction with Carter Jonas – on site & at Hill Barn Fm, Bishops Cannings, Devizes, Wilts, SN10 2LW Catalogues online inc Conditions of Sale & Payment Terms - www.cooperandtanner/forthcoming-sales Enquiries 01373 831010 (3). Please register on i-bidder well in advance.

PRIME CATTLE (75) Steers UTM av 220.1ppk to 254.5ppk & £1,725.51. Others 247.5ppk, 246.0ppk & 245.0ppk. Others £1,636.18, £1,560.32 & £1,518.72. Heifers UTM av 220.1ppk to 239.5ppk and £1,739.32. Others 237.5ppk, 236.0ppk & 235.0ppk. Others £1,479.81, £1,448.70 & £1,440.55. BARREN COWS (52) Continental av 179.6ppk to 216.5ppk and £1,831.03. Native Beef av 166.7ppk to 185.5ppk and £1,324.95. Dairy av 156.6ppk to 182.5ppk and £1,450.88. FINISHED SHEEP Lambs (763) ave 228.13ppk to 280.0ppk and £161.00. Others 273.0ppk, 272.0ppk & 265.0ppk. Others £140 (3x) £139 & £131.
from throughout the Nation
DAIRY CATTLE (54) Heifers to £2980. Others £2780. Cows to £1980. Others £1600. (1040) STORE CATTLE & STIRKS - FORWARD STORES (795) Steers to £1655 (CHX). Others £1570 (BRBX) £1565 (BRBX) & £1545 (DEV). Heifers to £1300 3x) (L/HORN/AA/BRBX). Others £1295 (SIMX) £1290 (CHX) & £1245 (CHX). GRAZING COWS (33) to £1500 (AA). Others £1340 (AA). SUCKLERS (184) to £4620 for a ped Charolais bull. Commercial cows and calves to £1550. STIRKS (245) Steers to £1030 (BRBX). Others £880 (SIMX) £850 (LIMX) & £845 (CHX). Heifers to £775 (LIMX). Others £740 (CHX) £730 (LIMX) & £700 (LIMX). CALVES (384) - Beef Bulls to £420 (BRBX). Others £410 (LIMX) £355 (3x BRBX) & £350 (BRBX). Heifers to £300 (2x BRBX). Others £290 (2x CHX) £285 (CHX) & £282 (BRBX). Black & Whites to £160. (3275) SHEEP - STORE LAMBS (2048) to £110. Overall average £73.05. CULL EWES & RAMS (1006) Ewes to £200. Rams £168. Overall average £82.65. BREEDING SHEEP (172) to £140. Overall average £82.41. STOCK RAMS (16) to £350. Overall average £188.06. GOATS (33) to £150. Overall average £106.85. (154) PIGS – WEANERS (60) to £33. STORES/FINISHED (65) to £155. CULL SOWS & BOARS (10) to £158. BREEDING GILTS (6) to £72. SOWS (2) & PIGLETS to £298 (sow + 10).
The West Country’s Gateway to National Abattoirs Returns for Monday 12th September 2022
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 99 Farming Forthcoming Dairy Sales Forthcoming Fodder Sale Forthcoming Special Sales Sedgemoor Auction Centre Telephone: 01278 410250. Email: SEDGEMOOR AUCTION CENTRE NORTH PETHERTON, SOMERSET, TA6 6DF (M5, J24) Tuesday 10th November at 10.30am with the Heifer Calves The November Collective Dairy Sale of 305 DAIRY CATTLE n 87 Freshly Calved Cows & Heifers from Beneknowle, Bettiscombe (x14) Birchwood (x18 Dispersal) Clevian, Dinnaton, Dorset (x11) Hinton, Huntlodge, Lilylane, Peacehay & Rothereld Farms LLP (x12, Crossbreds) n 16 Incalf Cows from Rothereld Farms LLP (Crossbreds) n 37 Incalf Heifers from Dayhouse, PT & JC Hinds (Pedigree), Rothereld Farms LLP (Crossbreds) & J & J Waldron n 3 Holstein Bulls from Beneknowle & Woodstone n 8 Bulling Heifers from Greathill & Mr D Thorner n 40 Yearling Heifers from Sutton Hall Farms n 52 Heifers Calves from Hinton, Pensdown, Thakeham & Mr D Thorner To Include The Dispersal Sale of 62 HOLSTEIN AND FRIESIAN DAIRY COWS AND HEIFERS Comp: 47 Dairy Cows & Heifers Inmilk &/or Incalf; 12 Incalf Heifers & 3 Maiden Heifers n NMR HERD AV: 8039 KGS. 4.11%BF; 3.34%P; SCC=127 n HERRINGBONE Parlour; CUBICLE Housed n CLOSED HERD for 13 years For GDW Isaac & Son (Removed from Beer Farm, Broadhembury, Honiton, Devon) The large selection of high yielding milkers and dispersal sale cattle (including Pedigree, Commercial and Crossbred) coupled with all types of dairy youngstock makes this one of our most comprehensive sales to date just when dispersals are starting to slow down across the country. Please note that Social Distancing will be in place and we ask that only one purchaser per farming business attend. Online Bidding Available on Marteye. NOVEMBER: Sat 21st SEDGEMOOR AUCTION CENTRE. The Collective Fodder Auction of Hay, Silage and Straw. Entries to be in by Monday 9th November 2020. SEDGEMOORNOVEMBER: AUCTION CENTRE Dispersal Sale of milking and incalf heifer portion of the 9,160 kgs CIS recorded dairy herd being 200 Holstein Friesians for MB & LC Haskell (Removed from Beaulieu Wood Farm, Dorchester, Dorset for convenience of sale). North Petherton, Somerset, TA6 6DF (M5, Junction 24) Telephone: 01278 410278 TOTAL STOCK FOR THE WEEK 7143 Stock from across the West Country, sold to buyers from throughout the Nation ReturnsOctoberfor 2020 DAIRY CATTLE (73) Heifers to £2080. Others £2020. Cows to £1840. Others £1720. (1184) STORE CATTLE & STIRKS - FORWARD STORES (933) Steers to £1365 (FLE). Others £1300 (AA) £1295 (LIMX) & £1270 (LIMX). Heifers to £1265 (CHX). Others £1235 (CHX) £1200 (LIMX) £1155 (LIMX) & £1150 (HEX). GRAZING COWS (2) to £615 (LIMX). Others £580 (LIMX). SUCKLERS (4) Cows & Calves to £850 (4x). to £880 (LIMX). Others £870 (3x LIMX & BRBX) £855 (BRBX) & £835 (LIMX). Heifers to £818 (LIMX). Others £720 (BRBX) & £700 (AA). CALVES (408) - Beef Bulls to £400 (CH). Others £398 (BRBX) £390 (BRBX) & £388 (BRBX). Heifers to £300 (2x BRBX & CHX). Others £285 (CHX) £278 (BRBX) & £275 (LIMX). Black & Whites to £182. Others £165. (4675) SHEEP Store Lambs (2720) to £100. Others £99, £96 & £95. Overall Ave £74.88. Cull Ewes & Rams (1197) Ewes to £137. Others £133. Rams to £166.

Stock from across the West Country, buyers

PRIME CATTLE (93) Steers UTM av 187.4ppk to 213.5ppk & £1,327.28. Others 209.5ppk, 209.0ppk, 208.0ppk & 206.5ppk. Others £1,293.63, £1,287.00, £1,283.12, £1,280.30 & £1,261.77. Heifers UTM av 180.7ppk to 214.5ppk (2x) and £1,310.50. Others 204.5ppk, 204.0ppk, 199.0ppk (2x) & 197.0ppk. Others £1,233.42, £1,205.05, £1,201.20, £1,168.50 & £1,138.32. BARREN COWS (56) Continental av 118.5ppk to 119.5ppk and £808.40. Others 117.5ppk. Native Beef av 103.6ppk to 126.5ppk and £906.75. Others 124.5ppk & 118.5ppk. Others £882.97 & £861.77. Dairy av 97.8ppk to 113.5ppk and £966.89. Others 112.5ppk & 109.5ppk. Others £945.73 & £914.63. FINISHED SHEEP (654) Lamb ave 202.94ppk to 231.0ppk and £115.00. Others 230.0ppk, 220.0ppk & 219.0ppk. Others £113.00, £108.00 (5x) & £106.50.
Others BREEDING EWE SALE (459) to £122. GOATS (11) to £187. Overall ave £92.64. RAMS (12) to £225 (2x). Others £136. FRIDAY 30TH STOCK RAM SALE (72) to £610 for a powerful shearling. Others £470.
Returns for Saturday 10th September 2022
sold to
For full rules on market attendance and up to date sales list please refer to our website and/or Saturday market report. NOVEMBER: Sat 7th Monthly Catalogued Sale of Organic Store Stock 10am Ring 2: Saturday 7th November Monthly Catalogued Sale of 125 Suckler Cows, Calves, Heifers & Bulls Approx 12.30pm Ring 1 Entries to date include:n The dispersal sale of 50 Incalf Suckler Cows (Sim, Ch, Lim, He & AAx) all pd’d to calf Feb onwards to Ped Charolais bull for NB Needham & Sons, Old Henley Farm, Dorchester (changing farming policy). n 3 Bulls – Ch, He & Lim n 42 Continental Cows & Calves – 6 Ped Lim cows & calves n 14 Native Cows & Calves n 58 Incalf Cows & Hfrs – 1 Ped Lim & 1 Ped He For further information contact Meg on 01278 410278 Sat 7th Fortnightly Sale of Pigs 11am Sat 14th ***CANCELLED*** Collective Catalogued Sale of Purebred Poultry **CANCELLED*** Thurs 19th ***CANCELLED*** Monthly General Sale of Antiques and Furniture ***CANCELLED*** Sat 21st Fodder Sale 1pm Wed 25th Orange Market Dedicated Sale for bTB Restricted Cattle. Store Cattle – 15 Months & Over, Prime Cattle & Barren Cows.Stock to be booked in with the market office by 18th November. Licences to be obtained from Truro Trading Standards on 03000 200301 or Sale commences 4.30pm Fri 27th Monthly Seasonal Catalogued Sale of Breeding Ewes & Ewe Lambs 3pm Sat 28th Monthly Sale of Native Store Cattle 10am Ring 2 GREENSLADE TAYLOR HUNT GTH 6-11_Layout 1 04/11/2020 10:54 Page 1 Forthcoming Deadstock Sales Telephone: 01278 410250. Email: LAKE BUNGALOW MEMBURY, AXMINSTER, EX13 7TW Tuesday 20th September 2022 at 1pm The Dispersal Sale of 2 Tractors, Farm Machinery & Effects (2008) Landini 75 4wd TRACTOR c/w Landini Loader; (c.1950) Fordson Major Diesel 2wd TRACTOR; Marshall 60 Rotary DUNG SPREADER; Ballast ROLLER; Lely Lotus 520 4 Rotor TEDDER; (2006) ZTR-165 DRUM MOWER; Claas Liner 330S Kontur Single Rotor RAKE; Ifor Williams 8ft LIVESTOCK TRAILER c/w Sheep Decks; Fleming YARD SCRAPER; Single Axle Hay Trailer c/w Lades; Chain HARROWS; Loader BUCKET; PALLET FORKS; Browns BALE SQUEEZE; Dung GRAB; BUCKRAKE; Bateman Galvanised Tubular CATTLE CRUSH; Cradle Bale Feeder; 4 x Lamb CREEP FEEDERS; 4 x Sheep Wheeled HAY RACKS; 20 x Sheep TROUGHS; Lamb WEIGHER; Qty of Sheep HURDLES; 2 x Feed Containers; Qty of SCRAP METAL; 3 x Railway Sleepers. Included by kind permission: Perry BALE SLEDGE, Flat 8 GRAB; 6 x MILKING JARS; etc; Full listing on For FH Bartlett A 10% plus VAT Buyers Premium is charged on all lots, subject to a cap of £250 plus VAT per lot. Buyers not known to the Auctioneers are required to provide photographic ID to obtain a buyers number. Payment by cash and debit card only. ** Live bidding on MartEye, please register in advance at ** SEDGEMOOR AUCTION CENTRE THURSDAY 13th AUGUST 2022 at 10.30am (items to be delivered Wednesday 12th August between 9:30am-4:30pm) WANTED TRACTORS, MACHINERY, HORTICULTURAL EQUIPMENT ETC Live bidding on MartEye, please register in advance Rushton Farm, East Stoke, Wareham, Dorset A unique agricultural investment opportunity to purchase a cottage, range of farm buildings and approx. 138.05 Acres (55.86Ha) subject to an Agricultural Holdings Act Tenancy Agreement Auction£500,000Guide: For sale by Online Auction. Closes Thursday 22nd September 2022 at 12:00 noon Contact Dorchester Office: 01305 268786 Monthly Sale of Native Store Cattle 10am Ring 2 Fortnightly Sale of Pigs 10am Orange Market Dedicated Sale for bTB Restricted Cattle. Store Cattle – 15 Months & Over, Prime Cattle & Barren Cows. Stock to be booked in with the market office by 21st September. Licences to be obtained from Truro Trading Standards on 03000 200301 or Sale commences 4.30pm Monthly Catalogued Sale of Organic Store Stock 10am Ring 2 Monthly Sale of Breeding Ewes and Rams (Including MV Sheep and a special sale of Mule and Mule x Breeding Ewes) Ewes 4pm/Rams 4.30pm Special Sale of Busk Calves 11am Ring 3 Monthly Catalogued Sale of Suckler Cows, Calves, Heifers & Bulls 12.30pm Ring 1 SEPT Sat 24th Sat Wed24th28th OCT Sat 1st Fri SatSat7th8th8th Forthcoming Special Sales For full COVID-19 rules on market attendance and up to date sales list please refer to our websiteSecond,Calves,Heifers&Bulls Sale commences at approx. 12.30pm in Ring 1 ** Live bidding on MartEye, please register in advance at ** Entries to date include: * 3 Bulls – Charolais, Devon & Hereford * 27 Cows & Calves – AA, British Blue, Beef Shorthorn, Pedigree Devon, Hereford, Limousin & Simmental * 5 Incalf Cows – British Blue, Devon, Hereford, Simmental * 3 Bulling Heifers – Pedigree Devon Including the dispersal Sale of 116 for RR & C White removed from Agmerhurst Farm, East Sussex * 1 Bull – Simmental * 53 Cows & Calves – AA, British Blue, Charolais, Limousin, Simmental & Sussex * 9 Incalf Heifers – Simmental An opportunity to purchase approximately 19.67Ha (48.60acres) of tranquil pasture land running alongside the River Frome Auction£325,000Guide: For sale by Online Auction. Closes Thursday 22nd September 2022 at 12:00 noon Contact Dorchester Office: 01305 268786 Land at Luckford Lake Sedgemoor Auction Centre North Petherton, Somerset, TA6 6DF (M5, Junction 24) Telephone: 01278 410278 TOTAL STOCK FOR THE WEEK 5985
£96. Overall Ave £67.10. BREEDING EWES (204) to £143 (2x). FRIDAY 30TH
The West Country’s Gateway to National Abattoirs Returns for Monday 2nd November 2020
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net100 LAWN AND PADDOCK MOWING with ride on mower please call 0778 626 1967 REQUIRED - FARM BUILDING ROOF and gutter repairs to cement fibre panels 07540 633126 WANTED ALL CATTLE PURCHASED Store Cattle Beef, cows and calves Barren Cows Bulls and fat cattle Price on farm, paid on the day. Haulage Brookfieldarranged.Livestock Marketing Ltd Call anytime 07811 381 159 or 01749 830 530 We provide a friendly, local service at competitive prices. Based at Redlynch near Bruton, we supply Car, 24hrAgricultural,Commercial,Plant&4x4tyresandofferabreakdownservice. We won’t be beaten on price. Call us on 01749 813957 or 07971 012628 or find us METAL RECYCLINGSCRAP WESSEX METALS STURMINSTER NEWTON & BLANDFORD AREA WA NTED Scrap Metal, Cars, Heavy and Light Iron Farm And Factory Clearance Weighbridge TOP PRICES PAID Skips/HAIB lorry available for onsite collection Tel 01258 860 166 or 07974 822 243 01305 266058 Millers Close, Dorchester, DT1 1HW All pictured items in stock. All prices are subject to VAT. TIPPING TRAILER ATV 1,420KG HYDRAULICELECTRICALWITHTIPPER£2,200 STRIMMER3-POINT£2,160 FLAIL MOWER W 1.95 M SIZES FROM 1.05m£1,9902.8m ATV MOWERFLAIL1.5 M 13.5 £2,250HP Hedge cutting, topping, haulage & fencing - please call Andrew 01747 855198

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 101 ATV SPRAYING, GRASS & FERTILISER applications, Flailing, harrowing & rolling with Tractor or ATV, Muck away, Digger work, All aspects of tractor work 07711 980871 HAY, 2022, 80x70cmx2.4 mtr barn stored, 50 available, call for price. 01747 861770 SHEPHERDS HUT fully fitted with shower washbason and toilet ideal for campsite or glamping. As new, Tel 01747 830686 Hydraulic Hose Specialists and Stockists to the Agriculture, Forestry, Automotive and Transport Industry Pneumatic fittings Air brake fittings Hose HydraulicclampsHosesMob: 07966 244536 Email: Cote Farm Works, Kilmington, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 6RF Quick release couplings Pressure wash hoses + lances Up to 1 ½ “Hose stocked Variation of oils Mobile service available Conyers Country Outfitters (Justin J Frampton) R.F.D.13D New or Secondhand Shot & Air Guns, Rifles and Game,Repairs.Coarse & Sea Angling Equipment 3 West Street, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 7AW Mob:Tel:www.conyers.bizjay@conyers.biz0125845230707973642278 1886Est TYRES AROUND LTD Mobile Service Agricultural Specialist Over 35 year’s Experience NIGEL MARTIN 07921 929891 FUTURE SALES STORE CATTLE EVERY WEDNESDAYPIGSFRIDAY21stSEPTEMBERORGANICCATTLEFRIDAY23RDSEPTEMBERToIncludeaConsignmentof 90 Hereford, Angus & Continental Steers & Heifers from one Farm MONDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER Orange TB Restricted Market REARED CALVES WEDNESDAY 28th SEPTEMBER WEDNESDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER Special Breeding sheep sale to include: PEDIGREE SHOW & SALE OF BELTEX & BLUE TEXEL SHEEP SALE RESULTS WEDNESDAY 7th SEPTEMBER Prime Cattle to 223.50p/kg & £1431 Cull Cows to 189.50p/kg & £1510 Prime Lambs to 314p/kg & £149 Store Lambs to £71.50 Cull Ewes to £100 Dairy to £1800 Pigs to £182 Calves to £305 FRIDAY 9th SEPTEMBER Angus x Steer 20mo £1400 Parthenais 24mo to £1345 Charolais x Steer 17mo to £1290 British Blue x Steer 20mo to £1265 Angus x Heifer 25mo £1235 British Blue Heifer 25mo £1090 Hereford x Heifer 27mo to£1040 Market Office 01373 830033 Frome Livestock Market, Standerwick, Frome, Somerset, BA11 2QB Email: Farming

Jess Chiplen, Head of Shows at the Bath & West, says “We are delighted to be welcoming everyone back to the Dairy Show 2022, particularly as we introduce the British Cheese Awards to the Show, providing the perfect platform for producers to showcase their products in the hope of securing the prestigious accolade just in time for Christmas.”
Taking place at the Bath & West Showground, Somerset, The Dairy Show is an essential date in the farming calendar. Along with a plethora of trade stands lining the avenue, this year will see a compelling Seminar programme, covering the theme of muck.

The Dairy Show is returning on Wednesday 5 October 2022, combining a comprehensive trade show with an exhibition of dairy cattle.

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net102 Farming
The Dairy Show 2022 – Supporting British Agriculture for over 40 Years! DAIRY COMPETITIONS | SEMINARS | TRADE STANDS | BRITISH CHEESE AWARDS THE DAIRY SHOW RETURNS ON WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER 2022 HAVE YOU HERD? VISIT WWW.BATHANDWEST.COM/THE-DAIRY-SHOW FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE SHOW ONTICKETSSALENOW Tickets are on sale now from at £15 for adults, £14 for students. Discounts are available for group bookings. Advertising feature
For the first time ever, the British Cheese Awards will be taking place at the Dairy Show, providing an impressive display of dairy produce including cheese, butter, yoghurt & cream. Judging of the Awards will take place on Wednesday 5 October, with visitors being able to view the
As always, Dairy Cattle is at the heart of the Show, with top class cattle from around the country competing for the sought-after title of Supreme Champion. Competitions will be running for Ayrshire, Dairy Shorthorn, Guernsey, Holstein & Jersey plus classes for calves and Junior Showmanship to encourage the exhibitors of the future.
display and take part in the all-important People’s Choice Award.
New Manor Farm, Witham Friary, Frome BA11 5HF 200 x (5’ Round) Bales 2022 Hay – Barn stored
Vendor to assist loading
60 x (Quadrant) Bales 2022 Hay – Barn stored
QUALIFIED | EXPERIENCED | PROFESSIONAL 1.30pm1.00pm12.00pm10.30am10.00am
50 x (80 x 70) Bales 4’ 2021 Haylage (Dry) – Stacked on hard
Lower Zeals Farm, Mere, Warminster BA12 6LG
Vendorstandingto assist loading
On behalf of Messrs D & O Coombes (Retiring) Greg Ridout 07817 517467 Rachael Holder 07772 310482 Harriet Andrews 07494 588013
50 x (120 x 90) Bales 2022 chopped Haylage – Not spiked, stacked on hard standing
Barn Acres Farm, Corscombe, Dorchester DT2 0PD
50 x (Quadrant) Bales 2021 Silage – Not spiked, stacked on hard
Vendorstandingto assist loading
50 x (80 x 70) Bales 2021 Haylage – Not Spiked, stacked on hard
Tuesday 20th September
Holt Farm, South Perrott, Beaminster DT8 3HU
Vendorstandingto assist loading

Also to be sold by sample at Barn Acres Farm: Coombe Farm, Trent, Sherborne DT9 4SZ – Viewing strictly by appointment only

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 103 Farming SALES | LETTINGS | AUCTIONS Maiden Newton Guide £1,005,000 (whole) A block of productive, free draining arable land and pasture downland situated in West Dorset. For Sale by Private Treaty as a whole or in two lots. 133.75 acres (54.13 ha) in all. Will Wallis 01305 236237

Manor France Farm, Stourpaine, Blandford Forum, DT11 0QL Genuine Dispersal of Telehandler, 3 Tractors, Farm Machinery and Livestock Equipment including: Merlo TF42.7 156 Telehandler, John Deere 6630 Premium with Quicke Loader (08), Deutz Agrotron 150.7 ProfiLine, Ford 4600, Marshall 21’ Bale Trailer, Cousins 6.3m Cambridge Rollers, McConnel PA34 Hedgetrimmer, Teagle Tomohawk 8080 Straw Blower, Marshall 2500gln Vacuum Tanker, 2 x 11t Ken Wootton Silage Trailers, 5t Tipping Trailer, Ifor Williams Tri-Axle Livestock Box, Shelbourne 6m Grass Harrows, Kongkilde 4m Cultivator, Fleming 9’ Topper, 2 x Twose 8’ Ballast Rollers, Various Loader Attachments, Workshop Tools and Large Range of Livestock Equipment.
Tuesday 4 October
Glebe Farm, Charlton Marshall, Blandford Forum DT11 9DE
50 x (120 x 90) Bales 2022 Silage – Not spiked, stacked on hard
50 x (120 x 90) Bales 2022 Hay – Barn stored
Vendorstandingto assist loading

Lewis | 01258 473766 Meredith Holmes | 01202 843190 Graham Barton | 01297 33122 September & October Property Auctions Lots include: A former church A former Paddockswarehouse/pub&pastureland DEVON DORSET WILTSHIRE HAMPSHIRE CORNWALL SOMERSET WILTSHIRE CORNWALL&DEVONSOMERSET Torquay Guide £50,000 Liskeard Guide £135,000 - £165,000 HillsBlackdown £300,000Guide Taunton £1,350,000GuideAblington Guide £250,000 DORSET Lots include: Substantial redevelopment projects Amenity land Barns with potential Lots include: Houses for modernisation Building Agriculturalplotsland Eype Guide £175,000 Lyme Regis Guide £1,000,000 - £1,250,000 Portland Guide £90,000 Wimborne Guide £395,000 Piddle Valley Guide £300,000 Bridport Guide £75,000 OXFORD

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net104 Property DORSET | DEVON | SOMERSET | HAMPSHIRE | WILTSHIRE | CORNWALL | LONDON SALES | LETTINGS | AUCTIONS | PLANNING | NEW HOMES SEE MORE SCAN HERE SYMONDSANDSAMPSON.CO.UK Lots including: Cottages for BarnsAgriculturalDevelopmentrenovationlandlandforconversion Nr Witney Guide £120,000 Lots including: Cottage for Developmentrenovationsite Lots including: Cottages for renovation Freehold investment property

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 105 Property SALES | LETTINGS | AUCTIONS Stalbridge Guide £995,000 A 4 bedroom detached house with annexe, swimming pool and paddock on the edge of this popular town. EPC D; CTB House G Annexe A. Freehold Sturminster 01258 473766 Dewlish Guide £175,000 An opportunity to purchase an induvial plot with planning permission for a detached 3 bedroom holiday home. EPC TBC; CTB TBC. Freehold Dorchester 01305 261008 Stalbridge Weston Guide £525,000 A recently renovated, extended and beautifully presented 4 bedroom semidetached house in a quiet location with stunning views. EPC D; CTB C. Freehold Sturminster 01258 473766 Tolpuddle Guide £575,000 A grade II listed 3 bedroom detached cottage mixing modern and character features with good sized garden and off road parking. EPC Exempt; CTB F. Freehold Dorchester 01305 261008 East GuideCoker£1,500,000 A beautifully refurbished and extended 4 bedroom property set in the grounds of just over an acre with far-reaching countryside views. EPC E; CTB F. Freehold Sherborne 01935 814488 QUALIFIED | EXPERIENCED | PROFESSIONAL

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net106 Property DONHEAD ST ANDREW, WILTSHIRE An attractive detached village house with lovely views in this popular village Shaftesbury 01747 850858 Guide Price £895,000 EPC Band D Local & National reach through a network of London & Regional offices PROPERTY EXPERTS SINCE 1910 SHERBORNE 01935 810141 SHAFTESBURY 01747 850858 BLANDFORD 01258 423002 SHERBORNE, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £1,600,000 SOLD SUTTON WALDRON, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £595,000 SOLD STURMINSTER MARSHALL, DORSET PRICE GUIDE £1,100,000 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD LEIGH, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £1,550,000 NORTH BREWHAM, SOMERSET GUIDE PRICE (TENDER) £350,000 PIMPERNE, DORSET GUIDE PRICE £560,000 SANDLEY, DORSET A beautifully presented stone cottage with gardens and far reaching views Shaftesbury 01747 850858 Guide Price £875,000 EPC Band E

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 107 Property KingsLand Property & Land Agents • The Tythings Commercial Centre • Southgate Road • Wincanton • Somerset • BA9 9RZ E: • W: Property & Land Agents Avalon - Sutton Montis FOR £2,250,000GuideSALEPriceWincanton•Somerset • Call: 01963 34455 5 53,537 sq ft 2 New Build in Somerset Kingsland ADVERT.qxp_BMV 1/2 page 06/09/2022 16:45 Page 9 National Country & Equestrian Property Specialists COUNTRY&VILLAGE FARMS, LAND SMALLHOLDINGS& EQUESTRIANSPECIALISTS &TOURISMLEISURE Nunney, Somerset Rarely available Smallholding with garage, workshop, outbuildings and well maintained paddocks. Situated in an attractive rural location with excellent communication links. If you are thinking of buying or selling please contact 01722 782727 or email Guide £800,0006.5 Acres Guide £650,000 Bishopstrow, Wiltshire Three bedroom country cottage with well-presented equestrian facilities, chalk based paddocks, superb outriding close by, river frontage and within 2 miles of mainline train station. 4.9 Acres

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net108 H ◆ A ◆ M ◆ B ◆ L ◆ E ◆ D ◆ O ◆ N WW W .HAMB L E D ON . NE T Gillingham Tel: (01747) 824924 Shaftesbury Tel: (01747) 851151 Wincanton Tel: (01963) 34000 Sturminster Newton Tel: (01258) 472647 WWW.HAMBLEDON.NET WINCANTON0196334000 GILLINGHAM01747824924 SHAFTESBURY01747851151 STURMINSTER NEWTON 01258 472647 An individual and deceptively spacious four bedroom detached bungalow which enjoys the benefit of a large landscaped garden. Characterful sitting room, separate dining room, large kitchen/breakfast room, master bedroom with dressing room and en-suite and useful attic room. WINCANTON £410,000 NEW INSTRUCTION A substantial three bedroom detached bungalow situated in a small close in the sought after village of South Cheriton. Spacious sitting room with open fire, separate dining room, kitchen/breakfast room, utility/boot room, en-suite shower room, attractive landscaped garden and SOUTH CHERITON £430,000 NEW INSTRUCTION A spacious four bedroom terrace house situated within a short walk of local schools. The property enjoys the benefit of a loft conversion creating a master bedroom with dressing room/study and en-suite. Spacious lounge/diner, fitted kitchen, private garden, garage and no forward chain. EPC Rating: C. BRUTON An exceptionally well presented three bedroom semi-detached house with stunning far reaching views over Wincanton and countryside beyond. Sitting room, stylish fitted kitchen, master bedroom with en-suite shower room, cloakroom, driveway and garage alongside property, WINCANTON £226,500 An attractive two bedroom mid terrace house situated in a small close on a mature development. Spacious sitting room, kitchen/diner, bathroom, easy to maintain garden, allocated parking, ideal investment or first time buy. EPC Rating: C. WINCANTON £145,000 NEW INSTRUCTION A spacious two bedroom semi-detached house situated on a popular residential development. The property is presented in excellent order and enjoys the benefit of a car port, long driveway, enclosed garden, sitting room, fitted kitchen, conservatory and potential to extend (STPP). EPC Rating: D. WINCANTON £179,950 HAMLET01963LETTINGS34006WINCANTON0196334000 Shaftesbury01747851151 A three bedroom semi-detached house situated on a popular residential development within easy reach of local amenities. Spacious living room, kitchen/diner, long driveway, cavity wall insulation, GCH, new boiler (2021). EPC Rating: D. £375,000 Templecombe An individually designed four bedroom detached house situated on a small select development. Spacious lounge/diner, fitted kitchen, double garage, solar PV panels providing free electricity, refitted bathroom and shower room, cloakroom and enclosed easy to maintain garden. No forward chain. EPC Rating: D. A 2 bedroom detached period cottage situated in a wonderful tucked away position in the heart of Wincanton. Although this little gem requires refurbishment there is the opportunity to create a home to your own taste and style. Spacious kitchen, cosy sitting room, large master bedroom, private garden and no forward chain. EPC Rating: G. £255,000 Wincanton £265,000 Wincanton A two bedroom semi-detached bungalow situated on a popular mature development within easy reach of local amenities. The property enjoys spacious living accommodation including a light and airy lounge/diner, fitted kitchen with integrated double oven, garage, easy to maintain garden, central heating and no forward chain. EPC Rating: D. Attractive period cottage situated in the heart of Wincanton. Accommodation spread over three floors with a spacious sitting/dining room, fitted kitchen, utility room, large garden, GCH, double glazing, no forward chain. EPC Rating: D. £260,000£425,000WincantonTemplecombe Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 1926 – 2022 Thank you

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 109 Don't leave your property sale to chance - call our Award Winning Team for a FREE valuation today! Gillingham 01747 824547 Sturminster Newton 01258 473030 w w w . m o r t o n n e w . c o . u k G i l l i n g h a m G u i d e P r i c e £ 3 7 5 , 0 0 0 A d e l i g h t f u l d e t a c h e d c h a l e t s t y l e h o m e w i t h n o o n w a r d c h a i n , o f f e r i n g w e l l p r o p o r t i o n e d , f l e x i b l e a c c o m m o d a t i o n w i t h t w o / t h r e e d o u b l e b e d r o o m s . E P C D East Stour Guide Price £720,000 A recently re furbished detached family home with flexible accommodation, three/four double bedrooms and sitting in wooded grounds extending to about one and half acres EPC E Stalbridge Guide Price £450,000 A delightful and charming terraced character cottage with tremendous far reaching rural views, three double bedrooms and presented to the market with the advantage of no onward chain. EPC E Sturminster Newton Guide Price £600,000 A truly unique detached home with three generously sized bedrooms, no onward chain, sitting in about a quarter acre and boasting a prime location, just a short stroll to the town. EPC tba Fontmell Magna To Let £1700 pcm A beautiful cottage with large rooms in a country setting with far reaching views in Fontmell Magna available with parking, manageable garden and very spacious rooms. EPC D South Cheriton Asking Price £750,000 Agricultural tied dwelling in South Cheriton comprising five bedroomed chalet style bungalow set in fifteen acres with an outbuilding. EPC D ToLet

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net110 Property TheTisburyLoft 01747,DorsetGuidePrice£1,350,000A charming Dorset farmhouse with superb accommodation and far reaching views. 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 reception rooms, office, potential annexe, garage / carport, charming gardens & stable yard, 3 paddocks, in all about 7.5 acres

Wiltshire Guide Price £675,000 A superbly presented period home with character features, situated in a popular village with a wonderful south facing garden, studio, garage and parking. EPC 43 Milton, East Knoyle, Wiltshire Guide Price £450,000 An enchanting listed country cottage, situated in a lovely rural hamlet with beautifully presented accommodation, bags of charm, a studio/work room & delightful gardenEPCExempt Hindon, Wiltshire Guide Price £495,000 A well presented detached bungalow situated in a vibrant rural village, offering versatile accommodation with a delightful cottage style garden EPC 50

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 111 Property TheTisburyLoft 01747, Wiltshire Guide Price £775,000 An extended period property set in a sought after hamlet with most adaptable four bedroom accommodation, lovely gardens, garage and parking. EPC 36

M&S WOODEN HIDEAWAY BEDS. 3' mattresses. Excellent condition. £200.00. Buyer collects. Wincanton. 01963 32414
SINGLE CHEST FREEZER as new. £50 ono. Tel 01725 552297
PLUMBING PIPE BENDER, Rothenberger R System, 1/2", 3/4", 15mm, 22mm, Unused, In perfect condition & boxed. Bargain @ £50. Paul 07703 192194
MANTIS CULTIVATOR4-STROKE with scarifier and plough. Recently serviced. £300 07899 628399
£8 each 01935 412892
ACCOMMODATIONSELF-CONTAINED on quiet farm near Yeovil 01935 891817 TO LET
ELECTRIC BEIGE RISER RECLINER tip up armchair, excellent condition, hardly used, cost new £1049, can deliver - £390 Tel 01202 571839
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net112 Property
J.A.P. STATIONARY ENGINE. Will require some sorting out only £30.00. Tel: 01935 425220
CHAIR, vintage, wooden upright lounge chair, circa 1940-1950s, needs reupholstering; £10 cash, mob: 07774-628-641
Items for Sale
Pine wardrobe,dressing table,bed, bedside table,good condition, consider separately,£195,sellingtel07791916017
FRAMED PRINT BY MARY BROWNING 1976 20"x 29" montreal olymipic 3 day event horses 1977 £15 please phone 01722 711456
DOOR/3DRAW sideboard £50 tel 07877 251788
A Rhino greenhouse 8 feet x 16 feet, automatic roof vents, 7 blade louvres, wheelchair access, extras, buyer to dismantle and remove. £750 Wimborne 01202 801975
SOLID PINE, KITCHEN TABLE & 4 chairs, good condition, sturdy. Table 122 X76 cm. Buyer to collect. 01963 364632 £50
HALFORDS 470 LTR LOCKABLE CAR TOP BOX. £30 Tel. 07988 42161
Kampa Rally Pro 390 Caravan Awing extras rear upright poles, storm poles and skirt £200 00 ono Tel 07813 445497
LEC U5515WDRAWERUNDERCOUNTERWHITE3FREEZER - (4 year old) - in good clean working order £75 ono Buyer collects Solid pine dressing table with 6 drawers - with a place for a stool. Needs attention. £50 ono Buyer collects. Panasonic twin cordless phones /bases. Good condition. £20 ono Russell Hobbs - two slice toaster - £8 ono Mob No: 07483 875814
EPSON SX400 PRINTER £25 01747 840896
Dental lab equipment, Bambi compressor, sandblast machine, plus several other items, best 07849-271144viewed
BLINDS2GO X 2 ROLLER BLINDS. Not used. Azurite blue. 100 x 95cm and 100 x 110cm. Still in boxes. £25 ea. Tel 07976 611341
MEGA BRICKS (LEGO) over 100 blocks £20 01747 854983
SET OF FOUR HENSELITE RED BOWLS, size 00, with trolley. £40 ono. 01725 552297
SCOUT ELECTRIC TRICYCLE: cream, as new, 6 gears, adjustable battery assistance, several extras. £750 Tel. 01747 833734
WOOD AND MULTI FUEL STOVES at discount prices. Latest previous and exdisplay models traditional and modern design Wessex Wood Burners Tel 01747 853110
NEW WHEEL AND TYRE for fiat ducati motor home size215170r15c. £45.00 call 01935 475451
CAR SEAT AND BASE, Maxi Cosi, max 12 kg. Smoke and accident free, Isofix fittings. FINAL REDUCTION £25. 01747 840641
STYLE KITCHEN chairs in natural wood. As new. £150 the pair. Tel: 01935 812731 or 07764 692966 (Sherborne)
POTS various sizes good condition, buyer collects £50 01935 813582
PLASTIC BINS, 220L good condition to fair condition. 2 round bins and one cuboid. £25
Items for Sale
31 PIECE DENBY ENCORE SWEET PEA dinner service, £80 ono and 27 piece Poole Pottery sage green dinner service £70 ono and 15 piece JG Meakin Rock Fern tea set £60 ono Tel 01202 870644
BIKE £75 and Sherborne petite recliner chair £215 Tel 01935 475412
CONTEMPORARY COFFEE TABLE 190cmL X 60cmW X 40cmH some simple assembly needed £45 ONO 01747 BOURTON840908
FREE AD up to £50 1 ad per contact number please limit to 20 words or less classified@
CHILD'S BUGGY Mamas & Papas 03 Sport Stroller. One owner Nice condition £15 01258 860553
OLD BOOKS BOUGHT. Will call by appointment entirely without obligation. Bristow & Garland 07392 602014
SET OF 4 LADIES BOWLS size 2 £10 Tel 01935 412892
ALL RADIO CONTROL MODELS WANTED. RingCompletePlanes/Trains/Boats.CollectionsPurchased.Michael01747229725
Folding Raleigh Step Thru’ bicycle. Di Blasi R34 3-wheel folding electric tricycle with 5 gears. £400 for both including extras. Tel: 01749 830795
LADIES "HOBBS" BLACK WINTER COAT size 12 £15, Ladies trouser suit short trousers size 12 jacket size 10 £20 - 01747 826795
WASTEMASTER AND AQUAROL, excellent condition both with own covers £50 together. Tel 01747 828820
WANTED - MANUAL BATH HOIST. 01258 473082. Not between 11.30am to 2pm.
AQUARELL with cover £20. Waste Carrier with cover £20. Low voltage electric kettle £5. Gas kettle £5 - 07813 445497
FOLDING RALEIGH STEP THRU’ BICYCLE. Di Blasi R34 3-wheel folding electric tricycle with 5 gears. £400 for both including extras. Tel: 01749 830795
CEMENT BELLE 150, MIXER PLUS STAND 230 mains nearly new condition £350 ono - Generator Honda 5 and 1/2 HP petrol 2.8KVA 220/110 used about 20hrs excellent condition £300 ono - Drill Metabo, 110v 750w SDS hammer plus keyless chucks as new £90 onoTel 01722 716258 after 7pm
Kiln craft 30 pieces £15, Royal Worcester 13 pieces £5, Paragon Belinda 7 pieces £5, Richmond Wild Anemone 21 pieces £10, kings pattern silver plated cutlery offers. Tel 01202 870644
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 113 Puzzle solutions (from pages 44-45) Killer sudoku 3 6 5 8 7 4 9 2 1 1 7 8 9 2 5 4 3 6 2 4 9 1 3 6 5 8 7 5 3 6 4 1 2 8 7 9 8 1 4 7 6 9 2 5 3 9 2 7 3 5 8 1 6 4 7 5 2 6 4 1 3 9 8 4 8 3 2 9 7 6 1 5 6 9 1 5 8 3 7 4 2 18 6 15 12 11 57415 20 10 9 4 7 8 10 11 13 28 17 13 10 13 18 30 8 9 18 17 12 27 Sudoko 4 5 3 6 7 1 2 8 9 7 1 9 2 4 8 5 3 6 2 8 6 5 3 9 7 1 4 6 2 7 1 9 4 8 5 3 8 3 5 7 2 6 4 9 1 9 4 1 8 5 3 6 2 7 5 9 2 4 1 7 3 6 8 3 7 8 9 6 2 1 4 5 1 6 4 3 8 5 9 7 2 Jumbo sudoku 96 31 5 42 875 4 28 1 63 7 9 6 7 5 9 2 1 3 4 8 9 8 7 3 2 5 6 4 1 4 1 95 3 86 2 747 92 6 38 15 73 68 9 24 15 3 1 6 9 4 7 2 8 5 3 8 24 7 69 1 5 6 3 9 4 7 8 5 2 1 4 1 26 3 58 9 7 7 5 8 1 9 2 4 3 6 9 5 61 8 32 7 4 8 4 7 5 2 9 3 1 6 1 2 37 6 45 9 839 21 5 47 68 79 14 2 53 68 86 52 3 14 797 8 35 6 12 4 9 1 9 5 8 4 2 6 3 7 2 6 43 9 78 5 1 1 8 3 2 5 9 6 7 4 4 7 56 1 39 8 2 6 9 2 7 8 4 1 5 3 61 85 7 94 23 81 27 3 65 4935 42 6 19 87 Cryptic crossword S I N A T R A D E G A S S G E S A N C L A R I F I C A T I O N A E I O R A N C E S T O R X R A Y D M C Y K M E A N W H I L E I N A O P U N I T P R O M P T L Y A K R H A F R E E Z I N G P O I N T O Y N A N E S W E E P I N D E P T H Crossword A D D R E S S B O O K S I I P A R S T O P O G R A P H I C A L O O R T H Y R E P H R A S E F E E L E O O E F S Y T R O U T D E L T A P T S H S R L R I F F S O F T W A R E I O E T I A S E L F M O T I V A T E D M I U U A O S P O S S I B I L I T Y Arrow words F B C P A E A J A R D R U B F U R S P O K E N U I S P G A P S A L V O B A R I E O N Y E A R C R A Y A W A Y D E G R A D E D I S S C R O W 34 RESULT 11 32 16 12 4 Brain chain Wordsearch P L R A D H S E D A L G N A B D A A S L N L S R I L A N K A A P A K A U A R I H A A S I I A E A E I U N D H N T A M R T S N B J R A D E R S R A A L L A E O A T O H I I O L N A U I D T N U H P K N A D J H T P G S B H I R S A H I R D S O D S L B R N P H R V T A A O A N N S N I U G P E P U U B B I L P Y H M F N S I N J P O A I I I R A A N I E E L O A R S D A J I P A E S D I I I H S N A B Y A N N N G U L U A H Q A T A R A I D N I A N B B E P H K P S Brain chain (hard) 105 RESULT 55 99 33 61 56 Edition 52 Puzzle solutions Killer sudoku 8 3 5 2 9 6 4 7 1 9 4 1 3 8 7 5 2 6 2 7 6 4 5 1 9 8 3 4 2 3 7 6 5 1 9 8 1 8 7 9 2 4 6 3 5 6 5 9 8 1 3 7 4 2 3 1 8 6 4 9 2 5 7 7 6 4 5 3 2 8 1 9 5 9 2 1 7 8 3 6 4 10 144 8119 10 10 19 10 8 13 17 9 16 7 20 12 21 1410 5 14 8 9 17911 9 6 28 19 18 Sudoko 7 1 6 5 9 8 4 3 2 4 9 8 6 3 2 5 7 1 2 3 5 1 4 7 6 8 9 9 6 3 2 7 5 8 1 4 1 7 4 3 8 9 2 5 6 8 5 2 4 1 6 3 9 7 6 2 1 9 5 3 7 4 8 5 4 7 8 2 1 9 6 3 3 8 9 7 6 4 1 2 5 Jumbo sudoku 85 69 2 13 477 9 21 8 34 5 6 4 1 7 8 9 3 2 6 5 3 1 4 2 5 6 8 9 7 3 9 62 5 47 1 832 16 7 54 89 48 25 3 96 71 8 6 5 4 9 7 1 3 2 2 8 51 7 69 3 4 5 2 4 9 1 3 6 7 8 1 3 97 6 85 4 2 7 6 8 5 4 2 1 3 9 9 7 31 4 56 8 2 5 2 8 7 3 6 4 9 1 4 6 18 2 97 5 368 92 5 17 43 92 34 5 76 18 35 96 4 21 789 1 54 8 63 2 7 6 3 7 9 5 2 1 8 4 8 4 21 7 35 9 6 2 7 6 5 3 4 1 9 8 1 3 48 9 65 2 7 9 8 5 2 1 7 3 6 4 36 17 2 58 94 24 19 6 57 8367 83 4 95 12 Cryptic crossword S Y L P H A B I L I T Y I R E U O I R E C E I V E R T O G A L D E E T H E D G I E R A D O P T C Y U L A B U T S I C S O Y A E O R I D I S C O A S L E E P R I F T L T B O O R T W I L I G H T O E E C E I E M I N E N T W R E C K Crossword D S A V U I R E C O V E R I S L E S A A O E G T P M A N C O M M O D I T Y A E E U M T O A S T M E R M A I D I B B T E C O N J U R E S T E M S O S R T C M A R G A R I T A T E E U M G N I R N G R A C E G A R L A N D S L S S M S Arrow words F P S H B R A N C H E S T I E S A W S H A R I N G L O A D E D A U O L U G E R R S H E N S I C O N S F E N A G E S L G U I N E A P E A S L U N G 25 RESULT 5 50 32 8 10 Brain chain Wordsearch R C R K A O C M A T N O R P Z E O O E R A R O H R U U A N M A L L F W A F P P D O J K I O R Z D I T O O T E A A H L U F H A A X T O L E U N I K T O A E E A E A M S F A N B B J B L A L O I O N A R F U O R A U S Z H I O O A B R S A A C T M E C T P T J E O H T A S I O A F L A T O C S J O J O B A A C L C O S I R F N F O E T B A R A C L R T Z T U N R E G I T W X P T O I O B A J A P M A A O H P A L M Z R O J A H E M P T L P N T S J C N R O C B I N M U Brain chain (hard) 23 RESULT 146 219 246 186 31 Edition 51
A R C H I T E C T U R A L M E T A L W O R K C u s t o m m a d e o r r e s t o r e d i n n u m e r o u s f i n i s h e s a n d m e t a l s Balustrades Canopies & Pergola's - Estate Ironworks - Furniture & Ornaments Handrails Orangeries & Glass houses Railing & Fencing - Staircases Steelworks & Fabrications Windows & Doors R E Q U E S T A Q U O T E : W W W N E W T O N F O R G E C O U K / R E Q U E S T Q U O T E 0 1 2 5 8 4 7 2 4 0 7 | M A I L @ N E W T O N F O R G E C O U K U N I T 2 0 C , B U T T S P O N D I N D U S T R I A L E S T A T E , S T U R M I N S T E R N E W T O N , D T 1 0 1 A Z

New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 115 OPENING TO THE PUBLIC 3 OCTOBER We are very excited to welcome you to our new cafe, opening on the Clayesmore campus. From 3 October, you are welcome to visit us. We will be serving the finest coffee sourced from local grinders in Sherborne, delicious pastries, paninis and cakes. ‘A hub for the community’ Why not meet for coffee mornings, mother and baby groups or just a catch up with a friend! FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM FOR MENU SPECIALS AND OPENING TIMES.

“ Clayesmore is a rather unique place and what really struck from the outset, and continues to, is the very positive vibe of the entire school. It is always a pleasure to be there!” Current Parent WHOLE SCHOOL OPEN MORNING • SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER SIXTH FROM INFORMATION MORNING • SATURDAY 8 OCTOBER COME AND VISIT admissions@clayesmore.comCLAYESMORE Year 9 and Sixth
Clayesmore doesn’t stand still. In an ever-changing and challenging world, we strive to shape an all-round education which will not only see our students achieve academic and career success but one which also helps them to develop into confident, adventurous and compassionate young adults.
Jo HeadThomson Jo Thomson

Clayesmore is a true educational community where dedicated and innovative teachers support students to achieve their personal best, wherever their passions lie. not come on a private family visit to find out more.
New Blackmore Vale, 16 September 2022 blackmorevale.net116