15 minute read
• Sherborne Library will be hosting An Introduction to Managing Your Mental Health on Friday 29 April from 3-4pm. Join Amanda Whitlock from Total Wellbeing Matters as she discusses mental health awareness. Booking is essential, visit Eventbrite online or call 01935 812683.
• Fancy a hit on a spring day? Everyone’s welcome at the Wincanton Tennis Club open day taking place on Saturday 30 April from 11am-3pm. Come along to hit with a member or join in a free session with the coach. Wincanton Sports Ground, Moor Lane BA9 9RA wincantontennisclub.co.uk.
• There will be a bric-a-brac sale in aid of pancreatic cancer on Saturday 30 April from 10.30am-12.30pm at St James’ Church, Longburton.
• The u3a Blackmore Vale is set to take a peek at The Wonderful World of Glass with Dr Francis Burroughes.
Members will raise a glass of bubbly in a toast to the Queen at their indoor street lunch party before Dr Burroughes talks about the history and making of glass. Members and visitors will have the chance to handle valuable antique glass.
The group meets at Henstridge village hall on Tuesday 3 May, doors open at 2.15pm. Entry for members is £1.50, visitors £2.50.
For more information phone 01963 362107 or visit www.u3a.org.uk.
• The Stanchester Quire and invited friends are performing a second Concert for Ukraine in South Petherton Parish Church on Friday 6 May, at 7pm. Admission is by donation of £5 or more and all proceeds will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee.
For further details either email stanchesterquire1@ gmail.com or phone Phil on 07778 119663.
• Wincanton & District Gardeners Association will enjoy a talk by Sally Nex entitled Garden Rogues and Pests, on Friday 6 May at 7.30pm, at Wincanton Memorial Hall. Refreshments
Gillingham Car Link Scheme
Do you live in Gillingham or an SP8 village? Do you need transport to a hospital, doctor, dentist or optician appointment?
Our volunteer drivers are here to help you. Call 07599 311443 to book a journey. Leave a message and one of our friendly coordinators will be in touch.
Gillingham Car Link is a charity set up to provide transport to everyone who cannot use or doesn’t have access to public transport. We have been serving the community for over 10 years. We ask for a small donation to cover our costs. Our drivers use their own cars.
Gillingham Area Car Link Scheme, registered charity no. 1138732
and raffle. Members free, visitors £1. Why not join as a member? For more information call 01963 33160.
• Starring Rob Kingsley, winner of The National Tribute Music Awards Official Elvis Show and No.1 Male Tribute, A Vision of Elvis (Friday 6 May, 7.30pm) is an emotional rollercoaster through time, engaging audiences with a true Elvis Concert experience featuring Elvis’ greatest hits. Tickets £22, The Exchange, Sturminster Newton. Box Office: www.stur-exchange. co.uk 01258 475137.
• Four local artists – awardwinning etcher Victoria Garland, painters Eric Bailey and Jane Barnard, and ceramicist Caroline Hughes – are showing their work in the café at the Slade Centre. The exhibition, Impressions, runs until 7 May and is open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-4pm. Victoria’s atmospheric etchings have won awards from numerous national art societies. While the artists work in different media, all their work is based on their response to the Dorset landscape. Come and form your own impressions. The Slade Centre, The Square, Gillingham SP8 4AY 01747 821480.
• The Quiet Garden Movement is a global network of over 300 gardens in homes, churches, hospitals and schools. Quiet Gardens are made available by local hosts for people of all ages to experience silence and spend time in prayer and contemplation. Quiet Days will be held on Saturday 7 May from 2.30-4pm and Friday 17 June from 12 noon-4pm at Marian Dunlop House, 8 Prince of Wales Road, Dorchester DT1 1PW.
“The Quiet Garden Movement is about giving people permission to step back and experience a sense of stillness and wonderment,” said founder Reverend Philip Roderick. “We live in a world where we are swamped by methods of communication and yet we find ourselves unable to communicate. Silence is the missing and vital ingredient. Even as little as five minutes can be restorative and healing.” Anyone interested in attending should contact Mrs Becky Dovey 01305 251396, fellowship.meditation@ gmail.com.
• On Saturday 7 May from 2.30-3pm, Sherborne Library hosts Saturday Story Time. Come and hear some of our favourite stories. Suitable for children aged 3–7. Booking is essential, visit Eventbrite online or call 01935 812683.
• Now in its 20th year, Yarlington Plant Fair runs from 10am to 4pm on Saturday 7 May. This is not just any old plant sale – specialist growers and dealers from all over the South West bring with them rare and unusual plants. The Yarlington House stall is also a big draw and is stocked with home-germinated and grown-on plants – many interesting and unusual flowering annuals and perennials, as well as numerous vegetable varieties.
The fair is an annual highlight for keen gardeners and also provides a special day out for garden enthusiasts. There is the chance to explore the
TUESDAY 3 MAY 7.30 PM CRANBORNE LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY -A Lifeboat on the Road Howard Nicholls -Cranborne Village Hall BH21 5PZ
SPRING FAIR AND DOG SHOW Sunday 8th May 10.303.30 Pimperne village Hall, Pimperne
COFFEE MORNING AND TABLE TOP SELL, Saturday 7th May 10.30-12pm Child Oakford village hall 01258 861055
CRAFT FAYRE Saturday 30th April 11 to 4pm Portman Hall. Shillingstone. DT110SF Refreshments available. Info Tel 07791 503589
COUNTRY LINK SOCIAL GROUP. Fresh air, fun, food and friendship. Tel. Andy 01225 834834 or Val 01749 342918 www.country-link.org.uk
SATURDAY 7th MAY, 9am - 12.30pm Sherborne Digby Hall Monthly Market. Arts, Crafts, Food , Cafe & More
CONCERT FOR UKRAINE Featuring: Celebrity Organist Thomas Trotter & Guests… David Briggs (via video), Keith Hearnshaw, Jonathan Hope, Duncan Honeybourne and Rex Wickham. Friday 13th May 2022 Gillingham Methodist Church 7.30 pm (doors 6.30 pm) Tickets £20 on the door or in advance from www.wegotickets. com/event/544481 100% of the proceeds to go to the Disaster Emergency Committee – dec.org.uk
WIMBORNE ST GILES VILLAGE HALL Charity teas: Sundays - 24 April to 9 October 2022 (not 5 June)
WHIST DRIVES YEOVIL every Saturday 7.30pm Tel 01935 862325
ALWESTON CAR BOOT Monday 2nd May Sellers 7am buyers 8am 01963 23525
GOLD HILL FESTIVAL Sunday 3rd July. Stall bookings. 01747 853136 goldhillfair@hotmail.co.uk www.shaftesburyrotaryclub.org VALUATION DAY WITH CHARTERHOUSE AUCTIONEERS’ Richard Bromell. Wednesday 18th May, 4-7pm. Maiden Bradley Church. Only £2 per item. Cake stall, refreshments, tower
THE 20TH SPECIALIST YARLINGTON PLANT FAIR at Yarlington House on Saturday May 7th, 10am -4pm Plants from Specialist Growers from all over the West Country Tea, coffee and cake. Entrance £5.00. Raffle. In aid of the Church of St. Luke and St.Teresa, Wincanton
BRIC-À-BRAC SALE ( GOOD QUALITY ITEMS ) on Saturday April 30 th @ St James Church Longburton DT9 5 PG 10.30 am till 12.30 pm . China, glass , toys , jewellery, pots , pictures and much more . Refreshments. For pancreatic cancer research
JUMBLE SALE AT THE BAND HALL SHAFTESBURY, 30th April, start 12 noon, in aid of George’s Carnival Club.
THE ORCHARDS AND MARGARET MARSH PARISHES AFTERNOON GARDEN PARTY SATURDAY 7TH MAY 2.30pm to- 4.30pm at Vale Farmhouse, West Orchard Welcome to our fundraiser Join us for an afternoon tea We have a tombola plus stalls for Plants, Gifts, cakes and Bric a brac A great chance to chat whilst browsing our stalls Offers of help please to serve the teas and items for the stalls much appreciated. Please call 01258472331 with offers of donated items or even bring on the day
A chance to socialise/ meet friends old and new. Transport free. Cost of Lunch from £6.50. Meals on Wheels (hot food) home deliveries available weekdays for same costs Friends of Stour Connect (Charity) Sturminster Newton DT10 1JF. For bookings/menus 01258-471359/07849-618522 or admin@friendsofstourconnect.org
LEGION on Monday May 2nd. Eyes down 7pm
SILTON PLANT SALE Summer Bedding, Perennial & Herbaceous Plants. Vegetable Plants & Seedlings, House Plants. Produce & Bric-a-brac Stalls & Refreshments Saturday 7th May 10a.m. to noon. Silton Village Hall, Silton, Dorset SP8 5PN (signed from B3092 between Milton-on-Stour & Bourton)
SPRING FESTIVAL PLANT SALE & TEAS Saturday 7th May 2.00 - 4.30 pm Sedgehill Village Hall SP7 9QJ
CLUB Monday and Thursday mornings at Sturminster Newton Leisure Centre. Friendly club. All abilities welcome. Tel. Rod 01963 362724 or Mike 01258 860799
JUMBLE SALE – LYDLINCH VILLAGE HALL Saturday 30th April 2pm. Tea’s, Cake’s and Raffle
SILTON ART GROUP EXHIBITION. Shaftesbury Art Centre 13, Bell Street, Shaftesbury SP7 8AR 11th-17th May 2022, 10am to 4pm, Free entry.
UKRAINE APPEAL BINGO at the Memorial Hall Wincanton, Friday 29th April. Great Prizes, all donated by local businesses and surrounding areas. All Proceeds to go to the charities supporting the Ukrainian Appeal. Doors open at 6:30pm, eyes down at 7:30pm
beautiful flower garden and the walled kitchen garden, which will both be open to visitors on the day of the fair. Entrance is £5 (under-16s free) and payment can be made by cash or card. All the money raised goes to charity. This year funds will go to the Church of St Luke and St Teresa in Wincanton. Yarlington House, Yarlington, Nr Wincanton, Somerset BA9 8DY, 01963 440344.
• Dorset tenor Kieran White is joining Sturminster Choral Society when it performs Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle at St Mary’s Church in Sturminster Newton on Saturday, May 7, at 7.30pm. The society is this year celebrating 60 years of singing in and around the town. It has also been two years since its last full concert due to Covid-19 restrictions. One of Rossini’s few late works, intended to be given in public, was his Petite Messe Solennelle, an engaging and uplifting piece of music composed in 1863 and first performed in the following year 1864. For this performance the choir is conducted by its musical director Annemarie Lees, accompanied by Caroline D’Cruz on piano and Tracy Kennington on harmonium, with soloists Anna Gregory (soprano), Charlotte Collier (alto), Kieran White (tenor) and Pauls Putnins (bass). Tickets are £10, from 01258 820755 or on the door.
• Shaftesbury Food and Drink Festival returns on Sunday 8 May. It boasts nearly 100 stalls, featuring producers from Dorset and the surrounding areas, including the Dorset Farmers’ Market and the Anonymous Travelling Market. One of the highlights of the day for many is the cheese race on Gold Hill: competitors race up the hill carrying 25kg truckles of cheese. The event is free, find out more at www. shaftesburyfestival.co.uk.
• North Dorset’s famous male a capella four-part singing group are set to perform in Durweston’s St Nicholas Church on Friday 13 May at 7.30pm. The Gravellers were formed in 1999 and for many years rehearsed under the direction of the late Ros Evans at her house in Gravel Lane, Charlton Marshall – hence their name. Mike Brown took over as The Gravellers’ director in 2014, and has managed to maintain control of this ‘sometimes’ unruly group ever since: moulding voices around an eclectic range of songs from ditties by Henry VIII and his contemporaries, via the Yale Song Book, Flanders and Swann, to the Beach Boys and the Beatles. Chris Dowie, the organist at St Nicholas’s Church, and formerly organist at Wimborne Minster, will add to the evening’s enjoyment, interspersing the Gravellers’ programme with his own performance. The evening is likely to be a sell-out, and early booking is advised. Light refreshments and a free glass of wine or soft drink will be served. All proceeds will be shared

21 & 22 MAY 2022

Dorset’s biggest and best obstacle race is here! 6km through mud, woodland, water & more with over 15 award winning obstacles to tackle including a giant water slide. Enter as a team, or an individual, bring supporters and enjoy a drink in the beer tent. STOCK GAYLARD ESTATE, STURMINSTER NEWTON, DT10 2BG BUY YOUR EARLY BIRD TICKETS NOW
Laura Staples, Partner, Head of Private Client, Humphries Kirk
Online accounts can lead to unexpected difficulties after a death. Social media can provide reminders of memories which may be comforting but can also cause distress. These include invites to events or suggestions to you to ‘help them celebrate’ a birthday. These reminders come regularly and have caused some to turn away from social media.
If you have chosen to prepare, you can deactivate your account during your lifetime. Some will not have time or the opportunity to do this. It is important to know what can be done after someone dies.
Facebook have provision for a ‘legacy contact’, someone you nominate during your lifetime to look after a memorialised account. They can accept or respond to friend requests, post a tribute or change a profile picture. The security and settings determine what can happen. Once Facebook are notified of a death the word ‘remembering’ appears on your profile and you will not appear on ‘people you may know’ or ‘birthday’ reminders. You can choose for your Facebook account to be permanently deleted. These options require a decision about your digital profile before you have died.
Twitter allows someone authorised to act on behalf of the estate or a family member to deactivate an account.
Instagram will memorialise an account upon receiving a valid request, and evidence of death. Family members or a legal representative of the estate can request an account be deleted, on evidence of the legal or personal relationship.
A digital Executor can be nominated, ideally the same as the Executors in a Will. A digital Executor should be given details of any online accounts. The details should not be contained in a Will as it eventually becomes a public document.
Making a Will and deciding how assets should be dealt with, is accepted. The rapid rise of online working and being ever more dependent on the internet, needs to be considered too. We can advise and assist you in planning how your digital and physical estates are managed after your death.
At Humphries Kirk solicitors we like to keep it simple, and we like to keep it personal. It’s an approach that has served us and our clients well for almost 300 years.

Get in touch with our experts.
Bournemouth 01202 421111 Cranborne Chase 01258 840507 Crewkerne 01460 279100 Dorchester 01305 251007 Parkstone 01202 715815
Poole 01202 725400
Swanage 01929 423301
Wareham 01929 552141
The Blackmore Vale Ltd between St Nicholas’s Church and the Ukraine Crisis Appeal (Disasters Emergency Committee). Tickets priced £10 are available from Rebekah’s Kitchen, Salisbury Street, Blandford, or for collection on the night from Alison on 07706 838119 and James on 07572 167555 or thegravellers@gmail.com. • Stayin’ Alive, Friday 13 Left May, 7.30pm. Winners of the National Tribute Awards in 2013, 2016 and 2017, Stayin’ Alive are recognised as the UK’s top Bee Gees Tribute. They re-create the most accurate portrayal of the Brothers Gibb, covering hits from all decades. Tickets £18/ £17 conc, The Exchange, Sturminster Newton. Box Office: www.stur-exchange. co.uk 01258 475137. • World-class artists are set to feature in a Concert for Ukraine at Gillingham Methodist Church on Friday 13 May at 7.30pm. Church organist Gordon Amery is organising the concert, which will feature celebrity organist Thomas Trotter (Birmingham City) and guests David Briggs (St John the Divine, NYC), Keith Hearnshaw (concert organist), Jonathan Hope (Gloucester Cathedral), Duncan Honeybourne (concert pianist) and Rex Wickham (treble). Everyone involved, is providing their services free of charge, so all funds raised will go to Disasters Emergency Committee. Tickets for the concert are £20 on the door from 6.30pm. They are also available in advance through ‘WeGotTickets’, which is giving 20% of its booking fee to the DEC.
• Filgroup’s next meeting is on 19 May and will be a guided tour of David and Celia Hazelgrove’s garden, followed by a glass of Pimms and David on hand to answer any questions. For more info email filgroup15@gmail.com.
• Dog lovers should head over to Martinstown village hall on Sunday 21 May for a fun dog show. If its sunny the show will take place on the grass outside, but it will go ahead indoors if its raining. Classes include veteran, rescue and Heinz 57, all at £2.50 each. Fun classes cost £1 each, or you can enter the lot for £5! Pick from dog most like owner, waggiest tail, doggy fancy dress and many more. Entries will be taken from 12 noon and the show proper starts at 2pm. Enquiries to Antonia 07813 196958.
• St Gregory’s CofE Primary School is hosting a Jubilee quiz night and auction on Saturday 21 May at 7pm at Marnhull Village Hall. Quizmaster Simon Hoare will kick off proceedings at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £12.50 per person, and include a locally sourced ploughman’s supper and a raffle ticket. If making up a team please supply names and team name along with full payment. Places are limited; tickets are available via Robin Hill Stores, Spar; ptfastgregs@ gmail.com or Lucinda on 07791 094551. If you would like to join a team please get in touch and one can be assigned to you.

Open Garden

Manor Farm, Droop, Hazelbury Bryan, DT10 2ED Sunday 1ST May, 2 – 5 pm Teas, Cake and Produce Sale. Entry: £5 per person (All teas £5) All proceeds to St Mary & St James Church Enjoy the great Dorset outdoors with stunning views, a short walk and a chance to relax in beautiful surroundings adjacent to the church. Regrettably No Dogs

Vintage, Artisan & Decorative Antiques Fair with local Foodies
40 Exhibitors
BH Monday 2 nd May