n Alex Hua Tian at Nunney International Horse Trials by Brian Stubbs
Stubbs captures classic equine beauty It is little wonder this stunning photograph of event horse Alex Hua Tian at Nunney International Horse Trials taken by photographer Brian Stubbs achieved the maximum mark in Wincanton Camera Club’s very own competition. And the photograph has been accepted into the Royal Photographic Society’s Digital Imaging Group’s annual print exhibition. Judge John Tilsley, who cast his expert eye over the competition picures, said the standard of the club’s internal open 80
themed competition was particularly high, with Paul Dyer with Mist Coming In, James Eastaugh with January Bloom and Kit Williams with Racehorse Waiting scoring 19 of the 20 marks available. Continuing the success story, photographs by Meyrick Griffith-Jones and Brian Stubbs have been accepted into International Salon exhibitions. Wincanton Camera Club host a number of talks every month. German animal portrait photographer, Elke Vogelsang will share her wonderful dog
photography with members on March 24 at 7.30pm. In May, South African wildlife photographer, Will Goodlett will attend and Paul Mitchell FRPS will talk about woodland photography. For more information about the club, please visit wincantoncameraclub. co.uk. The talks can be booked by contacting treasurer Meyrick GriffithJones at Treasurer@WincantonCamera Club.co.uk. For information about the club email secretary@wincanton cameraclub.co.uk or 01747 840018.