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Items For Sale
This cancel culture is a slippery slope
In August 1949, Winston Churchill addressed the first reunion of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe with these famous words: “Prenez garde, je vais parler français. I am going to borrow his warning for this article: “Prenez garde, je vais parler à propos de pleurnicherie” which, being translated, means “Take care, I’m going to talk about whingeing.” A whinge about whingeing? It sounds contradictory. But everywhere you turn these days, there is far too much whingeing going on. Some famous and notable people have turned it into their stockin-trade. Although claiming to be in search of a quiet and private life, they seem to thrive on whingeing at every opportunity. But, like the covid pandemic, it’s everywhere. In Kenton, a village outside Exeter, the chiming of the church clock in the tower of the fine 15th century parish church has been silenced by Teignbridge Council following receipt of a complaint from just one parishioner. As a village bellringer put it, “Remember, the complainant has moved to be near the church. The church hasn’t moved to them!” Meanwhile at my old Oxford college, Magdalen, a photograph of The Queen has been removed from the Middle Common Room at the instigation of just one of the graduate members of the MCR – an American. And also in Oxford, there is a campaign to boycott the lectures of all the Fellows of Oriel College because they have voted to retain the statue of Cecil Rhodes. Some academics in other colleges are even refusing to teach Oriel undergraduates. And who is running this pathetic and puerile campaign? None other than the Provost (Head) of Worcester College, Professor Kate Tunstall –known in her own college as “Red Kate” (she steps down from her interim position at the end of this month). Now I do not dispute for a minute the right of anyone to have views about anything –from bells to statues. But I do dispute their right to attempt to impose their views on others or, to use the modern parlance, to attempt to “cancel the culture” of those with whom they do not agree. Where is all this intolerance coming from? It is far too simplistic to blame the lockdown, though that has undoubtedly given some people a shorter fuse than is good for them. No, something deeper and more profound is going on. When people try to silence, overrule, or “cancel” others (who may well be in the majority) simply because they have different opinions, then we need to be very much on the alert. That way danger lies. It is a slippery slope to the loss of our hard-won freedoms, and to the rule of those I call the “Thought Police”. Think about it, whilst you still can.
Items for Sale
Pop up gazebo with side panels 300cm x 300cm x 270cm £30 Tel 01963 363660. Singer sewing machine model 2263 new £55 Tel 01963 363660 Bestway Comfort Camp bed £19cmm x 64cm x 42cm, easy fold aluminium frame £20 01963 363660. Beauclaire Gas BBQ in carrying bag with burner legs, cast iron griddle ideal for home/camping £20 01963 363660. Metal filing cabinet 2 draw £15 Tel 01963 363660. Hexagonal Gazebo 2mx2mx 2m, windows & zip door - to be collected. Tel 01963 364632. Small dog cage, £10. Two single blow up beds and pump, £15ono. 01747861044 1 electric strimmer, 2 electric hedge cutters, 1 electric chainsaw £10 each 01747 861044. Motocaddy S1 Electric 30 Golf trolley with battery, charger & instruction book. £100 cash only 01935 872269 Garden spreader for seeds/ fertiliser, rotary £35.00 07523 564678 Kings Stag. Injured jockey fund calendars (35) from 1980 in good condition with envelopes plus 11 others including 2007 wi £35 01722 711456. Galv. feed bin with hinged lid 5cwt size vermin proof £30. 01722 711456. Cast iron wheels x 2 size 12" x2" 5 spokes with stub axles £40 01722 711456. Hotpoint tumble dryer 8kg model tom580 b energy Aquarius £45 01722 711456. Ladies Raleigh Chiltern Cycle with stand. In good condition £50. 07817 853224. JBL bar/studio sound bar with Bluetooth, width 614mm x height 58mm x depth 86mm, brand new, sealed £40. 01963 362561. RST TracTech motorbike all-in-one leather race suit. Blue, white and black. UK size 44. Little used, £100. 01963 362561. One year old Jacob Sheep Ram very handsome. Hand reared and easy to handle. £75. Bishopstone Please ring Olivia 07903 314523. 54 med & lg strong packing boxes. VGC. £20 01963 23922. Free-standing and wall fitting unused bird tables POA. Tel 01747 820392 7 lengths of 12 foot timber 4x2 treated - £40 01258 268810. Run with house attached for Bantams or Rabbits £40 01258 268810. Small duck house suitable for 4-5 ducks - £45 01258 268810 Baby Weaver wooden highchair, excellent condition, hardly used £50. 01747 854983. Pelham puppet witch + frog puppet, good condition. £30 for both. 01747 852408. Constantine bone buttons, steel reeds, no wrist straps, in original case. Good condition, £70. 01747 852408. Florabest electric, long reach hedge cutter, excellent condition. £30 cash, buyer collects. 01747 822772. Almost new walking aid including shopping bag £35 ono. 01935 412892. Grundig radio/tape deck/6 auto CD changer plus users manual £45ono 01935 412892 Flymo glider mower like new still have box and instructions, electric £40. 07523 564668. 2 pairs men’s jeans (New) straight leg 342 waist, 302 leg £7.50 each. Shaftesbury 07773 657363. Two quality 2 drawer 52(W)x52(D)x58(H)cm
The former Liberal Democrat nominee for Wiltshire and Swindon Police and Crime Commissioner Liz Webster is stepping down ahead of the re-run election on August 19 for personal and family reasons. She said: “Having had some time to reflect since the botched Wiltshire & Swindon PCC election, I am sorry to disappoint supporters and announce I will not be putting my name forward to be the Liberal Democrat candidate. “Like everyone else outside the leadership of the Conservative Party, I was shocked to discover the news of their disgraceful actions in not telling voters that their candidate, Jonathon Seed had been convicted of a drink driving offence and so was ineligible to stand for election as PCC. “The delay in making that statement until after the polls had closed was cynical and disgraceful. Had voters known about it before they voted, I believe I would have been elected and would now be hard at work as the new Police and Crime Commissioner. That action means a new election costing taxpayers around £1.5m and today I renew my call on the Conservative Party to pay this bill as they are the cause of it. “When I learned there would have to be a by-election, I assumed that just like when an MP or councillor resigns or dies, that election would take place promptly, only to discover it will not happen for three months. This was an exhausting election campaign and the prospect of another three months of campaigning simply does not work for me for personal and family reasons. “So I am disappointed to say that I am stepping away from the candidacy, but I will still be working with the campaign team and I am delighted my good friend Cllr Dr Brian Mathew is stepping up.”
modern light wooden bedside tables with chrome handles: £35. Bargain. Call 01963 251884. Decking oil by Mann’s, 5 litres,clear, £12, less than half price. 01747 840641. Revlon magnifying makeup mirror as new. Illuminated with adjustable stem. Less than half price. £25. 01747 840641. Baby car seat and base. 2 way fix Pebble Plus,no accidents. Grandparents selling. Cost c.£350. Now £80 01747 840641. Cobra Rotary Mower 18" cut, 7 different cutting heights, 35cc engine, little used in excellent condition £50ono. 01258 453301. Wall plates by Lena Lou tulip ensemble 217 issue 1991 plus 5 other plates new £10 each 01722 711456. EP racing boat radio controlled transmitter 380 high speed motor twin props length 700mm width 252mm £45 01722 711456. Bertram Mills Circus Olympia 1952 programme, 35 answers Britain’s national journals 1952, poular garden mags 1967, offers 01722 711456. Old Belling electric metal bed warmer working order £10 01722 711456. Our Dogs magazine 1950 320 pages £5 01722 711456. Launch brochure rms Mauritania july 28th 1938 £25 01722 711456. Hunter chasers ptpt books 1961 to 1988 by hh geoffrey sale mackenzie selby offers 01722 711456. One gallon plnk paraffin can good condition £25 01722 711456. Vintage Stewart Turner pump No10 (not tested). £10. Pet basket 18”dia. £10 01258 861032. Men’s Hybrid touring bike with panniers. Shogun 18 gears £125 ono. 01747 811238. Ride on mulching mower 42" cut Craftsman £325 ono Tel 01747 811238. 1970s Portmeirion coffee set £40. Metal double bed headboard £20. Wooden display cabinet - sliding glass doors £45. Tel: 07884 102777. Chaff Cutter, Saw Bench, Stationary engines etc. All offers considered call 01747 854561. Folding treadmill. Horizon omega 2, VGC, £150ono, collection only. 01747 840355. One free rider, Westminster mobility scooter, silver. VGC, 2 speed with hood. £950. 01747 860241 White motocaddy golf trolley, complete with charger, VGC £70 01747 860241. Four garden compost bins, £5 each. Buyer collects. 01963 351639 / 07971 973308. n Outline plans to build up to 65 homes on land east of Gold Hill Business Park in Lower Common Road, Child Okeford, have been refused by Dorset Council. The outline application by Leaper Land Promotion for the 2.9 hectare agricultural field, opposite a site where plans for 68 homes were refused on appeal last August, where a new application for 28 homes is now being considered, was turned down on June 3. Grounds for refusal included the site’s lack of sustainability, being some distance from the village centre, and the development’s unacceptable impact on the character of the village and Hambledon Hill. In addition to objections from some statutory consultees, there had been over 200 neighbour objections, together with those of the parish council and CPRE, and only four representations in favour highlighting the economic benefits of the proposal. Items for Sale
7 SAT NAVS FOR SALE never used various makes plus charger £300 for all 7 Tel 01258 472341
BODYFIT ELECTRIC MINI TREADMILL - 500 watts - never been used £120ono 01258 454102
BALED SHREDDED PAPER. Ideal for animal bedding or packing. 50 kilo bales £10 each 07714 289400.
20G LINCOLN PREMIER GOLD, O/U, mint condition, £475. Anschutz 1517 rifle, with telescopics (offers). 01747 822540 / 07974034439
20 NEW CLEAR 500ML FOOD GRADE PLASTIC BOTTLES with gold caps. Ideal for cordials or home brew. £12.80, discount for larger quantities 07714 289400