Friday, September 9, 2022 Wimborne Office 01202 842922 | Ferndown Office 01202 890890 Local, Loyal & Trusted Please call for a FREE valuation of your home Edition 37 FREE EVERY FORTNIGHT The New Stour & Avon Celebrating summer! Read online at: workersThoughtfulbringtheseasidetocarehomefunstersp12

2 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Antiques & Collectibles 20-21 Arts & Entertainments 37-41 Business 56-57 Farming & Environment 42-43 Dementia special 13-17 Food & Drink 22-24 Health & Wellbeing 25-29 Home & Garden 30-36 LocalLettersServices 50-51 Motoring 46-49 PropertyPetsPolitics 60-64 Puzzles 18-19 Recruitment 52-57 Sport 58-59 What’s inside this issue...Meetthe team Contact Us Advertising: Editorial: Postal enquiries to: 3 Alfred’s Way, Wincanton, BA9 9RU Classified ads: 01963 400186 or online at DEADLINES Display ads must be booked by Wednesday the week before publication, with final copy submitted by the Friday. Classified ads may be accepted after this, however these will be subject to available space. Lloyd Armishaw Publisher blackmorevale.netnewsdesk@ Tel: 01963 400186 Rusty Harness Account manager stourandavon.netrusty.harness@ Tel: 07714 289412 Debi Thorne Advertising sales manager blackmorevale.netdebi.thorne@ Tel: 07714 289409 Lorraine Drake Distributor @icloud.comlorraine_drake Tel: 07850 529937 EckersallFaith Reporter stourandavon.netnewsdesk@ Steve Belasco Acting editor stourandavon.netnewsdesk@ Jane Toomer Senior manageraccount blackmorevale.netjane.toomer@ Tel: 07714 289411 GibsonLorraine Reporter stourandavon.netnewsdesk@ Classified ads Classified adverts Tel: 01963 400186 double glazed UPVC windows and doors Call us on : or01202 82447507808 167949 Email: | Quote S&A for a free handleWEupgradeREPAIR OR REPLACE YOUR EXISTING n Dreamy times on the river p4; n GCSE joy p11; n Business on track Peggy p57

n And a developer who applied to build 21 new homes at Christchurch’s Steamer Point has seen its revised plans rejected.
Fordingbridge Town Council voted unanimously to recommend refusal of a planning application for land to the west of Whistbury Road. At an extraordinary public meeting, the town council’s planning committee said the outline plan for 342 properties submitted by Pennyfarthing Homes should be refused for several reasons. It said the link road to the site from the A338 should be built before the application could be started. The committee also raised questions about traffic assessments and complained that the ‘figures on the amount of recreation land do not add up.’
costs by up
The plan will be considered by New Forest District Council at their September 14 meeting.
was created by local

Plan for 342 homes unanimously rejected
BCP Council planners said Pennyfarthing’s application to build 12 houses and nine apartments with underground and surface parking would have an ‘unacceptable’ impact. The site, currently home to the derelict former coastguard building, would have required the felling of more than 50 trees said the council. It added: “The proposed development will have an unacceptable visual impact on this clifftop site.”£15,000thefts Approved Installers of: Offering up to 10 years warranty Call: 07340 259903 or email: Find us Facebookon With over 35 years of industry experience you are in safe hands. We design, supply and install all under one roof Replace your existing fossil fuel boiler with a 350% efficient heat pump and take advantage of the

Jelly good way pollutionhighlightto Wimborne Minster Year 4 single-usetheTheirschoolchildren.artworkhighlightspollutioncausedbyplastics.

Police are investigating the theft of £15,000-worth of bicycles and wheels from Wimborne. Officers received a report of a burglary in progress from a property in Horton at around 10.45pm on Thursday, August The18. stolen bikes included a burgundy-coloured Cervelo Aspero with a distinctive gold chain, and a limited-edition Team Edition black Cannondale Supersix Evo Hi Mod with purple and pink details. The Cannondale bike did not have brakes or a chainset. A set of Rova Terra wheels were also PCstolen.Sebastian Haggett, of Dorset Police’s Rural Crime Team, said: “I would like to hear from anyone who witnessed any suspicious activity, particularly involving a red hatchback vehicle, or who may have captured anything of relevance on dashcam footage.” Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at £5000 boiler running to 60 % today for a free quotation
Contact us

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
upgrade scheme voucher and zero VAT Reduce your

This delightful display of jellyfish in

“It’s more important now than ever that people know there’s help and support out there.
There was a magnificent raffle with two lovely hampers from East Street Deli and McCarthyStone, plus gift vouchers from local shops and donation from friends.
OVER TO YOU: Outgoing president Jan Baseley presents Ron Franks with the chain, together with president-elect, Graham West

“We’d encourage anyone who’s struggling, or that knows someone who is, to seek free help by contacting us on 0800 328 0006 or visiting
Wimborne Civic Society’s evening meetings with visiting speakers are open to all, and are held at 8pm on the third Tuesday of each month in the Quarterjack Room of the Allendale Centre. The programme for 2022-23 will start on September 20, when Andrew Negus will talk about ‘Winchester: Bishops, Buildings And Bones’. A ndrew is an accomplished local historian & a Blue Badge guide to OnWinchester.October18, members and guests will be able to hear about ‘Corfe Castle: Medieval Masons & Tumbling Towers’, when Pam White will be giving an illustrated address. On November 15, astronomer Bob Mizon will speak about ‘Starry Skies Near You: The Cranborne Chase Dark Sky Non-membersReserve’. are welcome for a modest entry fee of £3.00. You are welcome to join the society at any meeting at £10 for a year’s membership for an individual, or £15 for a couple.
An East Dorset charity says many low income families are already struggling with soaring energy prices. Hope Church in Ferndown, alongside other local churches, have been helping local people get free of debt through partnering with Christians Against Poverty (Cap) for the past eight years. But they warn that living is now costing millions of low income families everything as energy prices are set to soar again from October.
Pam Ansell, Cap’s debt centre manager in Ferndown, said: “The October energy price rise will result in debt, desperation and even destitution for people this winter. People need more support to ensure they can afford their basic needs.
New president for Rotary Club
Wimborne Radio compered the events and provided Dreamboatsmusic.plans to buy a boat suitable for people with disabilities to use, so the pleasures of the river are open to all.

Pictures: TOM SCRASE
Dreamboats held a very successful regatta again this year, reports Linda Brazier The sun shone, people came and enjoyed the barbecue, a tipple at the bar and then home made cakes and tea. This year the entertainment was by the rock band Samurais, who were excellent, and the ever-popular East Dorset Marching Band. The Canoe Club, which is based at Riverside, had their ‘try a canoe’ available and some of the members took part in a very energetic game of canoe polo. The climbing wall proved popular with the children and some adults.
The boat racing took place again this year with slightly fewer willing members to crew the boats. The trophy to the winning team was presented by Carol Butters the mayor.

Colehill resident Ron Franks is the new president of Wimborne Rotary and received his chain of office at a recent lunchtime meeting. Outgoing president Jan Baseley, who held office for a record total of 17 months due to Covid restrictions, welcomed Ron at a special handover meeting at the club’s new meeting venue, Wimborne Football Club. Ron said: “I am looking forward to guiding the club through the coming year and I hope to welcome some new members during my year in office. “Wimborne Rotary now has a first-class venue for its fortnightly regular meetings, and we would welcome any enquiries from new members who are keen to get involved in our support of the community”, he added.
4 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
Annual regatta proves a dream of a day
Free advice on energy debt Civic society talk programme
us today to arrange a viewing... a warm welcome awaits you.

The Museum of East Dorset in Wimborne is holding a volunteer recruitment open event on Saturday, September 17. Staff and volunteers will be on hand to discuss the variety of fantastic opportunities available, taking you behind the scenes at the museum. There are roles to suit all, from admin and facilities support to customer-facing posts such as front of house, the Tea Room, learning and events.
Exceptional Platinum Award-Winning Care Gold Standards Framework 2022
BSO dementia-friendly cake concertJoin museum

Dorset Police are appealing for more information after a number of severed deer heads were found in Colehill.
Police say that on the morning of Wednesday, August 17, ‘deer heads were found discarded on a manure pile in a field in the area of Colehill Lane.’ PCKate Schofield, of the Rural Crime Team, is carrying out enquiries and urges anyone with information to get in touch. “This is a distressing incident and we are doing all we can to identify those responsible.”
No matter how much time you have to offer, whether you have specific skills or just want to find out how you can help, you can just pop in for a relaxed chat on September 17.
Tea dance heaven There is a tea dance at Broadstone Memorial Hall on Friday, September 23 from The2-4pm.event will be run by Shall We Dance, Dorothy, Gerry and ThereHazel.will be another dance on October 28, also from 2-4pm. To book your place and find out more information call 01202 no dance in November but the Christmas bash is on Friday, December 9. Cost is £5 per person to include tea and home made cakes. Carers are sponsored by the Leonardo Trust and there is a mixture of ballroom, Latin and party dances.

The Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra has announced its September programme with concerts in and around Dorset. and they include a BSO ‘Cake Concert’ at The Spire in popularAgoodwithknownmusiciansonperformance,ThisPoole.dementia-friendlyfrom2.30pmSeptember12,willfeatureperformingwell-classicsforalltoenjoycake,ahotdrinkandcompany.mixtureofclassicalandfavouriteswill be performed amidst the beautiful backdrop of The Spire’s Rose Hall. The musicians will introduce their instruments and repertoire between pieces, whilst refreshments will be served to all in both intervals. People with dementia who are in care or living in the community are welcome, as are their carers. For more details of all upcoming BSO concerts, visit

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number Deer55220134024.inquiries

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 LUXURY SENIOR LIVING BOURNEMOUTH A warm welcome awaits you at Glenhurst Manor Exceptional Platinum Award-Winning Care Gold Standards Framework 2022 Lasting Deliciousfcompanionship ood Elegant interiors Spacious en-suite rooms 01202 761175

6 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Wimborne's Kitchen Specialists Kitchens project managed from design to IndividualinstallationKitchens, Affordable Prices Mobile: 07725 184051 Showroom: 01202 022049 Email: 61-63 LEIGH ROAD, WIMBORNE, DORSET BH21 WWW.MK-INTERIORS.CO.UK1AE DesignFREEandPlanning CONTACT US: Showroom inside Dacombes of Wimborne Wow, does this garden grow!

Wimborne Community Garden in association with Beaucroft College started back in May this year as it ventured out into transforming part of a playing field into a vegetable and flower garden which would provide food for the local Food Bank and Community Kitchen, support the volunteers and hopefully bring joy and a deep sense of satisfaction to those work there... as well as a few aching muscles. Since then, the garden has blossomed with the vegetable beds producing beans, tomatoes, potatoes, beetroot, sweetcorn, red onions, herbs, courgettes and lettuces which have been shared with the Food Bank and Community Kitchen, neighbours and volunteers. A flower bed runs along the fence and the sunflowers, grown by Beaucroft students, look delightful amongst the cornflowers, rudbeckia and verbeena and have drawn many compliments from passers-by. So it’s fair to say the garden is on its way... however, it is yet to be made official. But this Sunday, September 11, from 3.004.30pm, the Mayor of Wimborne Carol Butter, will officially open the garden at the grand opening event. Rumour has it that instead of launching the garden with a bottle of Champagne as is the tradition with ships, the garden is to be launched by means of a pumpkin! Rest assured, the pumpkin will not be damaged in the process but the garden will be delighted to be set on its way and to relish what ventures and developments lie ahead. Everyone is welcome to come - we would be love to see you at the garden! We are to be found at the top of Stone Lane (BH21 1HQ) adjacent to Redcotts rec. We are always open on a Wednesday morning and Friday and Sunday afternoons so do come along and see us to join or just for a visit. To find out more you will find us at: lovelocaltrustlocal Email, or phone 07502429668 If anyone has any old decking wood ie tanalised timber, we would be so grateful if you could give it to us as we are using it to make clean edging for all our veggie beds. We will be delighted to come and pick up any you might have. Thank you! XXL: Colourful produce and flowerbeds above, safety first always...


by Jane Benson

Let us install We are your local NEFF Experts and here to help Dacombes of Wimborne YourNEFFInstoreExpert Mark "Why not pop in and let us help you choose the right NEFF appliances for your kitchen, in our Award WinningShowroom?"Wimborne Local Personal Service at Internet Prices 61 - 63 Leigh Road, Wimborne, BH 21 1 AE 01202 882615 Choose Enjoy Dacombes of Wimborne We also offer a design, supply and kitchen fitting service via MK Interiors in-store

n Little wonder that the UK is in such dire straits when we have Conservative MPs such as the Right Honourable Christopher Chope (S&A, 26th August): “We should end restrictions on the use of household coal and wood burning stoves for heating” with “the net zero CO2 emissions target subject to the test of affordability”. Unbelievable that he should, apparently seriously, make such proposals. Is he completely isolated from the world of fact and information?Thenhegoes on to once again condemn the NHS for the huge problem of bed-blocking when this has been an increasing factor for years owing to his corrupt and inept government utterly failing to deal with the mounting staff crisis in both the NHS and the care system, accentuated by Brexit. Ronnie Rees Wimborne I read with dismay the opinion piece by Chris Chope MP. He advocates more deregulation, suggesting businesses should take more Doesresponsibility.hethink the water companies would respond to that and ensure our beaches and rivers are clean? He also suggests our progress towards net zero should be subject to affordability. I agree, the facts linking emissions to global warming are now well establishedanyone with common sense who has witnessed events both here and abroad this year would conclude that we cannot afford not to act Finally,swiftly. it is a scandal that so many hospital patients await discharge for too long. Who does he think is responsible for this? Fine, let’s charge the costs to those responsible - I think he’ll find that it’s largely the lack of action, funding and any reasonable plan by his government over many Iyears.hope Patricia Miller, the chief executive of the NHS Dorset Integrated Care Board is preparing her invoice now.
Cartoon by Lyndon Wall are very welcome, however we cannot publish and to

Inept blaminggovernmenttheNHS
Your help could save a life
Verwood Choral Society is ready to start singing again in earnest. The choir briefly met for a few weeks’ rehearsal during May for a performance on the memorial field to celebrate the Queen’s ApartJubilee.from that, we have not sung together since February On2020.Monday, September 19, however, we will be starting up again and preparing for a lovely Christmas Concert with some new music and some old favourites. If you have ever thought you would like to give singing a try, why not come along to a session and see what you are missing. Verwood Choral society is a mixed choir of both gentlemen and ladies and we always welcome new members, especially any Therebasses.are no auditions, just a love of music and singing We meet every Monday at St Michaels’ Parish Church, Verwood, between 7.30pm and 9.00pm. For further information, please contact me on 01202 829212 or e-mail me alternatively,sumlon@hotmail.comatfeelfreeto just turn up any Monday evening and you will be given a warm welcome.
Sue Longstaff Verwood
edit them as deemed necessary
In preparation for World Suicide Prevention Day tomorrow, Saturday, September 10, Samaritans are asking the public to consider doing the following if something doesn’t look right, or a person looks as if they need help. Introduce yourself Ask their name Ask if they are okay, or if they need Makehelpacomment on the weather
Ask them where they are going Ask if they know where you can get a coffee Ask for the time If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, the Samaritans are here to help 24/7 with free confidential support and a listening ear. You can call free day or night on 116 123, or email us at:
we reserve the right
Invite going out to all would-be singers
Your email comments
Letters email: OFF THE WALL...
them anonymously
Robert AlderholtWestwood
8 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Why not arrange a visit to see for yourself 01258 857378 | | “Your staff are exemplary in every way. They care for my every need, showing genuine kindness and always go above and beyond the call of duty. The excellent chef caters for my special diet - all cooked to perfection. I couldn’t ask for anything more.” Current residentExceptionalGoldWeAward-WinningPlatinumCare2022havebeenawardedthismuchsoughtafteraccoladeforourworkwithStandardsFrameworkCare in Stunning Surroundings Live life better... every day at Spetisbury Manor Bright, airy spaces Loyal

The very colourful flower displays in Wimborne Minster added to the great setting for the 22nd annual duck race on the River Allen in aid of Wimborne in Bloom, and it was all of a quack again this year. It took place at the bottom of Mill Lane, starting by the bridge and mayor of Wimborne Carol Butter gave a hand to get the ducks on their way down river - by permission of the Slocock Trustand over the finishing line beside the garden at the back of the Rising Sun in East Street. Tickets to sponsor a duck were sold in town before and on race day itself at £1 each. The winner of the first duck home received £50, second £25, third £10 and fourth, fifth and sixth, £5 each. The proceeds - more than £1,400 - were in aid of Wimborne in Bloom funds. Scrase

Words and pictures: Tom
A quacking day for annual duck race

10 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022

At the time of writing this column, the identity of the new Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party is yet to be revealed. What is certain, however, is that the challenges facing the new occupant of 10 Downing Street - the eighth since I first became an MP - are immense. Fortunately, there is still time for radical emergency action to be taken in response to the problems caused by Putin’s war against civilisation. The primary victims of Putin’s aggression are the citizens of Ukraine who continue to defy the odds by defending their homeland, 20% of which is still illegally occupied by Russia. It is a cause for national pride that we have given such a warm welcome to over 100,000 refugees from Ukraine. Many Ukrainians are now settled in Dorset and it was heartening to meet some of them at a summer garden party held in their honour at Moorlands College, Sopley. Although most are looking forward to returning to Ukraine, many still have practical issues as well as worries about relatives and friends back home engaged in the armed struggle. A few are now in need of fresh host families to replace those unable to extend their hospitality further.
I often travel to London for meetings. Luckily, I am home based, so I wouldn’t call it a commute. I really feel sorry for anyone who does commute by rail though, based on my experiences last Friday.
Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher We must exercise self-restraint and sacrifice
Against this background, Boris Johnson was absolutely right in his appeal that we should keep our resolve in defending Ukraine despite the personal privations increasingly being experienced as a consequence of escalating energy prices and galloping inflation. We should be responding with the same defiance as our Ukrainian friends while recognising that we are secondary victims of Putin’s aggression. Our welfare state cannot insulate everyone against these disastrous consequences. Everyone has a part to play in our national response. Hysterical scaremongering coming from some quarters doesn’t help because it creates a sense of individual impotence and perpetuates the falsehood that it is only the Government that can ‘do something’. The people of Ukraine are taking personal responsibility and making sacrifices in their own courageous efforts. We should be following their example and acting in the national interest. It is, therefore, unacceptable that some Union leaders seem intent on using their monopoly power in the coming weeks to hold their fellow citizens to ransom while selfishly arguing for unaffordable pay increases.
You may be aware that a small section of track on the West of England line between Gillingham and Tisbury has a speed restriction of 40mph in place rather than the normal The80mph.reason for the speed restriction is that the clay-based embankment outside Tisbury has dried out during the recent heat wave and the track has sagged as a result. And Network Rail needs it to rain enough before they can fix it. This is climate change in action, folks. We need infrastructure in this country that is resilient to it, whether the planet warms by 1.5 degrees or 2.5. It’s happening, and we’ve got to be better prepared. By any measure, halving the speed on a short section is a minor limitation. However it is apparently responsible for the whole timetable going to pot. Trains have been cancelled at short notice, or diverted via Westbury. Travellers are missing meetings in the city, and/or getting home two hours Thelate. emergency timetable now in place cuts the train frequency down to once an hour from the previous every 30 minutes previous peak service. The majority of services now terminate prematurely at Basingstoke or Yeovil, with through services to Waterloo or Exeter reduced. Who is responsible – apart from climate change? Whilst South West Rail like to appear blameless, I’m not convinced they’ve tried hard enough to accommodate through works. Pressure needs to be kept on both them and Network Rail to remedy the situation as soon as possible. I hope all our elected politicians will do that. What chance is there of reinstating the double track? Well the track bed is all there at least, meaning an upgrade is more practical than say reinstating the old lines through Blandford or Verwood. A 2020 Network Rail report indeed recommended doubling the line in key segments that would enable a higher frequency and more resilient timetable. Regrettably, this recommendation is un-costed. So we are years away from knowing if it is economic, let alone whether it will happen. Finally, the current debacle should give pause to plans from rail operators to close many ticket offices. The gentleman at Gillingham dealt with about 10 queries from confused passengers in the hour I sat in the waiting room. Apps and machines are fine if the trains run on time 99% of the time. But this is not the case. Ticket offices should at least be manned during morning peaks and times of disruption. When trains are cancelled, why not put the train staff at the stations Maybeinstead?these ‘antiquated employment contracts’ we hear about prevent that.
Political round-up

We need to be better prepared for warming
Putin has unleasheddeliberatelythesedestructive forces of inflation to wreck our economy and would like nothing more than for us to press the self-destruct button by further fuelling that inflation. We must recognise that threat and, instead of playing into Putin’s hands, be exercising personal self-restraint and sacrifice while being generous to those less fortunate than ourselves. These are the best weapons at our disposal as, indeed, they are in every war.
by Lorraine Gibson
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
At Corfe Hills, headteacher James Sankey said: “Our students have worked so hard and thoroughly deserve the superb results they have achieved. “We are incredibly proud of their resilience and commitment over two very demanding years.” In Christchurch, executive head of Twynham and The Grange, Jy Taylor said: “Today is a story of individual successes and there are so many of them. At the age of 13 and 14 these children were faced with an unprecedented set of circumstances with schools moving to online learning. “Plenty of students have achieved 8 or 9 Grade 9s but today we celebrate all of our children.” Parkfield School, Hurn, saw 50 per cent of all grades awarded ‘strong’ passes at grade 5 or above.
What are Lasting Powers of Attorney and why do I need one?
There are two types of LPA document – one that covers financial matters and the other health. You should get both types of LPA drawn up as soon as possible, well in advance of when – or if – they might be needed. Book an appointment with a Maplebrook Wills by calling 07832 331594

Like Wills, lasting powers of attorney (LPA’s) are an essential part of estate planning. Why? While wills only come into effect once a person has died, LPAs are effective if someone is still alive but no longer able to function normally.
Exam resilience reaps rewards

LPAs allow you to nominate a trusted person called an attorney. They can make decisions on your behalf if you are no longer able to do so. An LPA gives the attorney the authority to act on your behalf. Both financially and with matters pertaining to your health and care. It goes without saying that attorneys must be people you trust. But what happens if someone doesn’t have an LPA? If you lose mental capacity a bank would freeze all accounts –including any in joint names. Even family members would not be able to access them at first. Obtaining access to the accounts requires a long, drawn-out application to the Court of Protection, and this is a far more expensive process than getting an LPA in the first place.
“Without a ‘lasting power of attorney’ document created in advance, families can find themselves locked out of an ailing loved one’s finances and facing a complicated court process to be appointed their ‘deputy’, with fees running into many thousands of pounds.”
At St Peter’s Catholic School, St Catherine’s Road, Ben Doyle, headteacher summed-up his students’ GCSE success saying that he was exceptionally proud of year 11’s resilience and of ‘how they have performed in their GCSE and vocational “Assubjects.with the A-Levels, there are simply too many outstanding performers to mention by Aname.”pupil who was delighted with her grades said: “Even though it was hard at times with remote learning and studying alone a lot, we still worked hard and got really good results results.” At Ferndown Upper School, headteacher Philip Jones was equally proud and said: “It has been an extremely difficult and challenging year for them and they have risen to this challenge superbly. I wish them all the very best for their future, they have been a pleasure to teach.” Katie Boyes, headteacher at Queen Elizabeth’s School, Wimborne, said: “We are absolutely delighted with the results of each of our Year 11 students. “This cohort has faced an incredibly tough two years having disrupted years of schooling since starting at QE as a result of the“ThePandemic.resultsare fantastic. Behind every set of results is a student who has worked exceptionally hard, demonstrating determination and resilience. We are incredibly proud and congratulate them all.”
Chris Tennant
Night sky events with Bob Mizon MBE of the Wessex Astronomical Society In late August and early September, find a dark site uncluttered by trees and houses (and of course light pollution), with a low southern Late-nighthorizon.observers might notice a group of stars, due south, looking like a dot-todot teapot, pouring out just above the horizon (some younger readers might like to search ‘what’s a Theteapot’?).celestial teapot is formed by the main stars of the constellation of Sagittarius the Archer. Near its spout, to the right, lurks an unseen monster. In this direction, at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, churns an enormous black hole about four million times more massive than the Sun. You won’t see Clearthat. skies! in the sky PASS MASTERS: Results joy at Queen Elizabeth’s School
A teapot

‘Life’s a beach’ for fun-loving residents
12 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
It’s a vibrant, richly-detailed guide for anyone hungry to discover more about the natural world long ago. He says: “My personal top three fossil locations are Penarth in Wales (my most commonly visited site), Watchet in Somerset (an underappreciated gem), and the areas around the Black Ven of Charmouth (often overshadowed by nearby Lyme).” And his most unusual finds? “Often when the fossils have been eroded weirdly, like a zig-zagging ammonite cross section, or mystery fossils that would be missed by most, like the inner ear bones of whales.” The most exciting? “Anything articulated (multiple fossils still connected close to life position).” Rhys effortlessly conveys the joy of fossilhunting and where best to discover them. Under his and the Natural History Museum’s guidance, you can ‘unlock breathtaking fragments of a lost world.’ But what about responsible fossiling? “If you find anything important, post it on an online forum for discussion where researchers or museums can look at it.” He adds: “For ‘pick-uppable’ discoveries there isn’t much regulation, but if you find something big that needs proper excavation you’ll need help anyway, so there’s little chance of slipping it off the beach unnoticed.” His personal holy grail would be anything truly unexpected. “For example,” he explains, “finding a fossil you can identify as being a dinosaur jawbone, but from an area where no such discovery has been made before, so you may have found a new species.”
“Bizarrely,” he says, “the oddest thing for me was seeing the spine of the book and my name written there.”
by Lorraine Gibson
Residents at a Dorset care home showed how much they love to be beside the seaside – without leaving the comfort of their Whilelounge.there are regular summer trips from Colten Care’s Brook View in West Moors to nearby coastal beauty spots, some residents cannot go for various members decided to ‘bring the seaside to the home’, transforming the lounge into a fun beachscape complete with sand, buckets and spaces, ‘rockpools’, ice cream and even a candy floss machine. Residents made balloons in the shape of sea creatures such as octopuses and there were competitions involving rockpool fishing and building sandcastles. Companionship team leader Sarah Moule said: “We thought it would be a great idea to host a beach-themed day here at the home as not everyone can always get out to the seaside. “Also, we did it in response to a request from one of the regulars on our minibus trips, Daphne “WhenSimpson.we go to the coast, Daphne always wants to get her feet wet. It’s the same with the New Forest - she will want to find a pool to go paddling in. “Seaside holidays tend to give us some of our happiest memories - and the same goes for our residents, including Daphne. “Most of them spent time enjoying beaches and coastal trips in their youth and so having the seaside brought to Brook View was a lovely experience for them.”

ICE TO KNOW YOU: Daphne Simpson enjoys the seaside experience with a friendly octopus

New book highlights fascination of fossils
So, you want to be a proper fossil hunter? Before you pull on your wellies and arm yourself with a geological hammer and safety goggles, grab a copy of Rhys Charles’s inspirational new book, Frozen in Time: Fossils of the United Kingdom and Where to Find them. Rhys, 29, is a bona fide expert in the things, having studied Palaeontology & Evolution at Bristol, graduating with a masters in 2015, and boy, does he know where to look for Fromthem.Verwood, he now runs the Bristol Dinosaur Project, which connects with schools (mainly in deprived areas) and community groups to giving children access to opportunities they might otherwise miss.
Rhys admits that seeing his first book, in the flesh felt very odd: “I’ve seen the cover image of the cover for a long time but it’s very different physically handling it.”
Rhys rates Lyme Regis, near the famous Ammonite Pavement as the UK’S most fossiliferous area. “It is one of the best collecting sites in the entire world. There’s always material there to be found.” His first find cemented a love of dinosaurs and started a journey which sees him a leading light in his field, so much so, that he was approached by the Natural History Museum to write this beautiful book.
Frozen in Time: Fossils of the United Kingdom and Where to Find Them. Out now from good booksellers, £10.99.

People can still live well with dementia

Although there is no cure for dementia, scientists and researchers are working hard to nd one. Until that day comes, support and treatments are available that can help with symptoms and managing daily life. ese can allow people with dementia to lead active, purposeful lives and carry on doing the things that matter to them most.

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022

Advertisment feature


Just think how you could relax without the worry of the upkeep of a property and garden; where everything you need to live a comfortable and ful lled life is under one roof with an incredible team of people on hand to deal with any worries or concerns. at’s how it could be if you choose to make a move to Heathland House Care Home in Ferndown which will be opening its doors to new residents very soon. is is another ‘jewel in the crown’ for Cinnamon Luxury Care which has retirement villages and care homes across the country and which has been recognised as a Top 20 Rated Care Home Group in the UK by independent reviews website
St Ives House is owned by Care South, a not-for-profit charity and leading provider of residential and home care across the south of England. The home is situated in a delightful location near Ringwood and offers residential, respite and dementia care in a safe, home-from-home. rate South among the

Simon Bird, Chief Executive Officer at Care South, commented: “It is always good to receive so many endorsements from our residents, their families and friends who have taken their time to recommend us, and praise the amazing and compassionate care being provided by all our frontline care staff. We really appreciate all our staff who have gone to such great lengths to make our residents’ experiences in later life the best that they can be.”
or visit
UK’s best
Residents and their families have rated Care South as one of the Top 20 Large Care Home Groups in the UK. The award is based on care home reviews from its residents, as well as their friends and relatives.

Imagine living in a place where your care needs are fully supported in luxurious yet homely surroundings.

Heathland House o ers residential and dementia care together with the opportunity for short respite stays. As well as stylish lounges and elegant dining rooms, each of the fully furnished bedrooms at Heathland House is beautifully appointed with a convenient ensuite bathroom and there are a limited number of care suites with ensuite bedroom and adjoining lounge complete with a compact kitchenette –perfect for couples or for singles looking for more space and independence. And for residents seeking companionship, the comfortable lounges are where they can meet with friends to enjoy a co ee and a chat. ere is a dedicated Hairdressing Salon and all activities from arts and cra s, quizzes and lms are shaped around the interests and hobbies of the people who will live at Heathland House. To nd out more about our limited Pre-Opening Promotion at Heathland House and to book a tour call Alison on 01202 139 735 or email CourtHampshireCinnamon’ For further information about St 209464

14 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
JEWEL IN THE CROWN Heathland House in Ferndown – a brand new ‘Jewel in the Crown’ for Cinnamon Luxury Care experienceshavetheirofis In the heart of the Ashley Heath community Horton Road Ashley Heath | BH24 2EE Contact us today to see how we can help create a new home for you or a loved one 01425 Care South is a not-for-profit charity Registered Charity No. 1014697 St Ives House residential and dementia care – warmly welcoming new residents and inviting families and friends visiting their loved ones to share in the Food, Fun and Friendship South
Ives House call 01425

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 MAKING DEMENTIA A THING OF THE PAST experiencesfriendsawardofistheirhave In the heart of the Ashley Heath community Horton Road Ashley Heath | BH24 2EE Contact us today to see how we can help create a new home for you or a loved one 01425 Care South is a not-for-profit charity Registered Charity No. 1014697 St Ives House residential and dementia care – warmly welcoming new residents and inviting families and friends visiting their loved ones to share in the Food, Fun and Friendship South

16 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022


WE ARE RECRUITING We are recruiting a number of interesting roles within our care
us. We’d love to hear from you. We are rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission


All of our bedrooms have ensuite wet rooms, are equipped with overhead hoists, and all have lovely views of our gardens and woodland. We believe that variety and stimulation is so important and activities such as singing and dancing have a wonderful effect on wellbeing. The home has its own pub, the Railway Tavern, serving pub lunches and an art deco theatre for musical and drama productions. The local community are also actively involved such as theatrical groups using our theatre to rehearse and put on shows for us and other local care homes. There are cameras in the garden, including one in a bird box, so residents are able to watch what goes on in the garden on their televisions. We also have wonderful staff who truly enjoy their work and being a part of what we do in many ways, from providing care to singing and dancing in our theatre.
We have opportunities as
We are a family owned and managed care home where the direct involvement of our family on a daily basis means that we provide care of the highest quality within a homely and unique environment. As a family we have been providing care to the local community for over 40 years and with the experience and knowledge gained over time we strive to stay at the forefront of residential and nursing care.
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022

The home has been described as a cruise ship, everything is on board. the best nursing home pub in the


100 Dunyeats Road, Broadstone, BH18 8AL Email: Tel:01202 693224 home. part time and full time care assistants housekeeping full training is provided. considering change in career or a move within care and you have the necessary passion and enthusiasm then please come and see

If you are

The design of our home is based on providing a community within a safe and secure environment while promoting access and wellbeing to those that are less able to do the things they have always done. A major aspect of the design is to provide stimulation and variety, something that is recognised to assist in wellbeing as we grow older as well as something that everyone is entitled to when living in care.
18 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Arrow Wordsearchwords Brain chain Crossword animalGapingjaws Dog’s house Chum Somedegreeslaw(abbr) Roster ‘Also(inits)called’ Glance Burglar’sbooty A person’shead Lives Set In total (3,4) Golf-ballholder Wear down Tinyflybiting Temptress ambassadorPapal AssociatePertinent Opposite of green? Firmament Computerkey Attempt ToyOutlooknamedafterRoosevelt hornedLarge-deer GentlemanEvasive 8 9 10 11 12 2016 23 24 1234567251314151718192122 Across 8 Brave; courageous (7) 9 Proprietor (5) 10 Disband troops (5) 11 Intolerance (7) 12 Limiting rules (12) 16 Manor (7,5) 20 Domestic fowl (7) 23 Provisional certificate of money (5) 24 Animal (5) 25 Sugar syrup (7) Down 1 Avoid (5) 2 Large, burning torch (8) 3 Bunny (6) 4 Stump (4) 5 Combated (6) 6 Tiny, biting fly (4) 7 Cloudiest, perhaps (7) 13 Wall-climbing plant (3) 14 Impede (8) 15 US rapper (3,4) 17 Fall into the habit of (4,2) 18 Without being asked (2,4) 19 Higher (5) 21 Muslim leader (4) 22 Memo (4) Werewolves HAIRYFRIGHTENCURSECLAWBLOODBITEBEASTANIMAL UTYDRGIFDSAOTIGSMWRMIWSRTTACHLPACTIHIHNTONSMIWOODSTRANSITIONSTRENGTHSHAPE-SHIFTERMUTANTMOONLIGHTLUPINEHOWLLNLRETFIHSEPAHSLIAATNATUMEFEBHTAEGHOESHLARTAHTLHUOSSGTNNSEUTTISURLRMECAEORNDMCENMEERTSEWAETONOITISNARTBORSHOTYRIAHIOUEUTHMNLPLEUAIPLSBSIRIIBLWOHSCUITRNETHGIRFLLLTLBGDNTSETWIALEFUCI 6 2 7 7 6 3 9 2 5 7 8 4 3 1 7 1 4 6 5 8 2 6 4 8 9 3 1 2 6 1 6 3 14 RESULT +13 ×1/3 ×7 ÷3 Sudoku Puzzles
Across 8 Circuitous movement in whole or small part (5) 9 Stick put in part of reactor gets to deteriorate (7) 10 Someone with an instinctive aptitude for buff colour (7) 11 Unspoken merit a citation seals (5) 12 One pillaging place in the control of monarch (9) 14 Take action against endless fatty tissue (3) 15 Brood? It’s old-fashioned on reflection (3) 16 Card? It’s fine around clubs with small amount of money (9) 19 It could supply a connection, it’s said, in set of notes (5) 21 Stay possibly around North America with liberal economic expert? (7) 23 Advertising body to reign usually (2,1,4) 24 Follow translator with trouble (5) Down 1 Unite at college and enlist (4,2) 2 Get in the way of work of court around summertime in the UK? (8) 3 Excite gentleman touring Thailand (4) 4 Prophetic artist discounted concerning vision? (6) 5 Members in order? Three are converted in Britain and Norway (8) 6 Necklace actor carefully conceals (4) 7 Arrange support for driving seat (6) 13 Terrible director broke rule accepting commercial fine (8) 14 Party moved into medical facility for beauty treatment (5,3) 15 Friendly college I found in rising Asian country (6) 17 Check renovation of pale section in church (6) 18 Pet let out finds farm animals (6) 20 Old friend brings precious stone (4) 22 Political group losing power interested in aesthetics? (4)
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Brain chain (hard) Jumbo 3D Sudoku Cryptic crossword 6 78 1 9 3 6 2 1 7 3 2 9 45 85 97 1 3 4 6 11 7 3 35 6 8 4 3 7 1 6 4 6 8 5 1 72 4 95 9 9 53 8 5 6 47 5 6 3 1 6 3 8 7 2 7 19 6 2 4 357 21 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 21 23 12345672413141517182022 Across 8 Circuitous movement in whole or small part (5) 9 Stick put in part of reactor gets to deteriorate (7) 10 Someone with an instinctive aptitude for buff colour (7) 11 Unspoken merit a citation seals (5) 12 One pillaging place in the control of monarch (9) 14 Take action against endless fatty tissue (3) 15 Brood? It’s old-fashioned on reflection (3) 16 Card? It’s fine around clubs with small amount of money (9) 19 It could supply a connection, it’s said, in set of notes (5) 21 Stay possibly around North America with liberal economic expert? (7) 23 Advertising body to reign usually (2,1,4) 24 Follow translator with trouble (5) Down 1 Unite at college and enlist (4,2) 2 Get in the way of work of court around summertime in the UK? (8) 3 Excite gentleman touring Thailand (4) 4 Prophetic artist discounted concerning vision? (6) 5 Members in order? Three are converted Britain and Norway (8) 6 Necklace actor carefully conceals (4) 7 Arrange support for driving seat (6) 13 Terrible director broke rule accepting commercial fine (8) 14 Party moved into medical facility for beauty treatment (5,3) 15 Friendly college I found in rising Asian country (6) 17 Check renovation of pale section in church 18 Pet let out finds farm animals (6) 20 Old friend brings precious stone (4) 22 Political group losing power interested aesthetics? (4) 7 12 8 11 16 13 14 11 12 12 11 917 812 10 12 6 33 21 21 1017 18 15 15 237 24 42 RESULT +136 -117 +31 ×1/2 -15 For the solutions turn to page 44 Killer Sudoku Pro: Place 1 to 9 once each into every row, column and boldlined 3×3 box. No digit may be repeated in any any dashed-line cage, and all the digits in each cage must add up to the value shown in that cage. Killer Sudoku Pro 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 19 21 23 12345672413141517182022
20 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 An ebonised table clock, circa 1690, Henry Stockar, London. SOLD FOR £6,500 • Entries invited for our Specialistforthcomingsales • Catalogues available online • Full calendar of Specialist sales Offices in Dorset, Wiltshire and London Free valuations every Friday, Wimborne office 8 West Borough, Wimborne Minster BH21 1NF 01202 842 900 A Belle Epoque seed pearl & diamond necklace. SOLD FOR £15,000 PASTIMES of Sherborne (near the Abbey) Thirty years of dealing in antique and Collectible Toys. Top prices paid for all types of model railway, die cast cars, early Action Man and Star Wars, Scalextric, Meccano, unmade Airfix kits etc. Those magical makes; Hornby, Dinky, Triang, Spot-On, Corgi, Subbuteo, Britains, Timpo plus plus plus Telephone: 01935 816072 Mobile: 07527 074343 COVID SAFE We’re coming back Just like the Old Days UPCOMING AUCTIONS 01425 480178 The Close, Ringwood, BH24 22nd1st10thSaturdays:SeptemberOctoberOctoberEach auction always includes the following sections: Jewellery and Silver - Works of Art Ceramics - Pictures - Books Miscellaneous Collectables such as Stamps, Postcards and Toys Furniture - Garden and Agricultural Items Contact us to find out about entering items into our auctions! We are an Auction House based in Poole, our Auctions are on a Saturday. We accept items for auction Tuesday-Thursday 10am – 4pm. Please drop in or call us for advice on items you wish to sell. Mannings Heath Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 4NQ 01202 723177 WE CAN ALSO OFFER A HOME VALUATION, PROBATE AND VAN SERVICE.

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
A pair of Old Master paintings are estimated to sell for £8,000-£10,000 in the Charterhouse two day auction in Sherborne on October 6 and 7. “The paintings have been in the same titled family for many years and are quite an exciting heBornpaintedThetoday.”butdisplayedthethey“DatingofCommenteddiscovery.”RichardBromellCharterhouse.tothelate1600sarefairlytypicalofartwhichwasproudlyincountryhouseswhichisrarelyseenpairofpictureswerebyAdrieanvanDiest.inTheHaguein1655travelledtoLondonaged just 17 where he was first employed by the Earl of Bath to paint views and ruins of the West Country. The paintings at Charterhouse depict classical rural scenes. Measuring 61cm x 72cm they are set in period carved giltwood frames and are estimated as a pair at £8,000-£10,000. n Richard Bromell and the team can be contacted for valuations at The Long Street Salerooms, Sherborne 01935 812277 alsocarsforbookswithtwo-daytakingauction.cominfo@charterhouse-wheretheyarefurtherentriesforthisOctoberauctionsalesofpictures,prints,andsportingitemsandtheirspecialistclassicandclassicmotorcyclesinOctober.

Antiques & Collectibles Free Specialist Valuation Days Watches, Jewellery & Silver 12th Fishing, Hunting, Shooting & Sporting 13th Pictures, Books, Maps & Postcards 14th Automobilia, Signs & Mantiques 15th Chinese, Japanese & Asian Art 16th Classic Motorcycle Auction 5th October Classic Car Auction 12th October Entries invited for the next above sales Microcar Museum Auction 27th October The Long Street Salerooms Sherborne DT9 3BS 01935 812277 12th October6th October5th October28th October 5th & 6th November5th & 6th November Specialist Free Valuation Days Monday 12th Pictures, Maps, Books & Postcards Tuesday 13th Silver, Jewellery, Watches & Clocks Wednesday 14th Model Cars, Trains, Dolls & Toys Thursday 15th Medals, Militaria, Coins & Stamps Friday 16th Asian Ceramics & Works of Art Classic Motorcycle Auction 28th October Classic Car Auction 11th November Further entries now being accepted The Long Street Salerooms Sherborne DT9 3BS ANTIQUES WANTED furniture, studioglassware,paintings,ceramics,pottery,Asianart, records. Call Jerry 07906 530054 Old atpaintingsmasterauction 07922 069 270 01202 743860 Email

Preheat oven to 190C, gas 5. Put parsnips and swede in a large saucepan, cover with cold water and add a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 15-20 minutes until tender. Drain then mash with 1 tbsp oil and Meanwhile,season. heat 1 tbsp oil over a medium-high heat in a large sauté or frying pan (with lid). Fry sausages for 5 minutes, turning often, until starting to brown. Transfer to a roasting tin and put in the oven for 15 minutes, until cooked through. Return the pan to the heat with the remaining 1/2 tbsp oil, the shallots and a pinch of salt. Cover; cook for 8 minutes until softened, uncover and add the flour, stirring for 1 minute. Stir in wine, bubble until almost evaporated, then add stock, mustard, maple syrup and soy sauce. Simmer for 4-5 minutes for a saucy Servegravy. with steamed green beans. Recipe and picture: WAITROSE
2 echalion shallots, cut into thin wedges through the root 1 tbsp plain flour 150ml vegan red wine 250ml fresh Cooks’ Ingredients Vegetable Stock 2 tsp wholegrain mustard 1 tsp maple syrup ½ tbsp reduced salt soy sauce 200g green beans, steamed, to serve Method

22 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Food & Drink The ThaiUltimateExperience At Tiien Thai Restaurant, we are proud to create exceptional food that is carefully prepared and beautifully presented. Experience joy and harmony in a serene yet contemporary environment where the most exciting Thai food will be served. Our chefs source only the finest authentic Thai ingredients to produce the most sublime flavours. The team at Tiien will guide you on a magical adventure of tastes, aromas and textures. bournemouthTIIEN SOUTHBOURNETIIEN TIIENBROADSTONE Book your table and view our menus at 105 St Michael’s Rd, Bournemouth BH2 5DU 01202 299412 65 Seabourne Rd, Bournemouth BH5 2HD 01202 830620 13 Moor Road, Broadstone BH18 8AZ 01202 693600 Sausage & mash - ultimate comfort food by Lorraine Gibson Isn’t it odd how the nights suddenly seem to draw in the minute we hit midIt’sSeptember?thetime when food cravings shift from alfresco salads to comforting dishes, which is all very well, but stews and hearty roasts can take hours to cook, not ideal when we’re all trying to reduce our fuel consumption. So here’s a quick and easy recipe to help the transition and manage the budget at the same time. Vegan comfort food Sausages with root mash Prepare: 15 minutes Cook: 35 minutes Serves: 4 Ingredients 500g bag parsnips, peeled, trimmed, tough cores removed and cut into 1cm 1chunksswede (about 600g), thickly peeled and cut into 1cm chunks 2 ½ tbsp olive oil 8 Richmond Meat-Free Sausages

Our menus offer you the finest of local lngredients which include fish and of course our salt aged steaks

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Cooking... with Martha Legg In with...association /fleurdelysinn EAT, DRINK AND STAY at the Fleur De Lys in Cranborne 5 WIMBORNE STREET, CRANBORNE DORSET BH21 5PP 01725 551249
Sweet and Sour Sauce
2 Tbl spoons light soy sauce 4 Tlb spoons tomato ketchup
Bingo & Curry Night on selected Sundays. Everyone welcome £5 entry to charity with great prizes including Fleur Voucher. Steak Night on Wednesday. A FREE Bottle of Borsao House wine when you buy a Cote de Boeuf or Double T Bone to share or order two Rump or Sirloin steaks to your table.
WHAT’S ON Chicken Stir Fry with sweet and sour sauce

AnythingPakSpringRedMushroomsOnionPepperOnionsChoielse that would go into a stir fry, ie carrots, sliced very thinly, broccoli, etc
With our Room Bookings why not treat yourselves to a well deserved break staying with us in Cranborne. Bands in the Beer Garden, Coming soon!

You will find some of the finest wines, local beers and the usual favourites behind our well stocked bar

So, we’ve had a nice Sunday roast chicken, we had cold chicken and salad, (actually it was chips, but I am trying to convince myself that I am on a diet!), so what to do with the rest? Stir Fry! We actually like stir fries, not just because they are easy to prepare and cook, but it reminds us of our travels to Asia. We have been lucky enough to have been to India, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Our favourite will always be India but the others have their merits as well. A lot of the street food is stirred fry, served with rice or noodles and for some reason, the stalls have these really small stools by them so that you can sit and eat just after it has been cooked. I was alright as I am only five feet, but at six-feet-plus Martin used to have more of a struggle! It’s not so much the sitting down, but the getting up! Luckily, we did a lot of traveling before he had his hip done, as I don’t even think he would get down to the seat now! When we were in Malaysia, we went to Langkawi and stayed in Georgetown. One of my favourite eating places was a square with lots of different stalls round the edges, each one selling a different type of food. Martin is very partial to curry, so that’s what he had, I love spring rolls and they had so many different varieties! One night they had a Chinese dancing dragon there, it was wonderful, the music and the vibrant colours. Ah, memories! Ingredients Leftover chicken, you can use the breast but some of the other meat is more moist.
Packet of straight to wok noodles

4 Tbl spoons Rice wine vineger or saki 4 Tbl spoons caster sugar Method
As the chicken is cooked, I don’t put it in first Fry the onion in a small amount of sunflower oil in a wok Add the pepper and any other hard veg so that it can soften a bit I also add a bit of the sauce, to flavour the Addveg the mushrooms and everything else except the Pak choi Add the remaining sauce and then add the pak Addchoithe noodles and keep stirring until they have taken on some of the sauce colouring. Serve!

Passionate about sourcing from smaller, quality driven boutique producers who really care! Quantities are sometimes tiny, but that’s the only way to make amazing wine. Service and advice of the highest level, aiming for the best possible customer satisfaction.
Wine Cellar Planning Thinking of laying some wines down for future pleasure? Come and chat to Daniel for ideas on what to choose to suit your taste and budget.
Daniel believes that having the ability for people to select wines online will be very important and sees a lot of potential there.

Daniel believes there are definitely aspects of his previous career that have benefitted, especially when it came to stocktaking and pricing. “Mathematics is always in the background” he says.
Tutored Tastings We hold regular tutored Wine Tastings…lots of fun and a way to broaden your knowledge in an informal setting. 489771
Free Local Delivery Free local delivery when you mix a case of 12 bottles.
New Forest Wines 8 Christchurch Road Ringwood, BH24
A fine selection of interesting and unusual wines overflowing with character, balanced by a comprehensive range of Classics. Only wines that meet the strictest criteria get a listing – no global corporate mass-produced overly-branded wine here.
Free tasters regularly available towards the end of the week, Wine Tasting plus plenty of local and speciality spirits on free ‘Try Before You Buy’
24 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Food & Drink UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP
For some great food and wine matching ideas just ask away… Dinner Party Advice in person or via a ‘Sign on to Mailing List’ message on our website.
An Independent Merchant offering a fantastic selection of top quality wines, speciality spirits and locally produced beer and cider. All wines have been personally chosen, tasted and rated to ensure the best quality and value for money at all price levels.

Glasses Loan Having a wedding or party and need more drinking receptacles? Champagne flutes and wine glasses available for free loan (if you buy something to go in them!)
I have been running the shop with Graham’s help ever since, he says. “It was a real shock to the system but in a good way - I have had first-hand experience of all aspects of running a wine merchants. I think that it was evident from day one that I wanted to roll my sleeves up and get stuck in, ensuring that the shop maintained its high standards of customer service whilst still offering excellent quality wine and spirits to the local community. I will be forever grateful to Graham for giving a complete novice the chance to follow his dream.
Daniel is looking at developing the business but won’t be making any quick changes; one of his goals is to set up an online shop. Sales are down this year, however that is due to the horrendous roadworks affecting the access to Ringwood.
He is also thinking of the hybrid model, so customers can come in and have a glass of wine... but for now it will be business as usual. Cheers!
New Forest Wines has a new owner at the Danielhelm.
New owner uncorked at wine merchants
Read has been working at the shop since last April and has been mentored by the previous owner, learning all the aspects he would need to take over. Having a little experience but a massive passion for wine Daniel recently left his well-paid role in the NHS to pursue a career in wine, and having already undertaken some unpaid work in a vineyard and Studying for WSET (Wine & Spirit Education Trust) qualifications, Graham Sims the previous owner recognised his potential to take over the thriving business. Starting with the basics, Daniel was gradually brought up to speed on how to run the shop and has created a good rapport with the customers and the wholesale side of the Danielbusiness.whotook over the business fully at the beginning of September says: “I spent 10 years working for the NHS in data analysis and felt that during the first lockdown it was the right time to have a change in career path doing something that I was passionate about, rather than just doing a job to pay the bills.” A move to Dorset prompted Daniel to look for an opening in the wine trade. He visited several wine shops and three months after dropping his CV into New Forest Wines Graham got in touch.
Welcome to New Forest Wines
CEO Clare Gallie added: “We are delighted to welcome Michael on board as Patron. He’s been a wonderful support to us over the last 18 months for which we are hugely grateful.”
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Health & Wellbeing “Taking steps towards a brighter future...” Unit 5 & 6, Longham Business Park 168 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9BU Visit our website and find out more about fostering • Excellent Financial reward to fostering • Full training available • Single/Cohabit/Same sex FosterrelationshipCare

Michael Dooley FRCOG, the former High Sheriff of Dorset, has joined as Patron of Lewis-Manning Hospice

Former Sheriff joins hospice
MichaelCare. said: “I am thrilled to continue my journey in supporting Lewis-Manning and to be able to help them spread the word about their fantastic services across East Dorset and Purbeck. “My maiden official visit as High Sherriff, back in 2021, was actually to the hospice and during my time in office I was honoured and delighted to attend a number of celebratory events, meet staff, volunteers and “Isupporters.wasalways incredibly impressed with all that I saw and learned on my visits. The hospice is doing such amazing work for the patients and families that it supports with lifelimiting illnesses in the local “Icommunity.amhoping that I can offer guidance and support to further their clinical and organisation strategy, as well as raise awareness of LewisManning, to encourage additional fundraising for this incredible charity.”

Fitness boost for care home residents

The sessions include arm and leg stretches, co-ordination exercises and other techniques to stimulate movement, balance and flexibility. Home manager Jess Brolan said the aim is to promote mobility and independence in a friendly, relaxed environment. She added: “Having fun with exercise is one of many ways we help our residents stay active and make the most of each day.”
Gifts in Wills pays for more than 100 days of patient care at Lewis-Manning Hospice Care each year? Of course, we understand that family comes first, however with your kind support, we promise to do everything in our power to provide quality care for the people of East Dorset and Purbeck that are living with life-limiting illnesses. Join the many thousands of people who remember a charity in their Will each year. This is your opportunity to leave a legacy to a charity that is making an impact in the local community. Visit our website to find out how you can make your Will online today at no cost to you. Every supporter Will is checked by a fully qualified solicitor and you can use their helplines at no extra
Residents at a Dorset nursing home are improving their fitness, strength and mobility thanks to a year-long partnership with expert physiotherapists. Colten Care’s Avon Reach has teamed up with Poole-based BWT Physio to offer weekly group sessions at the Mudeford home plus one-to-one follow-ups. Around 13 residents are attending the Thursday group exercises, designed to stretch and strengthen muscles in a safe, controlled manner. Resident Margaret Johnson said: “It’s brilliant. I find it really helpful and long may it continue. I am so pleased with it.”
26 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Health & Wellbeing Candles on e lake Reflect, remember and celebrate loved ones by taking part in our memory walk and floating candles on the lake event. Saturday 15th October, 6pm – 8pm, The Ark, Poole Park Make a donation for your candle today on our website. Charity Registration No.1120193 Leave a lasting legacy to hospice care

This large parish, which escaped from Hampshire to join us in 1974, is rather urban but has several large areas of heathland and woodland with public access. As the soil is acid, most of the vegetation is coniferous trees and Bewarebracken.of ticks if you brush through the bracken as about an eighth of them carry Lyme disease which can affect you for There’syears. a free parking space at the roadside at Ashley, about half a mile west of the A31/A338 roundabout Fromjunction.there you can walk north across the heath/forest to join the recently resurfaced Castleman Trailway, which follows the old Southampton to Dorchester railway line. Turn left and follow the Trailway south west, crossing the road alongside which you parked. After another half mile you’ll find a finger post pointing right to the Moors Valley Country Park. Turn right and head north, crossing the road again to enter the Country Park where there are various distractions including a shop and a loo as well as children’s play area. There’s also a car park that you could have used if you’re wealthy. Weave your way eastwards through a maze of paths through coniferous woodland until you meet a bridleway that takes you eastward through the woodland for another three quarters of a mile until you meet the B3081. Turn right and head south eastwards along the path that parallels the road for three quarters of a mile to join the Castleman Trailway again. Head westwards for a quarter of a mile then, at the start of a cutting, leave it by joining a path to your left that leads you west, then south through the Access Land back to your car. You’ll have walked about six miles.
ST LEONARDS AND ST IVES Thinking about Join our community of foster carers Chat to us 0800 012 4004 or visit our website 0800 012

Exploring Stour & Avon... with retired Dorset rights of way officer

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 In with...association

Picture a 12-year-old me, delivering a free local paper every Wednesday to each house in our road. One afternoon, two lads, a little older than I, were sitting on a wall outside one of the houses I was delivering to. I walked bashfully by head down avoiding eye contact. Later that evening my Dad answered the telephone and told me it was for me. On picking up the receiver, a young voice told me his name, that he was one of the chaps on the wall, and promptly asked me out the following evening. Having never had a boyfriend before, I went into a state of shock and panic, and heard myself uttering the fateful word, ‘yes.’ The receiver went down.
Have you ever said yes when you meant no? I have, and it’s a cringeworthy tale!
Draining from head to toe, I thought, ‘what have I just done?’ I meant to say no! I decided that the right thing to do would be to write a note to the wooer, saying ‘thank you, but no thank you.’ I posted the note at the house where I had seen him sitting on the wall. To my mind, if he didn’t live there, then his friend must, so he would pass the note to him. However, I had a nagging feeling, what if he didn’t get the note? On confiding with my folks and begging not to be made to go the door if Romeo turned up expecting his date, my Dad took on the duty of Atheartbreaker.theallotted time, and from an upstairs room overlooking the street, my heart sank as I saw the chap heading to our Myhouse.Dad answered the door and told him that I wouldn’t be coming out and that I had posted a note saying as such through his letterbox. The heartbroken admirer said that he hadn’t received a note, for he did not live at that address, he lived in the next road Onceover!thepoor boy departed, tail between his legs, I was dispatched to pen another Thisnote. time apologising for the whole debacle. The note was hastily posted through the correct letterbox, and I scarpered before anyone could see me. Even after this toe-curling event, I went on to say yes on many occasions, when I meant no (and I’m not talking about boys!) Maybe it was agreeing to meet a friend when I really wanted an early night. Or saying yes to a task at work when I was already snowed under. We tend to put the feelings and needs of others before our own, because we like to please, we don’t like letting anyone down or thinking ill of Andus.yet often, the only person that suffers from saying yes when they mean no, is ourselves.
28 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
Learning to say no n Victoria Arnold is a life coach from

Health & Wellbeing

Chiropractic care can help you reduce your costochondritis by specific gentle adjustments. Depending on the cause behind your costochondritis, a chiropractor may be able to conduct a series of adjustments that can help ensure your ribs are aligned the way they should. This may involve careful manual adjustments, or the use of a tool, such as an activator, that can make smaller and more precise adjustments. Appropriate chiropractic adjustments help to reduce inflammation and pain. However, a good chiropractor doesn’t just adjust and then require that you come in week after week to get rid of your pain permanently. While this may be necessary, adjustments are only a piece of the overall puzzle when it comes to reducing your pain. Comprehensive chiropractic care involves so much more than just adjustments and may Teachinginclude: stretches and other exercises that can help you reduce your pain Massage or acupuncture that can address your issues on another level
Recommendation to other medical or fitness professionals, as necessary, to provide for a more comprehensive and complementary healing
Costochondritis can come from several causes, including trauma, poor posture, genetics, arthritis, and more. It can also involve more than just rib pain and may involve other pain in your extremities and a difficult time taking a deep breath. As such, this is more than just a minor inconvenience and if left untreated, this type of pain can negatively impact your life.
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Health & Wellbeing Opening Times: Monday – Thursday 8am – 7pm Friday 8am – 6.30 pm Arrowsmith Road, Wimborne BH21 3BD 01202 604707 / / CHIROPRACTIC & MASSAGE THERAPY TREATMENTS We strive to give every patient the absolute best chiropractic and massage care , as well as providing outstanding customer service. We are a motivated team passionate about getting you better and enabling you to live a pain free life, getting you the best version for you ! Conditions we can treat: • Migraines • Lower Back Pain • Joint Pain • Frozen Shoulder • Tennis Elbow • Neck Ache • Sports Therapy NEW PATIENT CHIROPRACTIC CONSULTATION, RESULTS SESSION AND FIRST TREATMENT ONLY £40 (NORMALLY £120)

As anyone who suffers from it knows, pain from costochondritis can be pretty Costochondritispainful.isacondition that is inflammation of the cartilage that connects your ribs to your sternum. There are a few methods of treatment to deal with the pain from costochondritis, including anti-inflammatory medication, stretching, or nerve stimulation. However, chiropractic care can also be a useful component of dealing with this rib pain.
Can chiropractic help with chest pain?

Hannah’s horticulture No job too big or too small! Annual Boiler Servicing Landlord Gas Safety Certificates All Plumbing Work InstallationRadiatorsBathrooms and Maintenance of Gas Appliances Boiler Replacements Complete System Changes Gas DomesticCommercialLPGOilNaturalWorksGas 01202 Servicing Special Offer This advert entitles you to a free heating system health check when booked with a boiler service at a discounted rate of £50 (usually £80). Limited time offer

No job too big or too small : Call us today

Given the year we’ve had with lack of rain, the drought conditions - now official in many parts of the country including Dorset - and the very pertinent climate change challenges facing us all, I thought a drought special would be a good idea as we come into early autumn when we are thinking about changing plants around and replanting! There is a lot of discussion between the public and horticulturists the world over about how we plant and garden for the predicted climate change. It’s a really tricky subject, as we are only dealing with predictions, and these are based on unknown inputs depending on emissions and global events. At a local level, the climate is predicted to be on average 1-2C warmer annually, with 10-20% more precipitation in the winter, and 0-20% less in the summer, with an annual overall slight increase of 10% precipitation by 2060 (Met Office Climate Change Projections, RCP 2.6 and 4.5, 50th percentile). So, warmer and wetter overall, but with less precipitation in summer. But what does all this mean for plants and gardens? Well, we are going to have to look at water conservation, at soil health and at plant selection, but maybe not quite as drastically as we may fear from this year. Based on these predictions, we can expect to need plants that can cope with higher summer temperatures and reduced water, but wetter feet in winter. Things like lavender, whilst loving the dry hot conditions, therefore may not do so well in clay soil in the wet winters, though on well drained soil will be fine. That doesn’t really answer the question clearly, but it’s a really difficult one to answer clearly as the variables on your own soil types and approach to watering is so wide! Bear in mind these predictions are by 2060, and therefore some plant selection is more crucial than others. Trees, which have potential to live far longer than 2060, will clearly need to be carefully thought about, but if you are planting perennials or short-lived shrubs for the next 10 years it’s not quite such a Ofconcern.course, all this is slight conjecture, and there will be anomaly years like this one more frequently so my advice must be taken with a pinch of salt and is based on the above predictions! Having said that, we are likely with the warmer winters to be able to grow a range of less hardy plants that previously wouldn’t have survived without being in a greenhouse or heated space, so our planting palette will shift and we will likely lose a few plants at one end but gain a few at the other. Climate change is a disaster, and we must act, all of us, to limit the remaining damage and reverse what we can, but I want to say that we can have plants and greenery (that will in turn help the fight with climate change) in this changing world. It’ll be a bit of trial and error I’m afraid and soil health and water conservation will become even
30 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Home & Garden

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Home & Garden Hannah Hobbs-Chell is a horticulturist and relevantcomhobbschell@outlook.forIfdesigner/consultant.gardenyouhaveaquestionher,email:hannah.includingapictureif www. .com HOUSE CLEARANCE Plus Sheds, Attics, Garages & Gardens Quality Items Offset Registered Waste Carrier Tel: 01202 001614 or 07853 enquiries@back2market.com275379 WBC Engineering Ltd 01202 002713 more important to help plants become resilient. So mulch, mulch, mulch your borders to help the soil retain moisture, and install water butts or even underground tanks if you are having works done already. I know a few gardeners who have purchased IPCs and set up pump systems to use runoff water too! In times of drought, careful and particular watering is key, as is choosing the right planting time to give plants the best opportunity to create their own watering system through their roots. Hope that helps.

32 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Home & Garden We are a traditional sawmill in Dorset offering High quality timber from locally sourced trees Building, Landscaping & Fencing CedarTimberShingles & Shakes Feature CladdingStumps–Waney edge, Square edge, Featheredge and Profiled edges Posts –inc weather tops Beams/Mantels (New & Rustic) – Green & Air SleepersDried200 x 100 & 200 x 50 (or any other size) Rare, unusual & exotic hardwoods Extensive range of Slab/Plank Wood available both air dried & kiln dried – Oak, Birch, Beech, Ash, Yew, Walnut, Sweet Chestnut, Macrocarpa, Sequoia (Red Wood), Cherry, Plum, Monkey Puzzle, Sycamore & more! 100s in stock... Linwood Sawmill Ltd, Willow Farm, Holt Road, Wimborne, BH21 7JY 01202 402018 / 07444 789137 / / Woodland Mulch & Clean Path/Play Chip Linwood’s wood chip is made from a mixture of hard and softwoods, its durable and long lasting. *Prices plus vat. Free delivery for BH postcodes (min order of 2 bags/loads) Woodland Mulch Chip Clean Path Chip Woodland Mulch Chip Clean Path Chip Cube Bag (0.6m3) Cube Bag (0.6m3) Cube Loose (1m3) Cube Loose (1m3) £35£30£60£40 £30£25£55£35 £25£20£50£30 1 bag/loadeach 2 bag/loadeach 3+bags/loadeach

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in winter and too hot
summer? Choose a Vantage tiled conservatory roof manufactured by SupaLite • Warm in winter, cool in summer • Guarantee on our roof systemalongside building regulations • Tailor made for your conservatory • Highly energy efficient Call Craig on 07793 982 722

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A pattern I have noticed when rambling with my husband is he likes linear walks whereas I prefer the circular. He is half Danish and likes things ordered, symmetrical and known. My genes seem to enjoy not knowing what is round the Ourcorner!choice of art on the walls of our house also mirrors this difference. His choices are documentary in style whereas mine are interpretive and, more often than not, pattern. I had been ogling Diana Heynes’ Conker mandala on Facebook and looking forward to making my own. However, after several ‘reccies’ round our village it seems the horse-chesnut trees are not quite ready to relinquish their treasure! We did manage to find one and, although partially white, it makes a great central point for the mandala. I never knew there was so much history in mandalas. You can scratch the surface into a wonder world of Buddhist, American Indian or Hindu cultures to name but a few. Just the process of collecting the natural materials is relaxing and fun. Very basically you need a central eye in my mandalas that is the dried thistle (I don’t know its technical name but I call it a Ruff) in the first picture and the solitary conker in the second. Then you radiate outwards in a circular manner with whatever you choose to use. The pattern should then be enclosed with a square which is achieved with ease in a photo frame! Words and pics by JO GREEN, a former allotmenteer, forager, amateur herbalist, pickler and jam maker who squeezed her allotment greenery into her tiny garden
Is conservatory too cold in the

She stoops to conker! summerhouses,shelters,offices,workshops,agricultural

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Home & Garden Fall in love with your conservatory again. • Warm in winter, cool in summer • Guarantee on our roof systemalongside building regulations • Tailor made for your conservatory • Call Craig on 07793 982 722 Fall in love with your conservatory again. Is your conservatory too cold in winter and too hot in the summer? Choose a Vantage tiled conservatory roof manufactured by SupaLite • Warm in winter, cool in summer • Guarantee on our roof systemalongside building regulations • Tailor made for your conservatory • Highly energy efficient Call Craig on 07793 982 722 Fall in love with your conservatory again.

34 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Home & Garden • GARDEN CLEARANCE • HOUSE CLEARANCE • GARAGE CLEARANCE • LOFT CLEARANCE • GARDEN SERVICES. • ALL WHITE ELECTRICAL GOODS CLEARED Pick up & drop off service PLANNING A RENOVATION We can also dismantle & clear bathrooms, kitchens & conservatories. Take out carpets, tiles, flooring, wallpaper etc in preparation for renovation. For more information please contact us on 07487 Fully licensed and insured please check the reviews on Checkatrade We beat like-for-likeanywrittenquotation Your one stop shop for carpet & flooring services At Marsden flooring we specialise in a wide range of residential & commercial carpet and flooring products including engineered wood flooring, laminate, sheet vinyl and luxury vinyl tiles from leading brands, Karndean and Amtico plus many Wemore.are a family run company with over 20 years experience based in Broadstone, Poole, Dorset, serving Bournemouth and surrounding areas. Visit our show rooms or we can visit your home or premises for a free no obligation quotation. £250 VOUCHER OFF THE COST OF YOUR UPGRADE Book your free loft insulation quotation today 01202 942777 Looking to reduce your energy bills? HOWISEFFICIENTTHERMALLYYOURLOFTINSULATION? We are the leading local supplier of loft insulation

Fundraising fayre is first for three years
Cherry Tree Nursery are holding their first fundraising plant sale event for three Theiryears. Plant Sale and Autumn Fayre will take place on Saturday, September 17, between 8am and 3pm. Cherry Tree Nursery is part of the Sheltered Work Opportunities Project which is a registered charity with two sites, Cherry Tree Nursery in Northbourne, Bournemouth and Chestnut Nursery in Poole. It is set up to address the need for meaningful occupation in a supportive, non-pressured environment, for adults with life-impacting mental illness. They have a raffle with fantastic prizes including a £100 Cherry Tree plant voucher, £100 Brittany Ferries voucher, Alpaca Walking Adventure for Two, Knoll Gardens Gift voucher and admission tickets and much more. If you can’t make it on the day, tickets are available in their shop now or online

There will be live music throughout the day with performers including Rod Bush, Bert Buckley, the Darwins and Flooded ThereLane. will also be tombolas, games and stalls including Fairtrade products, Dottie’s Delights, Waggtail Pets and Kesmee Studio. Refreshments inlude tea, coffee, homemade cakes and a barbecue. Car parking available on site. The Volunteers will have stalls raising money for their own travel expenses fund. FEATURE
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Home & Garden
36 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Home & Garden WHY CHOOSE T&M GL ASS FOR YOUR HOMEE IMPROVEEMENTS? Windows • Doors • Conser vatories • Orangeries House Extensions • Garden Offices • Glass Rooms All come with a 10 year Guarantee To celebrate our new showroom opening order in September and we will pay your VAT 120 Wimborne Road Wimborne Dorset BH21 2DT (Next to Jewsons) 01202 849619 Reg No 17044

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 HIGH ST, DIRT IN THE GATE MOVIES - GRINDFEST Fri 9 – Sat 10 Sept Dirt in the gate Movies are back for its fourth, two day fun filled cinematic extravaganza of classic genre movies. ERIC KNOWLES: WHAT’S IT WORTH? Sun 11 Sept: 14:00 A witty and entertaining look at the world of Antiques with one of its best raconteurs. GLYNDEBOURNE: LA BOHEME Sun 11 Sept: 19:30 With a ‘megawatt Mimì’, director Floris Visser delivers a ‘fresh take’ on one of the greatest operas of all time. FISHERMAN’S FRIENDS: ONE AND ALL (12A) Mon 12 Sep: 14:00, 17:00, 19:45 | Tue 13 Sep: 17:00, 19:45 | Wed 14 Sep: 14:00, 17:00 (Sub), 19:45 | Thu 15 Sep: 11:00, 14:00 | Fri 16 Sep: 10:30, 13:15, 16:00 | Sat 17 Sep: 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 19:45 | Sun 18 Sep: 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 REGENT COMEDY CLUB WITH IVO GRAHAM Thu 15 September: 19:30 Ivo Graham headlines our comedy night with full supporting line up. NT LIVE: PRIMA FACIE (15) Fri 16 Sep: 19:00 | Sat 24 Sep: 14:30 | Mon 3 Oct: 20:00 Extra screenings added due to phenomenal demand. THE SORCERER – CHRISTCHURCH GILBERT & SULLIVAN SOCIETY Thu 22 – Sat 24 September: 19:30 A sorcerer who fills a communal teapot full of love potion at a wedding banquet, what could possibly go wrong…? WITHNAIL & I (1987) [35mm] (15) Sun 25 September: 20:00 Presented by Dirt in the Gate Movies, screening from an original 35mm print. ROYAL OPERA HOUSE: MADAMA BUTTERFLY Tue 27 September: 19:15 Broadcast live from the Royal Opera House in London. KnitWits is the inspirational one stop Wimborne wool shop offering a range of yarns and accessories. Unit 1, Jessopp House Mill Lane, Wimborne BH21 1JQ T: 01202 889620 E: W: Coming soon! 17-24th September 2022 Supported by the UK Hand Knitting Association Knitting and crochet event details on our website. For your chance to win simply answer the question below: Q: How is the ‘humerus’ better known? A) Funny bone B) Ham bone C) Trombone Enter via our website Closing date Sunday 10 September. Full terms & conditions available on our website Win 2 tickets to see Ivo Graham at the Regent Comedy Club 15th September New Stour & Avon Competition All who enjoy singing are invited to the Minster All those who enjoy singing are invited to Wimborne Minster on Saturday, September 17. The day is being conducted by Noel Tredinnick, Conductor Emeritus and Founder of the All Souls Orchestra. The day starts at 10.00am and booking is essential. It is in preparation for a Harvest Praise Celebration at 7.00pm. To book, e-mail parishoffice@ or telephone 01202 884753. Noël Tredinnick retired in July 2019 was Director of Music of All Souls Church. As founder of the All Souls Orchestra, his leadership of All Souls Music spanned almost 50 years, beginning his ministry in 1972. In recognition of his long service to the ministry of the Orchestra, he was offered the title of Conductor Emeritus. Wimborne Minster Musical Heritage Trust Registered Charity No: 1187730 PRAISEVOICEYOURFINDTOSINGGod’SIN WIMBORNE MINSTER SATURDAY 17 SEPTEMBER 2022 HARVEST PRAISE WITH NOËL TREDINNICK CONDUCTOR EMERITUS AND FOUNDER OF All SoulS’ orcheStrA7PM ALL ARERETIRINGWELCOMEOFFERING Arts & EntertainmentsIn assocationwith...

FUNDRAISING FUN: The Sturminstrels, organisers the Dorset Dolls and Alice Picture: ADRIAN FISHER

A fundraiser for the British Red Cross Crisis Appeal in Ukraine proved an enjoyable evening in a packed hall in Stalbridge, writes Lyn Wilton The Sturminstrels, headlining, started the show and were followed by 21-year-old Alice, a young lady who has studied music and recently arrived from Ukraine. We were proud to introduce her. She sang two beautiful folklore songs, without any accompaniment, in her native language and the audience was spellbound - not a sound could be heard in the hall. A very well deserved standing ovation followed and she certainly stole the show! This was a hard act to follow by local musical acts from the ‘Gugg’, which is Guggleton Farm Arts, a not for profit Community Interest Company based in Stalbridge, that proactively seeks and provides many forms of art. The acts comprised the Dynamic Duo, Steve and Alan with guitar songs, the Guggles, a musical therapy band, Rob on guitar playing his own material and Nick and Steve playing Latin songs on guitar and Themandolin.Sturminstrels rocked out the Theevening.‘Dorset Dolls’, Lyn, Judy, Marion and Denise would like to say a big thank-you to all the performers giving their time for free and all the helpers, making it a very successful evening. n And last month the Sturminstrels helped raise a further £295 for Ukraine, at the ‘Gugg’, bringing the grand total raised to £945.00.
38 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 WEBSITECHECKINGPLEASEKEEPOURAlthough it is not currently a legal requirement, please consider wearing a face covering to protect yourself and others when visiting the Tivoli. Wednesday 28th September, 7.30pm. Tickets £15 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) MATT BLACK & SPECIAL GUESTS JAX HALL ‘Inspired By Adele’ & Marky Dawson Saturday 10th Sept, 7.30pm Tickets £ 24.50/ £22.50 concs (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) FRANKIE’S GUYS: A Celebration Of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Friday 9thTickets7.30pmSeptember£20 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) AYNSLEYblues-basedLISTERSuperbrock! WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING (15) 12th & mat14thSeptember,13th7.30pmMatineeSept2pmTicketsAdult£8eve,£7,U16s£6 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) Friday 16th Tickets7.30pmSeptember£21.50 (Box Office bookings over £20 incur £1 booking fee) THE BOHEMIANS Queen – Greatest Hits Tour FISHERMAN’S FRIENDS: ONE & ALLmatAdult&19th,(12A)20th21stSept7.30pm,Matinee22ndSept1.30pmTickets£8eve,£7,U16s£6 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) A JOURNEY INTO FRENCH22ndFromMUSICOffenbachtoGainsbourgThursdaySeptember7.30pm.Tickets£15 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) A HEAD FULL OF COLDPLAYFriday23rdSeptember7.30pm.Tickets£20 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) THE KING’S VOICE Gordon Hendricks As 24thSaturdayElvisSeptember7.30pm.Tickets£26 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction) FROM THE UNPLUGGEDJAM:Tuesday27thSeptember7.30pm.Tickets£32.50 (Box Office bookings incur £1 booking fee per transaction)

Arts & Entertainments In assocationwith...

Alice steals the show and helps raise £650

Broadstone Art Society is returning once more to Broadstone Village to present its annual art exhibition. From Saturday, October 22, to Sunday, October 30, a wide variety of members’ paintings, prints and greetings cards will be on show at the youth centre in Moor Road. There promises to be something for everyone, to view and to Muchbuy. of the work has taken place outdoors during the long hot summer at a variety of locations including famous viewpoints, old country houses, the seaside, and even Broadstone itself. The exhibition will be open between 10am and 4pm daily with a late evening until 8pm on Friday, October 28. (Please note noon close on Sunday During30th). the last year the art society has held a pop-up street gallery as part of the local Musical Market events. These informal displays have helped the club to present its work, and additionally to raise funds for Mosaic, a Dorsetbased charity supporting bereaved children in the county. The fundraising work for Mosaic is due to continue into November, when the art society will hold an online auction of artwork. All entries will be displayed on the society’s website at broadstoneartsociety. com and will be supported by posts on Facebook and TheInstagram.Society’s last online auction raised over £1000 in support of those affected by the situation in Ukraine.

NICK HELMNICK HELM What Have We Become?What Have We Become? Stand Up TourStand Up Tour AT THE Saturday1October7:30pm For tickets visit. Saturday 15 October - 7:30pmSaturday 15 October - 7:30pm Tickets: £15Tickets: £15 Friday7:30pm11June villagereturnshowannualSociety’sinto DISPLAY: From The Cupboard by Thea HodgsonVollering, above, and Broadstone Shops by Chris Clark Arts & EntertainmentsIn assocationwith...
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
A week
at Ferndown’s
Boyz at feast of up Barrington Boyz on 11. later, on September
Barrington There’s a

events coming


17, is Carl’s comedy Club, with All Floyd on October 1, the History Of Soul on October 12 and Once Upon A Princess, the ultimate pop princess party live on stage on October 22. Visit

Centre, starting with the Beach MAIN SPONSOR 16TH - 25TH SEPT 2022 LOCATIONSNATUREPURBECKACROSS&WILDLIFE FOOD - DRINK - MUSIC - ART - FILMS - FUN - KIDS ACTIVITIES PLANETPURBECK.ORG@PLANETPURBECK@PLANETPURBECK@PLANET_PURBECK FORDINGBRIDGE DANCE STUDIOS Where every student can experience the joy of dance, and be inspired for the future ENROLLING NOW FOR SEPTEMBER! NEW CLASSES IN Ballet - Wednesday 4.00-4.30pm for those aged 3-5 years Modern and Tap - Saturday 8.45-9.20am for students aged 3-7 years Dance classes in ballet, tap, modern, acrobatics and Silver Swans aged 2 to Adult at Avonway Community Centre Fordingbridge For more information call Sophia Burghart BA RAD RTS 07718 535007 Book now shortcoursessa-shortcourses 01202 363222 O EveniNg cweeandkend Ourses Autumn term – October 2022 Spring term – January 2023 Summer term – March 2023 Start your creative journey with us. Whether you’re discovering, developing, or nurturing your creative talent, a short course could be the key to unlocking your true potential. Our courses are suitable for students aged 18+ and we cater to all abilities. With a wide range of subject areas, there's something for everyone! We've 50+ creative short courses in: –Acting, Performance and Dance –Adobe Creative Suite –Art, Design, Drawing and Painting –Business, Marketing and Web Publishing –Creative Writing –Design and Printing –Fashion, Textiles and Accessories –Filmmaking and Production –Interior and Architectural Design –Make-up–Jewelleryand SFX Prosthetics –3D–Visual–PhotographyCommunicationDesignandModelmaking Arts & Entertainments In assocationwith...

Runner up “South Coast Comedian of the Year 2016”
Plastic Jeezus Lee Smith Ben Harrington Sunjai Arif Raymond & Mr Timpkins Revue

In keeping with our tradition of promoting local talent, our second act of the evening is Lee Smith! Known by his friends (and customers) as the angry barman, Lee paints a vivid picture of his anxiety attacks through self-deprecating humour that will have the audience chuckling the night away.

Sunjai quickly wins over audiences with his confidence and warm personality. He is an engaging comedy storyteller who covers tales about his family, speeding tickets and extremist rodents. Sunjai oozes charm and will leave you grinning from ear to ear. His accolades include: Winner “Bath Comedy Festival New Act 2017”

Arts & EntertainmentsIn assocationwith...

There will be laughs a plenty as our regular host Carl Filer introduces you to top acts from near and far. Our first act of the evening will be Ben Harrington.
With hilarious lyrics covering everything from the mundane to the surreal, tunes that'll get stuck in your head and genuine musical talent Plastic Jeezus are an act not to be missed. Our headline act for the evening are the wonderful Raymond & Mr Timpkins Revue!

Our penultimate act of the evening will be the incredible Sunjai Arif!
Finalist “Max Turner prize 2016”
Runner up for the 2018 Guide Awards: Best Comedian Tour support for Tom Green: European Comedy Road Trip” Tickets are selling fast for this ‘not to be missed’ night of comedy and entertainment. Tickets are £15 or you can upgrade to one of our VIP tables for just £80 for 4 people. Doors open at 7pm, show starts 8pm. Visit us at events to book now.

Our third act of the evening will be Bournemouth based duo Plastic Jeezus! Winners of the 'Best Newcomer' at the prestigious 2021 Musical Comedy Awards, Plastic Jeezus will be bringing their unique brand of deadpan, up-tempo wryness to Carl's Comedy Club for the first time at the Barrington.

Join us for our debut show at The Barrington Theatre in Ferndown on Saturday 17th September.

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 TheatricalHumorFun Imagination Hilarious LOL Hilarious Humor Humorous Fun FunnyLaughterLaugh ROFLWittyLOLZLMAO LOL GiggleChuckleHowl Snigger Artist PerformanceComedianPerformEntertainmentEntertainMicTheatricalStand-upShow NightOut Joker Imagination Entertainer PopularPrankChucklingAmusing Comic ComedyNightlifeLive JokeClubTalk Comical Giggling Howl AwardWinningJest Quip PunComedianGreatRecommendedBestGreatShowShowPerformanceComedyFunFunnyJestArtist Comic Show Nightlife Amusing MicNightOutPunChucklingHilariousAwardWinningShowJokerLive ComicalLOLFunStand-upLaughPopularEntertainSniggerJokerAmusingWittyLiveGigglePerformComedyFunnyQuipEntertainerPunStand-upHumorousComicComedianROFLLOLHowlRecommendedClubLaughterNightlifeBestJokerSniggerEntertainmentJestLOLGigglingAwardWinningAmusingMicHowlHumorousNightlifeLaughComedianHilariousJokeArtistLivePrankLOLZGreatPunChucklingNightOutComedyHumorLiveEntertainerROFLPerformanceFunnyGigglingWittyJokerRecommendedPunNightlifeComedianShowHowlComicLMAOJestPerformanceQuipLaughterComicShowFunnyJokerPrankGigglingComedianSniggerGreatPunFunComedyPunPerformanceGreatSniggerChucklingHowlJokePunHumorTheatricalImaginationHilariousHilariousHumorHumorousFunFunnyLaughLaughterWittyROFLLOLZLMAOLOLGiggleChuckleHowlSniggerArtistMicEntertainEntertainmentPerformComedianPerformanceTheatricalStand-upShowNightOutJokerImaginationEntertainerAmusingChucklingPrankPopularComedyNightlifeLiveClubJokeTalkGigglingHowlAwardWinningJestQuipPunRecommendedBestGreatShowShowPerformanceFunnyJestArtistGreatComedianShowNightlifeAmusingNightOutMicHilariousChucklingAwardWinningShowJokerLiveEntertainPopularSniggerJokerAmusingWittyLiveGigglePerformComedyFunnyQuipEntertainerLaughPunStand-upHumorousComicComedianLOLHowlRecommendedClubLaughterNightlifeBestJokerSniggerEntertainmentJestLOLStand-upGigglingAwardWinningAmusingMicHowlHumorousNightlifeLaughComedianHilariousJokeArtistPrankGreatChucklingNightOutComedyHumorLiveEntertainerROFLPerformanceFunnyGigglingWittyJokerRecommendedPunNightlifeComedianShowHowlComicLMAOJestPerformanceQuipLaughterComicShowFunnyJokerPrankGigglingComedianSnigger SILVER WINNER 2020 www.carlscomedyclub.comcarls_comedy_club@carlscomedyclubcarlscomedyclubPHONE:07368964001
Lightning-fast choreography meets uber swift editing in a fantasmagorical collision of quality entertainment. An overload of velvet, sandals and multi-hued wool provides a startling accompaniment, the whole effect being that of a slim man and a fat man putting their bums in your face.

Ben returned to comedy in 2018 after a few years away and is making excellent inroads on the comedy circuit. His wry look at the world, ability to interact with the audience and funny anecdotes centred around his family, ageing body and bizarre encounters make him an enjoyable act to watch.

A day at the farm with Tiffany Fleming

Farming & Environment
As August ended and the heat abated, life on the farm became a little more comfortable, and the first of the ‘ber’ months signalled the impending arrival of a marked changed in the farm’s produce; deep green glossy kale contrasting plump pumpkins and squash, sporting bright harvest colours like veggarden jewels. They can be seen first thing, glinting with overnight dew, reminders of the Harvest Thanksgiving events to come, and of Hallowe’en and all the excitement that entails. Work continued at a pace – pace being the theme as we warmly welcomed our half-marathon hero, Julie Richardson, to the farm to thank her for her Bournemouth Bay Run efforts which raised more than £1,600 for High Mead. Money that afforded us a ramp to allow ‘access for all’ to the recently-appointed animal feed store. Julie was accompanied by Lesley Trevett, Ladies’ Captain of Ferndown Golf Club, who kindly donated funds to complete the concrete apron for the recently rebuilt stables – thank you to Travis Perkins Ferndown for their support too. August really was a great ‘getting things done’ month. Wessex Water loaned their apprentices for a day, to help weed the perennials section of the fruit and veg garden, and to help clean out the runner duck enclosure, together with many other very helpful tasks. They were treated to a barbecue cooked by the farm’s resident chef Nik who, despite having been in post for only a few weeks, has very quickly become part of the team. In addition to the preparation for ensuring High Mead’s animals are kept warm and dry in the winter months, Liz Mitchener, one of our committed farm-shop volunteers and queen of all things art and craft (she is, quite literally, the most resourceful woman I have ever met), turned her talents to guaranteeing our ladybird population are protected too, by creating a super range of ladybug shelters; this sparked a debate about how few ladybirds we’ve seen this summer, a sure sign they need our help. The farm is environmentallyvery aware and avoids the use of any pesticides or insecticides, so it is an ideal environment to gauge how well beetle and butterfly populations are doing. We have been delighted to see more butterflies about this year, but our bug population definitely appears to be in decline. Apparently, beetles comprise the largest set of pollinating creatures, due to their sheer numbers. They are responsible for pollinating 88% of the estimated 240,000 floweringplant species globally and are an important natural control for aphids and greenfly which are common pests at the Anotherfarm!good reason to make sure they have somewhere safe to stay over winter and to help keep them thriving and happy to stay close. ‘Snug as a bug’ will be our mantra this month…

42 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
Tiffany Fleming is a volunteer at High Mead Farm in Longham, Ferndown. High Mead Farm is a working farm run to promote the benefits of engaging with animals, soil, and nature. They ‘create purposeful roles for our cofarmers, young people and adults alike, to help bring about a sense of wellbeing and self-worth that many have never experienced before’.

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Farming & Environment DO YOU NEED A NEW GRAIN STORE BUILDING? Do you need to improve or increase your Grain Storage capacity? Do you need to speed up grain tipping and handling? Look no further we are here to help! We are your ‘One stop Shop’ for the construction of grain storage and grain handling buildings. Leave it to us we can assist with! • Design and specification requirements • Assisting with the planning application process • Excavation and groundworks • Supply and erection of new structures • Dryers, drying floors and grain handling equipment • Tipping pits and elevator systems • Stirrers and aeration equipment • Installation of electric and gas services Farwell Plant Hire are a Dorset Based company with years of experience in meeting our customers needs in providing grain storage solutions whether you require a new grain store or to improve your existing storage and grain handling equipment. We will manage your project from start to finish ensuring that the design is tailored to exactly meet your needs and is installed in conjunction with service engineers to establish future maintenance plans. You will have one point of contact throughout the project. For more information or to discuss your needs please contact: Martin Farwell 01258 455219 or email

MOW WAY: Rae Cotton and Carol Head from the Friends of Victoria Hospital and, right the front row at the show Supported by the Ford and Fordson Association, the East Dorset Trac Pack’s annual Show at the Mow near Wimborne was a hot one. This was an opportunity for the public to get up close and personal with many of the tractors they had watched and seen on the many recent runs. A great selection of tractors from a 20-mile radius attended. Despite oppressive temperatures, plenty of shelter from the sun was provided and this gave the opportunity to chat with old friends and seek opinions on mechanical Thisissues!was a free entry show, but a bucket for loose change donations for the local Friends of Victoria Hospital, Wimborne, received approximately This£230.was helped by the Trac Pack’s whip-round on their last run. The event was a great team effort by all involved and big thanks were given to all those who gave their time in ‘tropical conditions’.

The Show at the Mow proves hot stuff

After weeks of planning we were finally able to celebrate the official Local Nature Reserve Status for Lytchett Bay View on Tuesday, August 16, writes Karen Cane town clerk. Despite preparing for hot weather leading up to the day, we were greeted with torrential rain but in true British spirit the event went ahead, with the Lytchett Minster & Upton Town mayor, Mikka Pryor, welcoming guests to the site, and stressing how important this status was in further protecting this ‘jewel in Upton’s crown’. Around 20 distinguished guests from other Dorset towns, as well as representatives from our nature partners joined together to celebrate, and were taken on a hosted walk of the site led by community volunteer Shaun Robson, a local naturalist, bird watcher and a member of Friends of Lytchett Bay View. The invited guests commented on how they would all be returning to take a walk in this wonderful open space – albeit on a less wet and wild day.

44 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 42 RESULT 178 61 92 46 31 BrainSudokuchain Crossword3 9 6 8 2 1 7 4 5 5 7 8 6 4 3 2 9 1 2 1 4 5 9 7 6 3 8 9 4 3 2 8 5 1 7 6 1 8 2 3 7 6 9 5 4 7 6 5 9 1 4 8 2 3 6 2 7 4 3 8 5 1 9 8 3 9 1 5 2 4 6 7 4 5 1 7 6 9 3 8 2 14 RESULT 27 9 3 21 7 UMEOPUPCHICKENSCRIPCOUNTRYHOUSEDEMOBBIGOTRYAABUUAEVALIANTOWNEREFRSFGGEBIHERESTRICTIONSIAVBTEANTUBEASTTREACLEEMOECTR COLLEAGUEDWELLSTMPBRAKALOOKNSAPGNATWARELEVANTUTMNPROSPECTELKSIRTEDDYCOY Arrow words Any problems with these puzzles? Email stourandavon.netnewsdesk@ Cryptic crossword Jumbo 3D SudokuKiller Sudoku Pro 5 7 4 3 6 1 2 9 8 2 6 9 8 4 7 1 5 3 3 8 1 9 5 2 4 6 7 4 2 8 6 1 5 3 7 9 1 5 7 2 9 3 8 4 6 6 9 3 7 8 4 5 1 2 7 4 2 5 3 6 9 8 1 9 1 6 4 2 8 7 3 5 8 3 5 1 7 9 6 2 4 7 12 8 11 16 13 14 11 12 12 11 917 812 10 12 6 33 21 21 1017 18 15 15 237 24 9 26 378 5164 4 79 1 52 8 3 7 3 1 8 9 4 6 5 2 1 8 7 5 3 9 4 2 6 2 9 68 1 35 4 8951247 36 7 5 47 983 26 1 3 2 5 4 8 6 1 7 9 6 5 34 2 87 9 1 8 1 7 5 4 2 6 9 3 9 5 32 1 46 7 8 6 4 3 9 7 8 2 5 1 1 3 72 6 89 5 4 7 4 6 8 5 3 1 2 9 5 8 49 1 72 3 7316486 25 9 8 27 614 59 3 1 97 268 4325 9 14 8 57 6 3 5 8 1 6 3 9 7 2 4 3 6 47 2 95 8 1 1 7 6 9 3 5 8 4 2 9 5 82 1 74 3 6 3 8 4 6 7 2 9 1 5 7 53 192 46 8 1 59 263 483754867 21 9 ORBITCORRODEJOSOBTSISIUERTNATURALTACITURAHEPLUNDERERSUECREPSITECCENTRICOAHAACHORDANALYSTIPFPRTTASARULETRAILLLLLYNE
Official status awarded to nature reserve Picture: STUART CROWLEY Farming & Environment
Brain chain
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022


Rabbits are such popular pets these days, so here’s some facts that you might not know. Healthy, well-looked after rabbits can live up to 12 years and are incredibly sociable creatures. They should live in pairs or bigger groups for companionship and warmth during the winter months. They’ll snuggle together and groom each other. Bunnies are natural re-cyclers – as part of their natural diet, rabbits eat a specific kind of their own droppings called caecotrophs. These are full of protein and vitamin B and eating these will maximise the nutrients they get from their food. Their diet should be made up of around 80% hay, supplemented by a small amount of fresh vegetables (15%), with around 5% of a good quality pellet food. Muesli-type foods encourage unhealthy selective eating as they will pick out the bits the like, so these aren’t Therecommended.teethcontinue to grow throughout their lifetime – another reason why it’s important to ensure they mostly eat hay or grass as this acts as a natural abrasive and helps prevent overgrown teeth and painful spurs. Rabbits need a constant supply of water that should be changed daily. They often prefer a bowl rather than a bottle as it’s easier for them to drink from. Neutering of your rabbit is always recommended unless you are breeding – this is better for their health as well as stopping them from literally ‘breeding like rabbits’. A fun fact about rabbits is when they’re at their happiest, you might catch them doing a binky. This is when they jump in the air, twist their head and body in opposite directions and kick their feet Aout.happy sight indeed.
Facts about rabbits

46 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Motoring Breeze Van Centre Poole Yarrow Road, Tower Park, Poole BH12 4QY Tel. 01202 986620 Breeze Passenger Cars Poole Yarrow Road, Tower Park, Poole BH12 4QY Tel. 01202 367327 Model shown is a near-production prototype and features optional equipment. May not reflect UK specification. Available to order dates subject to change. The new ID. Buzz and ID. Buzz Cargo Your future space for family life or work ID. Buzz Available to order this Summer

Blue badge space shortage

Sweet smell of an MOT failure

Dorset drivers are being urged to remove their air fresheners and fill up on screenwash to avoid failing their MOT Accordingtest. to motoring experts, it’s not just the most obvious things which can trigger and MOT failure and with recent cost of living rises, ensuring a car passes first time can help save motorists money. According to, faulty number plate lights and having no washer fluid for the windscreen are among the different reasons why MOT test centres fail drivers. Other reasons for failure include frayed seatbelts, non-working reversing lights (according to, vehicles used from September 2009 must have working reversing lights otherwise it will lead to a failed MOT), worn-out fuel caps which don’t seal properly, and noticeable cracks on the numberplate. Air fresheners are an interior addition which many drivers opt for but it’s best to remove one when it’s time for the test. Technically it can be viewed as an obstruction of vision which can lead to an automatic failure.
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
In association with...
If you have a blue badge you can park in areas that other drivers Butcan’ must make sure that your blue badge is visible at all Youtimes.might also be exempt from paying car tax and some tolls or congestion charges if you have a blue badge. If you’re travelling abroad, it’s worth checking that your blue badge is still Somevalid. countries are still undecided on whether they’re valid due to Brexit. Here’s what you need to know: In 2021, nearly 2.4million people in the UK had a blue badge. The Government changed the eligibility criteria for blue badge holders in 2019, which could have increased the demand for disabled parking spaces further. The new criteria now includes people who have disabilities which aren’t visible, for example, dementia or anxiety Outdisorders.ofthe 824,000 blue badges issued in 2021, 18,000 blue badges were for people with non-visible disabilities. It was recently found that 11 countries in the EU are undecided on the UK blue badge status in their country due to a Brexit hangover. If you use your blue badge in one of these countries, you could face a parking charge.

48 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Motoring Servicing and MOT £139.99 FREE COURTESY WASH with every bookinG FREE COURTESY CARS FREE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY CITROEN DEALER AND PEUGEOT SPECIALISTS – ALL MAKES WELCOME 236 – 240 Ringwood Road, Ferndown BH22 9AR AWARD CUSTOMERWINNINGSERVICE Best AftersalesSouthernExperienceCustomer–Region Call 01202 893589 to book your appointment MOT£29£39AIRCONDITIONINGRE-FRESH AIR-CON RE-GAS & LEAK TEST on R134A vehicles Only £60 AIR-CON RE-GAS & LEAK TEST on 1234YF vehicle Only £120 FREEANDCOLLECTIONDELIVERY LOCAL FAMILY-RUN BUSINESS, CATERING FOR ALL YOUR VEHICLESPECIALISTSREQUIREMENTS,IN4X4s NEW FOREST GARAGE SERVICES 023 8081 1973 New Forest Garage Services,The Yews Workshops, Southampton Road, Cadnam SO40 2NG Full autologic diagnostics & TDV8codingturbo changes & body-offs for Discovery 3 & 4s Defender galvanised chassis changes Full re-build services & MOT work All welding & chassis repairs undertaken Horse box/trailer repairs & servicingAutoelectrical repairs Classic car restoration Advice always available from our knowledgablefriendlystaffFreevehiclecollection & delivery to your home & business (locally) MOTS, SERVICING AND REPAIRS ON ALL VEHICLES UP TO 3.5 TONNES INCLUDING HORSEBOXES AND MOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTRE MOTs – class 4, 5 and 7 Diagnostics Air Conditioning Courtesy Cars Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services MOTS, SERVICING AND REPAIRS ON ALL VEHICLES UP TO 3.5 TONNES INCLUDING HORSEBOXES AND MOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTREMOTS,SERVICINGANDREPAIRSONALLVEHICLESUPTO3.5TONNESINCLUDINGHORSEBOXESANDMOTORHOMES Bodyshop open for all repairs and restorations, from small scratches to complete resprays, insurance work welcome. MOTS – class 4,5 and 7 CollectionsAirDiagnosticsconditioningValetsCourtesyCarswithina5mile radius Concessions for Pensioners, Armed Forces and Emergency Services 15B Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road Blandford DT11 8ST Tel: 01258 459798 Email SUNRISEwww.sunriseserviceandmotcentre.comsunriseservicecentre@hotmail.comSERVICE&MOTCENTRE

Parking rules and fines have always been strict. But this isn’t an excuse to park illegally. There are rules on when and where you can park on UK roads and car parks. Here’s what you need to Theknow.Government has scrapped the Code of Practice it introduced to stop poor practice and behaviour from private parking firms. The code set out a 50% reduction on parking fines from private firms if they’re paid within 14 days. Private parking firms would only be able to charge between £50 and £70 for a parking charge too. The amount would depend on the severity of the Itinfringement.alsointroduced other codes of practice for private parking firms to adhere to, such as: Giving motorists a 10-minute grace period before issuing a late Allowingchargemotorists a ‘cooling off’ period of five minutes so they can change their mind about their parking spot if they want to Clearly displaying their parking prices, and the terms and conditions of their car

For more
the consultation on GOV.UK.. Watch out! Private parking code of practice scrapped Five Square Motors (Bosch Garage) Salisbury Road (A30) Shaftesbury SP7 8BUCAR SALES 01747 VANS SO IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL GIVE US A CALL, WE PAY GOOD PRICES & CONSIDER MOST VEHICLES. 2010 (60) Fiat 500 1.2 Lounge 3dr. 69bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, only 33,500 miles, sat nav, parking sensors, air con, alloys, bluetooth, electric opening sunroof, £30 road tax, upto 58mpg, cambelt replaced, 33,500 miles ...........................................................£4850 2018 (18) Ford EcoSport 1.0T EcoBoost ST Line SUV 5dr. 140bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, partial leather, heated seats, heated steering wheel, park sensors & camera, 18" wheels, sunroof, blind spot assist, cross traffic alert, sign recognition, keyless, cruise, auto light & wipe, sat nav, bluetooth, hill start assist, B&O sound, 25,500 miles....................£14250 2014 (64) Ford Fiesta 1.25 Zetec 5dr. 82bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, only 19,800 miles, air con, alloys, heated front screen, hill start assist, bluetooth, £30 yearly road tax, upto 54mpg, only 19,800 miles .............................................................................DUE SOON £7950 2009 (09) Ford Focus CC3 2.0TDCi Coupe Cabriolet 2dr. 134bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, electric folding hard top, auto light & wipe, partial leather, heated seats, clearance car, MOT May 23, cambelt done, 83,500 miles ................................................................£1850 2018 (68) Ford Transit Connect 1.5 EcoBlue L1 200 Limited Van 5dr. 120bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, 2 seats, side door, bulkhead, ply lined, liner mat, cruise control, auto lights & wipers, heated front screen, heated seats, DAB audio, bluetooth, hill start assist, parking sensors, air con, 40,800 miles ...............................................£14500+VAT = £17400 2018 (67) Dacia Sandero 1.0SCe Ambiance 5dr. 75bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, exceptional value car with low running costs, 54mpg economy, bluetooth, USB, air con, hill start assist, 46,500 miles ..................................................................................................£6450 2019 (19) Mazda3 2.0 Sport Black 5dr. 120bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, heated seats & steering wheel, sat nav, reverse camera, park sensors, cruise, auto light & wipe, hill start assist, bluetooth, sign recognition, 15,800 miles ....................................................£15750 2014 (64) Mini Hatch 2.0 Cooper S 3dr. 192bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, outstanding looks & performance, partial leather, auto lights & wipers, park sensors, hill start assist, bluetooth, cruise control, 78,500 miles ..................................................................£9650 2007 (57) Mini Clubman 1.6 Cooper Estate 5dr. 120bhp, 6 speed manual gearbox, starts & drives but needs plenty of work, can be driven but ideally trailer away, MOT Nov, spares or repairs, cheapest Clubman anywhere .................................................................................£850 2016 (66) Nissan Qashqai 1.2 DIG-T Tekna SUV 5dr. 115bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, reverse cam, park sensors, heated leather, bluetooth, auto lights & wipers, cruise, hill start assist, lane & sign aid, 19,500 miles .....................................................£13250 2008 (58) Nissan Qashqai 2.0 4WD Tekna SUV 5dr. 139bhp, petrol, 6 speed manual gearbox, park sensors, switchable 4 wheel drive, heated leather, sunroof, few marks around the body, clearance car, MOT Sept 2023, 106,000 miles .................................................£2500 2017 (66) Nissan Juke 1.2 DIG-T Tekna SUV 5dr. 115bhp, petrol. 6 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, reverse camera, heated leather, cruise, bluetooth, lane sign & blind spot aid, hill start assist, auto lights & wipers, 28,500 miles ......................................................................£10450 2010 (60) Nissan Juke 1.6 Tekna SUV 5dr. 115bhp, petrol. 5 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, touch screen, reverse camera, leather seats, heated seats, cruise control, bluetooth, auto lights & wipers, 81,500 miles ............................................................................................£5250 2018 (68) Renault Clio 0.9TCe GT Line 5dr. 90bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, sat nav, partial leather, park sensors, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, hill start assist, bluetooth, upto 56mpg economy, 18,900 miles ...............................................................................£9950 2018 (18) Vauxhall Astra 1.0 T EcoTech SRi 5dr. 105bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, auto lights & wipers, cruise control, hill start assist, bluetooth, DAB audio, touch screen, upto 58mpg, 32,000 miles ......................................................................................................£10450 2014 (14) Vauxhall Meriva 1.4 SE MPV 5dr. 100bhp, petrol, 5 speed manual gearbox, high seating, large boot, parking sensors, hill start assist, cruise control, sunroof with electric blind, only 46,800 miles ............................................................................................................. £5950 2018 (68) Volvo V40 Cross Coutry Pro 1.5 T3 Automatic 5dr. 152bhp, petrol, 6 speed automatic gearbox, heated leather, sat nav, reverse camera, park sensors, hill start assist, auto light & wipe, cruise, bluetooth, 41,800 miles ..................................................................£14650 2013 (13) Volvo XC70 2.4TD D4 AWD 4x4 SE Lux Automatic Estate 5dr. 163bhp, diesel, 6 speed automatic gearbox heated leather, sat nav, bluetooth, electric tailgate, park sensors, cruise, hill start & descent control, 30,800 miles ............................................................£16500 COMMERCIAL'S 2018 (68) Ford Transit Connect 1.5 EcoBlue L1 200 Limited Van 5dr. 120bhp, diesel, 6 speed manual gearbox, 2 seats, side door, bulkhead, ply lined, liner mat, cruise control, auto lights & wipers, heated front screen, heated seats, DAB audio, bluetooth, hill start assist, parking sensors, air con, 40,800 miles ...............................................£14500+VAT = £17400 NUMBER PLATE FOR SALE A4 TGM £350
Notparkcharging excessive debt collection fees for late tickets - reports say these can reach Now,£70 private parking operators may be able to charge up to £100 for a parking charge, with the potential for extra charges if you can’t pay your fine. This is a blanket charge for any parking offence, from returning to your car slightly late to leaving a car illegally parked for several days. The Code of Practice is now pending a review of private parking charges and any additional charges. details read
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022

50 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 ROOFING SYSTEMS & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE An established family business for over 100 years Local Authority & National Trust Contractor Flat Roofing Specialists with High Performance Polyester and Elastomeric Systems All Other Roofing Repairs Carried Out Insurance Backed Guarantees Roofing tel: 01202 882777 Local Services Call Stephen or Marra on Wimborne: 01202 939 378 ¢ All Aspects of Garden Maintenance ¢ Lawns ¢ Hedges ¢ Pruning ¢ Garden Clearance ¢ Weed Spraying ¢ Strimming ¢ Scarification ¢ Pressure Washing ¢ Gutter Cleaning ¢ Regular Maintenance ¢ Fully qualified & insured Stephen CheeseGarden Services Call Stephen or Marra on Wimborne: 01202 939 378 ¢ All Aspects of Garden Maintenance ¢ Lawns ¢ Hedges ¢ Pruning ¢ Garden Clearance ¢ Weed Spraying ¢ Strimming ¢ Scarification ¢ Pressure Washing ¢ Gutter Cleaning ¢ Regular Maintenance ¢ Fully qualified & insured Stephen CheeseGarden Services Call Stephen or Marra on Wimborne: 01202 939 378 ¢ All Aspects of Garden Maintenance ¢ Lawns ¢ Hedges ¢ Pruning ¢ Garden Clearance ¢ Weed Spraying ¢ Strimming ¢ Scarification ¢ Pressure Washing ¢ Gutter Cleaning ¢ Regular Maintenance ¢ Fully qualified & insured Stephen CheeseGarden Services Professional07854330937TreeManagementTreeFellingStumpRemovalHedgeMaintenanceTreeSurgery The New Stour & Avon It’s fortnightly and it’s FREE! Pick up your copy here... ALDERHOLT Wolvercroft Garden Co-opCentre Southern ASHLEY WOOD Caravan Park Golf Course BROADSTONE Candy Chocs M & S Food Hall Tesco Express Café BroadstoneBroadstoneGardeniaLibraryNews BROOM HILL Stuarts Garden Centre BLANDFORD Damory Garage Post Office BartlettsLidl Country Store Gorge MTescoYMCAMorrisonsCafé&S CANFORD MAGNA Canford Magna Garden HamworthyCentre Club MARSHALLCHARLTON Parish Rooms CHRISTCHURCH Regents Centre Londis/PostMNisaLibraryLocal&S Office COLEHILL StColehillOneCo-opStopLibraryMichaelsChurch Hall CORFE MULLEN Naked Cross Nurseries Candy’sCo-op Farm Shop Library CRANBORNE Cranborne Stores CRITCHEL Bus Shelter DAMERHAM Crossways Farm EDMONDSHAM Bus Shelter FERNDOWN FerndownSparMcCalls Post Office HungryHearnsSam’sIcelandNewsagentEstateAgentOne M & S Food Hall High Mead Farm Ferndown Library FORDINGBRIDGE Londis Petrol Station FURZEHILL Village Stores GUSSAGE ALL SAINTS Phone Box STGUSSAGEMICHAEL Edward ARG Works HINTON MARTEL Phone Box HORTON Horton Inn HURN Adventure Wonderland MATRAVERSLYTCHETT TescoPlantsLibraryDirect MERLEY Shop PAMPHILL Farm Shop RINGWOOD Greyfriars Community LunnsCentreof Ringwood Crow Farm Shop Texaco Petrol Station In Excess Garden Centre Ringwood Information McCalls/MorrisonsCentre SANDLEHEATH Sandleheath Village Stores SHAPWICK Shirley SPETISBURY Village Hall Box Clampets Farm STANBRIDGE Aunt Fannys Farm Shop STAPEHILL WimborneSpar Garden Centre MARSHALLSTURMINSTER Nisa VinesLocalClose Farm Shop KEYNESTONTARRANT Bus Shelter LAUNCESTONTARRANT The Shed TARRANT RAWSTON Cart Shed TUCKTON TescoNisa Express THREE LEGGED CROSS Woolsbridge Farm HillierFeeds Garden Centre Londis VERWOOD Verwood Heritage VerwoodCentre Library Andrews Butchers Co -op Southern Tesco Express Hubb WEST MOORS Spar/ Post Office Library WEST PARLEY Basket and Blooms In HerbiesExcessFish and Chips WIMBORNE AllendaleMcColls House T & S News Long Johns Fish and Co-opChips Petrol Station WimborneGreenHearnsAllendaleW.KeatingSouthernButchersH.SmithCentreManMinster Porch CentreWimborneWimborneDavid’sWOWDacombesFluffettsSparGulliversShopFairMuseumTouristVCoachWaitrose&Horses&AStoreInformation/GroundFairTradeBookShopFarmFitnessofWimborneLibraryCommunity STWIMBORNEGILES Post Office WITCHAMPTON Club/Shop WOODLANDS The Egg Shed

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Local Services with experienced operator Garden and Driveway 30 years Experience Fully insured Call Mike Card Mobile: 07892787871 FORMINIDIGGERHIRE 01202 612179 heating and plumbing services NE PLUMBING For all your plumbing needs Nick Evans www.neplumbing | email,CorfeMullen,WimborneBH213HY 24/7 No Call Out Fee 01202 699912 07414 897888 www. .com HOUSE CLEARANCE Plus Sheds, Attics, Garages & Gardens Quality Items Offset Registered Waste Carrier Tel: 01202 001614 or 07853 enquiries@back2market.com275379 PLUMBING AND HEATING • Felt Roofing Specialist • Tiling, Slating and UPVC • Velux Windows • No Job Too Small • Insurance Work • Leadwork Friendly Service Free Estimates Mobile 07973 WANTED Dave buys all types of tools. Call 01935 428975 for more information ABBEY UNBLOCKINGDRAINAGEDRAINS • Sinks • Toilets • Sewers • Drain repair/relining • Drain Investigation • CCTV Surveys for drains 01202 748523 / 07587 238 563 KDL PLUMBING & FREEUNDERTAKEN.HEATING.ALLJOBSESTIMATES.CALLKEVIN07475128249.ALLAREASCOVEREDThe DRIVEWAYDRIVEWAYCENTREDORSETCENTRE Installation of new driveways & patios Pressure cleaning Driveways & patios sealed Tarmac sealed Anti fungal maintenance KORE BUILDING EXTENSIONS & LOFT CONVERSIONS REFURBISHMENT & ALTERATIONS KITCHENS & GROUNDWORKSBATHROOMS&DRAINAGEFENCING&DRIVES Contact Mr. Terry 07855 350605 01202 622441 Manufacturers of Purpose-made Hard & Softwood Joinery

52 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Recruitment NEIIL.CAHILL @PULHAM STEELS.CO.UK 01300 345110

We are looking for polite, hard working, responsible people to join our small friendly team. Hours are flexible and will include every other weekend. Customer facing, competitive rates of pay. Contact us: or 01747 841353
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Experienced in all types of drainage, the installation of underground tanks, pipe laying, concreting, kerbing, car parks, landscaping, and a variety of ground works. You will be conscientious and hardworking. You will work in teams and your work must be to a high standard to maintain our reputation for providing a high-quality service.

All tools and equipment will be provided by the company. We invest significantly in our employees and promote continuing professional development (CPD) within the business. We encourage our staff to train in new skills as well as maintaining existing qualifications.
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New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
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experiencedGARDENERperson for one day a week. All aspects of general maintenance in a pretty cottage garden, vegetable garden and wild flower meadows. Contact 01747 828449 if interested
Cleaner wanted - 3 hours per week, £12 per hour, near01963TelephoneTemplecombe.371668
Afternoons: 3pm - 7pm or 4pm - 7pm DBS required. Daily tasks to include classroom and toilet cleaning. Full on the job training will be churchillservices.comPermanentprovided.Toapply;KirstyShort:07590351214kirsty.short@
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Recruitment Caretaker Groundskeeper& Dorset Centre of Excellence are looking for a candidate to undertake Caretaking based in Shaftesbury, Dorset. To carry out a range of duties to contribute to the security, safety, and maintenance of the premises Key responsibilities: • Keyholder cover & alarm call out’s • Locking & unlocking school premises • Arrange regular checks on alarm and fire systems and routine compliance • To identify and report building, furnishing or fittings deficiencies across the whole estate • To escort contractors and other persons to sites of repair and maintenance • To be responsible for taking the delivery of stores, goods and equipment • To exercise responsibility for the operation of the school heating systems • To ensure that adequate supplies of fuel and water are available • To undertake routine maintenance to manually operated equipment as shown and directed • To drive vehicles and operate equipment as required for ground maintenance operations The Role is a permanent position, 37 hours per week. Please contact:
Early applications encouraged. Port Regis (Charity No: 306218) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The successful applicants will be required to undertake an Enhanced DBS Disclosure and safer recruitment vetting checks.
Full-Time Accounts Assistant required for busy haulage and construction company. Start date 17/10. Please email CV and covering letter (Full/PartExperiencedBookkeepertime) required to join our team at Fowler Fortescue in Fonthill Bishop. The ideal candidate will be competent and confident in Payroll, VAT and preferably have knowledge of partial exemption. Using Xero you will manage your own portfolio of clients to Trial Balance and liaise with accountants at year end. For a full job description or to apply wit h your CV please email:

Supporter / personal assistant opportunity(male)nearSherborne. (Self-employed OR youngEnablingagency.personablemanwithautism (life skills, cinema, shopping). Flexible hours for appropriate experience, genuine commitment. email info@prodisability. CV. 01202telephoneor723301

The successful candidates can expect a competitive salary, benefits package and an exceptional working environment. For full details of the roles and application procedure, please visit our website (key information / staff vacancies)
Cleaners required in Shaftesbury School, SP7 8ER 6 hours per day £9.89 per hour. 06.30amMornings:-08.30am
POOLE Live-in Carer for lady of 97 years with dementia 07836 250077
PORT REGIS Motcombe Park, Shaftesbury, Dorset, SP7 9QA

A Wimborne law firm has signed the Armed Forces Covenant to show its support for military personnel and Ellisveterans.Jones Solicitors’ managing partner Nigel Smith put pen to paper with lieutenant colonel Anthony Sharman of the British Army. It has registered its covenant with the Wessex Reserve Forces & Cadets Association and has received the Government’s Bronze Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Award to mark its commitment. The Armed Forces Covenant paves the way for Ellis Jones to employ more former military personnel and reservists, and step up its support for the wider ‘forces family’. Ellis Jones – with offices in East Street, Wimborne – already counts reservists and former military personnel among its 170 staff and 21 partners, including associate solicitor Will Dooley and solicitor Conor Maher. Nigel said: “We are proud to have longstanding links with the armed forces, including private clients and members of our staff. “Signing the covenant was a natural progression and a way of formally recognising this relationship while allowing us to provide greater support for serving and former armed forces
D J Fox & Associates is an Employment Expert Witness Company based in Somerset and we work in the legal sector. We have an exciting opportunity for a bright, confident and experienced office assistant to work full time as an Office Administrator with our team of four in Wincanton, Somerset, BA9 8BP. Skills Required: Office based IT skills, Microsoft (Word, Excel, etc.). Organisational ability. Confident. Understanding of numeracy for invoicing work. Excellent attention to detail. Strong communication skills.

Brief Description of Role: Working in a small team, involved in the admin process of producing written expert witness reports. Competitive salary offered.
Vacancy for a Full Time
Interested? Call Tom Downs on 07796 550577 for a chat and more detail.
Cleaners required in Shaftsbury School, SP7 8ER 6 hours per day £9.89 per hour. Mornings - 06.30am - 08.30am Afternoons: - 3pm - 7pm or 4pm - 7pm DBS required. Daily tasks to include classroom and toilet cleaning. Full on the job training will be provided. Permanent To apply; Kirsty Short: 07590 kirsty.short@churchillservices.351214com
Hours of work: Full time 0900 to 1700 Monday to Friday. Initially a 1 year contract with the possibility of permanent employment or contract extension beyond this time. The DJ Fox & Associates website is at Please send a CV and a short covering letter to Suzi Donoghue, email Closing date for application is 16th September 2022
“Peoplepersonnel.with a military background bring a valuable skillset for the workplace, including commitment, drive, focus, resilience and leadership “Wequalities.look forward to developing a strong and mutually beneficially Therelationship.”ArmedForces Covenant supports serving personnel, service leavers, veterans, and their families with a range of services and initiatives to ensure they are treated fairly. It has been backed by local and national government, businesses, charities and communities.
Usual family farm banter between generations! 9000 litres. Flying herd. AYR Calving. 24:24 parlour. We need excellent stock skills, attention to detail and a good sense of humour. We provide, a competitive salary, house and a good place to work.
We are a fourth generation family farm ear Wincanton. We milk 280 cows and we need some help. We love dairy farming and plan to stick to it. Keen family who try to get it right but recognise that sometimes it goes wrong.
56 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
FORCES FRIENDLY: Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Sharman, left, and managing partner Nigel Smith put pen to paper watched by Conor Maher, back left, and Will Dooley

Small friendly company looking for full time Technician/MOTVehicleTesterRequired £24,500-£36,500 please send CV to garege@gmail.crackmorcomorcontact01963251221
Town solicitors raises flag for the forces
featured in a case study as a selfemployment success story. Her first Trainmaster event was at Creekmoor Community Centre in April. Since then she’s done 40 events – a mix of public and charity – as well as private birthday parties. Tammy, who lives in Christchurch, said: “Zack is a huge Thomas fan so when I saw an advert for Trainmaster I couldn’t stop thinking about Ipossibilities.the“I’venowheldeventsallovertheareaandjustloveit.“Thenumberofticketsarerestrictedto30perone-hoursessionandalsoholdSend

Tammy’s business is right on track
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
- Next-gen card machines - Swift payments free of charge - 4G connection - Rolling contracts - 24/7 customer support - Buy you out of existing contract - Free trial - Low rates - Easy PCI compliance For more Information Email: me today Telephone: 07923 484502 Kayler of Trainmaster Dorset and her three-year-old son Zack

It’s a dream come true for many youngsters. A whole hall packed with giant track layouts, motorised and ride-on trains plus a play tent, books, puzzles, crafts and much Andmore.everywhere you look, the smiling face of Thomas The Tank Engine together with his friends. Tammy Kayler is responsible for putting smiles on hundreds of young faces. She’s the Dorset franchisee for TheTrainmaster.award-winning business runs train-themed events in community centres as well as customised private parties in Dorset and on the Hampshire Althoughborder. there’s no upper age limit it’s primarily aimed at children up to the age of Thesix. business was founded by mother of three Chloe Cotton,from Hampshire, four years Trainmasterago. now operates across the country in 17 Tammylocations.secured the Dorset franchise in March this year with the help of the New Enterprise Allowance. She was previously receiving Universal Credit (UC) as a single mother. But after telling her UC work coach about the opportunity of having a Trainmaster franchise, the 37-yearold was put on a business start-up scheme run by Pinnacle People. It takinginvolvedpart in an Tammyin-depthbeingpraisedwasTheplan.aandworkshopstart-upbusinessintensivecreatingbusinessplanlaterforthemosteverseen.isnowtobe
(special educational needs and disability) events when 15 tickets are available. “I’ve also started to hold charity events including for the Dorset Children’s “It’sFoundation.justsomuch fun and the children love it, as do the “Thomasgrown-ups.brings back so many happy memories.” Although only launching Trainmaster Dorset four months ago, Tammy has already picked up two Parent & Baby awards from Lux TheyMagazine.arefor Best Train Event & Party Company (Dorset) and Best Train Themed Events Provider She(UK).said: “It’s just a lovely business to have. “And it allows me to take Zack to work with me – and there’s no bigger fan of Thomas than Zack!” Andrew Diprose is the founder and editor,ofthebusinesswebsiteinthewithmorethan25,000uniqueusers

Business Harold G Walker Solicitors Your Friend-in-Law for Life. *Free Legal Advice Clinics *Checkourwebsiteformoredetails: s | Contact Your Friend In Law today 01202Verwood823308Christchurch0120248220201202Broadstone69244801202Wimborne881454 Advice you can trust ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE Harold G Walker Solicitors is a well-established law firm in Dorset with four offices in Wimborne, Broadstone, Christchurch, and Verwood. As your Friend-in-Law, we pride ourselves on delivering personal and professional advice that you can trust. Our legal advisers have a wealth of experience in Residential Conveyancing, Wills & Powers of Attorney, Family Law, Employment Law for individuals and businesses, Dispute Resolution, Debt Collection, Landlord & Tenant Law, Estates & Trusts, Commercial Property, Leases, and Transfers of Equity. We have a strong client care ethos and work hard to provide a legal service that is friendly, straightforward, and need clear and impartial advice, please call the team of professionals at Harold G Walker Solicitors on 01202 881454, and we will be happy to assist. Please also check our,website,fortheofourfreelegalclinicsDorset.

The Fly Fishers made a return trip to John O’Gaunt Fishery near Romsey in TheHampshire.recentheatwave has taken its toll on fish activity with warmer water temperatures reducing oxygen and consequently making fish less eager to feed. A fast rotation of flies was necessary to tempt the trout and only a few experts managed to complete a full bag of four fish. Successful patterns included buzzers and gold-ribbed hare’s ear. Top of the class was Raymond Willis whose patience and expertise was rewarded with a 10lb bag taking a well deserved first Junior,place. Bradley Slater hooked the biggest fish weighing in at 3lb 2oz. They are pictured above.
Heatwave results in testing times for trout

Last chance for Rugby Lunch tickets Diverse Abilities, Dorset’s disability charity, hosts its Rugby Lunch, at Hoburne Park, Christchurch, on Friday, September 16. The event includes great entertainment, networking opportunities, and guest celebrity appearances from Tom Shanklin - former Welsh Rugby Union player and David Flatman – former prop for Bath and the England national rugby team turned pundit. The lunch kicks off at noon with welcome drinks and a VIP reception before guests take their seats for a three-course meal and hear from the celebrity guest speakers. There will also be an opportunity to win the famous Knife, Fork, and Spoon game, raffle prizes, and auction lots, of which prizes are donated from local businesses and the community. Tickets are £65 per ticket, and £600 for a table of 10. Visit

58 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Sport

Legendary golfers on the ball 30 years on
Golden golfers rolled back the years at a reunion to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Dorset winning the national amateur championships. Every player from the seven-strong team – including Peter McMullen from Ferndown – and its non-playing captain attended the special event to mark their historic victory in 1992 at Kings Norton in Birmingham. It is the only time the county has won the prestigious English County Finals AndChampionship.theyevenrecreated their winning pose of 30 years ago to tee off the reunion party at Parkstone Golf Club, which was sponsored by regional law firm Ellis Jones Solicitors. Lining up were Lee James, Peter McMullen, Martyn Thompson, Tony Lawrence, Steve Edgley, Michael Watson, Captain Doug Pratt and Rodger Hearn. The celebration was the first time some of the players had seen each other in many years since claiming the prize three decades ago. Organiser Rodger Hearn, who holed the winning putt, said: “It was wonderful to get the team back together and reminisce about our glorious victory. “As Doug said at the event, looking back it is remarkable to think that it was 30 years ago that we won the championship and what a marvellous achievement that was. “The reunion was a great way to renew old acquaintances as well as celebrate the 30th anniversary milestone with other members of the Dorset hierarchy, led by Dorset chairman Stuart Mackenzie and other committee members including excaptains, former county presidents and dignitaries. It’s about time Dorset won the championship again!”
WATCH THE BIRDIE: The winning Dorset team which won the national amateur golf championships in 1992 recreate their matchwinning team pic 30 years Inon.the back row, from left, are Lee James, Peter McMullen, Martyn Thompson and Tony Lawrence. In the front row, from left, are Steve Edgley, Michael Watson, Doug Pratt and Rodger Hearn
New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Sport
The iconic team members came from all corners of Dorset to claim the championship trophy in 1992 and have become well known in the golfing Theyworld.include Weymouth and Dorchester professional Michael Watson, Parkstone professional Martyn Thompson, former county captains Peter McMullen from Ferndown and Rodger Hearn from Parkstone, and American university champion Steve Edgley from Parkstone.

“Their championship success ranks highly in the annals of the county’s golfing history, and the event was a fitting way to mark their achievement 30 years on.”
Nigel Smith, managing partner of Ellis Jones Solicitors, said: “It was a privilege to sponsor the anniversary celebration with some true legends of the game in Dorset.

Lee James went on to win the British Amateur Championship in 1994 and was part of the Walker Cup team that beat the USA, including Tiger Woods, in Sherborne1994. professional Tony Lawrence became a county champion multiple times while non-playing captain of the day Doug Pratt from Weymouth became county president.

60 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022
Approached through a meandering treelined avenue, this imposing country residence sits in extensive grounds in the heart of the Dorset countryside on the fringes of the pretty villages of Spetisbury and Charlton Marshall, just a few miles south of the Georgian market town of Blandford Forum. Built in the 1830’s the property has been in its current ownership since 2012, during which time tasteful refurbishment has been undertaken, ensuring that the wealth of original features have been retained, whilst bringing this superb family home into the 21st century, with all that is required for modern day family living.
SECLUDED DORSET IDYLL! 01202 edwards@fineandcountry.com842842

Accommodation is very spacious and light with large sash windows, high ceilings, mellow wooden floorboards and quality tiled floors. Original shutters shade the majority of windows throughout, whilst woodburners in the family room, kitchen/breakfast room and drawing room provide cosy focal points to gather around, supported by mains gas central heating throughout. Notable features are the sweeping main staircase with ornate balustrading and the Italianate marble fire surround fronting the deep, open fireplace in the dining room, as well as a generous array of bay windows to principal rooms on the ground floor and to three of the five bedrooms on the first Outside,floor.the immediate surroundings are neatly landscaped and maintained with established planting, lawns and the historic “barrow” from which the house takes its name. Additional noteworthy features include a tennis court set alongside the front driveway, along with a brick built outbuilding which houses a plant room, utility area and storage areas, along with covered barbeque area –ideal social space. There is also a swimming pool and pool house (currently unused )Further afield, within the curtilage of the grounds, there is a large woodland as well as meadow/grazing paddocks, ideal for horses and other livestock. A well stocked orchard sits to the side of the property at the rear with a further paddock beyond providing more grazing or keep for livestock.

62 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 Property REMOVALS & STORAGE “Moving at the highest standard no job too big or too small” Head Office: 01963 34065 email: We are a family run business since 1973, providing a service locally, nationally and internationally including a European service for full and part loads. MembA101No: 01202Broadstone604177 01202Bournemouth762931 01258Blandford453898 01722Salisbury322616 01747Shaftesbury828680 Local and National Removals Container Storage Packing Service All Full Time Operatives Personal Service Covid advance planning for your removal to keep you secure plus remote survey option European Removal Containerised Storage Small MovesStandard House Moves Country House Moves Branches throughout the UK

New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 MERLEY PRICE GUIDE: £600,000 Five bedroom, three bathroom detached family home • Generous size sitting room • Well appointed kitchen/breakfast room • Sun conservatory • Established south west facing rear garden COLEHILL GUIDE PRICE: £550,000 - £575,000 Four double bedroom end of terrace family home • Quiet cul de sac location • Well appointed kitchen • Generous size sitting room • Walled garden with decking area TARRANT KEYNESTON GUIDE PRICE: £760,000 Four bedroom detached family home • Four reception rooms • ‘L’ shaped kitchen • Rear garden with flower borders/lawn • Delightful quiet village location GAUNTS COMMON PRICE GUIDE: £675,000 Three/four bedroom chalet bungalow • Good size plot • Superb views over open countryside • Well presented throughout • Situated on the edge of the village WIMBORNE TOWN CENTRE PRICE GUIDE: £320,000 Luxury one bedroom apartment • New riverside development • For independent people over 60 • Personal Juliette balcony • Level walking distance of all amenities WIMBORNE TOWN CENTRE GUIDE PRICE £495,000 Grade II Listed three bedroom period home • Well presented and deceptively spacious • Superb sitting/dining room • Courtyard garden • Parking for two cars at the rear • Wimborne office, 6 Cook Row, Wimborne, BH21 1LB 01202 842922 | |

64 New Stour & Avon, September 9, 2022 EXTRA Redeemable against any product* Please bring this voucher with you! OFF%10 VOUCHER store bed the Ferndown, Eastleigh, Poole, Christchurch & Salisbury LOCALFREEDELIVERYcarpetsandbeds.comStoresin: CARPETS | BEDS | RUGS | VINYL | FLOORING | MATTRESSES STORES NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK NSA *Excludes floor preparation materials, labour and any already discounted items. CARPET BARN fp NEW EXTRA Redeemable against any product* Please bring this voucher with you! OFF%10 VOUCHER store bed the Ferndown, Eastleigh, Poole, Christchurch & Salisbury LOCALFREEDELIVERYcarpetsandbeds.comStoresin: CARPETS | BEDS | RUGS | VINYL | FLOORING | MATTRESSES STORES NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK NSA *Excludes floor preparation materials, labour and any already discounted items. NSA9