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France, Germany, or the USA we spend far less per person. Some people suggest that it is the fault of immigration; it’s not. People are living longer with more complex and more expensive needs, and fewer people are contributing because they are too sick, too old or too poor to pay. We are trying to fund more with less people. Liberal Democrats have called for a penny on income tax for NHS and Social Care for many years now. That may not be enough, and funding must be ringfenced and directed properly to go to the heart of the problem. This is a problem for us all, so we must all contribute to the solution.

Repairing mental health –especially for the young and the working population - is a fantastic way to restore the potential of people to earn money and pay their taxes: It makes sense to invest in mental health.

WANTED Books hardback, fountain pens, coins and stamps, costume jewellery. Cash paid. Tel Mr Jones 01202 733550 WANTED

WANTED: Collector requires amateur (ham) radio

Call 07754 058850

A brace of vintage petrol pump globes are estimated to sell for thousands of pounds in the Charterhouse specialist auction of automobilia on Tuesday, April 4.

“The market for automobilia continues to remain strong.” said Richard Bromell of Charterhouse.

“Enamel signs, car mascots and petroliana are just the perfect decoration to add into your classic car garage, shed or mancave”.

The vintage globes are rare survivors. They originally sat on top of petrol pumps and were lit up at night to tempt you on to the garage forecourt to buy their petrol.

Being made of glass they were easily knocked, damaged and thrown away.

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