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The highs and lows of fostering
“There are always highs and sometimes some really tough lows, but each one brings new rewards and new challenges”
The hustle and bustle of a busy household can provide so much joy and fulfilment, seeing others achieve or just sharing experiences over a heart-warming breakfast. Yet, that does not mean there are no challenges involved, with any household regardless of size and make up has its own unique challenges – and that is the same for fostering households.
When children come into your life, whether that be short term or long term you know as a carer that, at some point, it is more than likely this child may move on to a more permanent home. It can be emotional to see a youngster move on but our carers highlight that it is nice to see when they become settled and happy in a new home. One carer notes such moment is “a high and a low together! … A high as we know we have made a difference in their lives, but a low, because they are leaving you” be opportunities to make friends in the community through activities,” Cllr Parry added.
This is not only a difficult time for the carer, the child must also get used to a new home, and new guardians.
That is why Footprints pay close attention to this transition, giving the support required for all individuals. Over the last years, more special guardianships have been approved, allowing carers to look after youngsters on a more permanent basis, this is a great outcome that Footprints are proud of.
If you are up for a new challenge fostering could be your next step, but remember it does not always go swimmingly, but it promises rewards! That is why Footprints are the best choice for anyone that would feel content in a small supportive environment.
In the next article from the series, we will be exploring what inspires our wonderful foster carers!
The Hubs will not be just in physical locations, as the council is also working on an online presence, known as Our Digital Family Offer, giving parents and carers the chance to access advice and support online.