2 minute read
Birthday special
Happy 1st Birthday to wish the New Stour and Avon may the success of the magazine continue. www.tivoliwimborne.co.uk

Happy First Birthday and hoping for your continued success in the coming years
Medi and e er one at Tiien ish The Ne Sto r and A on Maga ine best ishes on their st anni ersar and look for ard to their con n ed s ccess in the f t re
Congratulations to you all on your First Anniversary

Congratulations on your 1st Birthday, keep up the good work. www.footprintsfostercare.co.uk
We would like to wish The New Stour and Avon Happy 1st Birthday and continued success for 2022
Congratulations to The New Stour & Avon on your 1st anniversary Keep up the good work

Wishing the team at The New Stour and Avon a very successful First Anniversary mk-interiors.co.uk
Happy First Birthday to The New Stour and Avon

Our Teams at Hearnes would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to The New Stour and Avon

Congratulations to all at the magazine on your 1st Anniversary

1st Birthday

Hello from e Blackmore Vale Ltd, publishers of the New Stour & Avon Magazine , New Blackmore Vale Magazine and the Purbeck Gazette.
We strongly believe in the importance of local newspapers and we value working closely with local people and businesses, providing free local news at and from the heart of our communities.
We are able to o er our advertising customers the potential reach of more than 360,000 readers through our magazines and websites across all of Dorset, South Somerset, South Wiltshire and e Isle of Purbeck.
We are committed to our readers and advertisers, applying the expertise that comes from more than 150 years of combined experience within local and regional publishing through an experienced editorial team, personal advertising account managers and talented designers.
We value your involvement, so send us your stories, pictures and letters, and tell us what is happening in your local community, we will print as much as we can – these are your community papers.
We would like to thank you for your continued support and if we can be of any further help please do not hesitate to get in touch. Lloyd Armishaw, Publisher and local business owner.
editorial team, personal advertising account managers and talented designers. We value your involvement, so send us your stories, pictures and letters, and tell us what is happening in your local community, we will print as