5 minute read
Antiques & Collectables
Forging ahead
Lofty ambitions
Learning to grow
Open events for parents
High expectations
“The content of a book holds the power of education and it is with this power that we can shape our future and change lives.” Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate
Here in beautiful Dorset we are blessed with a wonderful standard of living and benefit from services and facilities most of which are well above the national standard. That includes learning, where we are fortunate to enjoy more than our fair share of outstanding schools and colleges. If you are looking for a quality education for your loved ones, have a look through this special nine-page section of the New Stour & Avon magazine which highlights some of the best that’s on offer...
A Leading Boys’ Grammar School APPLY FOR OUR SIXTH FORM 2022
Poole Grammar School is a unique environment: the pupils who study here, their teachers, the support staff; the richness of the academic, cultural, sporting and extracurricular opportunities offered. Our students consistently achieve very highly at A Level, including more than 70% of all grades at A* - B in the last 3 years. We have extensive links with Parkstone (Girls) Grammar School and a record of high progression rates to Oxbridge, Medical Schools and Russell Group Universities. Head over to our website for further information and a virtual tour of the school.
Poole Grammar School, Gravel Hill, Poole, Dorset, BH17 9JU Tel: (01202) 692132 pgsoffice@poolegrammar.com www.poolegrammar.com
Junior pupils are literally immersed in the Titanic

For many, the motto during the pandemic has been ‘keep calm and carry on.’ At Talbot Heath our motto has been ‘keep calm and forge ahead.’
The fact that the school has superb digital provision (with every pupil being provided with an iPad from Reception onwards as part of their learning tools), combined with our extensive preparations prelockdown, meant that we switched seamlessly into full remote provision for every pupil aged 3-18.
Our pupils had the knowledge, resilience and independence to stay on top of all their learning, following a full timetable each day, including all practical and creative subjects. They have realised that adversity does not prevent creativity and progress. In fact, quite the opposite is the case. They can now perform live on stage or create and edit a virtual performance, they can present live on zoom, sharing documents with ease and confidence, they can model in 3D or place themselves in virtual worlds of dinosaurs, rainforests and oceans. This generation of TH pupils will step into our brave new world with skills, knowledge and confidence, keen to embrace the future and all the challenges it might bring. During the pandemic we have developed a partnership with CGApprentice, experts in game design, computer animation and 3D sculpting, established a cricket partnership with Winton Cricket Club, devised a new design module for our pupils to learn how to design and build sustainable housing projects on CAD and BIM, digitised our school archive to use as a wonderful teaching resource, written a whole school outdoor learning curriculum and devised interactive lessons
that incorporate virtual reality in History, Geography, Maths, Ethics and Music. All of this has been done while managing the many challenges of Covid-19, which is a testament to our determination to do far more than carry on. Our school was founded to be pioneering and progressive and we look forward to blazing a trail into “This generation the future. of TH pupils will step into our brave new world with skills, knowledge and confidence

Clayesmore Celebrates 125 Years
Main House, Clayesmore Head Jo Thomson (inset) The cake (right)
Clayesmore seized the opportunity to celebrate several milestones for also the perfect opportunity to toast the launch of ‘LEX’, a bold and ambitious the school on Saturday 11 September. Saturday provided that opportunity, at last, to have pupils, parents, Old Clayesmorians, governors and staff together to celebrate the school’s 125th anniversary as one community. It was weekend programme for all Clayesmore pupils, aged from 10-18yrs, which reflects the embodiment of the founder, Lex Devine’s guiding principle of an ‘all round education’. Clayesmore has replaced academic lessons on a Saturday with LEX; a supercharged programme of weekend trips, experiences and events, all designed to enable pupils to seize new opportunities, develop new skills and provide them with memories and mastery to draw upon throughout their lives.
LEX Takes Flight

The last year has been a year of change for us all, and a year of reflection on how we live our lives, run our businesses and teach our children. Every challenge in life brings opportunity, and Clayesmore has boldly taken this moment to evaluate the needs of young people and the skills that will equip them positively to thrive in this new world. The senior leadership teams at Clayesmore Prep and Clayesmore Senior School surmised the need for more hands-on experience, practical and theoretical learning with emotional and physical wellbeing, adventure and achievement. With that, LEX was born. ‘It has become abundantly clear that alongside a strong core academic curriculum, young people need more than ever to be challenged and their horizons widened through the opportunity to participate in experiences, trips and courses which will enhance their resilience, knowledge, interests and aptitudes. This includes developing an appreciation and a passion for the environment with all the opportunities for physical fitness, exhilaration, adventure and sheer good fun that includes!’ Jo Thomson, Head of Clayesmore LEX Pillars, remaining true to the learnings of lockdown: The Great Outdoors Arts, Creativity & Culture Enterprise & Employability Academic Extension Service & Leadership Pupils from Prep to Sixth Form will select the pursuits they wish to participate in. They will sometimes be single taster sessions, 3-4 consecutive sessions or even longer. Pupils really ‘own’ the experience they wish to have and can pick and choose until they find something that really unearths their passion. The options are endless; from cipher challenges to fashion design, kitesurfing, bushcraft and filmmaking; to country pursuits, horse riding and exploring
The sky’s the limit! the Jurassic Coast. What an array of possibilities! LEX is a landmark moment for the school, its pupils and parents, and is set to frame the next phase of Clayesmore’s remarkable history. Here’s to the next 125 years! To find out more about LEX, visit clayesmore.com/lex or attend the All School Open Morning on 25 September clayesmore.com/open-days