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Can going greener save you money?
The simple answer is ‘yes’. Armishaws
Removals have money-saving tips for our homes and gardens.
No Charge
Do you automatically plug your phone in every night whether it needs it or not?
It’s another simple energy saving that will also extend the shelf-life of your phone’s battery.
Walk The Walk
Yes, it might take an extra 10 minutes to get to town/work/school but the sun is shining, so get outside and enjoy it!
Leaving the car at home will make you, your family and the planet healthier and with fuel prices so high, it’ll save you money.
Spend Spend Spend!
This might seem counter-intuitive but ditching old inefficient items now (fridges, washing machines, kettles) will help reduce energy usage and save you money in the long term.
Old appliances are broken down and many of the materials recycled.
Make Your Move
Get Creative
Upcycling furniture is fun to do, it creates projects that family members can share. It also means less goes to landfill and it’s cheaper than buying new. If you’re painting it, make sure you use water rather than oil-based paints.
Royal Flush
If you’re on a water metre, reducing the flush can be a handy saving.
A brick in the cistern (in a water-tight bag or container) can dramatically reduce the amount of water you use annually. Switching to a reduced flow shower-head is another simple win.
Shower Power
Spending one minute less in the shower each day can reduce your electricity bill by as much as £15 a year.
Don’t Standby
Don’t leave TV’s, computer monitors, stereos, radios, etc on Standby.
It might be only another small annual saving but added together... you’re saving the planet and saving cash!
That’s Rubbish!
A lot of our rubbish can be composted for gardening. Grass cuttings, some food waste, eggshells, paper, card, there is a massive list of compostable items that will save you trips to the garden centre.
Grow Your Own
Now that you’ve got your own compost, you can start growing your own fruit and veg.
It’s cheap, rewarding and can be great fun to do with younger family members.
Pack It Up
Say no to pre-packaged lunches and start taking your own to work.
It’s a good way to reduce home food waste, save money and makes sticking to healthier eating habits easier.
Plus, every time you make rather than buy, you’ve saved on food airmiles.
n For more household hacks and tips head to armishaws.com/blog