1 minute read
Good heavens, what an absolute shower!
Starwatch night sky events with Kate Earl of the Wessex Astronomical Society

Increase your chances of seeing some shooting stars this summer by staying up as last as you dare on the night of August 12-13.
Meteor showers often present more like dribbles, but the annual Perseid meteor event is pretty good at holding its own, with the potential to see upwards of 60 meteors an hour.

Of course, what you’re seeing aren’t stars, but tiny particles shed from a comet (in this case Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle) on its way across the Solar System. The Earth ploughs through this trail of debris once a year on its journey around the Sun, with the result being that the tiny grains burn up in our atmosphere. Even if it’s cloudy on the night, it’s worth trying a few nights either side of the 12th as it’s a very long-lived shower.

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Estate administration and the Trust Registration Service
Following the introduction of the Trust Registration Service (TRS), HMRC now require some estates to be registered on the TRS.
The registration of an estate is mandatory if certain circumstances apply. Failure to register an estate could result in large penalties. If administration of the estate cannot be completed within two years of the date of death, the estate must be registered on the TRS. This will depend on the construction and wording in the will but essentially, if the estate is left to the Executors ‘upon trust’ for the beneficiaries named in the will, then a trust has been created and must be registered if the administration exceeds two years.
There are various circumstances within an estate which will