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conservation strategies and efforts, including community level Neighbourhood Plans and landscape-scale Local Nature Recovery Strategies.
“We hope this work will also help target and encourage more recording effort, which can provide more information to us in the future and add to the county’s environmental evidence base”.
Charles Routh, Natural England, nature recovery senior adviser for Wiltshire, says:
“The government has set some really ambitious targets for nature recovery, including reducing the number of species at threat of extinction. The idea of this project was to understand which of England’s 2,000+ threatened species Wiltshire has a particular responsibility to conserve and enhance.
“Now, for the first time ever, conservation professionals, amateur wildlife recorders, and the wider public can see on an interactive map where the most important species for nature conservation are in the county.
“I hope these resources will inspire and inform species conservation work across Wiltshire, and also encourage people to send in more wildlife records. If you come across any interesting wildlife, using something like the iRecord app on your mobile makes it really easy to submit a record. Submit a photo if you’re not sure.”
A report and the interactive species distribution map are available here: https:// www.wsbrc.org/projects/wiltshires-criticalspecies/
If you come across any of these species, please send in your records through the easy-to-use app at: https://irecord.org.uk/