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Radio Odstock’s 70th birthday celebrations set for Guildhall
RADIO Odstock is a hospital-based community radio station which broadcasts to Salisbury District Hospital patients and the wider Salisbury community.
It began broadcasting on Monday, 27th July 1953 and will be celebrating its 70th year by holding a party at the Guildhall on Saturday, 29th July 2023.
It all begins at 7pm and it promises to be a 70s themed event right down to the food and drinks on offer. If you have anything from that era, fancy dress is strongly encouraged.
It costs £10, which includes a welcome drink. All money from this event will be going to the radio station and its running costs, as well as the Salisbury Hospice Charity, which is located near the studios.
Gilly, one of the station’s presenters said: “I came up with this idea with the help of a team called Three Oddies who are equally passionate about partying.
“We are really excited to be welcoming all the community to celebrate this special event. I could not have done it without the team.”
The station has a wide variety of programmes specially made for Salisbury and the surrounding area by presenters passionate about music in addition to locally produced shows from our specially built studios on the site of the hospital.
All content is produced by volunteers who can also be seen collecting requests on the hospital wards and at the hospice.
The station has its own community news service which broadcasts local news across the schedule and is regularly updated by a team of volunteers who also look after the social media pages and the website.
The station recently launched a catch-up service on the Mixcloud platform to showcase its shows to wider audiences who can listen whenever they want to.
To find our mixcloud page all you need to do is search for Friends of Radio Odstock. If you follow this page you can get regular updates of when your favourite show’s latest edition is available.
To get tickets email friendsofradioodstock@outlook.com www.radioodstock.org.uk