BSOC Comunieco Issue 2 2008

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Contents 4

Comsoc Camp 08 Erratic Extemporaneous Ensembles

10 Cool Things to do


5 Signs Your Easing Into Uni Life


The Commoner:


L:ight Me Up!

Comsoc Calendar


Careers Corner


The Team Publication Team Writers Katherine Choo Larissa Lee Davis Raymond Lee Eric Liao Jaja Luo Tiffany So Jo Duong Feng Ying Lin

James Hu Jack Zeng

Publication Directors Shirley Weng

Leslie Wong

Graphics Jack Huo

Zoe Yang

Angela Lung

Jack Zeng


Comsoc Camp ‘08 Reviewed by Ada Wong The season premiere starred some fresh, new and previously undiscovered talent at UNSW. As 160 commerce and economics students found themselves stuck on a desert island for the weekend with nothing but cotton balls, hair gel, and some frozen socks - who knew what extremes they would go to? However after a circular whirlwind of charades, animal tribal dancing to Soulja Boy, pelting each other with tennis balls in the pool and cheering on their team as they decided the ulimate iron gut, it was clear that this crew had what it took to give ‘party’ a whole new meaning!

We need more gel!

The Verdict? Original, entirely captivating and delightful viewing. Impressive cinematography which no doubt took much time and effort in production. Applause to the social team for a job well done and thankyou to the stellar first year cast who sure know how to have fun! Watch out for what promises to be an amazing sequel - the COMSOC Cruise!


Summer Intern Opportunities UBS is one of the world’s largest wealth managers, a top investment banking and securities firm, a major international asset manager, and Switzerland’s premier retail and commercial bank. With operations in all major financial centres, UBS employs over 80,000 people in 50 countries globally. In Australasia, UBS has operated in the financial market for over 70 years and today is a market leader, employing more than 1600 staff in Australia and New Zealand. The key to achieving growth and change is recruiting the most talented, qualified and motivated people into the right culture and giving them every opportunity to succeed. We offer a nine week structured summer internship program. Working alongside some of the brightest and best, you will learn about our organization, our clients and the products and services we offer. Events are run throughout, ensuring your experience is packed with learning, training and networking opportunities. Evaluation is a serious element of the program and successful interns will be offered a graduate position for the following year. Our programs in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore run from December 2008 until February 2009. Applications close 16 July 2008. To learn more and to apply, please visit

Wealth Management

Global Asset Management

Investment Bank

You & Us


10 Cool Things To Do Are you bored at uni most of the time? Or simple have nothing to do? Or want to kill some time?! Well try some of these! They’re bound to entertain.

ndered who your second cousins

Draw up a family tree – ever wo

Write messages on your calculator – its really simple! Remember those letters and letter strings you can input? Make an awesome message with them!

Find the name of the book with reference code S840.93538/5 Hint: library level 9

d topnoodles an f o s n io t to! ombina you want different c w o e n h t k ll u a o y Try ar – e noodle b pings at th

Build a treehouse – remember when you were a kid, you always wanted one of these. Well, now you can build one! Or you could just plan one…

Count the number of one seater stools/seats in the Matthew foodcourt – this is much harder than I thought…


When Your Bored! Written By Eric Liao

Write a poem: Easy as it sounds, Must have rules for bounds, Acrostic or rhyme or more,

Solve this riddle:


What am I? Hands of shadow, Of daylight knows. Unusable at night, Of 2-ish metre height. Here is a hint, In the quad it glints.

Make up stories for all those scars you’ve accumulated – now who doesn’t love a good courageous story?

ok maybe this isn’t for everyone, but if u do decide to make one give it to a nerdy friend after to solve!



5 Signs that you are easing into uni life With the first semester of the year slowly drawing to a close, a lot of you who are first years will feel that you have been around long enough to de-mystify everything about uni life. When you think about your transition from high schooler to university student, you may realise that it’s the little epiphanies (and I do mean little) that signals you are settling in just fine. ly no way to Written By there is absolute at th n io at is al re the al phase of wh- Katherine Choo You’ve come to through the initi ne go ve u’ Yo . ed yourself NSW t have now resign avoid stairs at U bu g, in ut po d self that ning an by deluding your – inging , complai rs ai st ng di en upwards. e never slowly travelling is to climbing thos tt bu ur yo d inner an your thighs are th



You now know what multi-tasking truly is: balancing the 5 kg textbook on your lap, uncapping the highlighter while eating the last of your banana, and hoping to dear god that the passenger sitting next to you on the citybus won’t notice the little bit of orange juice you split on the bottom of his trousers.


You know what tim es the co there are mp classes in e ach lab, w uter labs are at th a strange e hich labs intuition are the b ir most congested th the law li est bets, a , when brar y to c at helps you calcu nd heck out la any vacan te whether its wo have developed cies there rth going . down to

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You have big plans for your semester 2 timetable, which will involve scheduling around the monstrosity that is the line for the UNSW express bus at Eddy Avenue early in the morning, squashing as many classes as possible into as few days as possible, and wedging in a break somewhere that will allow you to sprint to the nearest coffee cart before your next tutorial.


Light Me Up! Lit by eleven women in Olympia, representing the roles of priestesses who in a performance, light the torch by the light of the Sun, the Olympic Torch which brings light during the opening ceremony in the Host country has been surrounded by controversy. In the latest relay towards its final destination, the Torch has been a target for many protestors wishing to have their voices heard. Through this medium, Free Tibet activists have successfully drawn attention to human rights abuses that are occurring in Tibet, with the Torch leaving a blaze of fiery protests. The Olympics however have always been a stage to protest. In 1956 the Melbourne Olympics were the first Olympics that were boycotted by the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland, because of the repression of the Hungarian Uprising by the Soviet Union. Similar boycotts occurred in 1972 and 1976, with numerous African countries threatening to boycott the Olympics if the committee did not ban Africa, Rhodesia, and New Zealand. The committee refused their demands in 1976 and the countries withdrew their teams after the games had started. In 1980 and 1984, the Cold War opponents boycotted each other’s games and sixty-five nations refused to compete at the Moscow Olympics in 1980 because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Now, with growing calls for boycotts of the 2008 Olympics in Beijing on accord of China’s poor human rights record and response to disturbances in Tibet. Many people are being urged even to boycott Chinese goods which, coupled with the in-balance of trade between


Written By: Tiffany So

China and the western world and Australia may mean bad news for the Chinese economy. Setting foot in Beijing, San Francisco, London and Paris, the torch’s route which began at Olympia, Greece, has changed multiple times, with the torch being extinguished several times during its shortened stay in Paris. During Paris, many ceremonies were cut short due to fears of protestor interference, with the torch at one stage being taken out of the relay for fears it would be extinguished. Since 1987, Free Tibet campaigners have been lobbying for Tibetans’ right to determine their own future, campaigning for an end to China’s occupation in Tibet. Allegations of the movement have included genocide and issues relating to resource exploitation, media freedom, Chinese migration, recognition of Tibetan as the official language and a right to express freedom in religion. Similar controversies have arisen out of countries wishing to maintain sovereignty. This has included controversies over Chinese involvement in state security operations. With the Olympic torch set to arrive in Canberra on April 24, it looks as if Australia should be bracing itself for another set of protests.

Some think training. We think investment.

Training is something that people do to graduate interns when they want them earning their keep as fast as possible. Learning, on the other hand, is not a destination, but a journey: it’s an attitude that sees opportunities for growth and development in every new experience. Learning is an investment you embrace as if your future depended on it – because it does. About 80% of our current revenue comes from business areas that didn’t exist twenty years ago. We are very keen to prepare our interns for the new, the unexpected and the unusual. Summer Internship opportunities are available in Sydney, Melbourne, Hong Kong and Singapore. Application deadline: 16th July 2008. For further information and to apply, please visit our website.

Thinking New Perspectives. Credit Suisse is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its employment decisions on the basis of any protected category. To the extent permitted or required by applicable law, a candidate who is offered employment will be subject to a criminal record check and other background checks before the appointment is confirmed. © 2008 CREDIT SUISSE GROUP and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.




This time last year “I thought I’d have to sell my soul to make it” When it comes to Institutional Banking, we expect our Grads to push themselves. But what we don’t expect is them to have to work 24/7. We believe in a healthy work-life balance, competitive salaries and giving you the flexibility to make your own career. But don’t just take our word for it – see what the Grads from 07 have to say. Go to to hear their feedback and for your 09 application form.

© 2008 Westpac Banking Corporation (ABN 33 007 457 141).


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18/2/08 4:45:59 PM

Careers Corner Halfway There

Whats On in May?

So another month has passed, and uni is well and truly underway. I hope everyone has been enjoying their time back at uni!

Joint Investment Banking Barbeque May 7th | Morven Brown Lawn 12:30 - 2:00PM

The topic of this month however, is not exams, but internships. That’s right its already time to start thinking about summer for all those who are in their penultimate year. For all of you who fit into this category, we have included a few interviews and tips for your perusal.

Meet the Entrepreneur: Michael Easson May 14th | Law Building G02 | 1-2PM

For everyone else we have included details for May’s upcoming events and a review of the careers expo for your interest. My personal recommendation for this month would be the Meet the Entrepreneur talk and the Innovation and Entrepreneurship talks. Seeya in June!

Jack Zeng

Careers Section Editor

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talk Gary Zamel May 21st | CLB 4 | 1-2PM Registrations Open for Industry Mentoring Early May | Registrations Close for Industry Mentoring Later May/Early June

Meet the Entrepreneur: Michael Easson Date: Wednesday, 14 May | Law Building Room G02| 1-2PM Food and Drinks will be provided. Thinking of starting your own business in the future? Come and share in the experiences of a man - who didn’t just talk about it, but went out and did it. An alumnus of UNSW, Harvard, and Stanford, a member of the Order of Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Michael Easson has held positions ranging from Vice-President of the ACTU and UNICEF Australia to serving on the boards of Telstra Stadium and the Macquarie Infrastructure Group. His entrepreneurial drive eventually led him in 2000 to form the EG Property Group of which he is Executive Chairman. As part of the Meet the Entrepreneur series of talks, this is an unique opportunity to meet and listen to Michael Easson speak about his university experience, his career and the importance of entrepreneurial spirit and what it takes to truly make it in today’s business world.

Industry Mentoring Program

In everyone’s circle of friends, there is always that person who we envy because they have “connections”, because their uncle is the senior partner of this firm and their cousin works in the HR of that company. The reason we envy them is because they get a first hand account of what it takes to succeed in the corporate world, how to maximise their university experience and what work experience will contribute most to their desired career paths. The Industry Mentoring Program is here to give you that same experience. In semester 2, this unique leadership development scheme will pair you up with a mentor from some of the most prominent firms in the professional services world. The mentoring experience will NOT involve any Industrial Training or on the job experience. There is much more to it than that. Through social networking activities such as lunch meetings, outings and regular correspondence, your mentor will educate, motivate and inspire you and your career. Learn how to maximise your university experience, find out what subjects are best for the career paths you are seeking and learn more about the industries and companies you are thinking about entering. The number of places available for this exclusive program is highly limited. Applications will open in May. All undergraduate Commerce and Economics students are welcome to apply. Please visit regularly for further updates and information under the Careers section.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Talk Date :May 21st | CLB 4 | 1-2PM Seize the opportunity to learn more about the commercial opportunities for your skills and knowledge! Gary Zamel’s entrepreneurial spirit has propelled many successful start-ups such as Mine Site Technologies Pty Ltd, the global leader in Underground Mine Communications with operations in Australia, Canada and the USA and the recently established Nubian Water Systems Pty Ltd which focuses on global solutions for water recycling and purification. With a desire to assist in the formation of the next generation of entrepreneurial engineers Gary is working with Peter Farrell to establish the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at UNSW. Gary will speak on not only ideas of entrepreneurship and innovation but also a new course that functions as an elective for commerce students, and a Gen-Ed for non-commerce students based on those very principles. All UNSW students are welcome to these speaking events. Please register at to attend and check back for further details.

UNSW Careers Expo

The UNSW Careers Expo held on April 10 saw another great event for those looking for career opportunities in their area of study. While the event was geared towards graduate positions, there was plenty of opportunity to talk to the representatives of the participating firms who were happy to dish out the information to those interested. The representatives sent by most firms comprised of both past students currently involved in graduate programs, human resource managers and assistants as well as professionals themselves. As they were looking for potential recruits, engaging the firms of one’s interest was as simple as making eye-contact however some of the more popular firms (i.e. KPMG and PwC) saw large numbers of students queuing for attention. For the most part, the information provided gave insights into the graduate programs, career paths, company culture, history and general industry information proving valuable for students thinking of applying for positions or having already applied and requiring interview-material. The event attracted both the large and reputable firms along with small to medium sized businesses offering students plenty of choice and opportunities to engage with different groups within an industry. Whilst there were many firms participating in the event, there was a disproportionate number of mining, resource and energy companies who occupied most of Randwick Racecourse’s Shannon Room and Randwick Pavilion all seeking students of the engineering kind. Despite this, commerce students still enjoyed their freebies whilst also having some quality firms such as Deloitte and Procter & Gamble in attendance. Besides the information, the freebies distributed by employers were undoubtedly what many came for. These ranged from the de-rigueur pens, chocolates and enviro-bags to the flash and exotic thermos bottles, lip balm-cum-key rings and bottle openers to the strange and gimmicky (this author score several dozen glow-sticks courteousy of Bloomberg). While most employer groups were well stocked and happy to give away treasure to any students who asked, others kept a firm eye on student IDs to ensure that only those genuinely potential recruits were suckered into talking. On the whole the event went smoothly and despite some congestion around the more popular employers it was enjoyable especially if you went for the information AND freebies.

The UNSW Careers Expo is hosted yearly by:

Alex Toh

Summer Investment Bank Internships

Internships are usually open to students in their second last year of study over the summer holidays. Competition, especially in high profile organisations can be intense as these placements often lead to grad position. Applications will open in June and close in Mid July Therefore it is essential that you are well prepared!

Benefits • Career Related Experience • Resume enhancement • Knowledge of the industry & your course • Networking opportunities • Getting a foot in the door

Preparation • Knowing what you want to do and focus on your preferred industry areas • Investigate options early and research your preferred firms and industry areas • Look out for on-campus workshops • Attend the UNSW COMSOC INVESTMENT BANKING & FINANCE BBQ • Do your application well in advance • Remove incriminating evidence of yourself off public forums such as Facebook and make sure your email and phone voice message are professional

Alternatives In deciding what you want to do, it is always important to know all your options and to hear the opinions & experiences of corporate professionals. COMSOC presents the opportunity to hear 2 established entrepreneurs speak about how they became a success. Find out how you can engage your innovation and your inner entrepreneur and see why these qualities are so highly regarded by employers! • Meet the Entrepreneur: Michael Easson – 14th May • Innovation & Entrepreneurship talk: Gary Zamel – 21st May

Joanne Duong

COMSOC Vice President

Inside the Business Andrian Nicholas tells us about his internship experience at UBS Name: Adrian Nicholas Background: UNSW, Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science, specialising in Finance, Mathematics & Statistics Internship: Summer 2007-08 at UBS in Equity Derivatives Previous work experience: Barista and waiter Currently: Completing final year of degree, working part time with UBS and joining as a graduate in February 2009. My typical day: •Attend the morning meeting - a briefing on overnight news, company news and important upcoming financial markets dates and events. Read financial review and detailed notes issued with the morning meeting. •Perform a variety of tasks for the traders or other members of the team (usually Excel based) •Rotate to another division to learn about a different part of the business. •Work on project before and after market close. •Catch up with other interns! What training did you receive? The intern class included students from a range of different degrees and universities and the training ensured we were all on the same page and entered on an equal footing. Induction Week introduced us to UBS, the business model and senior business leaders and also included an accounting refresher course, Excel and Bloomberg training as well as personal and social skills development. Lunch and Learns each week provided greater insight into the bank, its finer components and the type of people we could expect to meet at UBS. Derivatives Breakfasts tutored by one of the leading exotics traders in the country, provided an opportunity to learn about derivatives instruments. How were you assessed? All interns were set a project at the beginning of the internship which was presented to team members during the final week. This was a great chance to show off some independent work and impress senior management! We were also assessed on-the-job, through initial objective setting and subsequent follow-up meetings to review progress.

What were the highlights? The culture and mateship - I got along with everyone and regularly shared a laugh! Variety of work and rotations, which offered experience of different divisions. Social and networking activities. Biggest challenge? My assignment was highly specialized and part of a major project for my team. It tested my Excel skills but I was able to ask heaps of questions and everyone was willing to help when I got stuck. What was the recruitment process like? Challenging but rewarding! It involved an online application, followed by an initial interview and psychometric testing (numerical, logical and verbal). There was a group assessment centre which looked at ability to interact with others and an evening event which gave us a chance to meet informally with UBS representatives. This was followed by final interviews and then offers. Any tips for success? •Be honest throughout the application process. •Be friendly to everyone and don’t think you are above any work that you are given (even going on a lunch run!) •Work hard and ask lots of questions - The internship is what you make of it.

Inspiring Women in the workplace… Deloitte has just been named as an Employer of Choice for Women 2008 - the seventh year in a row! Since the inception of the Employer of Choice for Women Awards in 2001, Deloitte, the leading professional services firm, has been a high profile recipient. So what are they doing right? Deloitte’s Women’s Initiative was launched in 2001 as part of a global program. Under the unwavering guidance and support from Deloitte Australia CEO Giam Swiegers this grew substantially as the ‘Inspiring Women’ initiative. Inspiring Women was established in 2003 to help the firm recruit, recognise, develop and retain their talented women and this has played a key role in the firm’s success at recognising equal opportunities. And their vision is clear: to continue to be the professional services firm of choice for talented women. To achieve this vision, Deloitte has created an environment where women can advance, succeed, help one another and successfully integrate their personal and professional commitments. The Inspiring Women initiative is successfully woven into the fabric of Deloitte’s culture (based on seven Signals) as evidenced by the fact that Deloitte has the largest number of female partners of Australia’s big four firms. The firm also introduced the Deloitte Businesswoman of the Year Award in 2004 to recognise and reward their most talented women and allow them to inspire the whole firm. Whilst evidently successful at embracing diversity, Deloitte recognise they’re on a journey. According to Mr Swiegers, the firm will continue its focus on ensuring women are inspired and supported in the workplace. The firm are committed to building the leadership capability of their women, leveraging their learnings to help their clients and driving a performance culture where the partnership demonstrates shared values for everyone. And the Inspiring Women and Deloitte Business Woman of the Year are just the start of it.


Goldman Sachs JBWere is a pre-eminent financial services organisation that provides a wide range of investment, advisory, financing, securities, execution, asset and wealth management services to a substantial and diversified client base including corporations, financial institutions, governments and high net worth individuals. We seek to be the adviser of choice for our clients throughout Australasia and, as part of the Goldman Sachs network, provide leading capabilities that extend to financial markets globally. The Goldman Sachs JBWere culture is what sets us apart, and is founded on bringing together talented and diverse people who share our values of integrity, teamwork, creativity and professional excellence. Our interns and graduates are given a unique insight into the firm by working within our business as critical members of our teams, with responsibilities that help them develop their talent and build their careers. If you are looking for practical experience as part of one of Australia’s leading financial services firms, apply online at today for intern and graduate positions.

Application deadlines are as follows 2008/09 Summer Internship Sydney and Melbourne Applications open 18 June 2008. Applications close 16 July 2008. Goldman Sachs JBWere Services Pty Ltd ABN 27 004 595 448. Goldman Sachs is a registered trade mark of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Perspectives In telling you about the world of Credit Suisse – the challenges, the opportunities, the vision, the culture – we try to avoid hyberbole and cliché. We want to tell it like it is. The best way to get our message across is for you to read and listen to the personal perspectives of our own people, in their own words. What you will find in this article are the true thoughts, experiences and sentiments of Credit Suisse people – from senior managers to the newest recruits. Hear how our top managers see the future mapping out and listen to colleagues talking frankly about their daily lives – the highs and the lows.


Corporate Title: Analyst Department: Investment Banking, Investment Banking Department Education: Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Accounting and Finance) at University of New South Wales and University of Texas Year Joined Credit Suisse: 2007 I experienced my first taste of Investment Banking during university work experience with a leading global investment bank and instantly I knew it was the career for me. I was particularly excited when my team’s deal was announced and was splashed all over the financial press. The possibility of transforming the corporate landscape through large scale mergers and acquisitions has always attracted me to banking, and still motivates me on a daily basis. Credit Suisse felt like the right bank for me, partly because of the future opportunities to move around globally, and partly because of the ‘small team’ culture which means greater responsibility, faster learning and the chance to get so much more from the experience. The recruitment process clinched it for me in deciding which bank to choose. You got to know the kind of people that make the bank tick and such a great place to work. Analysts at Credit Suisse work as generalists which provides you with exposure to various industries and financial products and helps build a great knowledge platform for an analyst’s future career. And with our integrated bank model, we can leverage the knowledge and experience of the global investment banking team and specialists in other areas around

the world. In fact, a ‘global team’ is a great way to describe Credit Suisse. I’ve worked on several deals requiring input from colleagues in other regions, and am constantly amazed by the willingness to share work and knowledge, no matter what time it is in their part of the world! I’ve also been surprised by the extent to which the bank acknowledges the contribution young analysts make to the business, and commitment made to our development in return – through mentoring, internal training, early responsibility, client exposure and the New York program. I feel I’ve been given a great head start in my banking career.


Corporate Title: Associate Department: Investment Banking, Equities Education: Bachelor of Commerce (Honours & University Medal), University of Sydney Year Joined Credit Suisse: 2005 Equity Research appealed to me because it combines hardnosed analysis with writing and relationship building. You need an eye for detail, but you also need to be a ‘big picture’ thinker with commercial acumen and a creative mind – a demanding combination! My favourite part of the role is the deep investigative analysis of an investment theme, especially when it results in market leading research. At Credit Suisse, even though we’re structured into small, sector-based teams, there’s often close collaboration between teams when an investment theme simultaneously impacts multiple sectors. For example, my team, which covers the financial sector, works closely with the Infrastructure and Property sector teams, because some of our stocks are the ‘external managers’ of infrastructure and property investment vehicles. Graduates coming into international banking must expect – and want – an unusually high level of responsibility at a very early stage, probably more than in any other industry. And you’re given access to high level decision makers too. For example, as research analysts we have a lot of interaction with the top management of the companies we cover. For me it began almost on day one with a meeting with one of the top CEOs in our market. It can be a little daunting, but very stimulating at the same time. From comparing notes with friends in other firms, my impression is that the people and the culture at Credit Suisse are the key differentiators. It’s an impression I first formed when I was going through the recruitment process. After meeting quite a few members of the team, the people came across as both extremely professional yet also down to earth and very supportive. That pretty much sums up how it is at Credit Suisse

Important Dates Company

ANZ BDO Kendalls BHP Billiton Dept of Finance and Deregulation (Winter) KPMG Commonwealth Bank of Australia Ernst & Young Deutsche Bank UBS Deloitte Goldman Sachs JBWere JPMorgan (Winter) JPMorgan (Summer) Credit Suisse PriceWaterhouseCoopers Westpac

Open date July 2008 August 2008 Check website 1 May 2008

July 2008 6th August 2008

Open now August 2008 18 June 1 April 16 June 3 August

Close date 12 September 2008 22 May 2008

3 September 29th August 2008 3 September 16th July 16th July 3 September 16 July 2008 30 April 16 July 2008 16 July 2008 3 September

August 2008

Note: Information is correct at time of printing. These dates may be subject to change.

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