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3.2 Precinct Plan Option 1
Option 1: The 'Pocket Park' Precinct 3.1 Precinct Plan - Option 1 Macksville Triangle Precinct Option 1 plays on the idea of a making the Macksville Town Centre Core a triangle Option 1: The 'Pocket Park' Precinct (Macksville Triangle). This is achieved by retaining the existing ‘high-street’ along Wallace Street, creating a new ‘high-street’ extension along Princess Street, and a ‘high-street’ extension along Station Street. By creating Macksville Triangle, it will expand the existing Town Centre Core both north-east and south-west. Legend
Existing Heritage Station Buildings Existing Primary School Relocated Primary School Existing High School Existing Major Street Existing Childcare Existing Primary Structure Street Primary Street (20m) Existing TAFE Existing Local Street Local Street (20m) Existing Library Existing Lane
Legend Key elements within Option 1 are: • Proposed above-grade existing rail A civic spine along Wallace Street, with the three new triangular shaped lots proposed to be the location of two new public buildings and a pocket park. These public
Proposed above-grade High Speed Rail buildings and pocket park will serve as anchors of the Macksville Triangle. • A new arts and cultural facility at the base of Macksville Triangle which will provide
Above-grade rail interchange ample gallery, exhibition and informal performance spaces for local artists within
Macksville and broader region. • Above-grade rail platform A redefined, legible and rationalised street grid that includes: 1) realignment of West
Street to create a new north-south connection and 2) additional east-west connections • to improve walkability and permeability within Macksville Town Centre. A health and education sub-precinct located in the north-western extent of the Option 1:
Childcare Macksville Town Centre featuring a new health hub, the relocated TAFE and Primary School and a new childcare facility.The 'Pocket Park' Precinct • A new primary school that is located off the busy revived high street along Wallace
Street, creating a safer environment for both pedestrians and students during school drop off and pick up. Relocated TAFE
Legend Proposed above-grade existing rail Existing Heritage Station Buildings
Proposed above-grade existing rail Existing Heritage Station Buildings Proposed above-grade High Speed Rail Existing Primary School Above-grade rail interchange Relocated Primary School Above-grade rail platform Existing High School Existing Major Street Existing Childcare Existing Primary Structure Street Childcare Primary Street (20m) Existing TAFE Existing Local Street Relocated TAFE Local Street (20m) Existing Library Existing Lane Library
ProposedLane(6-1 abov0m) e-grade High Speed Rail Lane(6-10m)Above-grade raExisting High il interchaStreet nge Existin Libraryg Primary School Existing Council Chambers Reloca Existingted Primar Counciy Schooll Chambers
Existing HigAbove-grade h raS il treetplatform High Street
HighExistStreeting Major Street Existing Bridge ExistingExisting BridgePrimary Structure Street Waterway Primary StreWaterway et (20m) Existing LoExisting Ocalpe Sn treetSpace Existing Open Space LocaExistl i Strng eetSc (20mhool )Oval Existing School OvalExisting Lane Open Space Extension Open SpaceLane(6-10m) Extension Local Park
LocalExisti Parkng High Street Existin Council/Civicg High SchoolCouncil/Civic Centre Centre Existing ChildcareExisting Aquatic Centre
Existing Aquatic Centre ChildcareIndoor Sports Centre Existin Indoor Spor g TAFECivic Plaza ts Centre
Reloca Civic Plted TAFE aza Arts and Cultural Centre Existin Arts ang Library d Cultural Centre
Library Health Hub Health Hub
Existing CouncYouthil ChambeCentre rs
Youth Centre
BushHighBush ParkStreetPark
Existing Bridge T Rail InterchangeHSRExisting Aquatic Centre Council/Civic CentreT Rail InterchangeHSR Entry/Exit Entry/Exit
Waterway Indoor Sports Centre
Existing Open Space Civic Plaza
Existing School Oval Arts and Cultural Centre
Open Space Extension Health Hub
Local Park Youth Centre
Bush Park T HSR Rail Interchange Entry/Exit
0 50 100 200m 0 50 100 200m N N scale: 1:5000 @ A3 scale: 1:5000 @ A3