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CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................................................................84
Team Members
Team Member (Name)
George Cory Darroch
Email zID Signature Date
georgeccdd@gmail.com Z5256312 George CD 15.11.21
Johnathon Walker johno@walker.co Z5251328 Johno W 15.11.21
Team Roles and Responsibilities
George is an experienced and effective Project Manager. Having completed multiple public projects throughout Australia, he brings a wealth of experience in all facets of a project. Strengths lie with stakeholder engagement and management.
Johno is a well-known and prestigious executive with a large multi-national developer. Preceding over multiple high-profile projects throughout Australia and Europe, Johno brings a wealth of experience in the residential and commercial sectors as a senior executive.
Team Risk Management Plan
A key identified risk is communication breakdown due to busy schedules and time management. This will be mitigated by scheduling regular meetups to ensure they are adhered to.
A further issue is not being able to visit site or obtain information. Mitigation strategy here is that strict information sharing protocols have been decided on.