Built Environment Research News May 2016

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Issue 24 – May 2016

The variety and scale of external research grants are crucial measures of an active research environment. The dollars earned to support faculty research are also a critical statistic in the annual reporting of research performance. Grant “quantum” provides a crucial driver of Commonwealth funding to universities for research organised through the HERDC (Higher Education Research Data Collection) process. From 2016 the university’s annual Research Block Grant (RBG) is driven solely by two key metrics: research income and Higher Degree Research (HDR) student load and completions. Collection of research publications data has been removed from the 2016 HERDC specifications. The annual dedicated research funding support we receive from UNSW is tied significantly and directly to the research income we generate. Put simply, the more successful we are with external grant monies, the more we get back to help underpin continuing research support through a variety of programs. HERDC grant income is grouped into four categories: Category 1: Australian competitive grants; Category 2: Other public sector research income; Category 3: Industry and other research income; and Category 4: Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) research income. So it all counts. So far this year, as reported by the UNSW Grants Management Office, faculty members have already been successful in securing well over one million dollars in external funding – an excellent performance for a Built Environment faculty. The types and topics of these new grants are typically diverse and their sources capture the scope and depth of our cross-disciplinary and collaborative research activity, for example: Australian Research Council, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Commonwealth Department of Health, CRC for Low Carbon Living, CRC for Spatial Information, NSW Department of Family and Community Services, and Randwick City Council. One mechanism by which the faculty supports the process of competitive grant application is through its annual small grants program, and I am happy to report that through the efforts of the Dean and General Manager Rob Young we have secured the necessary funding to roll that out again in 2016.

Rob Freestone Associate Dean Research

INTERNATIONAL AWARD FOR INNOVATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING A productive cross-disciplinary collaboration between Associate Professor Sidney Newton and Russell Lowe from the Faculty of Built Environment has led to the development of a radically new approach to the teaching and assessment of practice-ready skills in the construction industry, namely: The Situation Engine. Developed with funding support provided by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, The Situation Engine applies advanced video game technology to drive change in on-site construction behaviour through a virtual personal experience of safe and unsafe work practices. It delivers an authentic first-person virtual site experience of exceptional quality based on actual project models created by building professionals. Powerful analytics ensure all activities can be benchmarked and the conditions of each situation model adapted dynamically to suit individual trainer and learner needs. The Chartered Institute of Building is the world's largest and most influential professional body for construction management and leadership. The Situation Engine was recently selected from an international pool for their Premier Innovation in Education and Training Award. The judging panel said it is “at the leading edge of current applications of gaming technologies for practical training in the construction sector”. The Situation Engine has already been keenly adopted by universities and construction contractors in Australia, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom. Further information

“ENERGY CITIES AND SUSTAINABILITY: AN HISTORICAL APPROACH” Associate Professor Harry Margalit has recently seen the publication of his book Energy Cities and Sustainability: an historical approach. The book attempts to draw some historical lessons about the relationship between energy and urban form. Some of the key questions considered are:  How can the differences in the energy regimes of pre-modern and modern cities be characterised?  How are modern cities, rich and poor, sustained “energetically”, and what effect has growing energy use had on urban form over time?  What might the effects on modern cities be in an energy constrained future? The book seeks to apply Vaclav Smil's energy histories to the size and functioning of cities across time, as well as looking at emerging demographic trends that correlate with contemporary urban policies that try to reduce fossil fuel use. It offers an alternative version of urban history, with a view to informing both the writing of history and the formulation of ideas for cities. Illegal electrical connections, Rio de Janeiro GaryYim/Shutterstock

‘MODIFY OR MOVE’ AMONG MANY HOUSING OPTIONS There was a huge turnout for the inaugural Housing Innovation Showcase in Sydney on 6 April 2016. Associate Professor, Dr. Catherine Bridge, spoke about the growing importance of home modifications to support the elderly or disabled. Catherine’s work is so important because it proves that government can save money while increasing a person’s quality of life. Read online.

“WILD RESEARCHERS” EXHIBITION Dr Scott Hawken has become the subject in a photographic exhibition Wild Researchers currently on view in the Chancellery. The exhibition comprises images of UNSW researchers by awardwinning photographer, Tamara Dean, transporting us outside the lab and into the landscapes where they work. The Australian Museum hosted the exhibition from 4 November till 13 December 2015. View online.

UNSW BE JOINS THE CTBUH The Faculty has recently joined the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), a not-forprofit group concerned with the inception, design, construction, and operation of tall buildings. Membership provides us access to a host of different resources, discounts on publications and conference attendance opportunities. The CTBUH have a number of current initiatives that may be of interest including;  Student tall building design competition  Research seed funding opportunities  Database of research papers  Upcoming conferences NSW also hosts a local CTBUH Chapter, which Helen Lochhead and Philip Oldfield are involved in, with plans including a 2017 Sydney-based symposium. For more information see www.ctbuh.org, or contact Philip Oldfield at p.oldfield@unsw.edu.au.

Dr Hoon Han is a Senior Lecturer in City Planning and Convenor of the Smart Cities Research Cluster. Prior to joining UNSW in January 2011, Hoon held teaching and research positions at Griffith University (2009-2011) and the University of Queensland (2004-2009) where he completed his PhD. His research interests lie in geographic and temporal changes, in urban form as well as housing and location decision-making,

in particular the dynamic changes occurring in response to constraints and opportunities presented within a spatial-economic context. His research uses a range of statistical methods to understand the complex relationships between urban form and human behaviour. His recent work has focused on smart cities. This has involved investigating the impact of new digital technologies (e.g., the Internet of Things (IoTs) ) on human well-being and how these interactions affect people’s perceptions and adaptive behaviours as part of everyday living. Hoon has actively disseminated his research through various outlets. Over the past five years at UNSW he has published 27 outputs - 1 scholarly book, 2 book chapters, 14 journals and 10 conference articles. His publications have been cited 232 times since 2011 (h-index = 10). The impact of his research and contributions to the urban planning field are also reflected in his recent nationally and internationally funded projects. He has won 5 externally competitive research grants since 2011. In 2015 he won the Best Paper Award at the 8th Knowledge Cities World Summit Conference held in Daegu, South Korea. Hoon is also an Associate Editor of the journal City, Culture and Society (Elsevier) and sits on the editorial boards of Spatial Information Research (Springer) and the International Journal of Knowledge-based Development (Inderscience).

Edgar Liu: Multigenerational homes on the increase. Radio National, Canberra, RN Drive, 27 April 2016. Listen online. Bill Randolph: Home bound: Generation why us? St George & Sutherland Shire Leader, Sydney, 27 April 2016. View online. Katy Bridge & Phillippa Carnemolla: Ageing and disabled Australians spark a DIY revolution. UNSW Newsroom, 26 April 2016. View online. Phillip Oldfield: High-sores: Why we need to rethink Australia’s ‘criminally’ bad skyscrapers. News.com.au, 25 April 2016. View online. David Sanderson: Ecuador after the quake – what now? Research Gate, 19 April 2016. View online. Bill Randolph: Sydney: crowded, compressed. St George & Sutherland Shire Leader, Sydney, Domain, 20 April 2016. Bill Randolph & Laurence Troy: Sydney's empty neighbourhoods. Australian Broker, National, General News,15 April 2016. View online. Ryan van den Nouwelant: People earning the least forced to travel the furthest to get to work in Australia's CBDs. News.com.au, 15 April 2016. View online. Deo Prasad: Green village proves high value of low carbon living. The Lead, South Australia, 14 April 2016. View online. Katy Bridge: 'Modify or Move' among many housing options. Freedom2live, 13 April 2016. View online. Helen Lochhead: Western Sydney is the focus of a ‘Go West’ action plan… NITV, Sydney, The Point, 11 April 2016. View online. Bill Randolph: Sydney unit rents surge, maybe time for a mortgage? Your Mortgage, 10 April 2016. View online. David Sanderson: Alejandro Aravena: the shape of things to come. The Guardian, 10 April 2016. View online. Bill Randolph: Generation why us? Sun Herald, Sydney, 10 April 2016. Sid Newton & Russell Lowe: University makes game to teach workplace safety. Suratbasin.com.au, 9 April 2016. View online.

Laurence Troy & Bill Randolph: Negative Gearing Creating Masses of Vacant Apartments. Sourceable.net, 8 April 2016. View online. Karl Fischer: Story of cities #17: Canberra's vision of the ideal city gets mired in 'mediocrity’. The Guardian, 7 April 2016. View online. City Futures: Nearly 200 buildings sit empty in the Leichhardt area despite council promises to fix the problem. Inner West Courier Inner City, 7 April 2016. View online. Laurence Troy: Huge housing costs could force workers out of area. Mosman Daily, 7 April 2016. View online. Phillipa Carnemolla: Home modifications reduce reliance on care: study. Community Care Review, 7 April 2016. View online. Susan Thompson: Meet Barry, the 87-year-old who battled against big development. Domain.com.au, 3 April 2016. View online. . Have you have had your research mentioned in the media recently? Send details to Frances Pranoto for inclusion in the next newsletter.

Altmetrics measures the attention a DOI-linked article receives on the web and tracks outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Wikipedia, Pinterest, blogs, Reddit, The Conversation and other media outlets. A new feature for 2016, each month we will list the top scoring articles from Built Environment and Design, sourced from Altmetric Explorer. Top-mentioned Articles – from the Faculty 1. Hank Haeusler: From Users to Citizens: Some thoughts on designing for polity and civics 2. Gethin Davison/Edgar Liu: The Factors Driving the Escalation of Community Opposition to Affordable Housing Development 3. Martin Loosemore: A socio-ecological analysis of hospital resilience to extreme weather events 4. Hazel Easthope/Laurence Troy: “It Depends what you Mean by the Term Rights”: Strata termination and housing rights 5. Francesco Fiorito: Shape morphing solar shadings: A review 6. Scott Lieske: Assessing Socio-Economic Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts and Environmental Hazards in new South Wales and Queensland, Australia Top-mentioned Articles - Worldwide 1. Building Community Resilience through Historic Preservation. Journal of the American Planning Association 2. Drawings and the Design Process. Design Studies 3. Did the Big Stick Work? Am empirical assessment of scale economies and the Queensland forced amalgamation program. Local Government Studies 4. A Multi-objective Assessment of the Effect of Solar PV Array Orientation and Tilt on Energy Production and System Economics. Solar Energy 5. Speculating on London’s Housing Future. City

CHANGES TO “ADMISSIONS TO HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH PROGRAMS PROCEDURE” The HDR Admissions Procedure has gone through extensive consultation and has now been approved. It is available from the Governance Support website at https://www.gs.unsw.edu.au/policy/admissionstohdrprogramsprocedure.html The major changes that you may notice in the Procedure are:  It is now a requirement that prospective supervisors have an interview with applicants prior to an offer of admission being made to the applicant. The format of the interview is not mandated so supervisors can determine the most appropriate method for each circumstance.  Eligibility requirements have now been simplified and the clause indicating that the HDC can determine equivalence has been retained to allow for other pathways  Greater detail has been provided on the application process for applicants transferring from other institutions  Greater detail has been provided on the process for applying for readmission after discontinuation

CRCLCL attends first meeting of Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction CRCLCL CEO Scientia Professor Deo Prasad recently attended the first Paris-based meeting of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (launched at the 2015 meeting of COP21). He took part in discussions on how such an alliance can contribute to knowledge sharing to support the shared objective of keeping the global temperatures under 1.5 to 2.0 degrees centigrade. The CRCLCL is a MoU partner of the Alliance. There is a considerable role to be played by developed countries in sharing knowledge (evidence for design, planning and policy innovations), and availability of tools, data, technologies and systems with lesser developed countries. The CRCLCL shares much of its public domain research outputs and will continue to do so through its upcoming web-based Knowledge Hub portal. CRCLCL joins Expert Committee for Carbon Neutral Precincts standards (NCOS) The CRCLCL is pleased to be joining other industry leaders on the Expert Committee for carbon neutral precincts standards (NCOS), recently announced by the Australian Minister for the Environment, Greg Hunt. We welcome the Minister’s commitment to working towards carbon neutral cities and precincts and our leading research and innovations can certainly help achieve this. We are also well represented at the Future Cities Summit with our Chair Robert Hill AC and Prof Peter Newman speaking. We hope to engage much more with all levels of governments to present high quality evidence on design, planning and policy innovation. CRCLCL Media New project video launched CRCLCL project RP2006 FredZED - Mainstreaming LC Housing in WA recently launched a video outlining the potential and economic benefits of installing solar batteries in residential housing in Perth, WA. Watch the video here Assessing embodied carbon in the Australian built environment CRCLCL researcher Thomas Wiedmann (along with UNSW colleagues Judith Schinabeck and Sven Lundie) wrote a piece for The Fifth Estate on tools which can be used to measure the embodied carbon emissions of buildings, precincts and infrastructure. They considered the tools currently available to planners and designers, their limitations and the features of an ideal tool. Read the article

Building cool cities for a hot future CRCLCL PhD candidate Jonathan Fox and CRCLCL researcher Dr Paul Osmond wrote a piece for The Conversation on the variability of temperatures within Sydney suburbs. They note the effects of building form, surface materials and street orientation on outdoor microclimate and pedestrian thermal comfort. Read the article

NEW STUDENT INDUCTION DAY Induction Day for all new HDR students was held on Thursday, 14 April. This event serves to introduce our new students to the Faculty, its facilities and services, as well as provide them with information on research funding, ethics and the APR process. It was followed by a luncheon on level 6. The invitation was also extended to the rest of the HDR cohort, the supervisors and the BE Executive Team, providing an opportunity for our new students to meet and socialise with their colleagues. NEW STUDENTS Welcome to the following new HDR Candidates for S1_2016: Siliang Yang (PhD),”Studies on Optimal Application of Photovoltaic System for Commercial Buildings in Australia”. (Supervised by Francesco Fiorito, Deo Prasad)

Xueying Xiong (PhD), “A Theoretical Foundation for Senior Housing Developers: Where Do Elderly Move after Retirement Intra-City in China?” (Supervised by Hoon Han, Bruce Judd) Nicole Webb (PhD), “Place making as a tool to revitalise urban spaces: an evidence-based approach in measuring the success of place making initiatives in the public realm”. (Supervised by Nancy Marshall, Kate Bishop). Emma Clinton (MPhil), “Micro Housing – Housing affordability solution or the dismantling of residential amenity standards?” (Supervised by Bill Randolph, Simon Pinnegar)

GRADUATING STUDENTS Congratulations to the following HDR candidates who have recently completed their degrees. These students will be attending the June Graduation to accept their awards:     

Christopher McDonald (PhD), supervised by Rob Freestone and Xing Ruan; Hamid Aghaei Rad (PhD), supervised by Stan Fung, Maryam Gusheh and Samer Akkach; Ahmed Agiel (PhD), supervised by Jon Lang and Dijana Alic; Yingying Li (PhD), supervised by Hazel Easthope, Cynthia Wang and Martin Loosemore; Sanaz Hosseinabadi (PhD), supervised by Jon Lang and Harry Margalit;

We wish them well in their future endeavours.

MONTHLY COHORT WORKSHOP At last month’s monthly cohort workshop, held on Wednesday 6 April, we had three speakers present to the cohort. For Xueying Xiong and Siliang Yang it was their first time, both having just enrolled in S1_2016. Their presentations were very well received. 

Siliang spoke about his “Industrial Research Project in Beijing, China”. Siliang has joined UNSW following the completion of his studies in the UK. He shared his experience of working on an industrial research project in Beijing, China.

Xueying (Sherry) spoke about her home town: Wuhan, China. Sherry has joined UNSW following a stint in Seattle, USA.

Carlos Bartesaghi spoke about “Tackling the research gap through systematic quantitative literature reviews”

The next monthly HDR cohort workshop with be held on Wednesday 4 May from 11am in the AGSU Room (RC2001). All welcome to attend. Kate Patrick, FBE’s outreach librarian and Jake Surman from Central IT will be presenting on RDMP and Data Archive. This 30 minute presentation will provide an overview of the Research Data Management Plan (RDMP) and Data Archive at UNSW.

HIGH PERFORMANCE ARCHITECTURE CLUSTER The SBE16 International High-Performance Architecture Conference is now open for registration at: http://www.sbe16sydney.be.unsw.edu.au/registration.html. Abstract Acceptance Notifications have been sent to all submitting authors. Full paper submission deadline is 30 June 2016. 346 abstracts have been received from 44 countries. URBAN TYPOLOGIES RESEARCH CLUSTER 1) The publication project of Sydney’s Martin Place is on track, with the first galley proofs for the book due in early May. 2) At the Cluster meeting held on 21 April, discussion centred around the group’s next research and publication project. Two possible themes identified. Summaries of these were subsequently circulated to members for further consideration and response in terms of preference, potential enhancement and individual contribution – before the next meeting in May. Also, Peter Kohane and Harry Margalit will take on the organisation of a series of seminars/invited speakers for 2016. HDR students will be encouraged to be involved with these activities.

…about Source Normalised Impact per Paper (SNIP) Metrics? This year UNSW is using SNIP metrics for the first time to measure the impact of our research and this is one of the key performance indicators for the faculty under the UNSW 2025 strategy.

SNIP measures the contextual citation impact by weighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field. It is defined as the ratio of a journal’s citation count per paper and the citation potential in its subject field. It aims to allow direct comparison of sources in different subject fields. SNIP values are updated annually and derived from the Scopus abstract and indexing database. SNIP values for journals you have published in can be viewed in ROS. The Journal Rankings box within your journal article entry will contain a SNIP value if the journal has one. You can also search for journal SNIP values and trends at the CWTS Journal Indicators website. Want to know how your journal rates? The SNIP average for BE is 1.20. So any journal you publish in with a SNIP value of 1.20 or greater is good for the faculty’s average. More information on SNIP.

FACULTY RESEARCH SEMINAR 30 Global Planning Success Stories Prof John Landis, Crossways Professor and Chair of the Department of City and Regional Planning at the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Landis teaches and conducts research in the areas of housing policy, metropolitan and neighborhood change, urban growth modeling, and progressive real estate development. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Engineering from MIT and a PhD in City and Regional Planning from UC Berkeley, and has previously taught at the University of Rhode Island, Georgia Institute of Technology, and UC Berkeley. He is currently on sabbatical at the University of Sydney where he is working on a book on global planning success stories. Tuesday, 10 May 2016, 12.30pm – 2pm (Lunch provided), AGSU Room Red Centre West Wing More information


Public/private Urban Space Prof Jerold S. Kayden, the Frank Backus Williams Professor of Urban Planning and Design at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design Professor Kayden, who has been invited to Sydney to advise on the Judith Neilson Chair of Humanitarian Architecture led by Professor David Sanderson, will also give a faculty seminar on privately owned public space, calling on his research from New York City, Tokyo, and Seoul, etc. Tuesday, 3 May 2016, 12.45pm – 2pm, Room 4035 L4 Red Centre West Wing More information


UTZON LECTURE AND INAUGURAL JUDITH NEILSON LECTURE Resilient Neighbourhoods? Prof David Sanderson, Inaugural Judith Neilson Chair of Architecture at UNSW Built Environment Cities are facing unprecedented challenges: with global urban growth at around one million people per week, climate change and more natural disasters, cities and city designers need to think and act differently. Resilience is offering some fresh thinking. By focusing on the reduction of risk, and the capacity to ‘bounce back’, resilience unites different actors to address challenges collectively across a

city. But, how can vulnerable neighbourhoods be resilient? By drawing on lessons from recent urban disasters from poorer countries, this lecture critiques current practice and offers pointers on how built environment professionals could contribute better to building lasting resilience. Wednesday, 4 May 2016, 7pm, Mathews Theatre B, UNSW Kensington More information



Urban migration and crises: a 21 century challenge Led by Prof David Sanderson, Inaugural Judith Neilson Chair of Architecture at UNSW Built Environment Panelists: 1. Paul Currion, Start Network 2. Prof Jerold S Kayden, the Frank Backus Williams Professor of Urban Planning & Design at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design 3. Andrea Rodericks, independent consultant, previously worked with CARE International 4. Dr Anshu Sharma, co-founder and Board Member of SEEDS Thursday, 5 May 2016, 7pm, Law Theatre G04, UNSW Kensington More information


SMART CITIES AND URBAN INNOVATION SYMPOSIUM How can smart technology and urban design enhance the innovative potential of urban places? Explore cutting-edge smart city concepts from around the world and their relevance to Sydney, Australia’s innovation capital - this is all on the agenda, for June 1-2 when international and local smart city experts will meet in Sydney, Australia. Day 1, Smart Cities Workshop Wednesday, 1 June 2016, 9am – 9.30pm Michael Crouch Innovation Centre UNSW More information


Day 2, Urban Innovation Symposium Thursday, 2 June 2016, 8am - 5.30pm, The Concourse, Chatswood More information


The following 2015/16 research activities have been entered into ROS since the release of the last newsletter. Books Pawson, H., Milligan, V., Liu, E., Phibbs, P., & Rowley, S. (2015). Assessing management costs and tenant outcomes in social housing: Recommended methods and future directions (AHURI Final Report No 257). Melbourne: Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute - AHURI. Retrieved from http://www.ahuri.edu.au/publications/download/ahuri_71025_fr

Sanderson, D., Kayden, J. S., Watson, G. B., Killing, A., Boano, C., Allard, P., . . . Leis, J. (2016). Urban disaster resilience: new dimensions from international practice in the built environment. D. Sanderson, J. S. Kayden, & J. Leis (Eds.), New Yrok: Routledge. Retrieved from https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138849631 van den Nouwelant, R., Crommelin, L. M., Herath, S., & Randolph, B. (2016). Housing affordability, central city economic productivity and the lower income labour market. Retrieved from http://www.ahuri.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/7431/AHURI_Final_Report_No261_Hou sing-affordability-central-city-economic-productivity-and-the-lower-income-labour-market.pdf Book Chapters Bishop, K. G. (2016). The potential of placelessness for children and young people in 21st century cities. In R. Freestone, & E. Liu (Eds.), Place and Placeslessness Revisited. New York: Routledge. Freestone, R., Amati, M., & Lanfranchi, A. (2016). The On-Line Peri Urban: Understanding Local Government Websites in Victoria and New South Wales. In M. Kennedy, A. Butt, & M. Amati (Eds.), Conflict and Change in Australia’s Peri-Urban Landscapes (pp. 68-88). Abingdon: Routledge. Han, H. H., Hawken, S., & Williams, A. (2015). SMART CCTV and the Management of Urban Space. In D. Harrison (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Digital Media and Creative Technologies (pp. 430-447). Hershey, PA: IGI. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8205-4.ch019 Loosemore, M., Phua, F., Dunn, K., & Ozguc, U. (2015). The Politics of Sameness in the Australian Construction Industry: Competing operative and manager attitudes towards cultural diversity. In Built Environment and Property Management A Focus on Australia (pp. 113-134). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing. Retrieved from http://books.emeraldinsight.com/display.asp?K=9781785609541&cur=GBP&sf1=kword_index ,barcode,series&sort=sort_date/d&st1=9781785609541 Sanderson, D. (2016). Urban disaster resilience: new dimensions from international practice in the built environment. In D. Sanderson, J. S. Kayden, & J. Leis (Eds.), Urban disaster resilience: new dimensions from international practice in the built environment. New York: Routledge. Retrieved from https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138849631 Thompson, S. M., & Kent, J. L. (2015). Healthy Planning in Australia. In H. Barton, S. Thompson, S. Burgess, & M. Grant (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Planning for Health and Well-Being: Shaping a sustainable and healthy future (pp. 443-454). London: Routledge. Retrieved from https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138023307 Troy, L. J. (2016). Making Nature and Money in the East Perth Redevelopment. In N. Cook, A. Davison, & L. Crabtree (Eds.), Housing and Home Unbound Intersections in Economics, Environment and Politics in Australia. New York: Routledge. Journal Articles Bobic, N. (2015). War machine: The media and technology during operation allied force. Fabrications, 25(3), 398-416. doi:10.1080/10331867.2015.1077549 Bunker, R. (2015). Linking Urban Research with Planning Practice. Urban Policy and Research, 33(3), 362-369. doi:10.1080/08111146.2015.1034854 Burnley, I. H. (2016). Developments and Complementarities in International Migration Paradigms. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 17(1), 77-94. doi:10.1007/s12134-0140395-8 Burnley, I., Liu, E. Y., & Easthope, H. (2015). Geographies of Adult Multigenerational Family Households in Metropolitan Sydney. Geographical Research. doi:10.1111/1745-5871.12168 Chalker, M., & Loosemore, M. (2016). Trust and productivity in Australian construction projects: A subcontractor perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(2), 192-210. doi:10.1108/ECAM-06-2015-0090

Chand, A. M., & Loosemore, M. (2016). A socio-ecological analysis of hospital resilience to extreme weather events. Construction Management and Economics, 1-14. doi:10.1080/01446193.2016.1165856 Hyde, R., Upadhyay, A. K., & Treviño, A. (2015). Bioclimatic responsiveness of La Casa de Luis Barragán, Mexico City, Mexico. Architectural Science Review, 1-11. doi:10.1080/00038628.2015.1094389 Loosemore, M., & Cheung, E. (2015). Implementing systems thinking to manage risk in public private partnership projects. International Journal of Project Management, 33(6), 1325-1334. doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2015.02.005 Oo, B. L., Ling, F. Y. Y., & Soo, A. (2015). Construction procurement: Modelling bidders’ learning in recurrent bidding. Construction Economics and Building, 15(4), 16-29. doi:10.5130/AJCEB.v15i4.4653 Sabri, S., Rajabifard, A., Ho, S., Namazi-Rad, M. R., & Pettit, C. (2015). Alternative Planning and Land Administration for Future Smart Cities [Leading Edge]. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 34(4), 33-73. doi:10.1109/MTS.2015.2494298 Sepasgozar, S. M. E., Loosemore, M., & Davis, S. R. (2016). Conceptualising information and equipment technology adoption in construction A critical review of existing research. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 23(2), 158-176. doi:10.1108/ECAM-05-2015-0083 Sunindijo, R. Y. (2016). Teaching First-year Construction Management Students: Lessons Learned from Student Satisfaction Surveys. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 1-12. doi:10.1080/15578771.2015.1121937 Thompson, S. M., & Mitchell, E. (2015). A methodology to understand how environments support health. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Urban Design and Planning, 168(4), 174-184. doi:10.1680/udap.14.00034 Troy, L., Easthope, H., Randolph, B., & Pinnegar, S. (2016). ‘It depends what you mean by the term rights’: strata termination and housing rights. Housing Studies, 1-16. doi:10.1080/02673037.2016.1171827 Conference Papers Alkilani, S., Jupp, J., Kamardeen, I., & Sawhney, A. (2015). Key Performance Indicators for Construction Contractors in Developing Countries: A case study of Jordan. In Proceedings of COBRA AUBEA International Conference. UTS, Sydney: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Retrieved from http://www.rics.org/cobra Chindapol, S., Blair, J., Osmond, P., & Prasad, D. (2015). Developing the Methodology to Investigate the Thermal Comfort of The Elderly for Sustainable Living in Hot-Humid Thailand. In The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Energy the Environment 2015, Kobe, Japan Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 263-278). Kobe, Japan: The International Academic Forum (IAFOR). Retrieved from http://iafor.org/archives/proceedings/ACSEE/ACSEE2015_proceedings.pdf Davenport, P., Brand, M., & Kim, J. (2015). An analysis of the Amendments introduced by the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Amendment Act 2013 (NSW). In A. Ghani Sarip (Ed.), Proceedings, 21st Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) Annual Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Pacific Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES). Retrieved from http://www.prres.net/index.htm?http://www.prres.net/proceedings.htm Davenport, P., Brand, M., & Kim, J. (2015). The Dynamics of the Australian Office Market. In C. Warren, & H. Antoniades (Eds.), Proceedings of Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) International Conference. Washington DC USA: Asian Real Estate Society. Retrieved from http://www.asres.net/2015_Conference/RefereedPapers.html

Freestone, R., Davison, G., Hu, R., & Baker, S. (2016). The Regulation of Excellence: Design Competitions in Sydney. In P. Burton, & H. Shearer (Eds.), State of Australian Cities Conference 2015: Refereed Proceedings (pp. 11 pages). Gold Coast. Retrieved from http://soacconference.com.au/soac-conference-proceedings/ Freestone, R., Amati, M., & Lanfranchi, A. (2016). The On-Line Peri Urban: Understanding Local Government Websites in Victoria and New South Wales. In M. Kennedy, A. Butt, & M. Amati (Eds.), Conflict and Change in Australia’s Peri-Urban Landscapes (pp. 68-88). Abingdon: Routledge. Kim, J., & Brand, M. (2015). Adjudication in Australia: A Study of Adjudication Activity in New South Wales for 2013/14. In B. Koo, Y. Jung, & L. S. Kang (Eds.), Global Collaboration for Asia's Construction Challenges (pp. 396-400). Busan, Korea: Korea Institute of Construction Engineering and Management (KICEM). Retrieved from http://www.cicms.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=Books&wr_id=11 Loosemore, M., Powell, A., Blaxland, M., Galea, N., Dainty, A., & Chappell, L. (2015). Rapid Ethnography in Construction Gender Research. In A. B. Raiden, & E. Aboagye-Nimo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual ARCOM Conference (pp. 1271-1280). Lincoln, UK: Association of Researchers in Construction. Retrieved from http://www.arcom.ac.uk/docs/proceedings/dc4c21ee09164587bbefd953e423d7a3.pdf Milligan, V. R., Mullins, D., & Nieboer, N. (2015). State Directed Hybridity? – The Relationship between Non-Profit Housing Organisations and the State in Three National Contexts. In European Netowrk of Housing Researchers, Comparative Housing Working Group, Workshop. Dublin, Ireland. Mintzes, A., Bridge, C., & Demirbilek, O. (2015). Development of a National Survey on Aging and the Domestic Bathroom: The Livable Bathrooms Survey. In C. Weber, S. Husung, G. Cascini, M. Cantamessa, D. Marjanovic, & M. Bordegoni (Eds.), DS 80-1 Proceedings of the 20th Inernational Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 15) Vol 1: Design for Life (pp. 9 pages). Milan, Italy: Design Society. Retrieved from http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNE R_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000366853300057&DestLinkType=FullRecord& DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1 Murray, A. G. (2015). Breathing Buildings: A practice-led response to the ‘dissolving’ architecture of Kengo Kuma. In Making Research, Researching Making. Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus, Denmakr. Peters, A. (2015). Current Housing Prices Trends and Future Population Trends: What Do They Imply About the Future of Density?. In Australasian Housing Researchers Conference 2015. Hobart, Tasmania. Peters, A., & MacDonald, H. (2015). Infrastructure, housing and planning: the failure of governance and planning reform in Sydney. In 2015 Urban Affairs Association Conference. Miami, Fl. Rosenberg, E., Haeusler, M. H., Araullo, R., & Gardner, N. (2015). Smart Architecture-Bots & Industry 4.0 Principles for Architecture. In B. Martens, G. Wurzer, T. Grasl, W. E. Lorenz, & R. Schaffranek (Eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference Vol. 2 (pp. 251-259). Vienna: Vienna University of Technology. Retrieved from http://cumincad.scix.net/cgibin/works/Show?_id=ecaade2015_155&sort=DEFAULT&search=haeusler&hits=16 Rosenberg, E., Haeusler, M., & Koh, J. (2015). From Bob the Builder to Baxter the Builder: Arguing for applying collaborative robotics in architecture. In Y. Ikeda, C. M. Herr, D. Holzer, S. Kaijima, M. J. Kim, & M. A. Schnabel (Eds.), CAADRIA 2015 - 20th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia: Emerging Experiences in the Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture (pp. 85-94). Daegu, Republic of Korea: Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. Retrieved from http://cumincad.scix.net/cgibin/works/Show?_id=caadria2015_070&sort=DEFAULT&search=Haeusler&hits=16

Simon, K., & Sheppard-Simms, E. (2015). The Institution of Perpetual Memory: The typology of the cemetery and the generative potential of renewable tenure. In P. Hogben, & J. O'Callaghan (Eds.), Architecture Institutions and Change: Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand Vol 32 (pp. 603-615). Sydney: Society of Architectural Historians Australia New Zealand. Retrieved from http://sahanz2015.be.unsw.edu.au/papers/SheppardSimms-Simon_The-Institution-ofPerpetual-Memory.pdf Williams, P., & Williams, A. (2015). Planning law and sustainability in Australia: achievements and challenges. In M. Macoun, & K. Maier (Eds.), Definite Space - Fuzzy Responsibility. Book of Proceedings AESOP Annual Congress 2015 (pp. 749-760). Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic: AESOP. Conference Presentations Murray, A. G. (2015). Dissolution and Departure: practical reflections on un-making through making. In Material Culture in Action: Practices of making, collecting and re-enacting Art and Design. Glasgow. Creative Works (non-textual) Haeusler, M. H., Rosenberg, E., Araullo, R., Knapp, C., & Nelson, J. (2015). ArcLight. Sydney. Retrieved from http://www.vividsydney.com/event/light/arclight Murray, A. G. (2015). Breathing Buildings. Aarhus School of Architecture, Aarhus, Denmark. Murray, A. G., Scott, A., & Panov, A. (2015). Tapestry Design Prize for Architects. Australian Tapestry Workshop. Retrieved from http://tapestrydesignprize.org/ Creative Written Works Liu, E., & Van den Nouwelant, R. (2015). Don’t fear boarding houses: they’re probably not what you think. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/dont-fear-boarding-houses-theyre-probablynot-what-you-think-49596 Loosemore, M. (2016). Systemising Innovation in Construction. sourceable.net. Retrieved from https://sourceable.net/systemising-innovation-in-construction/# Loosemore, M. (2016). What Does an Innovative Construction Culture Look Like?. Sourceable. Retrieved from https://sourceable.net/what-does-innovative-construction-culture-look-like/# Oldfield, P. F. (2016). Beyond the icon: despite a construction boom, Australian skyscraper design needs to evolve. theconversation.com. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/beyondthe-icon-despite-a-construction-boom-australian-skyscraper-design-needs-to-evolve-57056 Osmond, P. W., & Fox, J. (2016). Building cool cities for a hot future. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/building-cool-cities-for-a-hot-future-57489 Prasad, D. K. (2015). A Low Carbon Solution to the Affordable Housing Issue. sourceable.net. Retrieved from https://sourceable.net/low-carbon-solution-affordable-housing-issue/# van den Nouwelant, R. M., & Crommelin, L. (2016). High housing costs create worries for city tourism and hospitality. theconversation.com. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/highhousing-costs-create-worries-for-city-tourism-and-hospitality-57347 Curatorial Output Murray, A. G. (2015, October 19). Architecture by Hand & Mind: 60 Years of Architecture at UNSW [Exhibition]. Ground Floor Gallery, Red Centre, UNSW. Retrieved from https://www.be.unsw.edu.au/architecture-hand-mind-60-years-architecture-unsw/architecturehand-mind-60-years-architecture-unsw

Reports Philp, M., Taylor, M. A. P., & Thompson, S. M. (2015). RP- 2015 Carbon Reductions and Co-benefits: Final Report – Part I, Literature and practice review of Australian policies relating urban planning and public health (1). CRC for Low Carbon Living. Retrieved from http://www.lowcarbonlivingcrc.com.au/resources/crc-publications/crclcl-projectreports/rp2015-carbon-reductions-and-co-benefits-final Taylor, M. A. P., & Thompson, S. M. (2015). RP2015: Carbon Reductions and Co-benefits: Final Report – Part II, An analysis of current levels of active transport usage in Australia - towards a measure of baseline (2). CRC for Low Carbon Living. Retrieved from http://www.lowcarbonlivingcrc.com.au/resources/crc-publications/crclcl-projectreports/rp2015-carbon-reductions-and-co-benefits-final-0

Bill Randolph ARC LIEF Grant: $177,479 Urban Analytics Data Infrastructure Hal Pawson Auditor General of British Columbia Contract: $6,000 Feedback on NPAT for Office of the Auditor General Simone Leao Randwick City Council Contract: $37,000 Scenarios of Urban Renewal in Kensington-Kingsford Town Centres Ryan van den Nouwelant AHURI Grant: $9,097 Government led innovations in affordable housing delivery

FACULTY RESEARCH GRANTS/EARLY CAREER RESEARCH GRANTS This program, designed as seed funding for projects leading to larger grant applications, had been put on hold temporarily pending confirmation of adequate funding. This funding has now been released and we are therefore able to confirm that a funding round will be offered in 2016. Minor details for the round are being finalised as this newsletter is being released. However you can expect an email inviting applications within the next week. In the meantime, start thinking about potential projects for this scheme.

FACULTY FUNDING FOR CONFERENCES, BOOKS, VISITORS, SYMPOSIA, SPECIAL PROJECTS The existing schemes for conference attendance, book publications, international visitors and exhibitions/symposia are all open for application. There is no closing date for these schemes. Further information and application forms available on the faculty intranet:  Special Project Development Grants  Book Publication Subsidy  Research Symposia/Exhibitions  Visiting International Scholars  Conference Funding

THE COUNCIL ON TALL BUILDINGS AND URBAN HABITAT (CTBUH): INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH SEED FUNDING Funding of US$20,000 is available to assist researchers in developing projects/ideas to a level to secure additional, more significant funding in conjunction with the CTBUH. Research proposals should directly relate to the tall building typology and/or urban habitat. More information. External Deadline: 31 May 2016

Planning to Publish for Impact Tues 3 May 9.30am - 12.30pm Have you developed a considered and effective approach to building your research profile for impact? This practical workshop will equip you to sustainably manage your research outputs using selected techniques and resources, using your own device (BYOD). Register Data Visualisation with Google Fusion Tables Wed 4 May 9.30am - 12.30pm Want to learn how to import, sort and merge data? Google Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualisation web application to gather, visualise and share larger data tables. Register Supporting HDR students' thesis writing Thurs 5 May 9.30am - 12.30pm Want proven techniques for responding to writer's block in your students? This workshop presented by Professor Sue Starfield provides you with tools to better support your HDRs in writing a research thesis. Register Kick Start your Writing Fri 6th May 2016, 9am to 5:30pm Make sure your candidate writes right away! Developing productive writing habits early in candidature is one of the most important things a research student can do to ensure trouble-free and timely completion of candidature. And yet sometimes writing isn’t prioritised until late (sometimes too late!) in a student’s candidature. The Learning Centre is running a day-long Writing Boot camp for new researchers to help them cultivate productive and sustainable writing practices from the get-go! The schedule includes workshops, facilitated writing activities and extended periods of personal writing time – thus helping new students begin the practice of writing routinely. Register Cleaning and Exploring your data with Open Refine Wed 11 May 9.30am - 12.30pm What are the features of Open Refine? This workshop is an introduction to Open Refine, a powerful tool for cleaning, normalisation and exploration of datasets. Register Women in Research Network Share & Connect Series (WiRN): Work/Life Balance Thu 12 May 12pm-1pm, AGSU Room Level 2 Join WiRN for an informal conversation around work/life balance issues and tips for women in research, followed by questions and answers. Hear tips for women in research from two guest speakers around work/life balance issues, followed by Q&A: Jemma Carlisle - General Manager of Early Years at UNSW. Martina Stenzel - Professor in the school of chemistry, and co-director of the Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design (CAMD). Bring your lunch to enjoy during this event. Tea, coffee and fruit will be served. Register

3MT (3 minute thesis competition): Where do I start? Tues 17 May or Thurs 26 May 9.30am - 11.30am Thinking about entering your Faculty's 3MT heat? This workshop will provide you with essential principles for an effective 3MT presentation to help you get started with your first draft. We are offering this workshop on the 17th and 26th of May, and numbers are limited. Be sure to check the updated 2016 eligibility rules before registering. Register Writing for publication in academic journals Wed 25 May 9.30am - 12.30pm How do you structure your writing for publication in academic journals? Professor Sue Starfield provides insights about what reviewers are looking for. Register Powerful text searching and matching with Regexes Fri 27 May 9.30am – 11.30am Have you ever wanted to extract phone numbers out of a block of unstructured text? Or email addresses. Or find all the words that start with “e” and end with “ed”, no matter their length. Regular expressions (regexes for short) are a powerful way to match and make substitutions to text. Come along to this workshop to learn what they can do and how to apply them to your research. Register Supervising Research: Approaching the HDR supervision experience Tue 31 May 2016, 9:30am-12:30pm Are you considering becoming a supervisor of a HDR candidate? This workshop is for those new to supervision of HDR candidates to consider their approach to supervision and the importance of having a sound recruitment and selection process to assist with “best fit”. Register Using social media to promote your research Thurs 2 June 10.00am - 1.00pm How can you utilise social media to support your goals for engagement and promotion of research? In this workshop you will develop an individual social media strategy to build your professional presence. Register UNSW Supervising Doctoral Studies (SDS) This self paced resource (via Moodle) consists of 8 modules to gain and refresh your skills and knowledge in supervising Higher Degree Research candidates. All staff can access this resource via: https://research.unsw.edu.au/how-do-i-gain-access

BE Research Resources UNSW Research

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