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Dean’s Address

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Dean's Address

Dean's Address


We would like to warmly welcome you all to the beginning of a new year with the UNSW Business Society, and thank you for tuning in to our 2022 Careers Guide. Prepared by our team of dedicated directors from the Careers, Sponsorship and Publications teams, this guide is packed with information from our top-tier corporate sponsors, accompanied along with a suite of tips and tricks along the way. We hope you find something that resonates with you, and that this guide becomes the all-in-one pitstop for all things related to your career and professional aspirations.


A successful career will mean something different to everyone, and university will accommodate any motivation you have. You may want to work at a corporate bank, grow yourself within the next technology giant, or even become akin to Elon Musk! Wherever your motivations may lie, as the 2022 presidents of the UNSW Business Society, we are hopeful that our society’s academic development events, professional networking sessions and large-scale social events can be a significant source of inspiration and support in the early stages of your own unique journey.

As you scale across the uncommon landscape of the professional word of business, we know first-hand that feeling of uncertainty. We often asked ourselves questions like “what does semi-formal dress code mean?”, “how do I network at an event?” or even the good old “what career suits my major and degree the best?” - trust us, we’ve been there. Thus, acting as a guiding light, our team has put together comprehensive resources on everything you need to know about the industry.

Supported by the UNSW Business School, BSOC is here to empower you to take the driver's seat in your own narrative you create. As a not-for-profit organisation run for the students, by the students, we offer all business students the quintessential university experience - one that harnesses you with the technical skills whilst also providing opportunities for you to form networks all the way from your first class to when you graduate, and further.

In times of uncertainty where the world seems to be engulfed in a tumultuous whirlwind of events, BSOC has a challenge for you. We challenge you to rise above the norm, seek out new experiences, meet lifelong friends, and reach high for those dream jobs that seem just a little out of reach. Break records, elevate the joy of the people around you and give it your all at whatever life throws at you; to ultimately look back at the end of your university tenure to your first-year self and proudly proclaim “I made it”.

Whilst you are venturing upon this journey, remember that the BSOC community will always have your back whether it’s celebrating your well deserved achievements or giving a shoulder to cry on when the going gets tough.

We’re excited to see where you’ll go and who you’ll meet. We know that you will all find success, and we cannot wait to see where this new chapter takes you.

William Tu, Sarah Kim

Co-Presidents, UNSW Business Society


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