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Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC
The Australian Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory organisation, established by an act Student Opportunities of Federal Parliament. The AHRC protects and promotes The AHRC offers unpaid interships for students in their human rights in Australia and internationally. final or penultimate year of an undergraduate or graduate What kind of work? weeks or full-time across six weeks. Daily work includes - Conciliating discrimination complaints Interns will work on a single piece of policy work, - Holding public inquiries submission or project and undertake supporting research, - Developing education resources for schools and draft writing and/or project/administrative support. workplaces The internship program is advertised annually in - Providing legal advice to courts September/October. You can apply via this link: - Making submissions to parliaments and governments https://humanrights.gov.au/about/jobs?_ - Initiating research into human rights and discrimination ga=2.110239175.33991010.1599989917issues 1902506430.1599989917
Sydney degree. Internships can be completed part-time across 12
Graduate Opportunities
The AHRC is currently developing a formal Graduate Program. In the meantime, graudates are encouraged to apply for vacant positions as they arise. These include roles as administrative assistants, and policy and project officers. You can find available positions here: https://humanrights.gov.au/about/jobs?_
Fun Fact / Recent Project
Independent review of gymnastics In response to allegations of sexual assault in the gymnastics industry, the AHRC has been tasked with conducting a review into the sport of gymnastics in Australia. The review will seek to build an understanding of the sport's culture, athlete experience and barriers to reporting misconduct and abuse. As of September 2020, the Commission is currently awaiting approval from a national human research ethics committee to begin the review.