2 minute read

Department of Defence


The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is constituted under the Defence Act 1903. Its mission is to defend Australia and its national interests. In fulfilling this mission, the ADF serves the Government of the day and is accountable to the Commonwealth Parliament which represents the Australian people to efficiently and effectively carry out the Government's defence policy. Matters dealt with by the ADF include: - International defence relations and defence cooperation - Defence scientific research and development - Defence procurement and purchasing - Defence industry development and co-operation

The ADF has a Legal Division which is responsible for the provision of legal advice and other legal services to the ADF, the Minister of Defence and the Department of Defence.

What kind of work?

In various roles employees: - Plan advice for the Minister for Defence - Develop strategic guidance for the ADF - Evaluate information from classified and unclassified sources - Provide strategic commercial advice to a variety of defence programs, including the Future Submarine Program and the joint Strike Fighter Project

Work in the Legal Division involves: - Providing legal advice, support and services on the management of legal affairs - Operations law including humanitarian law - Administrative law and disciplinary laws - International agreements and arrangements



Student Opportunities

The ADF offers Defence Civilian Undergraduate Sponsorship to students wishing to pursue a degree through the UNSW Canberra campus at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Sponsorship is available for the following degrees: - Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and Aeronautical) (4 years) - Bachelor of Computing and Cyber Security (3 years) You can find more information here: https://www.defence.gov.au/APSCareers/DCUS.asp

The ADF also offer a range work experience opportunities for tertiary students. These opportunities are currently on hold due to the COVID-19 crisis, but you can find more information here: https://defencecareers.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs

Graduate Opportunities

The ADF offers Defence Civilian Undergraduate Sponsorship to students wishing to pursue a degree through the UNSW Canberra campus at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Sponsorship is available for the following degrees: - Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil and Aeronautical) (4 years) - Bachelor of Computing and Cyber Security (3 years)

Fun Fact / Recent Project

ADF and COVID During the COVID-19 crisis, ADF personnel were deployed to Melbourne to assist the Department of Health and Human Services test for COVID-19. Personnel were trained in how to correctly dress in PPE gear and administer nasal swab testing.

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