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Department of Education, Skills and Employment
The Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business (Employment) was consolidated with the Department of Education, to form the new Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE). DESE is responsible for national policies and programs that help Australians find and keep employment and work in safe, fair and productive workplaces. They are responsible for Canberra developing the policies and programs run under the Graduate Opportunities Australian Government employment services systems, DESE runs a 10-month graduate program in Canberra. overseeing training programs for employees and There are four main career pathways that you can apply providing financial incentives to employers. for: - Generalist Career Pathway - graduates are involved in What kind of work? policy development and advice, project and contract The work of DESE involves: management, program implementation, governance - Ensuring quality, affordable and accessible early and communications education and care for families - Legal Career Pathway - graduates work with in-house - Improving schooling outcomes for children legal counsel to provide advice across government - Preparing our future workforce through globally and administrative law, corporate and commercial law, competitive tertiary education, training and research litigation, social security and more sectors - Economic Career Pathway - graduates conduct economic - Helping people find and keep a job, create their own and labour market research and analysis, provide briefing job, change jobs, reskill and enjoy fulfilling careers to Ministers and write reports - Developing a strong evidence base for effective policy - Finance Career Pathway - graduates prepare budgets, that reflects and understands varied needs of the provide financial analysis and reporting, and write briefs Australian population, business and industry including senate estimates Location https://www.dese.gov.au/graduate-program You can find more information here:
Fun Fact / Recent Project
JobTrainer DESE is responsible for overseeing the new JobTrainer program, which was introduced in response to the COVID-19 crisis. JobTrainer will provide Australians with free, or low cost, training in areas of identified skills need. There will be around 340,700 additional training places available for school leavers and job seekers.