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Department of Health
About Graduate Opportunities
The Department of Health (DOH) develops and delivers DOH offers a ten-month graduate program in Canberra policies and programs, and advises the Australian with three rotations. Graduates help lead and shape Government on health, aged care and sport. DOH work Australia's health and ageing systems and sporting with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure better health outcomes by developing and implementing evidencefor all Australians. DOH's strategic priorities include: based policies and programs across a wide range of - Better health and ageing outcomes for all Australians issues. - An affordable, quality health and aged care system - Better sport outcomes. DOH value graduates with degrees such as law, economics, What kind of work? The application process consists of an online assessment, The DOH: video interview and assessment centre. - Provides information and advice to the Australian community on health, ageing and aged care topics and DOH contributes some financial support towards issues relocation and temporary accommodation expenses. - Works with stakeholders including members of the You can find more information here: https://www.health. public, other government agencies, peak bodies and gov.au/about-us/work-with-us/graduate-program service providers - Manages tenders and grants to deliver activities, goods DOH also mantain a temporary employment register. You and services can find more information here: - Works on initiatives and programs to deliver services https://healthjobs.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs. and activities in health, aged care and sport jati&returnToEvent=jobs.home&jobID=B2041800-F08C- Identifies and investigates issues and develop policy to 47C4-9B45-AAB900B2B110&audienceTypeCode=EXT&U provide the best possible solutions to challenges across seAudienceTypeLanguage=1 health, ageing and aged care, and sport communications, commerce, public policy and science. - Regulates the health and aged care system to protect Fun Fact / Recent Project patients' health and safety National Youth Policy Framework - Uses research to make sure ideas are sound and that The Youth Taskforce, run under the DOH, advises the patients receive the best possible treatment and care Minister for Youth on: - coordinating policy and programs for young people Location across government agencies All capital cities - finding gaps in policy and programs that need addressing - finding ways to involve more young people in developing policies that affect them The Taskforce is expected to deliver the National Youth Policy Framework at the end of 2020, which will outline how Government policies and programs help improve the lives of young Australians.