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Department of Home Affairs
On 20 December 2017 the Department of Home Affairs Graduates are provided with support through an was established as a part of the Home Affairs Portfolio. orientation and induction program, a mentor, a range The Department of Home Affairs continues to deliver of Graduate events, access to health and wellbeing immigration and customs border policy functions programs, as well as a team of supervisors, mentors and previously delivered by the Department of Immigration program managers to assist and guide them. and Border Protection. It also includes national security, emergency management and criminal justice functions Graduates also have exposure to Senior Executive Service from the Attorney-Generals Department; the Office of (SES) Officers and participate in internal and external Transport Security from the Department of Infrastructure activities and events such as the: and Regional Development; multicultural affairs from the - Secretary’s Book Club Department of Social Services; and the counter-terrorism - Graduate Project coordination and cyber security policy functions from the - Refugee Week Grad Bake-off Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. - APSC Graduate Events
What kind of work?
There is a broad variety of work that can be undertaken You can find more information here: by employees and graduates. Graduates can expect to https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/about-us/careers/ work in: graduate-program - Business analysis - Cyber security Applications open in March each year for the following - Project management year. - Policy development and connection - Graduation Ceremony - Dealing with communications domestically and globally Fun Fact / Recent Project Global Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce Location The Department of Home Affairs oversees the Global Canberra (limited opportunities available in other capital Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce. The Taskforce cities) offers a coordinated whole of nation suite of services and a streamlined pathway to permanent residency for Graduate Opportunities exceptionally talented individuals and successful highThe Department of Home Affairs offers a 12 month yield businesses interested in growing their success in graduate program. Graduates are given a range of Australia. A range of visas are available to help individuals interesting and challenging work, access to professional set up a business or invest in Australia, including the: development, support through various diversity networks - Global Talent Visa and rewarding professional relationships. - Global Talent Employer Sponsored program - Business Innovation and Investment program