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Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC
The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) provides high quality advice and support to the Prime Graduate Opportunities Minister, the Cabinet, Portfolio Ministers and Assistant PM&C offers a 12-month graduate program in Canberra. Ministers to achieve a coordinated and innovative As a Graduate at PM&C you will have the opportunity to approach to the development and implementation of rotate through areas of focus: Domestic Policy, creating Government policies. PM&C coordinates and develops and coordinating policy solutions to Australia’s key policy across the Government in economic, domestic and economic, social and environmental issues; Government, international issues, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander encouraging consistency across government and affairs and public service stewardship. coordinating public ceremonies and national honours; PM&C does this by: overseas trade, foreign aid and development, and - Providing well-founded advice to the Prime Minister, international security; National Security, providing advice the Cabinet, Portfolio Ministers and Assistant Ministers on initiatives for border protection, defence, counteron national and global challenges and matters at the terrorism and crisis management; Office for Women, forefront of Government. working across government to deliver policies and - Coordinating policy across Government with a focus on programs to advance gender equality and improve the practical changes to improve the lives of all Australians lives of Australian women; Regulation, essential for the and effective implementation. proper functioning of society and the economy which - Fostering a high performing public sector, working with includes any laws or other government endorsed ‘rules’ the Australian Public Service Commission. where there is an expectation of compliance; Public Data, - Consulting across Government, the private sector, the improving the way public data is managed, shared and not-for-profit sector and the community. published for the benefit of everyone in Australia.
What kind of work? You can find more information here: PM&C operates in three main groups: https://www.pmc.gov.au/pmc/careers/graduate-careers - Domestic Policy Group - involves advising the Prime Minister, Cabinet and Portfolio Minister on issues such Fun Fact / Recent Project as jobs and economic growth, the budget, industry , Women's Leadership and Development Program infrastructure, agriculture, innovation, health, education The Office for Women administers the Women’s and the environment Leadership and Development Program (WLDP). The - National Security and International Policy Group - WLDP funds and delivers a range of projects specifically advises the Prime Minister on how to deal with threats to for Australian Women. Australia's national security, and on Australia's relations International Policy, contributing to discussions on with other countries and role in global and regional The objectives of the Program are to improve outcomes cooperation for Australian women in five key focus areas: Women’s - Governance Group - works on the implementation and Economic Security; Women’s Workforce Participation; ongoing delivery of key government programmes, policies Women’s Leadership; Women’s Safety; International and initiatives. It provides guides about the operations of Engagement. The WLDP is split into two grant streams: Cabinet and the Federal Executive, including the Cabinet Project Grants for one-off projects and Advocacy Grants to Handbook, the Legislation Handbook, and the Federal fund the formation of six civil society networks to ensure Executive Council Handbook. women's voices are heard in the policymaking process.