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Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC
Australian Securities & Investments
Commission (ASIC) About Graduate Opportunities
ASIC is Australia's integrated corporate, markets, financial ASIC offers an 18-month graduate program in Sydney, services and consumer credit regulator. with rotations across four business areas.
ASIC is an independent Australian Government body. They Graduates in the law stream are involved in the following: are set up under and administer the Australian Securities - Collecting and analysing evidence, preparing court and Investments Commission Act 2001 (ASIC Act), and documents and liaising with counsel carry out most of their work under the Corporations Act. - Involvement in high-profile criminal and civil matters ASIC's role under the ASIC Act is to: - Assessing compliance and misconduct reports - Maintain, facilitate and improve the performance of the - Involvement in conducting compliance surveillances financial system and entities in it - Contributing to policy development and implementation - Promote confident and informed participation by - Researching, analysing and summarising complex investors and consumers in the financial system information and data - Administer the law effectively and with minimal - Reviewing corporate finance transactions relating to procedural requirements Australia's equity capital markets - Receive, process and store, efficiently and quickly, information it receives You can find more information here: - Make information about companies and other bodies https://careers.asic.gov.au/Graduate-program.html?in_organId= available to the public as soon as practicable All capital cities - Working to implement important law-reform initiatives - Take whatever action it can, and which is necessary, to Fun Fact / Recent Project enforce and give effect to the law. Mayfair 101 In September 2020, ASIC obtained interim orders in the What kind of work? Federal Court against companies in the Mayfair 101 group The Chief Legal Office is the primary source of legal advice and their director. ASIC alleges that the group has been to the Commission and legal services across ASIC. involved in breaches of the corporations legislation, and there is a justifiable lack of confidence in the conduct and Employees are involved in the following types of work: management of its affairs that gives rise to a risk to the - Providing advice and guidance on complex regulatory public that warrants protection. In particular, ASIC alleges matters that Mayfair 101 raised $67 million from investors based - Investigating law reform and new areas of regulatory on false representations that they would be fully secured. responsibility for ASIC Liquidators of Mayfair 101 are due to provide a report - Conducting ASIC’s litigation to the Court by the end of September, at which point - Advising on enforcement matters the Court will consider solvency and the likely return to
creditors if the company is wound up.