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Australian Taxation Office (ATO

Australian Taxation Office (ATO)


The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is the principal revenue collection agency of the Australian Government.

The ATO's role is to effectively manage and shape the tax and superannuation systems that support and fund services for

Australians, including: - Collecting revenue - Administering the goods and services tax (GST) on behalf of the Australian states and territories - Administering a range of programs that provide transfers and benefits to the community - Administering the major aspects of Australia’s superannuation system - Being custodian of the Australian Business Register. Graduate Opportunities The ATO offers a 12 month graduate program. Graduates with a law degree are encouraged to apply for the taxation stream. Your role in the taxation team will be to manage and shape the tax and superannuation systems by helping people understand their rights and obligations.

The ATO operates under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, within the Treasury portfolio, and are accountable under the Public Service Act 1999. Taxation graduates work in a team to: - Obtain information and provide advice to clients - Conduct a range of client engagement activities including risk reviews and audits

What kind of work? Legal staff at the ATO are involved in: - Shaping tax law, policy and design - Managing litigation cases and clarifying the law - Managing interpretative advice and guidance - Enhancing relationships with professional bodies, consultative - Make decisions and recommendations for mitigation strategies - Administer the good and services tax (GST) - Research and analyse tax information and procedures - Interpret taxation legislation and procedures - Administer the superannuation system. forums and the community - Working with other business areas across the ATO to provide advice and clarity on law. You can find more information here: https://www.ato.gov.au/About-ATO/Careers/Entry-levelprograms/The-ATO-Graduate-program/#Taxation

Location All capital cities Applications open in March each year for the following year.

Student Opportunities The ATO run a program for university students called the University Partnership Employment Program. Under the program, students are offered a casual contract of up to 12 The ATO also mainatin a temporary employment register. You can find more information here: https://ato.nga.net.au/cp/ months and the opportunity to do work that involves research, administration andbusiness support relevant to students studying business, commerce, law, design, economics, project management, information technology, marketing, or statistics. Fun Fact / Recent Project Tax Help Tax Help is a network of ATO-trained and accredited community volunteers who provide a free and confidential

Students are expected to work during normal business hours, one or two days a week, with more work offered during university break. service to help people earning less than $60,000 per year with simple affairs to complete their tax returns online using myTax. Tax Help volunteers can help people lodge their tax return, make an amendment online or claim a

You can find more information here: refund of franking credits. https://www.ato.gov.au/about-ato/careers/entry-levelprograms/university-partnership-employment-program/


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