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Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is Australia's central ASIC offer an 18-month graduate program in Sydney, bank and derives its functions and powers from the with rotations across four business areas. Reserve Bank Act 1959. Its duty is to contribute to the stability of the currency, full employment, and the Graduates in the law stream are involved in the following: economic prosperity and welfare of the Australian - Collecting and analysing evidence, preparing court people. It does this by conducting monetary policy to documents and liaising with counsel meet an agreed medium-term inflation target, working to - Involvement in high-profile criminal and civil matters maintain a strong financial system and efficient payments - Working to implement important law-reform initiatives system, and issuing the nation's banknotes. - Assessing complaints and misconduct reports The RBA provides certain banking services as required - Contributing to policy development and implementation to the Australian Government and its agencies, and to a - Researching, analysing and summarising complex number of overseas central banks and official institutions. information and data Additionally, it manages Australia's gold and foreign - Reviewing corporate finance transactions relating to exchange reserve. Australia's equity capital markets
What kind of work? You can find more information here: Employees work in the following areas: https://careers.asic.gov.au/Graduate-program.html?in_organId= - Analysing domestic and overseas economic and honours or similar research based programs. Students are supported to undertake project work that culminates in a research paper that is presented to peers and senior staff. You can find more information here: https://www.rba.gov.au/careers/graduate-careers/intern-program.html - Involvement in conducting compliance surveillances financial market trends Fun Fact / Recent Project - Forecasting, modelling and research relevant to the Mayfair 101 framing of monetary policy In September 2020, ASIC obtained interim orders in the - Conducting balance sheet analysis and risk assessment Federal Court against companies in the Mayfair 101 group - Managing the implementation of monetary policy and their director. ASIC alleges that the group has been involved in breaches of the corporations legislation, and Location there is a justifiable lack of confidence in the conduct and Sydney management of its affairs that gives rise to a risk to the Student Opportunities that Mayfair 101 raised $67 million from investors based The RBA runs an eight week paid Summer Intern on false representations that they would be fully secured. Program for university students in their final year of Liquidators of Mayfair 101 are due to provide a report study. Applications are accepted from students majoring to the Court by the end of September, at which point in economics, finance, law or related areas such as the Court will consider solvency and the likely return to mathematics and statistics who intend to complete creditors if the company is wound up.
public that warrants protection. In particular, ASIC alleges