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Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC
About Graduate Opportunities
The Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) LECC have a specialist legal team, headed by General was established in 2017 as a permanent independent Counsel, that is responsible for the delivery of all corporate investigative commission to provide oversight of the and legal services to the Commission. NSW Police Force and NSW Crime Commission. LECC LECC do not have a formal graduate program, but replaces the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) and the interested students can have a look at current vacancies: Police Compliance Branch of the NSW Ombudsman with a https://www.lecc.nsw.gov.au/what-we-do/our-people/work-with-us single oversight body with two clearly defined functions: detecting and investigating misconduct and corruption, Note that you cannot apply for a job at LECC if you have and overseeing complaints handling. worked as a NSW Police or Crime Commission officer.
What kind of work? Fun Fact / Recent Project
The primary role of the LECC is to detect, Unlawful strip searches oversight, investigate and expose misconduct and LECC are currently conducting an investigation into maladministration within the NSW Police Force and the unlawful strip searches by NSW Police officers. In 2019, NSW Crime Commission. This includes: the LECC found that the strip searching of four minors - Publishing investigation reports at Splendour in the Grass were unlawful becaise officers - Referring matters to the NSW Police Force or Crime made no attempt to contact a parent, guardian or support Commission person, as required by law for a person aged under 18. Its - Identifying problems in the systems, practices and final report is due at the end of 2020. procedures of those agencies that might lead to such misconduct or maladministration - Monitoring the investigation of critical incidents (incidents involving a police officer that result in death or serious injury)