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Australian Pro Bono Centre
The Australian Pro Bono Centre is the centre of leadership for pro bono legal services that aims to grow participation and excellence in pro bono. Located at the UNSW Law School, the Centre does this through their unique contribution to closing the justice gap and their commitment to creating a more equitable and sustainable society.
What kind of work?
The Centre works to achieve its aims by: - Activating new and existing pro bono legal professionals by promoting awareness of pro bono legal services - Providing incentives to participate and advocating for policy reform - Equipping pro bono legal professionals by providing practical tools and resources - Reducing barriers and constraints to pro bono participation - Connecting members of the pro bono ecosystem through collaboration and best practice sharing
Student Opportunities
The Australian Pro Bono Centre accepts interns through UNSW Law’s Experiential Learning Internship Program, which runs throughout the year. Please refer to the Program’s website for more information: https://www.law.unsw.edu.au/students/student-experience/ internships
The Centre also seeks other volunteers from time to time, primarily during summer. You may enquire about these opportunities by contacting the Centre via email: info@probonocentre.org.au
Graduate Opportunities
The Australian Pro Bono Centre offers social justice roles on their website.
More info: https://www.probonocentre.org.au/about-thecentre/staff/positions-available/
Fun Fact / Recent Project
Empowering Indigenous Australians The Australian Pro Bono Centre recognises the rich culture and extraordinary resilience of Australia’s first sovereign Nations, whose continuous occupation of the land stretches back for over 60,000 years. The Centre also acknowledges the significant barriers to access to justice experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Centre supports the reforms set out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, issued by the First Nations National Constitutional Convention, empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to take a rightful place in their own country and have a say in the laws and policies that affect them.