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Teach For Australia
Teach For Australia is a not-for-profit organisation which aims to address educational inequity in Australia. The organisation is substantially funded by the Australian Federal Government, with the Leadership Development Program delivered as part of the High Achieving Teachers Program through the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training. Philanthropic and corporate partners and private donors provide additional funding and program support.
Teach For Australia is part of the Teach For All network which operates in 56 countries globally.
What kind of work?
Teach For Australia’s vision is of an Australia, where all children, regardless of background, attain an excellent education.
They work towards this vision by recruiting highly competent individuals from diverse academic backgrounds and training and developing them to become exceptional teachers and inspirational leaders that meet the needs of schools in low socioeconomic communities and the broader education system.
Graduate Opportunities
Teaching programs are open for applications.: - Leadership Development Program: Over two years, Associates teach at a school serving a low socioeconomic community with full salary and benefits, earn a Master of Teaching on an assisted scholarship, participate in targeted professional development and receive one-on-one coaching and mentoring to accelerate personal, professional and academic growth. - Teach To Lead: This one-year program for middle leaders builds the skills that matter most in schools facing the greatest challenges. This includes building fundamental skills, such as strategic planning, coaching others, leading challenging conversations and building effective teams.
Other types of roles (e.g. administration) can be found here: https://www.teachforaustralia.org/join-tfa/join-the-team/
Fun Fact / Recent Project
Submission to the Status of the Teaching Profession Inquiry On 15 November 2018, the Minister for Education, the Hon Dan Tehan MP, referred an inquiry and report into the status of the teaching profession. Teach For Australia welcomed this opportunity to contribute to the national discussion about the vital role that teachers and school leaders play in our community, democracy and economy.
A link to the findings can be found here: https://issuu.com/teachforaus/docs/final_ submission_to_the_status_of_t/2