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Associate and Tipstaff Positions
Associateship and Tipstaff Positions
About Law graduates applying for tipstaff or researcher Being an associate or tipstaff allows students to gain valuable positions are expected to have a strong academic experience working alongside judges, barristers and solicitors. record in their law studies. Highly developed legal The District Court of NSW, Federal Court of Australia and activities or voluntary work in legal areas are also High Court of Australia offer roles as a judge's associate or as highly desirable. a legal researcher. The Supreme Court of NSW offers tipstaff Tipstaves are expected to possess highly developed New South Wales and are therefore highly competitive. Candidates applying for positions are expected to display the following skills and abilities: - Highly developed legal research, conceptual and analytical skills - Excellent organisational skills - Strong interpersonal skills - High level computer and keyboard skills research skills and involvement in extracurricular and legal researcher roles. These roles may also be available Tipstaff positions are generally not advertised and in other courts and tribunals. the selection of tipstaves is conducted directly by the judge(s).
What kind of work?
Tipstaves are employed as part of the personal chambers For opportunities in the Supreme Court of NSW, see staff of a particular judge. They provide legal research, in- this link: court duties and other support for that judge. http://www.supremecourt.justice.nsw.gov.au/Pages/ sco2_aboutus/sco2_careers.aspx communication and interpersonal skills, proficiency in the Fun Fact / Recent Project use of IT. They must also be able to professionally display tact, Tips for Aspiring Tipstaves and Associates confidentiality and confidence in their interactions with court Writer and solicitor Stella Kim published an article users, practitioners, the judiciary and other court staff. about her experience working in the judicial branch of government. She writes, "Do your research. Find On the other hand, associates closely accompany judges, and a judge whose interests/legal speciality align with are expected to deal with administrative issues in an effective yours. Beyond a judge’s swearing in speech, you could and timely manner. also consider their daily court lists (found online), Location lectures/speeches." Student Opportunities https://www.law.unsw.edu.au/news/tips-aspiringPositions as tipstaves or researchers are extremely popular tipstaves-and-associates
previous judgments and any other extracurricular You can read her article here: