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World Trade Organisation (OECD
About Graduate Opportunities
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) was formed in The WTO Young Professionals Programme was January 1995. It is concerned with matters of trade launched in 2016 as an opportunity for qualified young between nations. The WTO actively engages in the professionals from developing and least-developed facilitation of goods between member states whilst also countries that are members of the WTO to enhance operating as a mechanism for the elimination of trade their knowledge regarding WTO and international trade discrimination. Its purpose is to reduce tariffs and other issues. The programme aims to attract professionals from barriers to international trade. under-represented countries who can consequently What kind of work? and/or other regional and international organizations. The place of work is at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva, The program is part of the Secretariat's efforts to Switzerland. The WTO Secretariat employs over 600 staff increase diversity and broaden the representation of the from approximately 80 member countries. In-house roles membership. are diverse. There are lawyers that deal with dispute settlement, and there are analysts that deal with trade- The selected young professionals are allocated to a related policy. There are also economists and statisticians specific division of the WTO Secretariat in accordance that conduct research on a daily basis. Core functions with the needs and priorities of the organization include: and based on the areas of interest of the young - Dispute settlement lawyers, who assist the WTO by professional. The areas of work may include accessions, providing legal advice and to conduct research on issues agriculture, dispute settlement, intellectual property in dispute settlement. rights, government procurement, competition policy, - Trade policy analysts and legal/economic affairs officers, market access, rules, trade and development, trade who deliver technical assistance and training on areas of and environment, trade in services and investment, their specialty. trade facilitation, trade policy analysis and trade-related - Research economists, who undertake research projects technical assistance. Duration is one year. and prepare the WTO’s flagship publication, the World Trade Report. Like trade policy analysts and legal/ More info: economic affairs officers, research economists also https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/vacan_e/ypp_e.htm deliver technical assistance and training on areas of their improve their chances of being recruited by the WTO specialty. Fun Fact / Recent Project Committment to Ease of Trade Location The WTO’s commitment to greater ease of trade Switzerland is significant, as approximately two-thirds of WTO members are developing countries. Moreover, WTO Student Opportunities membership provides these countries a greater degree The WTO Internship Programme provides an opportunity of access to markets at lower tariff rates without for post-graduate students from WTO member and succumbing to competitive pressure. The WTO’s global observer countries to gain valuable experience from influence is further solidified through the fact that the working at the WTO. Organisation plays a major role in influencing the way in which international trade agreements are written, More info: as many trade agreements explicitly mention the https://www.wto.org/english/thewto_e/vacan_e/iypp_e.htm WTO as an intermediate dispute-settling body among signatories.