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Clerkships and Trimester Enrolments Explained

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Clerkships and Trimesters

It is possible that students who receive an offer may have enrolled in a T3 elective that is not compatible with their commencement of the Clerkship program.

Specifically, those who accept an offer must ensure their T3 courses do not have an exam in the UNSW formal exam period, which overlaps with start of Clerkships.

Avoiding overlap between T3 elective and Clerkship

To maximise compatibility with Clerkship programs, UNSW Law is offering a higher than usual number of electives to UG and JD students in T3 that do not feature a formal examination (or in which such assessment is optional) that would clash with the start of Clerkships.

Additionally, a number of these electives are taught intensively and will commence in Week 2 of T3. This will enable students who need to alter their enrolment after receiving an offer to change into a course without having missed the first week of classes.

UNSW Law has reviewed current enrolment figures in T3 electives and noted that UG and JD places remain across the offerings. Further places may be opened up as students unenroll from compatible courses if they do not receive an offer. The Faculty will individually assist a student to enrol into a compatible course on demonstration of an offer (if he/she has not enrolled into one already and receives a clerkship offer). However choice of course is not able to be guaranteed.

Additional support

Because students will be required to prepare applications for clerkships during Term 2 rather than in the semester break that existed under the former academic calendar, the Faculty is committed to providing them with greater support so they may maintain focus on their study and still seek clerkship positions to the same extent as previously. The Law Careers service has created a virtual HUB with resources to support students applying for clerkships in 2020. Access these resources (including PPT video on preparing resume and cover letter/ updates from firms on 2020 clerkships, exclusively for UNSW students & more) at Current Students https://student. unsw.edu.au/law/news and also on MyLaw Resources https://my.law.unsw.edu.au/careers/resources

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