Newsletter February 2016 Port Macquarie Campus
Rural Clinical School, Port Macquarie Campus Quarter 1 2016
We’re back—the Year 5 cohort (graduating class –2017) can be seen acquiring clinical skills and the medical, surgical and emergency/critical care rosters. They can be recognized by their fashionable grey scrubs. In less than one month they will be joined by the returning Year 6 and new Phase 2 students. Professor Peter Smith, Dean of Medicine retired in 2015. Professor Smith was an outstanding advocate and supporter of the Rural Clinical School program. We wish him the best in his retirement. Professor Rodney Phillips is the new Dean of Medicine. Professor Phillips visited the campus in late 2015 to meet students, academic and administrative staff. Campus News The Shared Health Research and Education Campus (or ‘SHREC” for short) was completed in mid-2015. Since that time, administrative staff and students have had a presence in order to commission the new building. We hope to be delivering the full undergraduate medical curriculum from this state-of-the-art facility in the near future This collaborative venture is intended to deliver new courses in the health sciences for mid north coast tertiary students,. 2015 Grads Graduation ceremonies were held December 14 for the graduating class of 2015. 19 students from the Port Macquarie Rural Clinical School graduated with a degree - Bachelor of Medical Studies /Doctor of Medicine. Of that number, nine students graduated with Distinction. Well done to all students and all tutors. UNSW Rural Clinical School, Port Macquarie Campus
New Additions We would like to welcome Kathy Barnett to the Port Macquarie Campus. Kathy will be running the Simulation Centre. She has a background in critical care nursing. She has created a program of clinical skills teaching for both Phase 2 and Phase 3. She will soon be embarking on the Harvard course for clinical simulation. New Additions – Technology The campus has recently been awarded a UNSW Learning and Teaching grant for the creation and development of a Blended Learning Centre. The initial project is to develop a series of self-directed modules to enable students to utilize the Anatomage 3D anatomy teaching table.
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Graduation Ceremony Port Macquarie RCS 2015 campus award night was held November 2015. Award for Surgery, Emergency, Primary care and the Head of Campus Award was won by Sandy Simon. Award for Paediatrics and Psychiatry was won by Sophie Chatterton. Freya Sekulic won the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Award. Louise Koller-Smith won the Medicine Award. Our great tutors were also recognized. Hospital Tutor of the Year was won by Dr. Mark Romero. Community Tutor of the Year was won by the GP Superclinic. Registrar/JMO Tutor of the Year was won by Dr. Shelley Humphries.
Class of 2015 with UNSW RCS Staff
And finally, the Academy award for best performance in a comedy/ drama, in other words, the Port Macquarie RCS Tutor of the Year was won by – Dr. Aiveen Bannan
Faces at the Bases New grads Dr. Sophie Chatterton, Dr. Imants Rubenis and Dr. Elizabeth McDonald are taking their place as interns at the base hospital. 2014 graduates, Dr. Jodi Wheatley and Dr. Demi Gray successfully progress to Junior Resident Medical Officers.
Dr. Aiveen Bannan with A/Prof Sandy McColl
Heads Up - This year we hope to run the first annual Port Macquarie RCS Meds Variety Show. With more information will be forthcoming –we are in the planning stages at this time. Final Notes To the administrative staff who keep the school running smoothly; to the medical and allied health staff who generously give of their time and expertise; and to all others who have added to the success of the Rural Clinical School My Heartfelt Thanks, A/Prof Alexander “Sandy” McColl B.A., B.Sc. (P.T. - Hons), M.D., C.C.F.P., F.R.A.C.G.P., F.A.C.P. Head of Campus Phone 6580 7511
UNSW Rural Clinical School, Port Macquarie Campus The University of New South Wales, 26 Highfields Circuit , P.O. Box 5596 Port Macquarie NSW 2444 # 2 UNSW RCS PMQ February 2016