Untamed Soul Magazine - 0007 March Issue

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Social Media for a New Age - Moon Wisdom- Natures Kitchen - Numerology forecast


Issue 0007 - March 2021

reconnect to your wildness & ignite your spiritual fire




e v i t a e r C w o l F


Why your Voice



The Angels

10% off all profits from this magazine are donated to Operation Underground Railroad

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THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS YOU CAN JOIN THE UNTAMED MOVEMENT. Community is at the core of Untamed Soul. We strive to connect you to one another & to also provide platforms for you to share your vision. If you have a story to share then send us an email and let's connect! We aren't interested in the number of followers or reach you have, What matters is your heartcentred intention and your passion to be of service to humanity.

Bloggers, speaker, Healers & of course the rebels are all welcome. Have a feature idea? Really want to use our community blog? Let's do it. Send that email today. We are across all the usual platforms so tag us in your images, your quotes and your mission. Together we will amplify the love & ascend. @untamedsoulmagazine



Email us at hello@untamedsoulmagazine.com

e m o c l We

Hey Untamed Community!

Welcome, welcome welcome. The boss only gave me a small word count this month so we really should just dive right in. This month the Untamed Team have been exploring their intuitive hits and the theme of creativity. What creativity it means to each of us and how we encompass it is always going to be different. From wild swimming to foraging and crafts. We really are a mixed bag of nuts here. To me, creativity has one rule and that’s joy. If it brings me joy I’ll do it; truth is I might not be good at it, but as long as it’s ticking that joy box then I’m good. Some days this is a kitchen dance-off or some chanting whilst the coffee brews, another day it’s writing or reading poetry curled up in a blanket, and occasionally there might be some sketching. The sound of the pencil on my sketchbook is simply delicious. Am I a gifted artist, I would say not in this lifetime, but the joy is there. Creativity is a magical flow that time should be carved out for. It doesn’t have to be perfect or for long periods of time but I personally see it as a time to open up the doors and let the universe flow through us

Reminding you all this month that we are all vessels and that creativity is a key channel. Create time for it, not because you are good at it, although that often helps, but because it brings you joy. I hope this issue inspires your inner creativity and flow.

Charlie x Founder & Lead Creatrix Charlie Edwards


EDITORS PICK 7. THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD - MATTHEW GARDNER No explanation needed on this one. Welcome to the Untamed Family Matthew.


CONTENTS 2. Editors Note

! e d i s n I s t' a h W

9. LIFE ALCHEMY Join Leanne as she shares the need for us to see the Goddess in all.


5. Things we Love..

Real & Raw Features



with Jo Gifford

13. SOCIAL MEDIA FOR A NEW AGE NEWS - with Katie Brockhurst 17 NEW**MEN ALIGN OR BE LEFT BEHIND. - with Fabio Mazzieri

Magic & Mindful


19 SELFCARE FOR THE SOUL exploring the importance of Selfcare - with Mala Kennedy


Carrie Swain shares with us how to replace toxic products with essential oils

23 THAT FRIDAY FEELING Unlock your creativity with Helen Bartram


25 ART CAN CHANGE THE WORLD - Mandy Nicholson

30 ASK MAMA STARR Mama Starr answers your questions. This month Starr was asked Can my Intuition ever be wrong? Not only did Starr reply but she made a youtube video on the topic! The link is on the article.


MY LIFE WITH THE ANGELS 34 HOLISTICALLY HAPPY Michelle shares practical advice and Yoga for holistic health.

Community & Connection 38 STORIES UNTOLD Our Expert Penny shares advice on how to get your story out in the world


36 LOOKING UP THROUGH MY SKYLIGHT Katie Hopkins shares her journey and powerful reflections with us

40 POWER OF CREATIVITY WITH Author Miriam Stener

42. RECONNECTING WITH YOUR CREATIVE SELF - with Krzysiek Mlodzikh 44. NATURE'S KITCHEN Our foraging expert Jill shares with us the earths gift of wild garlic.


49. UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE This months numerology with Denise




! g n i v o l e r a e w s g n i h T for


What we’re enjoying this month in the ‘Untamed’ HQ

3 4 5




1 Maria Badescu Facial Spray 2 EveryBody Yoga Jessamyn Stanley 3. Fia - Made of stars 4. Love Up Candles 5 Copper Moon Jewellery 6. Scence Hand balm 7. Punky Pins 8. Buzz Coffee - The conscious coffee everyone is talking about.

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The Greatest Story

. . . d l o T r e Ev This month we fully lean into the shift in humanity that is unfolding before our very eyes with our newest columnist Matthew Gardner We find ourselves in a truly pivotal moment in one of the greatest stories ever told. This is a story that no one knows the vast fullness of, no one book captures, and no single storyteller can weave in its entirety. I’m talking about your story, my story, the story of humanity; where we’ve been, where we are, and where we are going. If the stars could speak (and maybe they do in their own way) they’d be reminding us daily that we are coming ever deeper into the belly of The Age of Aquarius and a monumental global consciousness shift. This is the kind of consciousness shift that over the next 300 years will entirely reshape the very fabric of what we know as our modern-day world and the society, communities and cultures that are its beating heart.


Amongst this particular collective evolution lies one of our greatest challenges. We are living history as it happens, fully immersed in an unfolding that is far longer than a single human lifetime. Sometimes it really is hard to see the forest for the trees, and sometimes to really get a good feel for what’s going on in the world we need to look outside our normal ecosystem, beyond our local community, beyond our normal media channels. While most of the world has been in varying states of lockdown over the last 12 months I’ve had the distinct luxury of travelling to, exploring and living in six different countries. Along the way I’ve got to spend time with people from dozens of communities all over the world and it’s really given me a birdseye view of what’s really happening on earth right now.

They say diamonds are born only under the greatest pressure and as I’ve travelled around the world and sat with hundreds of people from dozens of different communities, I’ve noticed a few truly magical themes that keep repeating themselves wherever I go. Amongst the uncertainty, amongst the shake, I’ve seen grandmothers sing for the first time in 30 years, I’ve seen fathers dance with their daughters around campfires, I’ve seen young men gathering to listen with care and intent to cultural teachers and quiet voices amongst us; the voices they’d normally ignore. I’ve watched as people have picked up harps, harmonicas, flutes and drums for the first time and sung, sounded and swayed just because they could. As I moved around from country to country, listening, watching and taking in everything in front of me I began to realise I was witnessing history unfolding right in front of my eyes. We are in a global pandemic, yes, but also we find ourselves in the midst of a deeply magical, truly profound and historically unrivalled Global Renaissance; an awakening of soul and essence and art all around the world all at once.

The history books will say many things about this particular chapter of the story of humanity and I’m here today to remind you; my friends, that some of them will be beautiful. Cosmic Eternal Love


Matthew Liam Gardner is a dedicated and ignited heart at the frontier of New Paradigm Leadership He is the founder of The Academy of Awakening, one of the worlds most dynamic Master Facilitators who spends his life traveling the world lighting fires in the hearts and bellies of awake and aware conscious Leaders and communities.


LifeALCHEMY with Leanne MacDonald

Each month spiritual transformation coach Leanne Macdonald shares with us her Life Alchemy wisdom & tips for living the life of an everyday Goddess

If you don’t see Goddess in all, you don’t see Goddess at all. Recently I had an experience while meditating, I had a vision I was being guided toward a group of women standing in a circle all holding hands. There was an amazing sense of harmony within this circle and I was invited to join it. As I held hands with the two women on either side of me, I immediately felt uncomfortable, as if I did not belong. The women could sense this and gripped my hands tighter; they wanted me to sit in that discomfort, in that awkward feeling of not belonging, not wanting to be there. But I wanted to leave the circle immediately. I had a strong feeling that these women were not my kind of women.


I stood there and after a short while the sensation subsided, and I felt the most intense feeling of oneness. The energetic power that surged through us as we stood there took my breath away.

' Power, Connection, Oneness.' Then I heard - if you don’t see Goddess in all you don’t see Goddess at all. I knew in that moment that I had a message to share with all women. We are here to guide one another back to truth, to facilitate lessons, to co-create, to stand in that powerful surge of oneness and connection. When sleeping women wake, mountains move. When woke women stand together in their power the world transforms.

Around the time I experienced that vision in my meditation I was feeling some disconnection in a friendship group and I was taking the actions of these women personally. There was no powerful surge of connection and oneness, just reaction and story creation. Coming up with reasons why this could be happening, followed by a “why me?” victim mentality. As women we can choose to feel disempowered or empowered by one another within a blink of an eye. In that vision I could clearly see that the lessons we gain when we can sit with another woman who triggers us is like a fast-track lane to awakening.

'When we can sit with another woman who triggers us is like a fast-track lane to awakening.'

It’s like having a light shone on the unconscious patterns that are keeping us feeling disconnected from our inner Goddess. The life-limiting stories we tell ourselves over and over and over and over again. That day I was feeling triggered and an old pattern of – I am not good enough

– was playing in my head as I pondered the behaviour within this particular friendship group. That vision I experienced during my meditation guided me to see the truth in the story I was creating. In creating that story, I was also creating the emotional pain to match. Seeing the truth, and feeling the release of this cycle, brought a sense of freedom, connection, and oneness. If all we see are the stories that we are creating of one another, we can only see the stories we create of ourselves. If all we see is the Goddess within one another, we can only see the Goddess within ourselves. The light I see in you is the light also inside of me, everything else is just perception. Grab your journal and explore which lessons you are being called to learn: Who is triggering you in life right now? Why? What does this mean about you? What story have you created about yourself? What can you learn from this situation? What are you grateful for being able to release now? What do you declare for yourself now?

Leanne xx

Leanne MacDonald is a UK based Spiritual & Mental Well-Being Coach. She is passionate about awakening the pure potential within everyone, so they can go on to experience a life filled with absolute joy and purpose. 10 www.leannemacdonaldwellbeing.com



We join Jo Gifford as we unbox ourselves and discover the brilliance that is inside of us all... As Untamed Souls and changemakers, it’s likely that if you are here reading this you are someone who knows they are here to create change in the world.

Everything we do in life has ripple effects. So, when it comes to human connection and creating content whether it’s a video, a podcast, a social media update, or email you need to be really mindful about the energy that you are in when you share and create. If you're feeling heavy, tired, angry, anxious, fearful, or in a state of bruised ego, all the energy and intention comes through in what you're sharing. If you are here to connect to people with your soul purpose, it’s really important to make sure that you are connected to yourself first.


When you are in alignment, connected to your values and vision, anything you create and share comes from that space. If you have ever tried to write something or record a video when you are tired, struggling, or in a heavy energy, you will know how long it takes. Yet when you are in flow, when you are totally aligned and in your power, the words seem like they fly off the keyboard. Or you can’t wait to grab the mic and share from your soul, or jump on a live and hold space.

That’s the place and energetic space to share from. And those are always the posts or email, podcasts, however you choose to create - that people resonate with the most. They will be the posts that suddenly trigger sales, connections, invitations, opportunities, and growth... That’s where the magic happens.

Part of the cyclical nature of creativity is about knowing yourself; you know to trust those stages, and to know that in a few hours, days, or even in a week or so you'll be on the other side of it and you'll be full of ideas again. So be mindful of the energy that you share with and connect to yourself first, so that is coming from the heart wherever possible. But what about consistency? Well, I am a big believer in repurposing. Harness your energy from the aligned space, and you can repurpose a great deal of content and conversations. As an example, I often jump on an Instagram live when I feel a message coming through that needs to be shared. I then repurpose that video as a blog post, and shorter videos on reels, as quotes on my feed, and often as a guest post on Medium or Thrive Global. One piece of aligned, energetically charged connection can go a long way.

Jo is a content marketer for changemakers. Author of Brilliance Unboxed the host of The Human Connection Experience, she is a wild swimming, morning raving, cacao fiend, usually found under a blanket with her cat.

Brilliance Unboxed is available now from Amazon & Barnes & Noble www.jogfford.co

It can also help to have a personal ritual to connect to yourself and to energetically connect to your audience before you share. You may wish to open a sacred space, to check you are in coherence with your heart, and raise your vibration before putting pen to paper or mouth to mic.We are here to create change in the world, and that’s a sacred thing. Let’s do it with as much intention as we can.

Untamed Take-aways: - Be aware of the energetic state you are in when sharing content publicly- Learn to lean into and trust your own cycles of aligned creativity- Create from a place of connection, and re-purpose from there across media, platforms, and audiences.- Consider a ritual or check-in to set the scene before you create anything.

Giff x



Katie Brockhurst, the Social Media Angel and author of Social Media For A New Age, will be sharing her thoughts on online life for us Untamed types - covering the latest news and predictions in spiritual social media and digital wellbeing. What is social media doing to our mental health and wellbeing? Being on social media can feel and be very overwhelming day in and day out… Busy. Bustling. Some people you know, some you don’t. Slide over an inspiring meme. Ooh look, a celebrity. Hop over some unsolicited advice. Side-step a preachy post. Get some advice on the moon phase. On business. On life. Ascension symptoms. Solar Flares. Then notice the ego is feeling something. Oh, it’s comparison. A smidge of envy. A dash of despair. Oh there’s someone or something that’s upset me popping up just over there. And... Now I want those shoes... And that skirt... And to be on that dreamy looking holiday. Dammit.

If we are active on social media, we are not immune from these feelings popping up somewhere inside ourselves when we hop on and off it, even if we are not fully conscious of them. We are not immune from feeling those moments when the social dopamine slot machine doesn’t line up with the winning prize of likes, comments or shares. Which makes it all the more important that we learn how to protect ourselves, our time, attention and energy when using social media on the daily… This addiction is an affliction, Programmed into us by their system. Yet addiction by design, Doesn’t appear to be a crime. Getting ‘users’ hooked like it’s a lifeline, Harvesting our energy, data and time...


Just so they can make more dime, I want to take back what’s mine. Being on social media produces dopamine, alongside other hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins, which light up our hormonal system in all sorts of different ways. We have all heard about Dopamine when it comes to social media, as this happens in anticipation of a reward, so when you tap that app, you experience a dopamine lift. But the other hormones are less publicised, for example… “Oxytocin is key to how we bond with others. It can give us a strong feeling of contentment. Studies have shown this can even occur remotely, with research suggesting that using social networks like Twitter can create a similar reaction to falling in love! Oxytocin has also been shown to increase trust in groups, altruism in individuals, arousal, bonding and much more. However, there is a flip side to this. Previously thought to just promote the nicer side of social bonding, strengthening your feelings and reactions in social situations may not always be positive. In reality, it could lead to strengthening feelings of anger and dislike depending on the situation. “ The 4 essential neurotransmitters in gamification - Gamification Expert


In my research I discovered that big social networks and mobile app builders have actively employed companies and consultants (including consultants from casinos and gambling houses) to find the best ways to get us using their apps as much as possible for as long as possible. They wanted to find the best ways to create that addictive dopamine hit with ‘addictive design’ and ‘persuasive technology’ by using gamification which employs tactics such as variable rewards, the same way slot machines do.

“In a nutshell, when it comes to mental wellbeing and mental health, digital media is like a gust of air; it can fuel as much as blow out a fire." Source: FutureLearn; Digital Wellbeing Course by the University of York. Author Lina Gega.

This means that our physiological reactions have been hacked, cultivated, encouraged and programmed. And if you have watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix you may already be clued up on some of this. Each time we open up our phone, we are strengthening the neural pathway and re-igniting the release of dopamine or feel good chemicals, artificially rather than naturally, which over time creates an imbalance, as too much dopamine turns into cortisol, the stress hormone. This gives some insight to why we might all be feeling more anxious and why mental health issues are on the rise.

Latest research also shows that the high information load we pick up every day through being online and the amount of multi-tasking we do now because we get distracted by notifications and alerts (which are part of the persuasive design used to get us using the different apps or building habits of checking apps) all have long term implications on memory, creativity and the ability to do deep thinking and deep reading. So what to do about it? Get as much space from your devices as you can every day… Get out into nature (scientifically proven to reset your executive attention)….


: e s U s u o i Consc A DAILY PRACTICE

Get yourself a not so smartphone to take out and about with you… Make time for meditation and movement, and always remember no devices in the bedroom!! When you open up an app, mobile or device ask yourself... What I am doing here? Is my use of this app intentional? What am I looking for? Pausing to take a deep breath, or a couple, each time you pick up or notice that you are online. Using the breathe to become a mini-meditation throughout the day. Saying a little Mantra, like So Hum or Om Namah Shivay, the mantra for eternal joy like my friend Jen uses, or a little mantra you make up of your own.

"Saying a little Mantra, like So Hum or Om Namah Shivay, the mantra for eternal joy " Creating a moment of presence and consciousness. A new habit. More deep breaths, more connection with the body. Putting the phone back down, if you picked it up without intention. This is a new practice I am just starting to do; hopefully it will help us to stop picking up the mobile and getting lost in the endless scroll of doom so easily.



Katie 11

MEN - ALIGN OR BE LEFT BEHIND Roaring Success with

Fabio Mazzieri We join Fabio this month as warns others to not get left behind as the world awakens and evovles. How many Women Empowerment communities are there? How many spiritually aware women are taking action, facing and tackling their demons that have held them back for so many years? How many spiritually aware women are investing money in a coach/mentor to work with them on their journey to success? How many women doing the above inner work do not have a partner completing the same work? How many men are about to be left behind?

My Awakening Story: In 2017 I came to a point of realisation that my wife and I were no longer aligned.


I had been focusing all my time on my corporate role which was having me spend many nights away from home. I was only focusing on my work, not myself, not my home, not my family and not my best friend and soulmate. I had become overweight. I was not exercising, not present, always on my phone checking emails or taking calls and neglecting my wife. In late 2017, much to my annoyance, my wife went to the USA with a friend, to explore some self-discovery. She was unhappy, not only with herself but also with how our relationship was spiralling out of control. I waited with baited breath to see how things would be upon her return. Even to the extent of considering my next step; where I would live.

Much to my surprise, we met on neutral ground, sat down in a pizza parlour and had an open and honest chat for the first time in years. This was my first understanding of the benefits of self-discovery. Seeing how it had changed my wife’s outlook and perspective on herself and life. At the beginning of 2018, I started having weekly calls with a coach and began to unpeel the layers which had been built up over the years, starting in my early childhood. We went after my ego, the shadow which kept me safe, warm and protected. I continued the weekly calls and also travelled to the USA to do in-person courses, which were unbelievably hard to complete with such a strong ego. They taught me about the feminine and masculine archetype traits and much more. After a while, I found I was aligned with my wife, and we were on the same page for the first time in years! In early 2020 I signed up with Dr Erin Fall Haskell to complete my Spiritual Coach Certification and joined a large community of many other empowered women. This training allowed me to further continue my inner work, but in a different way. The processes totally complemented each other.

We practised and were taught a process called e4 Trauma. A subconscious reprogramming technique, which helps eradicate your self-limiting beliefs. This is a powerful process which brings many results. My male clients are now embracing this process and experiencing amazing outcomes.

'Now is the time to wake up!' So, for any men who are reading this, it is important that you start to look at yourself. If your partner is working on her inner work, then you should explore doing the same. Why? If you do not do the work, you will not be aligned and you find yourself left behind. The empowered, passionate, powerful and purposeful woman will be looking for her empowered, passionate, powerful and purposeful man….However, he will not be standing beside her! Do not be left behind!


IG - @fabio_mazzieri_coaching FB- @fabio_mazzieri_coaching W: www.roaringsuccesscoaching.com


r o F e r a C f l e S YOUR SOUL

Our expert Mala Kennedy shares the importance of prioritising your selfcare and how it is certainly not all about face masks & bubble baths. Join Mala as she explores her version, which we like to call 'soul-care'. Hustle and flow they say. You know what I’m talking about. Those strive for success mantras and endless go go go. Motivation and going hard on little to no sleep. The fastest way to burn out. Then there is the other side of the street. The soft, gentle, flow like a feather. Our spirituality rises and we trust ourselves. It can sometimes be so whimsical that it borders on avoidance. Breaking commitments because of 'soul.' I've been a diehard spirit junkie since 2010. I'm all about trusting your soul, but not when it is an excuse to give up on yourself. I’ve ebbed and flowed over the years, Hustle vs flow is real, but what if we can have both and they can coexist in harmony? We can. In fact, it is the key to inner peace, happiness, and success.

I used to look outside myself for the answers. I thought strategy and systems were the answer. I would clutch on to the words of influencers who told me to not show up when I didn’t feel like it. If I felt tired and did not want to post I wouldn’t. If I did not want to get up early to meditate, I turned off my alarm and let myself rest because my 'soul' needed it. Except I rarely wanted to post and always wanted to rest. And I wondered why I didn’t make traction towards my business and personal goals. It reached a point where I started taking inventory of everything in my life. My commitment was to trust myself, and yet every area of my life felt heavy. I started opening up to the idea of schedules, systems and strategy.


The Trello app became my bestie. I pre-planned everything. Total structure, massive strategy and systems that supported me. As if it were magic, my life started to flow. I could look at my business plan and change it. I could let go. It was abundant and easeful. Time pressure vanished, and I had fun creating content because I wasn’t leaving it to the last minute. My creativity went wild and had a party. I was not hustling and my intuition grew stronger. I knew which practices to adopt, and which to adapt or reject. Flow comes in ways you may never expect. You can even access it through structure. Imagine one of your self-care commitments is more exercise, but it scares you. Create a system, schedule it and commit. Start small and build on it. Some days you may want to quit. Keep going, don’t mistake doubt for intuition. Don’t use your soul as an excuse to stop. Be discerning and challenge yourself when it feels like a stretch. Persist when every muscle aches and you think you can’t. You may think structure and systems annihilate flow. I invite you to challenge this belief. I flow more now, because of systems. I have so many self-care practices to evoke flow. I dance, meditate, journal.


Flow comes in ways you may never expect. I still write most of my content by hand (including this column) before I type it up. This activates my creativity and allows me to flow. So the next time you connect to your intuition, ask yourself what will support me most to get into a flow state? Your answer may surprise you. Trust it. Lean into some structure, and watch how it frees you up for more flow.

M a la x .

mala@malakennedy.com www.malakennedy.com

EVERYDAY s l i O l a Essenti

Carrie Swain talks with us about her favourite essential oils and how she likes to use them

Most products on our supermarket shelves, from food to cleaning materials, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics contain essential oils. There are so many ways to bring essential oils naturally into your everyday life without the need for toxic chemicals. Here are a few of my favourites to inspire you.

My 5 Favourite Essential Oils: Lavender: Lavender is one of the most versatile and well-known sources of essential oils. It eases headaches, promotes relaxation and sleep, helps with pain, inflammation, hair loss and pre-menstrual tension. It’s an excellent remedy for eczema, psoriasis burns, stings, bites and scar tissue. I have seen painful and embarrassing skin disorders heal almost overnight. I’m never without lavender oil.

Frankincense: Frankincense is known for having soothing and cleansing properties. It can be used cosmetically, medicinally and for eliminating surface and airborne bacteria. Frankincense is soothing and comforting and is believed to strengthen and invigorate the respiratory system. It contains properties that reduce feelings of anxiety, stimulate the immune system, and diminish signs of ageing.

Geranium: Geranium has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is beneficial for reducing acne breakouts, skin irritation, and skin infections. Geranium helps with perimenopause and menopausal symptoms as-well-as other hormonal imbalances. It is used in hospitals for its calming effect on women in the early stages of labour.


Peppermint: This often underrated oil is an effective treatment for a variety of conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), nausea, and other digestive issues, as well as the common cold and headaches. I use it during my foot care treatments as it is cooling, deodorising and really does freshen the skin. The sharp and clean aroma of peppermint is also great for morning showers.

Rose oil: A beautiful, feminine oil that’s widely used in high-end perfumes, facial products and cosmetics. Rose oil is said to increase libido and has a calming effect on people. Studies have found that rose oil stimulates the release of the dopamine, the chemical that’s believed to play a pivotal role in helping to relieve the symptoms of depression and pain.


Ways to enjoy essential oils: • Use with diffusers and vaporisers • Sprinkle a few drops onto a radiator • Drizzle onto a flannel or compress • Soak your hands or feet in oil-infused warm water • Add a couple of drops of your favourite oil to the water or cleaning cloths as you clean your home. I genuinely believe our amazing planet provides most things, including medicines congruent with what nature provides to encourage us naturally to live a healthy and ‘well’ life. I use a wide range of plant extracts in all aspects of my family and professional life, from maintaining physical and emotional well-being to cleaning. I hope this encourages you to do the same.


You can find Carrie Swain on her website and across all social media platfroms. FB- @carrie_swain_hypnotherapy W: www.carrieswain.com

g n li e e F y a d i r F t Tha


Finding your creativity


Join Helen Bartram from 'That Friday Feeling' Podcast as she shares her tips, tricks & tools to bring that Friday feeling everyday...

Have you ever noticed that our ability to be creative is somewhat restricted as we grow up? Yes, sure, we get to paint lovely pictures and make rockets out of milk cartons; but things like day-dreaming are frowned upon and we are not able to explore and learn in our own creative ways. It’s like there are set times we can be creative and that for me feels like a bit of a creativity killer. Then we grow up, and suddenly we have all those bills to think about, creating an income and maybe a few children thrown in the mix for good measure. It can become easy to lose touch with our creative side. Nurturing your creative side has many benefits. Such as: reducing stress; creating a sense of freedom; can lead to feelings of accomplishment; Also, it can be fun and it certainly makes us better problem solvers.


I used to convince myself I was not creative. What I actually meant was 18 I didn’t feel talented when it came to art. I didn’t understand that creativity can look like many different things. I soon learnt that I could be creative, and saw that I was naturally creative in lots of other ways.

Feel Good today...

Here are 3 ways you can get creative and feel good today: Step away from the devices. Yes, I said step away! Digital devices can interfere with creativity. Grab some paper and a pen, some paints, a musical instrument or anything that allows you to freely be creative. Mindfully connecting with the task at hand. I find detaching myself from the outcome removes all pressures and allows my creativity to flow freely. Try some visualisations. Get mentally creative. Use your imagination and go wild. It could be that you actually remove all limitations and imagine all the wonderful things you wish to manifest into your life. Or maybe you just visualise yourself on a relaxing beach taking in all the beautiful scenery. The possibilities are endless.


Play! As adults we often forget to make time to play. Playing and having fun is one of the most creative things you can do. Whether it’s grabbing the childrens play doh / lego and seeing what you can create; playing a game of chess; or doing a word search. These things all require us to connect with the creativity that lies within us. Have fun!


Facebook: www.facebook.com/helenbartramhappiness Instagram: www.instagram.com/helenbartramhappiness Podcast: https://anchor.fm/helenbartramhappinesswebsite: www.helenbartram.com



One of the great challenges in our society today is that we often feel distanced and untouched by the problems of others and by global issues such as climate change, poverty and hunger. This is because it is not on our doorstep and we don’t feel like an important member of that global team, the collective, us. Social media and 24/7 news can often leave us feeling less connected not more so. Digital overload! Images of negativity, death, destruction flashed before our eyes and then gone as quickly.

With Mandy Nicholson

This is where ART can help. Connecting with a piece of art can help us to tap into our senses and emotions on a deep level and allow us to feel. Art does not try and tell us or show us what to do, art just is. It is a snippet from the imagination of the artist who has willingly shared themselves with you, all of you. In connecting and feeling the art you are encouraged to think and formulate actions because creativity evokes action. As an artist, I hear and see things that I am drawn to commit to paper or canvas. When something moves me and makes me feel, it is almost my duty to create, it is the same for a singer or any other creative. It doesn’t matter if it is a beautiful landscape, a misjustice, a cry for help or the feeling of global disempowerment,

'When something moves me and makes me feel, it is almost my duty to create'


I am duty bound to commit my idea to canvas. For many years I ignored this pull and was left feeling frustrated and unhappy, however, since I have followed my soul’s purpose, I feel lighter, empowered and happy in what I do. Art not only changes the world for the viewer, but it also changes the world for the artist and sends them off on a mission so fulfilling that they change everyone that they touch. Imagine a world without art? That is where our linear Governments would like us to be, encouraging academic learning over the exploratory learning in the arts, trying their hardest to spit out robots who will become the pillars of society. Without art we would not have a full picture of our history. We would not have the great peace and social element of music and theatre. We would not have television and film. We would not be able to communicate instantly with a picture, logo or brand. Artists are woven through society as the very backbone of everything we see and do, and without these amazing creative people our world would be dull and lifeless.

So, instead of relying on a bunch of politicians to direct you why not seek out the people who will connect you with the earth, your global sisters and brothers, your spiritual destiny, with nature in all of it’s forms and most importantly with a oneness that you may not find elsewhere. Be it paintings, music, sculpture, or design make the effort to find what it is that moves you and helps you take action to embrace your fellow humans, animals and our planet.


Mandy Nicholson is a Women’s Creative Genius Consultant & creative coach to innovative female entrepreneurs 26


IG - @mandynicholson

CHRISTINE Crystal expert Christine Langdale shows us this month, how to work with crystals for creativity to flow. I have never really considered myself the creative type – I can’t paint or draw and my singing is not fit for public consumption! I have never considered myself a writer either, I can’t do stories. Yet here I am writing articles for this magazine, writing posts for my Facebook Page, writing blogs for my department's Intranet site as part of my day job. Suddenly it seems I have become a writer! The need to write has come about partly because I need to promote myself and my small business. I have always been a “fly under the radar” kinda girl, so putting myself ”out there” has not always been easy for me! But it has also come about because I feel passionate about my reiki and crystals and the benefits it brings people.

Talking to a friend who I hadn’t seen for a while, I said that having experienced Reiki, I have never been able to understand why everyone doesn’t do it – it’s given me so much, not least a confidence to finally be the person I’m supposed to be and to allow me to begin to live the life I have always wanted to live. So here’s a few crystals to help get those creative juices going, meditate with them (I have far too many creative ideas when I’m meditating – this article wrote itself during a meditation session!), put them by your keyboard, or by your easel, or just ask them to help you get into your flow with whatever creativity you wish to manifest for yourself.


Brow chakra Iolite, will stimulate the imagination and activate your creative side, before you know the story will write itself, the painting will take on a life of its own and the song will be No.1!

Crown chakra Ametrine, a mixture of amethyst and citrine, this crystal is the best of both worlds! Removing blockages and bringing you back into balance, it also will inspire you and open you up to receiving those bright ideas!

Throat chakra Blue Goldstone, a sparkly stone that looks like the night sky – make a wish upon it, and ask it to help you manifest your dreams! Actors and performers, in particular, will find it helps opportunity knock.

Heart chakra Peridot, a protective crystal. It will help you find a sense of happiness and acceptance of the world around you, allowing you to find your own path without fear, it will help manifest those lucky breaks and give you the confidence to take a chance.

Solar plexus chakra Golden Labradorite will help you be innovative in your field and boost your creativity – when you doubt your abilities and think “I can’t”, Golden labradorite will say “you can!” – giving you the confidence to keep going and ignore those negative people who doubt your abilities.

Sacral Chakra

Root Chakra Hematite. However much we let our creativity soar, we still need to ground to stay in balance with ourselves, Hematite comes very much to mind here, very effective at grounding and balancing, it is also supportive and will boost your self-esteem, helping you get out there and Sing!

Calligraphy stone (or Mariam Jasper) I love this stone! Its intricate patterns mean that you can look at it for hours If you are lacking the self-discipline to get on with it, this is the stone for you. – it will help you find that discipline as well it enhances your creativity and helps you find Inspiration.

! n o o s u o y e e S Chrsintine

Christine is a Reiki Master & Crystal Healer living in East Yorkshire, UK

This self-confessed crystal addict lives with the other loves of her life: her 3 horses, cat & dog, and the husband gets a look in too sometimes!!




Mama Starr Sometimes you know you need to move forward but you can’t figure out which direction to choose. Mama Starr gently, but firmly guides you on your way.

Reader Question... Dear Starr, Has your intuition ever been wrong?? Vicki x Hey Vicki! Has my intuition ever been wrong? In a word...Yes! The truth is, we can ALWAYS be wrong because our human interpretation can be incorrect. If we are not careful, our thoughts, feelings and our fears get in the way of allowing us to become a clear channel. I always tell people to trust their first impression whenever their intuition kicks in...and yes, that can still be wrong.


Why trust the first impression? Well, it’s unfiltered. Your first impression is the raw answer provided by your higher self and Spirit. It’s unclouded by the “logical” brain that doubts such things in the absence of proof. By allowing yourself to trust your first impression, you are building faith..That’s your first step. Your second step is to remain unattached to whether your intuition is right or not. You must be WILLING to be wrong so that you can find out what it feels like to be right!

What you want more than anything is data. It’s important to learn the difference between true intuitive insight and the smaller, sometimes fearful “don’t make waves” thoughts that come from our ego and brain. The only way to do that is to practice. Your willingness to be wrong is important especially if you are doing a reading for someone else. Sometimes you will receive information that makes absolutely no sense to you...but makes all the sense in the world to the person you are reading. I was in a group practice session once in which we were all asked if we received any kind of an image about the woman we were practising reading. One woman said “it seems really strange, but I keep seeing a pumpkin” This made no sense to her given the context of the reading. Yet, when she said this to our subject, it made total sense because “pumpkin” was the pet name she used for her daughter. Sometimes you receive an intuitive hit that makes no sense in the moment, but will later. I recall a time when my husband was negotiating with a client. I felt this sense of not wanting to move.

I had thought my sense was about the client being stuck and needing our help. We started working for him and soon found that I was wrong. Working with him was a nightmare and he later filed a complaint with our payment provider saying that we never completed the work for him. It threw our entire lives into chaos as we fought (and won) the claim. My intuitive hit was right. I interpreted it wrong and it cost us, but also taught us an incredibly important lesson. Trust but verify. Be willing to question the intuitive information that you receive and as much as possible, take steps to find out if you’re right. With practice, you’ll learn to interpret the nuances of the messages you receive.

S ta r r x.

For more on this, be sure to catch my YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=9mmnZO4KG3s starr@yonderstarr.com | www.yonderstarr.com


Life with

THE ANGELS Yvonne Bottarelli joins us each month and shares with us her monthly guided meditation & her joy-filled life with the angels. Welcome to March. A beautiful time of year to start something new. The Angels ask where do you go to connect with them? Do you have a favourite place where you go to connect to source, to spirit, and to the Angels. Being out in nature feeds your soul and the high vibration of nature makes it easier for the Angels to be with you. This month the Angels wanted me to talk about creating sacred space; they say we have too many distractions, our thoughts running the show. The Angels are always with you; guiding, supporting, and encouraging you and hearing your wishes and desires We need to allow ourselves time in silence to listen, hear their wisdom, feel their love, and open our hearts to their blessings. The most perfect way to start is with an Angel altar, which isn’t for the Angels but for you. Even if I am traveling I always have to set up a place where I put my crystals, essences and a candle.


At first I found sitting in meditation difficult, but I would light my candle, choose a crystal and just start to take some deep breaths, and each time it became easier. Some ideas for an Angel altar: I collect feathers that appear at unusual times. I also love the fragrance of Jasmine and so do the Angels, you can put it in a diffuser, or maybe have a Jasmine candle. Rose is also beautiful for opening your heart; you can use the fragrance or maybe some fresh flowers. The crystals I have on my altar to bring the Angelic realm closer are Angelite, Rose Quartz and Celestite. Just have fun with creating; use cards, pictures, figurines, trinkets or shells, whatever brings you joy. Share your pictures with us, we would love to see your altars. For our wish meditation this month, let us set the intention to call on the Angels to bless and infuse your altar and sacred space with their light.


March Finding yourself a quiet space and time to contemplate where forgiveness is needed. So take a deep cleaning breath, relaxing and letting go in this new sacred space that you've created. Breathing in a beautiful golden light, allowing that light to flow around your body. Continue to breathe, relax and just be in the present moment. The golden light expands and emanates out all around you. we invite and call upon the Angels to be with you now.

Invite your Angels to join you now...

We wish for the Angels to bless your altar. Take each item in turn, hold it and ask the Angels to fill it with their light vibration. When you have held each of the things you wish to be filled with Angel light. We ask that a golden column of Angel light be placed over your sacred space, and that each time you return to this space you will feel their love and light. Giving thanks to the Angels you may wish to stay in this beautiful space for a little while longer. Every time you return here your connection will grow stronger and stronger. Just breathe in the golden light and call your Angels in. Enjoy the journey of the sacred space that you created, reflecting a sacred space that is now created within. I wish you Angel blessings ‘til next month, much love

Feel their loving presence fill the room.

Y vonne. x

Yvonne is based in Taunton UK as a holistic and spiritual Healer. Yvonne combines her certified therapies with her empathic nature and spiritual wisdom to guide, empower, heal and support. 33


y h t l a e H & Happy

Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer & Intuitive Coach, Michelle Taylor shares with us holistic routes to greater happiness and health.

3 WAYS TO SHIFT YOUR ENERGY FROM GLOOM TO GLOW Ugh. Damp, grey winter days, long nights and dark mornings are still lingering and spring still seems so far away, it’s no wonder that many of us feel a bit “stuck” this time of year, wondering whether our motivation and enthusiasm has gone and hoping it might just spring back like those little daffodil heads emerging from their slumber. Never fear, you have the power to shift your energy and mood and I’m sharing my top three with you because believe me, just because I’m a yogi it doesn’t make me immune to my own winter funk!


Yoga Yoga asana for the body. If you’re feeling a bit stuck, maybe you need to shift some stagnant energy. If you’re looking to reignite your motivation and spark creativity then get your body moving and energy flowing. Try a few rounds of sun salutations or a creative vinyasa flow, incorporate some twists to work with your solar plexus chakra and enjoy! Remember - we attract what we are a match for so let go and move in a way that is fun, whatever that means to you. Yoga doesn’t have to e serious!

You have the power to shift your energy and your mood.

Meditation for the soul

Mantra for the mind Positive affirmations or mantras are a great way to rewire our thinking towards what we want, rather than where we feel we are right now. If you’re feeling stuck, try focussing on the endless possibilities available to you. Try the following affirmations or write your own and connect to the feeling of them being true for you

My possibilities are endless.My thoughts become my realityI am motivated to pursue my true purpose.I welcome new opportunities into my life

Maybe you think of meditation as a way to de-stress and relax but it has many benefits and can be refreshing too. If you’re feeling burnt-out or lacking creativity and motivation then meditation could be just what you need. Meditation turns our focus completely inward, gives our senses and thinking a rest and allows us to tune in to the more subtle inner messaging from our soul. With a regular mediation practice it’s easier to notice feelings and nudges that pop up, hear and trust our inner voice more and you might start to notice new ideas flowing when you’re not caught up in the outside world. Love & Light


Michelle Taylor is a yoga teacher, reiki practitioner, intuitive coach and co-author of Amazon bestseller, The Divine Power of The Feminine Collective. Having overcome depression, negative body image and low self esteem with the power of yoga and personal development, she is dedicated to empowering women worldwide to manage their physical and mental wellness with a personalised holistic toolkit.




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y m h g u o r h t p u g Lookin


Holistic coach and mindfulness expert Katie Hopkins shares her experience and insights as she navigates through this journey we call life

The Power of Suggestion... We are all influenced by external factors, brand loyalty, and close family and friends. Politics, religion, and which schools to send your children to, can cause huge emotional upsets and discord. The power of suggestion – which explains how people can manifest things or situations out of the thoughts or ideas that are presented to them. For instance, when I was looking at buying a new car; I had a particular car brand in mind – that suddenly became my reality. Wherever I went I would see those particular cars everywhere. I ended up buying one! That’s a positive. Another example, when I decided to go down the ‘single mum route’ with my dream to be a natural mum – all I would see was pregnant or new mums everywhere! It was so heartbreaking, as suddenly all my friends and family were having babies!


I stopped going out in order to avoid this overload and calm my maxed out nervous system as obviously stress is not good for trying to fall pregnant! Not a positive. A few years ago, friends from the UK mentioned a game they play with their children called: “Spot-O” – basically something to fill in time when you are travelling in a car. You cry out “Spot-O” whenever you see a yellow car. This plant’s the seed of suggestion in everyone’s mind and before long you are seeing yellow cars everywhere!

It becomes quite addictive and competitive. My husband even takes photographs of yellow cars he’s seen whilst out and sends them to me so he can call Spot-O. Our rules mean that at least one other person has to see it for it to count. Our children found this incredible, so they have practised with other colour cars and everyday items you may see but never actually ‘see’ on your outings. This is the power of suggestion and it is super powerful. So, what if you simply decided you wanted to something badly enough? Could you use the power of suggestion to manifest it into your life? Possibly. The secret is to align with what you desire and then release the attachment and any residual resistance to having it become your reality and trust that it yours. Ultimately, have fun with it. By having playful energy, you lift your vibration and that activates the Law of Attraction. You get what you vibrate!

Katie x

Katie Hopkins - I’m a free spirit (some may call crazy), who now calls Christchurch, New Zealand, home. I live with my soul-mate husband and three heart-children. I have travelled the world in search of purpose, and I talk to the moon! Self-education is a passion, so I am a Life, Positivity and Resilience Coach, a certified Specialised Yoga Teacher and a Mindfulness Facilitator. I rarely follow logic (much to the dismay of others) and I always trust that the universe has my back. My musings come from the Heart.

www.katielouwcoaching.com | khdhopkins@gmail.com 37

UNTOLD STORIES witr Penny Tresher Our expert writer & editor Penny Thresher shares her passion for her words with our community because your story needs to be heard. The title of this column, UNTOLD STORIES seems very prescient this month. Previously I have written about how I have found writing to be very cathartic. In my blog I have made sense of many events in my life and in the process, I am aware that I have helped other people too. Reading words written by someone else, detailing how they coped with a difficult or challenging experience, that is similar to something you need to deal with, can really help. Discovering that you are not alone. Writing about your experiences, whether you share with other people or not, can be incredibly therapeutic. For example. I suffer with hair loss. I wore a hairpiece for about 5 years. I was very open about it, but in 2017 I decided it was time to stop. It was incredibly traumatic, but I chose to embrace it. I wrote a blog accompanied by a black and white picture of me without my hair. It remains one of my most widely read pieces of writing.


I had so much correspondence about this blog – including from 3 ladies who wore wigs and had done for years. Each of them thought that they were the only one.

'Each of them thought that they were the only one' You can read the blog here: https://www.whatpennydidnext.co .uk/bad-hair-day/ Not only did I help those women, I also began to feel less alone. I gained a better sense of perspective and could move forward positively. When we are suffering it rarely occurs to us that other people might have similar experiences, we feel alone and often ashamed. Whether you need to deal with something small, or major trauma, consider writing about it. There have been lots of academic studies about the benefits of writing about our experiences.

There is a beautiful article in this month’s magazine by Miriam Stener. Recently I had the privilege of editing the english version of the beautiful poetry that she wrote to overcome her childhood trauma. She has healed herself by setting words on paper and sharing it with the world. A perfect example of how healing “writing it out” can be. There are no rules about how, when, or where to write. You do not have to write chronologically or go into every little detail. You do not have to share. You can journal, write a story or, like Miriam, try poetry. I had a friend who in her late 50s, wrote her 22year-old self a loving letter about something that happened to her. It brought forgiveness, acceptance, and healing. She said that she started living again, after years of struggling.

Some tips to get you started: Be kind to yourself, do not rush or force it

Let the feelings come and take time to feel them fully. Just write as the thoughts come, you can edit later if you need to. Write for yourself, you can decide later if you want to share. If you need help with this process, please get in touch. With love…


Penny is a UK based coach, writer, editor and speaker. With a fierce passion for words and a desire to encourage everyone to find their voice, she combines her coaching skills and writing ability to help people speak up and shine brightly in the world! penny@cornerhousewords.co.uk | www.cornerhousewords.co.uk instagram/cornerhousecoaching



Creativity To come home You sometimes need to travel the road you know well that all of a sudden With no warning changed its appearance/Miriam Stener

I have always had a desire to write. But for a long time, I simply wrote to survive. I wrote when I was sad when I was anxious, and when I was pissed off. And as I wrote, every emotion transformed into beautiful poems on a piece of paper. As I grew older my poems began to change, as I changed. I didn’t notice at first, but when I felt called to publish a book of my poems, I could see the changes clearly. I went back to some of my old poems and reading them I could remember the pain I was in when I wrote them. But I was no longer feeling that pain. Allow me to be sad for a little while I promise to get back up again.

To shine again like the warm rays of the sun but right now in this moment just want to cry. Feel the sadness and the pain In all its reality And not be pretending. So please give me this moment to be sad with myself promise to rise again - Miriam Stener On the 6th of February, in honour of my beloved grandfather Rasmus, who passed away years ago, my book ”Little girl, Nevermore” was published. A collection of transformational poems written over 25 years. Beginning when I was 12 years old, and sexually abused for the first time. That same night I wrote the opening poem for this book. NOMADIC




Working as a spiritual trauma coach and being a spiritual practitioner within New Thought, one of the things I ask my clients is, how do you express your creativity? Creativity is an extremely strong tool when it comes to healing. Writing, singing, dancing, painting, whatever your spirit desires, DO IT! Finding that creative spark in you will allow your emotions to come out, to be released. Expressing your emotions through creativity is a blessing when it comes to healing. And allow yourself to have FUN creating! Experiencing trauma does not mean we have to be sad. One of my favourite quotes is by Thomas Troward, saying:"The purpose of life is to enjoy!" When you find the thing that puts a sparkle in your heart and eyes, it could be the very thing that helps you overcome your traumas. Allow me to be happy Just let me feel the joy of this moment And the feeling of it all being perfect. I promise to fight again when needed. But right now in this moment I just want to enjoy and be grateful for all the good that I have. - Miriam Stener

Miriam x *The poems in this article are extracts from "Little Girl, Never More." Illustrated by Lauren Cyprien. Edited in English by Penny Thresher.

The book Little Girl, Never More can be bought on Amazon

After learning to heal herself from the sexual abuse she experienced as a child, Miriam Stener is now passionate about guiding other women on their healing journey. Miriam’s mission is to help women create their own heaven on earth, overcoming traumas in this life and past lives. She believes that when we heal and know the truth of who we are, miracles happen! https://miriamstener.mykajabi. com/little-girl-never-moreIG: @Miriamstener & @MiriamhstenerEmail: miriamstener@gmail.com



With the f l e S e v i t Crea

Artist Krzysiek Mlodzik shares with us his journey with creativity and how creativity is always there waiting for your return. My name is Krzysiek Kris Młodzik, I was born in 1981 in Bielsko-Biała, Poland. I am a selftaught, intuitive visual artist and storyteller. As a small child, I loved drawing cartoon characters that I saw on TV. That was my first creative passion. My talent was often praised by my family, though I never felt completely happy with the way I drew, and eventually abandoned my passion. I remember an abstract oil painting hanging on the wall in my parents’ flat. It was chaotic, mysterious and intricate. I loved how it made me, but I never thought I’d be able to paint like that; that my imagination was not ‘big enough’; and I believed I was capable only of copying others.

I also remember my Nana told me that my Grandfather, her husband, was a painter. I felt so excited when I heard that! Unfortunately, he wasn’t the kind of painter I had hoped he would be. It turns out he painted walls and ceilings and not canvas; I was so disappointed!

'He wasn't the kind of painter I had hopes he would be.' Clearly though, since a very early age, I've felt an affinity towards art. I’ve always felt an urge to express myself. In one way or another... through football, writing my own stories, composing hip-hop music tracks and performing rap...Whatever I tried, the lack of self-belief, time and time again, pushed me to abandon it.

As a child I was well aware of my emotional needs and often felt depressed when they weren’t met by my mum and dad. I was maybe 9, when I first thought of killing myself. I spent weekends with my grandparents. I could be myself with them. I felt happy and appreciated. In my late teens and early twenties, I rebelled a lot. Against my parents, against the law and societal systems. I self-regulated my emotions through substances and sex. Most of the time I felt miserable and angry and I still believed that I wasn’t talented enough to successfully follow my creative dreams. Living ‘a normal’ life felt even more painful... In 2015, my dad passed away. By then I’d already lived in London for 4 years, where my beautiful daughter Renee was born 2 years earlier. Despite the fact that I and dad were never truly close, after his departure, I fell into a ‘spiritual depression’. I stopped trusting my soul, lost my faith in God. One day I stumbled across a YouTube video. It triggered an awakening, of things that I’d realised 15 years earlier, but chose to abandon and forget. From that moment on, I began my journey within. It’s made a more conscious parent, and someone who slowly began taking responsibilities for his own choices and life.

In 2018, after 30 years, I suddenly felt inspired to create again. These days I paint abstract art, a style which I never thought I had in me! I use my intuition to guide me, to help me transform my visions into an intricate piece of art. I also create art based on people's childhood passions and favourite colours, which I call Inner Child Energy Art. I create what I feel, expressing my soul and its wisdom on the canvas. Reconnecting with my creative self, helped me reconnect not only with myself but also with people; helping to heal the judgement and rejection I carried around from an early age. Art is healing, even when we do not know it.

You can find my art here:https://www.facebook.com/krz ysiekkrismlodzikart/https://www.ins tagram.com/krzysiekkrismlodzikart/I also rejoice in my love for storytelling. I write and illustrate children’s books in which I try to empower and help young people understand their own heart desires and emotions.You can find my books on Amazon:Krzysiek Kris Młodzik


KITCHEN Our very own seasonal foraging expert and kitchen witch Jill Wheeler brings us her special recipe for this month it's Wild Garlic March is a great time for heading to your local woods for a walk. It is definitely the time to go armed with a basket, scissors and gloves. At this time of year, when the sunlight reaches the woodland floor and before leaves appear on the trees, it is a carpet of colour. New, fresh plant life signifies the start of spring and the end of a long and dark winter. Longer and more sunny days are yet to come and there is something exciting and hopeful about that. There are a number of wild greens to be picked at this time of year such as cleavers and nettle tops, if you are thinking of making a spring greens soup and want to give your body a real nutrient boost.

However, it is also the time for collecting wild garlic leaves. You cannot miss a patch of wild garlic as you will most certainly smell its pungent garlic aroma before you see it. Wild garlic is easy to identify in April to May as it has beautiful white flower tops when it’s in flower. In March however it is just the leaves. If you are unsure if it’s wild garlic, then pick a leaf and crush it between your fingers. You will not be able to mistake it due to its smell. Do check a good wild food book for identification if you are not familiar with wild garlic and as always, if in doubt, do not pick it.


Often if it’s an old woodland you will find Dog’s Mercury growing amongst the wild garlic and this is highly toxic, so you want to pay close attention to what you are picking. The leaves are very different but it can hide amongst the garlic leaves. When you do pick the leaves, do so only where there is an abundance of the plants and try to avoid around the base of trees and tree stumps if it is an area where people walk dogs. You will want to give your leaves a good soak in cold water anyway when you return home with your bounty. Wild garlic has many health benefits as well as tasting amazing. It’s excellent for many stomach ailments from constipation to flatulence and diarrhea. It’s also reputed to be excellent for high blood pressure and for treating upper respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and asthma. Wild garlic is very detoxifying, so is great for a spring detox. There are so many recipes for wild garlic – you can make pesto, soup, have with wilted greens , ferment it and add in replacement of garlic in many recipes. My favourite however is wild garlic butter. So simple to make and can easily be frozen for use year-round. My family love homemade wild garlic butter on bread or toast; it rarely lasts long in our fridge when it is made! For the recipe you will need…



'Only pick leaves where there is an abundance of plants'

Method... Soften the butter then pop in the food processor with the leaves and a good pinch or two of sea salt. Once the leaves have blended well with the butter, remove with a spatula and shape into a long sausage. Wrap in some greaseproof paper and pop it in the fridge to harden. You can slice into sections to freeze or use as you wish. It should keep for around two weeks in the fridge. A NOTE ON FORAGING: Whatever you choose to forage, be aware of foragers etiquette and a few legalities. Firstly, you can collect fruit, flowers, foliage and fungi from the land where it is growing wild. Never uproot any plants without the land owner’s permission or on protected sites. In the case of wild garlic do not pull up the plants or take the bulbs; only cut the leaves.

INGREDIENTS: Bunch of clean and dried wild garlic leaves chopped A block of unsalted butter or vegan alternative (I find Naturli block works well for this)Sea salt

Be mindful of trespassing and if asked, leave immediately, although you can keep your foraged items. Only take what you need. Never strip an area of its fruit or flowers. Ideally you should take a little from each plant where you find an abundance. Finally try not to trample the wild garlic, ideally, leave no trace you have been there at all. Happy foraging

x x y l l i J

Jill Wheeler (Jilly) is a mum of two, vegan cook, who is passionate about cooking and foraging for food. Jill runs a preserves business ‘Jillys Homemade Preserves’, using produce she grows on her own allotment as well as locally sourced or foraged. She loves to share her knowledge on natural ways to preserve the seasons bounty, and to keep our history of preserving alive.

jillysjam@hotmail.com | www.jillyspreserves.co.uk 48 @jillysjam

n o o M WISDOM with Emma Halley

Join Crystal Moon Mentor Emma Halley as she explores the phases of the moon for this month & how best to take to navigate them,

I love working with the Moon. When we surrender to her subtle ebbs and flow we find ourselves in a different kind of alignment; not just that of our own personal energy, but that of a Universal force that guides the tides and the rhythms of Mother Nature. The old methods of constantly pushing ourselves and demanding a consistent ‘more more more’ mentality are no longer working for us. We must adjust our sails. We must learn to navigate the tides. Here is your guide for the month ahead, a kind of ‘Mariners Compass’ to help you navigate the Moon’s energy. Hello March! You beautiful month you! Finally, we reach the beginning of spring and all the potential it brings.


KEY DATES Moon in Pisces 28th – Full Moon in Libra (Crow Moon)

We have come so far this winter. Right now, work on releasing any self-doubts and limiting beliefs until the 6th March, using the Waning energy to help let it all go. A simple releasing ceremony of writing it all down on a piece of paper and then burning it is a lovely way to assist with this energy. From now, up until the New Moon, make an extra effort to look back over the first quarter of the new year and see how far you’ve come. Maybe journal on it and offer gratitude for it. When I was learning about working with the moon, I came across the Sanskrit Om Namo Narayani, which means ‘I surrender to the Divine’. It was recommended to chant this during the Balsamic Moon phase to help us tune in to this energy of surrendering; all our work this cycle is done and while we release and surrender in order to allow change to manifest, we witness the changing of the season, from winter into spring. Our New Moon on the 13th is in Pisces and the energy is strong and mystical. Intuition is the name of the game and any Intention Setting for the month, or season, ahead will be supercharged if we focus on our emotional and spiritual goals. What does it look like to you to explore your intuitive, mystical self?

By the 21st, make a solid commitment to yourself and your spiritual journey in some way, and keep your faith, don’t let fear get in the way. The pop of the Full Moon on the 28th can leave you feeling a little anxious, or positively encouraged, and sometimes a bit of both. This month’s Full Crow Moon is in Libra and it’s all about balance. If you’re feeling a little up and down, it’s time to find that balance and look to where in your life you are being pulled in too many directions. Forgive yourself for the things you have neglected and forgive others for the things they expect of you. Release resentment towards partners and people who can be draining on your energy. Find balance in your relationships and have gratitude for your tribe. See you next month, Sending Love.

Emma x



Universal Guidance

NUMEROLOGY forecast March this year vibrates universally as an 8 known as The Manifester. March this year is a month that promotes inspired action! It is a month for taking control of your own success. It’s also a great month to start a new business if you are currently thinking about it. Take a leap of faith if you have to. Practice your manifesting skills to call in your deepest desires from the Universe. We are discovering so much more about manifesting in connection with quantum physics. Are you ready to further your knowledge yourself? Why not invest in your own growth this month. March is also a month to avoid drama. Do not get dragged into arguments that do not really concern you. This could ultimately distract you from your own path.


Stay focused and put your efforts into building positive relationships, rather than negative ones. You may also find new opportunities cropping up for you during this month. Trust in the Universe and your intuition. This is the month that may just get you closer to your dream life. March’s New Moon vibrates universally as a 3 known as The Creative Expressionist. This full moon carries a sense of fun and joy with it. It’s a moon that encourages you to let your inner child out to have some fun. Let your creative energy flow whilst setting your intentions. Try creating a flower mandala to bring nature into your moon ritual. You could add some seashells and crystals to it. Bring in some yellow candles for an added touch of joy and pleasure. This beautiful moon is also one to capture in a picture journal. Instead of just writing your thoughts and intentions, why not sketch some beautiful images too.

Success & Leadership 2nd 11th 20th 29th Fun & Creativity 4th 13th 22nd 31st Grounding & Organisation 5th 14th 23rd Freedom & Change 6th 15th 24th

March’s Full Moon is on the 29th It vibrates universally as a 9 known as The Compassionate Humanitarian. This Moon is also sometimes known as The Moon of the Winds or the storm moon. This is the energy you may want to embrace with this Full Moon. Are you ready to release all which no longer serves you? Let the wind blow away energy cobwebs and be prepared to take the world by storm! Let the magic of this moon strengthen your self-belief and confidence. Allow this energy to propel you to success.

Love & Relationships 7th 16th 25th Spiritual & Self-Development 8th 17th 26th Manifesting & Abundance 9th 18th 27th Compassion & Kindness 1st 10th 19th 28th Inspiration & Enlightenment 3rd 12th 21st 30th

Live in love, joy and abundance.

Denise Martinez Rossini

Get your copy of Denise's latest book 'the key' today.


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